Steel grip. How Alexei Mordashov took over Severstal & nbsp. Steel King Where does Alexey Mordashov live?

Alexei Mordashov is very different from most Russian billionaires. In his manner of doing business, he resembles the head of Siemens or General Electric rather than one of the heroes of the Russian era of primitive accumulation of capital. He forces all his managers to get an MBA degree abroad. In the late 1990s, his company was the largest McKinsey client in Eastern Europe, which he used not only for consulting but also as a talent pool. The general director of Severstal Group did not participate in any privatization scandals, he did not get into politics, until recently he lived not in Moscow, but in his native Cherepovets. Even when in 2001 competitors collected dirt on him, they only unearthed a sad story from his personal life - an abandoned first wife with a teenage son receiving meager alimony.

“We didn’t seize anything, we didn’t run into anyone, we didn’t use state bodies or corruption,” says Alexey Mordashov in an interview with Forbes. “Everything we bought, we bought with money.”

And only one story from Mordashov's past has so far remained a secret with seven seals. About how, in fact, he gained control of Severstal, only a few laconic statements by Mordashov himself were published.

Forbes was able to ask about this story of its second main participant, the hitherto silent ex-general director of the Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant, Yuri Lipukhin. From his stories, it becomes clear that Mordashov bought the shares of the plant, although for money, but not for his own. And his partner and, by the way, Lipukhin's godfather, deftly brushed aside.

The history of the privatization of Severstal is the history of two generations of managers, Soviet and post-Soviet, who won the younger and lost the older. Kind of like a remake of King Lear.

“Father will not pull all the skeletons out of the closet,” Lipukhin’s son Viktor warned us before giving us the coordinates of the former Severstal CEO. “He has both a love and a hate for the company.” Indeed, Yuri Lipukhin today speaks of the enterprise to which he devoted most of his life, with pain and pride, and about Mordashov, either with respect or with bitter resentment. “I entrusted the privatization of the plant to Alexei, and it was my mistake,” Lipukhin says ruefully in an interview with Forbes. - Because at one point he became a completely different person. He was not the master of his word.

The biography of the triumphant hero is widely known. Mordashov was born and grew up in Cherepovets. His mother worked at a metallurgical plant, and his father was one of its builders. In the early 1980s, he entered the Leningrad Institute of Engineering and Economics, where, by the way, he met Anatoly Chubais. In 1988, having returned to Cherepovets, he came to his native plant as a senior shop economist. The energetic young man was quickly noticed by his superiors. Mordashov was sent for a six-month internship at the Austrian steel company Voest Alpine.

Returning after an internship in 1990, Mordashov met with the general director of the plant. Lipukhin liked the budding economist for his cheerfulness and enterprise. “He had great proposals for restructuring. I saw that a person thinks, creatively approaches the matter, - says Lipukhin. — It was easier for the younger generation to build new economic relations. This required theoretical preparation and the absence of complexes that were typical for us.

True, Mordashov's promising career was almost interrupted at the very beginning. Together with him, the son of the Minister of Ferrous Metallurgy Serafim Kolpakov, Sergei, trained in Austria. “Alexey arranged something inappropriate, quarreled with him over trifles,” says Lipukhin.

Mordashov recalls this story with a laugh: “Well, yes, it was like that. He wanted to relax, and I wanted to study. And he complained to his father. The consequences, however, could be very serious for the future owner of Severstal. “The minister demanded that I remove him immediately,” says Lipukhin. - But I stood up for Alexei and slowly defended him. Then Alexei had a lot of such skirmishes. He is a hot-tempered, conflicted person.

Lipukhin attributed these qualities to the youth of his subordinate, and in 1992 he appointed 27-year-old Mordashov as director of finance and economics.

The company was going through hard times at the time. After the collapse of the USSR, Severstal lost its domestic sales market. The reorientation to export - and now the company exports about 40% of its products - began under Lipukhin.

“Traders appeared - including emigrants from Russia, all nimble, energetic, who came to us and said: give us 10,000 tons of metal, we will buy it from you and sell it in China or Malaysia,” says Mordashov. We did not know the world market and did not receive a normal price. There was a period when steel was bought from us at $200 per ton and sold for $300 or $350.”

The traders got so rich skimming the cream off the steel mills that they soon began to take full control of the cash cows. The most predatory turned out to be Trans-World Group, which crushed most of the Russian aluminum and steel industries. TWG also took note of Severstal.

According to one of the managers of the plant, Vladimir Lisin, at that time one of the top managers of Trans-World, and now the main owner of the Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works, first came to Cherepovets. Lisin allegedly came to discuss a project related to Moscow real estate, but Cherepovites believe that his mission was more of a reconnaissance mission. Because after him, TWG chief Mikhail Chernoy himself rushed to the plant with proposals to organize trade financing and offshore schemes for the plant. Lipukhin refused Cherny, but he did not back down immediately. On behalf of TWG, young Iskander Makhmudov and Oleg Deripaska later visited Cherepovets with new proposals. However, they also received a turn from the gate. TWG did not fight hard for the plant - she had to act on too many fronts.

“There were a lot of objects for which there was a struggle, and they simply did not pay due attention to us,” says Mordashov. - And we lived very locally, we didn’t go anywhere. Often people called me, including representatives of large groups, and invited, say, to dinner in Moscow, but I simply did not answer the calls.

Traders, including Trans-World, offered Severstal managers assistance in the privatization of the enterprise. Having abandoned it, the Cherepovets team, however, applied the methods of TWG: they used trader structures to establish control over the plant. Mordashov easily convinced Lipukhin that the shares of the plant should be taken away for himself - in order to prevent outsiders from entering the enterprise.

Privatization began in 1993. A controlling stake of 51% was to be distributed among employees by closed subscription, and 29% were to be put up for a voucher auction. So the Lipukhin team had to urgently buy vouchers for all available money.

This is how they made money. Under the purchase of shares, the Severstal-Invest company was created. According to the law, enterprises in which state-owned companies had more than 25% could not participate in privatization. Therefore, the plant itself had only 24% in Severstal-Invest. The rest 76% was personally owned by Mordashov. Lipukhin proposed to create a core of shareholders from members of the board of directors and other "most respected people at the plant", but Mordashov dissuaded him. Yes, Lipukhin did not particularly insist. “Then few people understood privatization, they were afraid to get involved with it,” recalls Mordashov.

The plant sold metal to Severstal-Invest at low prices. The trading company used a huge margin from its resale to buy vouchers, and at the same time shares from workers. “I was practically trading with myself,” says Lipukhin. - I could set any prices, you understand? I saw, of course, that this is the purest… that this is a fictitious work, not quite correct commerce. However, I controlled the actions of this company, provided it with goods and loans, protected it from all controlling organizations, from the tax inspectorate, ministries, and currency control.

According to Lipukhin, Severstal-Invest not only received metal at reduced prices, but also took large loans from the plant. Money accumulated quickly. And as a result of the voucher auction, the managers of Severstal managed to get almost the entire block of shares put up for auction. Competitors again underestimated the Cherepovets privatizers.

“Our competitors, apparently, decided that we were a weak team that accidentally got hooked on something at the plant, and thought: well, let it sit there for a while, we’ll deal with it later,” recalls Mordashov, not without malice.

Over time, Severstal-Invest bought out almost all the shares from the workforce. “Then there were very difficult times, often they did not pay wages, and people willingly sold their shares,” recalls Lipukhin. Without mentioning at the same time that part of the money that went to Severstal-Invest due to the plant's low selling prices could have been used to pay the same salaries.

Lipukhin says that he did not seek to become the owner of the plant. "I did not set out to become the owner of the plant, although this would not have been a problem." Didn't he fear the fact that he was giving control of the shares to Mordashov? Lipukhin says that he absolutely trusted his subordinate: “Alexey was completely different at that time. He understood that everything depended on me, and he had one answer to everything: as you say, so be it. To this talented and obedient manager, the 60-year-old director was ready to give up his place: “I have already worked out. It's time to look for a replacement."

In 1996, Mordashov became the CEO of Severstal, and Lipukhin took over as chairman of the board of directors. It was then that he finally took care of the formal ownership of the shares. Those 43% of the shares of Severstal, which by that time had been accumulated by Severstal-Invest, were transferred to another structure - Severstal-Garant, 51% owned by Mordashov, 49% by Lipukhin.

At first, according to Lipukhin, they agreed on equal shares: “When I decided to leave, I told him - express your proposals on how to divide these shares. He says equally. I say okay, I agree. After he became a director, he and his friends went to some islands, walked for a week, and when he returned, he came and said: equally not quite normal for me, give you 49%, and me 51%. I didn't care. I said, come on, I agree.

Thanks to Lipukhin's compliance, there was no quarrel between the partners. When Mordashov was baptized in 1997, Lipukhin became his godfather. But even then, the ex-director understood: the charter of Severstal-Garant did not give him any opportunity to influence the management of Severstal shares. “Alexey received the combine on a plate with a blue border,” Lipukhin says bitterly. “I simply gave the plant to him and faded into the background.”

The conflict between the two privatizers emerged after the 1998 default. With the devaluation of the ruble, the business of the plant went uphill sharply - after all, its costs were calculated in rubles, and the proceeds were mainly in foreign currency. Net profit rose from $111 million in 1997 to $453 million in 2000. What to do with this profit - because of this, the partners quarreled.

“I had a strategy - to develop the plant, restore production, improve the environment,” says Lipukhin. - But Alexei considered it a disastrous affair. The development of the plant was curtailed, and God knows what began.

Mordashov followed the path of creating a diversified holding company, later named Severstal Group, and began to buy up industrial assets: shares in the St. Petersburg, Tuapse and Vostochny ports, coal mines, as well as railway cars, the Kolomna Diesel Locomotive Plant, the UAZ plant. Mordashov explains the desire to diversify the business by the need to smooth out the cyclicality of the steel business.

It was at this time that Mordashov did away with the principle of collegial management of the plant's shares. “In the spring of 1999, he arbitrarily, without my knowledge, bought back 17% of the shares that belonged to Severstal-Invest,” says Lipukhin. - I went up to him and said: Alyosha, you can’t act like that. His answer was extremely short: it was not written anywhere.”

That's why Lipukhin is still offended by his successor and accuses him of violating this word. Mordashov denies any gentlemen's agreements with Lipukhin. He believes that he acted extremely honestly in relation to the ex-director. “His fate differs from the fate of other old directors in that he was not expelled from the plant as a result of privatization,” says Mordashov. — On the contrary, Lipukhin became one of the largest shareholders of the company. I didn’t take everything for myself, although legally I could do it.”

Diversifying the business, Mordashov for the first time in his career got involved in a tough competition. The Zavolzhsky Motor Plant, a supplier of engines for GAZ, became the subject of his conflict with the owner of GAZ, Oleg Deripaska. With the head of Evrazholding, Alexander Abramov, Mordashov fought for Kuzbassugol. Another of his rivals - for dominance in the metallurgical market - was Iskander Makhmudov. At Severstal, they believe that it was he who financed the litigation with Mordashov of his ex-wife. Makhmudov's entourage does not comment on this.

One way or another, these lawsuits made Mordashov think about protecting property. And in early 2001, he asked Lipukhin to give him his 49% stake in Severstal-Garant. The ex-director claims that he received six times less for this package than he could have earned on the market. Mordashov does not name the price of the transaction, after which he became almost the sole owner of Severstal, but flatly denies that he bought the shares at such a discount.

Lipukhin still monitors the state of affairs at the plant, where he worked for 42 years, 15 of them as a director. “Blast furnace number four is standing still, the by-product coke plant is in a bad state, the section rolling shop produces a third of what it can produce,” he complains. “Today, the plant produces 3 million tons of rolled products less than in 1990, although the country is experiencing an acute shortage of metal - metal prices in Russia are almost the highest in the world.”

And yet, Mordashov, having expanded his industrial empire, now largely follows the advice of his predecessor: he again realized that the main business of Severstal is metallurgy. To gain access to the American market, Mordashov defeated U.S. Steel in the fight for the bankrupt Rouge Industries, one of the largest steel companies in the United States, founded in the 1920s by Henry Ford.

“The American market is the most demanding in terms of quality,” Mordashov explains the purchase of Rouge for $285 million. “Working with such a consumer is very important in order to raise the standards of our products.”

Someone will say that the main owner of Severstal - now Mordashov and related companies have 83% of the shares - dealt harshly with the person who at one time raised him and entrusted him with control over the plant. But against the background of the bloody showdowns of those years, the history of Severstal looks like an exception. At the Cherepovets plant there was no shooting, no court squabbles. Lipukhin turned out to be too decent a person, and Mordashov, as a Western-style manager, showed himself not so bad.

Alexey Mordashov is a Russian billionaire (as of April 18, 2019, his fortune is estimated at $20.5 billion), Chairman of the Board of Directors of PJSC Severstal, President and member of the Supervisory Board of the Russian Steel Consortium non-profit partnership, Deputy Chairman of the World Association of Steel Producers, non-executive director of Nord Gold N.V.


Born on September 26, 1965 in the city of Cherepovets, Vologda Region. His ancestors lived in the Trans-Volga region and for generations were famous for making wooden toys. Alexey himself, not without pride, says that his wooden horses are on display at the Museum of Folk Toys in Sergiev Posad. His grandfather still continued the long tradition of a woodworker, like his uncles, but his father, Alexander, decided to take a different path and entered the Gorky Polytechnic Institute as an "electrical engineer". Then he moved to Cherepovets and got a job at the Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant, where he met his future wife, Maria, who worked in the equipment department. Shortly after their marriage, their son was born.

Even in the preschool years, a serious injury was discovered in the future metallurgical magnate, so active games and physical activity were forbidden to him. At the same time, he turned out to be calm by nature, at school he was often set as an example and was even nicknamed “Template” for this. The boy was correct and responsible, studied well, so that the whole class unanimously elected him the headman.


I decided to act in Leningrad. In 1988 he graduated with honors from the Leningrad Engineering and Economic Institute named after Palmiro Togliatti, after which he returned home to Cherepovets.

In 1997 he studied management courses in England, and in the late 1990s he graduated from the Newcastle Business School (NBS) MBA program at Northumbria University (UNN, UK).

Labor activity

Upon his return from the university, he began working at the Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant, alternately holding the positions of senior economist, head of the bureau of economics and organization of labor of the mechanical repair shop, and deputy head of the planning department.

In 1992, Alexey Aleksandrovich took the position of Director for Economics and Finance of the Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant, which was reorganized in 1993 into OAO Severstal.

In December 1996, he was appointed General Director of Severstal.

From 2002 to 2006 he was Chairman of the Board of Directors of Severstal.

Since 2002 - CEO of CJSC Severstal Group, since December 2006 - CEO of PAO Severstal, since December 2014 - CEO of JSC Severstal Management - the management company of PJSC Severstal.


Since June 2013, he has been chairman of the non-profit partnership Russian Steel, since October 2013, he has been deputy chairman of the board of directors of the World Steel Association.

On May 26, 2015, the main shareholder, he resigned from the post of General Director of Managing Company Severstal. At the same time, he was elected to the post of Chairman of the Board of Directors of PJSC Severstal.

President (since June 2013), Member of the Supervisory Board (since June 2010) of NP Consortium Russian Steel, Chairman (from October 2012 to October 2013), Deputy Chairman (since October 2013) of the World Steel Association Headquartered in Brussels (Belgium), Head of the Committee on Integration, Trade and Customs Policy and the WTO of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP).

Member of the Council for Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship under the Government of the Russian Federation. Co-Chair of the Trade for Growth Group of the Business Twenty (B20) of the G20 (G20).


Co-Chairman of the Northern Dimension Business Council. Vice President of the Russian-German Chamber of Commerce, member of the Russian-German working group on strategic issues in the field of economics and finance. He is a member of the Business Cooperation Council of Russia and the EU.

Latest news

On April 10, 2018, the RIA Novosti agency reported that in connection with the new US sanctions, the losses of Russian billionaires the day after they were introduced exceeded $15 billion (based on the Bloomberg Billionaires Index (BBI)).

Thus, the main owner of Severstal lost 987 million dollars.

Social activity

Member of the Boards of Trustees of the Bolshoi Theatre, the State Tretyakov Gallery, the State Russian Museum and the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Valaam Monastery.

For many years, he has been included in the list of the richest businessmen in Russia and the world according to Forbes magazine. Since 2011 (then his fortune was estimated at $ 18.5 billion and assigned the 2nd line of the rating), he has consistently been in the top 20 richest businessmen in Russia. In 2012, he was in third place with a mark of $ 15.2 billion, in 2013 and 2014 he lost his leading position, taking 11th and 12th positions with a fortune of $ 12.8 and $ 10.5 billion. respectively.

In 2015, he became the fifth ($13 billion), and in 2016 - the sixth ($10.9 billion) among the richest Russians. On March 20, 2017, the American Forbes presented a new annual world ranking, in which the billionaire took 51 lines, increasing his fortune to $ 17.5 billion and rising to 2nd place among Russians for the first time since 2011.

On July 31, 2017, Forbes announced that the owner of Severstal, whose asset value has increased, with a fortune of $16.8 billion, bypassed billionaire Leonid Mikhelson ($16.2 billion) in the Forbes Real Time rating, becoming the richest businessman in Russia.

In March 2018, in the next ranking, he took second place among the richest Russians with a fortune of $ 18.7 billion. In the world ranking, he was assigned 60th place. A month later, in April 2018, due to US sanctions, he lost $987 million in a day.

Awards and titles

Awarded with medals of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 1st (1999) and 2nd (1995) degrees, orders of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Holy Right-believing Prince Daniel of Moscow, 3rd degree (2003), Honor (2011), Alexander Nevsky (2015), distinction "For Benevolence" (2016). Commander of the Order of Merit for the Italian Republic (2009, Italy), Cross of Recognition III degree (2013, Latvia).

Laureate of the national award of business reputation "Darin" of the Russian Academy of Business and Entrepreneurship (2002), awarded the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology, diplomas of the Ministry of Economy and the Governor of the Vologda Region, holds the title of "Honorary Citizen of the City of Cherepovets".

He holds honorary doctorates from St. Petersburg University of Engineering and Economics (2001) and Northumbria University (2003).

In 2001, he was recognized as the most professional manager at the federal level (Expert RA agency), in 2003 he became the winner in the nomination "Public activity in the field of entrepreneurship" (Ernst & Young's "Entrepreneur of the Year" award) and was included in the top 25 outstanding European managers, entrepreneurs, financiers, politicians and innovators of the year in the Best Managers category (BusinessWeek).


Among his hobbies are creative - painting, poetry, as well as sports - winter active sports.

Family status
The first wife's name is Elena, they have a son, Ilya, born in 1985. The second wife of the billionaire is also Elena, they have two sons - Kirill (born in 1999), Nikita (born in December 2000). Information appeared in the media that he married a certain Larisa for the third time, they also write that the businessman has six children in total.

06.10.2001, "Elena, ex-wife of Aleksey Mordashov, CEO of the Cherepovets Severstal Combine, demands $20 million in alimony"

Elena Levina

It just so happened that Komsomolskaya Pravda did not get into the high-profile scandal "In the case of Mordashov" - the general director of the Cherepovets plant "Severstal" -. Intentionally. Although it was KP that was the first newspaper to which they brought the “Open Letter to All Women”, signed by the ex-wife of the oligarch Elena Mordashova, who, as it turned out, was ready to use any opportunities and means, just to settle long-standing scores with the father of her child. Obviously, the newspaper is not the right place for large-scale family showdowns. After all, there is a courtroom. Komsomolskaya Pravda withdrew itself, and rumors that a lot of funds were allegedly launched into the promotion of this family PR scandal, fueling a “purely professional” interest in custom-made publications, remained. Then we decided to conduct our own independent investigation of this high-profile, almost detective story, which has already been dubbed in the media by the Russian “Santa Barbara”.

We met and talked with Elena for almost three hours. She turned her whole life inside out in front of me without any embarrassment and told me things that any other woman would prefer not to spread. In extreme cases, I would trust only the closest girlfriends. Still, family life is an intimate affair. But now the whole country will be aware of this high-profile scandalous story. Why does Elena Mordashova need this? Decided to take revenge on her ex-husband more painfully for leaving his wife and son? For paying "penny alimony"? Too small, in my opinion. Even psychologists have a suspicion that Elena Mordashova staged a loud public spanking not by chance. After all, she not only whipped her ex-husband, but also herself, sadly. For what? And for the love that hurts and does not go away. Even after the divorce. And it is expressed in such a strange and desperate form. We know that from love to hate...

I'm sad without you

Their love story was no secret to anyone. Everyone at the Leningrad Civil Engineering Institute knew that Alyosha Mordashov, a sophomore, excellent student and Lenin Scholar, was friends with a fifth-year student and excellent student Lena Mityukova. The age difference - two years and nine months - introduced a touching piquancy into their student relationship: a serious young man won the heart of a pretty senior student. The couple was visible and bright. Classmates were jealous and even slightly envious of their romance, but they were kind. Elena remembered well the first day they met:

I was standing at the door of the auditorium, a handsome young man came up, we started talking. It turned out that we have a common scientific supervisor, and the young man heads the student scientific society. Well, I shared my joy with him: they say, can you imagine, I wrote a scientific work on just a few sheets and - wow - I got second place for it. Alyosha was sincerely happy for me: “Well done! Albert Einstein also, by the way, proved the theory of relativity in just 15 sheets. Well, then Alyosha offered to take a walk. It was April 16, 1985. The bright sun shone. We walked almost the whole of Leningrad. We went to cafes, drank coffee and cakes. Late in the evening I got to the hostel, changed into a tracksuit, collapsed on the bed and, looking at the ceiling, began to sigh loudly: “Oh, Alyosha Mordashov, so cute, so smart!” And so for an hour. Until my girlfriend Lidka was outraged ... "

What happened next? Lena commented on her relationship with Alyosha Mordashov at that time: “We met, met and ... met.” In June, she went home to Irkutsk and already there she realized that she was pregnant. I went to see a gynecologist, and a strict doctor interrogated her: “Does the man know? Did you tell him you were in a position? Not? Need to say. So that later there are no reproaches - that, they say, got rid of the child, which means that I am not needed either. And in general, go and think carefully - to leave the child or not.

While Lena was thinking, all deadlines had passed. One night, looking at the big clear moon that shone through the window, she suddenly clearly imagined her future smiling child. In a wrap. After that, Lena no longer had any doubts about what to do.

While I was in Irkutsk, Alyosha wrote me very tender letters: “I took your T-shirt that you wore, sniffed it, and I felt so sad ...” I called him and told him that I was expecting a baby. He was confused. At first he promised to take care of me, and then he began to rush about: “But what about the institute, and what will my mother say?” In August, I returned to Leningrad for an internship, Alyosha and I met and talked. I then said: “Listen, I am older than you, I am a woman, and in our society a woman is always responsible for unreasonable acts herself. Let's assume that I take responsibility for the child. And we'll part ways." Of course, I felt very sorry for myself. While talking, I cried ... "

Marry me

Hostel friends, before whose eyes a beautiful love story almost turned into a banal drama, began to pester Lena with endless questions: “Well, how are you doing?” Lena just waved it off: “Guys, don’t bother, everything is fine with us.” A few more months passed, and everyone at the institute already knew that Lena was expecting a baby. Alyosha Mordashov thought. Finally, after the November holidays, he made up his mind and proposed to Lena: "Marry me." For Alyosha's mother, Maria Fedorovna, the news that her only nineteen-year-old son was getting married was a real blow. She herself later told her daughter-in-law how she sat in an armchair for a whole week, looking into nowhere. But as soon as the future mother-in-law found out that Elena was practically an orphan, she was brought up by her grandmother and that she, pregnant, had nowhere to go, she immediately softened. She invited Elena to Cherepovets, accepted her as her own. And yet she did not resist suspicion. Elena said:

“I felt uneasy from such distrust, I almost burst into tears: “Well, I’m going to die, I won’t lie that this is Alyoshka’s son!” And now there is no need to prove: father and son are one person. They even have common gestures, facial expressions, words ... "

decompression sickness

What causes scandals in the family? Yes, little things. Elena Mordashova assures that their family did not quarrel over trifles, there was simply no reason. The daughter-in-law and mother-in-law took care of the house and the child. The young father had other concerns. Alexey successfully completed his studies, settled in his native Cherepovets and took off up the career ladder quite easily and quickly. At first - a senior economist, then - director of economics and finance at Severstal. And then Alexei Mordashov was only 27 years old.

They seemed to have gone through a lot, coped with a lot. As a result, they lost their families. I asked what started the crash? Elena revealed the secret of family life:

“First comes power, then money, and after them - permissiveness. The most dangerous thing for a novice businessman is "caisson disease." This is when the cork flew up, looked around, but everything is possible. And we will - all! My husband got a company car and a personal secretary. Well, immediately, he is young, handsome, the girls began to hang on him. Once there was a celebration at the plant, we came together, but all evening Alyosha frolicked in front of my eyes with a young dancer. It was terribly embarrassing. And then he stopped taking me with him altogether.”

Once Elena returned home from the dacha and found traces of an outside woman in the apartment. She asked her husband: “Who was it?” - "Secretary Olya." - "What they were doing?" - Drinking tea. There were no jealousy scenes, well, maybe only one. Elena remembers:

“This is when my husband, right in front of my eyes, began to arrange a date with one woman. In that situation, the mother-in-law saved the family, she told her son: “If anything, I will choose Lena and Ilya ...” But this did not help either. The husband went through several more novels and loves. I guessed that he was eating. All the years he let me know that I ruined his life, that I forced him to marry me. In fact, I didn’t drag Alexei behind me like a calf on a leash. We had everything - both love and family ... "

No woman, so be it!

Elena still hoped for a miracle for some time and lived with the illusion that everything in her life with Alexei would one day work out. But this "once" acquired a very ambiguous connotation.

“Once, on New Year's Eve, we were sitting together at the TV, and my husband, looking at the next show of long-legged misses, gave out: “There are beauties, well, why not with me, not next to me?” Then I was terribly offended, but kept silent. She waited until they showed lean bodybuilders, and also faked her husband: “Well, there are men ...” And then she got the answer: “Look at yourself, you are a cow! Don’t expect a good relationship with yourself, it won’t!” I cried for a long time, and then for a long time I came to my senses. I remember that my mother-in-law also called that evening, and I told her everything. She reassured: "He's a fool - don't listen!" This is how we met the New Year, 1996.”

And once, after another sleepless night while waiting for her husband, Elena could not stand it and asked: “Alyosha, are you working 24 hours a day or did you have a woman? If this is work, I’m ready to wait for you at least until the morning, but if it’s a woman ... ”“ There is no woman, it will be so,” the husband answered calmly.

Let's get divorced!

And there was another case after which Elena's patience finally snapped:

“One day, the husband once again appeared in the morning - at four o'clock. I heard him sing in the bathroom. She looked into the ajar door, to warn: be quiet, Ilya was still sleeping - and she saw this picture: her husband was lying in the bath, splashing in the water and looking at me with playful eyes. It is immediately obvious - in love and happy! No, I didn't care about him anymore. We haven't been married for a long time. In addition, my legs grew “out of the wrong place”, and my face was “not right”. That's when I realized that I could no longer wait until the morning, wash his linen, knowing that my husband had returned from another woman. To iron his shirts so that he would leave home again, polished and shiny. And I said: “Let's get divorced. I'm not even interested in what that woman looks like - worse, better, fuller or thinner. I know that she has one advantage - she is not me. You will still search, you will not calm down ... ”What I heard in response was just a shock for me. The husband said: “Well, actually, I’m really terribly tired, I’ve been overwhelmed. Of course, this is not normal - to rush to one end of the city on a date, then to return to the plant, take guards and go home. With your proposal to get a divorce, you, of course, complicate my everyday life. But if you want me to leave, I will leave ... "

I will destroy your life and take away Ilya

And he left. Once Lena returned from the dacha and did not find her husband's things. He called her himself. The conversation was short.

You asked me to leave and I left.

I thought you'd do it in front of me.

I thought it would be embarrassing for you.

No, Alyosha, it would be unpleasant for you to hide your eyes from my son and me.

Lena remembered this day well - June 1, 1996. For divorce, as it turned out, she was completely unprepared.

After the divorce, the ex-husband brought Elena an agreement on the division of property for signing: a three-room apartment and a car "nine" were owned by the ex-wife. Shares, shares and bank accounts remained at the disposal of the spouse. Under the second agreement - on alimony - the ex-wife and son were to receive an amount equal to about a thousand dollars a month, plus another six thousand dollars a year - for treatment and rest. The amount of alimony for Cherepovets is not just large - it is huge. When, according to Elena, she tried to challenge some points of the contract, her husband said: “I earned it all. If you try to make noise, I will destroy your whole life and take Ilya away from you.

Execute, can not pardon?

Elena didn't make any noise. All these years she lived quietly in Cherepovets, jealously watching the success of her ex-husband. Suffered. Even after the divorce, she could not tear herself away from her former family, from her mother-in-law, who replaced her own mother. “Or maybe, on the contrary, when you love a person, it’s worth opening the door so that he doesn’t beat on it? If you love, give him freedom. I'm just a woman who is able to give generous gifts. Not everyone can afford that luxury."

Elena assures that, out of the best of intentions, she did not want to separate Ilya from her father. And, perhaps, that is why, with such almost masochistic persistence, she sent her son to the new father's family for the weekend. So the psychologist, who talked with Ilya for two years, noticed that the boy was proud of his famous father throughout the city. The only pity is that his father did not have time for Ilya at all. And the mother was tormented by resentment and the usual female curiosity in such cases: “Ilya, how do you like your father’s new wife?”, “And what did you experience when you saw your little brother?”

Now Elena believes that she made two mistakes in her life - she married Alyosha Mordashov and remained after the divorce in Cherepovets. She would leave and be done with it. I would start life from scratch, you see, I revived again, came to life, and even with such financial support. But... for some reason, she did not want or could not part with the memories of her former life, plunged into prolonged stress. Psychologists call this period "post-divorce syndrome" and believe that it lasts 5-6 years - that's how long it takes a wife to break the emotional connection with her ex-husband. The whole drama of this situation lies in the fact that the wife still hopes ... to return her husband. And when she realizes that her place has long been taken by another, she either reconciles or begins to take revenge.

Revenge of a pioneer?

I don’t know what actually served as the real reason for Elena Mordashova’s declaration of a “women’s war”. She not only went to court demanding the division of property and the recovery of alimony from her ex-husband in the amount of ... 20 million dollars, but also secured the arrest of a large block of shares in one of the leading enterprises in Russia - Severstal. They say that it all started with the fact that the ex-wife allegedly accidentally found out about the real income of her ex-husband and was shocked by this figure - $ 80 million a year! And then Elena, probably for the first time, truly realized that, having divorced her bad husband Alyosha Mordashov, she did not take place as the wife of a successful oligarch, after all, a millionaire!

Elena herself explained her decision to apply to the court to revise the old alimony agreement as follows:

“I knocked on Alexei’s soul, but I realized that there was no heart there. My ex-husband does not know the categories of the soul. He is indifferent to the fate of his own son. I thought that a father would wake up in Alexei, but this did not happen. He could not see Ilya for weeks. He was not interested in his son's health. I just felt sorry for my son. And then I decided to protect him.”

From the dossier "KP"

The second wife of Alexei Mordashov is also called Elena. In 1993, she graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Textile Industry, returned to Cherepovets and went to work for Severstal as an accountant. According to Elena, she had a classic office romance with Alexei Mordashov, "we met rarely and not for long." Despite her mother's prohibition - not to deal with a married man, Lena fell in love with Alexei and said that this "maybe the only and strongest feeling in her life." Elena and Alexei have two sons - two-year-old son Kirill and ten-month-old Nikita. Not everyone knows that Elena could not get pregnant for a long time, she was worried, but Alexei always supported her in the most difficult moments. During the first birth, he was next to Elena, holding her hand. The next morning, a happy father gave Elena pearl earrings and a necklace. [The story of the second wife of Alexei Mordashov can be ]

He seemed to me a man from another planet, where they live at breakneck speed and use a special language. He fired a thousand words a minute and formulated thoughts in ATM mode. Man-machine, a super business man, a successful businessman who is predicted to have a bright future. No wonder there are rumors that the general director of the largest Russian concern Severstal, Alexei Mordashov, is being considered by the federal government as a candidate for the post of one of the deputy prime ministers.

I asked Alexei Mordashov: how did he - so successful and brilliant in all respects, come to such a life that he is suing his ex-wife, and so scandalously and loudly? Did I miscalculate or miscalculate something?

1. Family has never been the main thing for me.

It's not very pleasant to feel like a hero of the series, especially when the whole country is discussing your family problems. What did you miscalculate? My life changed quite quickly and went through several stages. Everything changed - work, the idea of ​​the world, the manner of dressing, the level of well-being. I simply did not appreciate the extent of these changes and their consequences for the former family. That's where my mistake is.

- Has the family moved away and ceased to be the main thing for you?

Frankly speaking, the family has never been the main thing for me. I am the person for whom business comes first. And today I, unfortunately, see little of my children. I have two of them in my second marriage - one son is already two years old, the second is ten months old.

- But if the family was not the main one, was it worth changing it?

Not being in charge does not mean not being important. This is a separate life story, you really dig so deep. Why divorced and why married a second time? Well, let's just say there were reasons. These are my personal, own experiences, and I would not like to share them with the general public. Why did you divorce? Because he got married. And he got married because there was love. Second time, I mean...

- And the first one?

I do not want to answer. Everything was more difficult there. Of course, there were both good and bad. But this was not enough to keep the family.

- Well then, Alexey Alexandrovich, open the most important male secret - how to keep a man?

And there is no answer to this question. Everything is very individual. Men are all different. And they are held in different ways. When we got married, I was a student. Ten years have passed, I became a director, I have done a tremendous amount of work, I have changed a lot. Should a woman change? There are amazing marriages - she is beautiful, and he is ugly, what keeps them?

- But there are other families where he develops, and she is a housewife, and this suits him.

I don't want my wife to do business. It's not about development in a career sense, and it's not about what my wife read as a child. Only a man and a woman together understand what they need to do, how to live. And society has no right to judge why a man and a woman get divorced, why they don’t live together. We are all sinners, I am sure. Judge not and you will not be judged...

2. My story is the most typical

There are enough businessmen and oligarchs in the country, they also get divorced, but your story turned out to be too loud. Why?

We must ask businessmen and oligarchs. Not the fact that I'm the last one. Unlike many businessmen in our country, everything was done transparently and openly for me: all property was transparently registered in Cherepovets, and all incomes were transparent. And this is not very typical for Russian big business. Right now, businessmen will slowly come out of the shadows, let's see how everything develops. As for the story of my divorce, I don't think it's the most atypical...

- But maybe now all big businessmen will understand how not to get divorced?

May be. I am primarily to blame for the fact that I paid little attention to my sons. And I still don't know how to solve this problem. Too much time spent at work. And the further, the more ... It is very important that the wife helps to maintain this contact. Unfortunately, in my opinion, Elena Grigoryevna did not help, but destroyed this contact with Ilya.

- One day sons grow up and forgive everything to their fathers.

Oh! They forgive... But our life passes anyway. When will they grow up and when will they perhaps forgive? And it's not about my forgiveness. It's not important now. The son needs to build a life somehow. Ilya is a very smart, vulnerable, withdrawn and very difficult child. From birth and by virtue of character. The problem is not me, but how this whole story will affect him. When I was growing up, no one paid attention to me, they didn’t write about me in the newspapers, my father was not a big boss. The worst thing is when a child at the age of 15 is drawn into a lawsuit with his own father. Will he still have a core in his soul, character, self-respect? ..

- Did something depend on you in this situation?

Now my well-being is very different from what it was five years ago. When I left the family, I was left with shares that were worth nothing. And there was no property that the ex-wife claims today. But today I don't have the kind of income that Elena Grigoryevna is talking about - 80 million dollars. It's a lie! There is not! Over the past year, a completely different figure was entered in the income statement - ten times less. The figure is not small, but for my position and for my position, you see, not so big. Normal figure* (see dossier "KP").

3. Depending on what to halve

Your ex-wife wants to revise the child support agreement. She wants to split "everything in half." This is true?

Watching what to halve. Shares are a business, and I don't really understand what Elena Grigoryevna needs? I have a certain responsibility to people. I'm not giving away shares! I will not allow anyone to destroy the cause to which tens of thousands of people are tied. If we are talking about money, about changing the compensation that I pay, I am ready to discuss this issue. My life has really changed, I have become much richer, my well-being has greatly increased.

You divorced five years ago, but for some reason the high-profile alimony story arose only now, maybe the ex-wife was just afraid to sue you?

There are two layers to this problem. One is undoubtedly personal, and it was skillfully warmed up and promoted. This story, unfortunately, has ceased to be our intra-family. It has become public, public, but most importantly, it has become a business story. And it affects primarily not our personal relationships, but business. Unfortunately, there were people who helped Elena Grigorievna. These are very vile and cynical people who do not disdain anything in achieving their business goals, up to using the family. Therefore, the whole story is now taking on such a complex coloring.

- And what motivated your ex-wife more - resentment, revenge?

This is what you ask her. I did not communicate with her very often - once every two or three months. I spoke with Ilya once every two weeks. And with her we had no common topics, except for one - Ilya. Her personal life did not interest me.

You said everything changes. How confident are you now in yourself, in your attitude towards your new wife? Suddenly ahead again a divorce?

I hope that there are other feelings and a different situation. Everything is different. I wouldn't guess. I repeat - my main "family" problem is that there is no free time. My work won't let me go. We have become an all-Russian corporation. There is a certain task, I just have to follow it, at least out of pride, so as not to roll back. I didn't want to be a politician at all. We just worked, worked, improved the economy, made a profit, invested it in a new business ... And suddenly all this acquired a wide public outcry and a bunch of all sorts of consequences. Including the case that introduced us to you.

- How do you think this whole divorce story will end for you?

I don’t know, in our country the court is a delicate matter, there is so much legal casuistry. Hard to say. The most reasonable option is to find a compromise with Elena Grigorievna. It is necessary that she be ready to discuss it, but I am not very sure that she is absolutely free and that those “good people” who stand behind her back will allow her to make decisions herself. God forbid I'm wrong. But tell me, a normal woman who takes care of herself and a child, who has a mind, will do this?

4. Personality under attack

- So you think that the hype around your divorce is a well-planned PR campaign?

If my case gets full promotion up to the highest Supreme Court, a very interesting moment could be for our country. For the first time, a process is taking place so loudly in which, clearly in the interests of business, an individual is attacked. And if such "technologies" begin to spread, none of us living in this country - none! - will not feel at ease.

- But maybe then divorces will be different?

Divorces do not occur because people did not divide the property. Divorces were, are and will be. Every second marriage, according to statistics, breaks up. It's a normal part of a free life. Only we need to develop our own practice of divorce, our own mechanism so that the case does not suffer. The American way - to divide the property in half - does not seem to me the best either. What will happen to the corporation? Of course, a woman must also be protected.

- Maybe your wife just lacked such protection?

Five years ago, the child support I paid was about 30 percent of my income. Five years ago, the value of the shares was different, I could have ruined the enterprise over the years. All these five years, my ex-wife was silent. And when the financial situation - mine and at Severstal - improved, she demanded to revise the alimony agreement. It turns out that if you are a rich, famous person and are involved in business, then there is a real threat to be at any moment under attack on the "family" line? Using personal insults in this case is unacceptable.

5. I've always lived by the rules, that's why I got fucked

- Are there things for which you are ashamed in this life?

There are, of course, but I have always tried to live by the rules. That's why I got nailed first. Business groups that do not shun anything in their struggle are capable of starting a war against anyone. By the way, my current opponents have a lot of ex-wives. I suspect that in this sense things are better for me than for many, at least I signed a divorce agreement.

You are such a rich person that you would probably have enough money for the rest of your life. But there are other values ​​too...

Where is the money here? Do we work for money, it's just a tool. Money has never made anyone happy. First of all, I like what I do, I'm interested in it. I consider my work to be socially useful. If everyone is fine, then I myself have a right to something. "Give everyone a little and don't forget about me." And if everything I do is a plus, then it's good from the point of view of whatever values.

- And who felt better from what you are doing - your ex-wife, son?

It became better for the residents of Cherepovets. Someone improves the world with pictures, someone improves the world with symphonies, but I am improving and developing the enterprise. Salaries are growing, taxes are being paid, and people at Severstal are more comfortable than they were five years ago. What else? Well, I’m not supposed to eat vodka or lie on the couch, like Oblomov?

- Are you lucky in life?

I'm a happy person. Now, however, there are some problems with this, but I will solve them. I have always had what I wanted. I wanted what was possible. For example, I did not want to be a pilot and did not become one. I didn't want to be a dock worker, an astronaut, or a sea captain. Since the sixth grade, I dreamed of being an economist-manager. And he became.

- You, probably, and women have always liked?

In principle - yes, he was not deprived of female attention. Usually, if I liked someone, she liked me too. But I've always been pretty shy. It is now that I have become more arrogant, cynical, tougher and more self-confident. My morals are deteriorating, no doubt. But, probably, if I had been modest, delicate, I would not have been a director, and Severstal would not have been Severstal ...

- The second wife is much younger than you. Is it a conscious choice or a random one?

I did not look into her passport, I did not calculate the years. It happened. I was guided by personal feelings, and not by any trends.

But Boris Berezovsky's wife is getting younger and younger from marriage to marriage. And he manages to get divorced somehow slowly ...

Well done! There is such an anecdote: “Comrade Stalin, what are we going to do with Comrade Rokossovsky - he doesn’t live with his wife, but lives with his secretary?” “What are we going to do, what are we going to do? We will envy." So we will envy "comrade Berezovsky", and twice - both that the wives are young, and that slowly ...

By the way. From Robert Greene's 48 Laws of Power

“Law 5: Reputation is the cornerstone of power.
With reputation, you can inspire fear and win. Once it staggers, however, you become vulnerable and attacked from all sides. Make your reputation unshakable. Always be on the lookout for possible attacks and repel them before you are attacked. Learn to incapacitate enemies by finding holes in their reputation. Then step aside and present to the public opinion to deal with them ... "

From the KP dossier

Elena Kolyadina

Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant JSC "Severstal" ranks eighth among the hundred companies with the largest weight in the Russian economy, and 11th among the 200 enterprises of the country with the highest market value.

The volume of sales of the plant's products this year is 59,084 million rubles, which is one fifth of the volume of sales of products of 29 ferrous metallurgy enterprises. According to this indicator, Severstal is ahead of its main competitors - Magnitogorsk and Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works.

Severstal managed to take over raw materials and processing enterprises, such as OJSC Karelsky Okatysh, Zavolzhsky Motor Plant, Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant (UAZ) and others.

Billionaires do not want to give ex-wives neither money nor children

Until recently, the most popular books in Russia were entertaining and teaching aids called "How to Marry an Oligarch." Now they are gathering dust on the shelves. All the oligarchs have already been dismantled. In this regard, other brochures - "How to divorce an oligarch" - have become relevant. According to statistics, every second Rublev wife goes through this. "Express newspaper" made the top ten most interesting cases.


After the divorce, Elena Mordashova devoted her life to extracting alimony from her ex-husband.

A second-year student of the Leningrad Civil Engineering Institute, an excellent student and a Lenin scholarship holder, got married Alyosha Mordashov in the fifth year Lena Mityukova, as they say, on the fly.

Family, child and unloading of wagons at night did not prevent him from successfully completing his studies and being distributed in his native Cherepovets. The constant lack of money forced me to work hard for three. The authorities appreciated this, and climbing the career ladder went as if by itself. At first - a senior economist, then - director of economics and finance at Severstal. By the age of 28, he was a deputy general, with all the privileges due, like secretaries, whose lipstick on her husband's collar was an eyesore to Elena.

On June 1, 1996, they divorced. Alexey decided to leave the child Mityukova, and in order for him to grow up in abundance, he gave his ex-wife a three-room apartment and a “nine”. In addition, alimony - $ 1000 monthly plus another $ 6 thousand a year - for treatment and rest. The money was fantastic in those days.

In 2002, Elena Mordashova found out that her ex-husband was an oligarch and turned over not thousands, but billions of dollars. Lawyers helped her draw up a lawsuit, according to which she demanded to pay alimony not by agreement, but by law - 25 percent of real income. But the court denied Mordashova's claim, recognizing the previously signed agreements as legal. However, the owner of Severstal still increased the alimony to $100,000 per month.


Roman Abramovich left his wife much more than he could have.

With Irina Malandina Abramovich met on board the plane, where a spectacular blue-eyed blonde worked as a flight attendant. Irina noticed him among the first class passengers and hinted at the opportunity to have a good time after the flight. Roman agreed and a few months later announced to his first wife Olga Lysova about divorce. After three years of marriage, she was unable to give birth to a child and seemed to be waiting for her husband to leave. But Irina will more than make this dream come true, having given birth to Roman Arkadyevich in 15 years of marriage, five children: Arkady, Ilya, Anna, Sonya and Arina.

Like the first wife, who organized a business with Abramovich - the production of toys, Malandina quickly got involved in making money. Irina began to bring fashionable things from Europe to Moscow, which in the early 90s were in huge deficit. They were copied at Roman's small factory and sold. In 2003, the Abramovich family moved to London. Roman's income during this period was already in the billions.

Irina quickly gained a reputation as one of the most stylish inhabitants of Britain. And I didn't think about any Dashakh Zhukov! A pretty young lady destroyed an exemplary marriage in less than a year. The divorce was predicted to be loud and scandalous - $ 18 billion is at stake!

But it turned out that formally Abramovich has practically nothing. All property - houses, castles and yachts in the UK and France, as well as shares of enterprises - is registered offshore and recorded in children. They can use their state only when they reach adulthood.

But it’s not in Abramovich’s character to trifle - the list of property transferred to his wife is impressive:

Five-story mansion in London's Belgravia - $20 million

Fining Hill Estate in West Sussex, UK - $33.6 million

Mansion in Saint-Tropez on the Cote d'Azur in France - $18 million

Chateau de la Croix, located on the Cape d'Antibes in France - $30 million

Villa on Rublyovka - $16 million

Yacht "Pelorus" - $150 million


Instead of children, Viktor BATURIN generously offered Yana RUDKOVSKY the rights to Dima BILAN.

Head of the agricultural holding "Inteko-Agro" Victor Baturin and producer Dmitry Bilan Yana Rudkovskaya lived together for six years. It took them so much to understand that they did not agree in character. Victor took the first step towards divorce. Two years ago, he did not let Yana go home. To his sons - 6-year-old Andrei and 5-year-old Nikolai - he explained his act with a desire to protect them from the corrupting influence of a walking mother. Baturin did not come up with anything better than moving with his children to the estate of the princes Golitsyn in the village of Zubrilovka, Penza region.

The high-profile litigation lasted almost a year. Yana tried to take the children and $150 million from Victor. Instead, Baturin offered the rights to Bilan and a share in the business. As a result, Yana received the rights to Bilan, a $21 million business in Sochi and $5 million to set up a future family with Evgeni Plushenko. The court ruled that the children should live with their mother.


The wife of Dmitry RYBOLOVLEV claims that the oligarch is hiding almost $9 billion from the state.

Until recently, co-owner of Uralkali Dmitry Rybolovlev with a fortune of $ 3.1 billion, he was ranked 13th among the Russian rich, according to Forbes. A divorce from his wife Elena can throw him far back. She said that she was "fed up with Dmitry's tenderness for other women," and stated that her husband was hiding the company's assets. And his real fortune is $6-12 billion. Elena demands half of this money as compensation for her youth lost with her loving husband. Needless to say, she didn't lose much. Since 1995, she has lived in Switzerland with her two daughters and traveled the world in search of antiques and interesting real estate. In particular, she persuaded Dmitry to buy the estate from a billionaire Donald Trump in Florida for $100 million.

The most expensive property in the United States is located on the Atlantic coast on a 2.6 hectare site and has a private beach 145 meters long. There are two guest houses on the territory, and in the main mansion there are only 18 bedrooms. The total area of ​​\u200b\u200bliving premises is more than 3 thousand square meters. Elena Rybolovleva proposes to transfer this mansion to trust management. In addition, she claims half of 65.5 percent of her husband's shares in Uralkali. If she manages to sue half of the business from her husband, then the Rybolovlevs' divorce will become the most expensive in the world.

Until recently, the family of the co-owner of Fininvest, a member of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation Vladimir Slutsker and creators of a network of fitness centers Olga Slutsker considered exemplary. Two children, a mutual passion for art objects, it would seem, what else is needed! But now the senator in a statement of claim requires his wife to share with him apartments in Moscow and St. Petersburg, houses and plots in the Moscow region, shares of the World Class Clubs fitness club chain. As well as works of art - paintings by Andy Warhol, photographs by Helmut Newton, Damien Hirst's "Saints and Sinners" for $ 2 million and many others. But most importantly, the senator demands that he leave his children, 6-year-old Anya and 10-year-old Mikhail.

According to recent publications on the Internet, this is what former personal driver Olga Slutsker, USSR kickboxing champion Alexei Medvedev says about the reason for the divorce:

In general, I was surprised at the patience of her husband. Vladimir flew away on vacation with his children to ski in Austria. Literally the next day after his departure, Olga brought her lover to the house and had fun with him in the house and in the bathhouse for two days. All this happened in front of the guards and domestic servants. Everyone was shocked! Naturally, upon arrival, the husband found out everything and immediately filed for divorce.

According to Medvedev, Olga also met with her lover in a rented apartment on Vernadsky Avenue and at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel on Tverskaya.

She often met with Suleiman Kerimov, flew to him in Nice, sailed with him on a yacht, - Medvedev allegedly claims. - During the filming of the sports TV show "Big Races" often went to the apartment to Dmitry Nagiyev in a high-rise building on Kotelnicheskaya embankment. She usually stayed there for 2-3 hours and each time came out very excited. And in the car straightened her hair and tinted her lips.

They had a peculiar relationship with Kerimov. She often talked to him from the car on the phone in front of me. It looked like she was for him something like a "madam" to ensure contacts with female celebrities. From the conversations, it could be concluded that Olga helps Kerimov to "get to know" her friends from the secular party. I noticed that often after such successful negotiations, she called the bank and checked the receipt of payments in her account.

It is possible, however, that Vladimir Iosifovich Slutsker, who recently adopted, as a follower of Kabbalah, the name Moshe Shlomo, will be limited only to the deprivation of Olga's parental rights.

I'm not greedy, because I'm a Kabbalist, - once said a member of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation.


The head of Rosgosstrakh got rid of his wife with alimony alone, and could have lost more than $100 million.

Wife Anna ceased to satisfy the head of Rosgosstrakh Danila Khachaturova in 2004. He did not hide this and bought himself a separate apartment. After a couple of years of pushing around between the family, where 14-year-old son Artem grew up, and a single life, Khachaturov filed a lawsuit for divorce. Some ladies of the demimonde believe that his current wife pushed the billionaire to this Ulyana Sergienko. The girl came to conquer Moscow from distant Ust-Kamenogorsk and more than succeeded. Khachaturov was in such a hurry to enjoy his honeymoon that he instantly agreed to pay Anna a lump sum of alimony in the amount of $ 2 million for four years, which remained until their son came of age. At the same time, he obtained from his ex-wife that she signed a statement on the absence of any property subject to division. What prevented the division of the commercial assets of their enterprises: City Mortgage Bank, Northern Sea Port, Rosgosstrakh, Rinocenter and others for a total amount, according to Forbes magazine, of $ 2 billion.

Anna waved the agreement. But realizing that much more could be obtained from her husband, she sued him, where she tried to challenge half of the funds received by Danil Eduardovich from the sale of the City Mortgage Bank - at least $ 200 million. She also announced that her husband was hiding part of her income, but, apart from trouble and hassle, she achieved nothing.


Former Presidential Plenipotentiary Representative in the Southern Federal District Viktor Kazantsev sued his ex-wife for chicken meat.

Kazantsev filed for divorce from his wife Tamara in early 2006. After a month of single life, he came to the conclusion that his wife got rid of him too easily, and sued her and her daughter Margarita, demanding 60 percent of the shares of the Kanevskaya meat and poultry plant. In 2003, they were bought for 58 million rubles and registered in the name of Kazantseva, Jr., but, as Kazantsev stated, the share in the enterprise was acquired with money that was loaned to him, and therefore the shares should belong to him. Three weeks later, his claim was granted. Chicken soup politics is now cooked by another.


Caught with his granddaughter's governess, Aleksey Isaykin gave his wife everything except for Volga-Dnepr shares.

Alexey Isaikin fell in love with Lydia at first sight and already on the second date made an offer. Lydia understood that this handsome, intelligent and purposeful guy was the best in the whole world. Young people barely waited until they turned 18 to register their relationship. The happy marriage lasted 36 years. The house is not something that prosperity - excess.

The head and co-owner of the Volga-Dnepr airline, the chairman of the board of directors of Aviastar, Alexei Isaikin, was called the richest man in the Ulyanovsk region. A little more, and he would have been preparing to meet a dignified old age, surrounded by two daughters and grandchildren, but suddenly he began life anew.

What he liked about the governess of his granddaughter, his relatives still do not understand. An ordinary Ulyanovsk girl - every second one in the pedagogical institute!

In 2004, Isaikin left home with one diplomat. Through lawyers, he offered his wife a divorce and a $3,000 monthly pension. But Lydia demanded half of the airline's stake. According to various estimates, this is several tens of millions of dollars.

The case did not reach the court. Alexey Ivanovich persuaded his ex-wife to agree to a mansion in London, an apartment in Moscow and a house in Ulyanovsk, plus an amount sufficient for Lydia to continue to be considered the richest grandmother in the Ulyanovsk region.


The divorce of the aluminum tycoon Lev CHERNOY with his wife Lyudmila took place under the scrutiny of Interpol.

At the end of 1998, the coordinator of the huge industrial empire "Trans World Group" - a shareholder of all large aluminum plants, Bratsk, Krasnoyarsk, Sayan and others - a billionaire Lev Black and his brothers, Mikhail and David, fell under the suspicion of the Swiss prosecutor's office. They were given the fashionable label "Russian mafia" and tried to accuse them of drug trafficking, organizing prostitution, racketeering and buying stolen goods. Leo's wife Lyudmila said she did not want to have anything to do with such a person. And right in their London mansion, where she lived under the hood of Interpol on suspicion of preparing an attempt on her own husband, she wrote an application for divorce and division of property. Chernoy's fortune at the beginning of 1999 was estimated by her spouse at $3.5 billion. Lyudmila demanded half.

The divorce was accompanied by several more unsuccessful attempts on Chernoy's life and ended in the complete satisfaction of the wife's claim. Lyudmila received a house in London and $ 150 million - exactly half of what Interpol managed to recognize as the property of a businessman.

The end of the divorce coincided with the removal of all charges by the prosecutor's office - both from Lyudmila and from the Cherny brothers. It is noteworthy that together with his wife Chernaya, he also lost the aluminum business.


Mikhail Khodorkovsky's first wife sends him parcels.

With Elena Khodorkovsky studied at the Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology. The future spouses felt an irresistible attraction at one of the Komsomol meetings. They also decided to formalize the relationship according to all the rules. Mikhail was deputy secretary of the Komsomol committee and never allowed himself anything frivolous. In 1985, their son Pavel was born, and in 1990 the family broke up. Khodorkovsky helped his wife open a travel company and still supports his eldest son, Pavel. In gratitude, Elena still bears the name of her ex-husband and sends him parcels and long letters.


After a divorce from billionaire Shalva CHIGIRINSKY, wife Tatyana PANCHENKOVA can only receive his debts.

Divorce proceedings between a well-known entrepreneur Shalva Chigirinsky, who just a year ago was on the 58th line of the Russian "Forbes" with a fortune of $ 2.3 billion, and his wife Tatyana Panchenkova took place in April of this year. However, the economic crisis still got ahead of Tatyana and did not allow her to profit from more or less decent compensation. It suddenly turned out that most of the billionaire's assets were the subject of litigation. The court has already arrested the businessman’s accounts, real estate, including a mansion in London, a villa in Monaco that previously belonged to the cannibalistic dictator Bokassa and two Moscow apartments, as well as a collection of antique watches and a private jet named by Chigirinsky in honor of his wife - “Tatik”.

General Director of ZAO Severgroup.

Alexey Mordashov was born on September 26, 1965 in the city of Cherepovets, Vologda Oblast. In 1988 he graduated with honors from the St. Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics named after Togliatti with a degree in mechanical engineering. During his studies, he met Anatoly Chubais, at that time a teacher at this institute.

After graduating from the institute in 1988, Alexei Mordashov got a job at the Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant. He worked as a senior economist, head of the bureau of economics and organization of labor of the mechanical repair shop No. 1, deputy head of the planning department of the plant. In 1989, Mordashov was sent for a six-month internship at the Austrian steel company VoestAlpine.

In the initial period of privatization in Russia in 1992, Mordashov became director of economics and finance at the Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant, which was soon transformed into OAO Severstal. The general director of the Cherepovets plant, Yuri Lipukhin, instructed Mordashov to carry out the privatization of the plant.

At the age of 27, Alexei Mordashov created a subsidiary of Severstal-Invest (24% of which belonged to Severstal, and 76% to Mordashov personally) and then bought up Severstal shares. Having thus obtained control over the enterprise, Mordashov became the director and owner of OAO Severstal.

Since 2000 - one of the members of the Joint Russian-German Intergovernmental Working Group on Strategic Cooperation in the Field of Economics and Finance. In 2001, Alexey received an MBA from Northumbria University in Newcastle upon Tyne.

On October 5, 2007, Siemens AG signed an agreement with Alexey on long-term strategic cooperation in the development of Power Machines. Siemens AG received an equity stake in the company. In 2011 cooperation with Siemens was completed. On December 27, 2011, 25% passed back under the control of the Cypriot management company Highstat Limited, which now owns 75% of the shares of Power Machines.

Since 2009, Alexey Alexandrovich has been working as a co-chairman of the Northern Dimension Business Council, which is engaged in the development of interaction between representatives of government, business and civil society in Northern Europe. The second co-chair from the European side is Mr. Tapio Kuula, President and CEO of Fortum Corporation in Finland.

Alexey Mordashov actively participates in the work of the World Association of Steel Producers. In 2001, Severstal became the first Russian steelmaker to become a member of the Association. Member of the Council for Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship under the Government of the Russian Federation.

In October 2012, Mordashov became the first ever Russian to be elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Association, a year later, as part of the rotation procedure adopted at Worldsteel, he handed over the chairmanship to the head of the POSCO steel company. At the same time, Alexey himself became one of the two deputy chairmen of the Board of Directors.

A year later, during Russia's chairmanship of the G20, Alexei Mordashov actively joined the work of the international group "Trade as a Growth Factor" B20 as a co-chair from the Russian side. In October 2015 Alexey Mordashov was re-elected to the executive committee of the World Steel Association.

In 2018, Alexey Alexandrovich Mordashov took 2nd place in the ranking of "200 richest businessmen in Russia 2018"

Awards and Prizes of Alexey Mordashov

Order of Alexander Nevsky - for a great contribution to the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, labor achievements, active social work and many years of conscientious work 2015

Order of Honor - for a great contribution to the development of the metallurgical industry, labor achievements and many years of conscientious work 2011

Medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 1st class - for services to the state, high achievements in production activities and a great contribution to strengthening friendship and cooperation between peoples 1999

Medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" II degree - for services to the state and many years of conscientious work 1996

Badge of distinction "For beneficence" - for a great contribution to charitable and social activities 2016

Order of the Russian Orthodox Church of St. Prince Daniel of Moscow III degree 2003

Commander of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic, Italy 2009

Cross of Recognition III degree - for contribution to the development of the country's economy, Latvia 2013

Laureate of the national business reputation award "Darin" of the Russian Academy of Business and Entrepreneurship 2002

Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology

Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Economy

Honorary diploma of the Governor of the Vologda region

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