Marat Basharov: biography and personal life. Marat Basharov: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo in the film "Border. Taiga Romance"

Death Russian actor Dmitry Maryanov was commented on by his colleague Marat Basharov. The real shock was the news of the sudden death of Maryanov, as Basharov spoke about his feelings in an interview with one of the TV channels. He also noted that they not only worked together with the deceased, but were also friends, and his death is an irreparable loss.

In addition, the host of the “Battle of Psychics” said that he had recently attended one of the performances in which Maryanov was involved, “The Game of Truth”. Basharov said that at that time it was impossible to assume that the outstanding artist would soon pass away ....

On October 15, Dmitry Maryanov became ill while relaxing in the country. The artist's acquaintances decided to take him to a hospital in Lobnya, Moscow Region, on their own, since Ambulance never came to the place. Unfortunately, Dmitry died on the way to the hospital. According to the preliminary version, the cause of death of Dmitry Maryanov was a detached blood clot.

The funeral of Dmitry Maryanov took place yesterday at the Khimki cemetery. The grave of the actor is located near the graves of his relatives. In this section of the cemetery, the last burials date back to the mid-70s of the last century. For this reason, it is overgrown with birches. Also, some graves have already fallen into disrepair and the fences have been covered with cloth, and shortly before the farewell ceremony, the paths have been sprinkled with sand. His colleagues Dmitry Pevtsov, the couple Vitorgan, Marat Basharov, Alexei Kortnev and others came to say goodbye to Maryanov.

Marat Basharov was born in Moscow, in a Tatar family, on August 22, 1974. His mother was a cook, and his father worked as a simple locksmith. With the exception of his brother, who was a theater critic, none of their family had anything to do with art.

At school, Marat was known as a bully, which is why he often returned home with deuces in behavior. Despite being a bright student, he almost got kicked out a couple of times for misconduct. When the question arose about choosing a profession, Marat decided to enter the law faculty of Moscow State University. The parents were pleased with this choice of their son, but, as it turned out, their joy was premature.

Basharov's fate was predetermined by his brother, who invited him to replace the sick actor in the play "The Canterville Ghost". He got the role without any problems and began to play on the stage of the Sovremennik Theater. Soon Marat could no longer imagine his life without a stage, so he firmly decided to become an actor. He left his studies at Moscow State University and entered the school. Shchepkin. Here the young man played his first roles, and also appeared in a small episode in the film "Burnt by the Sun" (1994).

Many theaters fought for a talented actor, but Marat decided to be independent and rejected all offers. He risked being left without a job, but luck smiled at him in time. In 1998, Nikita Mikhalkov, who noticed Basharov during the filming of the film "Burnt by the Sun", offered him the role of Polievsky in his new film "The Barber of Siberia". This role was the first notable work of a young actor. Marat became very friendly with Mikhalkov and has since called him his "movie dad".

In 1999, the audience saw Basharov in the image of the cadet Igor Zvorygin in the film "Voroshilov Shooter". In the same years, the actor participated in the production of the play "Woe from Wit" together with the famous actor Oleg Menshikov.

Gaining popularity

Marat Basharov gained great fame after the release of the film "Wedding" (2000). According to the script, the actor was supposed to play the role of a friend of the protagonist Garkusha. However, Basharov liked the image of Misha Krapivin so much that he persuaded director Pavel Lungin to consider his candidacy. Tom liked the game of Marat, but he had another good actor in mind. Not knowing who to choose, Lungin asked the performer leading role Masha Mironova, with whom is it better for her to play. Mironova chose Marat. So Basharov got a role in the film "The Wedding", which glorified him far beyond the borders of Russia. At the Cannes Film Festival, the picture received a special prize for a collective acting game.

Best of the day

In 2001, Marat Basharov once again amazed the audience and film critics by playing Alexander Mitta in the television series Border. Taiga Romance. According to Marat, it was an honor for him to work with such a famous director. In addition, his old childhood dream came true: he finally played a real war, with weapons and in full gear.

These two works were very well received by critics, declaring the birth of new star domestic cinema. Basharov became incredible popular actor. In 2003, he was invited to shoot the film "Turkish Gambit", where he played the role of Mitya Gridnev. According to Marat, he loves Boris Akunin and is very glad that he was able to play in the film adaptation of his work.

For its short acting career Marat Basharov managed to star in many interesting films. He played the role of Nicholas I in the television series "Satisfaction" (2005), the governor of Novoloka in the historical action movie "1612" (2007), Anton Rudimov in the film "Back to the USSR" (2010), Samokhvalov in the sparkling comedy " Love affair at work. Our time "(2011), Valentina Lavrishina in the series" Anna German "(2012). The breadth of the acting range allows Basharov to play a variety of characters.

In addition to filming a movie, Marat participated in the television projects "Stars on Ice", " ice Age"," Ice and Fire "," Dancing with the Stars-2012 ". In 2009, starting from season 8, he became the host of the Battle of Psychics program."

Personal life

Marat Basharov is a sociable and self-confident person. He is fond of football, tennis, hockey, likes to drink beer and prefers a sporty style of clothing. One of the main qualities of an actor, thanks to which he was able to succeed and become famous, is self-confidence. He is a very smart and assertive person who has known fame, but not enough of it. If you look at the list of his works, we can say that at his age, others only dream of such a thing. He worked with such famous directors as Nikita Mikhalkov, Pavel Lungin, Stanislav Govorukhin, Alexander Mitta.

Despite the fact that Basharov does not have enough experience in the field of film production, he is not afraid to criticize the domestic cinema. According to the actor, most Russian television series are consumer goods. And a real actor will never act in this consumer goods. It is better to go unload the wagons than to play in films of dubious quality. Thanks to this tough position, according to Basharov, he achieved success.

Marat appreciates honesty and understanding in women. It was these qualities that his first wife, Elizaveta Krutsko, whom he met at the TriTe studio, had. Lisa worked as a film agent and for some time helped Marat with negotiations. When it became clear that they fell in love with each other, they decided to get married. In 2004, a daughter, Amelie, was born in the family.

After the TV show "Ice Age-3" was released, rumors spread that Basharov was dating his partner figure skater Tatyana Navka. The press was quick to report that Elizaveta and Marat were getting a divorce, but in 2012 they appeared together at the Moscow Film Festival. After some time, they nevertheless broke off relations, and in May 2014 Basharov married Ekaterina Arkharova, who is the niece of Emmanuel Vitorgan.

Marat Basharov - a charming and talented actor, a native Muscovite, was born on 08/22/1974.


By nationality, Marat is a Tatar. His parents came to Moscow in search of work a few years before his birth. The family was very simple and had nothing to do with art. Mother worked as a cook, and father worked as a plumber. Marat has an older brother, whom he loves very much, and who introduced Marat to the world of theater.

However, this was still a long way off. No special creativity boy in early childhood did not show. But he grew up very mobile and sociable. True, at school he began to have a bit of a complex because of his non-standard appearance. Especially in adolescence when the girl he liked rejected Marat and called him a freak.

In childhood

Trying to somehow stand out, Marat often played pranks and quickly became known as a bully. Oriental disposition did not allow him to endure even the slightest offense, besides, he had a heightened sense of justice. Therefore, he often got into fights and other school troubles. But everything passes, and this difficult period of Marat's life also passed.

In high school, he somehow unexpectedly turned into a tall, slender handsome man, to whom the girls themselves were now paying attention. However, Marat himself now has a new hobby - theater. Therefore, girlish sympathies now remained unanswered.

To try for a role in Sovremennik, who was constantly looking for new talents and not only among students of theater universities, Marat was offered by his brother, who at that time was already working as a theater critic.

Almost for the first time, having got on the big stage, Marat played the episode superbly and was approved for the role of Duke Sessil. So back in school years began his theatrical professional career.


The world of theater fascinated Marat so much that now he didn’t even want to hear about any other profession. Although until recently I thought that there was no better place in the world than the law faculty of Moscow State University, and I was going to apply only there. Everything changed overnight and now Marat took the certificate to the Shchepkinsky school, where he was accepted immediately.

During his studies, he was noticed by Nikita Mikhalkov, who worked on the film Burnt by the Sun, which soon became a modern classic. He invited the novice actor to play a small episode and was very pleased with his work. And Marat had new love- cinema.

By the time he graduated from college, he managed to appear in several more episodes and realized that he liked working in front of the camera even more than the theater stage. Moreover, Mikhalkov again offered him a role, this time one of the main characters in historical drama"Siberian barber". The charming cadet Polievsky did not go unnoticed not only by the audience, but also by other directors, and Marat's career quickly went uphill.

His first central role was the image of an unlucky groom who wants to marry his first love and even received her consent, but does not know what and how he will support his family. The lyrical comedy "Wedding" revealed Basharov as a hero-lover.

And he was fixed in this role by the role of Lieutenant Ivan Stolbov, who fell in love with the wife of his immediate commander. It is the series "Border. Taiga novel "made by Marat real star and the favorite of millions of Russian (and not only women). The whole country followed the ups and downs of this story with bated breath.

After the release of the series, Marat was literally torn apart, and he starred in several films at the same time. Moreover, it is interesting that completely diverse work is equally easy for him. He looks great in historical costume films, but he is also damn good in modern films about love and even detective stories.

To date, the filmography of the artist has about fifty roles.

TV projects

Surprisingly, with such a busy filming schedule, Marat manages to find time to participate in numerous television projects. The first such experience was the show "Stars on Ice", which he won with a pair of stars figure skating. Then he spent two programs of the Ice Age as a presenter.

But in 2009, the Basharov-Navka pair took to the ice again. True, this time they did not even reach the final. However, Marat still did not part with ice and a year later he led a new project “Ice and Fire”, where couples not only skated on ice, but also danced.

2009 brought Basharov one more interesting project, the permanent leader of which he is still - Russian version"Battles of Psychics". He began to lead the program from the eighth season, replacing him in this post. And today it is difficult to imagine this program without Basharov.

He himself admits that during the work on the project he greatly revised his attitude towards people with superpowers. Having come as a convinced skeptic, he came across really inexplicable things so many times in the process of filming that he still believed in the existence of otherworldly forces and people who could manage them.

Personal life

Basharov's personal life has always been as vibrant as he himself. As if retribution for those first teenage love failures, now he easily won and broke hearts. And although he never advertised his novels, rumors about them hovered everywhere.

His first serious hobby became Olga Budina. Perhaps that is why the relationship of the on-screen characters in "Taiga Romance" turned out to be so touching that the romance smoothly flowed beyond the boundaries of the set. However, Basharov's passion for the screen partner ended almost immediately after filming. But Olga for a long time could not recover after an unexpected break.

Shortly thereafter, Basharov started serious relationship with his theatrical agent Elizaveta Krutsko. He even proposed marriage to her Muslim traditions for which Elizabeth converted to Islam. But this marriage was never officially registered, even despite the fact that in 2004 the couple had a daughter, Amelie.

With Elizabeth Krutsko

Alas, Basharov's passion for romance with partners did not weaken. Elizabeth at first tried to endure this for the sake of the child, but after the development of his relationship with Navka was watched live by the whole country, she could not stand it and insisted on a break.

However, he did not touch the work. The woman had the wisdom to maintain normal working and friendly relations with Marat. He accepts Active participation in raising a daughter.

In 2014, unexpectedly for everyone, Basharov's wedding took place with the niece of the famous Soviet actor Emmanuil Vitorgan by the beautiful Ekaterina Arkharova. And a few months after that, the entire public was stirred up by the scandal that broke out around the young couple. Basharov beat his wife, but she did not want to hide the truth and announced this to the whole country.

With Ekaterina Arkharova

A special program was even devoted to a family quarrel, during which Basharov apologized publicly and swore his love for his wife. However, he said that this could happen in any family, which caused the sincere indignation of fans and colleagues. Arkharova divorced him, Mikhalkov stopped inviting him to his films. In fact, Marat was in disgrace.

Even then, at numerous receptions and secular parties, Basharov, who was addicted to alcohol, could have gone downhill if the woman who believed in him, Elizaveta Shevyrkova, had not reappeared in his life. She herself invited him on a first date and very soon they began to live together.

A fairly popular theater and film actor, who played both villains, and law enforcement officers, and assertive lovers, and youths in love, is Marat Basharov, a biography whose personal life is quite interesting and difficult. Almost everything is known about his career in cinema and theater, but his personal life remains a mystery, shrouded in darkness, it is so full of rumors and scandals.

The formation of an acting career

Fate itself led Basharov to the fact that he was destined to become an actor. Marat Basharov in his youth, becoming a student of the Faculty of Law, and being a reckless and resolute person, went to the theater to audition. The director needed a young guy for a small role and, thanks to his charisma and talent, the student was approved for a role in a play called The Canterville Ghost.

Having learned what an acting profession is, Marat decided to enter the Higher Theater School named after M. S. Shchepkin. Knowing how old Basharov is (today the actor is 43 years old), it's hard to believe that he has acted in almost 80 films, not counting work in the theater and participation as a presenter in such television projects as:

  • "The fight of extrasensories";
  • "Mr. and Mrs. Media";
  • "Ice Age";
  • "Ice and fire".

At the time of the meeting with the first wife, Elizaveta Krutsko, famous actor there has already been cooperation with such cult directors as Nikita Mikhalkov and Eldar Ryazanov.

The most famous works of that time in cinema were:

  • "The border. Taiga novel.
  • "Siberian barber".
  • "Wedding".

First wife

Work brought Marat Basharov to his first wife. The couple first met at a party at the Central House of Arts in 1997, and after they met again during the filming of The Barber of Siberia, an affair began between them. At that time, Elizabeth was still married to her first husband Georgy Rumyantsev, an actor. The girl worked in advertising agency TriTe and acted as Andrey Krasko's creative agent.

In 2004, Elizabeth gave birth to Marat's daughter Amelie and they decided to get married. The marriage was not officially registered, but was carried out according to all Muslim traditions. To do this, Krutsko had to change her faith and become a Muslim, but after a divorce, she returned to Orthodox faith. The reason for the separation of the couple was the actor's romance with the beautiful figure skater Tatyana Navka, with whom Marat won the Stars on Ice project in 2006.

It was from that time that relationships began to emerge between partners on the TV show, despite the fact that both were not free.

The fact that there was a romance between them, they recognized only in 2009. Who knows how Marat Basharov's personal life could have turned out today with Navka, because for the sake of each other they broke off relations with their spouses and even prepared for marriage, but nevertheless they broke up. Tatyana did not like the fact that the man often drinks, and therefore they decided to leave.

Wedding with Vitorgan's niece

After breaking up with Navka, reports about Basharov's novels appeared in the press every now and then. He was credited with a relationship with Alisa Krylova, the wife of a billionaire, and with fitness instructor Anna Sozonova. Two novels were short-lived.

Only Anna reported the reasons for the breakup, explaining that she did not like that ex-wife Marata Basharova continues to be his agent, and there is still a warm relationship between them.

Really, journalists talked about the fact that Marat and Elizabeth continue their love relationship , and Krutsko even gave birth to a son from him in 2012, but the woman denied this information.

Soon Marat began to appear at social events with Ekaterina Arkharova, the niece of the famous actor Emmanuel Vitorgan.

As soon as information appeared in the press that the actor was not free, a couple of months later it became known about the luxurious wedding of lovers. The stepfather of Ekaterina Arkharova, a wealthy businessman, was not against the marriage of his beloved daughter, especially since Basharov assured him that he would make his beloved happy. However, in October 2014, photos appeared on the network where Arkharova was with huge bruises and bruises. Confirming her beating by her husband, Ekaterina filed for divorce, and in March 2015 they divorced.

Marriage with a fan

In 2016, Marat Basharov again made all the leading media talk about him. It became known that he would soon have a child, and now he is thinking about how to legitimize his relationship with a pregnant admirer Elizabeth. It was not known who the couple was expecting, daughter or son, and on July 28, 2016 it became known that Marat became a father for the second time, he had a child - son Marcel.

The wedding was played in September 2017, this marriage was the second for Basharov after Ekaterina Arkharova. Elizabeth Shevyrkova for a long time she was waiting for a meeting with the actor and herself became the initiator of their relationship, asking Marat to invite her on a date on social networks, which he subsequently did.

Most recently, in February, the performance “Conversation with the Soul. Beyond the Boundary, in which Marat plays a businessman. Wrote the script for the enchanting performance of Renat-Khazrat Abyanov. Thanks to this project, Marat mastered a new profession - a director. Elizaveta Shevyrkova still remains Basharov's beloved woman, in their family reigns idyll and love.

We can safely say that Marat Basharov, whose personal life is extremely successful today, can only please his fans with this.

Attention, only TODAY!

Marat Alimzhanovich Basharov - actor, TV presenter. Winner of the State Prize of the Russian Federation (2001), the Triumph Youth Prize (2004) and the title of Honored Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan (2012).

Childhood and youth of Marat Basharov

Marat Basharov was born in Moscow into a simple working-class family from Northern Izmailovo: his mother worked as a cook, his father worked as a plumber.

As a child, Marat was distinguished by an obedient disposition. But as soon as he went to first grade, he immediately became known as a bully: he was constantly given two for his behavior, once he was even almost expelled. But it was at school that the future actor met his best friends, with whom he still maintains a relationship. Their opinion and presence in life for Marat is still very valuable.

The tomboy's parents found a way out for his stupid energy and gave him to sports section figure skating. A little later, this helped him achieve very good success in hockey (Marat was engaged in the Sports Palace in Sokolniki). With pleasure, the young man also attended classes in freestyle wrestling and football.

In 1991, graduate Marat Basharov passed the competition for the law faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University. And at the same time, his half-brother, well-versed in art and moonlighting at that time as a theater critic, suggested that he try out for the small role of Duke Cecil in the production of The Canterville Ghost, which was staged in Sovremennik. The director just needed a young guy. Surprisingly, Marat was immediately approved for two whole seasons.

Getting to know the underside acting profession and having experienced incomparable emotions from going on stage. In 1993, he left Moscow State University and applied to the theater school. Shchepkin. At the audition, wanting to distinguish himself from other applicants, he brought a balalaika and famously danced to its accompaniment, thereby subduing the selection committee.

Marat Basharov speaks Tatar

Actor career

During his student days, the aspiring actor starred in commercials, and also worked as a watchman in a clothing store. And the film debut of Marat Basharov took place in 1994 - he got the tiny role of a tanker in Nikita Mikhalkov's psychological drama Burnt by the Sun. Then his name did not even get into the credits.

In 1998, Marat graduated from Sliver and was immediately invited to work in several theaters. But the young man decided not to go to the state theater actor, because he did not want to become attached to the theater and make himself dependent on the will of the chief director.

Just in the year of release, Nikita Mikhalkov decided to give young actor place in the cast of the film "The Barber of Siberia". It is the role of the cadet Polievsky Basharov considers his first outstanding work. After hard work on film set"The Barber of Siberia" Marat developed a fairly close and warm relationship with Mikhalkov. He, by the way, he calls his "movie dad". Friendship was also established with Oleg Menshikov, who played the cadet Tolstoy.

In 1999, Marat starred in Stanislav Govorukhin's Voroshilovsky Strelka. The actor tried on the image of a villain - he played the rapist bastard Zvorygin. At the same time, the failed lawyer was employed in theater production"Woe from Wit" directed by Oleg Menshikov.

Real glory knocked on the door to Marat Basharov in 2000 after a series of memorable roles: in the film "Wedding" by Pavel Lungin (the country boy Mishka) and the television series "Border. Taiga novel" by Alexander Mitta (lieutenant Stolbov).

O latest work the actor responded especially warmly. According to him, working with such a legendary director is happiness for any actor. It's also nice that during the filming of "Border" Basharov's childhood dream came true - he played "war" in a real forest, with real weapons and in real uniform. The beautiful Olga Budina became his screen partner.

But in Pavel Lungin's melodrama "Wedding" Marat initially got the role of the drunkard Garkusha, a friend of the protagonist. But Basharov literally fell in love with the character of Krapivin and clung to Lungin with requests to give this role to him. The director gave up and tested Basharov.

“I rested and insisted on the samples. He clung to Lungin, as they say, with a stranglehold. And there were many trials. In the end, I remained and another actor. Then Pavel asked Maria Mironova, who had already been approved for the role of the main character, with whom she would like to play, that is, who exactly is more drawn to Mishka. The girl thought and chose me. It turns out that I pulled out this role with my own teeth, ”said the actor. By the way, at the Cannes Film Festival the film "Wedding" earned a special prize "For the acting ensemble".

Marat Basharov and Zhanna Friske - Stewardess named Zhanna (2011)

After "The Wedding" and "Frontier", which premiered six months apart, critics vied with each other to talk about a new star Russian cinema. Basharov suddenly became a sought-after actor. In 2000, the famous Eldar Ryazanov invited him to the film "Quiet Pools", then the actor appeared in the series "Cobra", " The perfect couple", the drama" Oligarch ", where he played the corrupt investigator Koshkin.

In 2003, Marat was given the role of Mitya Gridnev in the Turkish Gambit. Basharov was in seventh heaven, as he was always a great connoisseur of the work of Boris Akunin.

A landmark work in Basharov's filmography was the drama "72 meters" (2004), where he played an officer of the submarine "Slavyanka", crashing at depth.

Most of the films with Marat Basharov need no introduction - the actor knows the value of his talent and chooses only worthwhile projects for work. He especially dislikes TV shows: “A man should not act in shit. If there is no money, then it is better to go to unload the wagons than to act in consumer goods. Therefore, I don’t want to act in serials and I won’t.”

Also Marat Basharov is a frequent guest on TV. Thanks to his figure skating skills, he appeared in all the "ice" projects on television: he paired with Navka in the show "Stars on Ice" in 2006 (their tandem won the first prize), hosted the program "Ice Age" for two seasons ( first with Irina Slutskaya, then with Anastasia Zavorotnyuk), and in the third season of the program he again demonstrated his skills in tandem with Navka.

Marat Basharov and Tatyana Navka - Tango

When in 2009 Mikhail Porechenkov left the place of the host of the entertainment show “The Battle of Psychics”, Basharov took over and has since suffered from constant questions from the audience: “Marat, is everything true or staged in the Battle of Psychics?”. He answers them dryly and briefly: "Look and draw your own conclusions."

Personal life of Marat Basharov

For a long time, Marat Basharov was in civil marriage with Liza Krutsko. Their relationship was sealed in accordance with Islamic customs - reading nikah. In 2004, their common daughter, Amelie Basharova, was born. In 2009, due to an affair that flared up between Basharov and Tatyana Navka, Elizabeth broke up with her husband, but subsequently they continued to communicate.

The affair with Navka did not receive a logical continuation, and over the next few years, Basharov was repeatedly credited with relationships with Svetlana Khodchenkova, Miss Russia 2010 Alisa Krylova, swimming instructor Anna Sazonova.

In 2014, the Don Juan of Russian cinema designed official relations with Ekaterina Arkharova (niece of Emmanuil Vitorgan). The wedding took place in May, and already in October the media were full of headlines: “Marat Basharov beats his wife!”.

Ekaterina was taken to the hospital with multiple injuries. Having recovered from her injuries, she came to Andrey Malakhov's studio, where she confirmed the fact of the beatings, and also spoke about the attacks of cruelty that her husband suffers from and about his addiction to alcohol. Soon the couple divorced.

“Let them talk”: Marat Basharov beat his wife?

The new life partner of Marat Basharov is Elizaveta Shevyrkova, a bank employee with whom the actor had a fleeting affair even before the relationship with Arkharova. It is known that the girl is a passionate admirer of Basharov - she was the first to write to him in social network asking for a meeting. Elizabeth is 13 years younger than her chosen one. In September 2017, they formalized their relationship in one of the capital's registry offices. At the ceremony, close friends of the actor were seen -

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