Sauteing onions and carrots with tomato paste. Which is better to fry first, onions or carrots. Requirements for registration, implementation and storage

Technical and technological map No.Bulb onion, browned for minced meat, semi-finished product(CP recipe 10.18)

Publishing house "Gamma Press", Moscow, 2003


Food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used for the preparation of semi-finished productsonion, sautéed for minced meat, must comply with the requirements of current regulatory and technical documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, declaration of conformity, quality certificate, etc.).

Preparation of raw materials is carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the Collection of technological standards for public catering establishments and technological recommendations for imported raw materials.

  1. Cooking technology

Peeled onions are cut randomly. Pour oil into a saucepan or thick-walled pan, heat it up. Spread the chopped onion, fry with constant stirring until a uniform golden color.

The fried onion is thrown back on a sieve to remove excess oil, cooled to room temperature.

  1. Characteristics of the finished dish, semi-finished product

Appearance -sautéed onion, cut into small cubes. The consistency is soft, the pieces retain their shape. Onion color is golden.

Taste- characteristic of fried onions. No foreign aftertaste.

Smell- characteristic of fried onions. No foreign smell.

5.Requirements for registration, implementation and storage

made as needed. Store, according to SanPin 42-123-4117-86 at a temperature of + (2 + 4) * C, for 24 hours.

Onion, sautéed for minced meat,must comply with the requirements of SanPin 42-123-4117-86.

microbiological indicators
Index, product group KMAFAnM,Product weight (g), in which are not allowed Note
CFU/g, no moreBGKP (coli-forms) E. coliS. aureusProteusPathogenic, including salmonella
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1.9.15. Prepared culinary products, including catering products Side dishes:
- potatoes, boiled vegetables, fried, baked 1 10 31,0 1,0 0,1 25
  1. THE NUTRITIONAL VALUEonion, sautéed for minced meat:

the date

Technologist /______________/__________Name___________

Chef /______________/_________ FULL NAME___________

Sauteing is the preliminary heat treatment of vegetables or flour in order to soften and obtain a homogeneous mass, which is used to prepare sauces, soups and side dishes. Some novice cooks confuse sautéing with frying, but the main task of frying is to get a golden crust, and sautéing involves gentle and soft cooking of foods in oil. Sauteed vegetables have a golden color and a delicate texture, they make ready-made dishes tastier, more aromatic and healthier, since carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the human body, is absorbed much faster in oil.

Flour sauté: white, red, fatty and dry

Flour sautéing makes soups and sauces thick, smooth and elastic. In the process of browning, the flour loses its characteristic raw taste and aroma, and the wheat protein coagulates, so the flour does not form lumps and sticky mass after being added to the dish.

There are four types of flour sautéing - red and white, with fat or dry. For red sautéing, flour is required not lower than the first grade, which must be fried in a pan or in the oven with a layer of no more than 5 cm, stirring with a wooden spatula, at a temperature of 160 degrees. When the flour crumbles well, getting a golden brown color and a nutty flavor, it is ready. To obtain a white passerovka, the flour is fried at a temperature of 120 degrees to a light yellow tint.

Flour sautéing (red and white) can be cooked with or without fat (butter, vegetable oil or margarine) - first, the fat warms up well, then flour is added to it, and readiness is also determined by the degree of friability of the oil lump.

How to sauté vegetables properly

Usually, carrots, beets, bell peppers, onions, tomatoes and roots are sautéed using a thick-walled frying pan (stewpan) or a saucepan without a lid. Vegetables should be finely chopped and dried, and the pan should be as hot as possible. Next, it is necessary to heat the oil on it, checking the degree of readiness with a piece of onion thrown into it - if it jumps, the temperature is considered optimal.

The amount of fat should be 15-20% of the total weight of vegetables. Simmer carrots, beets or onions (the layer should be no more than 3 cm) over low heat for 15 minutes (tomatoes - no more than 5 minutes), stirring constantly so that each piece is constantly covered with oil. Sauteing is considered ready after the fat turns orange, and the juice from the vegetables has evaporated - while they should be soft and ruddy, but not fried. In the process of processing vegetables, their partial caramelization occurs, and since fat tends to absorb odors, browned vegetables exude a pleasant aroma and make soups especially rich, appetizing and tasty.

For sauteing, you can purchase a wok - a deep Chinese hemisphere-shaped frying pan or a special frying pan with a three-layer bottom, which provides the effect of languishing in a Russian oven, while maintaining the nutritional value and beneficial properties of the products. Sauteed vegetables and flour can be stored in the refrigerator as a semi-finished product.

Having mastered this method of food processing, you will always prepare bright, tasty and fragrant dishes without unnecessary hassle and time. Everything ingenious is simple!

    There is nothing difficult in this. First of all, clean and rinse the vegetables, then chop the onion, and grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Heat up a frying pan, pour oil into it and put onions in it. Lightly fry it for a minute or two, then add the carrots and fry over medium heat, remembering to stir. As soon as the vegetables acquire a pleasant golden color and become soft, remove from heat. The main thing here is not to overdo it on fire.

    Sauteing is a light frying of the product without the formation of a crispy crust and not bringing the product to readiness. Refers to auxiliary methods of heat treatment. When sautéing onions and carrots, the carrots are sautéed first, and then the onions are added. In time, carrots are sauteed longer than onions.

    The word sauté means to overcook onions and carrots. I don’t know how it’s right, but I always put finely chopped onions on hot vegetable or olive oil first, and then grated carrots on a fine grater. I roast all this a little to a golden crust, but not to blackness.

    It is necessary to correctly sauté onions and carrots as follows: chop them as finely as possible and put them in a frying pan, with heated. You can fry the onion first and only then add the carrots. Then it is worth reducing the gas a little and fry the onions and carrots until they become golden in color.

    Sauteing and frying or frying are not the same thing. When sauteing, vegetables are only lightly fried in oil. But in frying, vegetables take on a different look, fried.

    For sautéing in a frying pan with heated oil (the temperature should be medium, that is, such that the vegetables do not overcook, but only brown), put the chopped onion, after a while add the grated carrots (I do it in this sequence: first the onion, then the carrots, then I still need to keep the lid on). When the onions become transparent or golden, and the carrots soften, the vegetables are ready, they can be added to toppings, soup, borscht or other dishes.

    It all depends on what you need this frying for, if for example in a soup, then fry grated carrots, onions and any roots in oil. To do this, heat the pan, then pour in the oil and stir fry everything.

    And if you want the onion to be golden, then you can first sauté it separately in oil in a heated frying pan. And separately fry the carrots that you grate. And then you combine everything. When the onion is fried separately, in appearance it will be tastier and prettier.

    You can first fry the onion in a pan, and after five minutes add carrots to it.

    In a preheated pan with oil, first spread the chopped carrots and stir for 5 minutes over medium heat. Then add the onion, mix everything and fry for about 5 minutes in the same way. After that, we remove the fire to a minimum and, stirring occasionally, bring it to readiness for about 10 minutes.

    To do this, you need to put a frying pan on to heat up.

    Then pour in some oil.

    When it warms up, you can already start frying (passaging) carrots and onions.

    Chopped onions and carrots (I prefer to grate it, but this is an amateur or depending on the dish you are cooking) are transferred to a preheated pan with oil and fry it all over low heat. If you grated the carrots, then you can do it at the same time as the onion, and if it is cut into pieces, then it is better to fry it a little first until half cooked, and then add the onion.

    You can fry until golden brown or slightly until half cooked.

    First you need to pour oil into the pan and heat it up a little. Then put the chopped carrots and fry over a fire, a little above average. After a few minutes, you will need to add the chopped onion and fry it for the same amount of time, stirring everything together. Reduce the gas and, depending on the number of chopped vegetables, bring them to a golden crust.

    You can sauté onions and carrots in the usual way. To do this, I finely chop the onion, carrot, then heat the pan, add the oil first, and then you can also have a piece of butter, but this is to your taste. At first, passer carrots, and then, when it softens slightly, I add onions, and then passer all together.

Ever since I was a kid, I hated fried onions. Any dish, even the most delicious, if it contained fried onions, in my eyes immediately turned into muck. Perhaps I would have suffered all my life, but, fortunately, I was told how to properly fry onions and, since then, fried onions have turned from a means of torture into an exquisite taste and an invariable component of recipes.

  • 1 bulb
  • 100 ml oil

Cut the onion (half rings or small pieces), put in a pan, add oil. Put on a larger from medium fire.

Fry for 10-15 minutes. Stir occasionally so it doesn't burn.

At this stage, as a rule, it is considered that the bow is ready. Which is definitely a mistake.

Increase the heat to high and constantly stir the onion (5-10 minutes) until it looks like this:

Onion fried until golden brown has an exquisite golden color and a very pleasant sweet taste.

Meat fried with such onions has a much more pleasant taste. In all kinds of soups, it is almost not noticeable, and the taste, on the contrary, improves. Well, mashed potatoes with such onions are a completely different dish!

Of course, onions fried this way take more time, but this time is worth spending for the sake of an excellent result.

When preparing a roast for a simple soup, pickle, cabbage soup or borscht, a second course, in a salad or as an ingredient for baking, the question often arises of what to fry onions or carrots first. Some home cooks fry the onion, then add chopped carrots, others do the opposite. How to fry and sauté correctly?


According to the usual recipe, to prepare the frying, you will need products: one or two onions, carrots (piece), 3 large tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Tip: Vegetables need to be fried to enhance the aroma and taste of the broth or other dish, also fried carrots with onions improve the color of the dish, which becomes brighter and richer.

In addition to the onion with carrots, depending on the dish and the recipe, are added: tomatoes or tomato paste, bell pepper, garlic. If desired, you can send to fry: any edible mushrooms, sausage, celery root, parsnip, a little spice to taste. It is possible to add white chopped cabbage, potato slices. Vegetables can be taken in a normalized way, or you can “by eye”, and more of what you like.

To make the soup more nutritious, you can use not oil, but a salted or smoked type of fat for frying vegetables. If this option is not suitable, instead of vegetable oil, you can take butter or a little animal ghee.

Sometimes the frying is not cooked, the vegetables are chopped and sent raw to a broth or other dish. Onions in the soup should be sent in 10 minutes. until cooked, and carrots for 15, since the onion is more tender, it takes less time to cook. Eating with boiled foods will turn out easier.

frying is applied to the soup at the end of cooking, in about 5 minutes, otherwise it will simply boil.


A frying pan or stewpan is placed on the stove in medium mode, oil is poured in. It will take 1 or 2 minutes to warm up. The peeled onion is chopped finely or divided into half rings, whoever likes it can be cut into cubes.

In the medium fire mode, the onions are fried first, it will take about three minutes. If you first fry the carrot, remove it, and then lay out and fry the onion, then you can not dream of a golden crust, which gives the best flavor and aroma to food. Therefore, it will be correct to fry onion rings or pieces, stirring constantly for even frying, then add carrots, grated on a coarse grater or thin half-round carrots, cut with a special vegetable knife, or an ordinary kitchen knife, but sharply ground. Fry everything together for 5 minutes. with a strong fire mode, with constant stirring, when the rosiness of the degree that you want individually appears, the frying is transferred to a plate, then to a dish, or immediately to food.

Experienced chefs recommend finely chopping the onion, grating the carrots coarsely, mixing thoroughly with your hands, and abruptly throwing the vegetables into a hot frying pan with slightly fuming oil, then you can achieve a brownish golden hue of the sautéed vegetables. If you want caramelized onions, then they are thrown into the frying first. When carrots are placed first, sweet juice will be released in the process, frying, it can spoil the taste of food and prevent onions from frying, so roasting should be done carefully and carefully.

You can sauté onions and carrots together by adding a little water to the container. If you fry at the same time in one pan, then it is better to grate the carrots, the chopped vegetable will cook longer.

You can fry vegetables at the same time, but in different pans of two adjacent burners. Which of the products to fry first, which second, also depends on which dish the fried vegetables will go to. But if the onion is the first, then the aroma of the dish will be more appetizing, carrots do not give such a smell.

In beetroot borsch, they try to fry carrots with onions together, mixing them in a saucepan, and continuing to stir periodically for 10 minutes. Pour coarsely grated raw beets, pour 2 large tablespoons of oil. Fry the composition for another 10 minutes, the fire is set to medium, after the time allotted for frying, the mode switches to small, half of the broth is poured into the vegetables, frying is simmered under the lid for about 10 minutes, before the end of cooking borscht, they put the finished vegetable composition into it.

For pickle, onions and carrots are fried for 10 minutes. in medium fire mode or 7 min. with strong fire. Then pickled or pickled cucumbers are poured into the pan in grated or chopped form with a knife, you need to fry the composition for 5 minutes. Pour a little oil and half the broth, cover the lid, set a low fire, 10 minutes. put out. The frying is laid out in a pickle 10 minutes before the end of cooking.

If you want a more satisfying soup, you can add a little flour when frying vegetables, constantly stirring the food. You can cook a snack of carrots, which is enriched with carotene and vitamin "A", is useful for diets, children and the elderly. In this recipe, coarsely grated carrots are fried first, always in hot vegetable oil.

Next, thin onion half rings are laid out, the composition is mixed and fried for about 8 or 11 minutes. Next, bell pepper, cut into squares, is poured in, lavrushka is thrown, ground black pepper, salt if desired, everything is mixed and fried with stirring for 10 or 12 minutes. Ready carrots are laid out in a salad bowl, you can put sprigs of parsley and dill on top. They use fried carrots both hot and cooled with bread and meat.

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