What perks to put the captain of the cruiser. What skills to download in World of Warships. Leveling commanders on ships of different classes in WoWS

It has a multifaceted and branched structure. It is not limited to researching ship modules, but offers wide tools for tweaking combat parameters for various game tactics. Consider the possibilities of game mechanics that allow you to personalize any ship by adjusting its parameters to certain type gameplay.

Crew upgrade

AT game world of Warships, the ship's crew is represented by one commander, who plays the role of the entire crew. The commander needs to pump skills, the tree of which is represented by a 5-level system of perks. The cost of a skill is equivalent to the level at which it is located. Unlike in ships, it doesn’t take a lot of time for the skill to start working at 100%, but it’s enough just to distribute the accumulated points by choosing the necessary perk. To open a higher-level ability, you must research at least one perk of the previous level. You can redistribute skills only for doubloons (premium currency), and retrain the commander both for doubloons and for silver (credits).

Equipment and ship upgrades

Equipment are consumables that allow you to activate additional abilities in battle. By default, a set of basic consumables is available on the ship. Their upgraded versions are much more efficient, so they are only available for credits or doubloons. Available for each ship class special equipment, with the exception of "Emergency command".

Upgrades are the modification of ship modules. They allow you to improve one or another type of weapon, survivability, camouflage or control. Upgrades are installed in special slots, the number and variation of which increase depending on the level of technology. The cost of upgrades is significantly more expensive than equipment, but they also operate on an ongoing basis. The purchase of modules is made for credits, and dismantling is available only for doubloons or the complete destruction of the upgrade being removed.

Most used skill presets

Aircraft carriers

A popular selection of perks for aircraft carriers is as follows:

Alternative option


AA and PMK preset

Preset for survival


Preset for stealth and survivability. Inviz is suitable for Japanese and some Soviet cruisers, due to the high base stealth value

Universal Preset


Universal Preset

Preset for artillery destroyers

As for upgrades, it's hard to single out the most commonly used presets. Depending on the type of gameplay, each player himself chooses the best upgrade option, so there are even such unthinkable presets: a battleship with a pumped disguise; destroyer with upgraded air defense, etc. They have found their application not only in team battles and tournaments, but also in random battles ("random"), which are characterized by an individual game, and not team interaction.

Signal flags and camouflage

The signals were developed based on real signal flags. They allow you to simultaneously change appearance ship, as well as make adjustments to its characteristics. Signals are awarded for successful actions (achievements) issued at the end of the battle, and are also distributed through the premium store. signal flags like equipment, they are consumables, so they are written off at the end of the battle.

Signals are combat and economic types. Economic ones allow you to get more experience, credits, save on repairs, while combat ones increase certain parameters (range of air defense, secondary armament, ship speed, detonation protection, etc.).

A similar function is performed by camouflage. It is able to reduce the visibility of the ship, increase the dispersion of enemy shells, and in some variations gives a bonus to the experience earned. The game features several types of camouflage, available both for credits and for doubloons.

Thus, the extended game functionality allows you to implement various schemes combat use ship. In addition to generally accepted presets, there are individual ones, the effectiveness of which will depend on the chosen tactics and decisions made in battle.

    Today we will look at skills for a Japanese or American battleship and cruiser commander.
    Video about commanders:

    Group in VKontakte

    Greetings Kaizen and today we will look at the skills for commanders of battleships and cruisers. Let me remind you for those who do not know or have not yet upgraded to the required level - ship commanders appear with the opening of the fifth level of your account in the game. It is at this level that a special tab appears on the right side of your screen in the port, in which we see the image of the commander, his name, position and open skills. Full information about commanders in the game "World of Ships" you can get if you watch a special video, the link to which you will find in the description below.

    Let's go further, to go to the skill tree you need to click on the commander's name. So we have a tree of skills. For those who don't know: “Commander's skills allow you to improve the current parameters of the ship and use new features. The resource for activating new skills is the experience earned by the commander on a particular ship.

    Upon reaching a certain level in the development of the commander, he is awarded points with which you can learn available skills. I will also add that in total you can pump a maximum of 19 points. At the moment, I'm showing you a press account in which all experience points have already been earned and are at the maximum amount. With this sort of figured out moving on.

    I will immediately warn you that this is solely my choice and if you want to take another or other skills, this is your full right. Let's start with the commanders of the Japanese and American battleships. These recommendations also apply to the commander of the British premium battleship Warspite. For all battleship commanders, I picked up the same set of skills.

    Let's start with the first level. Here I chose two skills at once: the first one is “Basic fire training”, which increases the efficiency of small caliber. In the case of battleships, these are guns air defense and anti-mine caliber. The second skill "Basics of damage control" reduces the time of troubleshooting, fires and floods by 15%.

    At the second level, we open “Fire Fighting Training”, this is a minus 7% to the probability of a fire. I hope no one has any questions here. At the third level, we select two skills: this is "High Readiness" and thereby reduces the reload time of the equipment "Emergency Team" and the second skill is "Superintendent", which, when opened, adds an additional charge to all equipment installed on the ship. In the case of a battleship, these are "Repair Party" and "Fire Spotter" or, at higher levels, "Catapult Fighter".

    On the fourth, we open the skill “Enhanced Fire Training”, which increases the range of air defense guns and anti-mine caliber by 20%. At the last level, we study "Jack of all Trades". It reduces the reload time of equipped consumables by 10%. As an alternative, you can choose "Prevention" which reduces the probability of failure of various modules by 34%.

    Now consider the skills of the commanders of Japanese and American cruisers. At the first level, the cruisers of these nations have everything the same: this is the “Basic fire training” skill, which adds the effectiveness of air defense and anti-mine caliber and also affects the rate of fire of the main caliber guns up to 155 mm, and this is, for example, the Cleveland or Mogami with stock towers. Next, we study the "Basics of damage control" which reduces the time for troubleshooting, fires and floods. And the third skill is “Radio Interception” or, according to the folk, “light bulb”, which shows whether your ship is in the light.

    A very important perk for dealing with destroyers and artillery duels over long distances. At the second level, the only difference between Japanese and American cruisers appears. For the Japanese, we open the Master Gunner skill, which increases the speed of rotation of the main battery turrets. For those who play on Japanese cruisers, they know that they have a real problem with turning.

    With this Commander perk, playability is greatly improved. Next, open the general skill “Fire Fighting Training”, this is a minus 7% to the likelihood of a fire. Yes, and cruisers also shoot a lot with land mines, especially destroyers and other cruisers. Next, for the American cruisers, we open the Artillery Alert skill, which displays a warning about the danger of being hit by artillery fire from a long distance.

    I'll try to explain why I chose this skill. Since American cruisers good air defense, they often go as part of battleships to cover the latter from enemy aircraft or destroyers. At such moments, it is very important to know that an enemy battleship or enemy cruiser is firing in your direction in order to maneuver to avoid the salvo. The third level is "Superintendent", which, when studied, adds an additional charge to all equipment installed on the ship.

    For cruisers, these are "Repair Team" starting from level 9, "Barrage" or "Hydroacoustic Search" and "Fire Spotter" or "Catapult Fighter" depending on what you have chosen in your ship's consumable settings. At the fourth level, we open "Enhanced Fire Training", which increases the range of air defense and mine caliber guns by 20%. Also, for cruisers with main battery guns up to 155 mm, this is a significant increase in firing range. "Cleveland" and "Mogami" say "thank you very much" to this skill.

    Now imagine what, for example, "Phoenix" will do with such a commander at its fourth level? This skill for cruisers with guns up to 155 mm is definitely a cheat and it should be set mandatory. Further, at the last level, we study the “Prevention” skill, which reduces the probability of failure of various modules by 34%. Since we are playing on cruisers, it is important for us to protect the modules on our ship, and this commander perk does a great job. I’ll also add that we download the commander of the Soviet “Murmansk” according to the American scheme, because this cruiser is a former american ship Omaha type.

    This video about skills for battleship and cruiser commanders has come to an end. Next time, let's look at what skills to upgrade the commanders of destroyers and aircraft carriers. If you want to write to the author of the video, also feel free to write in the comments. Thank you for watching, Like this video and if you are not subscribed, then be sure to subscribe to my channel by pressing the red button on the YouTube page.

    That's all. Until the next meeting - and sAyo-nAra. .

Among all the nations represented in the game, the most popular is, perhaps, Japan. Their ships are powerful, maneuverable, versatile and the least dependent on skill. And this applies to cruisers even more than to all other branches of the Japanese: among all five cruiser branches, the Japanese look the most advantageous. The Soviets and the British, who should appear in the very near future, are the most demanding on their hands and sharpened by their narrow list of tasks. Americans in general are constantly written off as scrap and do not go to everyone. The Germans, on the other hand, turned out to be something in between, and, probably, came closest to the Japanese, but still not as easy to master as the cruisers of the rising sun.

The entire branch of Japanese cruisers turned out to be quite homogeneous (unlike the same tips, where a dozen sharply stands out from a number of large, but light cruisers with a small caliber and short torpedoes): from the very first levels, you can already understand its strengths and weak sides and starting from this, buy upgrades and develop the commander. In this sense, Zao appears to be the true crown of the branch: it absorbed all the advantages that previous ships had and strengthened them even more. He also inherited the same disadvantages, although they are no longer so conspicuous on him. So what is it, this beautiful cruiser, so loved by so many virtual captains?
Zao is a true all-rounder. Artillery with excellent ballistics and powerful land mines, powerful torpedoes, excellent camouflage, good maneuverability. This cruiser feels great at any combat distance and is able to fight on equal terms even with a superior enemy. However, he has a number of significant shortcomings, which often prevent him from realizing his full potential. Firstly, this is the firing range, which is 16.2 km. without modernization. Only the American is worse, but only with his ballistics long range shooting does not play a special role, but the Japanese would be more useful. Secondly, these are frankly terrible launch angles for torpedoes - in order to release them, you need to fully deploy the side, which is an unaffordable luxury in close combat, where seconds and every health point count. Thirdly, agility. She is both a plus and a minus of the ship. On the one hand, our ship is very small, which means it is harder to hit and easier to deploy - our transfer time is the lowest among all cruisers 10. On the other hand, the circulation radius of this ship is comparable to that of a battleship - even for the huge Moscow and Hindenburg' but it is significantly less. Fourthly, it is a weak citadel, which is the bane of all Japanese cruisers, and a small margin of safety - 40800, the lowest indicator in the level. Thus, having studied the pros and cons of this cruiser, we can also deduce the optimal tactics: avoid direct collisions with their Japanese counterparts, who can easily blast and knock out the rudders, which, by the way, is also weak point the Japanese, to play from camouflage at medium distances, to put on fire all enemy ships in the firing zone.

Classic battle in Japanese: a lot of high-explosive rain, torpedo spam and wild fun.

Any ship needs to be properly prepared, and Zao, given its features, even more so. In terms of perks, everything is quite simple: the emphasis is on invisibility and the main caliber. I use the following set: BOP, basic survivability at the first level, alarm and gunner at the second, quartermaster at the third, explosives at the fourth and camouflage at the fifth. Of course, you can go the other way and focus on survivability or air defense, but still, in my opinion, it is better to take it to the limit strengths ship than trying to draw out the weak. Air defense will still not give the results that can be obtained on an American or German, and it will still be inferior to other cruisers in terms of survivability.

And here is the captain. He is excellent, by the way.Atagofits. Yes, and for any japanese cruiser fit.

For upgrades, Zao has good variability and can be sharpened under different styles fight. If we move in the direction of the GK and Invis, which is standard for him, then we need the next set. The first slot, without alternative, is the main weapon. I have AA 2 stuck in the second slot, since I consider its accuracy acceptable, but AA needs to be somehow strengthened. The third slot, also without alternative, is the range, SLA 2. As I already said, the firing distance in stock is frankly small and it needs to be strengthened. Fourth, to choose from, a damage control system or rudders. I preferred the first option, because it is still more versatile and helps to somehow increase our survivability. The fifth and sixth slots are rudders and camouflage. There are no options if you are going to play this tactic. Rudders are a must have for all ships, while camouflage is a must have for Zao itself. Of course, one more steering wheel can be inserted into the sixth slot, but still weak side they are not this ship, and the current maneuverability is enough to get away from enemy ships.

And aircraft carriers. Enjoy!

General information

A skill point is given to the commander every time he increases his level. The maximum commander level in World of Warships is 20, i.e. Having fully pumped the commander, you will be able to distribute 19 skill points.

Commander level Skill points at this level Experience to the next level Total experience needed to get this level
1 0 1 500 0
2 1 2 500 1 500
3 2 4 000 4 000
4 3 6 000 8 000
5 4 9 000 14 000
6 5 14 000 23 000
7 6 21 000 37000
8 7 30 000 58 000
9 8 41 000 88 000
10 9 54 000 129 000
11 10 69 000 183 000
12 11 87 000 252 000
13 12 108 000 339 000
14 14 132 000 447 000
15 14 159 000 579 000
16 15 189 000 738 000
17 16 222 000 927 000
18 17 259 000 1 149 000
19 18 300 000 1 408 000
20 19 0 1 708 000

The cost of a skill varies depending on the level of the skill. So, to select a level 1 skill, you need 1 skill point, and to select a level 4 skill, 4 skill points. Selecting a skill at the previous level unlocks the ability to select a skill at the next level. Those. having 2 skill points, you cannot select a level 2 skill without choosing a single level 1 skill in WoWS.

After the commander has leveled up to level 20 (received the last 19th skill point), Elite experience begins to accumulate on the commander (it is displayed in the lower left corner of the “Ship Commander” screen). Elite experience can be spent on:

  • pumping commanders who have not reached level 20;
  • acceleration of retraining of commanders to other ships;
  • free redistribution of skill points.

The strategy for upgrading commanders for most ships is as follows: sequentially select skills from level 1 to level 4 (to do this, you need to accumulate 10 skill points), after which we get the missing skills.

Now, with this minimum information, let's look at skills individually.

Overview of Commander Skills in World of Warships

A little explanation

The following terms appear in the text:

  • Primary Skill is the skill that comes first.
  • Secondary Skill- this is a skill that is taken sometime later on a residual basis. Certainly useful and important, but it is not taken in the first place, and it should not be distracted until the ship's commander takes the level 4 skill.
  • Useless Skill- This skill is certainly useful, but points are better spent on some other, even more useful skill.

Level 1 Skills

The Priority Target skill is the main skill for commanders of almost all ships, namely for all battleships, cruisers and most destroyers, with the exception of torpedo destroyers with excellent camouflage, for which Priority Target is really useless. Knowing how many opponents have your ship "at gunpoint", even with minimal experience playing World of Warships, you will be able to accurately choose the line of conduct in battle.

The Prevention skill gives a 30% chance to "dodge" a module on hit. That is, it gives a chance not to receive damage to the module when it hits the module (the durability points when hitting the ship will be written off in any case). Considering that the modules on destroyers are completely "crystal" and are critical from the very first hit, the value of this tier 1 module for destroyers simply cannot be overestimated. But for artillery destroyers, it is still more useful to take a Priority target.

The Master Loader skill allows you to quickly reload guns to pick up best type projectile to attack. Used when an enemy cruiser initiates a maneuver in order to have time to charge armor-piercing shells and apply maximum damage to the citadel.

It makes no sense to take on ships with poor ballistics, very fast and very slow reloading, that is, destroyers, light cruisers with 6 inch guns (for example, Soviet 152 mm) and all battleships, with the possible exception of Scharnhorst with its 283 mm rapid fire. Completely pointless on ships with one type of projectile (e.g. Tier 1 ships and British light cruisers).

Roughly speaking, the Master Loader skill makes sense to take on ships with a reload time of more than 11 seconds and less than 18 seconds.

The Pre-Flight Maintenance Master skill can be considered one of the main skills for aircraft carrier commanders at level 1. Commanders of ships of other classes will not receive any benefits from it.

Given the abundance of useful skills in World of Warships, the Ejection Aircraft Guidance Point skill is practically useless. Catapult fighters are still bad at shooting down enemy aircraft, and the additional spotter aircraft only increases the survivability of the spotter during air raids.

The Artillery Alert skill can be considered a secondary skill for battleships and cruisers of Tier V and above that play from a distance. Allows the player to initiate an evasive maneuver when the indicator lights up, saving hit points. It is not recommended to take on ships that are played at close range, such as low-level and British cruisers.

Level 2 Skills

As a rule, a Master Gunner is usually taken on battleships, heavy cruisers, and many Soviet destroyers whose turrets cannot keep up with the ship's circulation. The Master Gunner skill allows you to slightly increase the comfort of playing these ships.

The Torpedo Acceleration skill allows you to increase the speed of torpedoes by reducing the range. It is useless on most ships in World of Warships, however, in theory, it can be taken by commanders of ships whose torpedo range far exceeds the ship's light range. For example, some Japanese destroyers.

The Smoke Screen Master skill allows you to place smokes of increased radius. In theory, it is useful on British cruisers and premium Tier VIII Mikhail Kutuzov. In practice, the benefits of such fumes are small. In addition, there are always more useful skills.

Desperate skill increases firepower as your ship's durability points decrease (up to 20%), and therefore is one of the most useful skills in World of Warships. Affects the reload speed of main battery, secondary battery and TA.

Some, especially low-level cruisers, have completely crystal modules in the game. On them, it is better to take From the last forces as the main skill. This is checked experimentally, if during several battles on the ship the rudders or the engine were not blocked, you can safely take the Desperate.

Taking into account the criticality of destroyer modules, the Last Ending skill is the main skill for this class of ships. And the appearance at level 1 of the undoubtedly useful Prevention skill did not change anything in this regard.

Some, especially low-level cruisers, have completely crystal modules in the game. On them, it is better to take From the last forces as the main skill. This is checked experimentally, if during several battles your rudders or engine were critted several times, it is better to take the Last Strength skill on this ship.

Level 3 Skills

The Damage Control Basics skill allows you to burn less, sink less, and troubleshoot faster. In theory, this is all great, but in the game there are skills that allow you to burn and sink even less. For example, by reducing the likelihood of a fire and the number of fires, as well as accelerating the reloading of equipment. Actually Damage Control Basics is a really great skill, but a minor one.

The Damage Control Master skill is an absolutely essential skill for destroyer commanders who participate in Ranked Battles (RB) and want to play the role of an anti-destroyer. It will also be useful to commanders of all high-level destroyers in random battles. Does not provide any noticeable advantage to ships of other classes and low-tier destroyers.

The Torpedo Weapons Expert skill is often taken as a Tier 3 main skill by commanders of destroyers that use torpedoes as their main weapon (Japanese destroyers and individual destroyers of other nations). Combines well with the Desperate skill, which allows you to further reduce the cooldown of the TA.

Basic skill for aircraft carrier commanders. Commanders of ships of other classes will not receive any benefits from it.

The Basic Fire Training skill should be taken when sharpening a ship in secondary or anti-aircraft defense. Considering that we have literally a few ships in the game, it makes sense to sharpen in the secondary armament, and that not every battle on high levels there are aircraft carriers (at the time of writing this guide), Basic fire training is not the most useful skill in the game, and therefore belongs to the category of secondary ones.

It makes sense to take the Superintendent skill on ships with large quantity(more than 2 pieces) useful (!) consumable (!) equipment. So, taking the Superintendent to all battleships, without exception, just for the sake of an additional Repair Team is at least ridiculous. If only because you still need to live up to it, and for this it would be nice to take other, more useful skills.

It makes sense to take the Explosive Technician skill on ships that play mainly on high-explosive shells, but having a low probability of setting fire to the enemy. For example, on Soviet light cruisers (with 152 mm guns), as well as on Soviet and American destroyers.

The Vigilance skill is one of the most useful skills. It makes sense to take it on all ships, excluding, perhaps, only aircraft carriers. Due to the peculiarities of the implementation, it increases the torpedo spotting distance when hydroacoustic search is activated, so it will be useful even for commanders of ships with HAP.

Level 4 Skills

Considering that only German battleships of Tier VIII - X and just a couple of other ships have really good secondary armaments, the Manual fire control skill of secondary armaments is useless for commanders of the vast majority of ships in World of Warships. The expediency of pumping the commanders of German battleships into the PMK is also very doubtful.

It should also be remembered that in order to activate the secondary armament after taking the skill Manual secondary fire control, it is necessary to select the enemy ship manually. Until the ship is selected, the secondary is considered disabled and does not work at all!

It makes sense to take the Fire Fighting Training skill on all battleships, and the first one at that. By reducing the number of possible fires in the central part of the ship (where all superstructures are located) from 2 to 1, Fire Training significantly reduces the damage taken from fires. The reduced risk of fire is also a nice bonus.

Skill Inertial fuse HE shells is one of the options for the main skill for cruisers with 6 inch guns (for example, Soviet Tier VI - VIII cruisers with 152 mm guns). Allows you to inflict damage on the extremities of battleships and pierce the sides of some LK and KR. Pairs well with the Explosive Engineer. The inertial HE fuse is also very useful on the Japanese destroyer Akizuki with 100mm guns and the German destroyer Ernst Gaede with 150mm guns. It is practically useless on ships with guns over 180 mm in caliber.

Video guide for the skill Inertial HE Fuse

Basic skill for aircraft carrier commanders. Commanders of ships of other classes will not receive any benefits from it.

The Enhanced Fire Training skill is the main skill for ships with main guns up to 139 mm and good ballistics, that is, for Soviet destroyers with 130 mm guns. It is also one of the main skills when sharpening ships in air defense.

The Manual AA fire control skill is suitable for commanders of all ships with good air defense, allows you to increase the number of downed aircraft at times. But only if the ship has a lot of large-caliber (caliber above 85 mm) air defense guns.

It should also be remembered here that not all air defense guns have the same survivability. As a rule, the larger the caliber of anti-aircraft guns, the more tenacious they are. When deciding whether to take the Manual Air Defense skill or not, remember that by the end of the battle you may only have large-caliber anti-aircraft guns and it is this skill that will give the maximum advantage.

The Radio Direction Finding skill indicates the approximate direction to the nearest enemy ship. Useful for torpedo destroyers that cannot fight back enemy destroyers in an artillery duel. In this regard, it is especially useful for Japanese destroyers with consumables that speed up torpedo reloading (taken instead of smoke), because in this case the ship cannot even hide in the smoke. Useful for artillery destroyers in Ranked Battles to hunt torpedo destroyers. Of little use to all other ships and in all other situations.

The Disguise Master skill is the main skill for commanders of torpedo (Japanese, German) and stealth artillery (American) destroyers. Not very useful for Soviet destroyers. Medium useful for cruisers (allows you to get closer to enemy ships in open water without light, disappear from light at short distances). Useful even for battleships, but often they can pick up more useful skills.

Leveling commanders on ships of different classes in WoWS

Here are some general tips for upgrading commanders in World of Warships for all ship classes:

  • Don't get carried away with level 4 skills. The more level 4 skills you take, the fewer skills you can take in total. Do you really need a second and even more so a third level 4 skill?
  • Before assigning skills, estimate them on the skill calculator.

Battleship Commander Skills

The first 10 skill points are distributed elementarily. At the third level, you can take the Superintendent instead of Vigilance.

  1. On LC, pumped into survivability, it makes sense to take 3 ( 3), Increased readiness 2, 2 and 2.
  2. At the time of writing this guide on commander skills, I would not advise pumping LK into air defense. Carriers may not be in combat, or aircraft may not be on your flank. But if there is a desire to upgrade the commander specifically in air defense, you will have to sacrifice the second skill at level 3 and take the second skill at level 4. Choose between Enhanced fire training 4 and Air defense manual fire control 4, or take both.
  3. I would not advise pumping LK into PMK, even Bismarck VIII, Friedrich der Große IX and Großer Kurfürst X. But if you really want to, take 4, so you will noticeably increase the accuracy of the secondary armament. At the third level, it makes sense to take 3 instead of Vigilance 3, because these battleships have a very useful equipment - hydroacoustic search (HAP).

A very good option is to choose a skill for high-level battleships. It allows you to enter positions without being exposed to light (without getting the focus of the enemy team at the beginning of the battle), and disappear from the light already at an average distance for a battleship.

Cruiser Commander Skills

Unlike battleships, comfortable universal blank There are no skills for cruiser commanders, so let's look at skills by tier and type of ship:

  1. At level 1 take: priority target for cruisers up to tier 4 inclusive and for all British cruisers. or artillery alert for cruisers with a main battery from 180 mm. artillery alert for all other cruisers.
  2. At level 2, take the skill, the only question is whether to take this skill first or not. To get started, just play for a while on a ship without a level 2 skill to understand how often you knock out modules (primarily rudders), and whether you need a skill. For example, on French cruisers up to and including Algérie VII, this skill is very necessary, and it is recommended to take it first.
  3. At level 3, take high-explosive rapid firers (all Soviet cruisers up to Tier VIII inclusive), to all other cruisers. On high-tier cruisers with the Repair Party consumable, you can take .
  4. Take it at level 4 Masters of disguise or AA skills if you have an AA barge. On cruisers with a main battery of 6 inches (152 mm), you can safely take . By the way, in some cases, it would be a reasonable option not to take the commander's level 4 skills at all. So you can gain a whole bunch of useful skills of 1-3 levels.

Now let's see what we got:

  • Kirov:
  • Budyonny, Shchors, other cruisers with 152 mm guns:
  • Chapaev and other cruisers with 152 mm guns and a lot of equipment:
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