BTR Boomerang: history of creation and detailed description. Armored personnel carriers as a type of equipment

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The high level of security of combat vehicles, made on the basis of the medium wheeled armored platform "Boomerang", is provided by a whole range of protection equipment. These include means of reducing visibility, passive armor protection, as well as active protection and jamming systems. To reduce the visibility of the BMP K-17 and BTR K-16, special materials and paint are applied to their hulls and combat modules. This reduces the likelihood of detecting vehicles both in the optical range and when the enemy uses radar detection tools. It is likely that armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles can be equipped with the “Cape” visibility reduction kit, which makes it difficult or even impossible for the enemy to use various anti-tank systems or precision weapons. The required level of ballistic protection of the machine is provided by an all-welded body made of armored steel. Depending on the combat missions that the infantry fighting vehicles or armored personnel carriers will have to solve, the vehicle is equipped with additional protection modules. The upper frontal armor part has a large angle of inclination and is reinforced with a wave-reflecting shield. The lower frontal armored detail is reinforced with an additional armor plate, which forms a spaced armor of the frontal armored plate.

A distinctive feature of the K-17 BMP and the K-16 BTR is the unusually high hull profile compared to Soviet-designed vehicles of this class. The reason for the increase in the dimensions of new samples (primarily in height) is associated with the fulfillment of the requirements for mine protection. To ensure high anti-mine resistance and safety of crew members and troops during explosions on mines and improvised explosive devices (IEDs), the bottom of the vehicle must, if possible, be raised above the ground higher. In addition, so-called anti-mine "sandwiches" - multilayer fillers - can be used in the design of the bottom of the hull. The increase in the height of the vehicle hull is also caused by the installation of special anti-mine seats that require a height margin of at least 200 mm to the roof of the hull from the head of a crew member or paratrooper sitting in the chair and fixed with seat belts. Otherwise, no anti-traumatic chairs will help to stay alive during an explosion. a very powerful charge under the wheel or bottom of the car.

Like most modern models of armored weapons and equipment, the K-17 BMP has an optoelectronic suppression complex (KOEP), including multispectral sensors of optoelectronic radiation, a control and switching unit, as well as launchers for firing ammunition, setting aerosol curtains, KOEP automatically shoots aerosol grenades in the direction of the detected radiation, which form a cloud of smoke with metal particles in a fraction of a second. Such a curtain hides the combat vehicle not only in the visible optical spectrum of observation, but also in the spectra of thermal imaging and radar detection and guidance devices, and does not allow the enemy to attack the BMP,

On combat vehicles made on the basis of the medium wheeled armored platform "Boomerang", it is planned to install a system for blocking or premature detonation of mines and improvised explosive devices (IEDs) with electromagnetic fuses.
The K-17 infantry fighting vehicle is equipped with the Afghanit active protection complex (KAZ), which is capable of automatically detecting incoming rocket-propelled anti-tank grenades and guided missiles and destroying them with specially fired ammunition at a distance of 200 to 4 m from the vehicle. According to reports in the open press, KAZ "Afganit" can intercept any attacking ammunition - not only ATGMs and RPG rocket-propelled grenades, but also artillery armor-piercing sub-caliber shells, as well as aircraft missiles. The launchers of the complex are mounted around the perimeter of the lower part of the combat module. There is no Afghanit on the K-16 armored personnel carrier

High mobility of armored vehicles based on the medium wheeled armored platform "Boomerang" is provided by a new powerful and economical power plant with automatic transmission, original transmission, independent torsion wheel suspension, modern design of mechanically driven water jets, as well as an on-board information and control system ( BIUS). The power plant of the Boomerang platform is a monoblock, which includes a power unit with attachments and an automatic transmission, cooling and preheating systems.

The platform uses a new generation turbodiesel YaMZ-780 - multi-fuel, liquid-cooled, 12-cylinder V-shaped turbocharged. It develops 750 hp. and provides a combat vehicle (depending on its type and purpose) with a specific power of 30 hp / t or more. In combination with an automatic transmission with automatic or manual gear shifting (six forward and one reverse), a modern on-board kinematic transmission scheme and a perfect chassis, this allows the car to reach a maximum speed of at least 100 km / h on the highway and up to 50 km / h on rough terrain. km/h The combined method of turning (due to turning the steered pairs of wheels and changing the speed of rotation of the wheels on opposite sides) provides the Boomerang with a turn with a radius 2 times smaller than on the Western European Boxer, Patria and VBCI.

As already noted, the design of the chassis provides for the possibility of installing (without modifications to body parts) both a traditional torsion bar suspension and an adjustable hydropneumatic suspension. Fire-resistant wheels with a radial tire with RunFlat inserts are used, providing the necessary characteristics of stability, handling, load capacity and mobility in case of tire damage. Vehicles based on the Boomerang wheeled armored platform are equipped with an auxiliary power unit with an additional power supply unit with a capacity of 10 kW. This allows the use of all on-board systems and the weapon system in defense or when parked in place without increased fuel consumption. Overcoming water obstacles by swimming is ensured by a sealed displacement hull and the presence of two mechanically driven water jets, installed one on each side in the stern. The maximum speed afloat is up to 10 km/h.

Team manageability
The high performance of this combat property of combat vehicles based on the medium wheeled armored platform "Boomerang" was achieved due to the use of modern technologies in their design, the use of CICS. all-round video surveillance systems, the availability of modern digital means of communication with the possibility of exchanging information in the data transfer mode. The CICS, built on a block-modular principle, allows you to turn a unified platform into a universal base machine that provides connection and control of various systems (weapon complexes, control complexes, technological equipment, etc.) with control and interaction between them with minimization of incompetent interference
the so-called "human factor". In addition, the CICS, if necessary, plays the role of a "black box", which allows for a current analysis of the actions of the crew and the functioning of the vehicle.

The software and hardware complex makes it possible to integrate the Boomerang into a single ACS TZ and ensures operation in a single information space for combat control, allows you to receive and transmit the necessary service information about the position and status of your own and interacting fire weapons, combat vehicles and units, as well as the position the enemy and his firepower with subordinate, interacting subunits, higher command and control bodies, with real-time reconnaissance equipment (including information accumulated by the vehicle's CIMS about the remaining ammunition load, fuel supply, state and technical malfunctions of systems, etc.). The control of the vehicle as a whole (weapon, unit, landing, special systems, with the exception of driving and mobility systems) is carried out from the universal automated workplaces of the vehicle commander and unit commander. All the necessary information can be displayed on their monitors in the shortest possible time. The vehicles are equipped with the GLONASS satellite topographic location system.

Saturation with automated means of communication and control eliminates the need for the creation and production of specialized command vehicles for commanders of battalions, regiments, and brigades. Currently, combat vehicles on the average unified wheeled armored platform "Boomerang" are undergoing preliminary tests. According to experts, their serial production and entry into the troops can be expected in two years.

Performance characteristics of BMP K-17 and BTR K-16 based on the Boomerang platform (BMP K-17 / BTR K-16)
Combat weight, t 25/22
Crew + landing, pers. 3+8
Overall dimensions, mm:
- body length 8450
- body width 3000
- on the roof of the hull 2250
- at the top of the combat module 3500 / 3450
Clearance, mm 450
Used combat module "Boomerang-BM" / no index
Primary weapon 30 mm AP 2D42 / 12.7 mm machine gun 6P49 "KORD"
Range of aimed fire, km:
- in the afternoon until 4 / until 2
- at night up to 3.5 / up to 1.5
Secondary weapon coaxial 7.62 mm PKTM / no
Guided weapons complex:
- brand "Cornet-D" / no
- the number of ATGMs on launchers, pcs 4
- maximum firing range, km 10
Type and brand of YaMZ-780 turbodiesel engine
Developed power, h.p. 750
Suspension type independent torsion bar (or GPM with variable ground clearance)
Maximum speed, km/h:
- on Highway 100
- afloat 10

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The high level of security of combat vehicles, made on the basis of the medium wheeled armored platform "Boomerang", is provided by a whole range of protection equipment. These include means of reducing visibility, passive armor protection, as well as active protection and jamming systems. To reduce the visibility of the BMP K-17 and BTR K-16, special materials and paint are applied to their hulls and combat modules. This reduces the likelihood of detecting vehicles both in the optical range and when the enemy uses radar detection tools. It is likely that armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles can be equipped with the “Cape” visibility reduction kit, which makes it difficult or even impossible for the enemy to use various anti-tank systems or precision weapons. The required level of ballistic protection of the machine is provided by an all-welded body made of armored steel. Depending on the combat missions that the infantry fighting vehicles or armored personnel carriers will have to solve, the vehicle is equipped with additional protection modules. The upper frontal armor part has a large angle of inclination and is reinforced with a wave-reflecting shield. The lower frontal armored detail is reinforced with an additional armor plate, which forms a spaced armor of the frontal armored plate.

A distinctive feature of the K-17 BMP and the K-16 BTR is the unusually high hull profile compared to Soviet-designed vehicles of this class. The reason for the increase in the dimensions of new samples (primarily in height) is associated with the fulfillment of the requirements for mine protection. To ensure high anti-mine resistance and safety of crew members and troops during explosions on mines and improvised explosive devices (IEDs), the bottom of the vehicle must, if possible, be raised above the ground higher. In addition, so-called anti-mine "sandwiches" - multilayer fillers - can be used in the design of the bottom of the hull. The increase in the height of the vehicle hull is also caused by the installation of special anti-mine seats that require a height margin of at least 200 mm to the roof of the hull from the head of a crew member or paratrooper sitting in the chair and fixed with seat belts. Otherwise, no anti-traumatic chairs will help to stay alive during an explosion. a very powerful charge under the wheel or bottom of the car.

Like most modern models of armored weapons and equipment, the K-17 BMP has an optoelectronic suppression complex (KOEP), including multispectral sensors of optoelectronic radiation, a control and switching unit, as well as launchers for firing ammunition, setting aerosol curtains, KOEP automatically shoots aerosol grenades in the direction of the detected radiation, which form a cloud of smoke with metal particles in a fraction of a second. Such a curtain hides the combat vehicle not only in the visible optical spectrum of observation, but also in the spectra of thermal imaging and radar detection and guidance devices, and does not allow the enemy to attack the BMP,

On combat vehicles made on the basis of the medium wheeled armored platform "Boomerang", it is planned to install a system for blocking or premature detonation of mines and improvised explosive devices (IEDs) with electromagnetic fuses.
The K-17 infantry fighting vehicle is equipped with the Afghanit active protection complex (KAZ), which is capable of automatically detecting incoming rocket-propelled anti-tank grenades and guided missiles and destroying them with specially fired ammunition at a distance of 200 to 4 m from the vehicle. According to reports in the open press, KAZ "Afganit" can intercept any attacking ammunition - not only ATGMs and RPG rocket-propelled grenades, but also artillery armor-piercing sub-caliber shells, as well as aircraft missiles. The launchers of the complex are mounted around the perimeter of the lower part of the combat module. There is no Afghanit on the K-16 armored personnel carrier

High mobility of armored vehicles based on the medium wheeled armored platform "Boomerang" is provided by a new powerful and economical power plant with automatic transmission, original transmission, independent torsion wheel suspension, modern design of mechanically driven water jets, as well as an on-board information and control system ( BIUS). The power plant of the Boomerang platform is a monoblock, which includes a power unit with attachments and an automatic transmission, cooling and preheating systems.

The platform uses a new generation turbodiesel YaMZ-780 - multi-fuel, liquid-cooled, 12-cylinder V-shaped turbocharged. It develops 750 hp. and provides a combat vehicle (depending on its type and purpose) with a specific power of 30 hp / t or more. In combination with an automatic transmission with automatic or manual gear shifting (six forward and one reverse), a modern on-board kinematic transmission scheme and a perfect chassis, this allows the car to reach a maximum speed of at least 100 km / h on the highway and up to 50 km / h on rough terrain. km/h The combined method of turning (due to turning the steered pairs of wheels and changing the speed of rotation of the wheels on opposite sides) provides the Boomerang with a turn with a radius 2 times smaller than on the Western European Boxer, Patria and VBCI.

As already noted, the design of the chassis provides for the possibility of installing (without modifications to body parts) both a traditional torsion bar suspension and an adjustable hydropneumatic suspension. Fire-resistant wheels with a radial tire with RunFlat inserts are used, providing the necessary characteristics of stability, handling, load capacity and mobility in case of tire damage. Vehicles based on the Boomerang wheeled armored platform are equipped with an auxiliary power unit with an additional power supply unit with a capacity of 10 kW. This allows the use of all on-board systems and the weapon system in defense or when parked in place without increased fuel consumption. Overcoming water obstacles by swimming is ensured by a sealed displacement hull and the presence of two mechanically driven water jets, installed one on each side in the stern. The maximum speed afloat is up to 10 km/h.

Team manageability
The high performance of this combat property of combat vehicles based on the medium wheeled armored platform "Boomerang" was achieved due to the use of modern technologies in their design, the use of CICS. all-round video surveillance systems, the availability of modern digital means of communication with the possibility of exchanging information in the data transfer mode. The CICS, built on a block-modular principle, allows you to turn a unified platform into a universal base machine that provides connection and control of various systems (weapon complexes, control complexes, technological equipment, etc.) with control and interaction between them with minimization of incompetent interference
the so-called "human factor". In addition, the CICS, if necessary, plays the role of a "black box", which allows for a current analysis of the actions of the crew and the functioning of the vehicle.

The software and hardware complex makes it possible to integrate the Boomerang into a single ACS TZ and ensures operation in a single information space for combat control, allows you to receive and transmit the necessary service information about the position and status of your own and interacting fire weapons, combat vehicles and units, as well as the position the enemy and his firepower with subordinate, interacting subunits, higher command and control bodies, with real-time reconnaissance equipment (including information accumulated by the vehicle's CIMS about the remaining ammunition load, fuel supply, state and technical malfunctions of systems, etc.). The control of the vehicle as a whole (weapon, unit, landing, special systems, with the exception of driving and mobility systems) is carried out from the universal automated workplaces of the vehicle commander and unit commander. All the necessary information can be displayed on their monitors in the shortest possible time. The vehicles are equipped with the GLONASS satellite topographic location system.

Saturation with automated means of communication and control eliminates the need for the creation and production of specialized command vehicles for commanders of battalions, regiments, and brigades. Currently, combat vehicles on the average unified wheeled armored platform "Boomerang" are undergoing preliminary tests. According to experts, their serial production and entry into the troops can be expected in two years.

Performance characteristics of BMP K-17 and BTR K-16 based on the Boomerang platform (BMP K-17 / BTR K-16)
Combat weight, t 25/22
Crew + landing, pers. 3+8
Overall dimensions, mm:
- body length 8450
- body width 3000
- on the roof of the hull 2250
- at the top of the combat module 3500 / 3450
Clearance, mm 450
Used combat module "Boomerang-BM" / no index
Primary weapon 30 mm AP 2D42 / 12.7 mm machine gun 6P49 "KORD"
Range of aimed fire, km:
- in the afternoon until 4 / until 2
- at night up to 3.5 / up to 1.5
Secondary weapon coaxial 7.62 mm PKTM / no
Guided weapons complex:
- brand "Cornet-D" / no
- the number of ATGMs on launchers, pcs 4
- maximum firing range, km 10
Type and brand of YaMZ-780 turbodiesel engine
Developed power, h.p. 750
Suspension type independent torsion bar (or GPM with variable ground clearance)
Maximum speed, km/h:
- on Highway 100
- afloat 10

The information that the new Russian wheeled universal platform "Boomerang" will be shown at the parade on May 9 appeared in the official press already in March. At the same time, Oleg Bochkarev, deputy chairman of the military-industrial commission under the President of the Russian Federation, said in an interview with RIA Novosti that a domestic “wheeled tank” would also be created on the basis of this platform.

Everyone was waiting for such a Russian-made car, and only the incident with the promising tracked tank "Armata" (either by accident, or deliberately stalled in front of the podium of the mausoleum at the rehearsal of the parade) diverted public attention from the "Boomerang".

Meanwhile, the presence of wheeled tanks in service with other armies (Maneuver Combat Vehicle in Japan, Stryker M1128 MGS in the USA, AMX-10RC in France, PTZ-09 in China, etc.) constantly pushed Russian engineers to create similar vehicles.

However, back to our Boomerang. This is a modern wheeled platform of medium weight (24 tons), with an 8x8 wheel formula and a BMP-MRAP protection level. On its basis, it is planned to create an armored personnel carrier, a wheeled infantry fighting vehicle and the same wheeled tank armed with a 125-mm cannon designed for the Armata tank, located in an uninhabited and fully automated tower. In particular, this will reduce the silhouette of the entire machine. In addition, it is quite possible that the wheeled tank will be completely unified with the new main battle tank in terms of sighting system and active protection equipment.

The BTR-90 Rostok (GAZ-5923) is called the predecessor of the Boomerang, an “unlucky” car that was developed for almost 20 years, was officially adopted, but never put into production. By the way, the 2S28 Sprut-K wheeled tank, armed with a 125-mm 2A75 gun from the 2S25 Sprut-SD tracked self-propelled artillery mount, was also developed on the basis of the BTR-90. But since the entire platform did not go into production, they also put an end to the wheeled Octopus. It is all the more logical that a new gun is installed on a new machine, albeit of the same caliber.

Thus, the Boomerang wheeled tank will be equal in its firepower to the modern T-90A. And given that in recent years wheeled vehicles have seriously competed with tracked vehicles in terms of their cross-country ability (and far exceed them in terms of speed and power reserve), the name “tank” in this case is almost no exaggeration.

"That is, as? - the attentive reader will immediately ask, - it turns out that a wheeled tank is not quite a tank? Well, yes, we have to admit that for all our love for wheels, all these beautiful modern cars are “not quite real” tanks. And their main difference is easier, in comparison with the "classic" tracked vehicles, booking (with similar weapons and almost the same cross-country ability). Let's put it this way: wheeled tanks have replaced light tanks. And whether they will replace medium and heavy vehicles - the nearest, or not very near, future will show.

So, the "Boomerang" withstands the hit of an anti-tank grenade or rocket fired from a portable complex from any angle, and also provides protection against small-caliber artillery shells fired at the frontal armor and heavy machine guns at the side. The armor will be modular, consisting of removable armored ceramic plates, gratings to deal with cumulative projectiles and dynamic protection. Like many light tanks, the vehicle will be amphibious.

Serial production of "Boomerang" is scheduled for 2019, mass deliveries to the troops - for 2019-2020. The original name of VPK-7829 indicates that the development is supervised by the Military Industrial Company LLC (which means that production will most likely be organized at the Arzamas Machine-Building Plant under its control).

It is worth mentioning that a number of media outlets once reported that the design of the Boomerang platform was started by the Irish company Timoney Technology by order of the Russian side. But even if this is true, today international cooperation has been interrupted due to the sanctions regime against Russia, and the Boomerangs will be finalized exclusively by Russian specialists.

Of the technical characteristics of the new machine, largely classified, little is known. Open sources say that the engine (diesel turbocharged UTD-32TR, 510 hp) is located in front of the Boomerang. This arrangement allows the landing (in the version of the infantry fighting vehicle and armored personnel carrier) to load and leave the vehicle from the stern. At the same time, the ammunition and weapons are completely isolated from both the landing force and the crew - this is achieved by a fully automated weapon system. The speed on the highway is about 100 km / h, afloat - 12 km / h, cruising range on the highway - 800 km.

If we recall that the BTR-90 is the predecessor of the Boomerang, then we can assume that many developments migrated to the new car from there. In particular, there is no doubt that the suspension will be fully independent for all wheels, with all-wheel drive and a run flat system. The BTR-90 was able to turn around on the spot, like a real tank, thanks to the ability to rotate the wheels of different sides in opposite directions - most likely, the Boomerang inherited this skill as well.

The new generation K-16 armored personnel carrier based on the Boomerang wheeled platform has begun preliminary tests. This was announced by the General Director of LLC "Military Industrial Company" (VPK) Alexander Krasovitsky.

The Director General of the military-industrial complex noted that the new generation armored personnel carrier based on the unified wheeled armored platform "Boomerang" is radically different from the current vehicles of this type - BTR-82A and BTR-90. Their only similar feature is the 8×8 wheel arrangement.

“Everything else is fundamentally different - the layout with a front-mounted power plant, a troop compartment in the stern and landing aft, modular armor, a high level of mine and ballistic protection, a digital board, a situational awareness system, an on-board information and control system, and much more. I will say this: no one has ever done this in our country before us, ”said Krasovitsky.

The machine has an unconventional layout for domestic armored personnel carriers with the location of the power unit in front. The entire aft part of the vehicle is reserved for the landing, there is a ramp for convenient landing / dismounting of the landing under the protection of the vehicle’s armor, including on the move.

A remote-controlled uninhabited combat module with a 30-mm 2A42 automatic cannon, a PKTM machine gun and four Kornet ATGMs is offered as standard weapons, although it is possible to install other modules and even a habitable fighting compartment - in particular, the Berezhok BO, designed for BMP-2. All jobs (commander, weapons operator and driver) are automated. To ensure a circular view, there is a video surveillance system of several video cameras and a thermal imager.

Much attention is paid to the security of the machine. In addition to passive armor protection (armor and ceramic panels) with the ability to vary the level of protection depending on the task being solved by installing overhead armor panels, the vehicle is equipped with an automatic system for setting curtains with laser radiation detectors, an electromagnetic protection system (to distort the magnetic field of the vehicle), it is also possible to install a complex active protection (KAZ).

A distinctive feature of the Boomerang is its unusually high profile compared to Soviet-designed machines. The reason for this is related to the fulfillment of requirements for mine protection, which were not previously imposed on vehicles. The bottom is raised above the ground, has a trough-shaped form, honeycomb absorbers of explosion energy are installed, special chairs for the crew and troops are installed.

For the first time, the car was shown to the general public at the rehearsal of the Victory Parade in 2015. Deliveries to the troops are expected by 2019.

On the Boomerang platform, it is planned to create a family of vehicles: the K-16 armored personnel carrier, the K-17 infantry fighting vehicle, an armored recovery vehicle (BREM), a wheeled tank (wheeled analog of the SAO 2S25 Sprut).

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