What is a paradigm in simple words? Paradigm: what is it in simple words, what does this word mean in sociology and philosophy

PARADIGMA (Greek paradeigma - example, sample) - I) the key idea underlying the construction of the concept; 2) the starting position (concept, model) in the formulation of problems, their explanation and solution; 3) an example from history, taken for proof, comparison.

Raizberg B.A. Modern socioeconomic dictionary. M., 2012, p. 356.

PARADIGMA - sample or model; a system of concepts with the help of which the social features of a phenomenon, system are described; initial concept, initial basic principles or a minimum set of fundamental requirements on which further research, political, cultural, educational and other activities are based.

Dictionary of terms and concepts in social science. Author-compiler A.M. Lopukhov. 7th ed. pereb. and additional M., 2013, p. 268.

Paradigm (Shapar, 2009)

PARADIGMA (Greek paradeigma - example, sample) - a system of basic scientific achievements - theories, methods, on the model of which the research practice of specialists in a given field of knowledge (discipline) is organized in a certain historical period.

The concept was introduced by the American historian T. Kuhn, who identified various stages in the development of a scientific discipline: 1) pre-paradigm - preceding the establishment of a paradigm; 2) the stage of domination of the paradigm - "normal science", 3) the stage of crisis and scientific revolution, which consists in changing the paradigm, in the transition from one to another.

Paradigm (Osipov, 2014)

PARADIGMA - a set of philosophical, general theoretical and metatheoretical foundations of science. Term introduced T. Kunom. According to Kuhn's concept, one or another qualitative stage in the development of science is the result not of evolution, but of revolution. key concept This concept is the concept of "Paradigm". It is ambiguous. The attitude of various groups of scientists to this concept is also ambiguous. It happened different attitude to Kuhn's philosophy of science and its original concept - "paradigm".

Paradigm (Gritsanov, 1998)

PARADIGMA (Greek paradeigma - example, sample) - 1) the concept of ancient and medieval philosophy, characterizing the sphere of eternal ideas as a prototype, a model, in accordance with which the demiurge god creates the world of existence; 2) in modern philosophy sciences - a system of theoretical, methodological and axiological guidelines adopted as a model for solving scientific problems and shared by all members of the scientific community. The term "paradigm" was first introduced into the philosophy of science by the positivist G. Bergman, but the real priority in its use and distribution belongs to Kuhn.

Paradigm (Kirilenko, Shevtsov, 2010)

PARADIGMA (Greek paradeigma - example, sample) - in broad sense- model of any kind human activity taken as a sample. In ancient times, the term "paradigm" was used to characterize ideas - "patterns" of the creation of the world. The term began to be widely used in modern philosophy and methodology of science to characterize the standards of scientific research after the publication of T. Kuhn in 1962 of the book “Structure scientific revolutions". At the same time, the meaning of the concept of "paradigm" is ambiguous and allows for the possibility of various interpretations.

The paradigm is pedagogical

PEDAGOGICAL PARADIGM (from the Greek. paradeigma - example, sample) - a set of theoretical, methodological and other guidelines adopted by the scientific pedagogical community at each stage of the development of pedagogy, which are guided as a model (model, standard) when deciding pedagogical problems; a certain set of prescriptions (regulations). The concept of "paradigm" was introduced by the American historian T.

Paradigm (Podoprigora, 2013)

PARADIGMA [gr. ... - example, sample] - 1) the concept of ancient and medieval philosophy, characterizing the sphere of eternal ideas as a prototype, a model, in accordance with which God the demiurge creates the world of existence; 2) in the modern philosophy of science - a system of theoretical, methodological and axiological attitudes adopted as a model for solving scientific problems and shared by all members of the scientific community. The term "Paradigm" was first introduced into the philosophy of science by the positivist G. Bergman, but the real priority in its use and dissemination belongs to T. Kuhn.

Paradigm (Comte-Sponville, 2012)

PARADIGME (PARADIGME). Especially a prime example or a model that serves as a standard of thought. This is how the word "paradigm" (paradeigma) was understood by Plato and Aristotle; today this meaning is used in epistemology or the history of science. Paradigm is one of the basic concepts used by Thomas Kuhn (192) ("The Structure of Scientific Revolutions"). It is a collection of theories, techniques, values, problems, metaphors, etc.

If the ancient Greeks knew the modern meaning of the words they invented, they would be very surprised. When an Athenian orator cited a parable or a fable to convince the public, this was called a paradigm. What is it in simple terms So now, it depends on the specific scientific field.

What does the word "paradigm" mean?

The word has Greek origin, where it meant "template, example, sample". In Antiquity, it was used mainly in rhetoric and denoted kind of proof when leading a discussion or during public speaking speaker.

AT modern times the first science to master the ancient Greek term was linguistics. Back in 1900, the lexeme was considered a technical term from the field of grammar. Subsequently, it was picked up by other areas of knowledge and received new, multifaceted meanings.

In the modern sense, paradigm is generally recognized scientific achievements, which for a certain period of time are a model for solving and searching for problems for a community of practitioners.

It defines:

  • What should be reviewed and researched;
  • What questions need to be studied within the framework of a certain problem;
  • How should these questions be structured;
  • What forecasts should be made within the framework of the theory that dominates the discipline;
  • How to interpret the results scientific research;
  • How should the experiment be conducted and what equipment should be used.

In this video, Andrey Kutsenko will tell you how the term "paradigm" was formed, about its definition:

Meaning in linguistics

In relation to the science of language, this Greek word means the whole set of word forms with different grammatical content belonging to one unit of speech.

In russian language paradigmatic analysis is a list of case forms, for example:

  • Sun;
  • sun;
  • the sun;
  • Sun;
  • the sun;
  • Oh sun.

For the verb, you will need to make a conjugation table.

Depending on the section of linguistics, the meaning of the term "paradigm" varies:

  • Morphology: a set of word forms that correspond to certain grammatical categories. With any changes, a certain part of the word (root) remains the same;
  • Lexicology: a category of words that are opposed to another category on a certain basis (meaning, pronunciation, spelling);
  • word formation: a set of derivatives originating from one root;
  • Syntax: constructions of sentences and phrases that differ from each other. For example, the category of modality (assumption, wish, possibility).

Paradigms in sociology

In the social sciences, a paradigm is understood as the prevailing on a certain historical stage a concept that defines a mechanism for finding problems and solving them.

Depending on the particular sociological school, there are several basic concepts:

  • social facts. The position established in society does not depend on the will of its individual members;
  • Understanding. Each participant in the social process is guided in his actions by a certain logic;
  • social behavior. A person acts on the basis of impulses laid down from birth;
  • Socio-historical determinism. The role of the individual in history is insignificant in comparison with the role of the collective;
  • Psychological determinism. The instincts of the individual are in constant struggle with stereotypes;
  • Naturalism. Research should be dominated by mathematical methods;
  • Interpretation. It is necessary to take the place of each individual in order to understand his actions;
  • Evaluation. The scientist should prefer pure research to a critical look at the problem.

Paradigm in philosophy

With regard to philosophy, the set of basic concepts is as follows:

  1. Speculation. A look at the problem should have nothing to do with reality. Boolean methods are not applied. The role of philosophy is reduced to an abstract reasoning about the fate of the world;
  2. scientism. The logical method is basic for cognition. Every premise must be supported by rational arguments. Knowledge must be subjected to critical reflection and classification;
  3. Analytics. The philosopher must study the exact meaning of the word, since the problems come from the incorrect designation of objects and phenomena;
  4. anti-scientism. The problems of previous epochs have no significance for the true essence of human existence;
  5. Aestheticos. Every philosopher is an artist and creator who proceeds from his intuition rather than from common sense;
  6. Practicality. Science should be the basis for changing the unjust system;
  7. Metaphysics. The subject of study is matter, spirit and God;
  8. Religious philosophy. The study of spiritual methods and rerigii.

The concept of scientific revolution

As the prominent American historian Thomas Samuel believed, scientific thought in its development passes through three stages:

  1. Ordinary existence, when every phenomenon fits into the current picture of the world;
  2. Gradually, the array of "wrong" and inexplicable facts becomes so large that a crisis situation occurs;
  3. The previous stage lasts until the development of new system knowledge, within which the old model will be only a special case.

During the transition from the 2nd to the 3rd stage, skepticism reigns in society. Thus, in 1900 the physicist William Kelvin wrote that “there is nothing new in physics. Only more or less accurate measurements remain.

Examples of major paradigm shifts include:

  • Transition from geocentric to heliocentric picture of the world (1543);
  • Approval of the principles of classical mechanics and departure from the ideas of Aristotle (1687);
  • Acceptance of Lavoisier's theory of chemical reactions (1783);
  • The establishment of genetics through the research of Georg Mendel (1866);
  • Acceptance of Quantum Mechanics (1905);
  • Development of the Theory of Relativity (1920).

The picture of the world dominating for some time in a certain field of knowledge is called a paradigm. What is it in simple words? The closest analogues are "method", "model", "concept" . When one basic method replaces another, one speaks of a revolution.

Video about the meaning of the word "paradigm"

In this video, Gennady Malyshev will talk about what a paradigm is and how it affects our lives:

accepted and shared scientific community and uniting the majority of its members. Ensures the continuity of the development of science and scientific creativity. Other values:

  • Education paradigm
  • A paradigm in rhetoric is an example taken from history or mythology and given for the purpose of comparison; parabola, fable.
  • A paradigm in the methodology of science is a set of values, methods, approaches, technical skills and means adopted in the scientific community within the framework of an established scientific tradition in a certain period of time.
  • A paradigm in political science is a set of cognitive principles and methods for displaying political reality that define the logic of knowledge organization, a model for the theoretical interpretation of a given group of social phenomena.

Besides, paradigm can be absolute, scientific, state, personal (individual, subjective) and generally accepted:

  • The generally accepted paradigms include an exemplary method of decision-making, models of the world or its parts (industries, fields of knowledge, spheres of life and activity) adopted large quantity of people. Examples: the paradigm of the constitutional course of Russia in 1993, the general paradigm of programming.
  • A personal paradigm is an essential decision-making method, a mental model of a particular person, his point of view. The false statement that " naturally it will necessarily differ from the generally accepted one, since it takes into account personal experience subject and also not complete - no one can know everything about everything". The fact is that the generally accepted paradigm does not define “knowledge of everything”, but only the essential knowledge necessary to ensure the evolutionary activity of the individual in social reality and the acquisition of reason.

see also

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See what "Paradigm" is in other dictionaries:

    Scientific (from the Greek. paradeigma example, sample) a set of scientific achievements recognized by the entire scientific community in a given period of time and serving as the basis and model for new scientific research. The concept of P. has received a wide ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    - (Greek) In grammar: an example, a pattern, a word by which others decline or conjugate. In rhetoric, an example taken from history and given for comparison. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. PARADIGMA ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    - (from the Greek. paradeigma example, sample), a model for setting problems, adopted as a model for solving research problems; dominant way scientific thinking, expressed in some completeness and relative consistency of views ... ... Ecological dictionary

    paradigm- (from the Greek. paradeigma example, sample) a system of basic scientific achievements (theories, methods), on the model of which the research practice of scientists in a given field of knowledge (discipline) is organized in a certain historical period. Concept ... ... Great Psychological Encyclopedia

    sample or model. As a special term, the concept of P. was introduced by Amer. science methodologist T. Kuhn in the book. “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions” (1962) to designate the dominant definitions in the activities. scientific community of problems and solutions. P.… … Encyclopedia of cultural studies

    Paradigm- (Gr.paradigma - үlgi, өnege) - American philosopher, qylmly Tarikhysyy, postpositivism өkil t. Kunny "qyli revolutionary қrylym" ’bigynde qylyyyyl qazirgi ryzyasyny ұmzyn nygizgi nygizgi nygizgi nygizgi nygizgi nygizgi nygizgi nygizgi nygizhizhn nygizgi nygizhizhn nygizgi nygizhizhn Zhalpy turde paradigm… … Philosophical terminderdin sozdigі

    Paradigm- Paradigm ♦ Paradigme A particularly striking example or model that serves as a standard of thought. This is how the word "paradigm" (paradeigma) was understood by Plato and Aristotle; today this meaning is used in epistemology or the history of science. Paradigm is one of... Philosophical Dictionary Sponville

    In linguistics, the system of forms of one word, reflecting the modifications of the word according to its inherent grammatical categories; pattern of declension or conjugation type. The concept of paradigm is also used in word formation, lexicology and syntax ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

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    paradigm- A set of management functions that includes the protocol and associated services, as well as auxiliary language to define information. It can be used to collect management information, including interactions between information on... ... Technical Translator's Handbook

    From Greek. paradeigma example, sample; English patadigm A. Initial scheme, model, problem solving method, underlying theory. B. An example from history taken for proof or comparison. Dictionary of business terms. Akademik.ru. 2001 ... Glossary of business terms


  • dualism paradigm. Space - time, information - energy, A. I. Demin. This book is devoted to the study of the paradigm of dualism - a new understanding of the essence of all processes and phenomena in the universe, which became possible due to the discovery of such an intangible ...

0 Our advanced age sometimes " throws up"We have a lot of very different terms, the meaning of which we cannot always clearly interpret. An example is such obsolete, but now again gaining popularity words like" courage "and" opportunity ", as well as quite rare word, "biryuk" or sometimes the expression "camo coming" that slips through the conversation. Be sure to add our resource site to your bookmarks to always be aware of the most interesting and informative news. Today we will talk about a rather rare, but at the same time actively used word " Paradigm", which means you can find out a little lower. Moreover, such a term sounds very beautiful, and shows your intelligence, and is admired by girls.
So let's continue what does paradigm mean? This term was borrowed from Greek"παράδειγμα", and is translated into Russian as "sample", "example", "model".

Paradigm- this is a system of certain views within which one or another theory will be considered

Synonym Paradigm: sample, scheme, model.

Paradigm is a system of means, methods, values ​​and technical skills accepted among scientists, and is used within a specific framework of the formed scientific tradition

Paradigm is a special theory expressed in a system of concepts that reflect the most important features of reality

As you probably already figured out, this concept is not the simplest, and clearly tells about something global, " sublime"and is associated with a certain doctrine, teaching, concept of the world or theory about something.

It turns out that all our numerous Paradigms(models) make possible our further development, at some stage. We try our best to fit our view of the world into a narrow " Procrustean bed"another model. For some time, we believe that we have managed to dot all the " Y", but as time passes, it turns out that we again got into a mess.

Our reality is much more complex than even the most powerful intellect can imagine, and in some ways this is wonderful, but at the same time sad. After all, we will never fully know our surrounding reality, although now we know that we will always have something to strive for.

By reading this article, you have learned meaning of the Paradigm, and now you will not fall into predicament when you find that word again.

Other values:

  • A paradigm in rhetoric is an example taken from history or mythology and given for the purpose of comparison; parabola, fable.
  • A paradigm in the methodology of science is a set of values, methods, approaches, technical skills and means adopted in the scientific community within the framework of an established scientific tradition in a certain period of time.
  • A paradigm in political science is a set of cognitive principles and methods for displaying political reality that define the logic of knowledge organization, a model for the theoretical interpretation of a given group of social phenomena.

Also, paradigm can be absolute, scientific, state, personal (individual, subjective) and generally accepted:

  • The generally accepted paradigms include an exemplary decision-making method, models of the world or its parts (industries, areas of knowledge, spheres of life and activity) accepted by a large number of people. Examples: the beneficial paradigm of the 1993 Russian constitutional course, the general programming paradigm.
  • A personal paradigm is an essential decision-making method, a mental model of a particular person. The current statement is incorrect that “naturally, it will necessarily differ from the generally accepted one, since it takes into account the personal experience of the subject, and is also not complete - no one can know everything about everything.” The fact is that the generally accepted paradigm does not define “knowledge of everything”, but only the essential knowledge necessary to ensure the evolutionary activity of the individual in social reality and the acquisition of reason.

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See what "Paradigm (meanings)" is in other dictionaries:

    This term has other meanings, see Paradigm (meanings). Paradigm (from other Greek παράδειγμα, “example, model, sample”< παραδείκνυμι «сравниваю») в философии науки означает совокупность явных и неявных (и часто не… … Википедия

    Scientific (from the Greek. paradeigma example, sample) a set of scientific achievements recognized by the entire scientific community in a given period of time and serving as the basis and model for new scientific research. The concept of P. has received a wide ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    paradigm- (from the Greek. paradeigma example, sample) a system of basic scientific achievements (theories, methods), on the model of which the research practice of scientists in a given field of knowledge (discipline) is organized in a certain historical period. Concept ... ... Great Psychological Encyclopedia

    Paradigm, inflectional paradigm in linguistics a list of word forms that belong to the same lexeme and have different grammatical meanings. Usually presented in the form of a table. The word παράδειγμα in Greek means "example, model, sample"; ... ... Wikipedia

    PARADIGM- (from the Greek paradeigma - an example, a sample). 1. The system of forms of one word (morphological P.). 2. A set of linguistic units connected by paradigmatic relations, that is, a class of linguistic units opposed to each other ... ... New dictionary methodological terms and concepts (theory and practice of teaching languages)

    Paradigm- (Paradigm) Definition of a paradigm, history of the emergence of a paradigm Information about the definition of a paradigm, history of the emergence of a paradigm Contents Contents History of occurrence Special cases (linguistics) Management paradigm Paradigm ... ... Encyclopedia of the investor

    This term has other meanings, see Paradigm. Paradigm (from the Greek παράδειγμα, “example, model, sample”) inflectional paradigm in linguistics a list of word forms that belong to the same lexeme and have different ... ... Wikipedia

    - (from the Greek παράδειγμα, “example, model, sample”) a set of fundamental scientific attitudes, ideas and terms, accepted and shared by the scientific community and uniting most of its members. Provides continuity ... ... Wikipedia

    paradigm thematic- A thematic series that unites words that have an integral explicit or implicit hyperseme in their meaning. May exist a large number of thematic paradigms: 1) verbs of motion; 2) mental verbs; 3) names ... ... Terms and concepts of linguistics: Vocabulary. Lexicology. Phraseology. Lexicography

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