Maya is an impulsive lover of loneliness with an indomitable character. The meaning of the name Maya, character and fate

A mobile and active girl often spends her childhood surrounded by male peers. Precisely quite young age, the main meaning of the name Maya is laid, revealing its owner as a person full of vitality and energy, capable of achieving great success.

AT school years the young lady will surprise everyone with her inclinations to study literature and languages, as well as bad behavior. Parents will not know how their gentle and smart beautiful daughter can behave badly at school, but you should not worry about this, over time the girl will learn to behave appropriately.

The girl has great emotional strength and mobility, she tries to spend all her time in games with the boys, whom she skillfully manages. Since childhood, the meaning of the name Maya for a child is revealed in the desire of a sweet young lady to control others.

He values ​​his family and friends very much, giving great importance meeting and talking with them. Recognizes the authority of parents, but does not like to be manipulated and pushed around.

AT early years, interpretation and meaning of the name Maya for a girl is characterized by the ability of a young person to generate her own vitality and potential to achieve their goals. A mobile, active girl attracts many male views, forcing willy-nilly interested in her life.

In communicating with people around, a young lady usually adheres to her own goals and ambitions, therefore, after achieving the desired, she loses all interest in a person. She tends to show cunning, but the manifestation of meanness or weaving intrigues is alien to her.

Has aristocratic manners and sophisticated appearance. He dresses with taste, with a certain degree of conservatism, does not like ostentatious frankness and frank sexuality in clothes.


The girl loves to be surrounded by the attention of men. This means that Maya is a desperate coquette, inclined to bring any man to jealousy. However, she is very careful, does not give empty hopes and promises.

Quickly finds a life partner. From the outside it may seem that her choice is based solely on subtle calculation, but this is not true. A girl allows herself to be ringed only when she is head over heels in love with her chosen one.

Very jealous, inclined to sort things out with the chosen one in the presence of mutual friends or just in public. Is monogamous, and stay true to your young man is of great importance to a woman.

In relationships with men, she is used to taking more than giving.


Wonderful hostess, knows how to cook delicious food. She loves children and respects her husband. This means that such a woman pays great attention to the upbringing of her own children, considering it her direct duty.

Easily copes with his household duties. Hospitable, able to beautifully and tastefully receive guests at home. The comfort of the guests is of great importance.

He likes to surround himself with beautiful things, so the girl’s chosen one will have to get used to large quantity figurines and other small things placed throughout the house.

Business and career

A woman is a conscientious worker, she is wise, organized, which means she knows how to correctly set priorities and distribute work in such a way that it will be completed on time. Punctuality, the ability to restrain one's emotions, diligence and firmness in decision-making. The girl will be an excellent boss or director.

He prefers to pay attention not only to trifles, but also to fully get into the know.

origin of the name Maya

The origin of the name Maya has several versions. According to the first hypothesis, woman's name Maya in etymological translation from Greek means "nurse, goddess of fertility, mother." In Greek mythology, this was the name of the mother of Hermes, the goddess of spring.

According to the second story of origin - Maya, whose name is translated from Latin as "born in May", indicates the month Majus, from where the name transformation took place.

Characteristics of the name Maya

The characteristic of the name Maya, which reveals its meaning, the pros and cons of character, makes it possible for potential parents to decide on the final choice of naming for their child.

Among the advantages in the character of the individual, the main ones should be noted - innate leadership qualities, the ability to properly manage people, establish contact and be responsible for one's words. Moderate self-love, self-confidence, huge mental potential.

During the upbringing of the girl, parents should pay attention to the correct education of the competitive spirit in the child. Since the baby will constantly defend her leadership positions all her life, her impulse to compete should be moderated a little, because with age, a woman will acutely feel her inferiority, constantly finding rivals for herself.

Also, when raising a girl, importance should be given to her self-education and physical development. This will help the young lady in the future to direct her strength to the implementation of one or more tasks.

Mystery of the name

Due to the fact that the secret of the name reveals the list of talismans and amulets, its significance in the life of a woman is great. Such information helps girls to correctly orient themselves in life, choose the right talisman, which is able to correctly correct negative character traits.

  • Talisman stone - topaz, carnelian, marble, coral.
  • Name days - do not celebrate.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign - Taurus, Pisces, Gemini.
  • Color - lemon, blue, orange.
  • Metal - green gold, tin.
  • Auspicious tree - magnolia, birch.
  • The planet is the moon.
  • Treasured plant - St. John's wort, calendula.
  • Flower - tulip, hyacinth.

Famous people

  • Maya Voznesenskaya (1988) is a Russian theater and film actress. She starred in the TV series The Fifth Guard 1.2 (2013) and The Forester. Graduated in 2010 from the International Slavic Institute. G.R. Derzhavin, course of Lyudmila Ivanova.
  • Maya Usova (1962) is a Russian figure skater. In 1993, together with her husband Alexander Zhulin, they performed in ice dancing and became world and European champions.
  • Maya Tavkhelidze (1988) - Russian TV presenter of "Monsters Corporation" on the television channel Russia 24. Actively maintains her own blogs on Twitter, Facebook and Vkontakte.

Different languages

Translation of the name Maya into different languages not much different from its Russian counterpart. For example, on English language there are such naming options as Maya, Maiya, Maia, Mia, on French translated as - Maya, Mia, in German it sounds - Maja, Maya, Maiya, in Polish - Maja, in Finnish - Maija, in Czech - Maya.

On the Japanese Maya sounds like Mayaka, Mayako or Amaya, translated into Chinese 瑪婭 (Mǎ yà).

Name Forms

  • Full name is Maya.
  • Variants of the name - May.
  • It is a diminutive form of such names - Maina, Manefia, Fomaida and an abbreviated form of such names - Marianna, Maria. Such communication is more accepted in the countries of northern Europe, Poland, the Czech Republic, Germany.
  • Derivatives of the name - Mayechka, Mayunya, Mayusyak, Mayushka, Mayukha.
  • Declension of the name: Maya-Mayi-Maye-Mayi-Mayei-May.
  • In Orthodoxy there are no saints with the name Maya.

Name - Maya, from Greek - name ancient greek goddess, mother of Hermes (Mercury), progenitor of the universe. Often, a girl with this name always grows up as a favorite of her parents, in which they simply do not have a soul. She can be a little cunning, but not mean. Also, Maya is not accustomed to hard, persistent work at all. Going to school, the teaching of this girl will be directly connected with the teachers. She will study well if the teacher is soft and caring, but she will completely lose interest in learning if the teacher turns out to be a dry, strict person. Even in her school years, Maya strives to lead and shows some categorical statements.

Having become an adult, Maya often turns out to be a good leader whose institution always thrives and discipline always reigns there, and subordinates are afraid even in a whisper to say something bad about their boss. The bearer of this name often likes to surround herself with beautiful things and very quickly finds a husband for herself. Also, Maya is very jealous and does not hide her feelings. Sometimes, jealous, it can make a small scandal in the presence of friends and acquaintances. She never gives up what should be hers and will never let herself be offended, even by her mother-in-law, if they have to live together. But it should be noted that many conflict situations might not have arisen if it were not for Maya's uneven temper.

Maya is sometimes jealous

Although almost all of Maya's life is a sexual adventure, she still seeks true love rather than acute erotic sensations. As a rule, Maya is not too affectionate, therefore, a man who expects warmth and softness from a woman will not be very easy with Maya. And not every sexual partner will be able to deliver satisfaction to this woman. And if Maya does not get what she wants from a man, then she will express her claims to him in no uncertain terms. It must be said that a woman with this name is used to taking more than giving, and her partner’s desires and erotic sensations are practically of no interest to her.

Maya's name day

  • Maya's name according to the zodiac sign: suitable for Aries.
  • Maya Talisman: turquoise.
  • Maya name compatibility: favorable relations with the names: Vadim, Valentin, Victor, Vladimir, Grigory, Pavel, Ruslan, Stepan, Philip.

Independent Kind Responsive

Maya Plisetskaya, ballerina

What does the name Maya mean?

This name makes its owner emotional, mobile and impulsive. The meaning of the name Maya appeared at the very beginning of the development of Indo-European culture.

In those distant times, it was believed that the semantics of the root of the word "Maya", as in the word "magic", indicates the possibility of the Universe and God to a miraculous reincarnation.

Later, when India was going through an era of decline in the magical worldview, the word retained only direct meaning- “illusion”, “deception”. The very concept of Maya began to be personified and used in the image of the mother of the Gods.

The name Maya contains the most powerful energy and activity. Pendulum, lighthouse, lighthouses - that's all strong images that the melody of this name suggests.

AT present time it is quite rare, which further enhances its energy. Due to all the above facts, little Maya will not be a quiet, calm child. Rather, on the contrary, her character will be distinguished by skittishness and rebelliousness.

Would you name your child by this name?

The origin of the name Maya is explained by several versions, each of which has its own logic and rationale.

The Greek description says that Maya is a goddess representing one of the Pleiades sisters. Subsequently, she became the mother of the god Hermes. Translated from Greek, Maya means "mother", "nurse", "goddess of fertility".

Followers of the Latin version of the origin claim that this name comes from the name of the spring month Majus. Accordingly, it received an interpretation - "born in May."

The name of the month of May in the Roman calendar appeared thanks to the Italian goddess Mayeste, with whom Maya was identified. She was considered the patroness of the fertile land, a sacrifice was brought to her on May 1.

With the same pronunciation, there is another form of writing this name - May. Maya is also used as a pet name for the female names Marianna and Maria. These options are widely used in European countries: Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Czech Republic, Poland, Germany.

Emotionality acts simultaneously as a positive and negative characteristic of the name Maya. On the one hand, nothing leaves her indifferent, she will not pass by someone else's misfortune. Her energy inspires those around her. It seems that she is always at the epicenter of events.

On the other hand, her activity makes it difficult to restrain her emotions. The desire to be seen even more affects her already rather big ambition. If something interferes with the implementation of her plans, she loses control of herself, turning into an evil and envious woman.

The number 5 helps determine what the name Maya means. Success accompanies these people. They are influential, their judgments and actions are distinguished by independence and independence.

Fives are constantly experiencing a craving for adventure, everything new and unknown has an effect on them. magical effect. They love to travel, their desire for movement can be used in professional activity: they are suitable for activities related to business trips and trips.

The astrological horoscope serves good addition Maya's characteristics. Throughout her life, she is protected by the constellation Aries and militant Mars. AT flora she is patronized by magnolia and calendula, and in the animal - a bee.

Red, brown and yellow colors will create harmonious combinations in her wardrobe. Turquoise products will complement the image of Maya.

The character of this woman does not quite correspond to what the name Maya means. Associations with a warm spring month turn out to be false. Softness and warmth are not characteristic of her nature, rather, on the contrary, stubbornness leads for the most part her actions.

Maya becomes dependent on her mood, so sometimes she does things that she later regrets. Charm and cunning help her distribute responsibilities so that she gets the least responsible task. These qualities will provide her with invaluable assistance in achieving her ambitious goals of becoming a leader.

Nevertheless, Maya will not achieve significant success in her career. Laziness will become a hindrance, as well as the inability to effectively use one's energy.

She should be engaged in cases that require a change in activities. This will allow her to eliminate the routine from her life and make the most of her innate activity.

Maya is a person for whom only personal experience. The history of someone's successes or falls will not impress her at all. She will listen carefully to advice, but will do as she sees fit.

Often born in late spring, they call the beautiful female name Maya. The owners of this name really embody the charm and chaotic, changeable spring disposition, either pleasing those around them with warmth and friendly smiles, or repelling them with outward coldness, and sometimes with some eccentricity.

What does it mean and where does it come from

The origin of the name Maya is still not known for certain, although, according to some versions and ancient legends, it was called so in ancient greece and ancient rome, where this name had the meaning of the mother-nurse, the foremother of the entire Universe. That is what the mother of Mercury or Hermes, as he is also called, was called in ancient Greek myths. The goddess Maya was the goddess of fertility, the goddess of spring and nature, the beginning of all things.

From ancient times, women of Russia also wore this, where even before Baptism people worshiped Slavic gods. One of them was the female titan Maya Zlatogorka - Golden Mother, Golden Maya. According to legend, Zlatogorka was the wife of the god Dazhbog, although their pair was unequal - he was a god, and she was a titan. Golden Maya symbolized the beginning of autumn, ears of corn, harvesting. They honored the heroine at the very beginning of September, performed harvesting ceremonies.

But in translation from Latin, this female name simply means "born in the spring."

Day Angel

Maya does not celebrate name days Orthodox calendar, since the name is not listed in church calendar. Usually, with a baby, they give a different name, the most consonant and suitable for the date. Often, before God, a girl is called Mary, but in the world she remains Maya.

Important! Despite the fact that these women do not have Angel Day, if you wish, you can celebrate the ancient Slavic holiday of Maya Zlatogorka, which was celebrated in Russia on September 2.

Diminutive form

The name Maya has a beautiful diminutive address - T-shirt, Mayunya, Mayasha, Mayushka, Mayenka.

Character traits, temperament and behavior

Changeable, bright and sometimes explosive - that's what can be said about Maya. She has been an eccentric child since childhood. Restless, sometimes capricious and disobedient, nevertheless T-shirt is very cheerful and energetic. She looks like a little Sun light. People around even sometimes have a question: “Where does this child get such an amount of energy?”.

Usually T-shirt's mother loves her daughter very much and allows her too much. Therefore, adult Maya usually does not have the habit of working hard to achieve something. She looks like a capricious and whimsical greenhouse flower - all conditions must be created for her, and not by her hands.

The characteristics of the name Maya include agility, increased resentment (although it is not at all necessary to try to offend the spring girl, she can find a reason for discontent just out of the blue), sociability, love of life, energy, active life position.

T-shirt is a 100% choleric temperament. But unstable, unstable. Lights up with a half turn and goes out just as quickly. She is an extrovert by nature, all her thoughts and actions are directed outside - she is a star on the stage of life, she plays, shocks, shocks, impresses. And, of course, it requires a return. She should be in the radiance of the attention of the people around her, because it is vital for her.

Despite the difficult nature and increased demands on relatives, friends, and sometimes even on random and distant acquaintances, Maya Still, a very interesting woman. She attracts with her openness and sincerity. She is always bright and stunning, looks good and takes care of herself, follows the latest fashion trends. Men love such women.

Did you know? According to an ancient Slavic legend, the female titan Maya Zlatogorka met her betrothed god Dazhbog when he tried to wake her from her sleep, fascinated by her beauty. The girl not only answered the acquaintance, but hid God in her pocket, and even forgot him there for three whole days! But Dazhbog did not get angry at Zlatogorka.

She is so open, energetic and active that her powerful energy is literally felt by the skin around her. Smiling and shamelessly laughing, the spring woman attracts attention and forces you to laugh with her.

Maya loves change. Increased emotionality and sensitivity make her nature vulnerable, easily excitable and addicted. Therefore, she often changes her hobbies, tastes, addictions. For this reason, it is difficult for Maya to devote herself to one thing, to work for one stable work. Her indomitable spirit requires dancing in freedom and knowledge of all aspects of life.

A lover and favorite of the opposite sex, this girl is not deprived of fans. They, like bees to honey, flock to her charm and charm, external prettiness and internal eccentricity.

Maya, despite all her emotionality, is not a very romantic nature. She is rather a keen realist who wants to know life from all sides. Moreover, it is difficult to convince her of something, because she will stand her ground to the last.

She is stubborn and stubborn, often categorical and even tough in relationships and in communication. However, such traits can help this woman achieve great success in her career, if, of course, she can decide on her passions and choose a milestone in which she wants to make a career.

Study, professions and career

Unfortunately, it cannot be said that T-shirt and persistent teaching are compatible things. Not at all, because for this girl, poring over books is tantamount to hellish work and terrible boredom. However, if she develops good relationship with teachers and they will often praise the girl for her efforts, then she can achieve great success in many school subjects. She will participate in the Olympiads and even win them, because this will give her the attention she needs and at first, though small, but fame.

Did you know? The Kwakiutl Indians, when they borrow anything, leave as collateral nothing more than given name. This means that until the debtor repays his debt, no one has the right to address him by name.

However, in the future, an adult woman Maya can become a real careerist. She is a good boss, under her leadership the department will work like clockwork, and all tasks will be completed on time. This woman achieves such success because of congenital leadership qualities, perseverance and the ability to lead people. Although it is worth noting that subordinates are almost always a little afraid of their boss, as she can be scary in anger. Perhaps it is precisely because of this that all the instructions of the boss Maya are carried out on demand and on time.

This woman can succeed in various professional fields. She will most like those areas where the work is active, you need to travel a lot, create new and new projects. She is talented by nature, has a creative and innovative way of thinking, so it will be wonderful if she finds herself in some kind of creative field.

The following professions are best suited for Maya:

  • company administrator;
  • senior manager;
  • department manager;
  • organizational manager;
  • a teacher at a university who has a scientifically focused activity;
  • journalistic work, involving business trips to other cities and countries;
  • creative director in any art company.

Health and hobbies

Usually, girls with the name Maya do not experience any serious health complications. They have pretty good immunity, except that they are prone to some problems.

Important! Sometimes these women have chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract. And the lovers junk food find ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.

Otherwise, these women can boast of strong and vitality. The only thing they recommend to keep themselves in shape is exercise. physical activity, fitness, sports. This will help strengthen immune system, harden the body and give the body an attractive sporty appearance.

Friendship, love relationship, family

Maya is a good friend. A girl with this name cannot be satisfied with a couple of best friends. No, she needs big companies, loves noisy fun with a lot of people and constantly makes new friends. Over the years, the circle of communication of these women is only expanding. It seems that this will never end, and by the end of her life, Maya will already be familiar with a good half of the entire population of the planet.

AT love relationships this girl is often guided by the principle of "life is one." She gathers around her a large number of fans, can dive into intimate relationship with early years, quite often and sometimes it seems that it is not even legible. But it's not.

Intimate life for Maya is intimate life, and she does not confuse it with love and family. Although it is worth noting that latently she still dreams of finding love through sex. Therefore, often this girl gets married a couple of times. The first marriage is in most cases unsuccessful and ends quickly. But in the future, Maya chooses her husband very carefully, preferring a mature, wealthy, conscious man.

In the family, this woman does not tolerate unequal relationships. She doesn’t particularly like to deal with everyday life, as this is a terribly boring activity for her stormy nature, but her leadership inclinations do not allow her to give up on cleanliness in the house. Therefore, she regularly cleans up, although without much enthusiasm.

From her husband, Maya does not tolerate encroachments on her freedom. And often breaks down on him and on the children. A quick temper, touchiness and irritability often make the bearer of the name a stumbling block in the family. It cannot be said that she does not love her household. Of course he loves. But the character sometimes does not give in to the voice of her mind and emotions take over, because of which the family can plunge into the abyss of conflicts.

Important! For a successful marriage, Maya needs a conscious and calm man. He must be self-confident and understand the changeable trends in the mood of his wife.

The maturity and stability of the husband will calm the violent temper of the woman. It is also important that the spouse be a rather versatile person, then even over the years, the addicted Maya will not lose interest in him. But the husband should not be as windy as the wife. He is her stronghold and the ground under her feet. If Maya is lucky enough to meet such a man, their family can become one of the happiest.

Deciphering the meaning of all letters of the name and numerology

But what does the name Maya mean for a woman, if you spell it out:

  • M is a shy and caring person, always ready to help. It implies the connection of the owner of the name with nature and is a kind of warning that if a person tries to show predatory and consumer intentions, then nature will turn away from him;
  • A - says that a person painfully needs comfort - both mental and physical. This is a symbol of the beginning of all things, endowing the owner of the name with a constant desire for new beginnings;
  • Y - romantic and spiritual nature. Has a desire to know the hidden, hypersensitivity and vulnerability. A kind and peaceful person;
  • I - indicates that a person with this letter in his name is able to claim the love and attention of others, as he deserves to receive it. The owner of a name with this letter needs the respect of other people and has self-esteem.
According to numerology, the name Maya has the number of Soul 4. This means that the owner of a name with such a number is a strict parent, requiring children to comply with all educational norms and norms of moral and ethical behavior.

These people are scientifically minded. They are pragmatists and rationalists. They make excellent workers in many areas, especially in science and leadership. They conscientiously fulfill the duties assigned to them and often achieve success in their careers.

"Fours" like to paint their lives to the minute and make plans for every day. They are stable and reliable.

Did you know? According to ancient Roman tradition, only the first four sons were given a personal name. But the rest of the children received only their ordinal numerical name - the fifth, sixth, seventh, etc.

Talismans for the name

The name has a list of talismans peculiar only to him that bring good luck:

  • patron planet - Moon and Mars;
  • Zodiac sign - Pisces, Gemini and Taurus;
  • totem animal - bee;
  • talisman stone - topaz, sapphire, hyacinth, beryl;
  • favorable color - blue;
  • name color - shades of red, orange, lemon yellow and brown;
  • day of the week - Thursday;
  • element - air;
  • plant - calendula;
  • tree - magnolia.

Name in history: famous and successful people

The nature and fate of the name Maya left a noticeable mark on the history of mankind, because the people who bear the name have had a significant impact and significance for the world.

For example, from ancient Greek mythology We have received information that a nymph named Maya was very revered by the Greeks and Romans, and it was in her honor that the latter named the third, last, month of spring - May. According to legend, Zeus himself visited this nymph, after which the son Hermes was born to Zeus and Maya.

On the today it is believed that one of the stars in the constellation of the Pleiades is the very nymph Maya, whom the gods, together with her sisters, turned into a constellation.

Did you know? The Aztecs had the goddess Mayahuel, who was depicted with 200 pairs of breasts. She was a symbol of fertility and was considered the beginning of the whole world, the mother of the universe.

Among the most known to the world people worth mentioning are:

Maya name- ambiguous, bewitching and similar to unstable spring weather. It gives its owner a special charm. Communication with her is sometimes unpredictable and even a little dangerous, but it's worth it, because her powerful energy, optimism and sociability charge those around her, awakening in them the desire to live.

born: 1925-11-20

Soviet and Russian ballerina, choreographer, teacher, People's Artist of the USSR

Version 1. What does the name Maya mean

Unbalanced, stubborn, irritable nature.
Insufficiently flexible in communication, although she does not show discontent, smiling sweetly in her eyes.

Doesn't like to work. Maya happens in one, usually unsuccessful
marriage. Suffering and nervous due to the lack of a partner. Operates on the principle: "live
Outwardly very pretty, has a real charm. Flirtatious in male society,
likes to show off his charm, presenting it very unobtrusively.

born: 1961-01-17

Soviet and Georgian chess player, 6th world chess champion

Version 2. What does the name Maya mean

- this is the name of other Greek. goddess, mother of Hermes (Mercury); in ind. mythology - progenitor

Derivatives: May, Mayunya, Mayukha.

Folk omens.

All dedicated to Maya
the month of May with all its signs and rituals; don't get married in May - you'll toil for a century;
cold May - a grain-bearing year; How many rains in May, so many years to be harvested.


Maya is a refined creature with exquisite taste. She has reason to claim
on male attention: liveliness, coquettishness, aristocracy. Maya loves to lead
win and any life situation. She is stubborn and persistent - always achieves

born: 1932-02-24

Soviet pop singer, Honored Artist of the RSFSR

3 version of the meaning of the name Maya

MAYA - mother, nurse
(Old Indian).

Zodiac sign
- Taurus.

- Moon.

- lemon yellow.

auspicious tree
- magnolia.

treasured plant
- calendula.

name patron
- bee.

Talisman Stone
- topaz.


- the creature is fast and agile, addicted and sociable. The character is uneven. She is
very aristocratic and loves sophistication in everything. Maya loves to dominate
everywhere and in everything, coquettish, jealous of male attention. Very stubborn and always "observes"
your interest. Maya never offends anyone and never.

born: 1932-05-19

Soviet and Russian actress theater and cinema, People's Artist of the RSFSR

4 version of the interpretation of the name Maya

In Greek mythology - Goddess of spring,
mother of Hermes.

Since the early childhood
has a labile character. Cunning, but without meanness. If Maye something
it is necessary - she will be a good girl, having received what she wants - she becomes indifferent and inattentive.

She is always a favorite
parents, her mother does not have a soul in her, and she is sincerely convinced that her Mayechka
better and sweeter than all children.

not accustomed to stubborn, persistent
labor. It is important that Maya has a good relationship with the teacher. Girl
will study well if the teacher is gentle, caring, but completely loses interest
to study, if the teacher turns out to be a rather dry, strict person who forgets, except
moreover, time to praise her. In her school years, Maya already has a noticeable desire
to leadership, some categorical statements.

From such women come out
good leaders. They have enough data for this, the institution entrusted to them
usually flourishes, discipline always reigns there, and subordinates are afraid even in a whisper
say something bad about your boss.

Fast and mobile
addicted and sociable Maya will easily and quickly find a husband for herself. Mayan
likes to surround herself with beautiful things, so the husband will have to come to terms with the fact that
expensive things will appear in the house, for which you will have to go into debt and look for
overtime work. Maya is jealous, does not hide her feelings, sometimes, jealous,
can arrange a small scandal in the presence of friends and acquaintances. When it's worth
the question of Maya's interests, she shows sufficient stubbornness. Because of
it should belong to her, she won’t refuse just like that, she won’t miss her. Won't give himself up
offended and mother-in-law, who, if fate determines them to live together, will have to immediately
leave the thought of turning Maya into a resigned daughter-in-law. But many
conflict situations might not have arisen if it were not for the unevenness of Maya's temper.

Flirtatious, jealous husband will have to
survive unpleasant moments.

Her marriage with Paul will be successful,
Stepan, Viktor, Vadim, Ruslan, unsuccessfully - with Edward, Fedor, Mark,
Egor, Vladislav

5 version of the meaning of the name Maya

A woman with that name - Maya - is impulsive, unstable as in attachments,
as well as in the interests. Anything can be expected from her. Chat with Maya
not everyone can - people who know her well behave wary, shun her.

Men like it. Maya chooses her husband carefully. Her ideal is solid
a man who can provide her with a life in a big way. However, she is smart enough
so as not to reveal her aspirations to her future husband, at least before the wedding.

Maya is kind and hospitable. But he refrains from trusting anyone with his secrets.
She loves noisy companies, fun parties, while Maya will not refuse
indulge in alcohol.

8 version of the meaning of the name Maya

Notable people named Maya

Numerology Of The Name Maya

Name number: 5

The number 5 in numerology is a kind of field of action and the personification of human experience. It's always ready to take leadership and taking responsibility. Number 5 is introverted. Her motto is "Progress in everything".

The meaning of the letters in the name Maya

M- if you look at people who have the letter "M" in their names, you can say that they are scattered and disorganized, but in reality everything is not so. Whatever they need, they will never forget. They prefer to do quality work. They make excellent leaders who always take into account the interests of others.

BUT- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name begins with "A" are quite hardworking. They like to take the initiative in everything and do not like routine.

Y- the owners of this letter in the name have an impulsive and explosive character. They often do not know how to communicate with people. For a more accurate meaning, you should look at other letters of the name.

I- people who have this letter in their name know their worth. They strive to achieve love and respect from the people around them. People with the letter "I" are good thinkers and are able to hide many secrets. In addition, they are excellent interlocutors and romantic natures with a rich imagination.

Name as a phrase

  • M- Think
  • BUT- Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
  • Y- Izhe (If, If, as well as the value of i - Unity, One, Together, Connect, Perfection, Union, Union)
  • I- (YA = A) Az

Maya name in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should write first the first name, then the patronymic with Latin letters and then the last name. You may need to write the name Maya in English when applying for a passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

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