How to get rid of complexes successful struggle with yourself. How to get rid of an inferiority complex forever. How to get rid of an inferiority complex

Almost every person has their own complexes. Usually they are perceived as certain character traits that make the individual feel inferior. In fact, the complex should be considered as a system of character traits, thoughts, reactions and other manifestations, which ultimately lead to a decrease in and.

Everyone wants to feel harmonious, happy, satisfied and complete. But as it turns out, this still needs to come. Usually people complex for various reasons. And it all starts from childhood, when all the existing complexes are nurtured.

It is difficult to say what the complex is, but it is easy to feel it. is not something pleasant for a person, so many would like to get rid of it.

How to get rid of complexes?

Complexes are usually formed not by the reader of the online magazine site, but by his environment. First, the complexes are nurtured by parents, then by friends, educators and teachers, and finally, the rest of the people that a person encounters are connected. To get rid of complexes, you should change your attitude towards yourself. How to do it?

Consider the person as a whole. In other words, you should always remember that in the person that you like something, there is bound to be some trait that you will definitely not like. If you look at yourself, this rule also applies. You just do not notice this feature now for some reason. But you will be mistaken if you consider someone better or worse, because one person can be good in one thing, and another in another.

For example, people usually compare each other: “Masha has such a cool husband: he does this and that. And you ... Igor is so lucky: his wife loves him and is faithful to him. And you…". People see only the good that they do not receive from those from whom they expect the same. But at the same time, they may not notice that Masha's husband can be rude to her, and Igor's wife is constantly jealous of him, which those people who are compared with them do not do.

It should be understood that all people have their own shortcomings and advantages. And the person who does not give you something is not bad just because he has one negative trait. In the same way, another person cannot be good that he does not have the same negative trait. Consider people as a complex: they have different advantages and disadvantages. You may not get along with another person, even if he gives you something that the previous partner did not give, because he will be bad at what you had before. Therefore, do not consider your neighbor as the worst just because he has some flaws, because even in those people with whom you compare them, you can also find flaws.

Thus, complexes are formed when people begin to compare a particular person with others. There are "best" and "worst". The “worst” acquire complexes, as they themselves and the surrounding society focus on their shortcomings. What a pity, but all people have flaws, even the “best” ones!

How to get rid of complexes and become self-confident?

Complexes are formed when you focus on your shortcomings. This can be done by people around (for example, parents or a loved one). The more often and more you pay attention to what you are imperfect in, the less energy and desire you have for active actions.

But it is actions that help a person to achieve something and improve. If you think more about your shortcomings, you lose confidence in yourself. You are incapable of taking actions that will help you achieve success, because if you are a failure, then you are not capable of doing anything good.

Thinking about your shortcomings makes you a failure in your actions. You simply do not commit them, because you do not believe in your own success. As a result, you achieve nothing, which again confirms the fact of your failure. How to get rid of complexes and become more confident?

Start with the fact that you will adequately evaluate yourself. You have flaws, we believe. But all people have flaws, even those who notice them in you. Moreover, in addition to disadvantages, you also have advantages. Why don't you pay attention to them? You definitely have them, you just forgot to notice and appreciate them in yourself.

Adequate attitude towards oneself is the ability to see one's strengths and weaknesses and calmly respond to them. Do not exalt your virtues and shortcomings, do not make your flaws the property of condemnation and criticism. Allow yourself to be imperfect, because that is what makes you a unique person.

Know your strengths and weaknesses. If you can’t fight something, then just start accepting it in yourself. Yes, you are somewhat weak and inept. Accept yourself as such. In simple terms, this can be called self-love.

Many people ask themselves: how to love yourself? After all, even life shows that without self-love it is impossible to achieve much and please other people. Moreover, a person may face such a problem as criticism of others: how to calmly respond to criticism of other people in his address? Surprisingly, self-love and a calm reaction to criticism are interconnected. How exactly? They are united by the shortcomings that exist in a person.

Everyone has such qualities and features that he considers imperfect in himself. Certain traits and properties become shortcomings only because the person himself considers them as such. He begins to notice weaknesses in himself when he sees that his actions and decisions do not give the result that he would like to receive. But these properties are not shortcomings, it's just that the person himself does not know how to use the qualities and features given to him at the right time and in the right place.

There are no flaws in a person. He himself makes shortcomings out of some of his properties, or simply does not know how to correctly use the qualities given to him. And you need to understand this, realize it, even learn how to use your flaws so that they become virtues, because of which you love yourself.

The best way to love yourself and be calm about the criticism of other people is to know your shortcomings and understand the true motives of your actions, emotions, spontaneous actions. These often become stoppers, internal limitations and delusions, fears, doubts, complexes, etc.

You don't have to ignore your shortcomings. No need to look for excuses for your flaws. Get to know yourself on both the good and the bad side. This will allow you to love yourself, because you will learn to accept yourself, to understand the causes of certain shortcomings. This will allow you to calmly respond to the criticism of others, because you yourself know yourself both from the good side and from the bad side, therefore you will agree with objective criticism, and reject the biased one, because the other person is mistaken in his conclusions about you.

Parents should understand that they are the cause of the development of complexes in their children. In order not to lower self-esteem and not to cultivate self-doubt, one should stop comparing the child with other children, focus on his shortcomings, and constantly remind him of them. Love your child, try to develop the best qualities in him, in particular, love for yourself.

Everyone needs to be aware of their strengths and weaknesses. If you want, you can fight them, eliminate them. And you can just accept them, leave them to yourself. Just don't make a tragedy out of the fact that you didn't turn out to be a superhuman.

How to get rid of the victim complex?

A common complex is the complex of the victim - a person who constantly suffers from external aggressive influences. It seems to him that the whole world has taken up arms against him, although in fact, many may simply not care about this person. The victim herself attracts trouble by her appearance or actions, forcing people to behave aggressively or in any other negative way.

The victim herself provokes her tyrants to negative behavior. If everything is good, she feels uncomfortable, so she begins to behave in a way that causes negative behavior in others. Of course, the victim begins to complain about the anger and aggressiveness of the people around him, causing pity only among those who do not know him well.

The features of the victim are:

  1. Inability to enjoy life (sometimes she deprives everyone around her of this joy).
  2. Sacrifice - she sacrifices herself for the sake of other people (often later this leads to the fact that she begins to demand a sacrificial position in relation to herself).
  3. Irresponsibility - the victim does not take responsibility, others are always to blame for everything.
  4. Submission to other people - this allows the victim not to take responsibility.
  5. Giving up your own life for the sake of getting pity from the people around you.

To get rid of the victim complex, you need to stop behaving accordingly, that is, remove the qualities of the victim in yourself. Start taking responsibility, stop complaining about others, accept your mistakes and clean them up, stop demanding only good and kind from the world.

The victim complex is the exactingness of the world and other people so that they behave only in a kind and good way. Otherwise, the victim often turns into a "tyrant", "saw" or "annoying person", who demands, and forces, and even punishes disobedience.

How to get rid of an inferiority complex?

Equally common is an inferiority complex. Often a person compares himself with other people and notices what shortcomings he has. Habitually, a person compares himself with others in order to note what he is bad at. To do this, he chooses people who really succeeded in something and turn out to be better than him.

To get rid of the inferiority complex, you should stop comparing yourself with other people. If you want, you can always find individuals who are superior to you in some way. But the situation becomes ridiculous if you do not pay attention to other people who are worse than you in some parameters and qualities.

A one-sided perception of yourself cultivates an inferiority complex in you. How to get rid of it? Start developing yourself, stop comparing yourself with other people, love yourself for who you are. Despite the fact that you feel your inferiority, you have always been a complete person at any age. Change your attitude! See your uniqueness and usefulness.

How to get rid of the complex about appearance?

The perception of one's own appearance begins from adolescence. It is during this period that each person begins to critically evaluate himself from the standpoint of how perfect his body is and how attractive he is. Sometimes people get stuck in this state, continuing to carry a complex about appearance in their older years.

The complex lies in the fact that a person is dissatisfied with his appearance. He considers himself too thin, fat, sick, weak, ugly in appearance, etc. And if we follow how this happens, we can note that here again a comparison takes place. A person compares his body with the bodies of other people, most often with top models, actresses or actors. Since the media industry always presents its artists in the best possible light, a person seems to be a freak.

The complex about appearance is the desire to meet certain standards and the unwillingness to perceive your body as it is given by nature. There are people who adequately evaluate their appearance, noticing that they have gained too much weight or lost weight. Some flaws can be eliminated with makeup or hairstyles. But sometimes people go for plastic surgery, bringing themselves to such a state when they no longer transform themselves, but disfigure themselves.

The complex about appearance is very scrupulous. It can be eliminated only with a psychologist, since a person himself can rarely stop.


Complexes are often destructive. They push a person to actions that again make him see his shortcomings. The complex cannot be eliminated at the physical level. All complexes are in a person's head. It is there that you need to carry out a “general cleaning”.

Every person has complexes, and sometimes even dazzling beauties find flaws in their appearance and figure. Yes, and ordinary people often, when they start talking about their shortcomings, they meet the perplexed looks of people who do not understand at all what shortcomings they are talking about. So the complex is in most cases far-fetched problems that are laid down in adolescence. Well, everything is clear with teenagers - they still have youthful maximalism, passions, grief, increased sensitivity to the opinions of others and suspiciousness. But what about adults? And in adults, such complexes have already simply settled down, and they perceive them as a given. So maybe it's time to get rid of them?

If your age is already a little over thirty, then it's definitely time to get rid of the numerous complexes that you have about your appearance. Such dissatisfaction with one's appearance only brings harm, especially to women, since complexes are for the most part the prerogative of ladies.

To begin with, we learn to separate all far-fetched shortcomings from those that really exist. Most likely, it seems that there are very few real flaws, and often not at all. But if there are any and they interfere with life, then you can get rid of them thanks to modern cosmetics, which today are many. By the way, the use of cosmetic methods is a very good way to get rid of imperfections. In addition to the fact that the figure becomes more beautiful, a woman gets rid of her complexes, which simply poison her life.

Now consider the most common complexes of modern women.

Complex about too full hips. In this regard, women often refuse tight-fitting clothing and, of course, suffer therefore. As a result, they choose incomprehensible, voluminous and baggy things, which, in their opinion, help to hide the flaw. This style just looks completely ridiculous. What to do in such a situation?

Getting rid of fullness in the hips is quite difficult. Usually diets and physical training do not help much, as the weight goes away, but the hips remain in the same volume. A small liposuction will help in this case, if the woman decides to do so. And, if not, then you still should not despair and hide your hips under shapeless things. Today in stores you can find amazing things of different sizes, which at the same time can hide full hips, but emphasize existing advantages. Such advantages can be a beautiful chest, a thin waist, slender legs. The ability to focus on the merits is very important, and it is this approach to the formation of a wardrobe that will allow you to forget about the problem with your hips.

Another complex is a full belly, which “lays down” in folds. A woman cannot afford open swimwear, she tries to hide the lack of slimming underwear, which, by the way, gradually leads to cellulite. So this is also not a way out. And what is the way out?

The way out will be exercises for the press, which will help tighten the abdominal muscles and slightly remove its roundness. In addition, you can use special cocktails that help dissolve fat. Only you need to deal with yourself constantly, day after day, only in this way you can achieve results. And even after the stomach becomes beautiful and flat, you can’t quit training. If there is a predisposition, in this case, after the completion of classes, the weight and fat on the abdomen will very quickly return to their place.

And the third common complex is full legs or arms. The solution to the problem for women is usually the same - we wear voluminous clothes and do not show our flaws to the world. The result is a shapeless woman in a baggy outfit. Well, who likes this style?

You can solve the problem in another way.

It is clear that diets in this case are often not very effective either. But lipotherapy will help you quickly get rid of excess body fat. Although, if you do not want to resort to such, in your opinion, drastic measures, you can find a different approach. And this is again a well-designed wardrobe. If you hide your legs in trousers, then only in those that emphasize the hips and waist. If you hide your arms, then be sure to highlight the chest and shoulders. In such a suit, a woman will definitely like herself, which means she will impress others. And remember, beauty is a very abstract concept. Someone likes slender ladies, but others prefer young ladies with rounded shapes, which make you sad and create complexes. Maybe it's time to put aside all such problems and love yourself? Psychologists are sure that a person who likes himself, even if he does not have an ideal figure, will definitely like others!

There is nothing worse than suffering from complexes.

They poison life, make you unhappy, make you constantly experience negative emotions in relation to yourself and others.

The result is low self-esteem, problems in personal life and at work, tantrums, tears, depression.

How to get rid of complexes and what they are

At the heart of any psychological complex is self-doubt and fear - the most powerful and destructive human emotion. The reasons can be very different: parental pressure or attitude, a series of failures, suspiciousness, awareness of one's guilt, psychological or physical trauma.

Complexes grow on this fertile soil. Both men and women are characterized by complexes associated with appearance, guilt or hyper-responsibility. Few people know how to get rid of complexes.

The strong half of humanity tends to worry about work, sex and power: the male idea of ​​​​success is based on these three pillars. Men are more afraid of material problems, and when material incentives are not proper, from their point of view, they begin to experience a terrible victim complex. As a rule, it develops in those people who in their youth were the victim of an excellent student complex.

Almost all teenagers experience age complexes. Appearance is the main criterion for recognition in the society of peers, so any pimple that jumped up at the wrong time is perceived as a tragedy of a universal scale.

How to get rid of complexes about appearance

A negative assessment of one's appearance is more characteristic of women. Legs, weight, nose, mole, height, freckles - no matter how many flaws the fair sex finds in themselves! Many are waging a real war with themselves, trying to achieve the ideal. And some plunge into the abyss of depression, begin to literally hate their appearance.

It comes to the point of absurdity: a pretty girl perceives interest from men as a mockery, because she does not believe in her attractiveness. It is clear that gradually what the unfortunate woman is so afraid of begins to be realized. Who wants to communicate with a neurotic young lady with an eternally sour and angry expression on her face?

Not only certified psychologists know very well how to get rid of complexes about appearance. Adult women who have long stepped over the time of teenage insecurity, or wise friends or parents can give no less worthy advice. Here's what to do.

Get rid of denial in evaluating yourself beloved. Replace all thoughts like “not beautiful”, “ridiculous”, “unhappy”, “unworthy” with completely opposite ones. Do the same with negative definitions: “fat”, “terrible”, etc. Learning to think only positively about yourself is not an easy task, but it is worth it.

Learn to accept yourself and your body. In fact, any woman has an attractive appearance that everyone around knows about! One has beautiful ears, the other has a charming smile. And in general, French women know for sure: there are simply no ugly women in the world, there are groomed ones.

To see yourself from the outside, you can ask a friend to compliment you. Hear a lot of pleasant and unexpected.

Ask your stylist to choose your basic wardrobe. Very often we get so used to jeans or a stretched sweater that we completely forget about dresses, skirts, raincoats, cardigans, bodysuits, etc. Nothing boosts self-esteem like an unrecognizably changed reflection in the mirror. Who is this wonderful stranger? - from a simple question, any complex immediately capitulates and disappears forever.

Soberly assess the attitude towards yourself from others. In fact, everyone is only busy with themselves (as, in fact, you are), so neither your tummy, nor your hands or teeth are of interest to anyone. But communication, pleasure from positive energy, professionalism make you simply an indispensable person.

It is difficult to accept that all our worries about appearance are just fiction. Its cause is self-doubt, fear of judgment from other people. What do you care about them? Why is plump and not very (between us) smart Zina from a parallel class and does not even think about how to get rid of complexes about her appearance, has long jumped out to marry skinny Volodya, who does not have a soul in her, and is completely happy? That's it. Because she doesn't care what other people think.

How to get rid of an inferiority complex

Oh, this inferiority complex! It turns smart and subtle people into miserable neurotics vegetating in the backyards of the universe. It cripples the psyche and literally deprives a full life.

The worst thing is that it is this complex that is most often imposed on you from outside by those who are nothing of themselves. What for? Yes, in order to assert oneself at the expense of others, to be nourished energetically.

Another option is excessive suspiciousness as a character trait. As soon as such a person hears something negative about himself (most often said in the hearts, out of evil, unfairly), he gets severe stress. Against this background, psychological pathology develops.

In any case, the donor or suspicious gradually loses mental and physical strength, which ends predictably and very sadly. To prevent this from happening, you should know how to get rid of an inferiority complex. Again, there is nothing complicated.

Get rid of energy vampires in your environment. If such is a family member, give him a fitting rebuff. To see the situation from the outside, analyze his behavior and his reaction, and then directly and specifically say where and why he can go with his ironic, spiteful, negative remarks.

Help yourself raise your self-esteem with a simple but effective psychological technique. Create two columns on a sheet of paper. In the first, reflect your merits, list your successes, achievements, strengths and attractive aspects of your personality. In the second note weaknesses, shortcomings, failures. Surprisingly, the second column will be much shorter, and most importantly, it can (and should) be adjusted.

Make it a habit before going to bed to list all your victories, achievements for the day. Let them be insignificant, but the subconscious does not care about quantity, the main thing is the essence, quality, fact. Many women, by the way, do not consider the upbringing of two children, the ability to get along with the household, ironing a shirt an achievement. In fact, from any little thing you can extract the very grain that will help get rid of the complexes.

As for correcting negative traits and flaws, work through this column constructively. Identify the area where there is a failure, and work with it purposefully. Do not forget to praise yourself for every, even a small achievement.

To visualize your victories and speed up getting rid of the complexes, you can not only pronounce your achievements before going to bed, but write them down in a diary. This will be your personal success diary where you can paste photos, tickets, letters, etc.

A very effective method is working with a mirror. (By the way, it can also be used to get rid of complexes about appearance). How to get rid of an inferiority complex in this way? Look at your reflection and say: I love you, I am a good person, I am beautiful, I believe in you, I appreciate you, I thank you.

Despite the seeming simplicity, it is not easy to say words of love and recognition to your face. The first classes may cause tears, and that's okay! It cries and cleanses the soul.

How to get rid of the victim complex

It's amazing how maniacal pleasure a woman takes on the role of a victim. And all because society from childhood gives rigid guidelines: what should she do, how to behave. It is believed that a woman is obliged to do all the housework, and no one is in a hurry to thank her for her daily hard work. Moreover, the fact that the vast majority are by no means housewives and work with their husbands on an equal footing is not taken into account!

After the birth of children, responsibilities are added, and there is simply no time left for oneself. A woman again willingly sacrifices herself, tries to please everyone, treat everyone, create comfort. This model is also transferred to the performance of official duties, so the boss easily manipulates the victim employee, who, again, “should”.

There is another important nuance in the victim's behavior model. To recognize such a complex for yourself, think: who do you blame for your failures? It can be a tyrant husband, an evil mother-in-law, a despotic boss, dominant or indifferent parents ... If there is a person to blame for your problems, then you are undoubtedly a victim. And this means that your whole life will always realize the same scenario.

How to get rid of the victim complex? First of all, understand that only you yourself are responsible for all your actions. This is your choice: an unworthy husband, obsessive relatives, an unloved job ... And only you yourself can change something in your life. Don't like the way they treat you? Fight back or break up. Not satisfied with the appearance? Tell your family that you need four hours a week for yourself, and during this time, do only yourself: beautician, massage, fitness, shopping. Tired of the boss? Do not be afraid to change jobs: this step is sure to change your life, and maybe even your destiny.

The feminine is much stronger than the masculine. It is a woman who is the source of life, love, harmony, and no one has the right to make her an uncomplaining victim of circumstances. You can, of course, complain and curse all your life, but is this really life? Get rid of the victim complex urgently - and you will like it!

The words "complex" and "stress" are firmly entrenched in our vocabulary. But the property of any person is to be afraid of something, to be offended, to be shy, to worry about something. It has always been and love simply accepted these sensations and emotions, experienced them, overcame them. And then they were collected in a single row and called a capacious term - complexes.

Therefore, of course, all people, without exception, have these complexes to one degree or another. But what is remarkable is that women are still more susceptible to them than the strong half of humanity. At least that's what psychologists say. Men look at things easier, worry less about their appearance, about the attitude of women towards them. Unlike them, the weaker sex begins to worry about every reason.

But where do the complexes come from, is it necessary to fight the complexes or let everything remain as it is? And if you still need to get rid of them, then how? Let's find answers to these questions together:

Why are they dangerous?

There are no people in the world who would be completely satisfied with themselves. And this is even very good, first of all, for ourselves. After all, if each of us considered himself perfect, we would never be able to achieve anything in life. But sometimes discontent crosses that line when it does no harm. And at this moment it can become a real psychological complex that prevents you from living a normal life and achieving success.

Under the influence of complexes, a person begins to consider his shortcoming through a “magnifying glass”. He worries about this, but cannot soberly assess what is happening to him. He harms himself, following the lead of his worldview, he loses many chances that life gives him.

Where do complexes come from?

They are instilled from childhood by our parents, close relatives and those people who at that time are considered authorities for us, whose opinion is valuable to us. Unwillingly, they reward us not only with complexes, but also with fears, and sometimes phobias that remain with us and pass into adulthood.

For example, if a mother, of course, wishing her daughter only the best, repeats many times that her daughter is certainly pretty, but is unlikely to grow up to be a beauty, the child may gradually develop an inferiority complex about her appearance.

Therefore, it is easy to acquire complexes, but it is very difficult to get rid of them. The hurtful words once said take root, remain, turn into a complex, which gradually becomes a part of the personality and is no longer perceived as a limiter of our personality.

The most negative of all is an inferiority complex. Everyone else clings to him. And this is understandable. If a person is confident in himself, his strength, it is more difficult for him to succumb to other internal constraints. But there are very few such confident people.

How to deal with them?

The problem is that a person may not be aware of their presence. It may seem to him that this is just a manifestation of his personality, character traits. Therefore, he often seeks and finds justification for his actions. At the same time, he blames external circumstances for what happened, they say, I have nothing to do with it, life has turned out that way, not realizing that his personal internal limiters - complexes are to blame.

But if he begins to understand this, realizes the reason for the negative circumstances that could have been avoided, he will take the first step towards overcoming his complexes. After all, it is often they who interfere with life and achieve the goal.

Therefore, psychologists advise:

If the complex has not yet developed into a phobia and has not become a clinical case, it must be recognized. Just accept that it is.

When you realize that you have this internal limiter that is holding you back, preventing you from achieving your goals and moving forward, accept it. Just tell yourself - yes, I have this complex, and it has already become a feature of my character, is perceived by me and others as part of my personality. Once you become aware of it, accept it, feel your limiter as a part of you, its impact on you will decrease significantly. That's the way the human psyche works.

And now it's time to transform it. It will not disappear, but it will be transformed into a normal quality inherent in all people, but it will no longer interfere with you, on the contrary, it will help you feel like a real strong personality. The inferiority complex will turn into normal self-criticism. If there was a superiority complex, self-esteem will appear. Well, the constant feeling of guilt will become a normal feeling of compassion.

Remember that we all have our own internal limits. But many have the courage to recognize them, to understand that they greatly complicate life and wave goodbye to them. To do this, often tell yourself a banal, but very effective phrase - “Never mind!”

For starters, try to pay less attention to what they say about you. The main thing is what you think about yourself. Gradually get rid of the feeling of dependence on someone else's opinion.

Ask yourself a question: Why do I worry, well, for example, about my appearance? What is wrong with me and why do I want to change it, to become more beautiful? Maybe to please others? But do I need it myself?

Psychologists in this case say that you need to learn to love yourself the way you are. After all, you are unique and there is no other like it in the world. As soon as you understand this, love yourself, the complexes will immediately leave you.

Each person has obvious or imaginary shortcomings. Someone prefers to suffer from them all his life, while someone begins to look for ways out of the illusions of inferiority. As psychologists say, no matter how many flaws you have, what matters is what actions you take to get rid of them. If you are one of those people who believe that a lot can be changed, then learn how to get rid of complexes and start acting right now. So, forward, to freedom!

We did not accidentally put a picture with a girl kissing a toad. Getting rid of complexes is very similar to such a kiss, after which an instant transformation will follow. Fairy tales have an instructive hint under them for a reason. So we, with our complexes, very often feel nasty and unworthy of more, until luck kisses us. Sometimes one word or event spoken at the right time is enough to get rid of complexes, for example, you can wake up famous. Then this will be your luck. But more often it happens that luck is already in the fact that you saw the necessary information, which served as an impetus for your transformation.

How to get rid of an inferiority complex

Sometimes our shortcomings turn out to be imaginary, inspired by others or the media. Remember magazines and films, where success and a happy life accompanies only beautiful, slender and cheerful characters? We do not always see in the mirror those standards of beauty that the public imposes on us, and many suffer from this and consider themselves inferior, unworthy or failures.

How to get rid of complexes: 5 steps to freedom

  1. Forgive yourself for past mistakes. The sages say that a person has not made a single mistake in his life, it's just his personal path to God. Psychologists completely agree with this, but explain this theory in their own words: if you want to live happily and receive gifts from fate, then you should not drag the burden of the past with you. Guilt gives rise to the strongest complexes that settle deep in the subconscious. If you want change, stop blaming yourself for the past and start living in the present.
  2. Pay attention to the warm, encouraging words that you hear every day, but are so busy self-criticizing that you just don't notice how others really perceive you. Believe me, if they call you kind, sympathetic or beautiful, then you really are! It is especially nice to hear the opinion of men. We advise you to visit their company more often.
  3. Don't focus on failures, but notice your every success. For some people, getting out of bed every morning is already a feat, remember Jackie Chan, who received so many fractures that he can only get up after two hours of special exercises. Praise yourself mentally for every little thing you did today.
  4. Don't beat yourself up for your shortcomings. In fact, it may just turn out to be far-fetched. Even if you notice behind yourself that you often allow yourself to be lazy, rude, cunning, look sloppy, in fact, it can only seem to you, since you are too demanding of yourself and a minute of rest already seems like laziness for you. And if, nevertheless, this is true, then accept your “shortcomings” as a feature, because a mother of many children only has to dream of being able to be lazy, and she may even envy you about this. Don't berate yourself for your shortcomings!
  5. Treat yourself, give yourself gifts. If you don't start doing it for yourself, then others won't either. When you consider yourself worthy of all the best and give yourself generous gifts, then others begin to treat you differently. Get used to encouraging yourself: let each of your achievements be crowned with a gift. And yet we achieve good results so often in our lives: passing exams, creating masterpieces, launching projects, jogging in the morning, an award for excellent work. Find a reason to pamper yourself every day!

Trying to get rid of complexes of appearance

If you notice, then people are often dissatisfied with their appearance. For some, this comes to a manic exaggeration of their shortcomings. Even mental deviations are known, when a seemingly beautiful person considers himself a freak, which is why plastic surgery is now very popular. It has been noticed that having corrected one thing in oneself, a person comes to the surgeon again and again, although it was just necessary to ask how to get rid of the inferiority complex. True, the problem is that often people with a complex appearance do not hear the arguments of others that, in fact, they are very pretty and they do not need to change anything in themselves.

How to get rid of complexes with the help of art therapy?

If you have a panic fear of a person, boss, relative or other negative emotions that prevent you from achieving your goals in life or just living calmly and in joy, then art comes to the rescue. You don't have to be a great artist or musician here, but you can draw your problem and burn this paper to get rid of it. Or make the problem look funny, make a caricature, which will help free the subconscious from unpleasant emotions.

Now there are specialists in art therapy who know how to get rid of the complexes quickly. Turning to psychologists has not yet become fashionable in Russia, but visiting such a specialist does not even look like a session with a psychotherapist. It's more like kindergarten. You come, start drawing, dancing or singing and your fears and shortcomings disappear in one such activity.

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