What a butterfly from a black big caterpillar. A black hairy caterpillar with a white stripe and red spots is a sorrel scoop. Who are they

A caterpillar is a larva of a butterfly, moth or moth - insects from the Lepidoptera order.

Caterpillar - description, characteristics, structure and photo. What does a caterpillar look like?


The length of the caterpillar, in accordance with the variety, varies from a few millimeters to 12 cm, as in individual specimens of the Saturnia butterfly (peacock-eye).

The body of the caterpillar consists of a well-defined head, thoracic, abdominal sections and several pairs of limbs located on the chest and abdomen.


The head of the caterpillar is represented by six fused segments that form a rigid capsule. Between the forehead and the eyes, the cheek area is conditionally distinguished, at the bottom of the head there is an occipital foramen, which looks like a heart.

The round head shape is typical for most caterpillars, although there are exceptions. For example, many hawks have a triangle-shaped head, while other species have a rectangular-shaped head.

The parietal parts can strongly protrude above the head, forming a kind of "horns". Small antennae, consisting of 3 consecutive joints, grow on the sides of the head.

oral apparatus

All caterpillars are distinguished by a gnawing type of mouth apparatus. The upper jaws of the insect are well formed: their upper edge contains denticles designed for nibbling or tearing food. Inside there are tubercles that perform the function of chewing food. The salivary glands are transformed into specific spinning (silk-releasing) glands.


The eyes of caterpillars are a primitive visual apparatus containing a single lens. Usually several simple eyes are located one after another, in an arc, or they form 1 compound eye, fused from 5 simple ones. Plus 1 eye is located inside this arc. Thus, in total, caterpillars have 5-6 pairs of eyes.


The body of the caterpillar consists of segments separated by grooves and is dressed in a soft shell, which provides the body with maximum mobility. The anus is surrounded by special lobes with varying degrees of development.

The respiratory organ of insects, the spiracle, is a stigma located on the chest. Only in species living in water, spiracles are replaced by tracheal gills.

Most caterpillars have 3 pairs of thoracic limbs and 5 pairs of false ventral legs. The ventral limbs end in small hooks. On each thoracic limb there is a sole with a claw, which the caterpillar retracts or protrudes when moving.

Paws of the caterpillar

Absolutely naked caterpillars do not exist: the body of each is covered with various formations - outgrowths, hairs or a well-grown cuticle. Cuticle growths are star-shaped, spikes or granules that look like small hairs or bristles. Moreover, the bristles grow in a strictly defined way, characteristic of a particular family, genus, and even species.

Outgrowths consist of relief skin formations-tubercles, similar to flat, round or oval warts and spines. Caterpillar hairs are represented by thin individual threads or bundles.

Caterpillar development

Depending on the species, the caterpillar can develop from several weeks to several years. Caterpillars of northern species of butterflies do not have time to complete their development cycle in one season, so they hibernate (diapause) until next summer.

For example, a butterfly butterfly living in the Arctic Circle can stay in the caterpillar stage up to 12-14 years.

Throughout its development cycle, the caterpillar undergoes not only significant age-related changes in the size and color of the body, but also striking metamorphoses.

For example, the transformation of an almost naked caterpillar into a furry one or vice versa.

At the end of the development cycle, the caterpillar turns into a chrysalis, from which a butterfly then emerges.

caterpillars molt

Each caterpillar molts several times over the entire period of existence. Miner caterpillars are subject to the least number of molts (2 times). The standard number of molts is 4, although some species molt 5 or 7 times. Unfavorable environmental conditions cause a sharp increase in the number of molts, for example, a clothes moth caterpillar can molt from 4 to 40 times. It has also been observed that females shed more than males.

The caterpillar secretes sweet nectar which the ant drinks.

Types of caterpillars - photos and names

Among the great variety of different caterpillars, the following varieties are of greatest interest:

  • cabbage caterpillar or cabbage butterfly caterpillar (cabbage white) (Pieris brassicae)

lives throughout Eastern Europe, northern Africa to the Japanese islands, and also introduced to South America. The caterpillar is 3.5 cm long, has 16 legs and is distinguished by a light green body covered with black warts and short black hairs. Depending on the weather, the caterpillar stage lasts from 13 to 38 days. These caterpillars feed on cabbage, horseradish, radish, turnip, turnip, and shepherd's purse. They are considered the main pest of cabbage.

  • Caterpillar moth (surveyors) (Geometridae)

characterized by a long thin body and undeveloped abdominal legs, due to which it differs in an original way of movement - it bends in a loop, while pulling the abdominal legs to the chest ones. The family unites more than 23 thousand species of moths distributed throughout the world. All types of caterpillars of this family have well-developed muscles, therefore they are able to strengthen themselves vertically on plants, perfectly imitating broken branches and petioles. The color of the caterpillars is similar to the color of the foliage or bark, which is additionally an excellent camouflage. They eat tree needles, currants and hazel.

  • (Cerura vinula = Dicranura vinula)

lives throughout Europe, Central Asia and northern Africa. Adult caterpillars grow up to 6 cm and are distinguished by a green body with a purple rhombus on the back, bordered by a white outline. In case of danger, the caterpillar inflates, assumes a threatening posture and sprays out a caustic substance. In the caterpillar stage, the insect stays from the beginning of summer to September, feeds on the leaves of plants from the willow and poplar families, including common aspen.

  • Redtail Caterpillar (Calliteara pudibunda)

found in the forest-steppe zone throughout Eurasia, as well as in Asia Minor and Central Asia. The caterpillar up to 5 cm long is pinkish, brown or gray. The body is densely covered with individual hairs or tufts of hairs, at the end there is a tail of protruding crimson hairs. This is a poisonous caterpillar: when in contact with human skin, it causes a painful allergy. These caterpillars eat the foliage of various trees and shrubs, especially preferring hops.

  • Silkworm caterpillar(bombyx mori) or silkworm

Lives in East Asia: in the north of China and in Russia, in the southern regions of Primorye. The length of the caterpillar is 6-7 cm, its wavy body is densely covered with blue and brown hairy warts. After 4 molts, completing the 32-day development cycle, the color of the caterpillar turns yellow. The food of the silkworm caterpillar is exclusively mulberry leaves. This insect has been actively used in sericulture since the 27th century BC. e.

  • Corrosive tree caterpillar(Zeuzera pyrina)

from the woodworm family. It is found on the territory of all European countries, except for the Far North, as well as in South Africa, Southeast Asia and North America. Winters twice, during which time it changes color from yellow-pink to yellow-orange with black, glossy warts. The length of the insect is 5-6 cm. Caterpillars live inside the branches and trunks of various trees, feeding on their juices.

  • Lady Bear Caterpillar(Callimorpha dominula) or female bears

lives in Eastern, Western Europe and in southeast Asia. Winters 1 time, differs in black-blue color with yellow stripes and specks. Lives on nettles, geraniums, willows, raspberries, strawberries, and feeds on them.

  • Swallowtail caterpillar(papilio machaon)

lives throughout Europe, Asia, northern Africa and North America. One of the most colorful caterpillars: at first black, with scarlet warts, and as it grows, it becomes green with black transverse stripes. Each strip contains 6-8 red-orange spots. A disturbed caterpillar secretes an odorous orange-yellow liquid. It feeds on carrots, celery, wormwood, parsley, and sometimes alder leaves.

The smallest caterpillar in the world is a member of the moth family.

For example, clothes moth caterpillars ( Tineola bisselliella), just emerging from the egg, reach a length of only 1 mm.

The biggest caterpillar in the world- this is the caterpillar of the peacock-eye atlas ( Attacus atlas).

The bluish-green caterpillar, as if powdered with white dust, grows up to 12 cm in length.

Poisonous caterpillars - description, types and photos

Among the caterpillars, there are quite poisonous specimens, so the bite of such a caterpillar or an accidental touch to it can cause unpleasant sensations. Usually such contact ends with pain at the point of contact, redness and swelling of the skin, less often an itchy rash may appear. There are frequent cases of drowsiness, headache, gastrointestinal disorders, increased blood pressure and temperature. In a word, do not be deceived by the bright and spectacular appearance of these creatures - sometimes they are dangerous.

The most famous poisonous caterpillars, ready to defend themselves from enemies and protect their food from encroachment with the help of a "poisonous cocktail", include:

  1. Coquette caterpillar ( Megalopyge opercularis)
  2. saddle caterpillar ( Sibine stimulea)
  3. Caterpillar "burning rose" ( parasa indetermina)
  4. Spiny oak slug caterpillar ( Euclea delphinii)
  5. Caterpillar of the bear cross ( Tyria jacobaeae)
  6. Walking silkworm caterpillar ( Thaumetopoea pityocampa)
  7. Hickory bear caterpillar ( Lophocampa caryae)
  8. Caterpillar "lazy clown" ( Lonomia obliqua)
  9. Saturnia Mayan caterpillar ( Hemileuca maia)
  10. Volnyanka caterpillar ( Orgyia leucostigma)
  • Poison caterpillar coquette ( Megalopyge opercularis)

it is an insect that looks quite cute and resembles a miniature furry animal. However, this caterpillar is one of the most poisonous caterpillars found on the North American continent and Mexico. The color of the "fur coat", under which there are poisonous spikes, varies from light gray to golden or red-brown. The length of the caterpillar does not exceed three centimeters, the width of the body is 1 cm, but even such a modest size makes it very dangerous. After contact with an insect, after a couple of minutes, an acute throbbing pain and a noticeable reddening of the skin integuments appear at the point of contact, up to bruising. Later, there is a painful enlargement of the lymph nodes, shortness of breath and chest pain.

  • saddle caterpillar ( Sibine stimulea)

the caterpillar is bright green in color, both ends of the body are brown, the middle of the body has a brownish spot enclosed in a white border, which makes this area look like a saddle. The length of the caterpillar that lives in North and South America is 2-3 centimeters, two pairs of fleshy horns-outgrowths are equipped with hard hairs, which contain a rather strong poison. A prick of these hairy stings causes severe pain, swelling of the skin, rash and nausea that lasts for several days.

  • Poisonous caterpillar "lazy clown" ( Lonomia obliqua)

an insect that lives massively in Uruguay and Mozambique, has the most powerful of all natural toxins known today. The caterpillar can reach 6-7 centimeters in length, has a greenish-brown color, and the poison accumulates in herringbone-shaped spikes. He loves shade, so usually the caterpillar lives in the foliage of trees, but often moves into the courtyards of the residential sector. As a result of contact with this insect, painful hemorrhages appear on the skin, caterpillar venom can affect internal organs, causing renal colic, bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, pulmonary edema, and even disorders of the nervous system.

Fighting caterpillars: means and methods

Many species of caterpillars are pests and eat fruit trees, fruits and vegetables.

To combat caterpillars, there are many methods, combined into 3 main groups:

  • mechanical means of struggle with caterpillars, folk methods consist in manually collecting and shaking caterpillars from plants, as well as cutting wintering clutches. Trapping caterpillars with the help of trapping glue belts and various traps with bait liquid is considered a proven method.
  • biological control methods aimed at attracting natural enemies of caterpillars, primarily birds. To do this, comfortable conditions are created in the gardens for their nesting (birdhouses, nest boxes, feeders) and with a small number of caterpillars are completely destroyed.
  • chemical control methods with caterpillars are considered the most effective, but caterpillars are addictive, so poisonous drugs (biological and chemical) should be alternated. Rovikurt, Karbofos, Lepidocide, Kilzar, Karate are considered to be excellent means.

If the invasion of caterpillars is not significantly threatening, as a struggle, you can try decoctions and infusions of plants: black henbane (against cabbage caterpillar), hemlock (against all leaf-eating caterpillars), as well as red elderberry and pepper knotweed.

Caterpillars - photo. The most unusual and beautiful caterpillars

  • Entomophagy, or the eating of insects, has flourished since prehistoric times. Caterpillars of more than 80 genera of butterflies take pride of place in the gourmet menu. Caterpillars are eaten raw or fried, dried on hot coals, boiled, salted, added to omelettes and sauces.
  • The silkworm is of great economic importance for a number of silk-producing countries. After all, 9 kg of silk thread can be isolated from 100 kg of cocoons.
  • The coloring of any caterpillar imitates environmental conditions to one degree or another and is the best means of camouflage and protection.

We all know firsthand that nature creates such masterpieces that at first glance seem quite unusual and even partly cosmic. There are more than enough examples of this among representatives of the world flora and fauna. In particular, toothed patu fish, water deer with fangs, bald cats, anteaters with huge trunks, California condors (birds that are impossible to look at without tears), drop fish resembling characters from a science fiction film with horror elements. The list of natural phenomena is endless.

Incredible types of caterpillars that exist side by side with humans

Today I would like to talk about which subsequently turns into a beautiful creature - into a butterfly, in any case, this is written in all encyclopedias about wildlife and the world around us. So, we will talk about caterpillars with horns and their features, which, judging by the name, should not be so few. Looking ahead, I would like to note that such caterpillars are characteristic of many species and they even pose a certain danger to smaller insects, and some to humans. But be that as it may, such representatives of the flora cause only delight in the one looking at them, because they are incredibly beautiful and divinely beautiful.

An inhabitant of Russian latitudes, who is often mistaken for an alien

Of course, at the very beginning I would like to talk about those types of large green caterpillars with horns that live on the territory of our country. The most common larva of hawk hawk and all its subspecies. For example, lime hawk. Its larva is a fairly long caterpillar. Sometimes it reaches 10 cm in length. Its color, unlike other caterpillars with horns, is quite calm and not particularly attracting attention. Most often, this insect is light beige or light brown in color with a white abdomen, on which there are horny growths, which are nothing more than the rudiments of the legs of an insect. To the touch, they are quite hard and tenacious, thanks to these properties, the caterpillar can easily move along tree trunks. In rare cases, the larvae of the lime hawk hawk may be bright green or black with a brown speck. No matter what color There were caterpillars, on the tail they always have a sharp, hard spike, which many take for a horn, confusing the head of an insect with its tail.

Ocellated hawk hawk

Speaking of butterflies that hatch from the pupa of the hawk caterpillar, it should be noted that all representatives of the family of these unusual insects are considered quite rare, and many of them are listed in the Red Book. Their extermination can lead to serious consequences and is punishable by law. For example, By the way, its larva is one of the most unusual: green with white stripes, located symmetrically relative to each other. It is a large green caterpillar with a pale blue tail horn. Speaking of the larva of the ocellated hawk moth, it must be said that the thorn of these insects is not at all for beauty, but for protection from annoying small brothers: ants and small bugs. It is something like a sting, in which, like wasps, there is poison (acid) that acts on the enemy. For humans, the "weapon" of the hawk caterpillar does not pose any danger.

Dead Head

Another prominent representative of the hawk moths living in Russia, which should be mentioned separately, is the dead (Adam's) head butterfly. Her caterpillar is unusually beautiful. It is large, bright green, one-color or with variegated spots scattered over the body. The spike on her tail is the color of the color itself. But a jet-black butterfly with bright brown spots hatches from such a miracle. In general, this species resembles in its color the king of the savannah - a leopard. The hawk dead head is, without a doubt, more beautiful than the beetle and several times larger. Now, having met any of the larvae described above in your garden, the attentive reader should not have a question, what is the name of the caterpillar with a horn on its tail.

poisonous caterpillars

There are not so many representatives of horned caterpillars in our country, probably due to the harsh and cold climate, but on other continents, where it is warm almost all year round, there are plenty of such beauties. By the way, there is such an opinion regarding the colors of insects that the brighter the color of the caterpillar, the more beautiful the butterfly will hatch from it. And yet, if the larva is too beautiful, then it should certainly be feared. A catchy color warns of the poisonousness of the insect. At the very beginning of the conversation about alien caterpillars with a horn on their tail, photos of which can be viewed in the material presented, I would like to discuss poisonous species.

Saddle caterpillar - a beauty that is better not to touch

The most poisonous caterpillar in the world is simply unusually beautiful: a brown head with pronounced light green "glasses" and a torso, and a brown rhombus on its back, resembling a horse's saddle. Of course, thanks to this attribute, this larva is called saddle. On the head and on the tail of the poisonous caterpillar there are two impressive horns, completely covered with sharp spikes. It is they who pose a great danger to everyone who decides to touch an unearthly, bewitching creature. By the way, if you look at a saddle caterpillar from above, it is impossible to make out where its head is and where its tail is, since the poisonous insect looks absolutely symmetrical.

This miracle of nature lives in North America, it can be found mainly on deciduous trees. As with the other caterpillars with a horn on the tail, discussed above, this species contains poison in the process. However, if nothing happens when touching the hawk moth, then touching the poisonous caterpillar, a person will feel discomfort, as if he had been stung by a bee. The consequences can be unpleasant: nausea, vomiting, headache and rash at the point of contact. Symptoms persist for up to two days.

"Burning rose" does not grow in the garden, but eats it

Another beauty caterpillar that lives across the ocean and poses a certain danger to people is the "burning rose". She got her name not for a single horn on a very small body (only 2.5 cm), but for the poisonous spikes abundantly located on it. If you touch it, then serious skin irritation is guaranteed to you. A distinctive feature of such a green caterpillar with horns are longitudinal orange and black stripes, as well as bright red and yellow spots on the body. Looking at it, it becomes clear why scientists consider the most beautiful and unusual insects to be among the most dangerous.

The most beautiful caterpillar in the world

Since we have already examined the most poisonous caterpillar in the world, now I would like to oppose it to the most beautiful and harmless - the larva of the monarch's danaid. It is worth saying that even the name of this large caterpillar with a horn speaks for itself. A truly royal creation immediately appears, enchanting with its beauty and pleasing to the eye. Its main color is white and, if it were not for the bright yellow stripes on the back, the caterpillar would look like a zebra, because it is also completely covered with thin black stripes. She has already three pairs of horns: two on the head, two on the tail and the same number in the middle of the body. They are located symmetrically to each other.

Belongs to the number of the most famous butterflies of North America. It is easy to recognize by the characteristic pattern on the wings: black stripes located on a red background. The wingspan of the danaid reaches 10.2 cm. This is one of the few insects that flies across the Atlantic Ocean during migration. In Russia, the species is found in the Far East.

The world's largest butterfly hatches from a caterpillar with horns

In Asia (on the territory of China, Vietnam, on the islands of Java and Borneo), real giant butterflies live. Their wingspan reaches 27 centimeters. The females of this species are much larger than the males. The situation for the world of insects is not unique, sexual dimorphism is observed very often. The beautiful giant peacock-eye atlas is called. The color of her caterpillar is completely unremarkable: pale flesh, and sometimes gray. Mandatory attribute - numerous horns on the body. However, a spectacular and bright butterfly is obtained from the larva. It is noteworthy that her oral apparatus is not developed at all. The imago does not feed and lives off the resources accumulated during the larval stage.

Black is always combined with white - a rule that even nature observes

Probably, many have heard about the next caterpillar with horns, but not everyone has seen such an incredible beauty created by nature. We are talking about the larva of the swallowtail. Imago has a bright yellow coloration with four round black eye-like spots on the wings. Who would have thought that, being a caterpillar, the swallowtail is not bright. On the contrary, the larva is completely black with horns of the same color located all over its body. However, in the later stages of caterpillar development, just before pupation, the black color of the body is diluted with numerous contrasting white spots.

Summing up what has been said

In fact, there are a great many caterpillars with horns in nature. There is simply no point in listing them all within the framework of one article, because the text can turn out to be voluminous, like the well-known masterpiece of Russian classics "War and Peace". We introduced you only to the brightest and most unusual larvae, which nature has awarded with one or more horns. I would like to say that without exception, all caterpillars endowed with such an attribute use it as self-defense. They deftly take advantage of the moment, curling up into a ball during danger, and then sharply throwing their tail with a horn towards the enemy. Remember that nature designed caterpillars to be admired, not experimented on or destroyed.

Butterflies are without a doubt one of the most beautiful and mysterious creatures on Earth. Creatures, so similar to revived flowers, have become for people in ancient times a source of poetic inspiration, symbols of beauty, lightness, tenderness, heroes of myths and legends.

Butterflies - belong to the largest group of insects - Lepidoptera. This group, in addition to butterflies, also includes moths and moths. To date, there are more than 157,000 species of Lepidoptera.

A characteristic feature of all Lepidoptera is the presence of a dense cover of chitinous scales on the fore and hind wings.

The life cycle of butterflies consists of 4 phases, it begins with the egg stage, from which the caterpillar emerges, continues with the unique chrysalis stage, and finally ends with a stunning transformation into a beautiful butterfly (adult).

Butterfly eggs have a wide variety of shapes, depending on the species, from round, spherical to cylindrical and angular. Female butterflies lay their eggs on the stems and leaves of food plants (future food for caterpillars). Interestingly, female butterflies epicopeia (Epicopeia mencia) having once chosen places for laying eggs, they follow them for many years in a row.

An ugly, worm-like caterpillar is a butterfly larva. Most often, caterpillars are phytophages , that is, they feed on plant foods, leaves, flowers and fruits. However, there are other types, such as keratophages - caterpillars that prefer a diet of wax, wool, horny substances. Among some species, there are predatory caterpillars that feed on other insects, aphids, ant larvae and pupae.

The vast majority of caterpillars lead a terrestrial lifestyle. But there are exceptions here too, as caterpillars of several types broad-winged moth (Pyraustidae) live underwater.

The chrysalis of butterflies is practically immobile; it does not feed while at rest. The pupal stage is accompanied by the most serious changes and the formation of the organs of the imago - an adult butterfly. During this process, all systems and organs of the caterpillar are destroyed, only the organs of the circulatory and nervous systems remain unchanged.

An adult insect is called - imago(from lat. imago- "image"). Having barely emerged from the chrysalis, the butterfly is not yet able to fly, in order to take on its final shape and color, it takes time.

Imago is a sexually mature form of an insect, the main function of which is reproduction and resettlement.

An adult butterfly, as a rule, feeds on liquid food: flower nectar, tree sap, rotting fruit. Some types, for example hawk dead head allows himself to feast on honey from the hives.

For some types of butterflies, such as nymphalides and sailboats trace elements are vital, they receive them from wet clay, charcoal, excrement of large animals.

It seems incredible that among the beautiful butterflies there are real predators, these are scoops of the genus Calyptra. Males feed on the lacrimal fluid and blood of large animals, while females of this species are vegetarians, they prefer the juice of plants and fruits.

There are species that do not feed at all in the phase of an adult insect, for example, the well-known clothes moth (Tineola biselliella), the insect lives due to the nutrients accumulated in the caterpillar stage.

The taste buds of butterflies are located on the paws, with which they determine plants and fruits that are suitable for food and plants suitable for laying eggs.

Since butterflies are cold-blooded, the ambient temperature has a big impact on their ability to function. If the air temperature drops below 13 degrees, butterflies lose the ability to move and eat. Temperatures in the range of 27 - 37 C are ideal for insects.

The world's largest butterfly - South American Tropical Owl Tizania Agripinna , its wingspan reaches more than 30 cm! Among diurnal butterflies, one of the largest is Queen Alexandra's Ornithopter , with a wingspan of about 28 cm.

The flight speed of most species of butterflies varies between 8-17 km / h. But there are also champions who reach speeds of up to 60 km / h, for example, representatives of the family hawks .

Butterflies are myopic, it is known that butterflies distinguish colors, while different types of butterflies are able to see different shades, for example, hives and cabbage see red at the same time satire they don't see him at all.

The favorite colors of butterflies are yellow-red and blue-violet.

Butterflies are able to see in the ultraviolet spectrum.

The average life span of butterflies is only 2-4 weeks.

Butterfly monarch - a long-liver among Lepidoptera, its life expectancy is about 9 months.

Antarctica is the only continent on which Lepidoptera have not been found.

The areas richest in Lepidoptera species diversity are Peru (3450 species) and the Indian state of Sikkim (690 species).

Butterfly guide

Here are diurnal (club-whiskered) butterflies living in the middle zone of our country.
Diurnal butterflies make up several families, and families break up into genera. Each genus consists of closely related insect species.
In this issue butterflies of the families are given: cavaliers (Papilionoidae) and whites (Pieridae), and in the next issue you will find butterflies of the family Nymphalidae (Nymphalidae).
Often the coloration of males differs from that of females, so the coloration of males is shown on the left and females on the right.
Butterflies are abbreviated with the letter "b", caterpillars - with the letter "g".
Roman numerals indicate the months when you can catch butterflies. For protected butterflies, it is indicated that they are listed in the Red Book.

Family Cavaliers (or sailboats)(Papilionidae).

Genus. Tailings(Papilio).
1. Podalirium(podalirius L.). The species is named after Podaliria, in Greek mythology - a healer hero, the son of Asclepius, who inherited the art of healing from his father.
B. V-VI is rare here. G. VI-VII on mountain ash and blackthorn.
Currently included in Red Book
2. Swallowtail(machaon L.). Machaon was named by Carl Linnaeus in honor of the hero of Greek myths, a skilled healer, the son of Asclepius and Epione and brother of Podalius, who, together with his brother, took part in the campaign against Troy, where they were doctors of the Greeks and brave fighters on the battlefield.
B. V-VI; VII-VIII; on the edges, clearings. G. in the summer on umbrellas.
Swallowtail is listed in Red Book Moscow, Smolensk and Vologda regions.

Rod Sailboats(Parnasslus).
3. Apollo(Apollo L.). The name given to the butterfly in honor of the Greek god of beauty and light Apollo (son of Zeus and Leto, brother of Artemis).
The butterfly is brought into Red Book .
4. black apollo(mnemosyne L.). Another name for the Mnemosyne butterfly. This name comes from the name of the ancient Greek goddess of memory (mother of nine muses, daughter of Uranus and Gaia) - Mnemosyne.
The butterfly is brought into Red Book .

Belyanki family(Pieridae).

Genus Hawthorn(Aporia).
5. hawthorn(crataegi L.). When emerging from the chrysalis, the butterflies release a red liquid from themselves, which, in an area where there are a lot of Hawthorns, gave rise to rumors about the so-called blood rains.
The butterfly is brought into Red Book Chelyabinsk region.

Rod Belyanka(Pieris).
6. Cabbage butterfly(brassicae L.). The name comes from the name of cabbage - one of the fodder plants of caterpillars.
B. from May to autumn. G. from June to late autumn.
7. Repnitsa(rapae L.).
B. from IV to X. G. from V to X on cruciferous.
8. brukvennitsa(napi L.). Both the scientific and the Russian name comes from the word rutabaga (lat. napus), a fodder plant for caterpillars.
Flies together with the previous one. G. on the same plants.

Genus Motley White(Synchloe).
9. White rapeseed(daplidice L.).
Genus Aurora (Euchloe).
10. Aurora, Dawn(cardamines L.). The Latin name comes from the word core, one of the fodder plants for caterpillars.
B. IV-V in the forests. G. VI-VII on the meadow core, knitting.
The species is listed in Red Book Moscow.

Genus Pea White(Leptosia, Leptidia).
11. white pea(sinapis L.).
B. IV-V, VIII. G. on peas.
Genus Jaundice (Colias)
12. Peat jaundice(palaeno L.).
B. VII-VIII on peatlands. G. V-VI on blueberries. The species is listed in Red Books Moscow, Kaluga, Ryazan, Tver and Yaroslavl regions.
13. meadow jaundice(hyale L.).
B. from V to IX. G. on clover.
14. myrmidon jaundice(myrmidone Esp.) Myrmidon is a character of ancient Greek mythology, the son of Zeus and Eurymedus, Zeus became his father in the guise of an ant.
B. from V to IX. D. V-VIII-IX on broom. View included in Red Book Moscow region.

Rod Krushinnitsa(Gonepteryx).
15. Krushinnitsa- lemongrass (rhamni L.). The name comes from the name of the buckthorn, one of the food plants of the caterpillar.
B. from VII to X, winters from IV to VII. G. V-VI.




Sibine stimulea caterpillar (eucleid butterfly). Charming, but, like most beauties, very insidious. She stings with hair. For humans, its poison is not fatal, but much more unpleasant than the sting of bees or wasps. The pain is unbearable, up to loss of consciousness.

Once, in my childhood, at my grandmother's in the village, I saw an unusual caterpillar - a large bright green caterpillar with orange horns. I don’t know which butterfly it turned out to be, but the caterpillar was very beautiful. By the way, most of the beautiful caterpillars have rather nondescript butterflies ...

Among the caterpillars, there are specimens of simply stunning beauty, but the bright color most often indicates that these creatures are poisonous. This provides them with reliable protection from enemies, but people are curious and strive to hold these cuties in their hands. For example, a caterpillar eucleid butterflies (Sibine stimulea) looks funny: she seems to be wearing a green vest with a hole in the back. At both ends of the body of the larva there is a pair of processes similar to horns. On these processes there are many hairs-stings, touching which the offender will immediately be struck by poison. Feelings after contact with the eucleid caterpillar are very painful: the affected area swells, a rash and nausea appear. A person can stay in this state for several days. living in North and South America.

2. Sibine stimulea

butterfly caterpillar bear cross resembles a zebra in coloring, only it is painted in black and orange stripes. These cute creatures have a truly brutal appetite, and they feed on plants of the genus ragwort, most of which are poisonous. This type of butterfly was even specially distributed in New Zealand, Australia and North America in order to reduce the number of ragworts growing in the territory. Actually, thanks to such a diet, caterpillars become poisonous.

3. Bear cross

Newly hatched butterfly larva monarch so small that after hatching it can hardly be seen. True, it grows very quickly, feeding exclusively on plants of the genus of milkworts, the milky juice of which is poisonous. Thanks to this, the larvae also become poisonous and inedible for predators. Very soon, the caterpillar of the monarch danaid reaches 5 centimeters in length, and you can clearly see their striped black-white-yellow color. By the way, the monarch is considered one of the most beautiful butterflies in the world. One of the most famous butterflies in North America, in the 19th century, representatives of this species were found in New Zealand and Australia. In Europe, they are distributed in the Canary Islands and Madeira, during migrations they are noted in Russia, the Azores, Sweden and Spain, and are found in northern Africa.

4. Monarch.

Caterpillar gypsy moth has on its body, covered with an unimaginable amount of hairs, five pairs of red and six pairs of blue spots. The hairs serve mainly for distribution - thanks to them, the larvae are easily picked up and carried by the wind.

However, if the hairs are touched, pain and irritation of the skin will occur. The gypsy moth is a real scourge of forest land, especially maples, elms and oaks suffer from caterpillars. The gypsy moth is distributed almost throughout Europe, in North Africa, the temperate latitudes of Asia and North America, and the southern regions of Central Asia.

5. Gypsy moth.

butterfly caterpillar parasa indetermina the family of tearworts does not exceed 1 inch in length, and is painted in longitudinal stripes of orange, yellow and brown, and a wide purple stripe runs down the back. On the body of the caterpillar there are five pairs of massive processes, similar to horns, which are dotted with small hairs with black tips. Touching the larva causes a very unpleasant sensation, as the poisonous tips dig into the skin, causing a rash and itching. The caterpillar feeds on leaves of dogwood, maple, oak, cherry, apple, poplar and hickory, lives in North and South America.

6. Parasa indetermina

Lophocampa caryae- a black and white caterpillar whose body is covered with many grayish-white hairs. However, these hairs do not pose any danger, since the weapon of the larva is two pairs of black spikes located in the front and back of the body, each of which is associated with a poisonous gland. Upon contact with spikes on human skin, irritation and a rash appear. These caterpillars are common in southern Canada and the northern regions of the United States and are found between June and September. The larvae live for about 8 weeks, feeding on hickory and walnut leaves.

7. Lophocampa caryae

Automeris.io- a very beautiful butterfly of the peacock-eye family that lives in North America. Its caterpillar starts life as an orange coloration, but with age changes its color to bright green with two stripes of red and white on the sides of the body.

The entire surface of the body of the larva is dotted with tufts of hairs, when touched, the offender will be struck by two types of poison at once, causing severe pain, burning, and inflammation. This caterpillar feeds on foliage of willow, maple, oak, elm, aspen, cherry and pear, and occurs from February to September.

8. Automeris.io

Another representative of the slug family - Euclea delphinii. Its body, flattened at the top, does not exceed one inch in length, and is colored for the most part green, with two longitudinal orange-red stripes. Like other slug moths, this caterpillar's weapon is venomous spikes-hairs in the back of the body. Upon contact, they dig into the skin, and without medical help, a person will be tight. The species inhabits the United States, feeding on the leaves of ash, oak, chestnut and some other trees.

9. Euclea delphinii

A few more caterpillars and their butterflies:

Butterflies from the squad pigeons quite often found on the territory of Russia, in Siberia as well. These butterflies are quite small, but so cute, and the caterpillars are quite ordinary..

10. Cupido arjades

11. Lucaena dispar

peacock eye- a butterfly, which can also often be found in our area. A beautiful butterfly, and its caterpillar is also quite interesting.

12. Peacock eye.

Swallowtail considered one of the most beautiful butterflies in Europe ( perhaps I saw a similar caterpillar in childhood). In total, there are 550 species of this beautiful family in the world fauna, it lives in the temperate zone of Asia, North Africa, North America, throughout Europe (it is absent only in Ireland, and in England it lives only in Norfolk County). Swallowtail was once one of the most common butterflies in Europe, and now it belongs to rare, declining species and is listed in the Red Book. The decrease in the number of this beautiful butterfly is primarily due to the change or complete destruction of its habitats through the use of pesticides and other toxic substances, as well as in connection with trapping.

13. Sailboat - swallowtail

Bear Kaya (Arctia caja) distributed throughout Europe, as well as in Siberia, the Far East, Central and Asia Minor, China, Korea and Japan, and North America. It lives in gardens, wastelands and other open places.

14. Arctia caja

The silver hole (Phalera bucephala) is found on the territory of all countries of Central and Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Baltic states, the European part of Russia and Turkey.

15. Phalerabucephala

Peacock-eye small, or nocturnal Peacock eye (Saturnia pavonia). The wingspan of these butterflies is 50 - 70 mm. Sexual dimorphism is pronounced: in females, the background of the hind wings is gray, and in the male it is orange. The butterfly is distributed over most of Europe, in Asia Minor, through the entire forest zone of Eurasia to Japan, in the European part of Russia, in the Caucasus, in Siberia, in the Far East. Inhabits moorlands, as well as mountain, rocky steppes and deciduous forests.

16. Saturnia pavonia

Heliconid Julia (Dryas Julia) has a bright orange color of the wings, at rest it folds them and becomes like a dry leaf. Distributed in Central and South America. Found all year round, sometimes in large numbers.

17. Dryas Julia

Peacock-eye Atlas (Attacus atlas)- a butterfly from the Peacock-eye family is considered one of the largest butterflies in the world; wingspan up to 26 cm, females are noticeably larger than males. It is found in tropical and subtropical forests of Southeast Asia, South China and from Thailand to Indonesia, Borneo, Java.

18. Attacks atlas.

Butterfly Heliconia Melpomene (Heliconius melpomene) belongs to the family Heliconidae (Heliconidae); distributed over a vast area from Mexico to Brazil. It lives in moist forests, flies through copses, but avoids sunny places.

19. Heliconius melpomene

Junonia orithya (Nymphalida orithia); the halo of its habitat is Africa, South and Southeast Asia, India, Australia.

20. Jinonia orithya

And some more caterpillars...





Butterflies, Lepidoptera, whose fossils have been known since the Jurassic, are currently one of the most species-rich orders of insects - there are more than 158,000 species in the order. Representatives of the detachment are distributed on all continents, with the exception of Antarctica.

Butterflies go through four stages of development: egg, larva, pupa and adult. It is believed that a butterfly always surpasses in beauty the caterpillar from which it was born.

Let's see if that's the case. Interactive photos.

This is a night butterfly of the Corydalis family. Caterpillar stage: June - September. Adult caterpillar up to 6 cm long, green. Being disturbed, it takes a special threatening posture: it inflates and lifts the anterior end of the body, then pulling it into the enlarged first segment of the abdomen. Click:

They live in deciduous and mixed forests. Caterpillars feed on various broad-leaved trees, such as oak, elm, citrus. Click:

Papilio troilus is a North American sailboat, the closest relative of our swallowtail and podaliria. The adult is black with iridescence and an elegant pattern of white spots, and the caterpillars are unusually funny: green or yellow with bright fake eyes that scare away predators. Caterpillars feed on various types of bay leaves. Click:

The peacock-eyed atlas is considered one of the largest butterflies in the world. Wingspan up to 24 cm! In India, this species is cultivated: caterpillars secrete silk. Click:

This species is found from Mexico to Argentina, in humid forests. The wingspan of Greta oto is from 5.5 to 6 cm. The tissue between the veins on the wings of a butterfly is transparent, because it is devoid of colored scales. Click:

The wingspan of this butterfly is 6 to 9 cm. The female has reddish-brown forewings and tarsi, while the male has yellow forewings, hindwings, body and tarsi. Click:

This is a genus of diurnal butterflies from the Nymphalidae family. The color of the wings of most species is blue or blue, with a metallic sheen. There are species with wings of mother-of-pearl and pearl-white color; with black and blue or red and brown pattern. Shiny with a metallic reflection of the wings, the color is entirely optical, it is based on the refraction of light. Click:

Another butterfly of the genus Real sailboats of the Sailboat family. Found throughout North America, including Canada, the United States, and Mexico. This is a large butterfly with a wingspan of 8-11 cm. The upper side of the wings is mostly black. Caterpillars in the first phases of development (up to 1.5 cm in length) are black with a white stripe in the middle, with white bristles that have a light brown ring at the base. Click:

The largest moth in North America and one of the most colorful. Usually at the end of autumn, after four molts, the cecropian caterpillars, which have grown to 10-12 cm, wrap themselves in a cocoon. In it they pupate, spend the whole winter and are born in the first warm days of summer. Click:

Cabbage Butterfly Pieris brassicae

Caterpillar up to 3.5 cm long, 16-legged, greenish-yellow, dotted with sparse and short black hairs and black dots; along the back and on the sides, above the legs, 3 yellow stripes stand out; head and last body segment dorsally gray with black dots.

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