Jordan in summer. When is the best time to go to Jordan? Vacation season in Jordan. Weather in Jordan, tourist seasons

Climate of Jordan

Jordan is a small Arab state located in the Middle East. A feature that determines the interest of tourists in visiting it is not only a rich heritage ancient culture, but also the possibility of treatment on water and mud Dead Sea. The southernmost tip of Jordan goes to the shores of the Red Sea, where the city of Akkaba is located, the same name with the sea bay. It is very close to the popular Israeli resort of Eilat. The possibility of year-round swimming in the warm clear sea also attracts tourists here.

The country is located in the subtropics with some influence mediterranean sea. Despite the relative proximity of the sea, in Jordan there is a sharp continental climate which will determine the characteristics of the weather at any time of the year. Unlike countries with more maritime climate, there are significant differences between day and night temperatures. And if during the day in the summer there is unbearable heat, then at night the temperature can drop significantly.

Weather in the resorts of Jordan

The peak tourist season in Jordan is spring and autumn. For residents middle lane they resemble the usual summer - quite hot during the day and warm at night. The Jordanian summer heat may seem like real hell to visitors, when the merciless sun shines overhead for fifteen hours and there is not even a hint of cloudiness. The lack of rain from mid-spring to late autumn also leaves its mark on the perception of the country's climate.

The resort regions of Jordan are the coasts of the Red Sea in the south and the Dead Sea in the center of the country. Despite the fact that the Dead Sea is located somewhat to the north, the peculiarities of its microclimate make all seasons here warmer than near the Red Sea. In summer or spring, autumn or winter, the air temperature here is a couple of degrees higher, day and night. Also warmer and its very salty water.

Both resort regions are accessible to tourists all year round. The water temperature in the coldest months in both seas does not fall below +21…+22 degrees. You can also sunbathe on the beach all year round without fear of freezing.

Landmarks of Jordan

Jordan - ancient country, which is full of historical monuments, perfectly preserved to our times due to the arid climate.

In addition to resort areas where you can swim, sunbathe or go diving, the country is full of interesting places, full of historical meaning, where every person strives to get at least once in his life.

The most famous, covered with legends is the city of Petra. Found quite recently - already in the twentieth century ancient city in the rocks, strikes the imagination of travelers from different countries. Abandoned for unknown reasons, it still excites the imagination of historians, archaeologists and ordinary people. One of the series famous movie Steven Spielberg about Indiana Jones was filmed right here - under the burning sun of Jordan. After watching the film, you can also get some impression about the weather in Jordan.

The most interesting historical center is the capital of the country - the city of Amman and many nearby cities and villages. This is the typical Ottoman city of Salt, visiting which you will have an idea of ​​how the Arabs lived and live. The palace of Iraq-al-Amir - as a trace of Hellenistic settlements dating back to the 2nd century BC. BC e. The city of mosaics is Madaba, where a mosaic map of the 6th century AD has been perfectly preserved. with an image of the Holy Land. Mountain sky - according to legend, it was from its top that God showed Moses the Promised Land.

To the north of the capital there is an interesting historical center - the city of Jerash. All the ancient buildings of the city have survived to our times, carefully preserved by a mudflow that once descended on the city. The inhabitants, who did not have time to escape from the wrath of the elements, unfortunately died, but the ancient city itself, thanks to this event, was perfectly preserved.

Jordan is full of history and, having visited it once, an inquisitive explorer will return here again and again, despite the fact that the weather in Jordan is very, very hot.

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It just so happened that behind the "back" of its neighbors, Egypt and Israel, Jordan remained in the shadows for Russian tourists. But now the situation is changing, Egypt is closed due to the threat of terrorist attacks, and Israel is not suitable for everyone. And the Russians began to discover new country with familiar seas. It is worth saying that the territory of Jordan is large, but the coastline is not very. This is, first of all, the coast of the Dead Sea, and a small piece of the Red Sea, which reaches the shores of the country thanks to the Gulf of Aqaba. Let's take a closer look at the country's weather in different time of the year.

January - low season.
It is cold in most of Jordan in January. During the day it is not higher than +12 degrees, and the nights are completely close to zero, and up to +1 +2 degrees. only in the resort of Aqaba is hot weather up to +21, and the sea here is just as warm, not lower than +21 degrees. This month there are not very many tourists, and you can relax for half the price.

February - winter ends.
Yes, in February, winter ends on the territory and tourists again begin to attack local resorts. During the day it is already warmer and the temperature reaches +16 +18 degrees. the sea is just as warm reaching the mark of +20 +22 degrees. There is little rain, discounts in hotels are slowly melting away and prices are starting to rise. In February, there is a good time for treatment and for excursions.

March - start beach season.
March can rightly be considered the beginning of a new beach season. In the southern resorts of the country it is already warm with might and main, during the day it is not lower than +23 degrees. however, the nights are cold, and after sunset the temperature drops sharply, rolling down to +6 +8 degrees. but both seas are warm, and up to +21 degrees. This month there are a lot of tourists. They are in a hurry to rest on the coast of Jordan before the real heat comes here with strong winds.

April is the time for diving enthusiasts.
In the middle of spring, the resorts of Jordan are full of diving enthusiasts. There are so many of them here that it seems that if they all sink into the water, the sea will burst its banks. During the day, the weather is already hot up to +31, and the nights have ceased to be cold and in the evenings you can safely walk, because +18 on the street. Both the Red and Dead Seas are getting even warmer, showing the same results at +22 degrees.

May - summer heat has come.
It is in May that summer heat sets in at the resorts of the country. The air is warmed up to +35, and the scorching sun only makes it hotter. In May, it is no longer possible to spend the whole day on the beach, because at lunchtime, when the sun is at the very top, it is so hot that you can safely get sunstroke or skin burns. Even special creams are not strong in front of such a sun. But the sea is simply gorgeous, and shows a temperature of +24 degrees. There is absolutely no rain here in May, but strong wind it can lift sand up, which is very unpleasant and there is practically nothing to breathe, sand flies everywhere.

June - last month comfortable rest.
If relaxing on the beach under the sun and at a temperature of +35 degrees is comfortable, then come to Jordan in June. AT next months it will only get hotter. The resorts of the country are becoming crowded, there are more tourists than the beaches can accommodate. Huge demand does its job and room prices rise to a maximum. If it is hot during the day, then at night it is a little cooler up to +24. The water in the seas almost boils, rising to the level of +26.

July - without a single cloud.
The middle of summer pleases with heat at +39 degrees. if you can endure such heat, then you are welcome to Jordan. It is not only hot here during the day, but also at night, when after sunset the temperature almost does not cool down and is about +26 degrees. The sea is also warm, not lower than +27. In July it is hot here, and you should not expect mercy from the weather, there is not a single cloud in the sky!

August is hot weather.
In August, the heat continues, and in the sky you can also see a cloud, compare it to a miracle. Neither the air weather nor the sea temperature differs from the previous month. From morning until late evening it is hot, there is nothing to breathe and it seems that you are in a frying pan. It is very uncomfortable to relax here this month, the water in the sea does not even save you, which does not cool, but rather warms you up.

September is the continuation of the hot summer.
September does not give coolness - the heat continues here. During the day, everything is also unbearable up to +35 degrees, and the nights are a little cooler, about +27 degrees. the only salvation from all this heat is swimming in the sea in the evening. Yes, after sunset it becomes easier to breathe, and the sea, which does not fall below +31 degrees, seems to be a real salvation. It is not surprising that it is at night here on the beach more people than during the day.

October is a great month for holidays.
Finally, the heat recedes, and the temperature becomes more comfortable for rest, showing a mark of +30 degrees. in the evening and at night it is also comfortable around +20, and you can walk around the cities and along the seashore. In October, there are many lovers of beach holidays, sightseeing and active. It is no secret that rock climbing is developed in Jordan, so after a hot summer, lovers of rock climbing and conquering heights gather here. Most of all there are tourists who arrived from the liners. Hundreds of luxurious cruise liners moor daily to the shores of Jordan, bringing new tourists for 2-3 days. Such a vacation is very convenient, because during the journey, tourists manage to visit 5 or more wounds, and get to know their culture, relax on their beaches.

November is cool, but the water is warm.
In the last autumn month, the heat completely receded, and during the day it does not exceed +25 degrees. In the southern resorts, there are a couple of days under +30, but this is an exception to the rule. The nights become noticeably cooler, and you can no longer walk without warm clothes. After sunset it is +8 +12 here. But the sea pleases and does not think to cool down, showing crazy +25 degrees! You can swim here both day and night.

December - winter has come.
December beach holiday not popular during the day already +15, and at night almost frosts up to +3. Only in the southern resorts the nights are warmer around +10 degrees. The sea is warmer, but swimming in it is not recommended. In December, lovers of excursions arrive and sail in the country, who can explore cities, sights in a relaxed atmosphere and enjoy low prices.

In Jordan, the climate is subtropical Mediterranean, sharply continental. This means that there are dry and hot summers, moderately cool, mild winters. However, we are talking about a country with many deserts. And in the deserts, there are large temperature drops during the day in any month. It rains very little here, and mostly on far north countries, no more than 200 mm per year.

The northwestern coastal regions of Jordan are quite green and have ample moisture. Warm, moisture-saturated updrafts from the Mediterranean create rain clouds, which spill right there, without having time to go deep to the east. It rains mainly from November to March, early autumn and late spring there are fewer of them, and in the summer - practically none.

So the question of when is the best time to go to Jordan is obvious. Focus on the summer if you want to fry to your heart's content on the hot beaches of the Red Sea. The time when it is better to relax in Jordan without such extremes is also determined. It is spring, starting from April, and September-October. Not so hot and no rain.

The high tourist season in Jordan is still in the summer, many spend their holidays here. But there is no low season in Jordan in fact. You can find something to do here at any time of the year. There is a very conditional decline in tourism in November, which is traditional for almost any world resort, and there are fewer guests in March. But this is a convention that can be neglected. So, when choosing when to fly to Jordan, be guided by weather forecasts and your own requests. And possible discounts.

Holidays in Jordan in winter

The weather in Jordan is quite cool in winter. Average air temperatures fluctuate within +12-15°C in the north of the country and in the Dead Sea area, +14-16°C in central regions and +22°C in the south, in Aqaba. In the Wadi Rum desert, the temperature never drops below +18°C even in January. But this is during the day. At night it is cold here - about +2-5°C. At this time, it rains in the country, although, of course, it is not necessary to talk about the rainy season in these parts.

Anyway, winter time ideal for excursions, and many venture to swim in the Red Sea. Most hotels have pools, so don't worry, you won't be left without a comfortable swim. Calmly focus on any excursions, visit Petra and Madaba. In the Dead Sea from December to March, tourists are waiting for comfortable temperature at +23°C.

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Holidays in Jordan in the spring

The weather in Jordan in the spring is almost ideal for relaxing on the sea, in the same Aqaba, and for many excursions around the country. At the beginning of spring in the capital and the northern regions of the country it is still quite cool, as for the Middle East. It is about +16°C during the day and +8°C at night, and in May it is already completely summer weather, around +28°C during the day. and the surroundings are cooler.

The coast of the Dead Sea, Petra and Aqaba are located to the south and are much warmer here. In spring, in the central regions, the thermometer shows about +20°C in March and +30°C in May. There is almost no winter on the Red Sea coast. At the very beginning of spring, it is already +26°C, and at the end you will find summer heat up to +35°C. The water temperature in the Dead Sea in spring is from +21°C to +25°C, in the Red Sea - about +22°C.

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Holidays in Jordan in the summer

The weather in Jordan is hot in summer. It can be up to + 34 ° C in the north of the country and in the capital, about + 37 ° C on the coast of the Dead Sea and at least + 40 ° C in the extreme south - in Aqaba and desert areas. The heat is tolerated quite well due to the dryness of the air, however, tourists who are sensitive to high temperatures should avoid summer trips to Jordan. There is another feature associated with the desert climate.

Do not forget that at night the temperature in the desert drops sharply to some + 10 ° C, or even lower. The piercing cold at dawn abruptly, in a matter of minutes, is replaced by heat, and this is especially noticeable on long excursions. Take warm sweaters with you to the desert, you can't go wrong. And so in summer time seaside resorts countries and all excursion programs are open. Just try to walk in the morning or in the evening, so as not to overheat, take light, breathable clothes with you.

Cradle ancient civilization, the safest and most hospitable country in the Muslim world The Kingdom of Jordan is a small state in the Middle East, located to the west of Israel. Read our article on the Tour-Calendar, in which we explain why the best time to visit it is spring and autumn.

Tourist season in Jordan

Jordan, surrounded by strict temper Arab countries, is a surprisingly peaceful and secular state, where tourists feel completely calm, especially for the weaker sex. Unfortunately, or maybe even fortunately, Jordan is not yet a mass holiday destination. This is largely due to the widespread myth of an unstable military situation (in other Middle Eastern regions - yes, but not in this country), as well as the high cost of vouchers. Nevertheless, about 3.5 million people visit the country every year. Basically, these are people with high income, which are already difficult to surprise and who make the highest demands on relaxation. For them, Jordan is a real find, giving a lot of pleasure for the mind, soul and body: unsurpassed oriental flavor, a treasury of ancient sights from different eras, world shrines that have become "decorations" for many biblical stories, elite beach holidays, chic hotels with royal service, picturesque diving among coral gardens, a whole scattering of the best spa centers on the Dead Sea coast and much more. Due to the hot climate, the tourist season in Jordan lasts all year round.

High season in Jordan

Low season in Jordan

Jordan belongs to the "non-mass" tourist destinations, which, however, have their regular customer. The annual growth of foreigners is not great, but the percentage of return tourists is quite decent. But for the most part, they prefer to travel to Jordan in high season when the excursion program can be diversified by swimming in the sea or water sports sports. In the low season, which falls in the country for the period December - March (excluding holidays) and June - August, a full-fledged resort holiday is excluded. And, it must be admitted that in fact, few people want to be content with one thing. The exception, perhaps, are pilgrims and ardent admirers of world history and culture. However, the Jordanian government does not want to give up, trying to balance the tourist flow. In particular, from Russia, since our country is quite a priority market for him. So, in winter, charter chains were delivered from some Russian regions. Their occupancy cannot yet be called satisfactory, but the statistics please more and more every year. In addition, the cost of last-minute tours in the low season is very attractive.

The best time for excursions

In Jordan, which is the site of many of the events described in old testament, and whose land is equally sacred to Christians, Muslims and Jews, old miraculously blends with modernity. It is replete with about 20,000 monuments of past civilizations dating back to the Neolithic, and at the same time boasts cutting-edge technologies and facilities. It must be admitted that neither beach holidays nor diving with surfing are main goal visit to this country. Excursions - that's what is primarily attractive to Jordan for tourists. And many of them visit the Kingdom as part of combined tours with Israel and Egypt. The best time for sightseeing, it is spring and the last two months of autumn, when the temperature extremes are not yet so high. Going to the desert, however, remember that the daily temperature difference there is very large: in the evening the thermometer drops by 13 ° C - 17 ° C, so you can’t do without warm clothes.

Beach season in Jordan

More than half of all trips to Jordan come with a beach holiday. These include package tours that include Red / Dead Sea resorts or accommodation on two coasts with a transfer between them included, as well as combined tours, the program of which, in addition to the beach component, includes several excursions. Whichever option you choose, rest assured that Jordan's beaches are some of the most high positions in world rankings. For your money, you will receive heavenly pleasure in an atmosphere of complete relaxation and, if desired, an abyss of opportunities for active time conducting. Distinctive feature and the main advantage of the Jordanian coast is the absence of an overabundance of vacationers even in the midst of bathing season, which in the country falls on the period from April to the end of May and from September to November. The weather is not very hot, and the range of water temperature fluctuations in the Red and Dead Seas is from +22 °C to +28 °C. It is best warmed up in autumn. It is also hot in spring, but swimming, unlike the previous season, brings a good refreshing effect. In winter, the water on both coasts does not cool below +20 ° C, however, beach holidays are no longer popular, as the air is not warm enough, and it becomes quite chilly to go out on land. In addition, it gets dark early enough, after which it gets colder.

diving season

Jordan has fitted in pretty well with the diving industry. colorful Coral reefs and peculiar underwater inhabitants, unparalleled in beauty and diversity (there are a number of differences from the Egyptian ones), as well as dozens of ships sunk several centuries ago, attract a huge number of "diving" tourists to the shores of the Red Sea of ​​the country. The largest and most popular diving center is located in Aqaba. In principle, you can dive at any time of the year and even in winter, when the water temperature is about +20 °C. However, the best visibility (30-40 m) will be achieved from May to October.

cruise season

True lovers of the rarest corners of the universe and sea beauties will appreciate a cruise to Jordan. Typically, passenger ships depart from the port of Sharm el-Sheikh (Egypt) and rush to Eilat (Israel), after which they moor in Aqaba. Average duration cruises - 8-9 days. The navigation season lasts all year round. In anticipation New Year holidays, in autumn and in the second half of spring, prices for sea travel become somewhat higher.

Wellness season

The Dead Sea is a large concentration of salt and a storehouse of useful components with unique medicinal properties and carrying a life-giving force. With the help of them, you can not only achieve a stunning cosmetic effect, but also cure / alleviate serious diseases associated with the nervous and broncho-pulmonary systems, the musculoskeletal system, cure diseases skin, ENT organs and genitourinary system. All procedures are extremely pleasant, aimed not only at restoring health, but also at achieving spiritual harmony. Standing on the coast all the time good weather- The sun shines about 330 days a year. Cosmetology and wellness centers operate without seasonal breaks, so you can come for treatment at any time. However, for each disease there are special favorable periods when the treatment brings very good therapeutic results. So, skin problems are best addressed in the period from September to the end of June (psoriasis - from mid-March to mid-November), diseases respiratory system- from April to October, it is more expedient to relieve fatigue and strengthen shattered nerves from September to May. ENT pathologies, diseases of the endocrine system can be treated regardless of the season.

Time for holidays and festivals

There are a lot of holidays celebrated in Jordan. Some are official in nature, others are peculiar only to some regions. The festive state events according to the Gregorian calendar include: January 1 - Christian New Year, January 15 - Tree Day, January 30 - King Abdullah's Birthday, March 22 - League Day Arab States, May 25 - Independence Day, May 1 - Labor Day, June 9 - King Abdullah's Accession to the Throne Day, June 10 - Arab Army Day, January 30 - King Hussein's Birthday, December 25 - Christmas. Since Jordan is a Muslim country, part of the celebrations here are celebrated on lunar calendar: 1 Muharram (first month) - Muslim New Year, 12 Rabiul-avwal (third month) - Birthday of the Prophet, 27 Rajab (seventh month) - Ascension of the Prophet, ninth month of the Muslim calendar - Ramadan, 1 Shawwal (the month following the month after Ramadan) - The end of Ramadan, 10 Zulhija (twelfth month) - the Feast of the Sacrifice. Tourists will be interested in the following events: April - Ultramarathon with a race starting in Amman, May - World Rally Championship along the coast of the Dead Sea, July - Festival of Culture and Art in Jerash.

Climate in Jordan

About 90% of the entire territory of Jordan is covered with sand, so throughout the year the country is quite warm, and sometimes very hot. The reigning weather is determined by the dominance of a sharply continental and arid tropical desert climate. Moreover, in the northwest, it has Mediterranean features. The hottest period of the year is summer, when the thermometer can reach 42 degrees. In winter, it is warm on the coast, but if you move inland, then it will get significantly colder there. Precipitation is distributed very unevenly. The main volume goes to the northwestern regions, while in the desert it rains 6 times less.

Jordan in spring

Spring in Jordan is one of best periods per year to visit the country. Despite the slight rainfall at the beginning of the season, the weather here is quite comfortable. However, in March it is still not warm everywhere: in the capital and in Petra it will be pleasant for those who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems, and also do not tolerate hot weather, while others may find the days cool. During this period, there is a high risk of a decrease atmospheric pressure, which leads to the appearance of a hot wind "hasmin". In April, the weather stabilizes, in central part Real summer comes to Jordan, and in the seaside resorts the sun "fries" is no longer childish. The final month of the spring season is marked by further growth daily temperatures and heating sea water to a comfortable state. Daylight hours increase significantly, but in the evenings throughout the country, with the exception of resorts, it becomes chilly.

Temperature and weather in Jordan in spring

March weatherApril weatherMay weather
Amman +16 +23 +28
Petra +19 +24 +29
Aqaba +24 +1 +30 +1 +34

Jordan in summer

Summer in Jordan is very hot, despite the rather arid climate. The highest temperatures are recorded in the Dead Sea area and in the Jordan Valley. In August, the hottest month of the year, during the daytime the air heats up to +38..+42 °C. in the south resort town Aqaba daily extreme is around +38 °C. In the capital, located on a hill in the northwestern part of the country, there is no such debilitating heat: here it is approximately +32..+33 °C. There is practically no rainfall in summer. Dry winds often blow, and play out sandstorms, "painting" the sky in brown tones. Nights in the Gulf of Aqaba are very warm, but in the central regions of the country at this time of day it can be quite cool.

Temperature and weather in Jordan in summer

June weatherJuly weatherAugust weather
Amman +31 +32 +32
Petra +32 +34 +34
Aqaba +38 +40 +40

Jordan in autumn

January is the most cold month(this is at an air temperature of +16), and the warmest is June (about +36). Temperature fluctuations day and night within 10-14 degrees. Let's go through the months. You will be able to choose the month that suits you best for traveling to Jordan, because for everyone there are acceptable weather individual: someone is hot even at +20, and someone needs sunshine +35.


It is cool in the first month of the year, so there are few tourists in Aqaba. The daytime sun warms the air up to +17, and at night the thermometer can drop to +7. The sea temperature is +22, not everyone can enjoy its waves. Rains in January do not visit Aqaba. It can, of course, fall up to 10 mm of precipitation. This month is very suitable for getting acquainted with the sights of the country. Cool weather will make it possible to see the archaeological and architectural monuments of Jordan.


The second month of the year does not differ much from January in terms of temperature. The air temperature during the day and at night is 2 degrees higher: +18 and +8, respectively. The sea is cool. There are few tourists in Aqaba this month. There is no rain, and there are at least 22 sunny days.


From the hot March begins the pilgrimage of tourists to the attractive coast of Aqaba. There are quite enough sunny days: at least 27. The sea, however, is the same as in February, but the air temperature compensates for its coolness, because during the day it is + 22-23, and at night - +13. Rain is not observed. Great month for a beach holiday.


This spring month, it is a sin to complain about the weather in Aqaba. At a hot daytime temperature of + 33-39, beware sunburn. You can also make night sea swims at night at +21. The sea is warmed up by the sun up to +26, so the rest with children will also be favorable. This month, the amount of precipitation does not exceed 4.6 mm, and the sun shines all 30 days.


In June, it is often here, as they say, the heat is unbearable. For those who like to warm their bodies, but without fanaticism, June fits perfectly. The daytime sizzling temperature is kept within +29-41, at night about +22. The sea is just milk: its temperature of +26 will please both adults and children. You don’t have to worry at all about precipitation in June and don’t remember it, since they are not observed here this month.


Another month is ideal for swimming and relaxing by the sea. +28-39 during the day, 10-12 degrees cooler at night. Sea water is not capable of upsetting at a temperature of + 26-27. The clouds do not dare to sail to the shores of the Gulf of Aqaba.


August is not inferior in climatic comfort to other months. During the day the temperature is up to +38, at night +19. The warm Jordanian Sea at a temperature of +28 "holds" a considerable number of tourists near it. Sunny days stand for 31 days, and precipitation in the form of rain is observed no more than 3.00 mm per month. Great period for family vacation but don't forget sun protection.


This month will not overshadow your vacation by the sea. During the day, the sun warms up the air no longer like in the rest summer months, but still hot: +32-36. At night it is 12-15 degrees cooler. But sea water pleases: +27. Clouds can "run" for 1 day, precipitation will not exceed 4.2 mm. Tourists love September, and Aqaba knows no shortage of vacationers.


Starting in October, the Jordanian weather changes somewhat. There is a decrease in degrees both in the air and in sea ​​water. During the day, the thermometer will show from +20-27, although an increase to +35.6 was also noted. At night, it is likely to get colder up to +9. The water in the sea is still the same warm: +25.5. Rain "does not like" October, there will be no precipitation this month.


In November, there are already few vacationers, although the sea is warm: average temperature water +24. And there is already a coolness in the air, which is of little use in order to bask on the beach. The daytime sun warms the air from +21 to +26, and at night it will be a little cold to walk around Aqaba: +8. The good news is that it doesn't rain in November.


The cold December ends the year. It is relatively cold, since the temperature during the day ranges from +19 to +24. You can still swim in the sea, it is warmed up to +23. Rains may descend on the area, but literally for one day and will not exceed 8.3 mm.

As you can see, every month is good in its own way. Choose the one that suits you and go ahead. sea ​​coast Aqaba.

Weather on the coast of the Dead Sea

The area is characterized special conditions climate, which is determined by geographical indicators. The dry desert climate of the Dead Sea ensures that the sun is present here almost 330 days a year. At the same time, rains do not exceed 50-60 mm per year. The desert climate also forms a significant difference in day and night temperatures. Sometimes their difference reaches 15 degrees. Heat safe during the day, you don’t feel it because of high humidity air. The sun's rays do not negatively affect human skin, since the Dead Sea is characterized by intensive evaporation of salts and an aerosol layer of 400 meters is formed, which does not transmit ultraviolet solar radiation.

Considering the weather off the coast of the Dead Sea, we note that from April to November there are most tourists here. It is during this period that the water in the sea is heated from +24 to +35. The warmest sea in July and August is +35. The coldest sea in winter period- from +18 to +22.

Swimming in the sea is possible both in summer and in winter during the daytime. The air is warmed up from +19 to +22. In the morning, in the evening and at night, swimming is excluded (unless you are a "walrus"), since from December to February the temperature is + 11-13.

The spring months (March, April, May) delight the guests of the country, local residents temperature readings day and night. If in March the average daytime temperature is +25, then in May it rises to +35. At the same time, at the beginning of spring by the sea at night +16, and closer to May - up to +27. The sea is gradually gaining heat: in March it starts from +21, in April it reaches +24, and in May it already turns into warm salty milk, warming up to +30.

Summer is summer. If in June the air is warmed up by the sun to +37, then in July, August the thermometer will already show +38-41. At the same time, the thermometer will drop by only 10 degrees at night. You understand that +27-29 at night is hot for us. And the sea turns into fresh milk: + 32-35.

In September and October, the air indicators are the same day and night, and the water temperature drops by only 2-4 degrees compared to the summer period. November "meets" beachgoers with still hot days up to +27, but already cool nights: +18. You can still swim if you are not afraid of the +25 mark on the water thermometer.

Does it rain in Jordan?

In Jordan, it rains from October to March. The most “wailing” months are December and January. In this matter, residents of the northern regions were not lucky: precipitation is possible here, but not more than 200 mm per year. You can hardly call it the season of nature's weeping. After several hours of rain, the sun's rays remove traces of precipitation. In the heat, a few drops from the sky will seem like a blessing from God. The rest of the country is hot and dry all year round.

The weather on the Dead Sea is conducive to meeting with sunbeams, which rarely darken the clouds. Rain in this area is more an anomaly than a pattern. During the rainiest period in the country (December-March), the level of precipitation in the Dead Sea does not exceed 5 mm per month.

Leisure time in Aqaba

Spring, autumn - the best time to relax in Aqaba, for swimming in the sea and taking healing procedures from salt, mud and clay. The air still does not breathe heat, and the sea is warm enough for procedures. In early September, during the summer months, there is incredible heat here, although it is not particularly felt near the sea. During the rest of the year, swimming in the sea is also possible, since it is warm enough for water procedures, but be prepared for a little chill after their water comes out and consider the fact that it gets dark quickly in winter and autumn and immediately gets cold. For evening walks to the sea, you need to grab a sweater or windbreaker.

When to go sightseeing in Jordan

There are about 20 thousand monuments of past civilizations in Jordan. You understand, there is something to watch. Winter coolness is suitable for excursions to the iconic and famous monuments of the country, as well as for pilgrimages to holy places. Choosing one of the winter months, the beginning of spring or the end of autumn, you can't go wrong with the weather.

remember, that bad weather it doesn’t happen in Jordan if you know all its nuances and are prepared to meet with it. And for this, get acquainted with our articles about Jordan.

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