Aviation gun gsh 6 30. Lead hurricane. Five fastest-firing guns of Vasily Gryazev. From "card-case" to "Volcano"

GSh-6-23 (AO-19, TKB-613, VVS UV Index - 9-A-620) - six-barreled aviation 23-mm Gatling automatic gun.

In the USSR, work on the creation of multi-barreled aircraft guns was going on even before the Great Patriotic War. True, they ended in vain. The Soviet gunsmiths came up with the idea of ​​a system with barrels combined into one block that would be rotated by an electric motor at the same time as the American designers, but here we failed.

In 1959, Arkady Shipunov and Vasily Gryazev, who worked at the Klimovsky Research Institute-61, joined the work. As it turned out, the work had to start virtually from scratch. The designers had information that the Vulcan was being created in the United States, but not only the technical solutions used by the Americans, but also the performance characteristics of the new Western system remained secret.

True, Arkady Shipunov himself later admitted that even if he and Vasily Gryazev had then become aware of American technical solutions, it would hardly have been possible to apply them in the USSR anyway. As already mentioned, the designers of General Electric connected an external electric drive with a power of 26 kW to the Vulcan, while Soviet aircraft manufacturers could only offer, as Vasily Gryazev himself put it, "24 volts and not a gram more." Therefore, it was necessary to create a system that does not work from an external source, but using the internal energy of the shot.

It is noteworthy that similar schemes were proposed at one time by other American firms - participants in the competition to create a promising aircraft gun. True, Western designers could not implement such a solution. In contrast, Arkady Shipunov and Vasily Gryazev created the so-called gas exhaust engine, which, according to the second member of the tandem, worked like an internal combustion engine - it took part of the powder gas from the barrels when fired.

But, despite the elegant solution, another problem arose: how to make the first shot, because the gas engine, and therefore the gun mechanism itself, did not work yet. For the initial impulse, a starter was required, after using which the gun would run on its own gas from the first shot. Later, two versions of the starter were proposed: pneumatic and pyrotechnic (with a special squib).

In his memoirs, Arkady Shipunov recalls that even at the beginning of work on a new aircraft gun, he was able to see one of the few photographs of the American Vulcan being prepared for testing, where he was struck by the fact that a tape loaded with ammunition was spreading along the floor, ceiling and walls of the compartment, but was not consolidated into a single cartridge box.

Later it became clear that with a rate of fire of 6000 rounds / min, a void forms in the cartridge box in a matter of seconds and the tape begins to “walk”. In this case, the ammunition falls out, and the tape itself is torn. Shipunov and Gryazev developed a special pneumatic belt lifter that does not allow the belt to move. Unlike the American solution, this idea provided a much more compact placement of the gun and ammunition, which is especially important for aviation technology, where designers are fighting for every centimeter.

Despite the fact that the product, which received the AO-19 index, was practically ready, there was no place for it in the Soviet Air Force, since the military themselves believed that small arms were a relic of the past, and the future was with missiles. Shortly before the refusal of the Air Force from the new gun, Vasily Gryazev was transferred to another enterprise. It would seem that AO-19, despite all the unique technical solutions, will remain unclaimed.

But in 1966, after summarizing the experience of the operations of the North Vietnamese and American Air Forces in the USSR, it was decided to resume work on the creation of advanced aircraft guns. True, by that time almost all enterprises and design bureaus that had previously worked on this topic had already reoriented to other areas. Moreover, there were no people willing to return to this area of ​​work in the military-industrial sector!

Surprisingly, despite all the difficulties, Arkady Shipunov, who had headed TsKB-14 by this time, decided to revive the cannon theme at his enterprise. After the approval of this decision by the Military-Industrial Commission, its leadership agreed to return Vasily Gryazev, as well as several other specialists who took part in the work on the “AO-19 product”, to the Tula enterprise.

As Arkady Shipunov recalled, the problem with the resumption of work on cannon aircraft weapons arose not only in the USSR, but also in the West. In fact, at that time, of the multi-barreled guns in the world, there was only the American one - the Volcano.

It is worth noting that, despite the abandonment of the “AO-19 object” of the Air Force, the Navy was interested in the product, for which several cannon systems were developed.

By the beginning of the 70s, the KBP offered two six-barreled guns: the 30 mm AO-18, which used the AO-18 cartridge, and the AO-19, chambered for 23 mm AM-23 ammunition. It is noteworthy that the products differed not only in the shells used, but also in the starters for the preliminary acceleration of the barrel block. On AO-18 there was a pneumatic one, and on AO-19 - a pyrotechnic one with 10 squibs.

Initially, representatives of the Air Force, who considered the new gun as an armament for promising fighters and fighter-bombers, made increased demands on the AO-19 for firing ammunition - at least 500 shells in one burst. I had to seriously work on the survivability of the gun. The most loaded part, the gas rod, was made of special heat-resistant materials. Changed the design. The gas engine was modified, where the so-called floating pistons were installed.

Conducted preliminary tests have shown that the modified AO-19 can show much better performance than originally stated. As a result of the work carried out at the KBP, the 23-mm gun was able to fire at a rate of 10-12 thousand rounds per minute. And the mass of AO-19 after all the refinements was just over 70 kg.

For comparison: the American Vulkan, modified by this time, which received the M61A1 index, weighed 136 kg, fired 6000 rounds per minute, the salvo was almost 2.5 times less than that of the AO-19, while American aircraft designers also needed to place on board the aircraft also has a 25-kilowatt external electric drive.

And even on the M61A2 aboard the fifth-generation F-22 fighter, American designers, with a smaller caliber and rate of fire of their guns, could not achieve those unique indicators in terms of weight and compactness, like the gun developed by Vasily Gryazev and Arkady Shipunov.

The first customer of the new AO-19 gun was the Sukhoi Experimental Design Bureau, which at that time was headed by Pavel Osipovich himself. The “dry” planned that the new gun would become a weapon for the T-6, a promising front-line bomber with variable wing geometry, which later became the legendary Su-24, which they were developing at that time.

The terms of work on the new machine were quite tight: the T-6, which made its first flight on January 17, 1970 in the summer of 1973, was already ready for transfer to military testers. When fine-tuning the AO-19 to the requirements of aircraft manufacturers, certain difficulties arose. The cannon, which fired well on the stand, could not fire more than 150 shots - the barrels overheated, they needed to be cooled, which often took about 10-15 minutes, depending on the ambient temperature.

Another problem was that the gun did not want, as the designers of the Tula Instrument Design Bureau joked, to “stop firing.” Already after releasing the start button, the AO-19 managed to spontaneously release three or four projectiles. But within the allotted time, all the shortcomings and technical problems were eliminated, and the T-6 was presented for testing at the Air Force GLITS with a cannon fully integrated into the new front-line bomber.

In the course of the tests that began in Akhtubinsk, the product was fired, which by that time had received the index GSh (Gryazev - Shipunov) -6-23, at various targets. With the control application of the latest system in less than one second, the pilot was able to completely cover all the targets, firing about 200 shells!

Pavel Sukhoi was so satisfied with the GSh-6-23 that, along with the standard Su-24, the so-called SPPU-6 cannon containers with movable gun mounts GSh-6-23M, capable of deviating horizontally and vertically by 45 degrees, were included in the ammunition load. . It was assumed that with such weapons, and in total it was planned to place two such installations on a front-line bomber, he would be able to completely disable the runway in one run, as well as destroy a column of motorized infantry in combat vehicles up to one kilometer long.

Developed at the Dzerzhinets plant, the SPPU-6 has become one of the largest mobile gun mounts. Its length exceeded five meters, and its mass with ammunition load of 400 shells was 525 kg. The tests carried out showed that when firing a new installation, there was at least one projectile hit per linear meter.

It is noteworthy that immediately after Sukhoi, the Mikoyan Design Bureau became interested in the cannon, which intended to use the GSh-6-23 on the latest supersonic MiG-31 interceptor. Despite its large size, aircraft manufacturers needed a fairly small-sized gun with a high rate of fire, since the MiG-31 was supposed to destroy supersonic targets. The KBP helped the Mikoyan by developing a unique lightweight, chainless, linkless power supply system, thanks to which the mass of the gun was reduced by a few more kilograms and gained additional centimeters of space on board the interceptor.

Developed by outstanding gunsmiths Arkady Shipunov and Vasily Gryazev, the GSH-6-23 automatic aircraft gun is still in service with the Russian Air Force. Moreover, in many respects its characteristics, despite more than 40 years of service life, remain unique.

GSh-23 (TKB-613) (VVS UV index - 9-A-472, GSh-23L - 9-A-472-01, -02, -03 depending on the installation option of localizers) - a double-barreled aircraft gun designed for equipping mobile and fixed gun mounts for aircraft and helicopters. The effective firing range of the GSh-23 is 2 km. The first aircraft to use the cannon was the MiG-21PFS (PFM). GSh-23L was located in the GP-9 container in the center under the fuselage, the ammunition load was 200 rounds. In addition to stationary placement, the gun is used in a hanging container UPK-23-250, SPPU-22, SNPU, VSPU-36.

Structurally, the GSh-23 is made according to the scheme of the Gast double-barreled gun.

The GSh-23 gun was developed under the guidance of the chief designer V. Gryazev and the head of the department A. Shipunov for cartridges for the AM-23 gun of 23 x 115 mm caliber.

The first prototype gun was assembled at NII-61 at the end of 1954. After many technological and design changes (only the trigger mechanism of the gun changed radically five times) and a painstaking five-year refinement of the GSh-23, in 1959 it was decided to put it into production. The first serial samples of the gun showed low survivability, which required a number of design improvements. The GSh-23 was officially put into service in 1965.

In this gun, two barrels were installed in one casing and mechanisms were placed that ensured their alternate loading. The automation of the weapon was set in motion by a gas exhaust engine, into which powder gases were supplied when fired from one or the other barrel. The general unit produced the supply of cartridges from one cartridge belt. Instead of the previously popular rack and pinion feed systems, the GSh-23 device used a gear drive with an asterisk pulling through the cartridge belt. Each barrel had its own nodes for lowering the cartridge from the tape into the chamber, sending it, locking it and extracting the cartridge case. The mechanisms of one barrel were kinematically connected to the mechanisms of the other barrel with the help of rocker arms, alternating the operation of the nodes and the feed between the two blocks: locking the barrel of one accounted for unlocking the other, ejection of the sleeve - for sending the cartridge in the next one.

Such a scheme made it possible to somewhat simplify the kinematics, since the sliders moved linearly during rollback and rollback, only forward and backward, and their movement was carried out forcibly by the action of gas pistons, without any return springs, unlike the same Kalashnikov assault rifle. Thanks to this, it was possible to achieve a good dynamic balance of automation in the direction of rollback and to realize high reliability of the system.

Another innovation was the introduction of a pyrotechnic reloading of the gun instead of the usual pneumatic reloading, which distorted the shutter with compressed air in the event of a misfire, delay or other failures. At the same time, high-pressure air acted as "regular" powder gases in guns with a gas outlet or was fed into a special reloading mechanism in systems with a barrel recoil, providing kinematics.

In fact, the GSh-23 consisted of two guns combined into one block and having an associated automation mechanism, where the “halves” work on each other, rolling the shutter of one of them due to the energy of powder gases when the neighboring one rolls back. Such a connection made it possible to obtain a gain in the weight and dimensions of the weapon compared to two unrelated guns, since a number of nodes and mechanisms were common to both barrels included in the system. Common were the casing (receiver), feed and firing mechanism, electric trigger, shock absorber and reloading mechanism. The presence of two barrels solved the problem of their survivability with a sufficiently high overall rate of fire, since the intensity of firing from each barrel was halved and, consequently, barrel wear was reduced.

The features and advantages of the double-barreled scheme of automatic weapons in combination with the shockless chambering of the cartridge made it possible to increase the rate of fire of the GSh-23 gun compared to the AM-23 with a slight increase in the weight of the weapon (only 3 kg). The achieved rate of fire of 3200-3400 rds / min significantly exceeded the capabilities of previous systems. Thanks to new structural materials and rational solutions in the design of the units, it was also possible to improve the operational properties of the system, simplifying the work with weapons: if the bulkhead and cleaning with complete disassembly of the NR-30 guns were required to be carried out after every 500 shots, then the maintenance regulations for the GSh-23 allowed to perform these procedures after firing 2000 rounds. After 500-600 shots, the GSh-23 cannon was allowed not to be disassembled for maintenance, but limited only to washing and lubricating individual parts - gas pistons, barrels and a receiver. The links of the GSh-23 cartridge belt, reinforced in comparison with those used on the AM-23, allowed their use up to five times in a row.

GSh-23 is the last complex from a series (A-12.7; YakB-12.7; GSh-30-2; GSh-23) of small arms installed on the Mi-24 and the successor to the evolution of a number of small arms systems installed on this attack helicopter. With the introduction of the GSh-23, the combat effectiveness of small arms on the Mi-24VM has become an order of magnitude higher than that of the Mi-24P with the 30-mm GSh-30 gun.

In addition to Russia and the CIS countries, the gun is operated in Afghanistan, Algeria, Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Cuba, Czech Republic, Ethiopia, Ghana, Hungary, Nigeria, Poland, Romania, Syria, Thailand, Vietnam, Serbia, Montenegro, Brazil.


GSh-23 (9-A-472) - base product

GSh-23B - liquid-cooled

GSh-23V - liquid-cooled helicopter

GSh-23L1 (9-A-472-02) - with localizers for removing powder gases and reducing recoil, the length of the barrel block was increased to 1537 mm

GSh-23L2 (9-A-472-02)

GSh-23L3 (9-A-472-03)

GSh-23Ya - modification for the Yak-28

GSh-23M - with a shortened barrel block and a rate of fire increased to 4000 rounds per minute.


GSh-23 - MiG-21 (starting from the MiG-21PFM modification), An-2A, Il-76, Ka-25F, Yak-28.
GSh-23V - Mi-24VM (with NPPU-24 installation).
GSh-23L - An-72P, Il-102, L-39Z, Mi-24VP, MiG-23, Tu-22M, Tu-95MS, Tu-142M3.



In the mid-fifties, there was a need to increase the rate of fire of aircraft guns. The constant increase in the speeds of fighters and bombers required an increase in the volume of a second volley of guns in order to increase the probability of hitting a target. However, existing designs and technologies have come to the limit of their capabilities. Further development of automatic guns of the classical scheme could not significantly improve their characteristics.

To get out of this situation, several original ideas were proposed. For example, OKB-16 engineers headed by A.A. Richter proposed to develop not only a new rapid-fire gun, but also an original ammunition for it, which would take into account new principles of operation. During development, the project of a promising gun was designated 261P.

In order to increase the rate of fire, it was proposed to abandon the use of automation of the "classic" design in favor of the so-called. revolver system. This means that a rotating drum with several chambers had to interact with the gun barrel. Such a system made it possible to speed up the reloading process and thereby increase the rate of fire of the gun. However, the original design of automation needed a special ammunition.

Especially for the 261P gun, a 23x260 mm ammunition was developed. Its distinguishing feature was a long cylindrical sleeve, in which the projectile was completely recessed. The projectile weighed 513 g and was equipped with a thick-walled cartridge case weighing 255 g. The projectile for the new ammunition was made on the basis of the existing design, but had a lower weight - 173 g. The original projectile for the new gun was of great interest from a technical point of view, but some of its features became the object of criticism. Too much mass of the gun ammunition was noted, as well as some loss to the existing weapon in the power of the projectile. Nevertheless, work on the 261P project continued.

The 261P gun designed by Richter turned out to be quite compact: its total length did not exceed 1470 mm. In this case, the total length of the barrel and the chamber were slightly less than the total length of the gun. The weight of the finished gun reached 58 kg. Behind the breech there was a rotating drum with four chamber chambers. Instead of mechanical drummers, an electric ignition system was used. The automatics of the gun worked at the expense of the energy of powder gases. A characteristic feature of the gun was the use of three independent gas engines at once, each of which was responsible for the operation of its mechanisms.

The first gas engine was used to send the projectile into the drum chamber. The ammunition tape was fed to the middle part of the gun, in front of the chambers. When fired, the powder gases pushed a special piston of the first gas engine, which sent a new projectile into the free upper chamber. When sent, the projectile moved at a speed of about 25 m / s. This process of sending was called throwing or shock. It should be noted that it was the method of sending that affected the design of the ammunition, in particular, the embedding of the projectile in the sleeve.

The second gas engine, after sending the projectile, was supposed to turn the drum by 90 °. Rotating, the drum fed the projectile to the barrel, after which a shot was fired. Next, the chamber with the spent cartridge case was fed to the extraction line. With the help of the third gas engine, the sleeve was literally blown out of the chamber at a speed of 40 m / s.

The barrel of the 261P gun was made according to the original scheme and received progressive cutting. Before hitting the barrel, the projectile had time to gain some speed inside the sleeve, because of which it hit the rifling and increased barrel wear. To ensure the required survivability, the gun received a liner - a replaceable bore. When worn, this part can be replaced with a new one. The inner surface of the liner had a variable twist of the rifling. In the breech, the rifling was gentle, in the muzzle - of normal steepness.

The drum scheme used in the project could provide the highest rate of fire. For example, developed by A.A. Richter, a heavy machine gun built according to such a system, in theory, could fire up to 5 thousand rounds per minute. The rate of fire of the 261P gun was half as much - the main reason for this was the thermal load on the barrel. Nevertheless, even at this rate of fire, a second salvo of the 261P gun reached 7.2 kg versus 3 kg for the HP-23 or 4.2 kg for the AM-23.

The 261P automatic gun did not receive an unambiguous assessment. She had a high rate of fire and a second salvo, several times higher than that of the existing 23-mm guns. At the same time, the development of A.A. Richter was difficult to manufacture and operate, and also used a special projectile that limited the allowable ammunition load. The specific characteristics of the gun affected its fate. In 1967, its creators received the State Prize, but the gun itself was never officially adopted. The document of the Ministry of Defense of 1963 made it possible to continue the production and operation of guns.

Nevertheless, the 261P cannon under the designation R-23 was able to become a weapon for front-line bombers. In 1959, the DK-20 gun mount was created, which was proposed for installation on the Tu-22 aircraft. Initially, it was supposed to equip this bomber with AM-23 guns, but A.A. Richter and A.E. Nudelman was able to convince A.N. Tupolev in the need to use their tools. The DK-20 installation was equipped with electro-hydraulic drives and remote control using radar and television sights.

In 1973, the Design Bureau for Precision Engineering (former OKB-16) developed a new modification of the gun called R-23M "Kartech". It differed from the basic version by some modifications of a technical and technological nature. The upgraded gun was proposed to be installed on combat spacecraft. There is no information about the manufacture or testing of the Buckshot gun.

The R-23 automatic cannon was used only on Tu-22 long-range bombers. The shortcomings and complexity of the gun did not allow it to be used on other types of aircraft. The total number of guns produced did not exceed 500-550 units.

According to some reports, one of the most active critics of the complex and expensive R-23 gun was an employee of the Tula TsKB-14 V.P. Gryazev. It should be noted that the Tula designers did not limit themselves to ascertaining the shortcomings of the development of A.A. Richter, and offered their own version of improving the characteristics of aircraft guns. To meet the requirements of the military, it was decided to make the new weapon double-barreled.

Developing a new weapon, Tula designers under the leadership of V.P. Gryazev and A.G. Shipunov used the so-called. Gast scheme: this means that the gun has two barrels connected to each other through a synchronization mechanism. The action of such automation is based on the use of recoil energy with a short barrel stroke. The movement of one of the barrels actuates the mechanisms of the gun, as a result of which the second barrel is reloaded. When fired from the second barrel, the first one is prepared for firing. Such a system makes it possible to approximately double the rate of fire compared to single-barrel systems with a short barrel stroke, slightly increasing the dimensions and weight of the weapon. In addition, alternate firing from two barrels allows you to reduce thermal loads and ensure their acceptable cooling.

The GSh-23 gun received two 23 mm caliber barrels connected by a special synchronization mechanism. To simplify the design and maintain acceptable dimensions, several gun systems interacted with two barrels at once. Similar mechanisms for supplying and ejecting ammunition and a pyro-reloading system made it possible to keep the weight of the gun at the level of 50 kg with a total length of 1.54 m. The supply of the tape with ammunition could be carried out from either side.

With the comparative complexity of the design, the GSh-23 gun had fairly high performance. The initial velocity of the projectile exceeded 750 m / s, the effective firing range was 1.8 km. The original automation using two barrels made it possible to increase the rate of fire to 2500 rounds per minute. It should be noted that during the further development of the project, this parameter has grown significantly.

The GSh-23 automatic cannon became the weapon of the Mi-24VP combat helicopters. On these machines, the gun is used together with the NPPU-24 mobile gun mount. The gun with an ammunition load of 460 rounds makes it possible to effectively attack manpower and lightly armored vehicles at distances up to 1.5-2 km. The ability to point the gun in vertical and horizontal planes increases the flexibility of its use.

A further development of the GSh-23 gun was its modification GSh-23L. It differs from the basic version only in the presence of localizers designed for the directed removal of powder gases. Localizers allow you to divert powder gases from the air intakes of the aircraft, as well as slightly reduce recoil. The first aircraft to carry the GSh-23L cannon was the MiG-21 fighter. This gun was equipped with the MiG-21 of several modifications. Subsequently, fighters and bombers of several models, including the MiG-23, Su-15TM, ​​Su-17M, Tu-22M, Tu-95 and others, were equipped with the GL-23Sh cannon. The GSh-23L gun is used in UPK-23-250, SPPU-22 and VSPU-36 hanging containers. The latter was developed specifically for the Yak-38 and Yak-38M carrier-based attack aircraft.

The GSh-23 automatic gun was put into service in 1965 and a few years later became one of the most common aircraft guns in the USSR Air Force. The production of guns of this model continues to this day at the Kovrov Plant. Degtyarev.


The second way to increase the rate of fire of aircraft guns, which Tula gunsmiths have been working on since the early sixties, was a system with a rotating block of barrels. Such weapons were more complex than those built on the basis of the Gast scheme, but could have a much higher rate of fire. Designers under the leadership of V.P. Gryazev and A.G. Shipunov simultaneously developed two new automatic guns AO-18 and AO-19 caliber 30 and 23 mm, respectively.

The basis of the design of the AO-19 gun is six barrels with their own shutters, assembled into a single movable block. The block of barrels and bolts can rotate around its axis. The rotation of the block of barrels and the work of other elements of automation is carried out due to the energy of the powder gases discharged from the barrels during firing. An electrical system is used to control fire, the ammunition of the gun is a 23x115 mm projectile with electric ignition.

The initial promotion of the block of barrels is carried out by a gas-piston type pyrostarter using PPL squibs. 10 squibs are placed in the pyrostarter cassette. During the rotation of the block, all six bolts sequentially reload the barrels, and after the shot, the spent cartridges are removed and ejected. This method of operation makes it possible to reduce the time between individual shots and thereby increase the rate of fire of the gun, since at the moment of firing from one barrel, the next one is completely ready for firing.

Due to the complex system and the use of several barrels, the AO-19 gun turned out to be quite heavy - its weight was 73 kg. The total length of the weapon is 1.4 m, the maximum width is 243 mm. The initial speed of a high-explosive fragmentation projectile or an armor-piercing incendiary projectile with a tracer was 715 m / s. Thanks to the use of a rotating block of barrels, the AO-19 cannon became the fastest-firing domestic aircraft gun - the rate of fire reached 9 thousand rounds per minute. The maximum length of the queue in order to avoid overheating of the structure was limited to 250-300 shots.

Serial production of AO-19 guns began in 1972. Two years later, the gun was put into service under the name GSh-6-23 (9A-620). Guns GSH-6-23 were installed on MiG-31 fighters (260 rounds of ammunition) and Su-24 front-line bombers (400 rounds). In addition, a suspended cannon container SPPU-6 was developed with a GSh-6-23 gun and 260 rounds of ammunition.

A little later, a modification of the gun was created under the name GSh-6-23M. With the help of some design changes, the rate of fire was increased to 10 thousand rounds per minute. According to some reports, during the tests it was possible to achieve a rate of fire of up to 11.5-12 thousand shots. This gun was installed on Su-24M bombers, the ammunition load is 500 shells.

The GSh-6-23 cannon was the last domestic aircraft gun of 23 mm caliber. The development of aviation once again led to the fact that the caliber of existing automatic guns was insufficient to deal with modern and advanced aircraft or ground targets. In the future, the development of small-caliber artillery for aircraft followed the path of creating 30 mm caliber guns.

According to materials:
Shirokorad A. B. aviation weapons. - Minsk: Harvest, 1999

Now let's talk about the gun itself...

In fact, the GSh-23 consisted of two guns combined into one block and having an associated automation mechanism, where the “halves” work on each other, rolling the shutter of one of them due to the energy of powder gases when the neighboring one rolls back. At the same time, the device was somewhat simplified - there was no need for knurling and return springs. Such a connection made it possible to obtain a gain in the weight and dimensions of the weapon compared to two unrelated guns, since a number of nodes and mechanisms were common to both barrels included in the system. Common were the casing (receiver), feed and firing mechanism, electric trigger, shock absorber and reloading mechanism. The presence of two barrels solved the problem of their survivability with a sufficiently high overall rate of fire, since the intensity of firing from each barrel was halved and, consequently, barrel wear was reduced. In addition, the survivability of each barrel, determined by the number of shots fired from it, could be 2 times less than the total survivability of the gun. For example, with a total guaranteed survivability of the GSh-23 gun of 8,000 shots, only 4,000 shots were fired from each barrel.

GSh-23 was created under regular cartridges of the same type as AM-23 (although they did not become completely interchangeable). An increase in the rate of fire and reliability of the GSh-23 gun was facilitated by the use of mechanisms for shockless smooth sending of cartridges into the chambers, which removed the restrictions on the strength of cartridge cases. When the rate of fire was reached, the strength of the sleeve became significant: on the way to the barrel, the thin-walled “glass” could not withstand the load, lose stability, crumple and break. The smoothness of the chambering was also required for the embedding of the projectile, which, under the influence of jerks and inertial forces, should not loosen in the sleeve, give it to the muzzle with a “collar” or settle inside the sleeve during energetic chambering. During the shock stop of the cartridge sent to the place, the projectile under the influence of the same inertial forces could jump out of the muzzle of the sleeve.

To study the issues of the strength of ammunition with the achieved speed of cannon automation, a special topic was opened at NII-61 with the sonorous name "Unpatching" (this was the name for the violation of the integrity and operability of the ammunition). A sharp removal of the cartridge from the tape, pushing it into the chamber and braking with a blow during landing subjected it to loads up to destruction. So, when accelerating on the way to the chamber, the thin walls of the sleeve could disperse in a “collar”, leading to the projectile falling out; the same effect could be accompanied by jerks during the firing, when the inertial forces tried to pull the massive projectile out of the cartridge case and send it into the barrel. Identified "boundary" in terms of the strength of ammunition conditions were taken into account when designing cannon units.

In order to ensure a high rate of fire, the cartridges themselves were also reinforced: for example, if, according to the technical conditions for a caliber of 23 mm, a force of 800-1500 kgf was required to extract the NR-23 projectile from the cartridge case, then the GSh-23 projectile was embedded in the cartridge case more firmly, reinforced by rolling its muzzle . In turn, a more massive projectile of 30 mm caliber for HP-30 was embedded in the sleeve more rigidly, and this force was 2000-3000 kgf.

The features and advantages of the double-barreled scheme of automatic weapons in combination with the shockless chambering of the cartridge made it possible to increase the rate of fire of the GSh-23 gun compared to the AM-23 with a slight increase in the weight of the weapon (only 3 kg). The first prototype of the gun was assembled at NII-61 at the end of 1954. After many technological and design changes (only the trigger mechanism of the gun changed radically five times) and painstaking five-year refinement of the GSh-23 in 1959, it was decided to launch it into production.

Installing UKU-9K-502 of the tenth Tu-22M0, Aviation Museum in Riga, February 1997

The achieved rate of fire of 3200-3400 rds / min significantly exceeded the capabilities of previous systems (for example, the AM-23, with its recently record-breaking rate of fire, the new gun exceeded 2.5 times), which was not immediately believed even by colleagues. For this reason, funny things happened more than once during the demonstration of the GSh-23. In one such case, a production representative questioned the results achieved and the performance of the system itself. At his request, the cannon was loaded with a short ribbon - they say, even such a number of rounds the cannon will not be able to miss without failures and will certainly “choke”. The gun barked and fell silent. Her work sounded to the ear with one shot, and the critic remarked with satisfaction: "As I expected, she stopped." He was dissuaded by the sight of the empty chamber of the gun, which fired without a single delay and missed the entire tape in a fraction of a second, and the spent cartridges lying around - every single one.

However, at first, the future of the new weapon, as well as other aviation artillery systems, looked far from rosy. The reasons were the next political and economic changes in the country, initiated by the new leadership and most directly affected the "defense industry".

After the war in Korea, another leap in the development of military aviation followed. Aircraft became supersonic, their equipment became electronic, and their weapons became controllable. The second generation of jet fighters (1960s) was represented mainly by interceptor aircraft (Tu-128, Su-9, Su-11, Su-15, MiG-21PF, MiG-25) with high speed and limited maneuverability. characteristics. Air battles were supposed to be conducted mainly at an altitude up to the stratosphere, and the fighter's turning radius during maneuvers increased to tens of kilometers. The interceptor was guided to an air target from a ground-based command post according to the commands of an automated system, when reaching a given line, the pilot began searching using an onboard radar sight (later, heat direction finders appeared on board the fighters), and when the target was in the affected area, launched missiles. In the tactics of these fighters, an all-aspect missile attack was established, in the event of a disruption of which the opponents lost visual and radar contact, and the battle began again - with a search for a target. Group actions were replaced by single actions, starting from takeoff and ending with landing.

In connection with the growth of the capabilities of guided missiles to intercept high-speed and high-altitude targets, cannons were removed from fighters "as unnecessary" - a reliable melee weapon. It was assumed that aircraft guns were obsolete weapons with no prospects for further development (not embarrassed in terms, following the head of state, other high-ranking officials called them "weapons of the Stone Age"). The role of the main means of destroying air and ground targets was assigned to guided missiles. Using their favorite demagogy as arguments, the apologists for “rocketization” accused artillery weapons of lagging behind the all-powerful missiles in all respects, including destructive power, firing range, and accuracy of fire at much greater distances. Once again, theory has diverged from practice, and, unfortunately, not without prejudice to the latter.

Believing in the omnipotence of missiles, the country's leadership began to restructure the Armed Forces and the defense sectors of the national economy. The scale and radical nature of innovations can be judged by the course of re-equipment of military aviation with new equipment, the “quality portrait” of which spoke for itself: since the early 1960s. the Soviet Air Force and Air Defense Aviation received more than 5,500 "clean" missile-carrying fighters, while the number of combat aircraft that entered service, which also had cannon armament, during this period amounted to only about 1,500 (after 1962, when the production of early MiG modifications ceased -21F and F-13 with such weapons, only Su-7B and Yak-28 fighter-bombers were equipped with guns). The same trends dominated in the aviation of Western countries, where the armament of the main fighters of a potential enemy was also limited exclusively to missiles (even the super-popular Phantom did without a gun on board until the end of 1967).

The experience of Vietnam and the Middle East (late 1960s-early 1970s) took away the dominance of interception in fighter tactics. I had to return to group maneuver battles. The very first lessons of Vietnam had an unexpected effect for the Americans: their captured pilots showed that in close combat, if the first missile attack failed, they felt "in an extremely disadvantageous position", and at distances of less than 800-1000 m their missiles turned out to be completely useless due to the disruption of guidance behind an elusive target and long-range cocking, which prevents undermining dangerously close to your car. An instructive dogfight took place when eight F-4Cs met four Vietnamese MiG-17s. The nimble MiGs were able to impose a fight on the turns on the Americans, eliminating the aimed fire of the enemy. Phantom missile attacks failed over and over again: all 12 fired missiles went into the milk, while the Vietnamese pilots, taking advantage of every opportunity, opened cannon fire from a distance of 200-250 m and shot down two F-4Cs.

"Correcting the excesses", the Americans remembered the prematurely forgotten guns. With commendable speed, they created several samples of suspended installations with small arms, already in 1965 they began to equip aircraft with containers with 7.62-mm Minigun machine guns and 20-mm M61A1 Vulcan cannons. The installations were used primarily on "phantoms" and served for firing at air and ground targets. Suspended armament, however, turned out to be not very effective in this role: external suspension and the effect of recoil with a significant spacing of installations on underwing nodes increased dispersion by 1.5 times in relation to built-in weapons, which prevented aimed fire, especially in air combat.

Nevertheless, guns at that time turned out to be the only effective means of destroying a maneuvering air target, as well as firing at short ranges, at which missile launch is impossible due to high maneuverability overloads and the danger of falling under the rupture of one's own missiles. The fact that after the launch of the missiles, the fighter, deprived of guns, turned out to be unarmed (at the beginning of the Vietnam War, there was even a proposal to equip the MiG-21PF with at least a ShKAS machine gun “in case of emergency”) also played a role.

With the return of close maneuverable combat, cannons also returned to domestic fighters. So, with a seven-year delay (after being put into service in 1959), the GSh-23L cannon appeared as standard weapons on fighter aircraft. On the MiG-21PF, PFM and S, the gun was suspended in a removable gondola GP-9 under the fuselage. It is symptomatic that for the first time this was done on export fighters at the request of an Indian customer who had the same combat experience. The Indians made the right bet: in the imminent war with Pakistan in December 1971, skillfully using flying skills and technical capabilities, their MiG-21s shot down 10 enemy aircraft in air battles, losing only one of their fighters. Indian pilots were actively engaged in maneuver battles, and eight of these victories were achieved by GSh-23 cannon fire and only two by R-ZS missile launches.

On the Soviet MiG-21, the GP-9 gondolas were used to a limited extent, since the production of such models with purely missile weapons was already coming to an end, and since 1969, MiG-21 modifications equipped with a standard built-in cannon mount with GSh-23L went into production. In addition, the GP-9 had the character of an impromptu solution: suspended on two pins and one bracket under the fuselage of the aircraft, the gun nacelle required individual fitting, a complex adjustment procedure and did not make it possible to hang an external fuel tank under the aircraft, reducing the already small range of the machine. Some of the Soviet MiG-21PFMs that were in combat regiments were modified for a cannon mount on the ground, and licensed fighters exported and assembled abroad were equipped with it from the very beginning.

With the introduction of the GSh-23 on new aircraft, mass production of these guns was required. Their release was launched at the Kovrov plant. Degtyarev, although due to the "lack of demand" the development of guns at the enterprise was started with a considerable delay - only in 1964, more than five years after being put into service.

Cannon weapons had another significant advantage - the relatively low cost of both the guns themselves and ammunition, which cost a few rubles in mass production, as opposed to rocket technology, which required complex, high-tech and, by definition, not cheap production. In support of the economic arguments, we can say that the anti-aircraft missiles for the Strela-2 MANPADS produced at the same Kovrov plant, which, in large-scale production, belonged to the most inexpensive products among the missile range, cost 10,000 rubles in 1967 prices, while being " disposable products.

On the MiG-23 fighters, the GSh-23L guns equipped with localizers were mounted on rationally arranged carriages, where the cartridge box was also located. When servicing, reloading or replacing the gun, the carriage was lowered with a winch, opening up good access to the weapon. On the MiG-21, where the cannon mount had to be “fitted” into the already existing airframe design, a more sophisticated solution was required: the cartridge compartment with the tape and the link collector were placed on top of the fuselage, bending around the air channel to the engine with a horseshoe, and sleeves stretched from them to the cannon located under the fuselage supply of ammunition and withdrawal of links. In addition to protecting the aircraft skin from powder gases, the GSh-23L localizers also played the role of muzzle brakes, removing 10-12% of the recoil. A modification of the GSh-23Ya cannon was also installed on the Yak-28 front-line bomber, where it replaced the previously used NR-23 cannon, by the mid-1960s. looked completely obsolete. On the Yak-28, the advantages of the new artillery system looked especially convincing: with comparable ballistics, the GSh-23 was almost 4 times superior to the previous installation in terms of rate of fire and salvo mass.

Cannon container UPK-23-250 with GSh-23L cannon and 250 rounds of ammunition

Thanks to new structural materials and rational solutions in the design of the units, it was also possible to improve the operational properties of the system, simplifying the work with weapons: if the bulkhead and cleaning with complete disassembly of the NR-30 guns were required to be carried out after every 500 shots, then the maintenance regulations for the GSh-23 allowed to perform these procedures (very laborious and dirty) after firing 2000 rounds. After 500-600 shots, the GSh-23 cannon was allowed not to be disassembled for maintenance, but limited only to washing and lubricating individual parts - gas pistons, barrels and a receiver. The links of the GSh-23 cartridge belt, reinforced in comparison with those used on the AM-23, allowed their use up to five times in a row.

Operation showed high reliability of the gun, although not without some problems. So, during firing in combat units that received MiG-21SM fighters, 14,138 rounds of ammunition were used up in the first quarter of 1970 and only nine failures of cannon weapons were noted. Only three of them occurred due to design and production shortcomings of the weapon (a burst of a link, sticking a cartridge and an unbroken primer), all the rest were caused by an error by personnel who forgot to perform the required operations during loading and preparation (one of the pilots simply forgot to switch the type of weapon switch on firing from a cannon and flew in with a complaint about a "non-working cannon"). For one failure due to the fault of the weapon itself, there were about 18 spent ammunition. Due to the presence of a pair of working mechanisms in the GSh-23, it was recommended to load the tape with an even number of rounds, so that after firing the cannon did not have one unfired cartridge left, which was not an easy task to remove. The mistakes of the pilots and gunsmiths even forced the chief engineer of the Air Force to issue a corresponding instruction in June 1970, where the main cause of the problems was called the fact that "in the units where aircraft that did not have cannon armament were previously operated, the personnel lost the habit of these requirements."

GSh-23 became the basis of the defensive complex of the Tu-22M, Tu-95MS bombers and the military transport Il-76. These aircraft have unified aft installations UKU-9K-502 with a twin gun unit, an aiming station and electromechanical drives. The execution of the installation in the versions UKU-9K-502-1, remotely controlled by the operator from the cockpit, and UKU-9K-502-P, induced by the shooter from a workplace located right there, was a reflection of a long-standing dispute about the advantages of one or another system. Direct visual target detection, aiming and direct control of the weapon by the shooter in practice provides much better accuracy and efficiency than remote guidance from a remote cockpit, where the operator had to use a fuzzy "picture" from a radar indicator and a television screen with a limited field of view (these shortcomings were especially noticeable on the Tu-22 and Tu-22M bombers, where the image "floated" in jet streams of engines operating nearby). A fully automated firing mode is also provided using a radar sight after it has taken a target for auto tracking.

However, a “manned” installation with a gunner’s workplace requires pressurized cabin equipment in the tail, adding a good ton of weight, and is not always possible in terms of layout. The very equipment of the cannon mount with ammunition on the Tu-22M, located at a five-meter height above the ground, turns into a whole enterprise with the installation of a special conveyor tray and cable feed system on the tail of the aircraft, the use of bulky stepladders and the hoisting of cartridge belts weighing half a ton to the height of the third floor giving the procedure an acrobatic touch.

This dispute, in the end, was resolved in a natural way in favor of more modern electronic airborne defense systems, designed to prevent an enemy attack by the very disruption of its possibility. UCU with GSh-23 guns became a "swan song" in this direction. The guns in them do not carry localizers to reduce aerodynamic loads and bending moments on the barrels of mobile weapons. In the lightweight installation UKU-9K-502M of the Tu-22MZ aircraft, one GSh-23 was left, mounted “on its side” with the vertical position of the trunks to reduce the midsection of the installation and simplify the organization of the supply of the tape (however, the “compression” of the installation led to an undesirable increase in the same pressure of the air flow on the transversely located trunks, when they turn, it increases approximately twice). For firing large ammunition loads without the risk of overheating, the GSh-23B modification was equipped with a liquid barrel cooling system.

« You lower the nose of the car a little, carefully turn it on the target so that it is easily caught in the mark of the sight. You press the trigger for a fraction of a second and you get the feeling that a giant is shaking the plane, but you can clearly see how a fiery tornado flies to the ground. At this moment, you will not envy the enemy located there, albeit conditional”, - a Russian Air Force pilot shared his impressions of the use of the six-barreled aircraft gun GSH-6-23.

GSh-6-23M caliber 23 mm with a rate of fire of 10,000 rounds per minute was developed by two great domestic gunsmiths Arkady Shipunov and Vasily Gryazev back in the early 70s. Since the adoption of the “six-barreled GSh” into service in 1974, the legendary Su-24 and the no less famous supersonic heavy interceptors Mig-31 have become its carriers.

From "card-case" to "Volcano"

In the mid-50s, when the first homing missiles, such as the American AIM-9 Sidewinder, began to enter service with fighters, aviation experts started talking about the fact that machine guns and cannons on combat aircraft would soon have to be abandoned.

In many respects, such conclusions were based on the experience of the past Korean War, where jet fighters fought en masse for the first time. On the one hand, these were Soviet MiG-15s, on the other hand, American F-86 Sabers, F9F Panthers, etc. MiGs armed with three guns often lacked rate of fire, and Sabrams lacked firing range, sometimes also the power of the six 12.7 mm machine guns they had.

It is noteworthy that the latest American F-4B Phantom-2 carrier-based fighter at that time had only missile weapons, including the ultra-modern medium-range AIM-7 Sparrow. Cannons were also not installed on F-4Cs adapted for the needs of the US Air Force. True, in Vietnam, the Phantoms were initially opposed by the Soviet MiG-17s, which had only cannon weapons, on which the Vietnamese pilots sought to conduct close air combat so as not to be hit by guided missiles.

In "dog fights", as such battles are called in Western aviation slang, the American aces were not always helped by the AIM-9 short-range missiles with a thermal homing head, which were considered the best at that time. Therefore, the command of the air force, as well as the aviation of the Navy and the Marine Corps, had to urgently develop new tactical methods for combating Vietnamese fighters, first of all, to equip the Phantoms with suspended cannon containers with 20-mm six-barreled aircraft guns M61 "Volcano". And soon the F-4E fighter entered the US Air Force. One of the main differences of the new model was the six-barreled "Volcano" that was regularly installed in the bow.

A number of recently published studies on the air war in Vietnam argue that the decision to equip the Phantom-2 with a cannon was not caused by the need to fight the Vietnamese MiGs, but by the desire to make the fighter more suitable for strikes against ground targets.

For an impartial assessment, it is worth referring to the numbers. According to the Pentagon, from 39 to 45 Vietnamese fighters, including the supersonic MiG-19 and MiG-21, were shot down by cannon armament of American fighters during the entire period of the war in Southeast Asia. In total, according to estimates by American military historians, North Vietnam lost 131 MiGs, so that aircraft guns account for 35-40% of the total number of vehicles shot down by US pilots.

Be that as it may, it was with the advent of the F-4E "Phantom-2" that cannon armament, rejected at the end of the 50s, began to return to the arsenal of fighters, fighter-bombers, reconnaissance aircraft and other vehicles.

One of the most massive in the arsenal of the Western Air Force was the already mentioned M61 "Volcano". It is noteworthy that the fifth-generation American fighter F-22 Lightning is also armed with this six-barreled gun, albeit a specially modernized one.

The American company General Electric, which developed and produces the Volcano, had never before dealt with models of small arms. Moreover, the main activity of the company has always been electrical equipment. But immediately after the Second World War, the US Air Force opened a promising topic for the creation of aircraft cannons and machine guns, the rate of fire of which was to be at least 4000 rds / min, while the samples were required to have sufficient range and high accuracy when hitting air targets.

In traditional schemes of small arms, it was quite problematic to implement such customer requests. Here I had to choose: either high accuracy, firing range and accuracy, or rate of fire. As one of the solutions, the developers proposed adapting the so-called Gatling gun, which was used in the United States during their Civil War, to modern requirements. This design was based on the 10-barrel rotary block developed by Dr. Richard Gatling already in 1862.

Surprisingly, despite the participation of eminent developers and arms manufacturers in the competition, the victory went to General Electric. When implementing the Gatling scheme, it became clear that the most important part of the new installation was an external electric drive that rotates the block of barrels, and with its development, having rich experience, General Electric coped better than its competitors.

In June 1946, the company, having defended the project before a special commission of the US Air Force, received a contract to implement its scheme in hardware. This was already the second stage in the creation of new aviation rifle systems, where Colt and Browning were also to take part.

In the course of research, testing and development work, the company had to experiment with the number of barrels (at different times it varied from 10 to 6), as well as with calibers (15.4 mm, 20 mm and 27 mm). As a result, the military was offered a six-barreled aircraft gun of 20 mm caliber, with a maximum rate of fire of 6000 rds / min, releasing 110-gram projectiles at a speed of over 1030 m / s.

A number of Western researchers argue that the choice in favor of a caliber of 20 millimeters was due to the requirement of the customer, the US Air Force, that arose in the early 50s, who considered that the gun should be quite versatile, equally suitable for aimed fire at both air and ground goals.

27-mm shells were well suited for firing at the ground, but when they were used, the rate of fire dropped sharply and the recoil increased, and later tests showed the relatively low accuracy of a gun of this caliber when firing at air targets.

Shells of 15.4 mm caliber had too little power against the intended enemy on the ground, but a gun with such ammunition provided a good rate of fire, however, with insufficient range for air combat. So the developers from General Electric settled on a compromise caliber.

The six barrels of the M61 Vulkan cannon, adopted in 1956, together with the breechblocks, were concentrically assembled into a single block located in a common housing, rotating clockwise. For one revolution, each barrel was sequentially reloaded, and a shot was fired from the barrel at that moment at the top. The entire system was powered by an external electric drive with a power of 26 kW.

True, the military was not entirely satisfied with the fact that the mass of the gun in the end turned out to be almost 115 kg. The struggle for weight reduction has continued for many years, and as a result of the introduction of new materials, the M61A2 model installed on the F-22 Raptor weighs just over 90 kg.

It is noteworthy that at present in the English literature all shooting systems with a rotary block of barrels are called Gatling-gun - "Gatling gun (gun)."

In the USSR, work on the creation of multi-barreled aircraft guns was going on even before the Great Patriotic War. True, they ended in vain. The Soviet gunsmiths came up with the idea of ​​a system with barrels combined into one block that would be rotated by an electric motor at the same time as the American designers, but here we failed.

In 1959, Arkady Shipunov and Vasily Gryazev, who worked at the Klimovsky Research Institute-61, joined the work. As it turned out, the work had to start virtually from scratch. The designers had information that the Vulcan was being created in the United States, but not only the technical solutions used by the Americans, but also the performance characteristics of the new Western system remained secret.

True, Arkady Shipunov himself later admitted that even if he and Vasily Gryazev had then become aware of American technical solutions, it would hardly have been possible to apply them in the USSR anyway. As already mentioned, the designers of General Electric connected an external electric drive with a power of 26 kW to the Vulcan, while Soviet aircraft manufacturers could only offer, as Vasily Gryazev himself put it, "24 volts and not a gram more." Therefore, it was necessary to create a system that does not work from an external source, but using the internal energy of the shot.

It is noteworthy that similar schemes were proposed at one time by other American firms - participants in the competition to create a promising aircraft gun. True, Western designers could not implement such a solution. In contrast, Arkady Shipunov and Vasily Gryazev created the so-called gas exhaust engine, which, according to the second member of the tandem, worked like an internal combustion engine - it took part of the powder gas from the barrels when fired.

But, despite the elegant solution, another problem arose: how to make the first shot, because the gas engine, and therefore the gun mechanism itself, did not work yet. For the initial impulse, a starter was required, after using which the gun would run on its own gas from the first shot. Later, two versions of the starter were proposed: pneumatic and pyrotechnic (with a special squib).

In his memoirs, Arkady Shipunov recalls that even at the beginning of work on a new aircraft gun, he was able to see one of the few photographs of the American Vulcan being prepared for testing, where he was struck by the fact that a tape loaded with ammunition was spreading along the floor, ceiling and walls of the compartment, but was not consolidated into a single cartridge box.

Later it became clear that with a rate of fire of 6000 rounds / min, a void forms in the cartridge box in a matter of seconds and the tape begins to “walk”. In this case, the ammunition falls out, and the tape itself is torn. Shipunov and Gryazev developed a special pneumatic belt lifter that does not allow the belt to move. Unlike the American solution, this idea provided a much more compact placement of the gun and ammunition, which is especially important for aviation technology, where designers are fighting for every centimeter.

On target, but not immediately

Despite the fact that the product, which received the AO-19 index, was practically ready, there was no place for it in the Soviet Air Force, since the military themselves believed that small arms were a relic of the past, and the future was with missiles. Shortly before the refusal of the Air Force from the new gun, Vasily Gryazev was transferred to another enterprise. It would seem that AO-19, despite all the unique technical solutions, will remain unclaimed.

But in 1966, after summarizing the experience of the operations of the North Vietnamese and American Air Forces in the USSR, it was decided to resume work on the creation of advanced aircraft guns. True, by that time almost all enterprises and design bureaus that had previously worked on this topic had already reoriented to other areas. Moreover, there were no people willing to return to this area of ​​work in the military-industrial sector!

Surprisingly, despite all the difficulties, Arkady Shipunov, who had headed TsKB-14 by this time, decided to revive the cannon theme at his enterprise. After the approval of this decision by the Military-Industrial Commission, its leadership agreed to return Vasily Gryazev, as well as several other specialists who took part in the work on the “AO-19 product”, to the Tula enterprise.

As Arkady Shipunov recalled, the problem with the resumption of work on cannon aircraft weapons arose not only in the USSR, but also in the West. In fact, at that time, of the multi-barreled guns in the world, there was only the American one - the Volcano.

It is worth noting that, despite the abandonment of the “AO-19 object” of the Air Force, the Navy was interested in the product, for which several cannon systems were developed.

By the beginning of the 70s, the KBP offered two six-barreled guns: the 30 mm AO-18, which used the AO-18 cartridge, and the AO-19, chambered for 23 mm AM-23 ammunition. It is noteworthy that the products differed not only in the shells used, but also in the starters for the preliminary acceleration of the barrel block. On AO-18 there was a pneumatic one, and on AO-19 - a pyrotechnic one with 10 squibs.

Initially, representatives of the Air Force, who considered the new gun as an armament for promising fighters and fighter-bombers, made increased demands on the AO-19 for firing ammunition - at least 500 shells in one burst. I had to seriously work on the survivability of the gun. The most loaded part, the gas rod, was made of special heat-resistant materials. Changed the design. The gas engine was modified, where the so-called floating pistons were installed.

Conducted preliminary tests have shown that the modified AO-19 can show much better performance than originally stated. As a result of the work carried out at the KBP, the 23-mm gun was able to fire at a rate of 10-12 thousand rounds per minute. And the mass of AO-19 after all the refinements was just over 70 kg.

For comparison: the American Vulkan, modified by this time, which received the M61A1 index, weighed 136 kg, fired 6000 rounds per minute, the salvo was almost 2.5 times less than that of the AO-19, while American aircraft designers also needed to place on board the aircraft also has a 25-kilowatt external electric drive.

And even on the M61A2 aboard the fifth-generation F-22 fighter, American designers, with a smaller caliber and rate of fire of their guns, could not achieve those unique indicators in terms of weight and compactness, like the gun developed by Vasily Gryazev and Arkady Shipunov.

Birth of a legend

The first customer of the new AO-19 gun was the Sukhoi Experimental Design Bureau, which at that time was headed by Pavel Osipovich himself. The "dry" planned that the new gun would become a weapon for the then promising front-line bomber with a variable geometry wing T-6, which later became legendary, they were developing.

The terms of work on the new machine were quite tight: the T-6, which made its first flight on January 17, 1970 in the summer of 1973, was already ready for transfer to military testers. When fine-tuning the AO-19 to the requirements of aircraft manufacturers, certain difficulties arose. The cannon, which fired well on the stand, could not fire more than 150 shots - the barrels overheated, they needed to be cooled, which often took about 10-15 minutes, depending on the ambient temperature.

Another problem was that the gun did not want, as the designers of the Tula Instrument Design Bureau joked, to “stop firing.” Already after releasing the start button, the AO-19 managed to spontaneously release three or four projectiles. But within the allotted time, all the shortcomings and technical problems were eliminated, and the T-6 was presented for testing at the Air Force GLITS with a cannon fully integrated into the new front-line bomber.

In the course of the tests that began in Akhtubinsk, the product was fired, which by that time had received the index GSh (Gryazev - Shipunov) -6-23, at various targets. With the control application of the latest system in less than one second, the pilot was able to completely cover all the targets, firing about 200 shells!

Pavel Sukhoi was so satisfied with the GSh-6-23 that, along with the standard Su-24, the so-called SPPU-6 cannon containers with movable gun mounts GSh-6-23M, capable of deviating horizontally and vertically by 45 degrees, were included in the ammunition load. . It was assumed that with such weapons, and in total it was planned to place two such installations on a front-line bomber, he would be able to completely disable the runway in one run, as well as destroy a column of motorized infantry in combat vehicles up to one kilometer long.

Developed at the Dzerzhinets plant, the SPPU-6 has become one of the largest mobile gun mounts. Its length exceeded five meters, and its mass with ammunition load of 400 shells was 525 kg. The tests carried out showed that when firing a new installation, there was at least one projectile hit per linear meter.

It is noteworthy that immediately after the Sukhoi, the Mikoyan Design Bureau became interested in the cannon, which intended to use the GSh-6-23 on the newest. Despite its large size, aircraft manufacturers needed a fairly small-sized gun with a high rate of fire, since the MiG-31 was supposed to destroy supersonic targets. The KBP helped the Mikoyan by developing a unique lightweight, chainless, linkless power supply system, thanks to which the mass of the gun was reduced by a few more kilograms and gained additional centimeters of space on board the interceptor.

Developed by outstanding gunsmiths Arkady Shipunov and Vasily Gryazev, the GSH-6-23 automatic aircraft gun is still in service with the Russian Air Force. Moreover, in many respects its characteristics, despite more than 40 years of service life, remain unique.

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