The most massive of the lungs. The most massive of the light An objective look at the design flaws of the tank

Hello to all fans of fighting in the sandbox, the site is with you! Tankers and tankers, now we will talk about a really worthwhile little machine, a Soviet light tank third level, in front of you T-70 guide.

Without exaggeration, I hasten to inform you that among the huge variety of light equipment at the third level, this device can really please its owner. T-70 WoT has an impressive number of advantages that will allow the player to "bend over" in the sandbox and have a lot of fun, but for this, you must know your tank well.

TTX T-70

According to the already established tradition, we will begin with the fact that our light tank there is a standard view by the standards of classmates, and also a weak Soviet viewing range of 310 meters.

It is noteworthy that, unlike most classmates, our survival rate is quite good, but with nuances. First of all, at T-70 characteristics frontal armor is impressive.

If we talk about the frontal projection of the hull, then due to the excellent slope of the armor plates, the upper frontal part T-70 World of Tanks it has 72 millimeters of armor over the entire area, and a small red square on the model's collage is also reinforced, here the thickness of the metal reaches 113 millimeters. At the same time, it is better to hide the NLD, because this is only a 51-mm section that can ricochet, but on the whole it breaks through easily.

The turret is protected from the front by a large 50 mm gun mantlet, behind which light tank T-70 it has about 86 millimeters of reduced armor, and a small “shelf” above the mask boasts 98 millimeters of reduced armor, but the cheeks break through easily, but fortunately they are quite small.

A completely different picture opens up when examining the side projection, since the sides of T-70 World of Tanks even thinner than the stern, because there is a miserable 15 millimeters of armor without slopes, which breaks through not only land mines, but also small-caliber machine guns. However, this does not mean that the stern can be substituted, both of these projections are vulnerable and need to be hidden.

In terms of mobility, everything is relative, because the maximum speed T-70 tank develops a decent, and also has excellent maneuverability. But in terms of dynamics, we are inferior to many classmates, although we cannot call the car slow or tight, in this regard we are more like a dynamic medium tank.


It's no secret that armament is the main component of any tank, and in our case the gun is really good, it deserves not only attention, but also respect.

First of all, you must know that T-70 gun alphastrike has an average level, but also has a high rate of fire, thanks to which we have the opportunity to deal decent damage per minute, which is approximately 1320 units.

In terms of penetration, our gun is really good, even with an armor-piercing projectile T-70 WoT able to confidently deal damage to classmates and most of the fourth levels. Fives can also be dealt with, but for skirmishes with heavy tanks, you should have about 15 gold sub-calibers with you.

Accuracy did not let us down either, although not everything here is as smooth as we would like. Soviet light tank T-70 has at its disposal a good spread at 100 meters, but the stabilization of our gun is poor and it takes quite a long time to reduce, that is, something needs to be done about it.

In general, all indicators of weapons T-70 tank received good ones, but there is one serious flaw - vertical aiming angles. Downward, our barrel drops only 4 degrees, which is very sad and it will be really difficult to play from the terrain.

Advantages and disadvantages

As you all perfectly understand, a lot depends on knowing the strengths and weaknesses of the vehicle on which you go into battle. First of all, you will better understand which modules and skills you should bet on, but this question can also help a lot in building tactics, so now we will highlight the main pros and cons T-70 World of Tanks.
Good frontal armor;
Decent mobility (maximum speed and maneuverability);
Impressive damage per minute;
High penetration rates;
Nice spread at 100 meters.
Small base viewing range;
Poor booking of sides and stern;
Low one-time damage;
Mediocre mixing and stabilization;
Poor elevation angles.

Equipment for T-70

Despite the fact that at the third level the choice of additional modules is very limited, it is possible and necessary to strengthen the tank, especially since everything necessary for this vehicle is, in principle, available. For maximum results on tank T-70 equipment it is better to put the following:
1. - as you can see from the list of shortcomings, this device needs to improve the speed of information, which we will deal with first of all.
2. is a good and thoughtful choice that will give a 5% boost to the most important stats, improving damage, accuracy and slightly increasing vision.
3. - there is no point in inventing something, because you can radically increase the viewing range and gain an advantage over the enemy only by choosing this module.

Crew training

A properly trained crew with enough skills at level three is a colossal advantage that you should strive for if you really want to conquer the sandbox. The problem is that our crew consists of only two people, but even in such circumstances for the T-70 it is better to learn the perks in the following sequence:
Commander (gunner, radio operator, loader) - , , , .
Driver mechanic - , , , .

Equipment for the T-70

As always, the process of purchasing consumables remains standard, and therefore simple and understandable. If you don't have enough silver in your supply or you are saving up for a tank, take , , . However, in combat, you will feel much more confident if you buy for T-70 equipment in the form of,, especially understanding the problems with the shell shock of such a multifunctional commander. By the way, it's on fire. soviet tank infrequently, so you can also replace the fire extinguisher with one.

T-70 game tactics

From the foregoing, you could form an opinion about this device and I must say that the machine in our hands is really worthwhile, capable of crushing enemies in the sandbox, but for this you need to act correctly.

I want to say right away that our most comfortable Soviet light tank T-70 feels at the top of the list, because here our armor shows itself with the best side. In order to confidently deal with the enemy, you should always turn your forehead to him and the hull can be turned quite a bit so as not to expose the vulnerable side, but to increase the reduced armor of the VLD.

Of course, fighting at the top of the list for T-70 tactics combat consists in taking a position on the front line, where, hiding your NLD and hiding from enemy artillery, you will be able to confidently tank, holding or pushing the direction along with the allies.

However, when we are talking about battles against fourth and even more so fifth levels, on your armor T-70 World of Tanks can no longer rely so blindly. In such cases, we become good tank support, which is able to deal excellent damage from behind the backs of stronger teammates.

No less confident T-70 tank feels like standing on the second line, because this tactic is much safer and allows you to deal damage with impunity. Fortunately, for remote firing, we have pleasant accuracy and good penetration, all that remains is to glow less and target vulnerable areas in the enemy’s armor.

As a conclusion, I would like to say that T-70 WoT- This is one of the few cars at the third level, which is comfortable and pleasant to play. Otherwise, try to keep an eye on the mini-map, beware of artillery and formidable Tier 5 vehicles, and don't expose the sides and stern to the enemies.

. According to the combination of characteristics, it is the Soviet T-70 tank that is the best of the light category. Sometimes the T-50 is given the palm, but taking into account that their release was limited to only 7 dozen (design complexity), compare with the T-70, more than 8000 pieces, the second most massive result is second only to. Who cares here =>> , back to the end of 41 years.
Already at the end of October 1941, N.A. Astrov in the Design and Experimental Department (KEO) of GAZ began to develop a new light tank armed with a 45-mm cannon. Its design included maximum degree use T-60 components and assemblies, read assembling as much as possible using automotive components and components. It was quite obvious that without a significant increase in the power of the engine plant, the further development of light tanks was practically impossible. But in 1941, increasing the power of a mass-produced engine by forcing it seemed a difficult task, except for the long term.

Alabino T-70 opening tank biathlon photo 2013

It was supposed to solve the problem more realistically by creating two autonomous drives from two engines with a gearbox, each for its own track. For confident rectilinear movement, it was only necessary to connect the engines to each other through friction clutches. But then there were no comprehensive tests, and the hidden flaw of such a scheme was revealed later.
After four unsuccessful attempts to install two N.A. Astrov proposed a series direct connection of the engines in single file, transmitting the power developed by the rear engine through the coupling to the crankshaft shank of the front working engine. And such a “spark”, consisting of two GAZ-M1 engines, was created at plant No. 37 on the eve of the war.

Tank T-70 power unit GAZ-203 consisted of two GAZ-202 engines (GAZ-70-6004 front and GAZ-70-6005 rear)

Now, in November, the first version of the paired unit of two GAZ-11 engines was made in metal and put on the stand. It soon became clear that the rigidity of the rubber "barrels" in the elastic coupling that connected the engines played an important role. Not trusting the instruments, the selection of stiffness (elasticity) was carried out by the chief designer himself - Lipgart, assessing the stiffness of rubber by pressing his fingernails into it. Rubber bands that were too soft allowed hard impacts in the inter-engine connection, and rubber bands that were too hard led to an overload of the main bearings of the engines. We were looking for the middle. Found that mutual arrangement crankshafts play no role.

Brief description of the design of the T-70 light tank

The reliability of the 4-speed gearbox turned out to be insufficient, it was necessary to replace it with the ZIS-5 gearbox, making a new output shaft and changing the gear lever. This box had four gears forward and one reverse. Both the cooling system fan and its drive have been improved - a gear drive has been introduced instead of a V-belt.
At the same time, a frame was developed on which the complete power unit was mounted, which was installed in the tank hull on rubber cushions. The GAZ-203 power unit consisted of two GAZ-202 engines (GAZ-70-6004 front and GAZ-70-6005 rear) with a total power of 140 hp. The main friction clutch is a two-disk, semi-centrifugal type.

Padded seventy, street fighting for Stalingrad 1942

From the power unit search for new constructive solutions spread to the entire transmission, and then to the chassis. The number of track rollers of the undercarriage of the tank was increased to five per side.
The hull configuration has changed significantly. The upper frontal sheet with a thickness of 35 mm was set at an angle of 60 degrees. The lower frontal sheet was 45 mm thick. In the top sheet there was a driver's hatch with an armored (folding up) lid equipped with a viewing device (with a slot closed with triplex on the machines of the first release). In the lower part on the right, as on the T-60, a hatch was made for access to the main gear of the transmission.

A column of T-70 light tanks on the outskirts of Krasnoye Selo

In a single faceted turret with an armor thickness of 35 mm (for comparison, the T-34 is 10 mm thicker) a 45-mm tank gun mod. 1932-1938 with vertical wedge gate. A 7.62 mm DT machine gun was paired with the cannon. Vertical aiming angles - from -6° to +20". Direct fire range was 3600 m, maximum - 4800 m. it was located on the left, and the lifting mechanism - on the right of the commander.Sights - telescopic or periscopic (partially), as well as mechanical.In the roof of the tower there was an entrance hatch for the commander.In the armored cap was mounted a periscopic viewing device for all-round viewing.
The large length and mass of the power unit, reinforced components and assemblies of other systems, as well as more powerful armor protection led to an increase in the combat weight (compared to the T-60) of tanks of the first releases to 9.2 tons (later - up to 9.8 tons) .

Unitary 45-mm rounds for the 20-K tank gun
From left to right, 1. UBR-243P with a BR-240P sub-caliber armor-piercing projectile
2. UBR-243SP with a solid armor-piercing projectile BR-240SP
3. UBZR-243 with armor-piercing incendiary projectile BZR-240
4. UO-243 s fragmentation grenade O-243
5. USCH-243 with buckshot Sch-240

Thus, the substantially modernized T-70, conceived in October 1941, came close in terms of parameters to the T-50 tank. In January 1942 the first prototype. The leading engineer of the machine was V.A. Dedkov. After eliminating the identified shortcomings, a new sample was put into production at the GAZ and No. 38 plants (Kirov).
Since September 1942, the production of an improved T-70M with reinforced undercarriage(increased the width of the rollers and caterpillars, etc.), as well as with an increased thickness of the frontal armor (up to 45 mm, that is, the frontal armor became like that of a thirty-four). The combat weight was 10 tons. With a power plant power of 140 hp. his maximum speed reached 45 km / h. Replaced with 12 volt onboard system, originally used 6 volts.

The best light tanks of the second world war T-70 photo and T-70M were assembled until the middle of 1943. The entire workshop was left 8.3 thousand such machines.
For the development of the design of the T-70 and its subsequent improvement in 1943, N.A. Astrov, A.A. Lipgart, V.A. Dedkov and other designers of GAZ were awarded the Stalin Prize II degree.

T-70 with landing on the armor on the Stalingrad front

The T-90 tank, which was created under the leadership of N.A. Astrov from September-October 1942, could be considered as a mobile means of conducting aimed machine-gun fire on ground and air (anti-aircraft) targets, operating in close cooperation with other light tanks.

light tank t 90 photo

On the tank, made on the basis of the T-70M, they installed a turret open from above and shifted to the port side, armed with coaxial 12.7-mm DShKT machine guns. The absence of an armored roof in the octagonal turret, made of 35 mm rolled armor, ensured free observation of air targets and firing at them. From above, it could be closed with a tarpaulin awning.
Machine gun aiming angles ranged from -6° to +85°. used red dot sight for anti-aircraft fire and telescopic - for ground targets. Sighting range was 3500 m, the maximum - up to 7000 m.
The most advanced light tank T-80 of the family .
In the second half of 1942 - the first half of 1943, work to improve the T-70M was carried out in several directions. So, there were designs of a cast, and then a double welded tower, which made it possible to free the tank commander from the functions of a gunner. The number of crew increased to 3 people. The increase in the volume of the tower required the introduction of additional viewing devices. To the left of the gun was the gunner, to the right - the commander-loader. On the roof of the tower above the commander's seat there was a fixed commander's cupola with an entrance hatch, closed by a lid, equipped with a periscope all-round viewing device. A hatch was made above the gunner's place, which was also closed with a hinged lid. In front of him were a periscope viewing device and a collimator sight with folding armor. The gunner's sights remained the same as on the T-70.
In addition, the collimator sight was used to fire at air targets or at upper floors buildings.
The welded tower was made multifaceted, with increased angles of inclination of the front sheets with a thickness of 45 mm. Handrails were welded to the sides of the tower.
Elevation angles of the 45 mm gun mod. 1938 ranged from -8e to +65°. A DT machine gun was paired with a cannon. The direct fire range reached 3600 m, the maximum - 6000 m. The gun ammunition consisted of 94 rounds.
The tank used a power unit of increased power. Forced 6-cylinder GAZ-80 engines developed a power of 85 hp. everyone. The start was carried out either with the help of two electric starters, or a manual crank. The armor protection of the hull was strengthened by replacing the armor plates of the sides with a thickness of 15 mm with 25 mm sheets. As a result, the combat weight increased to 11.6 tons.
The tank was accepted for production as the T-80 at Mytishchi Factory #40. After the release of 81 cars, their production was discontinued.

Bridgehead at Peskovatka. Tank T-70 and Sd.Kfz.250. 3rd Motorized Division photo August 1942

The best light tank of the second world war T-70 photo on the battlefields .

Combat use of light tanks of the T-70 family. The bulk of the vehicles ended up in the southwestern direction, where they suffered heavy losses. And what tank formations did not carry them that year. Estimates of combat activities vary to the exact opposite. Someone complains about weak armor, someone about weak weapons. Although the 45-mm tank gun 20K arr. 1932 of the year was quite enough for 1942, she could successfully fight all types of Wehrmacht tanks at a distance of up to 500 m. More advanced ones and the Panther began to be produced in 43, when meeting with which the chances of the seventies were equal to zero. But these heavyweights were not enough even in the 43rd. The tank regiment of the Red Army of that time consisted of 23 T-34 and 16 T-70 or 70M.

Tank T-70 with troops on board, in the background and destroyed Pz.KpfwIV

For some reason, German tanks of the latest modifications are always compared, and certainly head-on, a kind of tank battle. In fact, knocking out tanks was almost always assigned to anti-tank artillery. And for a direct comparison, not everything is so sad for the T-70, about the PzKpfw I with machine-gun armament and a weight of 5 tons with a penny, we will modestly keep silent (bulletproof armor, and even then it did not always fulfill its functions). Next comes our classmate, a 9-ton PzKpfw II with an automatic 20 mm cannon, almost the same as on our T-60 (in the 42nd, production was curtailed just because of weak weapons). Then it goes harder medium PzKpfw III, almost 20 tons, on which a decent gun did not appear immediately. Pz.Kpfw. IV is already a serious car, only truly mass production was launched just in 43, and before that they were crying. And for some reason, the tank sorakopyaty is treated as dismissively as the anti-tank forty-five, forgetting that the Germans had the Pak 35/36 caliber 37 mm as the main anti-tank gun of World War II.

Tank T-70M of the guards crew of the summer I. Astapushenko takes a position December 1942

It's all about skill, examples: a tank under the command of Lieutenant B. Pavlovich, knocked out three German medium tanks and ... Panther, somehow they did it. Another out of the ordinary case. Ours are advancing, they are squeezing the Fritz. they gather forces, organize a counter-attack. Ours fight back, and the Germans begin to retreat. A. Dmitrienko saw a retreating German tank, lined up behind him in the dead zone, he wanted to shoot out of the cannon. But he saw an open tower hatch (which is typical, the Germans often left the hatch in the tower open), he jumps on a German tank and throws a grenade into the hatch. The crew was destroyed, the tank, after minor repairs, is used as a trophy in battles. The crew, consisting of a driver, Art. sergeant Rostovtsev and tank commander Lt. A. Dorokhin, destroyed two PzKpfw III. And there are a lot of such examples, there are also cases of ramming, “The crew of senior sergeant Krivko and art. Lieutenant Zakharchenko, when repulsing the attack of the 100th special-purpose flamethrower tank battalion, rammed 2 German Pz.IIs and captured the chief of staff and the battalion commander.

Southwestern Front December '42 light tank T-70M

And here is the course of the battle on July 9, 1943 for the village of Izotovo. Two T-70 tanks meet up with three Tigers advancing. the lead German vehicle knocks out one T-70. The second, under the command of Trubin, actively maneuvering, enters the rear of the Tiger and close range punches him armor-piercing projectile into the side, lights up, continuing the maneuver, the T-70 has already begun to get close to the next Tiger. Wanting to avoid the fate of the lead vehicle, the remaining two began to retreat. As proof, the wrecked "Tiger" was delivered to Moscow and was exhibited in Gorky Park at an exhibition of captured weapons.

Interesting facts, if the T-34 tank was damaged, about 60 percent could not be restored (detonation of ammunition), for the light T-70 tank, this figure is lower, 40 percent. Due to its low noise and mobility, it was used in reconnaissance, although the lack of a radio station in the tank reduced its effectiveness. In the 43rd year, it was decided to stop production, from the middle of the year the car ceases to be produced. The plant switches to the production of SU-76 and SU-76M, built on the basis of the T-70 chassis. Interestingly, the number of manufactured self-propelled guns of all types (light, medium and heavy) during the war years amounted to 22.5 thousand units, 12.6 thousand of them SU-76 and SU-76M.

At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War Soviet light tanks had to play a role much more significant than the one that was originally intended for them. Back in December 1939, the light (according to the then classification - “small”) T-40 tank was adopted by the Red Army. It was a small car with a crew of two, armed with two machine guns ( large-caliber DShK and conventional diesel). The T-40 was floating, had good mobility, and the armor protected it from fire. small arms. The purpose of the tank was reconnaissance, and no serious combat functions were assigned to it. However, the war decreed otherwise.

A column of T-70 tanks on the outskirts of Krasnoye Selo. 1944 (author's collection)

Three days after the German attack, plant number 37, which produced the T-40, was ordered to curtail the production of these machines. Reconnaissance tanks, of course, are always needed, but at that moment the country needed conventional, linear tanks more. Now plant No. 37 was instructed to use the freed capacity for the production of the T-50 infantry escort tank. Chief designer factory, Nikolai Alexandrovich Astrov, raised an objection - the T-50 was radically different in design from the T-40 and was much more difficult to manufacture. The plant, which had previously dealt only with light floating machines, would have taken an unacceptably long time to master it. Instead, Astrov proposed an alternative course of action - to improve the T-40, making it more suitable for the battlefield, and to maximize its output. This, of course, was a half-measure - a light machine-gun reconnaissance, no matter how you improve it, will not become a full-fledged replacement for a normal tank - but anyone understands that in a desperate situation, at least some tanks are better right now than good ones, but someday later, in indefinitely distant future.

Astrov's proposal was given green light, and the production of the tank began, which initially had the designation T-60, but later became known as the T-30 (from the factory designation of the project - "030"). The T-30 differed from the T-40 in a number of simplifications that made it possible to speed up and reduce the cost of its production. The most significant of these were the abandonment of the ability to swim and the transition to easier-to-manufacture homogeneous (uniformly hardened) armor instead of surface hardened armor. Subsequently, the weapons also changed - DShK machine gun turned out to be in short supply in the summer of 1941, as it was produced in quantities of only a few hundred per month. Instead, the T-30 received a 20-mm TNSh automatic gun, created on the basis of aircraft gun SHVAK. Contrary to popular belief, this almost did not increase the firepower of the tank, but it solved the problem with the lack of weapons.

Tankers rest near the T-70 (author's collection)

The next logical step was to simplify the shape of the tank. The hull of the T-30 carried the heritage of the floating T-40 - it had excessive volume to provide positive buoyancy, high sides for stability, and its front part had a rather complex shape to reduce drag when moving in water. All this increased the mass of the tank, its dimensions (which means visibility and vulnerability) and, most importantly, complicated production. A tank with a simplified hull and reduced dimensions was designated T-60M, in some documents it is called T-70, but in the end the name T-60 stuck, under which it went down in history.

It was the T-60 that shouldered the brunt of the fighting at the end of the forty-first and the beginning of the forty-second. The catastrophic losses of the summer campaign led to the fact that there were practically no medium and heavy tanks left in the troops, and due to the evacuation of industry, it was not possible to make up for this shortage in the foreseeable future. It was the “sixties” who had to plug the gap with themselves. In some cases, they amounted to a third or even half of the tank fleet of the Red Army in certain sectors of the front.

German prisoners of war walk past the T-70 tank, which changed owners twice - it was captured by the Germans and used by them, then Soviet troops kicked him back. Kyiv, 1944 (author's collection)

Of course, the T-60, like any emergency improvisation, had significant drawbacks. The most significant of these were the weakness of weapons and insufficient armor. In terms of real combat value, the TNSh cannon, in fact, was not much different from a heavy machine gun - it only had enough armor penetration to fight weakly armored vehicles, such as armored personnel carriers and light armored vehicles. The high-explosive action of the shells was practically zero, so destroy the infantry and field fortifications it was difficult for them. It was necessary to install a more powerful gun with a caliber of at least 37 mm. Booking, although it was brought to 30-35 millimeters in the frontal part of the hull, was still insufficient - according to the experience of using the military, they noted that the T-60 is extremely vulnerable and is affected by almost any anti-tank weapons at actual combat distances.

Back in October 1941, in parallel with the deployment of the production of the T-60, Astrov, sent to the Gorky Automobile Plant, together with a number of other local designers, began work on an improved version of the tank, which received the designation "070" or GAZ-70. The main advantage was enhanced armament - a 45-mm 20-K cannon, which was used on most tanks and cannon armored vehicles of the Red Army, was installed in a new streamlined cast turret. Also, instead of the GAZ-202 engine, a significantly more powerful GAZ-203 was installed - in fact, it was two GAZ-202 engines connected in series. Last modified required an increase in the hull - it was lengthened, and another pair of road wheels was added to the undercarriage.

An echelon with T-70 tanks is preparing to be sent to Stalingrad. 1942 (author's collection)

The work of modernization dragged on despite repeated demands to speed it up from the top leadership, including Stalin personally. The prototype GAZ-70 was submitted for testing only at the end of February 1942. On the military new tank, however, did not make much of an impression. They noted that the armor of the GAZ-70 is the same as that of the T-60, that is, clearly insufficient, and the crew is still insufficient for a full-fledged combat vehicle. The GAZ-70 was driven by two tankers - this was the legacy of its ancestor T-40, not affected by any of the previous alterations and remained so on both the T-30 and T-60. Two people were enough reconnaissance tank: the driver drove the car, and the commander, located in the tower, played the role, in fact, of an observer - he had to use weapons only in those few cases when intelligence came into fire contact with the enemy. For a combat vehicle, a single turret was a big minus: the commander had to actively participate in the battle - to detect the enemy, make decisions about moving the tank and transfer them to the driver, fire from weapons and reload it. This load was too great for one person, as a result, the effectiveness of the tank was significantly reduced. It was required to increase the crew to three people and, accordingly, to expand the tower to a double one in order to remove at least the duties of a loader from the commander.

Astrov promised to eliminate the noted shortcomings as quickly as possible. The thickness of the armor was increased to 35 mm in the upper part of the forehead and up to 45 mm (as in the medium T-34 tank) in the lower part, where, according to statistics, the largest number of hits falls. The turret was replaced with a welded octahedral turret - the original cast one showed too low resistance (even a 20-mm German tank gun easily pierced it) and, moreover, had no reserves for strengthening the armor. With the expansion of the crew to three people, however, unforeseen difficulties arose. The enlarged tower, according to calculations, was supposed to increase the mass of the machine from nine tons to eleven and a half. The designers had doubts that the undercarriage elements would withstand such a load - after all, they were originally created for the T-40, which weighed half as much. As a result, the tank was decided to be put into service in current form, and on March 6, 1942, this was done - the GAZ-70 went to the troops under the designation T-70.

The development of a three-seater version of the tank began immediately after the adoption of a two-seater. Having tested a serial vehicle, weighted with special loads to the expected mass of the new tank (11.5 tons), the designers were convinced that their fears were not in vain - the chassis really could not cope with the increased mass. Tracks broke, torsion bars burst, the transmission wore out abnormally quickly. The work to strengthen the chassis was successful, but by the time they were completed, the management decided that the creation and production of the three-seater version should be entrusted to another plant so as not to distract GAZ from production self-propelled units SU-76, which were required by the troops in all large quantities. As a result, the three-seater T-70, after making several more improvements, went into production at factory No. 40 in Mytishchi under the name T-80. GAZ, in order not to be lost, made the developed changes to the chassis of the T-70, and the tank was produced with the designation T-70M from October 1942. At the cost of a slight (about six hundred kilograms) increase in weight, the T-70M received noticeably better throughput due to wider tracks and a significantly longer suspension and transmission resource. In the end, though, it turned out to be more bad than good. It was technically impossible to upgrade the existing T-70s to the T-70M, so the troops ended up with two almost identical tanks with incompatible chassis parts. For maintenance personnel and repairmen, for obvious reasons, this did not cause joy.

T-70 of the 1st Ukrainian Front crossing the Spree River. 1945 (author's collection)

The combat career of the T-70 was bright, but short-lived. For the first time they went into battle on the Southwestern Front in June 1942. It immediately became clear that, despite all the efforts of the designers to improve the characteristics of the vehicle, the combat value of light tanks was not great. In the year that has passed since the beginning of the war, light tanks PzKpfw.I and PzKpfw.II have practically disappeared from the ranks of the Panzerwaffe, and medium tanks have significantly increased in armor thickness. As a result, the 45-mm 20-K cannon, which was quite enough to fight enemy armored vehicles in the summer of 1941, became largely useless by the summer of 1942. Also, the T-70 turned out to be too vulnerable - although the tank’s forehead was well booked and the armor plates in it were located with a large slope, which increased protection, the armor on the sides was only 15 mm thick and was located vertically, so it was only able to protect against bullets. In addition, both new modifications of the PzKpfw.III and PzKpfw.IV tanks, armed with long-barreled guns, and powerful 75-mm anti-tank guns PaK.40 - it was not difficult for them to break through the armor of the T-70 from any angle at the entire distance aimed shooting. It was noted, however, that on average, other things being equal, the survival rate of the T-70 is slightly higher than that of the T-34 and KV due to its smaller size. positive feedback were awarded the good reliability of the tank, ease of use and low weight. The latter not only facilitated the evacuation of wrecked tanks from the battlefield, but also allowed the "seventies" to pass where other tanks could not pass, and take the enemy by surprise with strikes from unexpected directions. This was facilitated by the low noise level of the T-70 in motion - according to eyewitnesses, it was no more noisy than a truck, which made it easier to covertly move into positions and approach the enemy.

The most massive was the use of the T-70 in the battle on Kursk Bulge- for example, the tank forces of the Central Front consisted of almost a quarter of it (369 vehicles out of 1487 available on July 4, 1943). As a result of the operation, it was concluded that, due to the rapid development of armored vehicles and anti-tank weapons, the T-70 finally lost even the small combat value that it had at the time of creation. In addition, the situation with the production of full-fledged, non-ersatz tanks was no longer as acute as two years ago, so in October the forty-third T-70 was removed from production, and the freed resources were directed to the production of self-propelled artillery mounts SU-76M based on its chassis. The vehicles that remained in service went to training units, or were used as commanders in units armed with SU-76M. Some returned to the original role of their distant ancestors, taking up exploration. Many of them survived until the end of the war - at the beginning of 1946, the Soviet armed forces had 1502 T-70 and T-70M tanks (out of 8231 produced).

T-70 in winter camouflage. Leningrad Front, 1944 (author's collection)

T-70 became the most massive lung tank Soviet Union in World War II. Despite the fact that he most often had to be used in a role that was completely inappropriate for his characteristics, he honestly performed the task to the best of his ability. For open combat, it was of little use even at the time of its appearance, not to mention the later stages of the war, but with proper use it could still be useful, especially in the absence of a strong anti-tank defense of the enemy. Cases are known successful fight T-70 with enemy armored vehicles. For example, in January 1943, the crew of Senior Lieutenant Zakharchenko, having used up ammunition, went to ram and rammed two German tanks out of action. The type of tanks is not indicated in the documents, but since the 100th tank battalion acted as an enemy special purpose, these, with all evidence, were PzKpfw.II - conventional or flamethrower. As a result of the battle, the commander and chief of staff of the German battalion were captured by the crew. There is a known case when the T-70 of the 3rd Guards tank army destroyed two heavy Panther tanks with ambush fire. The story may seem incredible, but the side armor of the Panther was relatively weak, and immediately behind it was an ammunition rack - at close range, even a 45-mm cannon had every chance of coping. In the skillful hands of a trained and cold-blooded crew, the T-70 could be extremely formidable - which once again confirms the validity of the old truth: "It's not weapons that fight - people fight."

In the fall of 1942, specialists from the Gorky Automobile Plant developed a deeply modernized version light tank, which received a new designation T-70M, and began preparations for its production.

Fact: "Initially, when designing, the tank received the designation T-70B."

The modernized tank was distinguished by a thoroughly modified chassis, increased width (from 260 to 300 mm) and step of the tracks, the width of the road wheels, an increased diameter of the suspension torsion bars and gear rims of the drive wheels, as well as a modified final drive. In addition, the support rollers, stop rollers and final drives were reinforced, the number of tracks in the caterpillar was reduced from 91 to 80, and the gun ammunition load was reduced to 70 shots.

The place of the driver-mechanic was located in the bow of the hull at the left side, and the place of the tank commander was in a rotating turret shifted to the left side. In the middle part of the hull along the starboard side on a common frame, two engines coupled in series were installed, which made up a single power unit. The transmission and drive wheels were in front.

The body of the T-70M tank was welded from rolled armor plates, which had a thickness of 6, 10, 15, 25, 35 and 45 mm. In especially critical places, the welds were reinforced with riveting. The frontal and stern sheets of the armored hull had rational angles of inclination. A welded faceted turret made of armor plates 35 mm thick was mounted on a ball bearing in the middle part of the hull. Welded joints the towers were reinforced with armor squares. The frontal part of the tower had a cast swinging mask with loopholes for the installation of a gun, a machine gun and a telescopic sight. An entrance hatch for the tank commander was made in the roof of the turret. A periscopic mirror observation device was installed in the armored hatch cover, which provided the commander with a circular view. Also in the lid there was a hatch for a flag alarm.

As armament, a 45-mm tank gun of the 1938 model was installed and to the left of it a coaxial DT machine gun. The gun was shifted to the right of the longitudinal axis of the turret, which provided greater convenience for the commander. The gear turret traverse mechanism was mounted to the left of the commander, and the twin-mount screw hoist to the right. The gun had a trigger foot mechanism, which was carried out by pressing the right pedal, and the machine gun - on the left. The ammunition load consisted of 90 shots with armor-piercing and fragmentation shells for the cannon and 945 rounds for the DT machine gun.

The GAZ-203 engine was chosen as the power plant of the T-70M tank, which consisted of two four-stroke six-cylinder GAZ-202 carburetor engines with a total power of 140 hp. The crankshafts of the engines were connected by means of a coupling with elastic bushings. The flywheel crankcase of the front engine was connected by a link to the starboard side, which made it possible to prevent lateral vibrations. For each engine, the battery ignition system, lubrication system and fuel system were independent. The tank was equipped with two fuel tanks with a total capacity of 440 liters, which were located on the left side of the aft compartment of the hull in a compartment isolated by armored partitions.

The transmission consisted of a two-disc semi-centrifugal dry-friction main clutch, a four-speed automotive-type gearbox, a bevel gear final drive, two side clutches with band brakes, and two simple single-row final drives. The main clutch and gearbox were assembled from parts borrowed from the ZIS-5 truck.

The propeller on each side included: drive wheels with a removable lantern gear ring, five single-sided rubber-coated road wheels and three all-metal support rollers, a guide wheel with a crank track tensioning mechanism and a small-link caterpillar of 91 tracks with a pitch of 98 mm. The design of the guide wheel and track roller were unified. The width of the cast track track was 260 mm. Suspension - individual torsion bar.

From 1942 to 1943, 8231 T-70M tanks were manufactured, of which 6847 were assembled by the Gorky Automobile Plant.

adopted, everyone understood that he was only a temporary measure - his armor was too thin to withstand enemy tanks. At first there were attempts to modify the T-60 by installing a new turret on it, but this experimental tank The T-45 was not put into production due to insufficient engine power.

The new tank, which was named GAZ-70, was completed at the end of 1941. Its assembly was very slow, and the first prototype was completed in February 1942. At first, the tank did not cause much enthusiasm - in terms of armor protection, the new tank was not much superior to the T-60, and its combat power was reduced to a minimum due to the fact that one person had to combine the functions of loader, gunner and commander. Soon the shortcomings were eliminated, and the T-70 was compared with the T-34-76 in terms of frontal armor, which was a serious achievement. As a result, it was decided to put the tank into mass production.

TTX T-70

general information

  • Combat weight - 9.2 tons or 9.8 tons (T-70M);
  • Crew - 2 people;
  • The number of issued - 8231 pieces.


  • Case length - 4285 mm;
  • Hull width - 2348 mm (2420 mm for the T-70M);
  • Height - 2035 mm;
  • Clearance - 300 mm.


  • Type of armor - homogeneous rolled high hardness;
  • The forehead of the hull (top) - 35/61 ° mm / hail;
  • Forehead of the hull (bottom) - 45 / -30 ° mm / hail and 15 / -81 ° mm / hail for the T-70M;
  • Hull board - 15/0 ° mm / hail;
  • Hull feed (top) - 15/76 ° mm / hail;
  • Hull feed (bottom) - 25 / −44 ° mm / hail;
  • Bottom - 10 mm and 6 mm for the T-70M;
  • Hull roof - 10 mm;
  • Gun mantlet — 50 + 15 mm/deg;
  • The side of the tower - 35/23 mm / hail;
  • Tower roof - 10 mm and 15 mm for the T-70M.


  • The caliber and brand of the gun is 45 mm 20-K;
  • Barrel length - 46 calibers;
  • Gun ammunition - 90 (70 for T-70M)
  • Angles HV: −6…+20°;
  • GN angles - 360°;
  • Sights - TMFP or TOP, mechanical;
  • Machine gun - 7.62 mm DT.


  • Engine type - twin in-line 4-stroke 6-cylinder carburetor;
  • Engine power - 2 × 70 hp;
  • Highway speed - 42 km / h;
  • Cross-country speed - 20-25 km / h;
  • Power reserve on the highway - 410-450;
  • Power reserve over rough terrain - 360 km (250 km for the T-70M);
  • Specific power - 15.2 hp / t (14.2 hp / t for the T-70M);
  • Suspension type - individual torsion bar;
  • Specific ground pressure - 0.7 kg / cm²;
  • Climbability - 34 °;
  • Overcoming wall - 0.7 m;
  • Crossable moat - 1.7 m;
  • Crossable ford - 1.0 m.

Photos of T-70


The T-70 was produced in two versions, which differed in the design of the chassis:

  • T-70, a tank weighing 9.2 tons and with 90 rounds of ammunition, the original version of an infantry support tank;
  • T-70M with widened tracks and road wheels and reinforced suspension torsion bars. It has a mass of 9.8 tons and a reduced ammunition load of 70 rounds.

Refinement of the T-70 to the T-70M was impossible due to incompatible structural components.

Experienced tanks

The T-70 became the basis for many development works, which investigated the strengthening of the tank's armament and the improvement of ergonomics.

  • T-70 with gun Sh-37. It had unsatisfactory ergonomics of the fighting compartment, despite the extended turret and the absence of a machine gun;
  • T-70 with more powerful cannon BT-42 caliber 45 mm. The tank successfully passed the tests, but by that time the T-70 was discontinued and the BT-42 cannon was decided to be installed on the new T-80;
  • T-70 with extra space in the turret for the loader. Work on this experimental model eventually led to the creation of the T-80 tank, and the T-70 was never equipped with a two-man turret;
  • T-70-3, anti-aircraft tank. It had a converted turret with two DShK heavy machine guns. Together with the anti-aircraft T-90, he participated in tests that he did not pass due to an unbalanced weapon installation;
  • T-90 - anti-aircraft tank based on the T-70M with DShK machine guns. Passed comparative tests with the T-70-3, but had a number of shortcomings. They needed to be eliminated, but they did not have time to do this - the requirements for the performance characteristics of such machines changed, and work on the T-90 was closed.


The T-70 was actively used in many divisions and units of the Red Army along with other tanks, most often with the T-34. Baptism of fire these tanks were received in the summer of 1942, in the battles in the South-West direction, and it was then that their vulnerability was revealed.

However, the T-70 also had advantages - for example, they were ideal for pursuing retreating enemies, and in 1943 this task became very relevant. In addition, the T-70 had a reliable undercarriage and power plant, which allowed marches over longer distances than the T-34 could. The relative quietness of the machine was also a plus.

Best of all, the T-70 showed itself in the Battle of Kursk. Despite the fact that the "seventies" were struck quite easily, they had a much lower percentage of irretrievable losses compared to better armored T-34s.

The effectiveness of the T-70 is very big influence the crew's knowledge of the features of the tank provided - in really capable hands, it became a formidable force. For example, in July 1943, during the battles for the village of Pokrovka, one T-70 was able to knock out one Panther and three medium German tanks. And in August 1943 there was another unique case. The T-70 managed to catch up with the retreating enemy tank and get into the dead zone, while the crew commander jumped on the armor of the enemy tank and threw a grenade into the open hatch. So the Soviet troops received almost a whole German tank, which was then used in battles.

In 1944, one T-70 was able to knock out two Panthers, which was a real achievement.

The operation of the T-70 actually ended immediately after the war, although in January 1946, 1502 T-70s were still in service with the Red Army.

tank memory

The T-70 in both modifications is presented in many museums around the world - in Russia, in the countries former USSR and even in the tank museum in Parola in Finland. Also, the T-70 in the form of monuments is installed in many cities of Russia, as well as in Ukraine and Belarus.

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