Hike in the forest: rules of preparation and behavior in difficult situations. Rules of conduct on a hike Rules for tourism in the forest

Hiking in the forest requires careful preparation, especially when it comes to inexperienced hikers. In addition to the moral physical training, the presence of willpower and resistance to stress, it is necessary to have equipment equipped with everything necessary, including for an emergency. If you are well prepared, a trip to the forest will only bring positive emotions. About how to prepare for a hike so that only pleasant experience, can be found further.

Preparing for a hike in the forest

First you need to decide on the purpose of a multi-day trip to nature, as well as with a place. Inexperienced tourists are not recommended to make their first outing into nature too far from home. Preparation consists of a preliminary compilation of the route, familiarization with the map of the area of ​​the designated point. At the same time, it is advisable to plan the daily routine so that, for example, you do not find yourself in the middle of a swampy area when you need to prepare for an overnight stay. In case of unforeseen circumstances, an additional route with detours should be developed in advance. This will come in handy if there are blockages, landslides or road repairs on the paved path.

To organize the marching group and create discipline, you need to choose a “senior” - the most experienced participant who will be responsible for the entire group, make decisions in case of unforeseen circumstances. It will help the group members to orient themselves for the successful passage of the route.

Not every place can be reached for free or on foot. If the trip is planned without the use of personal transport, you need to take money, documents, tickets, insurance policies with you.

Also, in case of unforeseen circumstances, it is necessary to leave the contact details of all members of the tourist group and detailed information about the planned route to relatives or another trusted person. It is better to leave a copy of the map with a travel plan.

Going on a forest hike, you need to have at least an idea about the animals that live there, and at the most, read detailed information about them on the Internet. It will not be superfluous to know information about snakes and animals dangerous to humans, as well as the rules for providing first aid.

After the participants of the hike are mentally prepared, they need to collect the necessary equipment for the forest.

The most important things you can’t do without on a hike are a tent, a backpack, a sleeping bag, a foam travel mat, and a piece of foam for sitting. Of course, we must not forget the compass and map. The rest of the equipment for hiking in the forest is listed below.

  • Clothing and footwear

Prepare for any weather. Shoes should be comfortable and durable. It is best to wear boots that tie securely at the ankle. If you do not plan to climb into a dense thicket, you can wear ordinary sneakers or sneakers. Clothing should provide protection against insects, in particular against ticks. Therefore, a headdress must be present. Clothing should be light enough to fit into a backpack without being too heavy. Depending on the season, thermal underwear will come in handy. A raincoat is an indispensable thing when hiking. It must be strong so that it does not tear from the branches. You don’t need to take a lot of things with you, you only need what you are wearing and a couple of spare things, as well as clothes for spending the night (thermal underwear will help). It is desirable that the clothes be bright and noticeable.

  • Hygiene

These and some other things can be taken individually or distributed among group members. Must take with you toilet paper(the more the better), which is a universal thing, soap, toothpaste and a brush. Useful dishwashing liquid. It is not necessary to take shampoo, soap replaces it well. Instead of a towel, it is better to take a sheet - it is light, large, it can be torn into several towels or used as a dressing. An elastic band for hair, tweezers, a sewing kit can come in handy in the most unexpected situations.

  • Food

You need to take dry rations with you, salt, sugar, pepper, soda, packaged in small bags. The rest of the food is distributed among the group members, its composition is selected depending on the duration of the trip. The main thing is that it should not be perishable.

A canister of water can be carried in turn, or distributed among the participants in the campaign. On a hike, 5-7 liters or more will come in handy clean water. In case of its shortage, you need to take filters for water purification. KLMN set - mug, spoon, bowl, knife, if possible, better from iron. It is durable, iron dishes can be put on fire. The bowler hat is attached to the backpack so as not to take up much space.

  • Medicines

Be sure to come in handy: a bandage (elastic and regular) or gauze, cotton pads or swabs, heartburn, nausea, painkillers. We also need a band-aid, activated charcoal, hydrogen peroxide, antibiotics, aspirin, iodine. In addition, we must not forget about individual preparations. Do not forget about the funds from ticks and mosquitoes.

  • Tools and other items

Vital in the campaign: matches soaked in paraffin, lighters (several pieces placed in different places), hunting knife, a flashlight with batteries, a piece of plexiglass, a mirror, an ignition agent (you can make tinder). In addition, you always need candles, self-tapping screws, a screwdriver, pliers, a hacksaw. If space permits, you can take a small axe. Fishing equipment can come in handy in other situations as well. And of course, in an extreme situation, a miniature NAZ will always save, the configuration and size of which can be chosen individually.

Perhaps everyone dreams of getting somewhere in nature, away from civilization, cars and city noise, in order to take a break from the everyday bustle. In such a situation, the most interesting thing that can be is a trip to the forest with an overnight stay. Beautiful and untouched nature, picking berries and mushrooms, evening gatherings by the fire with a hot cup of tea - what could be better? In this article you will find helpful tips and recommendations to help you prepare for the hike and collect all the necessary things for such a trip.

Clothes, things and equipment for a hike in the forest with an overnight stay

First of all, you need to consider how many days you are going and at what time of the year. Since this article is written for those who are just taking their first steps in tourism, recommendations for a summer trip to temperate climate for a few nights. If you are organizing a corporate trip to the forest, then warm vests with the company logo will be a great help.

Before you go hiking, remember - the lighter the weight of the backpack, the better. If you are not used to heavy loads, then give up a couple of unnecessary things. This rule will help save your energy and feel more comfortable during the hike.

Camping equipment

If you are going for one day, then a regular backpack of 15-30 liters is enough for you. If your trip is planned for several days, then take a larger backpack with you, preferably at least 50 liters ( good backpack on aliexpress).

Overnight hike in the forest, like any other, is impossible without a tent and a sleeping bag. But here again, do not forget about the area you are going to. For example, in the summer in the Crimea it will be very hot in a sleeping bag, and if you go to the Carpathians at the same time of the year, then you can’t do without a sleeping bag with a comfort temperature of + 10 ° C ( inexpensive sleeping bag on Aliexpress). But in any case, it is worth taking it in case of an emergency, even if you know that the place you are going to will be very hot.

If you can survive somewhere without a sleeping bag, then at least it will be uncomfortable without a tent, so decide how many people are going with you and choose a tent based on this number. Most importantly, it should protect strong wind and did not get wet in the rain. An acceptable tent can be purchased for $50 ( good tent on aliexpress). If you are going camping for several days, then you will not need a more expensive tent. Also, do not forget about the karemat (rug), without it you won’t sleep normally at night, and you won’t lie in the clearing during the day ( karemat on Aliexpress). Choose your caramel. The main thing is that its length should be several tens of centimeters more than your height.

Hiking clothes

From outerwear, you should have light, quick-drying sweatpants and the same windbreaker with a hood, and best of all, if all this is waterproof. In order not to freeze, you need to get a fleece jacket. Of course, you can get by with a grandmother's sweater, but it is quite heavy. Fleece is best for hiking because it is very light, but at the same time warm well.

Even though you go to places where there are a lot of trees, still take some kind of headgear with you. A hat can be useful at night when it will be cold, and during the day in a clearing you will not be able to do without a cap and panama.

And of course, on a hike in the forest with an overnight stay, you should take a couple more T-shirts and a night set of clothes so as not to freeze. In some forests, even in summer, the temperature in after sunset can be very low, keep this in mind when you gather. If you are afraid of getting wet, then grab a raincoat, in bad weather it can be quite a useful little thing that will protect you from heavy rainfall.

Hiking in the forest with an overnight stay is a pleasant thing, where you can see fascinating panoramas and beautiful landscapes. natural places, as well as relax the soul and gain new strength. If you have not been on such trips, then it is best to go for the first time with an experienced traveler who has already walked around more than one forest. So you can fully learn everything you need and already collect groups for hiking yourself.

Tourism helps to improve health, develop endurance and get new experiences. However, such a vacation is always fraught with dangers, whether it is an overnight trip or a day trip to the mountain or wooded area. There is always a chance of getting injured or unwillingly harming fellow travelers. To avoid this, you need to know the rules of conduct in the campaign.

We dress properly

Clothing should be durable, loose-fitting, and always appropriate for the weather and season. Shoes are better to choose closed with a hard sole. Girls should forget about heels, with them there is a high probability of dislocating or breaking a leg.

Headgear is always required on the hike. In hot weather, it will protect against sunstroke, and in cool weather - from the wind. To avoid overheating, do not wrap yourself tightly. It is better to take a sweater with you and put it on when it gets really cold.

Don't forget to take a change of clothes, rain protection and a sleeping kit if you're camping overnight. It is better to put things not in a bag or bag, but in a backpack to free your hands.

Collecting a first aid kit

In the campaign they say that every tourist should have a first aid kit. This is ideal, of course. Anything can happen on a hike, and it's best to be prepared for anything. If you are going to travel in a group, then you can agree that one or more people will take the medicines.

So here's what should be in your first aid kit:

  • adhesive plasters;
  • bandages (including elastic);
  • cotton wool;
  • harnesses;
  • brilliant green, iodine, hydrogen peroxide;
  • ammonia;
  • Activated carbon;
  • painkillers and antipyretics;
  • cold medicines;
  • allergy medications;
  • sunscreen and insect repellent (for hiking in warm time of the year);
  • individual medicines (drugs for pressure, inhalers for asthma, and so on).

Find out the bans for the area

Before you go on an active holiday, it would be nice to find out the rules of conduct during hiking for a particular area. This is especially true for areas where you are traveling for the first time. If you are too lazy, then a pleasant pastime can be overshadowed by the imposition of a fine or even arrest.

Perhaps in the intended place of rest it is forbidden to make a fire, hunt, fish or pick mushrooms. Check all these nuances in specialized organizations.

We do not deviate from the planned route

Before you go on a trip, be sure to tell your loved ones where you will rest. They need to know where to look for you if something happens. For this reason, do not change your route or report your new location on your mobile phone.

Move along the paths. So there is less chance of getting lost, disturbing wild animals and breaking plants. If tourists follow the rules of conduct on a hike, then they take care of the preservation of flora and fauna.

We comply with the tourism system

Wherever you go, it is safest to travel in an organized column. So you spend less effort and save time, even when traveling a long distance.

How to walk in formation? You need to gather in a column one by one at a distance from each other and move at the same pace. It is impossible to fail, and even more so to overtake the one in front.

Rules of conduct for different types of terrain

When moving through the forest, you need to look under your feet so as not to stumble on the roots of trees. Passing through the bushes, it is important to pass the branches from hand to hand. Many simply release the knots, and the person walking behind has to dodge so as not to be left without an eye. This behavior is unacceptable when walking in a group. In dense undergrowth it is impossible to hold all the branches. Therefore, the participants of the campaign need to increase the distance to four meters, so as not to injure each other.

If a thunderstorm caught in the forest, in no case get up under tall trees(especially under stand-alone). Take cover in a low growing area or crouch in a hole. Also, in rainy weather, you should not step on the roots of trees and stones, as they become very slippery.

Rocky terrain has its own rules of conduct for tourists on a hike. Such areas are dangerous because they are constantly subject to shedding and rolling of boulders. Therefore, travelers need to carefully look at the trails and slopes, and also remember that any stone can move. If you notice such a boulder, then report it along the chain to all members of the group.

Encounter with animals

If you see large wild animals (wolf, fox, bear, roe deer, etc.), then do not approach them. Reducing the distance is usually perceived as a sign of aggression, which means that the beast will begin to defend and attack. It will be correct to go in the opposite direction, but not by running, but by calm steps.

During the journey, you can meet snakes, some of which may be poisonous. What rules of conduct in a hiking trip should be observed in such situations? Never touch a snake and it will crawl past. Just stay still and don't make sudden movements.

The snake that you have not noticed is really dangerous. Look under your feet and where you are going to sit. If this fallen tree or a stump, tap on them first. Try to bypass snakes' favorite places: abandoned buildings, dead woods, swamps, ledges on rocks. If bitten, go to the hospital immediately.

Insects can be dangerous too

The most common carriers infectious diseases in the campaign - it's ticks. It is very important to remove them from the body in a timely manner. So look at each other from time to time. Do not forget about the right clothes, as well as ointments and sprays from ticks.

Also in nature, bees and hornets can cause trouble. If you have on them allergic reaction or you have been bitten more than three times, go to the hospital immediately. To avoid such an outcome, follow the basic rules of behavior on a hike: dress properly, do not wave your hands around stinging insects and do not disturb their hives.

Protect the environment

Usually, when campers set up tents, the first thing they do is level the surface and cut down needles for lining to keep warm and make the “floor” soft. But at this rate, only bald trees will stand in the forests. Use already fallen branches or purchase specialized hiking mats.

Take care of the trees, do not drive nails into them to hang something. The rope can always be tied and untied. For firewood, use only dead trees. They can be easily identified by the absence of green leaves. Moreover, as you know, they burn badly.

Try not to use household chemicals for washing dishes. Natural remedies are perfect for this purpose: sand and ash. If you really can’t do without the usual chemistry, use it as far as possible from reservoirs and sources of drinking water.

Bonfires on the hike

Don't make fire under trees. It is enough to set fire to one branch, and you will not be able to extinguish it. If there are old bonfires, use them instead of creating new ones.

If you take children with you, instruct them and tell them about the rules of behavior on a hike. For children, a fire is something attractive. They often climb into it, not realizing that they can get hurt.

When you get home, check the fire pits. No need to scatter or trample the coals, just fill them with water.

Take out the trash

To be able to relax in nature, you need to take care of it. The simplest thing is not to leave trash behind. Therefore, we take a large bag with us, collect all the waste in it and take it to the nearest garbage dump. Of course, some of the garbage can be burned, but do not try to do this with plastic. Show culture and take with you the waste left by negligent tourists.

Leftover food can be left under the tree, and the grits can be poured into the water. Grateful birds and animals will surely find and eat them when you leave.

Take care of other travelers

There are unspoken rules of conduct on a hike that conscious people follow. Clear glass and other debris from ponds, river banks, glades and other places that you meet on the way. If possible, repair damaged objects: benches, steps, washbasins.

If you see damaged signs, write down their exact location and notify the appropriate authorities: local authorities, control organizations, forestry service, etc.

Children can go camping not only with their parents. School camps and country boarding houses also offer children to go on a sightseeing walk or go to the forest for the night. And here everyone is forced to obey their leader and fulfill his requirements.

Camping rules for schoolchildren

Of course, in every organized group there will be their own rules, but there is a basic list of rules that children should follow in any situation:

  • do not go anywhere without the knowledge of the head;
  • inform the elder about the perceived danger;
  • do not eat unfamiliar berries, mushrooms and plants;
  • do not drink water from rivers, lakes and wells;
  • do not enter the reservoirs without the permission of the elder;
  • do not light a fire yourself;
  • Notify your supervisor if you are unwell.

In order not to overshadow your outdoor recreation, take care of your safety. Knowing the elementary rules will help preserve health, and sometimes life.

Autumn is a mushroom time, a time for hiking in the forests, drying mushrooms and spinning. In this article we will try to figure out how to make a trip to the country house and a trip to the forest safe.

Starting from early spring, the way of life of many citizens begins to approach nature. Let's remember this time when the sun was just beginning to warm up: walks and games with children on fresh air for many, they were systematically replaced by the organization of country life, cleaning personal plot, gardening and planting seedlings. By mid-June, dacha life was finally getting better, the beds were planted and gave the first crops of greens and radishes. Increasingly, along the suburban roads, villagers were meeting, diligently laying out their simple goods - fragrant wild strawberries and the first mushrooms. Just at this time, urban connoisseurs of the gifts of the forest also massively rushed to the lands, where danger often lay in wait for them. In autumn, trips to the forest become more frequent: the desire for winter mushroom supplies is combined with the need to obtain natural antidepressants through communication with nature, because the autumn blues do not take long.

Danger in the forest

The first trouble any summer resident faces outside the city is ticks. The taiga tick (Ixodes persulcatus) and the dog tick (Ixodes ricinus) are carriers mortal danger the enemies of man. The habitat of the first of them is the Siberian forests and forests Far East. The dog tick is a resident of the predominantly European part of Russia, Central and Northern Europe. The main way to protect against a tick is a responsible approach to choosing clothes for the forest. Do not neglect the repellent.

Our pets also need protection - treatment with drops from ticks when leaving the city is mandatory for both dogs and cats. One of the most serious diseases, often leading to the death of an animal, is piroplasmosis.

Ticks are carried by birds and animals and can be found on trees and bushes. Especially a lot of them come across in the grass. Owners of summer cottages located near forest plantations need to keep the site clean and mow the grass regularly.

How to prepare for a hike in the woods

Beware of snakes!

In damp areas near swamps and streams, it is not uncommon to find vipers basking in the sun. Nevertheless, having noticed a motley inhabitant of the forest, you should not approach her even for the sake of a very good photo. It is necessary as carefully as possible, without provoking or frightening, to bypass it. aggressively minded poisonous snake warns a potential offender with a characteristic hiss and crackle. In this case, you should leave this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe forest as soon as possible. Some irresponsible people try to kill the snake. It is these senseless actions that most often lead to serious injuries. Connoisseurs of the forest understand that adequate behavior and strong high boots or rubber boots easily protected from accidental bites.

What to do if you get lost in the forest

People who get lost in the forest do not dare to admit to themselves that the main danger comes from the guest of the forest himself. Poor awareness about correct behavior in nature, ignorance of the terrain and lack of orientation skills most often lead to tragic consequences. Going out for a walk in the forest, people often overestimate their strength and health. Rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, together with activists of volunteer organizations, are looking for such "losses" for days. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to save a person. More often than others, pensioners and people with poor health fall into such situations. But vigilance and composure can save a life.
Before going out into nature, it is necessary to inform relatives or neighbors about your approximate route of movement and the estimated time of return, so that in the event of an onset emergency people could raise the alarm in time and orient the rescuers. It is important to bring a charged mobile phone, having prepared in advance a list of duty numbers of local special services. Many modern phones are equipped with a navigation system, which can be very useful. It is dangerous to take a mobile phone that requires charging into the forest; do not be too lazy to charge it in time to a full battery. For forest visitors middle lane, where it is not recommended to take water from open sources for drinking, be sure to have a bottle of clean non-carbonated water with you. A small chocolate bar or a hematogen familiar to everyone since childhood will not burden the burden, which will give strength and help cheer up at the first sign of fatigue. As well as a small knife and a pocket lighter
The basic first aid kit is made up of mandatory painkillers, antihistamines, heart medications, as well as a plaster, bandages and potassium permanganate, and then supplemented medicines focusing on individual needs. If you take a couple of tablets of each drug and pack hermetically, such a first-aid kit will take up very little space.

If you realize that you are lost, it is important to remember a few simple rules:

  1. Stop the surging panic. Alas, no one is immune from such cases. But fear and panic can delay your stay in the forest belt for hours, or maybe days. This condition deprives the mind of the ability to think rationally.
  2. Act carefully and slowly. In no case should you run in all directions at once. This will lead to large wanderings and injuries. Save your strength.
  3. Stand in one place and calmly think about everything. You need to decide whether they will look for you, where you were seen in last time. If you don't know that your friends will go looking for you, it's better to stay where you are. it will be closest to the area where you were seen. Signal "Ay" with your voice. If you have a mobile phone, turn it off first to conserve battery. Think. who can you call to find you. If there is no connection or you are sure that no one will look for you, call emergency service 112. Tell us that you are lost and provide approximate landmarks. Speak clearly and concisely, describe what you see around you.
  4. Take a break to dress yourself warmly. Light a fire if it's cold. In general, fire is one of the most important means of salvation and a signal of your whereabouts.
  5. If you are sure that no one will look for you and you do not have a phone at your disposal, make a clear plan of action, trying not to change directions. Remember important rules orientation: the trees are covered with moss on the north side; south before noon can be found to the right of the sun, after noon - to the left. As you move, leave notches and other marks.

By following these simple rules, you can avoid dangerous consequences forest walk. For the most part, a city dweller who has turned away from the bustle of the city and rediscovers wild world(and also thinking about safety in advance!), A pleasant fatigue awaits after a forest hike, bringing a healthy sound sleep.

It starts very soon mushroom season. At this time, both summer residents and city dwellers rush to the forests. But everyone knows and remembers the rules safe behavior while hiking in the woods? In order not to turn an exciting walk into an emergency, you need to be well prepared for the trip and remember important safety rules.

The main attention should be paid to equipment. Clothing and footwear should be durable, comfortable, and preferably waterproof. Carry an extra pair of thick socks with you in case you get your feet wet. Do not forget to bring a hat with you, in a pinch a hood will do. This will serve as protection against ticks and small forest debris (small twigs, needles, foliage, etc.), which can fall from above. sharp knife, mushroom basket, disinfectant and repellent, plaster or bandage in case of injury. Also take water, because during a long walk through the forest, the body can lose a lot of fluid, as going to the forest is sufficient. physical activity. All these necessary things and items are best placed in a backpack, which is placed on your back to free your hands. And in free hands, we recommend holding a long cane to probe the soil and raise branches of bushes and fallen leaves. Remember, snakes can hide under foliage or branches!

The forest in which the hike is to be, should not be unexplored. If so, by all means take yourself an escort who will tell you the right direction. But even if the places are familiar, have a map, a compass, and a charged phone with you so that you can call for help in case of emergency. Also remember the noticeable landmarks that will help you get out: streams, large bodies of water, roads ...

Going for mushrooms with children, do not take your eyes off them. It is recommended that at least one adult supervise each child. In addition, whistles can be distributed to children: if they are still lost, it will be easier to find. And explain in advance, as far as possible, the route and instruct in case of loss. Make sure that the child does not put raw mushrooms and unfamiliar berries into his mouth.

As for the mushrooms themselves. Of course, we all know: you can cut only familiar mushrooms, being absolutely sure of their edibility. If the mushroom causes even the slightest doubt, do not touch it. Not every specialist will immediately distinguish false mushroom from edible, let alone ordinary tourists!

And do not leave behind various garbage, take care of nature. Follow simple safety precautions, it will save you from accidents, and the trip will give you pleasant emotions.

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