Card tricks secrets and training. Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering

How to shuffle cards Tarot so that divination is correct? People who do not guess are convinced of the existence of a magical, and secret way: How to shuffle cards!

In this article you will find the most common ways to shuffle cards before divination. Did you know that you only need to move cards with your left hand? Then this is also in the article.

Well, of course, we will dispel the fog about what needs to be done so that the fortune-telling is correct.

Methods of mixing cards can be divided into 2 types:

If you are guessing on a "straight" deck.

If you use reversed cards in divination.

Regular, classic card shuffling

Take the deck in one hand, and with the other remove some of the cards, raising your hand slightly up. And you lower the cards from above directly to the lower ones, with the side ends as if inserting into each other.

This is the most common way of shuffling cards, familiar to everyone since childhood, when they played "Throwing Fool".

Division into stacks

Take a deck and randomly divide it into 4-5 piles. Then, in any order, collect these piles again into a whole deck.

This method can be combined with the top. They shuffled the deck in their hands - laid out several piles on the table, collected them in a chaotic order - again shuffled.

These two methods are mostly suitable for a "straight" deck.

Circular movements

Spread the deck like a fan on the table and then shuffle the cards on the table with circular movements of the hands. Cards, of course, from this will be upside down and all sorts of things. Therefore, this method of shuffling is suitable for those who use straight and inverted cards in a deck when divining.

The disadvantage of this method: the deck will quickly "grow old". The edges of the cards will be constantly chipped, the cardboard will begin to delaminate, the lamination will begin to recede, the edges will be with small tears, the pattern and gilding along the edges will begin to rub off.

Cut and flip

We take the deck in hand, with the other hand we shift part of the cards. In each hand, it turned out conditionally 2 decks. Now take one of the decks and rotate it 180 degrees. Again, we have the same 2 decks in our hands, only one of them is upside down. Now we connect them and again we get a whole deck.

So you can cut the deck in different places several times.

As you may have guessed, the last 2 methods are only suitable for decks with "shifters".

All methods can be combined at will, especially the scope for imagination with inverted cards during divination.

Spectacular and spectacular

I'll tell you a little secret. You can shuffle cards very beautifully, this is a whole art. There are special techniques shuffling, courses have been created, they teach this. This is mainly required for casinos and poker clubs, as well as for magicians.

What needs to be conjured for fortune telling to be true

In order for fortune-telling to be true, it is not particularly necessary to invent. As you already understood, it doesn't even matter. Your condition matters. It should be pleasantly meditative, slightly trance-like. You may feel as if you are not here.

How is it achieved? That's just during the shuffling of cards, it is achieved. While you are shuffling the cards, you think about the question, think about the person you are guessing for, ask the cards through you to help this person - this is the setting. You just need to stop thinking about not cooked soup, but think about the situation that you are asked to guess.

You need to shuffle as much as you want and you need to stop when you just want to.

Is it possible not to shuffle at all

Can. And this will work too. Arrange the cards on the table in a ribbon or fan and simply selectively draw any cards.

So, there are several ways, but they are not the essence. The main thing during shuffling is to tune in to the question, your state and your feelings. You must feel that you have fallen into the situation. It doesn't matter with which hand you move the cards and where you draw them from the deck.

If you see before you young man, who masterfully shuffles the deck in front of you before the deal - this is a trick by which he increases his weight in your eyes. It has nothing to do with fortune telling and the accuracy of the layout.

There is no secret and magical way of shuffling cards where the cards don't lie.


Figaseberu. DVD "Card Shuffles 2012"

And you yourself, how are you used to shuffling cards? What signs do you use when divining?

Any card player, professional or amateur, knows perfectly well what card shuffling is and how they should be shuffled. There are several basic ways to mix cards:

Hand-to-hand (or natruska) shuffling and corrugated shuffling. The first method is most often used at home and has two types: mixing up and down and "jogging manners". In the first form, when the cards are shuffled, the bottom group of the deck is at the bottom. In the second, they use a slightly extended card or a group of cards to build a deck (in-jogs and out-jogs), shuffling over the pack.

At fluted shuffle use deck control, control of a card or group of cards, ledge shuffling, corrugated picking, assembly movement.

Another type of shuffle - "Pharaoh", where the alternation of cards occurs evenly from the two halves of the deck.

Shuffle (shuffle) is any mixing and moving of cards in order to create their unpredictable and indefinite output during the game. Shuffle is a preparatory procedure before the cards are dealt. The deck is thoroughly mixed and trimmed.

All dealer operations must be clear, the optimal speed when shuffling cards is medium, and the pace is uniform. All this happens in front of the players. Good and efficient shuffling of cards requires a certain skill and dexterity of the dealer's hands and is sometimes a decisive factor in the outcome of the game.

The casino uses several basic types of shuffles: riffle, sheimy, strip.

AT riffle shuffle shuffling of two halves of a deck of cards is used - this is a thorough and quick mixing.

AT shammy shuffle cards are shuffled randomly.

Block mixing of cards, where from 4 or more parts of a deck of cards are mixed with each other, is called strip shuffle.

Each shuffle is accompanied by a mandatory card alignment procedure and ends pruning. Pruning is final stage in a full shuffle cycle. It is performed by the dealer only once and strictly with one hand; at home, the deck is cut by the player sitting in front of the dealer.

The complete process of shuffling cards is the alternation several shuffles, alignment and trimming and is carried out before each distribution. In the casino, the dealer mixes all the cards, after which the player is invited to cut them with a special scoring card. Then the cards are folded into a special device called a "heel" or "shoe", from which cards are drawn for distribution. In some cases, the first few cards from the "heel" are removed "into the closed". Previously played cards are stacked in a specially designated place. As soon as a scoring card comes out of the “heel”, the current distribution is played out and the whole deck is shuffled again. Thus, the cards that remain behind the scoring do not participate in the game.

in the casino, and recent times more and more often at home, special devices are used to shuffle cards - shuffle machines.

The machine effectively mixes the deck of cards in a fully automatic mode. It greatly speeds up preparatory stage to the party and cheating is excluded at the stage of mixing cards. Convenience, practicality and reliability in the use of a shuffle machine guarantees a fair distribution of cards for a home gaming tournament, high level games and prestige.

The ability to beautifully and effectively shuffle the cards is the key to the success of any trick or just a way to shine in any card game. Shuffling is called shuffling and there are several options for how to shuffle cards.

  1. Shuffle Faro
  2. mexican spiral
  3. Swipe shuffling
  4. RiffleShuffle
  5. Volt
  6. Stirring with one hand
  7. triple shuffle
  8. False shuffles or flourishes

These are the most basic and common ways to mix cards beautifully. Let's consider the most spectacular in more detail.

Shuffle Faro

A very spectacular option, relating even to light tricks. Only a new deck should be used for it. The essence lies in the beautiful insertion of pictures into each other and their overflowing with a waterfall from one hand to another. With the left hand we hold the deck and with the right we select exactly half in the other hand. Then carefully align both halves and put one on top of the other vertically under pressure. Then we loosen the hands a little, and they begin to diverge.

It is important! At this point, it is important to correctly start entering each card in turn one after the other. This can be achieved after careful training. Everything, the stack is collected and shuffled.

The waterfall is not difficult to do, the main thing is a little effort and time for repetitions.


We interfere with the cards by flipping in the hand, using all fingers to support and fix the stack. First, the deck is divided in half with a slight movement of the thumb of the right hand, and then each half is effectively flipped into each other in turn by each picture. Next important step here it is to bend the pile into a “C” and loosen the grip of the fingers, allowing the cards to evenly settle into the new pile.

A detailed tutorial on this type of deck shuffling can be found here:

To effectively shuffle the cards, you will need a special. cards with special coated. You can order these


If you need a way to quickly shuffle cards, then taking volts is very handy. The main task when performing this mixing is to keep the fingers on the deck correctly. The ring and middle fingers have a special role. There are three main types of volts, detailed description which can be viewed here:

Also, this technique perfectly explains how to shuffle cards with one hand deftly and confidently. In general, the one-hand shuffle technique is called One-HandShuffle and is average level difficulties in owning a deck. After mastering the above methods of mixing, you should also learn this one so that the level of skill is constantly growing.
To effectively shuffle the cards, you will need a special. cards with special coated. You can order these

Almost every person in the world held a deck of cards in their hands. For some, this is a simple playing instrument, someone predicts fate using them, and for someone this is a real job. Even for the simplest card game to change the order of the cards in the deck and add an element of randomness, shuffling is used. People whose work is related to cards, be it a croupier or a magician, know how to surprise the audience even before the show or game begins.

Their shuffling methods are mesmerizing, it seems that this is real magic. But there are ways of shuffling that cheaters use to deceive players, so if you know how to shuffle cards, you can protect yourself from being deceived.

Basic Shuffling Techniques

It is impossible to enumerate all the ways of mixing. Daily experienced players, magicians and croupiers complete this list. Anyone can learn how to shuffle a deck, but it takes a day of practice to shuffle like a pro. We bring to your attention the most common methods of mixing the deck.


This method is the simplest and most common, it consists in pouring cards from one hand to another. We take the deck with the left hand, and with the right we lift a small part of the cards, and throw them into the deck. It is enough to do 7-8 repetitions.


This method of mixing is somewhat similar to juggling and looks very impressive. The method consists in quickly shuffling the cards in the hands, divided into several separate piles. Since shuffling cards using this method is not difficult, anyone can learn. First you need to divide the deck into 3 or 4 parts, holding the deck in your left hand with three fingers, lift a quarter of the cards with your index finger and move it to the right. We fix the finger on the edge of the pushed cards and with the right finger pushes them to the left. It turns out that the stack of cards is wrapped between the palm trees and the cards are moved to the right hand. We repeat the same movements with the rest of the parts. The movements are simple, but in order for the mixing to look spectacular, everything must be done quickly.


How to shuffle cards in this way is clear from the name. It is necessary to distribute the deck like a fan, divide it into two halves in two hands and skip one half of the deck between the other. In order for the cards to take on a random order, you need to do the fan several times.

Shuffle parts

This method of shuffling is mainly used by cheaters who need to stack the cards in a special order. The essence of the method is to move the necessary cards down the deck, and shuffle the rest of the deck without affecting the ones you need. At the end of the shuffle, the sharper carefully moves the set aside cards to the top of the deck.

swallow tail

As in a fan, the deck of cards is divided in half and one half is passed into the other, but the fraudster needs to cover one half right hand and describe movements to the right. Separating part of the deck, he again shifts this part up. Everything happens quickly, it seems that the cards are shuffled, but in fact everything remains in place.


This is a more complex type of card shuffling, it can be equated with tricks. This method requires a new deck, this trick will not work with the old one. The idea of ​​the number is that the cards should fit one into the other practically on weight, overflowing from hand to hand, as if by a waterfall. Experienced croupiers advise how to learn how to shuffle cards in this way: holding the deck in your left hand, drag half the cards with your right hand, then align the halves and put them vertically one on one. We gradually remove our hands, and the cards smoothly move apart.

Knowing the principle of how to shuffle cards beautifully, and having enough time to practice, you can learn this craft on your own to surprise your relatives with unusual shows.

Since it is beautiful to shuffle cards - you ask me. I answer in this article.

Let's look at one of the options for shuffling cards in the "American" way. This is a shuffle of Riffle Shuffle cards on the table.

This type of card shuffling looks quite impressive.

It is essentially simple to do. It's easier than . That is why you need to master it 100%. This method of shuffling is popular both in casinos and at home.

So where to start?

We take a deck of cards and put them on the table in front of us. Then we take it with one hand and remove about half of the deck and put it next to the second half.

Now we take and put our palms on each half. So that thumb was on one long side of the cards, and the rest of the cards on the other. Now we take the thumb and lift the corner of one pile and, accordingly, with the other hand, do the same with the other half!

After that, we turn the cards a little away from us so that the raised corners look at each other. And now we begin to let go of these corners so that cards from two piles fall into one alternately. When everything is finished, align the deck.

OK it's all over Now. To make it clearer for you, I recorded a video for you. In the video, I do a little differently than in the diagram. But I think that you will choose your option. Good luck!

In general, many do not know about the possibilities of this shuffle. not only can you shuffle cards in this way, there is tuning for it, so to speak. Namely, there is a version of its fake performance, the so-called Zarrow Shuffle. Outwardly, everything is identical, but in reality the deck is not shuffled.

Also with its help you can carry out a variety of card controls. All this you will know

It is possible to execute from this shuffle the crown cheat trick Double Duke (Double Duke), which you probably have not heard of.

Also, various fake cheating withdrawals are made from it, which you will certainly learn about on the open spaces of my site.

Now you know how to shuffle cards beautifully and what opportunities open up from this.

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