Love tolkalina and her new friend. Yegor Konchalovsky spoke about a new lover. About shooting dreams and working to tears

“Honestly, if my birthday didn’t happen in February, I would sincerely, together with everyone, believe that this month is extra on the calendar ... In a few days I will be 39! That’s it! Not a bud! Hooray, I’m old! And "I announce the beginning of my acquaintance with injectable and laser cosmetology! - Tolkalina wrote in the microblog. - I announce that the countdown has begun. Forward to youth! I will regularly talk about my experiments! Today I have undergone bioreparation." According to the actress, the drug based on hyaluronic acid removes wrinkles and rejuvenates the skin.


“My God, it’s still a girl! What kind of injections, Lyuba?”, “What a smart girl you are, Lyuba, that you talk openly about cosmetic injections, your colleagues don’t admit”, “Great, I also try to keep myself in shape,” supported the actress fans. Others warned the pet that the passion for radical procedures is not good for the skin. “I’m 41 on February 4, I don’t want injections, I’m sure that it will only get worse if I start, then I have to inject all the time, I want a hardware room to maintain and plastic surgery in 10 years”, “Don’t just become like Masha Rasputina”, “Lyubochka! 39 years! Why? I don't understand! My friends at 40 from mesotherapy look 57!" fans said.

However, even after the breakup, the stars maintained warm friendly relations. Not so long ago, Tolkalina touchingly congratulated Konchalovsky on his birthday.

Lyubov Tolkalina spoke about raising her daughter and admitted that she was happy in a new relationship.

Love Tolkalina gave candid interview glossy magazine, where she talked about how her life is developing after breaking up with Yegor Konchalovsky. Actually, the gap itself occurred five years before the actress decided to announce it. The pregnancy of Konchalovsky's beloved, Maria Leonova, pushed her to this step. At the same time, the relationship between Yegor and Lyubov did not end, but moved to another level. Tolkalina still considers Konchalovsky main support and support, because the path we traveled together for 20 years was left behind. They are friends and communicate a lot, especially on the basis of raising a common daughter, Maria.

The daughter of Konchalovsky and Tolkalina is now at a difficult age. Maria, according to her mother, rebels and protests against everything that surrounds her. Parents try to control events in their daughter's life, but at the same time give her a sense of freedom of choice. Maria herself calls herself a “hothouse” child and recalls that in her childhood someone was busy around her all the time.

Looking back, Tolkalina admits her desire to protect her daughter from real world major mistake in education. " My most main mistake in that from her very childhood I decided for myself that a warm, bright room with books, toys and a nanny is better than a cold “grimwagen” or nightly journeys with a performance from city to city. And now I understand: the child needs to be shown not the beauty that is in the world, but the beauty that is in you. Without this, the child will question many things. Now I'm trying to catch up: Masha and I travel, talk a lot, even work together", Love said.

In Tolkalina's personal life now reigns complete harmony. Love has already found a new chosen one, with whom she is very happy. But he does not want to reveal the details of the novel. " My heart is not free, but I don't want to talk about it. Now I know for sure: if there is something truly valuable in your life, it should be in your heart pocket. Happiness loves silence!"- said Tolkalina Hello.

« Now I will stand on the square and announce the agenda! Hurrah, friends! All the people rejoice and rejoice, but we especially! Month-January! Number -15! And nothing and no one will hold back today's kvass with a shovel, because today our invariably dear Yegor was born!”, wrote Lyubov Tolkalina on Instagram.

Love Tolkalina - Russian actress theater and cinema, known for her roles in the action films Antikiller and Escape. Former spouse directed by Yegor Konchalovsky.

Childhood and youth

The future actress was born on February 16, 1978 in a small village Ryazan region where her grandparents lived. The father, a furrier by profession, brought his pregnant wife there from Moscow to gain strength before the birth. In the future, little Lyuba often visited the old people and still loves her native village and the endless expanses of Ryazan. Becoming famous actress, Lyubov built a large comfortable house there for her relatives, where she tries to visit at every opportunity.

As a child, Tolkalina was an active and purposeful girl, professionally engaged in synchronized swimming and even performed in the only water theater in the USSR at that time, Lotus. At the age of nine, she was entrusted with playing the role of the Little Mermaid, with which the young athlete coped brilliantly, and at the age of twelve she played Mary in the water extravaganza "The Fountain of Bakhchisarai". At school, Lyuba could not boast of high marks, but soon she became a master of sports in swimming and dreamed of a sports career.

But fate decreed otherwise: at the age of 16, Tolkalina accidentally met a student at VGIK who was looking for an actress-swimmer to shoot a commercial. He infected the girl with a love for cinema and theater, which changed her. later life. Secretly from her parents, Lyuba began to prepare for admission to VGIK, and, having passed a huge competition, she became a student at the workshop of Alexei Batalov.

In her first year, Tolkalina met the director Yegor Konchalovsky, who became for her a real Pygmalion, who made a sophisticated and refined lady out of a simple laughing girl.

Actor career

Having successfully graduated from the theater institute in 1999, Tolkalina got into the troupe of the theater Soviet army and in the same year she made her debut in the film "The Recluse". This role, as well as several subsequent ones, became a passage for the young actress, and she focused on working in the theater, at the same time trying herself in modeling business, and in 2001 appeared on the pages of Playboy.

Lyuba became widely known for her husband's painting "Antikiller" (2002), in which she got the role of travel agency manager Lyuba Tomilina. Encouraged by the success of the tape, Konchalovsky filmed a sequel in which the heroine Tolkalina became the wife of the protagonist, performed by the charismatic Gosha Kutsenko. From that moment on, they started talking about the actress as a new star of Russian cinema, and leading directors began to willingly invite her to their projects.

From 2003 to 2007, Lyubov worked at the Empire of Stars theater, in particular, she played Jacqueline in the play Oscar.

To date, there are about a hundred worthy works in Tolkalina's filmography, including roles in the films "Escape" with Evgeny Mironov, "Zhukov" with Alexander Baluev, "Compensation" and many others.

Tolkalina is a frequent guest on television, in 2010 she participated in the Ice and Fire project, and in 2015 she appeared on the stage of the Dancing with the Stars show.

Lyubov Tolkalina in the CARenina program

Personal life of Lyubov Tolkalina

While still a student at VGIK, Tolkalina, thanks to a friend, met her future civil husband Egor, the successor of the legendary Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky dynasty.

In 2001, she gave birth to baby Masha from him, but the couple did not officially formalize the relationship.

On February 16, 1978, the future actress Lyubov Tolkalina was born in Mikhailovka, Ryazan Region. Happy parents named the newborn Lyubochka. Tolkalina's family was simple: her mother looked after the disabled, her father worked as a furrier.

In her free time from lessons, Lyubov Tolkalina devoted herself to synchronized swimming classes. The girl grew up, and her passion for sports gradually began to develop into future profession.

The girl even worked in the theater on the water. There she performed various acrobatic numbers and became increasingly convinced that she would become a swimming coach in the future.

At the age of twelve, Lyubov Tolkalina played two roles in the production of The Fountain of Bakhchisarai. It was this event that changed Tolkalina's views on her future profession. And although at the age of sixteen Lyubov became a master of sports in synchronized swimming, she realized that sport was not her path. She realized that art is her future.

When Lyuba passed her final exams and received a matriculation certificate, she decided to go to the capital and enter the theater. Without hesitation, the girl submitted documents to VGIK. Successfully passed the entrance examinations and became the proud owner of a student card.

The master of the course in which Lyubov Tolkalina studied was famous actor Alexey Batalov. In 1999, after graduation, Tolkalina was hired by the theater of the Russian Army. After 4 years of work, she went to work at the Empire of Stars. In "Empire" Love also worked for four years.

All the time she worked in the theater allowed Tolkalina to conclude that the stage was not exactly what she aspired to while studying at the theater.

1999 was a film debut for Lyubov Tolkalina. She starred in the film "The Recluse". A year later, she played minor roles in the films Parting with Moscow (2000) and Butterfly Trajectory (2000).

In 2002, Tolkalina played a role in the Antikiller film, and 2003 was for Lyubov finest hour: she was offered the central female role in the film "Antikiller -2". After the release of the tape, fame came to Tolkalina. And most importantly, she realized that cinema is the main meaning of her professional life.

In 2004, the film "I love you" appeared on television. This tape participated in film festivals in Berlin and Cannes. As a comedian, Lyubov starred in the film The Listener (2004).

The filmography of Lyubov Tolkalina includes about 90 films. Let's name the brightest films: "Games of Adult Girls" (2004), "My General" (2006), "Canned Food" (2007), "Crazy Angel" (2008), "Captain Nemov's Heart" (2009), "Compensation (2010) )" and many others.

Interesting Notes:

2016-2017 were marked by the release of new paintings with the participation of Lyubov. These are the films "Adoption Clinic" (2016), "Secretary" (2017).

Quite by accident, Love met. This meeting was decisive for both. In 2000, the couple registered a marriage, and a year later their daughter Maria was born.

Then long time lasted a series of meetings and partings of the spouses. This was probably facilitated by the fact that their age difference is 13 years.

And in January 2017, reliable information leaked to the media that the couple had officially ended their relationship. Lyubov Tolkalina is currently in active search, and Yegor Konchalovsky found a new companion - lawyer Maria Leonova.

Films by Lyubov Tolkalina

Year Name Role
1999 recluse

Irina (film debut)

2000 Parting with Moscow Episode
2000 Butterfly trajectory Episode
2001 line of defense

Ekaterina Tropinina

2002 Antikiller Luba Tomilina
2002 gossip columns Victoria
2003 Antikiller 2: Antiterror Luba Tomilina
2003 Evlampia Romanova. The investigation is conducted by an amateur Vera Zaitseva
2004 I love you

Vera Kirillova

2004 Sins of the Fathers Nina Nevelova
2004 Russian medicine Faith
2004 Listener Marina
2004 Twins

Natella Proskurina

2004 Adult girls games Alka
2004 Traders Mila
2005 Matryoshkas Olga
2005 The escape Tatyana
2005 Talisman of love Olga
2006 The return of the prodigal dad Svetlana
2006 My general

Marina Evgenievna Korsunskaya

2006 Moscow history Anna
2007 Artists Masha
2007 canned food Olga
2007 Kisses of fallen angels Marina
2007 Open, Santa Claus! Zhenya
2007 Let's play Lera
2007 Caucasus Sofia
2007 Outpost Katia
2008 Once upon a time in the province Lena
2008 crazy angel Valentine
2008 Photographer Alice
2008 Black dress

Natalia Nikolaevna Levina

2008 Golden Key Katia
2008 The road leading to happiness Jeanne
2008 keep me rain

Marianna Steklova

2008 May 9. personal attitude granddaughter
2009 forbidden reality Pauline
2009 Bride at any cost Mironova
2009 Captain Nemov's Heart

Tatyana Mulyavina

2009 Precinct Lily
2010 Sakura jam Evdokia
2010 Anything for you

Anfisa Gordeeva

2010 You ordered the murder Streshneva
2010 Further love

Elsa Sorokina

2010 hen-party

Victoria Zavadskaya

2010 Compensation

Olga Maltseva's wife

2010 I love March 9th! Svetlana
2010 Bear skin Elena
2010 Moscow, I love you!

woman with child

2010 Faith Attempt

Vera's patient

2010 Wayfarers 2 "Bee"
2010 Capital of sin Madame Anna
2010 Everyone has their own war

Lyubov Tolkalina is one of the most popular actresses. She rarely plays on the stage of the theater, believing that a person cannot fully reflect his feelings in front of the audience. Quite often, the actress plays on film set. She does not refuse any offers of filming.

The popular film actress has been happy with the popular film director Yegor Konchalovsky for many years. They often appeared together, causing the envy of numerous people. In 2017, Lyubov Tolkalina, as she herself admits, divorced her husband. But the popular film director did not confirm this information.

The popular film actress impresses with her forms. She looks younger than her years, although she has already crossed the 40-year mark. The artist constantly raises questions from others. They want to know all the information about a woman, including height, weight, age, how old is Lyubov Tolkalina.

In 2018, the artist celebrated her 40th birthday. With a height of 178 centimeters, she weighs 55 kilograms. The popular film actress maintains her form by playing sports.

Lyubov Tolkalina, a photo in her youth and now which is represented by one photograph, invariably draws the attention of men. They confess their love to her and give her bouquets of flowers.

Biography of Lyubov Tolkalina

The biography of Lyubov Tolkalina began in 1978. The girl was born on February 16 in one of the Ryazan maternity hospitals. The mother and father of the future artist were engaged in coaching. They decided to send their daughter to sail. From the age of 4, little Lyubasha was engaged in synchronized swimming. In the future, she wanted to become a coach in this particular sport. At the age of 12, Lyubov played the role of Ruchalochka. Later, she had a chance to play one of the main characters of the synchronous performance based on Pushkin's poem "The Fountain of Bakhchisarai" - Maria.

But after leaving school, yesterday's graduate, unexpectedly even for herself, enters one of the Moscow theater universities. After graduation, the girl mainly acts in films. She says that the theater does not bring her such satisfaction as the cinema.

For 5 years, Lyubov Tolkalina lived with Yegor Konchalovsky in a civil marriage. In 2008, the couple officially formalized their relationship. Since that time, there have been rumors about their divorce. And only in 2017 it became known that Lyubov Tolkalina and Yegor Konchalovsky divorced.

Filmography: films starring Lyubov Tolkalina

Currently, the filmography of Lyubov Tolkalina has almost a hundred works in various films. Among the most popular are her works in Antikiller, Matryoshka, Golden Key, Black Dress, Consolidated Fates and others.

Currently, Tolkalina is filming in several film projects that should be released. Russian Federation at the end of 2018.

The film actress took part in several show programs. In particular, she fell in love with the shows "Dancing with the Stars" and "Ice and Fire."

Personal life of Lyubov Tolkalina

Already in the 1st year, the girl met a man who became her true love. One of Lyubasha's girlfriends offered to meet her loved one. Seeing Yegor for the first time, the girl was not impressed. It turned out that the guy returned from the filming of his last movie.

The next time the young people saw each other after 3 months. Since then, they began to meet regularly. Soon, a couple who lived in a civil marriage had a wonderful girl, whom they called Masha.

Since the beginning of the new millennium, the personal life of Lyubov Tolkalina has been flowing along with Yegor Konchalovsky. In the press, rumors about this beautiful couple were increasingly appearing. For example, quite recently, a number of media outlets printed reports that Lyubov Tolkalina and Yegor Konchalovsky were waiting for replenishment in 2016. But on verification, it turned out that these were rumors. Incredible in 2017 a beautiful couple officially divorced.

Family of Lyubov Tolkalina

The family of Lyubov Tolkalina was engaged in coaching. A popular artist in her childhood wanted to connect her life with synchronized swimming.

Currently, the woman appears at various events with Yegor Konchalovsky, although she recently spoke about her breakup with the popular film director, from whom she gave birth to her only daughter.

Lyubov Tolkalina calls her daughter Masha and numerous colleagues in the artistic workshop who help her in life her family. In particular, the woman is friends with the daughters of Nikita Mikhalkov, whom she consults on a variety of occasions.

Children of Lyubov Tolkalina

A popular artist became a mother only once. At the beginning of the new millennium, she gave birth to her only daughter, whom she named Masha. After the birth of the girl, the couple continued to live civil marriage although they got closer.

The children of Lyubov Tolkalina, according to her confession, these are the kids who got into a difficult life situation. The actress regularly performs in charity concerts, the proceeds from which go to help children and teenagers.

Tolkalina calls her goddaughter, the daughter of Anna Mikhalkova, her children. She often visits her, brings her gifts.

Daughter of Lyubov Tolkalina - Maria

In mid-2001, Lyubov Tolkalina became a mother for the first time. The artist had a daughter, whom it was decided to name Masha. In childhood, before school, the daughter of Lyubov Tolkalina, Maria, was brought up by her grandmother.

In the 1st grade, the girl was taken by both her parents. She studies only excellently, is engaged in music and gymnastics. In the future, Masha wants to follow in her father's footsteps: to become a film director. She is currently a 10th grade student.

Husband of Lyubov Tolkalina - Yegor Konchalovsky

The husband of Lyubov Tolkalina, Yegor Konchalovsky, has been known since the 90s of the last century. He was born in 1966 in one of the capital's maternity hospitals. Soviet Union. When the boy was only 3 years old, his parents broke up.

The father of a 7-year-old boy sends him to study abroad. Returning 10 years later, the talented young man became a film director. He took off a large number of movies, each of which became famous.

The husband of Lyubov Tolkalina, Yegor Konchalovsky, has not yet confirmed information about his divorce from Maria Tolkalina. He states that they live happily together.

Quite often you can see a photo of Lyubov Tolkalina in Maxim magazine. A popular film actress never refuses to act in candid photo shoots. On the pages of the publication, the artist often appears naked. On the cover, a woman poses in a swimsuit that hides almost nothing.

Candid photos of Lyubov Tolkalina can be found quite easily on the Internet. Often the pictures are taken from videos with her participation.

In the nude, the film actress can be seen on the page on Instagram. The woman quite often uploads her pictures, allowing fans to admire the perfection of her forms.

Instagram and Wikipedia Lyubov Tolkalina

Instagram and Wikipedia Lyubov Tolkalina are very important sources of information about popular actress actively playing in films.

Pages in Odnoklassniki and VKontakte are maintained by admirers of the actress's talent. Here, information about Lyubov Tolkalina and her creative activity is updated quite often.

Wikipedia makes it possible to learn about the fate of a woman. Here you can find out in which films she played.

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