Needle fish is another name. Long-snouted needlefish: photo, video. How to cook fish needle in cheese breading

Needlefish or garfish - view marine fish. It has a peculiar body shape, it is flattened and elongated. The fishery is concentrated in Pacific Ocean, in the coastal regions of South and Central America. In our country, the garfish is known thanks to the delicious snack for beer, sold under the name Shanghai-style needle fish.

The beneficial properties of needle fish have been proven by numerous studies and consist in unique composition her meat. In terms of taste, it is somewhat reminiscent of pike perch. There are practically no bones in the carcass, so the needle fish is easy to clean.

In the meat of needle fish there are vitamins: A, E, B1, B2, B6, B12. Minerals are represented by bromine, iodine, selenium, fluorine, iron, zinc, magnesium, sodium. The calorie content of needle fish is 95 kcal per 100 g of product. The meat of this fish is a valuable source of easily digestible protein, its content is about 17%. Fats account for 5.5%. Thus, igloo fish can be consumed without restrictions, even for overweight people.

By the way, don't be scared and don't be surprised characteristic feature inherent in this fish - it has greenish bones. And the broth from it has a pistachio shade. All this is due to the pigment biliverdin.

What is the best way to eat igloo fish?

There are many recipes for cooking fish: it is fried, baked, boiled soups, salted, dried. The most useful in terms of maximum preservation of nutrient compounds is dried needle fish. Also in our country, a delicious appetizer for beer shanghai needle fish is very popular. Most likely, it will not be possible to make it at home, but you can buy inexpensively from a trusted Chinese manufacturer without even leaving your home, using the services of an online store.

The benefits of needle fish can be significantly higher, for example, if you cook “Needle Fish on a Vegetable Cushion”. To prepare this wonderful dish, you will need 2-3 carrots, 70 grams of sunflower oil, 5 medium-sized onions, 7-10 tomatoes, red pepper and paprika.

The fish is cleaned and gutted, then thoroughly washed and cut into pieces. Sunflower oil is poured into a preheated pan and fish is placed. The frying process continues until a golden crust appears. Vegetable pillow is prepared as follows. On a fine grater, carrots are chopped and spread on a plate. Tomatoes and onions cut into rings, previously fried in a pan with a small amount of water, are also placed on a plate. Pepper and salt are added to taste. A fried fish is placed on the finished vegetable pillow. If desired, it can be lightly sprinkled with fresh lemon juice.

Nature has inhabited the earth and sea ​​waters most unusual creatures. The human mind is amazed at the diversity and complexity of organisms that exist on earth.

How many extraordinary representatives sea ​​depths familiar to man. Often people want to tame a piece of nature and keep it close to them. Needlefish is one of the most interesting species living in the depths of the sea and perfectly existing in home aquariums. These aquatic animals deserve to get to know them better. What a needle fish looks like, where it lives, how it breeds, you will learn from this article.


Needle fish belongs to the needle family and lives mainly in the Black, Azov, Aral, Caspian and Baltic Seas. Scientists distinguish two types of these fish: serpentine and ordinary. The former are characterized by a very thin and long body, as well as the absence of caudal and pectoral fins. Common needlefish have fins. Among this species, subspecies are distinguished: thick-nosed and thin-nosed representatives.

Most close relative- sea Horse. Some subspecies can cling to grass and algae with their tails during strong currents.

Needlefish hunt in a flock small fish that float closer to the surface of the water. Quite often, representatives of the igloos jump out of the water into the moonlight at night. But also sometimes the fish have to go deeper in order to get their own plankton.


The needle fish of the sea is very thin and relatively long. Because of the similarity with the object of the same name, these aquatic animals got their name. Often they are compared with a hexagonal pencil. They move vertically, which gives them additional advantages in camouflage among algae. Nature gave these fish a very colorful color, matching the algae and corals, so that they could hide from the eyes of predators. By the way, their color, like that of chameleons, adapts to the environment.

The entire long body of the fish consists of bony plates, usually hexagonal. But there are subspecies in which hexagonal plates smoothly turn into tetrahedral ones.

The muzzle is elongated and occupies a significant part of the head. The mouth of these fish is small, in the form of a tube. They suck up food like a vacuum cleaner. The eyes can look in different directions at the same time.

The needlefish has a greenish-brown or reddish-brown color, which may vary slightly depending on environment.

These little ones grow rather slowly, their age limit is 6 years. A one-year-old fish is considered an adult and is ready to reproduce offspring.


The process of reproduction of these inhabitants of the deep sea is very unusual and interesting. Nature obliges the male to bear offspring. In the process of ritual courtship, the female transfers the eggs to the male in the “bag”, which is located in the abdominal cavity, closer to the tail. When transferred, the eggs are fertilized. About a hundred eggs are placed in the bag, and this amount can accumulate from different females. It is fair to say that the male independently chooses whose eggs to accept and which not. In one season, the female can lay three portions of caviar.

Nutrients pass from the father to the eggs through the blood vessels. In the bag, the male carries the eggs until the fry appear. So that they can go outside, the needle fish bends in an arc and opens the "chamber". But if danger arises, the fry can again find protection in the father's pouch.

Needlefish are very friendly to humans and absolutely do not consider them an enemy. Often in home aquariums you can see these representatives of the fauna.

If you have a desire to get such a fish, you should remember some features of its content:

  1. It moves vertically, so the aquarium should not be small or low. The optimal volume is 300 liters.
  2. If you are interested in the offspring of these amazing fish, you need to purchase a pair.
  3. This fish is a predator, so the aquarium neighbors should not be smaller in size, otherwise they will turn into food.
  4. It is recommended to put sand at the bottom of the aquarium, and the presence of algae and stones will not interfere.
  5. At least a third of the volume of water should be changed weekly, the fish tolerate fresh water well, so no additional sophistication is needed.
  6. During the period of bearing offspring, you should especially carefully monitor the food of fish.

Economic importance

There are enough representatives of the needle family in the Russian seas. The Black Sea needlefish is the most common. It is also called Italian or small needle fish. The longest representatives live in the waters of the Black Sea, their body size reaches 23 centimeters. But it is not of particular interest: it does not go to human food, and there is also better bait for fishing. Most often, tourists take it away as a souvenir or trophy. Due to its slowness and desire to be closer to people, it often falls into the hands of vacationers.

Today there is a significant desalination of needle fish. And although there are 120 types of needles, not so long ago, thin-nosed and thick-nosed were included in the Red Book.

Needlefish belongs to the needlefish family. About 200 varieties are known, and each species has a certain body length, which can be from 3 to 60 cm.

This fish lives up to its name. It can be compared to a needle or a colored faceted pencil. The body of this fish is thin, elongated, with evenly spaced bony thickenings, like a fan-shaped, elongated tail. The dorsal fin is small, so high speed she cannot develop. Coloring - from yellowish and dark green speckled to reddish tones. It may vary depending on the environment. The mouth is long, tubular, widening at the end. There are combs on the sides of the mouth. Here she is, a needle fish. The photo shows it well.

The teeth are missing because they are not needed. Needlefish feeds on small crustaceans, plankton, insect larvae, and will not refuse other people's caviar. In search of food, it focuses on sight. Scary. Most life

spends between stones, in thickets of marine plants, lies quietly on the bottom or slowly moves along the bottom. Slow, only danger makes her move faster, bending her whole body like a snake. For this ability, it is also called a snakefish.

Needlefish are found in Atlantic Ocean, Black, Caspian, Azov, mediterranean seas, as well as in those flowing into these seas, i.e. in warm waters. The average depth at which it prefers to live is about 9-12 m. Moreover, it tries to stay close to the coast. It grows slowly, by the age of five the fish reaches 19 cm in length and weighs 5 g.

Children love to catch it in shallow water with their hands. They dry the fish they catch in the sun. Dried fish is brought from rest as souvenirs.

The reproduction process of this fish is very interesting. Spawning occurs in May-June.

At the end mating games the female, wrapping around the male, spawns in the folds of the skin on the ventral side of his body. In the process of throwing, the eggs are fertilized. After filling, the edges of the folds converge, forming a brood chamber, which occupies a third of the length of the male. If there was not enough caviar, then the male is able to accept caviar from another female. While in the brood chamber, the eggs (up to 100 pieces) receive nutrition and oxygen through the blood vessels of the father.

Hatching from them, the fry spend some more time in the brood chamber. To release the fry, the male bends in an arc and opens the brood chamber. In case of danger, the fry hide.

Swedish scientists, conducting experiments with needle fish, came to the conclusion that not all eggs turn into fry. If the male does not have enough food, then part of them dissolves, entering his body. Digesting their contents, he continues to feed and grow the rest. Needle fish is a clear example of how nature has wisely disposed of, trying to support and continue life.

It is of no practical interest to humans. Needlefish are not used for food and are not suitable as bait. it is claimed only in the absence of other, more delicious food.

The bottom of the Black Sea is a storehouse of oil. Due to deep deposits, the waters are saturated with hydrogen sulfide. Especially a lot of it below 150 meters. There are almost no inhabitants beyond this mark.

Accordingly, most of the Black Sea fish live in the water column or near the surface. Bottom species at least. As a rule, they burrow into the sands of the coastal bottom.

Sea carp

Carp live not only in freshwater reservoirs. In the Black Sea, representatives of the Spar family "capture" more and more territories. Previously, crucians were found mainly along the coast from Adler to Anapa. There are fewer fish near the shores of the latter. The sea in Adler is warmer.

average temperature water there is equal to 3-4 degrees. However last years crucians are also caught outside the water area. There are 13 species. Seven of them are passing through the Bosphorus. Rest fish species in the Black Sea sedentary.

Often from the fishermen you can hear the second name of the crucian carp - laskir

The second name of the crucian carp is laskir. The fish resembles freshwater counterparts. The oval and laterally compressed body of the animal is covered with scales. There are even plates on the cheeks and gills of the fish. She has a tiny mouth. In length, crucian carp rarely exceed 33 centimeters. In the Black Sea, individuals of 11-15 centimeters are usually found.

It is easiest to distinguish species of crucian carp by color. On the silver bison, the alternation of dark and light stripes is clearly visible. There are 11 or 13 of them.

In the photo, crucian carp zubarik

The white sarg has transverse stripes, there are 9 of them. The bobs have 3-4 lines on the body and they are golden.

Sarga is another species of sea crucian


Belongs to the mackerel family, perch-like order. Fishing in the Black Sea becomes more and more difficult. Due to the unintentional introduction of Mnemiopsis into the reservoir, forage species disappear. Outwardly similar to a jellyfish, the comb jelly feeds on plankton.

Crustaceans are traditionally the food of anchovy and sprat. These planktivorous fish, in turn, are the basis of the mackerel diet. It turns out that because of the alien ctenophore in the reservoir, the main commercial fish die of hunger.

mackerel is famous palatability. Fish have fatty meat, rich in omega-3 and omega-6 acids. Along with the benefits, the Black Sea catch can also be harmful. Mackerel accumulates mercury in its body.

However, this is typical of most marine fish. Therefore, nutritionists advise to intersperse in your diet sea ​​views with fresh water. In the latter, mercury is at a minimum.


A small shark with a length of 1 to 2 meters and a weight of 8 to 25 kilograms. Spikes covered with mucus grow near the 2 dorsal fins of the katran. Their shell is poisonous, like some stingray needles. Steve Irwin died from the poison of the latter. The famous crocodile hunter hosted a series of television programs.

The poison of the katran is not as dangerous as some rays. A prick from a shark's needle leads to painful swelling of the affected area, but deadly threat does not carry.

The coloration is dark gray with a light belly. Single white spots are on the sides of the fish. Its population is also under threat. Like mackerel, katran feeds on plankton-eating anchovy, which is dying out due to the dominance of the sea by Mnemiopsis.

True, horse mackerel still remains on the shark menu, so the shark population “keeps afloat”. Fish swim, by the way, in the depths. You can see the katran off the coast only in the off-season.

Katran is the only fish from the shark family in the Black Sea


Skates are elasmobranchs cartilaginous fish. There are 2 species in the Black Sea. The most common is called sea fox. This fish has a spiked body and tail, tasteless meat. But they appreciate the liver sea ​​fox. It is used to make wound healing agents.

The main population of foxes is found near Anapa. You can also find a stingray there. Alternative name - sea cat. This is another type of Black Sea. Unlike the gray-brown fox, it is light, almost white.

There are no spikes on the body of the fish, but the needle on the tail grows up to 35 centimeters. The slime on the ledge is poisonous, but not fatal, as is the case with the outgrowths on the body of the katran.

Sea cat is an ovoviviparous species. poisonous fish Black Sea do not lay eggs, but carry them in their wombs. In the same place, baby stingrays hatch from the capsules. This is a signal for the start of fights and the appearance of animals into the world.

Sea cat or sea fox


The fish is distinguished by a slightly laterally compressed elongated body with a thoracic protrusion-keel. The back of the animal casts blue-green, and the abdomen is gray-silver. In length, the fish reaches 52 centimeters, but most adults do not exceed 33 centimeters.

The largest herrings are found in the Kerch Bay of the Black Sea. There fish are caught from March to May. Then it goes to the Sea of ​​Azov.


A miniature relative of the herring. The second name is sprat. In the minds of the townsfolk there is confusion caused by the divergence of opinions of ichthyologists and fish producers. For the last sprats - any small herring individual.

It may be directly herring, but young. For ichthyologists, sprat is a fish of the sprattus species. Its representatives do not grow more than 17 centimeters and live for a maximum of 6 years. Usually it is 4 years against 10, allotted for a century of herring.

Sprat lives at depths up to 200 meters. In the Black Sea, due to the saturation of waters with hydrogen sulfide, fish are limited to 150 meters.

sprat fish


Refers to the mullet. There are 3 indigenous subspecies in the Black Sea: ostrich, golden mullet and striped mullet. The first is distinguished by a narrow nose covered with scales. It is absent only up to the region of the anterior nostrils. In the singil, the plates start from the back, and on the back they have one tubule each. The sharpnose has two canals on its dorsal scales.

Loban is the most common and famous representative mullet in the Black Sea. The fish has a convex head in front. Hence the name of the species. Among the mullets, its representatives are the largest, grow rapidly, and therefore are important in commercial terms.

By the age of 6, the striped mullet stretches 56-60 centimeters, weighing about 2.5 kilograms. Sometimes, they catch fish 90 centimeters long and weighing 3 kilos.


His name is the answer to the question what fish in the black sea bizarre. Outwardly, the animal resembles a bird or a butterfly. The front fins of a rooster are large and colorful, like those of a peacock or butterfly. The head of the fish is large, and the tail is narrow with a miniature forked fin. Curving, the rooster resembles a shrimp.

The red color of the fish plays in favor of the association. However, scarlet-brick is also associated with the comb of a real rooster.

The body of the gurnard has a minimum of bones, and the meat resembles sturgeon in color and taste. Therefore, the fish has become not only an object of admiration, but also a fishery. As a rule, a rooster falls for the bait addressed to horse mackerel and swims at the same depths.


It belongs to the perch-like order, lives near the bottom, is inactive. Hidden, the astrologer does not count the stars, but waits for crustaceans and small fish. This is the prey of a predator.

Lures her animal like a worm. This is the appendix that the stargazer sticks out of his mouth. This mouth is on a massive and rounded head. The fish tapers towards the tail.

In length, the stargazer can reach 45 centimeters, and weighs 300-400 grams. In moments of danger, the animal burrows into the bottom sand. It also serves as a camouflage when hunting. So that the grains of sand do not fall into his mouth, he moved almost to the very eyes of the astrologer.


Looks like straight seahorse, also belongs to the order of needle-shaped. The shape of the fish is similar to a pencil with 6 edges. The thickness of the animal is also comparable to the diameter of the writing instrument.

Needles - black sea fish, as if sucking small prey into their elongated mouth. There are no teeth in it, since there is no need to grab and chew the catch. Basically, the needle feeds on plankton. Here again the question arises about the eating of crustaceans by Mnemiopsis. The needle does not withstand competition for food with fish with it.

Sea bass

Belongs to the scorpion family. The same family includes the sea ruff. On the spikes of the fins, the perch, like a katran or sea cat, carries poison. It is produced by special glands. The venom is strong but not lethal, usually causing inflammation and swelling of damaged tissues.

Among photo of Black Sea fish perch can appear in different types. There are 110 of them in the world. White and stone are outwardly similar to freshwater perches. So the fish were named the same, even though they have no relationship. The Black Sea perch is an exception. Fish related freshwater species. middle name is black sea ​​bass- smarida.

The length of the smarid does not exceed 20 centimeters. Minimum for adult- 10 centimeters. The food of the animal is mixed, it consumes both algae and crustaceans, worms. The color of the fish largely depends on food.

In the Black Sea perch, as well as river perches, vertical stripes appear on the body. Once caught, they disappear. In ordinary perches, the stripes are preserved in the air.

The fins of the sea bass are very sharp with poison at the end.


Miniature bottom fish up to 5 centimeters in length. The animal has a large front body, head. Towards the tail, the dog gradually tapers like an eel. A solid fin-comb runs along the back. But, the main difference between fish and others is branched outgrowths above the eyes.

The color of the sea dog is reddish-brown. Fish living in the Black Sea, keep both in shallow water and at depths of up to 20 meters. Dogs keep in packs, hiding between stones and ledges of underwater rocks.

red mullet

Red-white fish weighing about 150 grams and up to 30 centimeters long. The animal keeps in shallow water with a sandy bottom. Otherwise, the fish is called an ordinary sultanka. The name is associated with the regal appearance of the red mullet. Its coloration is like the mantle of an eastern ruler.

Relating to the mullets, the red mullet has the same elongated body of an oblong-oval shape, compressed from the sides. In agony, the sultan is covered with purple spots. This was noticed by the ancient Romans, who began to cook red mullet in front of the diners.

Those at the table liked not only to eat delicious fish meat, but also to admire its coloring.


commercial fish Black Sea, prefers 100-meter depths. The peculiar appearance of the animal is known to all. Masquerading at the bottom, it produces all kinds of light pigments with the upper side of the body. The underside of the fish does not have this ability.

The Black Sea flounder prefers to lie on its left side. Right-handed individuals are an exception to the rule, like left-handers among people.

By the way, people love flounder for dietary meat with 100% digestible protein, vitamin B-12, A and D, Omega-3 acids, phosphorus salts. Another flat creation contains aphrodisiacs that excite desire. Of the fish, only a few have such properties.

sea ​​ruff

Otherwise called scorpion. It has nothing to do with freshwater marine. vernacular name given to the animal resemblance with river ruffs. Black Sea fish also covered with spiny fins. The structure of their needles is similar to the structure of the teeth of snakes. Each needle has two furrows for the delivery of poison to the outside. Therefore, catching sea ​​ruff risky.


There are 8 species of greenfinches in the Black Sea. All fish are small and brightly colored. One species is called the wrasse. This fish is edible. The rest are used only as bait on large predator. Greenies are bony. Animal meat smells muddy and watery.

The wrasse is depicted on many amphorae that have come down from the time ancient rome. There, delicious greenfinch was served at dinner parties along with red mullet.

Despite the bright, festive coloring, greenfinches with muzzles of grassy color are aggressive. Animals show sharp teeth, rushing at offenders, like chain dogs. In a fight, greenfinches, mostly males, shoot water jets, wave their fins, beat their foreheads, tails and emit a special war cry, which is not typical for fish.

Black Sea gobies

There are about 10 species of gobies in the Black Sea, the main one is called round. Contrary to the name, the fish is quite elongated, laterally compressed. The color of the round timber is brown with a brown speck. In length, the animal reaches 20 centimeters, weighs approximately 180 grams.

Round timber chooses depths up to 5 meters. The sandpiper also lives here. It can also live in rivers. In the Black Sea, fish stay close to the coast with flowing rivers. Here the water is only slightly brackish. The sandpiper is named for its beige color and manner of burrowing into the sandy bottom.

The goby wrasse, unlike the sandpiper, is found at the bottom with pebbles. The fish has a flattened voice on top and bloated upper lip. The jaw sticks out from below. Another wrasse stands out evenly developed dorsal fin.

There is also a grass goby in the Black Sea. It has a laterally compressed head and an elongated body. The large rear fin of the animal is elongated towards the tail. The fish is generously smeared with mucus, but the secret is not poisonous. Bulls are caught with bare hands even children. Teenagers like to look out for camouflaged fish in shallow water, sneak up and cover them with their palms.

In the photo, the Black Sea goby


In the Black Sea it occurs as an exception, swimming from other waters. The powerful bony nose of the fish is more like a saber. But the animal does not pierce the victims with its weapon, but it beats backhand.

The noses of swordfish have been found embedded in ships of oak logs. The needles of the deep-dwellers entered the wood like butter. There are examples of 60 cm swordfish nose penetration into the bottom of a sailboat.


Representatives have cartilage instead of a skeleton and are deprived. This is how the fish of antiquity looked like, since sturgeons are relic animals. In the Black Sea, representatives of the family are a temporary phenomenon. Passing through salty waters, sturgeons go to spawn in rivers.

The Black Sea sturgeon is called Russian. Individuals weighing about 100 kilograms were caught. However, most of the fish in the Black Sea basin do not exceed a mass of 20 kilograms.


Belongs to the mackerel family, grows up to 85 centimeters, gaining up to 7 kilograms of weight. Standard fish are 50 centimeters long and weigh no more than 4 kilos.

It comes to the Black Sea from the Atlantic to spawn. warm waters reservoirs are ideal for laying eggs and raising offspring.

Like mackerel, bonito has fatty and tasty meat. The fish is considered commercial. They catch bonito near the surface. It is here that representatives of the species feed. Bonito does not like to go to the depths.

Sea Dragon

Outwardly similar to gobies, but poisonous. The danger is represented by spikes on the head and on its sides. The upper ones resemble a crown. Like tyrant-rulers, the dragon stings the unwanted. A skirmish with a fish can lead to limb paralysis. At the same time, the person is in pain.

Usually fishermen suffer from dragon stings. The poisonous inhabitant of the sea gets into the net, and from there the animals need to be taken out. It is not always easy to do this accurately.

In total, 160 species of fish live or swim through its waters in the Black Sea. About 15 of them have commercial value. Over the past 40 years, many fish that previously preferred to stay near the coast have moved into the depths.

Biologists see the cause in the pollution of shallow water with runoff, fertilizers from the fields. Besides, coastal waters Pleasure boats and fishing boats actively surf.

The Black Sea is a place of accumulation of living organisms that lead an aggressive lifestyle. big predators eat small predators. How to survive in this world if nature cheated you sharp teeth, long spines, poisonous tentacles? He did not come out with growth and strength, one has to rely on the ability to disguise himself among the environment. Today we will talk about a marine life that disguises itself as long sandy threads of algae. Sea needle is the hero of our story. Over time, evolution has made amazing changes with the body of the fish that allow it to exist in the aggressive underwater world.


The needle fish got its name because of the disproportionately elongated body, resembling a needle or pike. The body is not compressed from the sides, with a detailed examination, the edges are visible. An igloo fish could also be called a floating pencil. The body has dorsal and pectoral fins small in size, on the top of the head is a small comb. The shape of the fins does not allow the needle to travel long distances.

A snout with a long nose and a small mouth. The color of the fish changes depending on the color of the external environment. In Anapa, on sandbanks, the needle has a light green, almost transparent outfit, if a current or a storm carries the fish to stone beaches, then the color becomes darker. The usual height of a floating pencil is 15 or 25 centimeters, the life time is about 8 - 10 years.


As it became clear, the needle fish is not a champion swimmer, movement across the sea for the fish depends on underwater currents and waves. So main goal when driving is a timely stop in a suitable place. To do this, you need to cling to the tail seaweed. In the thickets of sea grass, the needle feels safe, and most importantly, there is plenty of your favorite delicacy - the smallest plankton or crustacean larvae. All the diversity, invisible to the human eye of organisms, the needle draws in through its small mouth at the tip of the muzzle. The dinner ritual is a favorite business of the sea needle, adults can drain larvae for up to 10 hours in a row.

The second most important occupation is reproduction. With the beginning of summer, when the sea off the coast of Anapa begins to warm up, needles prepare for reproduction. To attract a female, the male performs certain body movements that the bride should like. After that, the couple is intertwined with long bodies. During close hugs, the female sea-pipe lays eggs in a special leather bag, which is available to the future father of the offspring. In the body compartment, fertilization and painstaking gestation of eggs takes place. After maturation of caviar, small needles can hide from danger in their father's backpack for some time. marsupial feature makes care for offspring sea ​​igloo a truly unique inhabitant of the waters.

Researchers marine life Anapa noticed that the needle has the ability to make sounds. If you hold a needle fish in your fist, you can feel weak vibrations and quiet sounds. sound waves that the fish emit into the air. To date, scientists cannot establish why the marine life needed such a skill.

Where to see in Anapa

Not so long ago, all shallow water was a favorite habitat for needle fish. Today, due to the active development of the resort's embankments, the ecological state aquatic environment. Effects human activity, does not allow the needle to live quietly in the city. An igloo in Anapa can only be found on the secluded beaches of Vityazevo or the Bugaz Spit.

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