The true cause of death of the armless son. What happened to the son of Irina Bezrukova and Igor Livanov - what he died of: causes of death From the son of Igor Livanov died

53-year-old actress Irina Bezrukova became the heroine of the show "The Fate of a Man" on the Russia 1 channel. She told Boris Korchevnikov about last days the life of his son Andrei Livanov, who died in 2015 at the age of 25.

According to Irina, a few months before her son's death, they went to Vietnam. Andrei dreamed of this trip for a long time and wanted to see the sights of the Asian country.

“We had a great time in Vietnam. But I caught a terrible virus or the flu. Andrey sat next to me all the time, all the days on vacation he didn’t leave my bed anywhere. When I felt better, we managed to visit the places he wanted. Then they returned to Moscow, ”the actress shared.


Arriving home, the family plunged into work. Irina went on tour with Sergei Bezrukov, Andrei worked hard at the Moscow Provincial Theater as an administrator. “Hot days began in the theater, Andrei got involved in the work. Before leaving, I took his temperature - 37.2. I thought that there was nothing wrong with that,” Bezrukova notes.

Mother and son were constantly in touch. Irina did not sound the alarm, because Andrei's voice was cheerful, he did not complain at all about his health. But then the young man stopped answering calls and messages.

“I understand that half a day has passed, I write SMS - he does not answer. I thought: “Well, maybe it works ...”. When another 12 hours passed, I began to get nervous. I called my friend, she came to our house, Andrey did not open it. I asked to break the door. A friend invited a district police officer, some other services. They somehow got through the window, it was ajar. They saw that Andrei was lying on the floor. He had a wound on his head, a small dent. Maybe he tripped and hit his head. called out ambulance, doctors said that there are no signs of poisoning and violent death. And there is no person, ”recalls Irina.

Recall that Andrey Livanov was only son Irina Bezrukova from her first marriage to 64-year-old actor Igor Livanov. The cause of Andrei's death was called diabetes mellitus, heart failure, but then everyone agreed that the young man had an accident.

A young actor, a promising rising star of musicals and films, Andrey Livanov was born and raised in a family of famous artists. Ahead of him, perhaps waiting successful career but fate decreed otherwise. In the spring of 2015, Andrei's life was tragically cut short.

A family

Actor Andrey Livanov was born in 1989, on December 6th. His parents are Igor Livanov and Irina Bakhtura (who used to be Igor's student).

In 2000, when Andrei was 10 years old, the Livanov family broke up, and the boy himself stayed with his mother. Soon Irina married actor Sergei Bezrukov, who became Andrei's stepfather.

Despite the separation from his father, Andrei Livanov continued to maintain warm relations with him. They loved to spend time together, traveled a lot. In a word, Igor Livanov tried to be for Andrey and give him a proper upbringing.

Even when Andrei grew up, they still went out somewhere for the weekend to have some fun. Both were very fond of going to bowling and shooting range.

Andrey also developed friendly relations with his stepfather, Sergei Bezrukov. You can even say that it was Andrei in some situations who was the force that kept the Bezrukov family together.


Andrei Livanov received his secondary education while studying at an elite private institution called " golden ratio" in Moscow. This school uses in its program individual approach and focuses on the abilities of their students.

Sergei Bezrukov predicted a diplomatic career for his stepson and offered to go to study at MGIMO, but Andrei chose to follow in the footsteps of his parents and become an actor. His first choice was the Moscow Art Theater School, where he enrolled in training courses.

Later it turned out that the guy was simply not interested in classes at the courses, and he almost did not go to them. Realizing that he made a mistake with the choice, Andrei took the documents and was about to radically change his profession - this time he was attracted by the Institute of Oriental Studies. But even here the young man did not last more than a year.

In the end, Andrei settled on the linguistic direction and received a diploma from the Moscow State Open University. The father of the actor, Igor Livanov, explains Andrey's throwing by the fact that he was simply not attracted to study.


The acting biography of Andrei Livanov began at the age of 11, when he played one of the roles in the film by Yuri Kara "I am a doll." However, this first film work has remained the most famous.

While studying at school, Andrey played in the musical "Nord-Ost" and showed promise as a talented actor. At the age of 17, he played in the adventure film Rescuers. Eclipse".

Andrei also starred in the film "The Irony of Fate of Sergei Bezrukov" - a documentary project dedicated to his stepfather. This ended his cinematic career. Perhaps Andrei could become an orientalist and go to work in Japan, but he soon realized that he had little chance of succeeding among the children of diplomats, who were practically guaranteed employment. Then he nevertheless decided to connect his life with what was familiar and close to him since childhood - cinema and theater.

In 2014-2015 Andrey Livanov served as an administrator at the Moscow Provincial Theatre.

Cause of death

In mid-March 2015, Andrei Livanov's life was tragically cut short. They began to worry about him after the guy did not show up for work for several days. Phone calls also failed.

Sergei and Irina Bezrukov were on a business trip at the time.

premature death young actor gave rise to many rumors and speculation about the causes of his death. The investigation dismissed the version of the murder almost immediately, since nothing confirmed such a possibility.

According to Andrey's colleagues, shortly before his death, he called them and talked about feeling unwell. Later, he called an ambulance, but no one opened the door for the doctors. Only half an hour later, with the help of rescuers, they entered the apartment. By that time, Andrew was already dead.

Found a guy in the bathroom with syringes on the floor. This gave rise to the version that he died of a drug overdose. However, Andrei's parents deny this possibility. The thing is, he's been sick for three years now. diabetes and the drugs would have killed him instantly.

He said that shortly before his death, Andrei had been in Vietnam, which could have a detrimental effect on his health and cause acute heart failure. This is confirmed by the fact that, after returning from a trip, Andrey began to complain about elevated temperature and poor health.

The real cause of Andrei's death was a banal accident: the actor fell unsuccessfully, slipped, and hit his temple.

Andrei Livanov's body was cremated at the request of his parents.

After Andrew's death

Andrey Livanov's mother, with surprising warmth, speaks of dead son and calls him the light of her life and best friend. Photo by Andrey Livanov from warm words She posted on her Instagram page. The woman took his loss hard and decided to start living from scratch.

For Sergei Bezrukov, Andrey seemed to be the only reason to stay with Irina. Shortly after the death of his stepson, the actor divorced his wife.

Igor Livanov, whose daughter tragically died before Andrey was born, also experienced the loss of his son very hard.

Irina Bezrukova said that her son Andrei Livanov died in an accident. The young man had acute heart failure. Most likely, the guy felt dizzy, he fell and hit his head on the tile, which resulted in fatal outcome.

In an interview with the My Hero program, which is broadcast on TVC, Irina Bezrukova for the first time in several years told viewers about the cause of her son's death. According to her, Andrew healthy lifestyle life, did not smoke, did not drink. The guy had diabetes. Some sources claim that before his death, he tried to give himself an injection, but he did not succeed. He fell and after the impact there was an accident

Igor Livanov son Andrei cause of death: details

Andrei Livanov, son of Igor Livanov and Irina Bezrukova, was found dead in his apartment on March 14, 2015. At that time, the young man was 25 years old. Some say that the guy was under the influence of drugs or other similar drugs. Others claim it was an accident. As a result, his mother decided to give an interview in Tatyana Ustinova's My Hero program. Irina claims that Andrei led a healthy lifestyle, did not smoke, did not drink. He suffered from diabetes. And after his last trip to Vietnam, the guy contracted a viral infection that adversely affected the body. After the son did not get in touch for several days, the police were called. After breaking into an apartment dead body Andrei was found in the bathroom, there were syringes nearby. It is possible that due to poor health, he fell, hit his head on the tile, which caused a fatal outcome. Doctors state that the cause of death is acute heart failure. Andrei Livanov passed away at the age of 25.

Igor Livanov son Andrei cause of death: funeral

Andrei Livanov was cremated in the crematorium of the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery. An autopsy was not performed, since no one had any doubts about the accident. His father, mother and younger brother Timothy came to his son's funeral. Colleagues in the theater where Andrei worked were also at the ceremony. Stepfather, Sergei Bezrukov, was not in the ranks of those present.

As it became known to MK, Andrei and his mother Irina Bezrukova went to Vietnam in early March. Bezrukova posted on the page on the social network a letter from her son to his friend, in which he describes an overseas expedition. There, in particular, the guy mentioned that Irina fell ill, which is why the trip was suspended.

Immediately after returning to Moscow, Irina and her husband flew on tour to Irkutsk. Andrei was left at home alone. He complained to his real father Igor Livanov about high temperature and poor health. But the actor decided that his son needed to sleep off after the flight.

Andrei was supposed to go to work at the Bezrukov Moscow Provincial Theater, where he worked as an administrator, but he never appeared there. Irina could not get through to her son. The concierge did not see young man and he didn't answer the doorbell. On Saturday, Irina asked to call the district police officer and rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations to open the door. At the last moment, in order not to spoil the door, it was decided to enter the Bezrukovs' dwelling through the window. Rescuers climbed the floor above and went down to the apartment on a rope. They found Andrei dead in the bathroom. Insulin syringes lay nearby. Apparently, Andrei gave an injection before his death.

Irina interrupted her tour and returned to Moscow. She is in a state of shock, like her first husband, Andrei's father Igor Livanov. By the way, the first child of Livanov and his wife died tragically in the mid-80s in a railway accident. Helped Igor to return to life new love- Irina. An affair broke out between the teacher and the student. A little later, the Livanovs had a son, Andrei. After 11 years life together Igor and Irina broke up. In 1998, on the set of the film Crusader 2, Irina met a young actor, Sergei Bezrukov. In 2000, Irina divorced Livanov and married Bezrukov.

Igor Livanov assures that his son was ruined by a trip to Vietnam. After all, in this country there are many different fevers, viral infections.

And doctors do not rule out that Andrei became a victim of some kind of tropical ailment. Moreover, the guy suffered from a severe form of diabetes, had personal doctor. And people with diabetes have reduced immunity. They are not recommended to travel to countries South-East Asia, since for them the risk of getting the same fever is many times greater. Prevention before the trip in this case does not help, but incubation period development of the disease from 1 to 7 days. If Andrei caught the virus, then supportive therapy could help - droppers, etc. And even in this case, a fatal outcome was possible. According to doctors, Andrei could not visit such countries at all, but should have traveled around Europe, where there are no such ailments and they could quickly provide medical assistance.

Examination will show the exact cause of death, but even it may not fix the presence of a tropical infection - this is a very complex analysis.

REFERENCE "MK": Andrey Livanov graduated from the elite private school"Golden section". But at MGIMO, as his stepfather Sergei Bezrukov dreamed of, he did not want to act. Andrei decided to become an actor and, with the help of his father Igor Livanov, entered the 2nd year of the acting department of the Institute contemporary art. But the studies did not go - Andrei skipped classes, and then completely took the documents. After that, the young man studied at the Institute of Oriental Studies for a year, and realized that this was not his calling. Then Andrey applied to the Moscow State Open University. He studied English in depth at the Faculty of Linguistics. AT recent times worked at the Moscow Provincial Theater of Sergei Bezrukov.

Andrey was not at all public person, - one of the workers of the Provincial Theater told us. He didn't like to be mentioned in interviews as his son famous artists. In general, he was very kind and serious beyond his years. He did not hang out, which is usually done by young people at his age, he was reasonable.

- The impression of the audience and guests from the theater itself often depends on the administrator. What was Andrew like in this position?

- In the theater, he was primarily concerned with guests - he called them, clarified them, met and saw them off, and dealt with parking. And I remember how one of the important persons personally told Sergei Vitalyevich (Bezrukov. - Approx. Aut.) that he rarely had to meet such an accurate, one might say, scrupulous worker in theaters. Although he was young, he will always check everything, to the smallest detail ...

- Never said, why didn’t you follow in your parental footsteps, didn’t become an actor?

“He said he was just not interested.


In his monologue interview with Seven Days a few years ago, Igor Livanov complained that his son did not have enough male attention after his divorce from Bezrukova. He recalled with skepticism how Andrei visited a doctor who corrected his biofield so that diseases could not enter the body. By the way, at the age of 3, Livanov Jr. almost died in front of his dad: he drank water on the Black Sea beach and was in the balance of death for a day.



July 2007 - Foster-son popular actor Valeria Zolotukhina, 27-year-old Sergei, hanged himself in an apartment in Moscow.

June 2008 - the son of the famous film actor Alexander Domogarov from his first marriage, 23-year-old Dmitry, was hit to death by a car in Moscow.

September 2012 - the son of the famous theater and film actor Dmitry Pevtsov from his first marriage, 22-year-old Daniil, died after falling out of an apartment window in Moscow.

April 2013 - son People's Artist Russia's Petr Semak, 25-year-old Dmitry, died of cardiac arrest.

About three years ago, Andrei Livanov, the son of Irina Bezrukova and actor Igor Livanov, was buried. As the press reported, the young man died of acute heart failure. But his half-sister, Nina Livanova, spoke about what really happened.

Andryusha had a very mild degree of diabetes, which did not affect the quality of life. He never injected himself with insulin and did not know how. And there were no syringes at home, and no one found them. Although there were many witnesses at the opening of the apartment. He didn't call an ambulance. Didn't call or call, that's a lie. And his temperature was a maximum of 37.5 (there is a thermometer by the bed). Everything was in place, nothing unusual, there was no phone near the body. He just went barefoot to the toilet, fell and hit himself to death on the tiles. Failed to the extreme. Why - they do not know, perhaps, from weakness, the head was driven. About the autopsy: they took analyzes of body fluids for poisons and drugs and all that, as expected, but the autopsy itself was superfluous due to the obviousness of the situation. And he wouldn't want to either, and so the parents asked not to do it, and the investigators did not consider that there were reasons not to honor the request. So, the situation did not arouse any suspicions from the police. Everything was obvious. He fell. Everything else is lies and lies. The entire Internet is in “heart failure”, “drugs”, “why there was no autopsy, a dark matter” ... and the sun did not smoke a single cigarette in his life and could not stand alcohol.

“My son was very pure, beautiful, wise. He had a soul ... Some kind of extraordinary soul! Even as a child, he said such things that it immediately became clear that he had an inner core, some very subtle spiritual essence was embedded in him. He had a lot to say to me. I wrote down his phrases in my diary so as not to forget. When it's really hard for me, I reread them. Andrei said: “Life is lethal. Sometimes it’s suddenly lethal,” Bezrukova shared.

The actress noted that after the death of her son, she was supported by friends and fans. Irina admitted that she had no idea how much strangers love her and care for her.

“First of all, thank you so much to the fans. I myself run Instagram and Facebook, where many people leave me words of support. I didn’t even know that people were so disposed towards me. When something happens, you face it, you can't be prepared for it. But there is very Good friends who passed me from hand to hand so that nothing would happen. My son believed that death does not exist, there are some parallel stories ... Therefore, I believe that the spiritual component, it does not disappear. The body is just a biological suit,” said Irina.

Andrey Livanov: biography

A young actor, a promising rising star of musicals and films, Andrey Livanov was born and raised in a family of famous artists. Ahead of him, perhaps, was waiting for a successful career, but fate decreed otherwise. In the spring of 2015, Andrei's life was tragically cut short.

A family

Actor Andrey Livanov was born in 1989, on December 6th. His parents are Igor Livanov and Irina Bakhtura (who used to be Igor's student). In 2000, when Andrei was 10 years old, the Livanov family broke up, and the boy himself stayed with his mother. Soon Irina married actor Sergei Bezrukov, who became Andrei's stepfather.

Despite the separation from his father, Andrei Livanov continued to maintain warm relations with him. They loved to spend time together, traveled a lot. In a word, Igor Livanov tried to be for Andrey good father and give him a proper education.

Even when Andrei grew up, they still went out somewhere for the weekend to have some fun. Both were very fond of going to bowling and shooting range.

Andrey also developed friendly relations with his stepfather, Sergei Bezrukov. You can even say that it was Andrei in some situations who was the force that kept the Bezrukov family together.


Andrei Livanov received his secondary education while studying at an elite private institution in Moscow called the Golden Section. This school uses an individual approach in its program and focuses on the abilities of its students. Sergei Bezrukov predicted a diplomatic career for his stepson and offered to go to study at MGIMO, but Andrei chose to follow in the footsteps of his parents and become an actor. His first choice was the Moscow Art Theater School, where he enrolled in training courses.

Later it turned out that the guy was simply not interested in classes at the courses, and he almost did not go to them. Realizing that he made a mistake with the choice, Andrey took the documents and was going to radically change his profession - this time he was attracted by the Institute of Oriental Studies. But even here the young man did not last more than a year. In the end, Andrei settled on the linguistic direction and received a diploma from the Moscow State Open University. The father of the actor, Igor Livanov, explains Andrey's throwing by the fact that he was simply not attracted to study.


The acting biography of Andrei Livanov began at the age of 11, when he played one of the roles in the film by Yuri Kara "I am a doll." However, this first film work has remained the most famous.

While studying at school, Andrey played in the musical "Nord-Ost" and showed promise as a talented actor. At the age of 17, he played in the adventure film Rescuers. Eclipse".

Andrey also starred in the film "The Irony of Fate of Sergei Bezrukov" - a documentary project dedicated to his stepfather. This ended his cinematic career. Perhaps Andrei could become an orientalist and go to work in Japan, but he soon realized that he had little chance of succeeding among the children of diplomats, who were practically guaranteed employment. Then he nevertheless decided to connect his life with what was familiar and close to him since childhood - cinema and theater.

In 2014-2015 Andrey Livanov served as an administrator at the Moscow Provincial Theatre.

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