The play The Cherry Orchard is a summary of the actions. Act one

The Cherry Orchard was created by Chekhov in 1903. This is a play about the decline of noble life on the estates, about the imaginary and real owners of the Russian land, about the inevitable renewal of Russia. Chekhov presented the obsolete past of Russia with the play The Cherry Orchard. A summary follows below.

First, let's introduce the main characters:

Landowner Lyubov Andreevna Ranevskaya. Her own daughter Anna is 17 years old. Adopted daughter Varya, 24 years old. Brother Ranevskaya - Gaev Leonid Andreevich. Student Trofimov Petr Sergeevich. Governess Charlotte Ivanovna. Merchant Lopakhin Ermolai Alekseevich. Landowner Semionov-Pishchik Boris Borisovich. Maid Dunyasha. Young footman Yasha. Old footman Firs. Clerk Semyon Panteleevich Epikhodov.

"The Cherry Orchard": summary first act

Dawn. Outside the window is spring, blossoming cherry trees can be seen. Only it is still cold in the garden, so all the windows are closed. Lopakhin and Dunyasha enter the room. They talk about the train that was late. And Lopakhin is upset that he could not meet Lyubov Andreevna, who in recent times lived abroad, at the station.

Then Epikhodov enters, he recently proposed to Dunyasha. Everyone hears two carriages drive up. The turmoil begins. The footman Firs enters, dressed in an ancient livery. And behind him comes Ranevskaya, Gaev, Anya, Simionov-Pishchik and Charlotte Ivanovna. Anya and Ranevskaya reminisce about the past.

Then Anya talks with Varya. She talks about her experience of finding her mother there without money, among strangers. But Ranevskaya did not seem to understand her position. She gives the lackeys a ruble for tea, and they order the most exquisite and expensive dishes. But in fact, the money was barely enough to get home. And now the estate must be sold, the auction is scheduled for August.

"The Cherry Orchard": a summary of the second act

Evening. Sunset. The action takes place at an abandoned chapel. Lopakhin is interested in plots for dachas. He believes that the land should be divided into plots and leased out. Just to do this, you have to cut The Cherry Orchard. But Ranevskaya and Gaev are against it, they call it vulgarity. Gaev dreams of some kind of inheritance, of the Yaroslavl aunt, who promised to give money, but how much and when it will be is unknown. Merchant Lopakhin once again recalls the auction.

"The Cherry Orchard": a summary of the third and fourth acts

The Jewish orchestra is playing. Dancing couples all around. Varya is worried that the musicians were invited, but they have nothing to pay. Ranevskaya cannot wait for her brother to arrive from the auction. Everyone hopes that he bought the estate for the money sent by the Yaroslavl aunt. Only she sent only fifteen thousand, and they are not even enough for interest. Gaev and Lopakhin are returning from the auction. Guy is crying. Ranevskaya learns that the garden has been sold, its new owner is Lopakhin. She almost faints.

There is little furniture in the rooms, no curtains or paintings. Worth the luggage. Lopakhin warns that in a few minutes you need to go. Gaev went to work in a bank. Ranevskaya travels to Paris with her aunt's money sent from Yaroslavl. Yasha goes with her. Gaev and Ranevskaya are depressed, they say goodbye to the house. Anya thinks that her mother will return to her soon. And she will study at the gymnasium, go to work and begin to help her mother. Everyone gets out noisily and leaves for the station. And only the forgotten Firs remained in the closed house. Silence. The sound of an ax is heard.

"The Cherry Orchard": analysis. Basic moments

The summary tells us that Gaev and Ranevskaya are an obsolete past. The Cherry Orchard is dear to them as a memory of childhood days, of well-being, of youth, of an easy and graceful life. And Lopakhin understands this. He tries to help Ranevskaya by offering to rent land. There is simply no other way out. Only the lady, as always, is careless, she thinks that everything will somehow resolve itself. And when the garden was sold, she did not grieve for long. The heroine is not capable of serious experiences, she easily moves from anxiety to cheerful animation. And Lopakhin is proud of the purchase and dreams of his new life. Yes, he bought the estate, but still remained a peasant. And the owners of the cherry orchard, although ruined, are, as before, gentlemen.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

"The Cherry Orchard"

The estate of the landowner Lyubov Andreevna Ranevskaya. Spring, cherry blossoms. But the beautiful garden is soon to be sold for debts. For the past five years, Ranevskaya and her seventeen-year-old daughter Anya have lived abroad. Ranevskaya's brother Leonid Andreevich Gaev and her adopted daughter, twenty-four-year-old Varya, remained on the estate. Ranevskaya's affairs are bad, there are almost no funds left. Lyubov Andreevna always littered with money. Six years ago, her husband died of alcoholism. Ranevskaya fell in love with another person, got along with him. But soon he died tragically, drowning in the river, her little son Grisha. Lyubov Andreevna, unable to bear her grief, fled abroad. The lover followed her. When he fell ill, Ranevskaya had to settle him in her dacha near Menton and take care of him for three years. And then, when he had to sell the dacha for debts and move to Paris, he robbed and abandoned Ranevskaya.

Gaev and Varya meet Lyubov Andreevna and Anya at the station. At home, the maid Dunyasha and the familiar merchant Yermolai Alekseevich Lopakhin are waiting for them. Lopakhin's father was a serf of the Ranevskys, he himself became rich, but he says about himself that he remained "a man a man." The clerk Epikhodov arrives, a man with whom something constantly happens and who is called "twenty-two misfortunes."

Finally, the carriages arrive. The house is filled with people, all in a pleasant excitement. Everyone talks about their own. Lyubov Andreevna looks around the rooms and through tears of joy recalls the past. Maid Dunyasha can't wait to tell the young lady that Epikhodov proposed to her. Anya herself advises Varya to marry Lopakhin, and Varya dreams of marrying Anya to a rich man. The governess Charlotte Ivanovna, a strange and eccentric person, boasts of her amazing dog, the neighbor landowner Simeonov-Pishchik asks for a loan. He hears almost nothing and all the time mutters something old faithful servant Firs.

Lopakhin reminds Ranevskaya that the estate should soon be sold at auction, the only way out is to break the land into plots and lease them to summer residents. Lopakhin’s proposal surprises Ranevskaya: how can you cut down her favorite wonderful cherry orchard! Lopakhin wants to stay longer with Ranevskaya, whom he loves "more than his own," but it's time for him to leave. Gaev delivers a welcoming speech to the hundred-year-old "respected" closet, but then, embarrassed, again begins to senselessly pronounce his favorite billiard words.

Ranevskaya did not immediately recognize Petya Trofimov: so he changed, became uglier, the “dear student” turned into an “eternal student”. Lyubov Andreevna cries, remembering her little drowned son Grisha, whose teacher was Trofimov.

Gaev, left alone with Varya, tries to talk about business. There is a rich aunt in Yaroslavl, who, however, does not love them: after all, Lyubov Andreevna did not marry a nobleman, and she did not behave “very virtuously”. Gaev loves his sister, but still calls her "vicious", which causes Ani's displeasure. Gaev continues to build projects: his sister will ask Lopakhin for money, Anya will go to Yaroslavl - in a word, they will not allow the estate to be sold, Gaev even swears it. Grumpy Firs finally takes the master, like a child, to sleep. Anya is calm and happy: her uncle will arrange everything.

Lopakhin does not cease to persuade Ranevskaya and Gaev to accept his plan. The three of them had lunch in the city and, returning, stopped in a field near the chapel. Just here, on the same bench, Epikhodov tried to explain himself to Dunyasha, but she had already preferred the young cynical footman Yasha to him. Ranevskaya and Gaev do not seem to hear Lopakhin and talk about completely different things. So without convincing “frivolous, unbusinesslike, strange” people of anything, Lopakhin wants to leave. Ranevskaya asks him to stay: with him "it's still more fun."

Anya, Varya and Petya Trofimov arrive. Ranevskaya starts talking about " proud man". According to Trofimov, there is no point in pride: a rude, unhappy person should not admire himself, but work. Petya condemns the intelligentsia, who are incapable of work, those people who philosophize importantly, and treat peasants like animals. Lopakhin enters the conversation: he just works “from morning to evening”, dealing with large capitals, but he is becoming more and more convinced how little there is around decent people. Lopakhin does not finish, Ranevskaya interrupts him. In general, everyone here does not want and does not know how to listen to each other. There is silence, in which the distant sad sound of a broken string is heard.

Soon everyone disperses. Left alone, Anya and Trofimov are glad to have the opportunity to talk together, without Varya. Trofimov convinces Anya that one must be “above love”, that the main thing is freedom: “all of Russia is our garden”, but in order to live in the present, one must first redeem the past with suffering and labor. Happiness is near: if not they, then others will definitely see it.

Comes the twenty-second of August, the day of trading. It is on this evening, quite inopportunely, that a ball is being held in the estate, a Jewish orchestra is invited. Once, generals and barons danced here, and now, as Firs complains, both the postal official and the head of the station "do not go willingly." Charlotte Ivanovna entertains guests with her tricks. Ranevskaya anxiously awaits the return of her brother. The Yaroslavl aunt nevertheless sent fifteen thousand, but they are not enough to buy the estate.

Petya Trofimov “reassures” Ranevskaya: it’s not about the garden, it’s been over for a long time, we need to face the truth. Lyubov Andreevna asks not to condemn her, to feel sorry for her: after all, without a cherry orchard, her life loses its meaning. Every day Ranevskaya receives telegrams from Paris. At first she tore them up right away, then - after reading them first, now she doesn't vomit anymore. "This wild man”, whom she still loves, begs her to come. Petya condemns Ranevskaya for her love for "a petty scoundrel, a nonentity." Angry Ranevskaya, unable to restrain herself, takes revenge on Trofimov, calling him a “funny eccentric”, “freak”, “clean”: “You must love yourself ... you must fall in love!” Petya tries to leave in horror, but then stays, dancing with Ranevskaya, who asked for his forgiveness.

Finally, the embarrassed, joyful Lopakhin and the tired Gaev appear, who, without saying anything, immediately goes to his room. The Cherry Orchard was sold and Lopakhin bought it. The "new landowner" is happy: he managed to beat the rich Deriganov at the auction, giving ninety thousand in excess of the debt. Lopakhin picks up the keys thrown on the floor by the proud Varya. Let the music play, let everyone see how Yermolai Lopakhin “suffices with an ax in the cherry orchard”!

Anya comforts her crying mother: the garden has been sold, but there is a whole life ahead. There will be a new garden, more luxurious than this, “quiet deep joy” awaits them ...

The house is empty. Its inhabitants, having said goodbye to each other, disperse. Lopakhin is going to Kharkov for the winter, Trofimov returns to Moscow, to the university. Lopakhin and Petya exchange barbs. Although Trofimov calls Lopakhin " beast of prey", necessary "in the sense of metabolism", he still loves in him "tender, subtle soul". Lopakhin offers Trofimov money for the journey. He refuses: over the "free man", "in the forefront going" to the "higher happiness", no one should have power.

Ranevskaya and Gaev even cheered up after the sale of the cherry orchard. Previously, they were worried, suffering, but now they have calmed down. Ranevskaya is going to live in Paris for the time being on the money sent by her aunt. Anya is inspired: a new life begins - she will finish the gymnasium, she will work, read books, "a new wonderful world" will open before her. Suddenly, out of breath, Simeonov-Pishchik appears and, instead of asking for money, on the contrary, distributes debts. It turned out that the British found white clay on his land.

Everyone settled down differently. Gaev says that now he is a bank servant. Lopakhin promises to find a new place for Charlotte, Varya got a job as a housekeeper to the Ragulins, Epikhodov, hired by Lopakhin, remains on the estate, Firs should be sent to the hospital. But still, Gaev sadly says: “Everyone is leaving us ... we suddenly became unnecessary.”

Between Varya and Lopakhin, an explanation must finally occur. For a long time, Varya has been teased by "Madame Lopakhina." Varya likes Yermolai Alekseevich, but she herself cannot propose. Lopakhin, who also speaks well of Vara, agrees to "put an end immediately" to this matter. But when Ranevskaya arranges their meeting, Lopakhin, without deciding, leaves Varia, using the very first pretext.

“Time to go! On the road! - with these words, they leave the house, locking all the doors. All that remains is old Firs, who, it would seem, everyone took care of, but whom they forgot to send to the hospital. Firs, sighing that Leonid Andreevich went in a coat, and not in a fur coat, lies down to rest and lies motionless. The same sound of a broken string is heard. "There is silence, and only one can hear how far in the garden they knock on wood with an ax."

Lyubov Andreevna Ranevskaya always littered with money. While she lived abroad with her daughter Anna, her brother, Leonid Andreevich Gaev, lived on the estate, and stepdaughter landowners, Varya. Now for the debts it is necessary to sell the cherry orchard.

Lyubov Andreevna is greeted by her brother and Varya, the merchant Lopakhin, the clerk Epikhodov, the maid Dunyasha, the governess Charlotte Ivanovna, the neighbor Simeonov-Pishchik, and the old servant Firs. Petya Trofimov, the former teacher of the drowned son of Lyubov Andreevna, Grishenka, has turned from a sweet young man into an eternal student who has become ugly.

Lopakhin proposes to divide the garden into plots to rent to summer residents. Lyubov Andreevna is against cutting down trees. She cannot imagine her life without a cherry orchard. Gaev comes up with rescue plans: Lyubov Andreevna will borrow money from her aunt, who does not communicate with them. He swears that he will not allow the garden to be cut down. Mumbling incoherently as he is taken to bed.

Dunyasha likes Yasha, the lackey, so he refuses Epikhodov's attempts to improve relations with her. Lopakhin talks to Gaev and Ranevskaya about the benefits of his plan to pay off their debts. Brother and sister do not hear him. The merchant wants to leave, but Lyubov Andreevna stops him. Petya, Varya and Anya join them. They talk about pride. The teacher claims that pride becomes a hindrance to a poor person. Lopakhin works all day, he notices that you rarely meet a decent person. The dispute is interrupted by Ranevskaya with a reproach that people do not hear each other. The sound of a broken string is heard somewhere in the distance. Trofimov and Anya remain alone. He assures her that she must redeem the past with labor and suffering in order to live in the present.

The day of the auction came, Ranevskaya arranges a ball, invites a Jewish orchestra. The guests are having fun. An aunt from Yaroslavl sent money, but this is not enough to pay off debts. Trofimov says that the garden is long gone. He condemns Lyubov Andreevna for her love for the villain who robbed her, and now sends telegrams from Paris with requests to return. Ranevskaya in response calls Petya names, then asks for forgiveness.

Lopakhin bought a cherry orchard at auction. Gaev does not want to talk to anyone. Varya threw the keys at the merchant's feet. He is pleased. Now he will cut down the trees and carry out his plan. The inhabitants of the estate are going to disperse.

Ranevskaya wants to go to Paris, live on her aunt's money with her favorite scoundrel. Anya will go to high school. Will work and read books - a new life begins. Simeonov-Pishchik, who appeared unexpectedly, unexpectedly distributes his debts to everyone. Gaev got a job at a bank, Varya was hired as a housekeeper, old Firs is going to be sent to the hospital. Lopakhin left the clerk Epikhodov on the estate, and promised Charlotte to arrange a good job for her.

Varya and Lopakhin sympathize with each other, but cannot explain themselves in any way. Left alone, the merchant is embarrassed. Instead of offering Varya, he came up with the first excuse that came across and left her.

Everyone leaves the estate, they have forgotten old Firs. He sighs that the master went lightly dressed. He goes to rest and lies motionless. Again the sound of a broken string. The sound of axes is heard in the garden.


"The Cherry Orchard" - drama, comedy or tragedy "The Cherry Orchard" - a play about the past, present and future "The Cherry Orchard" by A.P. Chekhov - a play about unfortunate people and trees "The Cherry Orchard" as an example of a Chekhov play "The Cherry Orchard" blooms for humanity (according to the work of A.P. Chekhov) “All of Russia is our garden” (what is the optimism of A.P. Chekhov’s play “The Cherry Orchard”) “All Russia is our garden!” (based on the play by A.P. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard"). "Kluttle" in the play by A. P. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard" "Chekhov was an incomparable artist ... an artist of life" (L.N. Tolstoy) (based on the play by A.P. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard" or "Three Sisters") Author in the play by A. P. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard" Analysis of the play by A. P. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard" Analysis of the final scene of A. P. Chekhov's play "The Cherry Orchard" The future in the play "The Cherry Orchard" The future in A. Chekhov's play "The Cherry Orchard" View of A.P. Chekhov on the fate of Russia (based on the play "The Cherry Orchard") Time and memory in the play "The Cherry Orchard" Heroes of the Cherry Orchard Heroes of A. Chekhov's play "The Cherry Orchard" as representatives of the past, present and future Heroes-klutzes in the play by A.P. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard". (Lopakhin and Ranevskaya) Nobility in A. Chekhov's play "The Cherry Orchard" Are the heroes of The Cherry Orchard dramatic or comical? (based on the play by A. N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm") Genre originality of A. Chekhov's play "The Cherry Orchard". The meaning of the image of Petya Trofimov in the play by A.P. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard" The ideological and artistic originality of the play "The Cherry Orchard" The ideological content of the play "The Cherry Orchard" The ideological content of A. Chekhov's play "The Cherry Orchard" A. P. Chekhov's depiction of a new life in the play "The Cherry Orchard" The image of the collapse of the nobility in the play by A. P. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard" Comic images and situations in A. Chekhov's play "The Cherry Orchard" Comic and tragic in A. P. Chekhov's play "The Cherry Orchard" Who is to blame for the death of the cherry orchard? (based on the play by A.P. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard") Lopakhin - the new master of life? (based on the play by A.P. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard") The place of the image of Lopakhin in A.P. Chekhov's comedy "The Cherry Orchard" A. P. Chekhov's dream of a new life on the pages of the play "The Cherry Orchard" Dreams and reality are the main conflict in A.P. Chekhov's play The Cherry Orchard. The younger generation in the play by A.P. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard" Tender soul or predatory beast Unusualness of the estate-class approach in A. Chekhov's play "The Cherry Orchard" The innovation of A.P. Chekhov The new owner of the cherry orchard What did A.P. Chekhov's play “The Cherry Orchard” make me think about? The image of the "eternal student" Trofimov in the play by A.P. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard". The image of the cherry orchard in the minds of the heroes of the play by A.P. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard" The image of Lopakhin in the play by A. P. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard" The image of Ranevskaya in the play by A. P. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard" The attitude of the author to his characters in the play "The Cherry Orchard" Why A.P. Chekhov insists that The Cherry Orchard is “a comedy, in some places even a farce” Why are the words of Firs - "Life has passed, as if it had not lived" - are relevant to the content of Chekhov's entire play "The Cherry Orchard"? Arrival of Ranevskaya and Gaev to the estate (Analysis of the scene of the 1st act of the play by A.P. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard") The past and present of the noble estate in the play by A.P. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard" Past, present and future of the Cherry Orchard. Past, present and future in A.P. Chekhov's play "The Cherry Orchard" Past, present, future in the play by A.P. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard" A conversation about the future in the second act of A.P. Chekhov's play "The Cherry Orchard". (Scene analysis.) Ranevskaya, Gaev, Lopakhin - who is better (A.P. Chekhov's play "The Cherry Orchard") Review of the play by A. P. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard" Russia in the play by A.P. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard" The peculiarity of the conflict and its resolution in the "Cherry Orchard" The peculiarity of the conflict and its resolution in the play by A. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard" The symbol of the cherry orchard in the play by A.P. Chekhov The symbolism of the cherry orchard in the play of the same name by A. Chekhov Symbolism of the play "The Cherry Orchard" What is the cherry orchard a symbol of? (based on Chekhov's comedy "The Cherry Orchard") Funny and serious in A.P. Chekhov's play "The Cherry Orchard" The meaning of the title of the play by A.P. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard" The meaning of the title of Chekhov's play "The Cherry Orchard" Old and new owners of the cherry orchard (According to the play by A.P. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard") The old world and the new masters of life The theme of the past and present of Russia in the play by A.P. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard" The theme of the Russian nobility in the dramaturgy of A.P. Chekhov ("The Cherry Orchard") Three generations in Chekhov's play "The Cherry Orchard" Predatory beast or man (Lopakhin in A.P. Chekhov's play "The Cherry Orchard") The passage of time in the work of A. P. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard" The passage of time in the play by A. P. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard" Artistic originality of the play "The Cherry Orchard" Artistic functions of the landscape in the plays by A. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" and A. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard" Why I liked A.P. Chekhov's play "The Cherry Orchard" Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard" Composition based on Chekhov's play "The Cherry Orchard" The meaning of the title of the play by A. P. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard" Anya and Petya Trofimov in the play "The Cherry Orchard" The sound of a broken string (The Cherry Orchard by A.P. Chekhov) The image of Anya, daughter of Ranevskaya in the play "The Cherry Orchard" All Russia is our garden Description of the image of Ranevskaya in the play "The Cherry Orchard" "The Cherry Orchard" - drama or comedy What is the significance of the image of Firs in the play "The Cherry Orchard" The theme of time in the comedy "The Cherry Orchard" The meaning of the author's remarks in the play "The Cherry Orchard" PRESENT, PAST, FUTURE IN THE PLAY "THE CHERRY ORCHARD" Minor characters in the play "The Cherry Orchard" The history of creation and analysis of the comedy "The Cherry Orchard" by Chekhov A.P. Lopakhin - "subtle, tender soul" or "predatory beast" Genre originality of the play "The Cherry Orchard" by Chekhov A.P. Heroes of the Idiot in the playwrights of A.P. Chekhov (based on the play "The Cherry Orchard") Reflections on the finale of the play "The Cherry Orchard" The place of the image of Lopakhin in the comedy by A. P. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard" Images of Anya and Trofimov How to determine the genre of the play "The Cherry Orchard" The image and character of Ranevskaya What is the "undercurrent" in the plays of A.P. Chekhov? (on the example of the comedy "The Cherry Orchard") Comic images and situations in Chekhov's play "The Cherry Orchard" The image of Lopakhin in the play "The Cherry Orchard" The future in Chekhov's play "The Cherry Orchard" Cherry orchard as a symbol of spiritual memory Space and time in A.P. Chekhov's comedy "The Cherry Orchard" Reflection on the play by A. P. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard" The place of the image of Lopakhin in the comedy by A.P. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard" Chekhov's "Cherry Orchard" blooms for mankind The theme of "The Cherry Orchard": the theme of the death of old noble estates Clarification of the essence of the conflict in the play "The Cherry Orchard" The conflict of social contradictions in the play "The Cherry Orchard" Cherry Orchard: Gentle Soul or Beast of Prey "Unfulfilled Fates" of the heroes of the play by A.P. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard" The main conflict of Chekhov's play "The Cherry Orchard" Beautiful human qualities manifest themselves with special force precisely at the moment of greatest danger. A. P. CHEKHOV'S COMEDY "THE CHERRY GARDEN" The Cherry Orchard is a symbol of the perishing beauty of the purity of harmony Characteristics of the image of Ranevskaya Lyubvi Andreevna Characteristics of the image of Gaev Leonid Andreevich Characteristics of the image of Dunyasha The discord between desires and the possibility of their implementation in the play by A. P. Chekhov The plot lines of Chekhov's play "The Cherry Orchard" The central character of Chekhov's comedy "The Cherry Orchard" The image-symbol in the minds of the heroes of the play by A.P. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard" The main themes of the play by A.P. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard" Who is right, imagining the tomorrow of the Fatherland: Lopakhin or Petya Trofimov The image of the "eternal student" Trofimov in A.P. Chekhov's comedy "The Cherry Orchard" Sound and color effects of the play "The Cherry Orchard" "Klutushki" in Chekhov's play "The Cherry Orchard" A conversation about the future in the second act of the play by A.P. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard" (Scene Analysis) Mother and daughter Ranevsky in Chekhov's play "The Cherry Orchard" And yet - comedy, drama or tragedy "The Cherry Orchard" The author's position in the characters of the play "The Cherry Orchard" Ideas and conflicts of the play "The Cherry Orchard" by A.P. Chekhov Lyubov Ranevskaya: "Sell me along with the garden..." Mother and daughter Ranevsky Denunciation of ignorance in Chekhov's play "The Cherry Orchard" The image of the "eternal student" Trofimov in the play by A.P. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard". The feeling of time in Chekhov's play "The Cherry Orchard" Lopakhin and Varya in Chekhov's The Cherry Orchard The theme of the spiritual rebirth of a person in the stories of A.P. Chekhov (based on the play "The Cherry Orchard")

Summary of the play by A.P. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard" preparation for the final essay, for the reader's diary. Comedy in 4 acts.


Ranevskaya Lyubov Andreevna - landowner.
Anya is her daughter, 17 years old.
Varya is her adopted daughter, 24 years old.
Gaev Leonid Andreevich - brother of Ranevskaya.
Lopakhin Ermolai Alekseevich - merchant.
Trofimov Petr Sergeevich - student.
Simeonov-Pishchik Boris Borisovich - landowner.
Charlotte Ivanovna - governess,
Epikhodov Semyon Panteleevich - clerk.
Dunyasha is a maid.
Firs is a lackey, an old man of 87 years old.
Yasha is a young footman.

Action 1

The room, which is still called the nursery. Lopakhin and Dunyasha are waiting for Ranevskaya and everyone who went to meet her to arrive from the station. Lopakhin recalls how Ranevskaya felt sorry for him in childhood (Lopakhin is the son of the serf Ranevskaya). Lopakhin reproaches Dunyasha for behaving like a young lady. Epikhodov appears. Entering, he drops the bouquet. Epikhodov complains to Lopakhin that some kind of misfortune happens to him every day. Epikhodov leaves. Dunyasha reports that Epikhodov proposed to her. Two carriages drive up to the house. Ranevskaya, Anya, Charlotte, Varya, Gaev, Simeonov-Pishchik appear. Ranevskaya admires the nursery, says that she feels like a child here. Left alone with Varya, Anya tells her about her trip to Paris: “Mom lives on the fifth floor, I come to her, she has some French, ladies, an old priest with a book, and it’s smoky, uncomfortable ... My dacha near Menton she has already sold, she has nothing left, nothing. I didn't even have a penny left, we barely got there. And my mom doesn't understand! We sit down at the station to dine, and she demands the most expensive thing and gives the lackeys a ruble for tea. Charlotte too. Yasha also demands a portion for himself ... ”Anna wonders if Lopakhin made an offer to Varya. She shakes her head negatively, says that nothing will work out for them, tells her sister that in August they will sell the estate, and she herself would like to go to holy places. Dunyasha flirts with Yasha, he tries to seem like a foreign dandy. Ranevskaya, Gaev and Simeonov-Pishchik appear. Gaev makes movements with his arms and torso, as if playing billiards (“From the ball to the right into the corner”, “From two sides to the middle”). Ranevskaya rejoices that Firs is still alive, recognizes the situation: “My dear closet! (kisses the cupboard). Before leaving, Lopakhin reminds the owners that their estate is being sold for debts, and offers a way out: to break the land into summer cottages and rent them out.

However, this will require cutting down the old cherry orchard. Gaev and Ranevskaya do not understand the meaning of Lopakhin's project, they refuse to follow his reasonable advice under the pretext that their garden is mentioned in " encyclopedic dictionary". Varya brings Ranevskaya two telegrams from Paris, she tears them up without reading them. Gaev delivers a pompous speech addressed to the closet: “Dear, respected closet! I salute your existence, which for more than a hundred years has been directed towards the bright ideals of goodness and justice; your silent call to fruitful work has not weakened for a hundred years, maintaining vigor in the generations of our family, faith in a better future and educating in us the ideals of goodness and social self-consciousness. There is an awkward pause. Pishchik takes a handful of pills intended by Ranevskaya. He either tries to borrow 240 rubles from the owners, then falls asleep, then wakes up, then mutters that his daughter Dashenka will win 200 thousand on a ticket. Petya Trofimov appears - the former teacher of Grisha, the son of Ranevskaya, who drowned a few years ago. He is called "a shabby gentleman" and "an eternal student." Varya asks Yasha to see his mother, who has been waiting for him in the servants' room since yesterday. Yasha: "It is very necessary." Gaev states that there are many ways to get money to pay off debts. “It would be nice to receive an inheritance from someone, it would be nice to pass off our Anya as a very rich person, it would be nice to go to Yaroslavl and try your luck with the aunt-countess.” The aunt is very rich, but she does not like her nephews: Ranevskaya did not marry a nobleman and did not behave virtuously. Gaev says about himself that he is a man of the eighties, he got it for his convictions in life, but he knows the peasants and they love him. Varya shares her problems with her sister: she manages all the household, diligently maintains order and saves on everything. Tired from the road, Anya falls asleep.

Action 2

A field, an old chapel, an old bench. Charlotte tells about herself: she does not have a passport, she does not know her age, her parents were circus performers, after the death of her parents, a German woman taught her to be a governess. Epikhodov sings songs to the guitar, poses in front of Dunyasha. She tries to please Yasha. Enter Ranevskaya, Gaev and Lopakhin, who still convinces Ranevskaya to give the land for dachas. Neither Ranevskaya nor Gaev hear his words. Ranevskaya regrets that she spends a lot and senselessly: she goes to have breakfast in a crappy restaurant, eats and drinks a lot, gives a lot for tea. Yasha declares that he cannot hear Gaev's voices without laughter. Lopakhin is trying to shout to Ranevskaya, recalling the auction. However, the brother and sister claim that "dachas and summer residents - it's so common." Ranevskaya herself feels uncomfortable (“I’m still waiting for something, as if a house should collapse above us”). Ranevskaya's husband died "from champagne." She got together with another, went abroad with him, took care of the object of her passion for three years when he fell ill. In the end, he left her, robbed her and got together with another. Ranevskaya returned to Russia to her daughter. In response to Lopakhin's reasonable proposals, she tries to persuade him to talk about marrying Vara. Firs appears with Gaev's coat. Firs considers the liberation of the peasants a misfortune ("Men with the masters, gentlemen with the peasants, and now everything is scattered, you won't understand anything"). Trofimov enters, who resumes yesterday’s conversation with Gaev and Ranevskaya about the “proud man”: “We must stop admiring ourselves. We just need to work... We, in Russia, still have very few people working. The vast majority of the intelligentsia that I know do not seek anything, do nothing, and are not yet capable of work ... Everyone is serious, everyone has stern faces, everyone talks only about important things, philosophizes ... all our good conversations are for this only to avert the eyes of oneself and others." Lopakhin objects to him that he himself works from morning to evening. He agrees that there are few honest, decent people in the world (“I think: “Lord, you gave us huge forests, immense forests, the deepest horizons, and living here, we ourselves should really be giants”). Gaev pompously recites - a monologue addressed to mother nature. He is asked to be quiet. All those gathered constantly utter fragmentary phrases that are in no way connected with each other. A passer-by asks for alms, and Ranevskaya gives him gold. Varya desperately tries to leave. Ranevskaya wants to keep her, saying that she has betrothed her to Lopakhin. Anya is left alone with Trofimov. He happily assures her that they are above love, calls the girl forward. “All of Russia is our garden. The earth is great and beautiful, there are many wonderful places. Think, Anya: your grandfather, great-grandfather and all your ancestors were serf-owners who owned living souls, and is it possible that from every cherry in the garden, from every leaf, from every trunk, human beings do not look at you, do you really not hear voices ... Own living souls - after all, this has reborn all of you who lived before and are living now, so that your mother, you, uncle no longer notice that you live on credit, at someone else's expense, at the expense of those people whom you do not let further than the front. .. We are at least two hundred years behind, we still have absolutely nothing, we have no definite attitude to the past, we only philosophize, complain about melancholy or drink vodka. After all, it is so clear that in order to begin to live in the present, we must first redeem our past, put an end to it, and it can only be redeemed by suffering, only by extraordinary, uninterrupted labor. Petya encourages Anya to throw the keys to the household into the well and be free as the wind.

Action 3

Ball in the house of Ranevskaya. Charlotte shows card tricks. Pishchik is looking for someone to borrow money from. Ranevskaya says that the ball was started inopportunely. Gaev went to the auction to buy the estate by proxy of his aunt in her name. Ranevskaya insistently demands that Varya marry Lopakhin. Varya replies that she cannot propose to him herself, but he is either silent or joking, and keeps getting richer. Yasha cheerfully reports that Epikhodov broke the billiard cue. Ranevskaya urges Trofimov to finish his studies, shares with him her doubts about leaving for Paris: her lover bombards her with telegrams. She has already forgotten that he robbed her, and does not want to be reminded of this. In response to Trofimov's accusations of inconsistency, she advises him to take a mistress. Varya kicks Epikhodov out. Gaev returns, cries, complains that he has not eaten anything all day and suffered greatly. It turns out that the estate has been sold and Lopakhin bought it. Lopakhin is proud that he bought the estate, “there is nothing more beautiful in the world. I bought an estate where my grandfather and father were slaves... Come and see how Yermolai Lopakhin will hit the cherry orchard with an ax! We will set up dachas, and our grandchildren and great-grandchildren will see here new life!" Anya consoles the weeping Ranevskaya, convinces that a whole life lies ahead: “We will plant a new garden, more luxurious than this, you will see it, understand it, and joy, quiet, deep joy will descend on your soul.”

Action 4

Departing people collect things. Saying goodbye to the peasants, Ranevskaya gives them her wallet. Lopakhin is going to Kharkov (“I kept hanging out with you, I was exhausted with nothing to do”). Lopakhin tries to give Trofimov a loan, he refuses: “ Mankind is coming to higher truth to the highest happiness possible on earth, and I am in the forefront!” Lopakhin reports that Gaev has accepted the position of an employee in the bank, but doubts that he will stay long in the new position. Ranevskaya worries about whether the sick Firs has been sent to the hospital, and arranges for Varya and Lopakhin to explain in private. Varya informs Lopakhin that she has hired herself as a housekeeper. Lopakhin never makes an offer. Saying goodbye to Anya, Ranevskaya says that she is leaving for Paris, where she will live on money sent by her Yaroslavl aunt. Anya plans to pass the exam at the gymnasium, then work, help her mother and read books with her. Charlotte asks Lopakhin to find her a new place. Gaev: “Everyone is leaving us. Varya leaves ... We suddenly became unnecessary. Suddenly, Pishchik appears, distributing debts to those present. The English discovered white clay on his land, and he leased the land to them. Left alone, Gaev and Ranevskaya say goodbye to the house and garden. From afar, their names are Anya and Trofimov. The owners leave, lock the doors with a key. Firs appears, who has been forgotten in the house. He is sick. “A distant sound is heard, as if from the sky, the sound of a broken string, fading, sad. There is silence, and only one can hear how far in the garden they knock on wood with an ax.

/ / / "The Cherry Orchard"

Spring. The cherry orchard is blooming on the Ranevskaya estate. But in the near future it will be sold for the debts of its owners. In the previous five years, the owner of the estate, Lyubov Ranevskaya, and her daughter Anna lived abroad. During her absence, the owner's brother Leonid Gaev and Varya, the adopted daughter of Ranevskaya, looked after the estate.

Lyubov Andreevna is accustomed to living on a grand scale. But now she was experiencing significant financial difficulties. About six years ago, her husband died of alcoholism. Later, Ranevskaya met and fell in love with another man. Soon grief occurred in the Ranevsky family - she drowned in the river younger son Grisha. Unable to bear the grief, Lyubov Andreevna decided to leave for France. With her went her new lover. When he fell ill, Ranevskaya was forced to settle in a dacha in Menton. She took care of him for three more years. A little later, when it was necessary to sell the cottage in order to pay off his debts, he robbed and ran away from her.

Upon arrival home, Ranevskaya and her daughter Anna were met at the station by Gaev and Varyusha. Dunyasha was waiting for them at the estate, she was a maid, and Yermolai Lopakhin. His father was a serf in the Ranevsky family, but Yermolai himself made his way into the people. And also Epikhodov, he was a clerk.

All this idyll is broken by Lopakhin with his reminder to Ranevskaya about the imminent auction and the sale of the entire estate. He also offers a way out of the situation, which will help pay off debts. This is the lease of the land where the cherry orchard grows. For Ranevskaya, such a proposal seems unacceptable. She can't figure out how to cut down her favorite cherry orchard.

Later, Lopakhin repeats his attempt to persuade Lyubov Andreevna and Gaev to follow his plan to lease the land. But the latter do not want to listen to him.

And now it's August 22 - the day of the auction. Very inopportunely, a ball was scheduled for that date at the estate. A Jewish orchestra is playing at the ball, Charlotte Ivanovna shows her tricks to the guests. Ranevskaya anxiously awaits her brother. Gaev went to Yaroslavl to her aunt for money. Aunty gave only fifteen thousand, but these are also not enough to pay off the debts.

Pyotr Trofimov is trying to calm the mistress, saying that the cherry orchard has already outlived its usefulness and it would be better to sell it. To which Ranevskaya replies that without a garden, she does not see the meaning of her future life.

And here comes the enthusiastic Lopakhin. He announces that the estate has been sold, and he himself has become the buyer.

The house is gradually emptying, the guests are leaving.

Ranevskaya, rethinking what happened, seems to be happy about the sale of the estate. She moves to Paris and lives there on her aunt's money. Her daughter Anna also began a different life. After graduating from high school, a “new” world opened up before her. The neighboring landowner Simeonov-Pishchik distributed all the debts. Gaev became a bank employee. Varya was taken as a housekeeper to the landowners Ragulins. Everyone somehow settled down, everyone began a new life.

Only the old servant Firs remained on the estate, as if they forgot about him. Silence falls, and only the sound of an ax is heard in the garden. They are cutting down the cherry orchard.

One of the works studied in the school curriculum is A.P. Chekhov's play "The Cherry Orchard". A summary of the play "The Cherry Orchard" by actions will help you navigate the content, break the text into storylines, highlight the main and secondary characters. The events connected with the sale of a beautiful cherry orchard, the loss of the estate by the careless owners of the old merchant Russia will pass before your eyes.

Act one

The action begins in the estate, located somewhere in the outback of Russia. On the street the month of May, cherry blossoms. In the house where the whole play will take place, the owners are waiting. The maid Dunyasha and the merchant Lopakhin are talking while they are waiting. Lopakhin recalls how, as a teenager, he was hit in the face by his father, a merchant in a shop. Lyubov Raevskaya (one of those who should come) reassured him, calling him a peasant. Now he has changed his position in society, but in his heart he still belongs to the peasant breed. He falls asleep while reading, does not see beauty in many things. The clerk Epikhodov comes with flowers, he is embarrassed, drops them on the floor. The clerk leaves quickly, awkwardly dropping his chair as he does so. Dunyasha boasts that Semyon Epikhodov proposed to her.

Visitors and their escorts pass through the room. The landowner Ranevskaya Lyubov Andreevna has two daughters: dear Anna, seventeen years old, and the receptionist Varya, twenty-four years old. Her brother, Gaev Leonid, came with her. The owners rejoice at the meeting with the house, pleasant memories of the past flooded over them. From a conversation with her sister, it turns out that Varya is waiting for an offer from Lopakhin, but he delays, is silent. Firs (servant) serves the mistress like a dog, trying to predict all her desires.

Merchant Lopakhin warns the owners that the estate is up for auction. It will be sold if no action is taken. Lopakhin proposes to cut down the garden, break up the land into plots and sell it for summer cottages. Brother and sister against cutting down cherry trees. Firs recalls how much was made from fragrant berries. Lopakhin explains that summer residents are new class, which will soon fill the whole of Russia. Gaev does not trust the merchant. He boasts about the age of the cabinet, which is 100 years old. He turns to the furniture with pathos, practically crying over the closet. Emotions cause silence and bewilderment of those present.

The landowner Pishchik hopes that everything will resolve itself. Ranevskaya does not understand that she is ruined, she “litters” with money, which is almost nonexistent, and cannot give up her masterly habits.

The mother came to the young lackey Yakov, she is sitting in the waiting room for her son, but he is in no hurry to go out to her.

Gaev promises Anna to solve difficult situation with a garden, find a way out that will allow you not to sell the estate. Dunyasha shares her problems with her sister, but no one is interested in them. Among the guests there is another character - Peter Trofimov. It belongs to the category eternal students who are unable to live on their own. Peter speaks beautifully, but does nothing.

Action two

The author continues to acquaint the reader with the characters of the play. Charlotte doesn't remember how old she is. She doesn't have a real passport. Once upon a time, her parents took her to fairs, where she gave performances, twisting the "somersault-mortale".

Yasha is proud to have been abroad, but cannot give an exact description of everything he saw. Yakov plays on Dunyasha's feelings, is frankly rude, the lover does not notice deceit and insincerity. Epikhodov boasts of his education, but cannot figure out whether he should live or shoot himself.

The owners are returning from the restaurant. From the conversation it is clear that they do not believe in the sale of the estate. Lopakhin tries to reason with the owners of the estate, but in vain. The merchant warns that the rich man Deriganov will come to the auction. Gaev dreams of financial assistance from the landowner's aunt. Lyubov Andreevna admits that she litters with money. Her fate cannot be considered happy: still young enough, she remained a widow, married a man who easily falls into debt. After the loss of his son (he drowned), he goes abroad. She has been living with her sick husband for three years. I bought myself a cottage, but it was sold for debts. The husband left without property and went to another. Love tried to poison herself, but she probably got scared. She came to Russia to her native estate, hoping to improve her situation. She received a telegram from her husband in which he called her to return. The woman's memories pass against the background of the music of the Jewish orchestra. Love dreams of calling the musicians to the estate.

Lopakhin admits that he lives gray and monotonous. His father, an idiot, beat him with a stick, he became a "dummy" with handwriting like a pig's. Lyubov Andreevna proposes to marry Varya, Ermolai Alekseevich does not mind, but these are just words.

Trofimov joins the conversation. Lopakhin, chuckling, asks the student's opinion about himself. Peter compares him to a predatory beast that eats everything in its path. The conversation is about pride, human intelligence. Gaev turns to nature with pathos, his beautiful words rudely interrupted, and he stops. A passing passer-by asks Varya for 30 kopecks, the girl screams in fright. Lyubov Andreevna, without hesitation, gives the golden one. Lopakhin warns of the imminent sale of the cherry orchard. It seems that no one hears him.

Anya and Trofimov remain on the stage. Young talk about the future. Trofimov is surprised by Varya, who is afraid of the appearance of feelings between him and Anna. They are above love, which can prevent them from being free and happy.

Act Three

There is a ball on the estate, many people are invited: a postal official, the head of the station. The conversation is about horses, the animal figure of Pishchik, cards. The ball takes place on the day of the auction. Gaev received a power of attorney from his grandmother. Varya hopes that he will be able to buy a house with a debt transfer, Lyubov Andreevna understands that there will not be enough money for the deal. She frantically waits for her brother. Ranevskaya invites Varya to marry Lopakhin, she explains that she cannot propose to the man herself. Gaev and Lopakhin are returning from the auction. Gaev has purchases in his hands, tears in his eyes. He brought food, but these are unusual products, but delicacies: anchovies and Kerch herring. Lyubov Andreevna asks about the results of the auction. Lopakhin announces who bought the cherry orchard. Turns out he's lucky new owner garden. Yermolai talks about himself in the third person, he is proud and cheerful. The estate where his father and grandfather were in slavery became his property. Lopakhin tells about the auction, how he raised the price to the rich Deriganov, how much he gave in excess of the debt. Varya throws the keys in the middle of the room and leaves. new owner raises them, smiling at the acquisition. The merchant demands music, the orchestra plays. He does not notice the feelings of women: Lyubov Andreevna is crying bitterly, Anya is kneeling before her mother. The daughter tries to calm her mother, promising her a new garden and a quiet, joyful life.

act four

The men come to say goodbye to the owners who are leaving the house. Lyubov Andreevna gives her purse. Lopakhin offers a drink, but explains that he was busy and bought only one bottle at the station. He regrets the money spent, as much as 8 rubles. Only Jacob drinks. It is already October in the yard, it is cold in the house as well as in the souls of many present. Trofimov advises the new owner to wave his arms less. The habit is not good, according to the "learned" student. The merchant chuckles, ironically about Peter's future lectures. He offers money, but Peter refuses. Lopakhin again recalls his peasant origin, but Trofimov says that his father was a pharmacist, and this does not mean anything. He promises to show the way to the highest happiness and truth. Lopakhin is not upset about Trofimov's refusal to borrow money. He again boasts about the fact that he works hard. In his opinion, there are some people who are needed simply for circulation in nature, there is no work from them, as well as good. Everyone is getting ready to leave. Anna wonders if Firs has been taken to the hospital. Yakov entrusted the task to Yegor, he is no longer interested in it. His mother came to him again, but he is not pleased, she brings him out of patience. Dunyasha throws herself on his neck, but there are no reciprocal feelings. Yasha's soul is already in Paris, he reproaches the girl for indecent behavior. Lyubov Andreevna says goodbye to the house, she looks around the places familiar from childhood. The woman leaves for Paris, she has the money that her grandmother gave to buy the estate, there is not much of it and will not last long.

Gaev got a job in a bank for 6 thousand a year. Lopakhin doubts his industriousness and the ability to stay in the banking service.

Anna is happy with the changes in her life. She will prepare for the exams in the gymnasium. The girl hopes to meet her mother soon, they will read books and learn new things. spiritual world.

Pishchik appears in the house, everyone is afraid that he will again ask for money, but everything happens the other way around: Pishchik returns part of the debt to Lopakhin and Ranevskaya. He has more happy fate, not in vain he offered to hope for "maybe". White clay was found on his estate, which brought him income.
Lyubov Andreevna takes care (in words) of two things: sick Firs and Varya. About the old servant, she is told that Jacob sent the old man to the hospital. The second sadness is her adopted daughter, whom she dreams of marrying Lopakhin. The mother calls the girl, Yermolai promises to put an end to the proposal Ranevskaya wants. Varya appears in the room. The groom asks about her plans when he finds out that she is leaving for the Ragulins as a housekeeper, talks about her departure and quickly leaves the room. The offer did not take place. Gaev is trying to pompously say goodbye to the house and garden, but he is rudely interrupted.

Brother and sister are left alone in a strange house. Gaev is in despair, Lyubov Andreevna is crying. Everyone is leaving.

Firs goes to the door, but it turns out to be closed. They forgot about the old servant. He gets upset, but not about himself, but about the masters. First he wants to sit, then lie down. Forces leave Firs, he lies down motionless. In the silence there is a clatter of an axe. The cherry orchard is cut down.

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