Feng Shui wealth vase is an effective talisman. Making a Vase of Wealth

The vase of abundance (in other translations "cup of abundance" or "cup of wealth") is undoubtedly one of the most popular and striking symbols of Feng Shui. According to Chinese beliefs, such a vase, being created in accordance with the canons, attracts wealth to the house, but even if you do not believe in the mystical aspect of Feng Shui, it may well become a stylish decoration for your interior.

AT different sources and schools of Feng Shui, there are some discrepancies in the procedure for creating a vase, so you may come across techniques that differ from those described in this article, which provides a generalized version. It will take some time, money and effort to create a vase. Haven't changed your mind? Then let's start.

vase material

For our purposes, vases made of copper, silver, gold, ceramics or crystal are suitable. Vases made of glass or plastic are not acceptable.

vase shape

The ideal option is a rounded and squat vase. The neck of the vase should be wide - otherwise you will not be able to fill it properly, but not wider than the middle of the vase - in this case, wealth can leave the house.

Main subjects

After you get a suitable vase - you have to fill it.

The vase must contain 3 things:

1) A sprig from a plant (garden or home) or a handful of earth from the garden of the most prosperous of your relatives, friends or acquaintances. This item must be taken with the permission of the owner.

2) Nine Chinese coins with a square hole in the middle tied together with a red ribbon - they can be easily found and bought in souvenir pavilions and ethno-shops.

3) Money, the sum of which is equal to 988. For example, 9 rubles and 88 kopecks or 9 dollars and 88 cents. If opportunities allow - you can put in a vase more money- 988 rubles or 988 dollars.

Each of these things is placed in a red silk bag or in a red paper envelope before being lowered into a vase. They can also be found in ethno-shops. In a pinch, you can make paper envelopes yourself from red colored paper, using scissors and stationery glue.

Additional Items

After the main items are lowered inside, the vase must be filled to the brim. For these purposes you will need:

1) Semiprecious stones- malachite, carnelian, turquoise, topaz, rock crystal, agate, corals, amethysts, etc. You can put both the stones themselves and jewelry with them.

2) At least one item made of gold - main symbol wealth. If you want, you can put some gold items in the vase. If there is only one golden object, it can be supplemented with pebbles painted in gold, symbolizing gold bars.

3) Dried flowers, nuts.

Minor Items

There are a number of symbols, the use of which when filling a vase is optional, but desirable. This is:

1) Figurines of two elephants, two fish and two horses. Instead of figurines, images of these animals are allowed.

2) Lotus flower - made of ceramics, glass or just its image

3) Endless knot - in the most simple version it is a beautiful cord, the ends of which are sewn together so that it forms a ring. There are also more complex versions of the endless knot, in which the lace forms a fancy elegant knot without beginning or end.

5) The symbol of the firmament - it is quite difficult to get it, but instead you can put a drawing, postcard or photograph depicting the sky in a vase.

Location of the vase:

The vase is installed in the owner's bedroom in a conspicuous place. It is preferable to place the vase in the southeastern area of ​​the bedroom, as in Feng Shui this area symbolizes.

wealth. In no case should you install a vase in the living room and other rooms where there are strangers - this can take wealth out of the house.

I hope this article will help you in improving your well-being.

All peoples have rituals associated with money magic and attracting wealth. Today, each of us will be able to make our own vase of wealth in accordance with the ancient secret techniques of Buddhists and Taoists. The traditions of rituals are present in all Buddhist schools, through which these ancient secrets penetrated into the practice of Feng Shui.

A vase of wealth is a very auspicious symbol for the home, since it means "endless peace and harmony in the house", since the word vase in Chinese is pronounced "ping", the word "peace and tranquility" sounds the same way. In addition, the vase is one of the 8 most revered beneficial symbols of Buddhism, imprinted on the feet of the Buddha himself.

This magical item was a kind of cornucopia. According to one of the legends, the fisherman Shen Wansan was fishing in the Yangtze River and in the net he came across a flat flower vase. The fisherman picked up the vase and decided to feed the dog from it. I put food there, the dog eats, but the food does not decrease. One day his old woman leaned over a vase and dropped a gold hairpin into it, and the vase was immediately filled to the brim with gold hairpins. They threw a coin into the vase and it immediately filled with money. The vase was transferred to the house and began to be used to obtain money and valuables. Having collected huge wealth, the old people began to help their loved ones. The old man's name was Cai Shen.

For many years, the ritual of making a bowl of abundance, guaranteeing the preservation, growth family wealth was kept in secret, which was known only to the judicial and medical elite and the abbots of temples and monasteries. However, in last years, due to the growing interest in the mysterious oriental rituals, ancient Taoist and Buddhist manuscripts were studied, containing the solution to the mystery of the ritual.

The vase should be puffy, pot-bellied, reminiscent of the outlines female forms or a pumpkin with a rather wide neck, a lid and a massive base - a wide bottom. It symbolizes a large flow of wealth inside, and when wealth passes through a narrow neck, it remains forever inside on the wide bottom of the vase and this is interpreted as the preservation of wealth in the family for a long time, long time.

A vase of wealth must be with a lid, because after you fill it, you will need to close it, seal it. You can use a vase made of porcelain, ceramics, metal. It's even better if it's engraved with auspicious signs, symbols of wealth and prosperity. It can be a dragon or a bat, a dragon and a phoenix, symbols of the 4 seasons, a double knot of happiness.

You will need one vase, but you can make several to give to your loved ones. Taken the moment you feel real growth income of your family, to make a new vase of wealth, but always larger than the previous one. In rich Chinese houses, there are special rooms hidden from the eyes of strangers, in which huge vases of abundance are kept for centuries, which pass from generation to generation, secrets are passed down through the line of male descendants.

Before you start creating a vase of wealth, you need to sit in any of your favorable directions. We turn the vase with a sign towards us. It is necessary to carry out a symbolic ritual of cleansing the bowl and all its ingredients in order for it to become energetically yours. Incense sticks are used for cleansing. It is necessary to fumigate the vase well from all sides, so that not a single spirit makes its lair there.

A vase of wealth - a sealed vessel filled with good substances, is a support that attracts all kinds of forces and energies to improve the quality of our lives: wealth, health, offspring, success in undertakings, prosperity.

Rituals may differ: in each family something individual is added, which becomes family secret, but the principle and meaning remains the same - the harmonization of forces and energies through the ordering of 5 elements, 5 elements. There is a law of 5 elements (U-Sin). This law explains how qi moves during the yin and yang cycle. In Feng Shui, the change of 5 elements is used to strengthen positive qi and suppress negative. Just like yin and yang, 5 elements are 5 varieties of qi - these are 5 natural elements - Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, Wood. The ancients believed that the interaction of 5 elements gives rise to everything in heaven, on earth and in man.

To create a treasure vase (bao-ping), you need to fill an existing vase with the items listed below and place it in a place where no one will see it:

1. Three gold coins tied with a red thread - copies of Qing Dynasty coins. The energy of the physical presence of three coins is enhanced by a red thread and this amulet attracts wealth. The coins symbolize the mighty unity of Heaven and Earth. The square cutout in the center is the energy of the Earth, the circle represents the Qi of Heaven. Together, they give impetus to the forces of material well-being and success. The side with 4 hieroglyphs is considered yang, with two - yin. Coins should be placed in the vase with the yang side up.

2. Earth. You will need land from a rich man's lot. You should not steal the land, it is better to ask. The land that will be presented to you will be exceptionally happy, the qi of the earth keeps the power of the wealth of rich ancestors. If such earth cannot be obtained, it is best to put neutral earth in a vase, earth from under a milked cow.

3. Crystals mean a calm course of your life and the absence of obstacles to gaining wealth. Crystals belong to the Earth and contain its powerful energy. They are one of its main symbols. At the same time, they contain some metallic energy that makes them even stronger. Even in ancient times, it was known that crystals are natural energy batteries. They perfectly accumulate energy, which can then be used for various purposes, meditation, concentration, healing. In Feng Shui, crystals are used to neutralize negative energy and positive stimulation. Crystals improve relationships in the family, where there is no rivalry between children and between husband and wife, peace reigns.
Feng Shui crystals are one of the most popular accessories. They have two very interesting properties: crystals attract favorable energy to the room. Crystals slow down the flow of energy flowing through space. When a feng shui crystal hangs on a window and is illuminated by the sun, the glass refracts the sun's rays into 7 spectral colors and a rainbow is obtained. The secret of crystals lies not only in the fact that we see a rainbow, but in the fact that with its help the rays of solar qi are significantly lengthened. Crystals can not only be hung, but they also help in the notorious "dead" corners.

4. Next step. Place 9 coins in a circle. The number 9 is considered very auspicious, especially now in the 8th generation. Nine means future prosperity, according to the element of Fire, which enhances everything that is in the vase.

5. Photos of rich women and men. Photographs cut from magazines and newspapers will do.

6. A photo of a mansion, a rich house or your dream home. These should be photographs or magazine clippings of a real home, not a project. There may be several.

7. Fruits and gifts of the Earth. It is food for the Gods of Plenty. 5 cereals, symbolizing the 5 elements of the universe, having the colors of the elements. Alternately stacks in a vase in accordance with the cycle of generation. For example: Fire - red beans, sorghum, red lentils. Earth - yellow and brown colors- millet, corn, peas. Metal - White color- rice, white beans. Water - black color - black beans, wild rice. Tree - green peas, mash.

8. God of wealth. It can be a laughing Buddha - Hotei, Guan-Gu, Tsai-Shen, three Star Elders - FU-LU-SHOW (Fuk-Luk-Sau in Cantonese). These Gods are not worshiped, they simply represent wealth, health and prosperity.
FUK - symbolizes family happiness, full-blooded, many children and grandchildren, mutual love and strong family. He is holding a scroll or a small child in his hands.
BOW - usually depicted with a ruyi scepter or a gold ingot, which symbolizes strength, power and wealth. It brings success in career and business, increases income and social status.
SAU - personifies good health, longevity. Its usual attributes are the peach, the mushroom of immortality, and the gourd hulu, which have healing properties.

9. Gold bars and tiles. Very popular talismans for attracting monetary luck. What could be better symbols of prosperity than the very embodiment of wealth - gold.

10. Bagua coin. There are 8 trigrams engraved on the Yin side. They bring not only prosperity, but are also used as protective amulets and amulets. Decorative swords decorated with knots and tassels are knitted from such coins. Such swords are used to protect against sha-qi, the evil energy of poisoned arrows.

11. Semi-precious stones of 5 colors corresponding to the elements. Metal - white, transparent rock crystal. Water is blue sodalite. The tree is green jadeite. Fire - red jasper. Earth - yellow - carnelian.

12. Irreplaceable coin. Such a coin was not originally intended to be used as money. Serves as an amplifier of unexpected luck. It brings winnings in the lottery, on the races, stock transactions. good talisman for those who invest in risky ventures.

After the vase is completely filled, you need to close the lid and cover with napkins in five colors, starting with white, representing the element of Metal. We take cords of five colors and carefully tie a vase. Thus we close, seal our vase of abundance. The next step will be another cleansing, fumigating the wealth vase with incense sticks. We need to place our vase in a secluded place in the bedroom or living room, in some closet, in which there are no blockages and unnecessary things, and leave it for a year.

The Chinese are a wise people: - three and a half thousand years ago they discovered the art of organizing space (Feng Shui) and successfully use it to attract and multiply for themselves all the blessings of life. It is worth taking advantage of their experience. They can, but we can't, right?

The oldest way to bring abundance into the home is to create a family vase of wealth, a sealed vessel filled with "good substances." Such a vase is created personally by the owner or mistress of the house and attracts beneficial energies and forces to improve our lives: wealth, health, success in undertakings, well-being and prosperity.

In wealthy Chinese houses there are special rooms, hidden from prying eyes, where vases of abundance of various sizes are kept for centuries, the secrets of which are passed down through the line of male descendants.

How to make this magical item yourself? If you set such a goal, then it is not so difficult!

1. Choose a suitable vase.

A store-bought vase with a lid, an exaggerated, pot-bellied shape with a wide bottom, is also suitable. It symbolizes a large flow of wealth. When wealth passes through a narrow neck, it will forever remain inside on the wide bottom of the vase.

Attention! Both the vase itself and all the objects placed in it need preliminary cleaning and special treatment! In order to energetically cleanse the vase itself and everything stored in it, do the following: - Thoroughly wash the vase and objects under the stream cold water, you can from the tap. -Put three tablespoons of ordinary kitchen salt in a vase, place all the necessary items there (we will talk about them later), fill it all cold water and leave for nine days. The vase and all the items in it will acquire additional power, attracting the energies of abundance. -After nine days, rinse the vase and its contents with clean cold water and dry everything thoroughly. - Lubricate the bottom of the vase with natural essential oil. fit essential oils orange, mandarin, myrtle, patchouli. Brush with oils and cover with inside. -Only then fill the vase.

2. What to put in the wealth vase?

There are several objects illuminated by Chinese tradition:

Nine Chinese coins tied with red thread.

The number nine is considered very auspicious and signifies future prosperity. The coins themselves are round in shape with a square in their middle, symbolizing the unity of heaven and earth. The square cut in the center is the energy of the Earth, the circle represents the Powers of Heaven. In their unity, they give impetus to the forces of material well-being and success. -Coins must be placed with four hieroglyphs up, otherwise this talisman will not work. -Nine coins enhances the energy of all material objects in the vase, and serves as a protection that protects your wealth.

Natural crystals are traditionally placed in a vase.

It is best to place a druse of natural amethyst in a vase - this crystal not only attracts abundance, but serves as an excellent "doctor" of your financial well-being. You can put natural druse of crystal or quartz. In Feng Shui, crystals are used to neutralize negative energy and stimulate positive energy. Crystals improve family relationships, give peace of mind, and neutralize the spirit of competition.

Semiprecious stones.

The best option for attracting earthly and heavenly gifts is to put nine semi-precious (or precious) stones of all colors of the rainbow, plus white and black, pre-cleaned in salt water, into a vase.

A handful of land from a rich man's land.
Placed in a vase in a specially sewn red silk bag. The land must necessarily be donated by a rich person, and, in no case, be stolen, not taken without demand from his site. Only in this case, a handful of land will bring prosperity to your home.

Rice bag.
This is an offering to the gods of abundance of the planet. It is better to put the rice in a separately prepared red silk bag tied with a cord.

Knot of double happiness.
Its placement in a vase of wealth is mandatory for the purpose of constantly increasing your family wealth and attracting more and more blessings in life (See the figure below).

The vase must be filled to the brim and carefully covered with a lid.
Allowed items:
- gold and silver coins and bars;
- figurines of the gods of wealth (laughing Buddha Hotei, Guan-Gong, Three Star Elders);
- fiat coin;
-Chinese coins bagua;
- gold and silver jewelry;

The vase is left in the closet for a period of one year.
A year later, the contents of the vase are sorted out, thoroughly washed in salted water, supplemented with new valuable items and put in their original place on next year.
It is recommended to sort out and replenish the family wealth vase in anticipation of the Chinese New Year. This procedure brings new fresh energy for the whole next year.

When your well-being improves significantly, make another wealth vase, but already large sizes. Two vases will attract the energies of abundance into your home exponentially. Good luck!

We all want that financial affairs were going well, and that there was enough money not only to buy the most necessary things, but also for many other things.

Eastern esoteric teachings claim that a Feng Shui wealth vase can influence the material situation and attract monetary success into our lives. Let's talk about how to create such a talisman with your own hands and how to endow it with magical powers that attract monetary energy.

What is a wealth vase?

Money magic has been around for centuries. Back in antiquity Buddhist monks believed that it was possible to create a special talisman that would attract wealth and financial success in all endeavors to a person’s life. The Feng Shui tradition is closely related to these ancient rituals.

The vase of wealth, the creation of which we will now talk about, is a very powerful symbol of material success, not only for a particular person, but also for the whole family. This talisman can be compared to the legendary cornucopia.

There is an old story about a fisherman who fished a flat flower vase from the Yangtze River. He adapted it on the farm as a dog bowl, but over time he noticed that the food put in it does not decrease, although the pet is full.

One day, the fisherman's wife accidentally dropped her hairpin, made of pure gold, into this vase, and very soon the vessel was filled to the brim with the same gold hairpins. Then the couple did an experiment with coins, and from one piece they got a vase full of money.

The fisherman brought this wonderful vessel into the house, and since then the family began to use it to increase money and values. But the old people were not stingy, and willingly shared their wealth with others and helped all those in need.

The ritual of creating such a vase, bringing abundance to the house, for many years was available only to the elite - the abbots of Buddhist temples and monasteries, eminent doctors and judges. But over time, scientists deciphered the ancient Taoist and Buddhist manuscripts, and after that the whole world learned the secret of the talisman of wealth.

how to create a feng shui wealth vase

Before proceeding with the creation of a money talisman, let's see if any vase is suitable for this purpose, and whether any special rituals need to be performed during this process.

What should be the vase

The ideal vase, most suitable for family mascot, must be pot-bellied. Well, if it is shaped like the outlines of a female body or a pumpkin with a wide bottom and a narrow neck.

The width of the neck is especially important, because through it wealth will fall to the bottom of the vessel and remain forever inside it, which means that material values will be passed down through the family and will not leave the family for a long time. Required attribute for a vase of wealth according to Feng Shui is the lid. After you fill the vessel, it will definitely need to be sealed.

It is good if symbols of well-being and wealth are applied on the vase itself, for example, a dragon, a bat, a Phoenix bird, a hieroglyph meaning material success, a double knot of happiness or symbols of the four seasons, but they should be located only on one side. Materials suitable for the talisman are ceramics, porcelain or metal.

Is it possible to make several vases

To attract financial success to one house, one vase is enough, but if you want to give such souvenirs to your loved ones who do not live with you, or friends, you can make several vessels of wealth.

In Feng Shui, it is believed that as soon as financial situation the family will begin to noticeably improve, you need to create a new vase, but it must necessarily be larger than the previous one. This practice is well known in Eastern countries, and in the homes of the Chinese rich there are even special rooms where huge vases of abundance are stored for centuries, passing by inheritance from generation to generation.

Is it only a vase of wealth that brings financial success?

Feng Shui practitioners claim that this powerful talisman, has a positive effect not only on the size of the family budget, but also on other areas of our lives: health, career, new beginnings, well-being in personal life and procreation.

When do you need to make a talisman?

The date of collection of the wealth vase according to Feng Shui can be any, but best time for this ritual, the period starting shortly before the Chinese New Year and ending a few days after it is considered.

According to our calendar, this is from January 21 to February 21. The ideal day is the first new moon in this time period.

The ritual of creating a vase of abundance

Before filling the vase various subjects, it is necessary to carry out special ritual vessel cleansing. It is done in order to "smoke" out of the vase of spirits that could hide there while it was open. Traditionally, cleansing is done with incense sticks.

You need to sit on the floor in the direction that seems most favorable to you (for each person it will be individual) and turn the vase with signs and drawings towards you. Then light the incense sticks and use them to clean the outside and inside of the vase, as well as all the items that you are going to place in it (we will talk about them a little later).

You can read a prayer or a conspiracy, or just say some words that come to mind, the main thing is that you yourself believe in the power of the ritual and feel that the vase is filled with your own energy.

After cleansing the vase, you need to fill it with good substances. Their list can vary, and each family can add some special secret to the talisman. The main thing is that the vase should contain “ingredients” associated with the five elements: Water, Earth, Fire, Wood and Metal.

We give only an approximate list of the contents of the wealth vase, but, as mentioned earlier, you can put something of your own, personal, in it. And even better (if you are creating a vase not only for yourself, but for the whole family) - ask each of its members to add something from themselves after the main items.

Coins of the Qing Dynasty

One of the most popular symbols of wealth is three gold coins tied with red thread. Such a talisman can be bought at any esoteric shop. This amulet, placed in a vessel, will activate the energy of the Earth and Heaven and will attract financial success into your life. You need to put it with the side on which the hieroglyphs are applied, up.


The best symbol of wealth from the side earth element there will be ordinary land from the plot of a wealthy person. It should not be stolen - it is better to ask the owner for permission. A handful of such donated land will be especially happy. However, not everyone wants to "drag" the energy of another person into their home.

If you can’t find land from a rich plot, or you just don’t feel like it, you can use neutral, clean, fertile soil from the fields or brought from sacred places, or ordinary clean sand. You can simply pour the earth into a vase, or you can put it in a small linen or silk bag.

feng shui crystals

These crystals have special properties. Firstly, they are able to attract positive energy, and secondly, when they hit sun rays, refract light and separate it into a spectrum, thanks to which we see a rainbow.

Such crystals, containing not only the energy of the Earth, but also a little Metal, will make your family's life calm and harmonious, as well as remove obstacles that arise on the path to material success.

Golden coins

Of course, attracting wealth will not do without gold coins. There should be 3, 6 or 9 of them in a vase. You can also put there a fiat coin used as a talisman, or a Bagua coin, which is a strong protective amulet against the loss of wealth.

Semi-precious, precious or natural stones

There should be five such stones, and each of them should correspond to one of the elements in color. So, for example, for Metal, the stone must be white or transparent, for example, rock crystal, quartz, moon rock or belomorite. Stones of blue or blue are suitable for the element of Water. blue color- sapphire, turquoise, lapis lazuli, sodalite.

Fire is traditionally associated with red, which means you can use ruby, garnet, tourmaline, coral, spinel. For the Earth, yellow ones are suitable - carnelian, amber, zircon, and for the elements of the Tree - green ones: malachite, jadeite, emerald, beryl.

five cereals

An obligatory attribute of a vase of abundance are the gifts of the earth - cereals. Their colors must also match the elements.

  • Take a small handful of red beans or lentils for the Fire.
  • Then millet, corn or peas for the Earth.
  • After - rice or white beans for Metal.
  • Wild rice or black beans for Water.
  • And finally, mung bean or green peas for the Tree.

Symbols of abundance and wealth

Do not ignore the small figurines that bring success. You can put in your vessel figurines of gods symbolizing wealth, family happiness, longevity, animals that bring good luck - a dragon, bat, a golden elephant, a turtle, a money frog or a small bar of gold.

Photos of your desires

Of great importance for the work of the talisman are your personal desires. They also need to be added to the vase. Print or cut out photographs of successful people, the house or mansion of your dreams, the car you want to own, and everything that you associate with the concept of “full cup of happiness” from magazines.

The main thing during the ritual is not just to put objects in a vessel, but to talk with them, turn to the five elements for help, pronounce your desires - then the talisman will be charged with the energy of your dreams.

Seal the vase

After you have filled the magical vessel, you need to cover it with a lid, and then with five napkins or rags of the colors with which the elements are associated. You need to do this in the following order: first comes white, then blue, green, red and at the top should be yellow.

Then you need to take the threads of the same five colors and tie them with napkins or rags in the same order as described above. After this, another purification ritual should be performed with the help of incense sticks.

When the process of collecting and sealing the vase is completed, it should be placed in some secluded place, preferably in the bedroom. Next to the talisman there should not be any rubbish and unnecessary things.

According to Feng Shui, such a vase of wealth should stand in the place allotted for it throughout the year. You can not get it, open it or show it to someone else. In a year, you will see how effective her work has been.

According to Feng Shui, the Feng Shui Wealth Vase is a legendary talisman that has been kept in the caches of influential families in China for several millennia. But everything secret always becomes clear, so the secret was revealed. A vase of wealth helps to achieve financial success and wealth, and if desired, such a talisman can be made with your own hands.

Choosing a vase

First, think about which vase is suitable for performing the ritual according to Feng Shui. This subtle ancient Chinese science can help improve your life and make it more beautiful and stable. Since it is assumed that certain symbols will be laid in the future “wealth vase”, it is necessary to carefully choose the storage container. There are some factors to consider when choosing.

First of all, you should pay attention to the material from which it is made. It can be porcelain, metal or ceramics. Since this is a kind of "wealth store", it should look like that. It is not recommended to buy a glass vase, as it can be easily broken, as well as a plastic vase, as it looks too poor to attract wealth.

Second required quality vase - it should be round. That is, its neck should be much narrower than the lower part of the object. Among psychics and esotericists, this form is considered ideal in order to prevent energy from flowing out. Remember what the jug of Old Hottabych looked like. It was not a bottle or a jar, but a pot-bellied jar capable of holding the spirit inside until the moment the owner releases it. Similarly, in the case of a vase of wealth - a pot-bellied container will not allow the energy of wealth to "fly out" out of the bottle and your home.

It is also important that the vase has a fitting lid. Thus, not only will positive energy not spill out, but the values ​​\u200b\u200binside it will also be preserved if it accidentally falls.

It is recommended to choose a vase of a light shade. It does not matter what color and whether there will be drawings and patterns on it. The main thing is that the background is light, then the vase will symbolize pure intentions and positive energy.

How to fill a vase?

Here you already have a brand new vase, which will soon become a talisman. The first step is to perform a cleansing ritual. To do this, you need scented candles that are placed around the vase. Wait until they burn out to the end and only after that start filling the vase of wealth with the following symbols:

  • Three coins of any denomination tied with an ordinary red ribbon.
  • A handful of earth collected on the site of a rich and influential person, while you can’t steal it - just politely ask.
  • Several multi-colored feng shui crystals.
  • Special Chinese coins, which are purchased for the frog mascot, in the amount of 9 pieces.
  • A few photos of people who are authoritative for you and who you want to be like.
  • Miniature pictures of wealth: coins, cars, houses. The main thing is that they do not repeat even partially.
  • A small figurine of a golden Hotei, which is a symbol of prosperity and wealth in Feng Shui.
  • Money frog, but no coins.
  • Branch of the money tree.
  • Banknotes brought from abroad.
  • Several gemstones of your choice.

When all the "ingredients" are packed, the vase should be filled to the brim. In this case, you can add characters in a chaotic manner. The main thing is to put all the "wealth" into it.

The vase of wealth cannot be opened, so it is better to put it away from children, but do not forget about its existence. Wipe dust, but do not open. When the desired comes into your life, you can keep the vase for yourself or give it to loved ones.

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