What does the lotus flower symbolize? Feng Shui Talismans: Crystal Lotus

In Feng Shui, the lotus symbol, which is more than one thousand years old, means purity, harmony, chastity. His figurines and images are used to awaken spiritual values ​​and consciousness in a person, to attract wealth and love to the house.

The lotus symbol is always rounded, made mainly of glass or rock crystal. This regal flower of the East always works powerfully, regardless of its size. Delicate crystal petals radiate divine light, they pass negative energy through themselves and spread positive energy evenly throughout the house.

The royal flower remains royal and can be made from any material:

The divine essence of the petals nourishes the mind and feeling from every corner ...

The white lotus flower is the personification of purity and peace, protects from betrayal and betrayal, directs thoughts to good thoughts, it is very useful to place it in the bedroom, near the marital bed. Its round forms smooth out conflicts, the energies of the flower revive passionate love and elevated relationships. To attract mutual love, single people are advised to place the lotus symbol in the Love and Marriage zone, in the Southwest in the living room or bedroom.

But for career growth, it is better to install the amulet in the south side of the office. A green crystal flower is good to put on a desk, it helps its owner to pass exams well. Feng Shui professionals advise placing a small talisman - a lotus on the study table in the child's room, which will attract energy. creative development and inspiration, balance.

Save the family, talisman!

If you install an amulet - a lotus in the center of the living room, it is better - on the table, it will fill all family members with energies that affect the improvement of health and longevity. It is good to simply put a crystal flower on the windowsill, where there is a lot of light, it will fill the room with joyful fire.

In general, it does not need to be hidden from prying eyes, but on the contrary, it is better to flaunt it, this talisman does not react to the "evil" eye!

Lotus is a good occasional gift for colleagues, friends, for a wedding or just for joy, relatives and friends.

Vadim, November 27, 2014. Lotus is a symbol of purity, wisdom and divine perfection. It also symbolizes creative power, spiritual unfoldment and flourishing. All potential possibilities are hidden in its bud. Crystal lotus is one of the most effective talismans, the Buddha himself called him one of the Eight Auspicious signs for all mankind.

For many centuries, the lotus was worshiped in the East, it occupied an honorable place in religious rites, traditions and legends, numerous monuments of writing, architecture and art testify to this. Mythopoetic tradition ancient india imagined our land as a giant lotus blooming on the surface of the waters, and paradise as a huge lake overgrown with beautiful pink lotuses, where righteous, pure souls live.

The white lotus is an indispensable attribute of divine power. Therefore, many gods of India have traditionally been depicted standing or sitting on a lotus or with a lotus flower in their hand. Buddha sits on a lotus and Brahma rests. Vishnu, the demiurge of the universe, holds a lotus in one of his four hands. “Lotus goddesses” are depicted with a lotus flower in their hair. An abundant rain of lotuses poured from the sky at the time of the birth of the Buddha, and wherever the foot of the divine newborn had set foot, a huge lotus grew.

In China, the lotus was revered as a sacred plant even before the spread of Buddhism. Thus, one of the eight immortals, the virtuous maiden He Xing-gu, was depicted holding in her hands the “flower of open cordiality” - a lotus. In Chinese painting, the theme of the “western paradise” - a lotus lake, was widespread. Each lotus that grows on this lake corresponds to the soul of a deceased person. Depending on the virtue or sinfulness of his earthly life, the lotus flowers, symbolizing his soul, either bloom or wither.

The crystal lotus is one of the most popular feng shui talismans. This symbol, whose history goes back more than one thousand years, is very effective and multifunctional. As a symbol of the divine principle, the lotus attracts the energy of wisdom and spiritual enlightenment into our lives. Crystal lotus has all the properties of a crystal, which is used to neutralize negative energy and stimulation of positive energy. Sunbeams on the petals do not allow positive energy to quickly leave the room and, thus, its flow becomes smooth, uniform and beneficial for the inhabitants of the house. Lotus can be used to create a calm, peaceful atmosphere, to neutralize negative thoughts, both one's own and others.

The Chinese believe that if you inhale the scent of a lotus and make a wish, it will surely come true. Such is the power of this wonderful plant. Lotus is truly amazing. This is good example harmony of form and content, because this beautiful flower is also a medicine, and is also used in food.
Lotus flowers have a slight but pleasant aroma. The fruits are nuts that form in the recesses of the receptacle. There are cases when seeds stored in museum collections germinated 150 and even 200 years after collection. Therefore, the lotus is also a symbol of rebirth and spiritual growth.

Feng Shui experts recommend placing a small crystal lotus on children's table for classes to attract energy of growth and inspiration to this zone.
The crystal lotus is also indispensable in your love zone. This is a very strong talisman, giving purity and harmony. love relationship. The Chinese often depict him subtly and majestically soaring above dark water, symbolizing stunning cleanliness in a polluted environment.

An ancient legend tells of a young girl, Lot, who sacrificed her life for the happiness of her lover. Her chosen one, being in love with the obstinate beauty, was forced to seek her location on a par with other young men of the village. The impregnable beauty promised to marry the one who would bring her something that no one had ever seen, and the suitors scattered around the world in search of curiosities. Beloved of Lot, he could not go anywhere from the village, because he could not leave his sick, elderly parents. He only languishes every day from his hopeless love, watching how every day grooms return to the village with wonderful gifts for the beauty. Lota could not bear his grief. One day, at noon, she called the young man to the lake, promising to show something unprecedented. The young man agreed to ride with her in a boat, and when they swam to the middle of the lake, Lot threw herself into the water and went to the bottom like a stone. The young man rushed to save her, but instead of the girl he picked up a beautiful flower from the bottom, the equal of which he had never seen in his life. He gave this flower to his beauty, who burned with passionate love for him and married him.

The East, its attributes and teachings, talismans and beliefs, dating back thousands of years, have become, in a sense, an integral part of our daily existence. Passion for Eastern spiritual teachings, striving for perfection and comprehensive improvement of life and everyday life stimulate the need for detailed coverage of these topics.

Mystical properties attributed to various herbs and flowers are a phenomenon observed in various national and religious cultures. Special attention in this regard in ancient cultures Eastern countries and peoples is assigned to such a flower as a lotus. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, it is a symbol not only of purity and spirituality, it helps to achieve a state of peace, enlightenment and wisdom, but also symbolizes the fullness of life, the fertility of all life on Earth. Even the structure of a flower, the petals of its bud are associated in the eyes of adherents of this ancient theory with the combination of two principles - male and female, the birth of love, harmony and new life.

The white lotus is also associated with divine power - with the name of Buddha, who, having come to this world, indicated the flower as one of the eight signs favorable for people.

Meanwhile, the veneration of this wonderful flower in everyday life and culture of China, in numerous works of art of different genres, as a symbol of dead people, goes back to time immemorial.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the lotus contains such properties as light and spirituality, strength and positive energy. This Feng Shui flower is a talisman that helps to find peace and harmony, wisdom. Considerable importance is attached to the choice of material for the talisman. The ideal option is the use of rock crystal, which has long attracted the attention of people who inhabited different parts of the planet.

The powerful radiant and positive energy of the talisman contributes to the convergence of the positive principle in the human mind with the divine principle of the Universe. The crystal lotus, installed indoors, promotes the correct distribution of energy flows. Especially beneficial is the use of a talisman in living quarters, especially in bedrooms. His presence in the area intimate relationships increases not only the sexuality of partners, but also their spiritual relationship.

The crystal talisman "lotus", installed in the child's room, will help the little owner of the room to properly form physically and grow spiritually and intellectually.

And in the absence of opportunities - for one reason or another - to acquire a real crystal talisman, you can resort to white paper. The lotus made from it should be placed on the windowsill and enjoy its contemplation from time to time.

When choosing, making and purchasing a talisman, you do not need to chase after its size either. The diminutiveness and elegance of the flower carry no less energy than its larger counterparts.

Depending on the circumstances, the crystal lotus may be just a guide to acquiring and creating this ancient oriental talisman.

In this article you will learn:

Lotus is a symbol of the world emerging from the void in the Eastern tradition. People in ancient times believed that he had magical properties and help rule the world. The blossoming sacred plant also meant the full realization of the possibilities inherent in man.

What does lotus mean in Buddhism

In Buddhism, the lotus is the divine flower of the East or a symbol of purity, life and happiness. Its flowers rise from the muddy swamp water but emerge as bright and pure as a Buddha born into the human world. Like him, those who sincerely practice Buddhism will be able to get rid of torment. In this religion, revered deities (Buddha, White Tara, Manjushri, etc.) are depicted sitting on a blooming lotus flower or holding it in their hands.

Buddhists believe that the lotus blossom represents the beginning new era. Fully blooming, this flower signifies the cosmic wheel - uninterrupted life.

In the paradise of Buddhists in ponds decorated precious stones, plants grow different colors. The color of lotus petals in Feng Shui is associated with a Buddhist deity and has its own meaning:

  1. White (White Tara). The color symbolizes the state of spiritual perfection.
  2. Red (Avalokitesvara). The red flower calls for love and compassion.
  3. Blue (Manjushri). Associated with the victory of the spirit, higher knowledge and wisdom.
  4. Pink (Buddha). Corresponds to the highest deity and denotes his presence on earth.

In Hinduism

Hindus in ancient times depicted the Earth as a lotus blooming over water. According to legend, during the rest of Vishnu (the creator of the world), a flower grew from his navel in the primordial waters. Brahma appeared in the bowl of the plant, who created our universe.

Vishnu's wife is Lakshmi (goddess of happiness, beauty and wealth). According to the myth, she emerged from the ocean with a lotus in her hands when the gods created the ocean. There is another version: the goddess surfaced on a flower from the primeval waters.

The sacred plant was considered in Ancient India in two parts. As a reflection of the solar principle, it is a symbol of the solar gods (Vishnu and Surya), according to the lunar principle, it is a symbol of the goddess of moisture Lakshmi. The sacred plant is a symbol of 2 manifestations of life: the passive side is the immutability of the Universe, its eternal existence, the active side is the activity of a person when his abilities are revealed. This is due to the fact that the stem of the plant is under water, and the cups are above its surface.

Located on the threshold of a Hindu temple, the lotus symbolizes the pure dwelling of the deity. A plant with 3 stems signifies the tripartite aspect of time, which includes past events that are happening now, and those that are about to happen. The center of the flower represents Mount Meru - the world axis, located in the center of the Earth.

In ancient Japan

The Japanese believed that the lotus bud represents purity, not amenable to negative impact environment. In Japan, Buddhist painting and temple culture were developed. The lotus was a necessary attribute in the temples. Often the Buddha was depicted on the throne in the form of this flower.

After the adoption of Buddhism, the Japanese learned about the Lotus Sutra (one of the cycles of Buddha's sermons). In the 8th century it was recognized as one of the sutras protecting the country. The authority of this canonical text increased in the ninth century. after the Tendai Buddhist school was declared a state church.

The Japanese have long been adherents of fresh flowers and their cultivation. White and pink lotuses are grown in Japanese park ponds. They are mentioned in folk poems and songs. People in this country have come up with a lot recipes using the root of this plant.

In modern world

In the cultures of many countries, the lotus is a symbol of purity and nobility. It is believed that the cup of a flower denotes the fertility and productive energy of all life on earth, endless life. The image of this sacred plant reminds people of the dominant role of the mind, its divine nature and victory over base feelings and difficulties of the outside world.

Also, the lotus symbol means help and compassion. Since ancient times, people have found practical use this flower, which is also found on Far East Russia. In oriental medicine, medicines were prepared from all parts of the plant. The flower stem is used in many Japanese, Chinese, Indian, Tibetan dishes. Rosaries are made from its seeds. Thus, the sacred plant benefits people.

In yoga, the lotus position is very popular. During meditation, a person crosses his legs, straightens his back, puts his hands on his knees with palms up. Thanks to this, it becomes like a sacred flower. The limbs of a person personify the petals of a bud, and the back is a stem.

When visualizing the energy system, yogis imagine their energy centers (chakras) with lotuses of different colors, turned up or down, and different amount petals. The upper main chakra is called the lotus with 1000 petals (sahasrara). It is located near the crown. During meditation, energy passes through all the chakras and breaks out into the surrounding space through the sahasrara.

The lotus image has great importance in feng shui. It is recommended to keep a small crystal flower on the desktop, it will attract the energy of inspiration and spiritual growth to this zone, and on the children's table it will help increase creativity and academic success. The talisman, placed in the southwest side of the house, will bring good luck and success in business to its owner.

In the love zone (in the bedroom, next to the marital bed), the image of this plant will also be useful. He will bring harmony to family relationships.

When choosing a talisman, one should take into account that fresh flowers carry more energy than artificial or lotus images. Don't look for flowers big size, it is better to dwell on small buds that organically fit into the space of the home. A lotus tattoo will bring good luck to the wearer outside the home. The main condition is that the symbol should please its owner, attract him.

The symbol of the lotus in Feng Shui helps to restore the flow of vital energy and influx of strength, brings in family relationships harmony and tranquility.

Each flower has its own meaning, has its own legend, and the popular science of Feng Shui believes that flowers in the house are able to activate energy and fill life with success, love, wealth and health. The feng shui meaning of flowers for the home is important and will help fill the home with the desired energies and beauty.

Present to the celebration, and with it harmony and happiness, success and luck in business.

Feng Shui attaches great importance to the beauty of flowers and their ability to activate energy, an important condition flowers should be fresh, as soon as the flowers begin to fade in the vase and need to be replaced with fresh ones. Withering flowers are able to break the harmony they brought, however, the influence of not only fresh flowers is great, but also paintings depicting flowers, photo embroidery, etc. have the same effect.

Feng Shui considers the most significant five flowers: lotus, peony, chrysanthemum, daffodil and rose.

The meaning of colors in Feng Shui

Lotus Feng Shui Meaning

The white lotus is one of the main symbols capable of harmonizing space, it symbolizes perfection and beauty, divine illumination, creative power and spiritual flourishing, the ability of knowledge different levels peace, because its roots are in the ground, and the stem passes through the water to bloom on the surface. Also, the white lotus is considered a sacred flower that unites the past, present and future - the plant has both a bud, a flower and seeds.

Peony Feng Shui Meaning

The red peony is considered a symbol of love and wealth, there is a legend that the famous concubine of the Chinese emperor Yang Guifei richly decorated her room with red peonies and this became the key to the emperor's unfading love for his concubine. Peony also symbolizes longevity and honor, because a peony can grow in one place up to 120 years. In China, it is believed that the cultivation of peonies is patronized by the gods. If you place peonies in the living room, then this will attract men to the house who were looking for the hands of the mistress's daughter. And the peony endows young girls with wit and charm. Peony carries yang energy, in the garden it is better to plant in the southwest.

Chrysanthemum - Feng Shui meaning

Chrysanthemum is one of the favorite flowers, because. brings ease of life, good luck in undertakings, joy and happiness. Chrysanthemum will help to gain confidence, bring harmony to family relationships. There is a legend that the Chinese emperor learned that a beautiful flower grows on a neighboring island, and its juice has rejuvenating properties, but only a person with a pure soul can pick a flower. The emperor knew that the flower would not give in to him and sent 300 young men and women to this island in the hope that one of them would be pure in soul and be able to pick a flower for him. But the hopes of the emperor were not destined to come true, the young people remained on the island and founded a new state, Japan. Since then, the chrysanthemum has been a symbol of Japan and is revered here as an imperial flower, a symbol of honor, courage and dignity.

Feng Shui Meaning of Narcissus

White narcissus helps to discover and develop talents, helps in career growth get public recognition. Some consider daffodil to portend separation from a loved one, but feng shui considers daffodil a very auspicious flower.

Rose Feng Shui Meaning

The world of a happy woman

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