Fedoseeva Shukshina biography personal life husbands. Lydia Shukshina: personal life, children and husband. Sudden death of husband

Lidia Nikolaevna Fedoseeva-Shukshina - People's Artist of the RSFSR, wife of a Soviet writer, director and actor, became famous for her roles in her husband's film masterpieces "Stove-shops", "Strange People" and "Kalina Krasnaya". Actress mother.

Lydia was born in September 1938 in Leningrad. There is little information about the parents of the actress. It is only known that the family successfully managed to survive the blockade of Leningrad. After the war, Lydia went to school. The girl was lucky to study at the oldest school in the city "Petrishula". Even in elementary school, the girl felt an interest in acting. Lida attended the drama club at the Leningrad House of Cinema. It was here that Fedoseeva first appeared on stage, playing roles in children's performances.

Once director Anatoly Granik looked at one of the amateur productions. The director immediately noticed a talented girl and offered Lydia the role of a laboratory assistant in the film Maxim Perepelitsa. The young artist was lucky to play another episodic role in the film "Two Captains". Despite the fact that Lida starred only in episodes, the actress received her first experience in cinema and realized who she would like to become in the future.


In 1957, Fedoseeva came to Moscow and entered VGIK. The girl got to wonderful mentors and. The country saw the result of the mentorship of the masters and the talent of the young actress after 2 years. The student starred in the wonderful film "Peers", which was watched with pleasure by millions of Soviet viewers. The role of Tanya brought the St. Petersburg artist all-Union popularity. Although the real glory was still on the way. The biography of the actress was completely changed by shooting in one film.

Working on the set of the film “What is it like, the sea?”, Lydia met her future husband Vasily Shukshin. The subsequent marriage and creative collaboration proved successful.

Together with her husband, Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina starred in the films Stoves and Benches and Strange People. Then there were "Dauria" and "Kalina Krasnaya". In most of these tapes, Fedoseeva-Shukshina played simple village women, strong, but at the same time weak as a woman. The actress had a short stature (163 cm), the figure of a Russian woman and a blond braid, so she reincarnated as her own heroines organically, without exaggeration. It is noteworthy that the images of peasant women were easy for the actress, who was born and raised in the city.

In 1974, after the sudden death of her husband, Lidia Nikolaevna took a double surname - Fedoseeva-Shukshina. The actress continued to act, but no other film brought Lydia Nikolaevna such fame as the movie hits "Stoves and Benches", "Kalina Krasnaya" and "They Fought for the Motherland".

Nevertheless, the artist's collection (more than 100 roles in theater and cinema) contains wonderful films loved by millions of Soviet viewers. Fedoseeva-Shukshina brilliantly played Madame Gritsatsueva in the film adaptation of 12 Chairs. The roles of Lydia in the films “They sat on the golden porch”, “Vivat, midshipmen!”, And “Our sins” turned out to be bright and colorful.

Many generations of Soviet and Russian moviegoers are still happy to review the film "The Driver for One Flight", where Lidia Fedoseeva-Shukshina starred in the title role along with. Another film that became the discovery of the year is "", where Fedoseeva-Shukshina, together with the couple, played the parents of the main character Romka.

In 1984, the actress became the People's Artist of the RSFSR. During her film career, the actress has repeatedly reincarnated as ladies of high society (“Little Tragedies”, the series “Petersburg Secrets”), empresses (“Demidovs”, “Countess Sheremeteva”, “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”), party workers (“It’s not beautiful to live forbid"), as well as teachers ("Talisman") and even the head of the kindergarten ("The Limit of Desires").

Lidia Nikolaevna is able to convey the character of a petty bribe-taker from the district council (“A bribe. From the notebook of journalist V. Tsvetkov”) and a lonely divorced woman Grusha Veselova (“Call me into the bright distance”), a collective farmer (“From the life of vacationers”) and an eccentric circus cashier ( "Quarantine").

Starting from the mid-2000s, the actress began to rarely appear on the screen, devoting time and effort to work in the memory fund of the legendary Vasily Shukshin, the leadership of which she handed over to her granddaughter Anna in recent years. In 2005, Lidia Nikolaevna was elected president of the film festival "Vivat, cinema of Russia!". But social activities did not prevent the actress from playing in major projects - the comedy melodrama "Marry a Millionaire!" and the crime drama Mother's Heart.

The last work in the cinema was the role of an actress in the melodrama "Martha's Line". The film tells about the touching love story of a teenager Yura, a resident who left the memory of tender feelings for the girl Marta in the form of text on the wall of his own apartment.

A letter with words of forgiveness was found by two contemporaries - mother Olga () and daughter Natasha (Olga Kraskovskaya), who decided to find that same Martha. Lidia Nikolaevna appeared in the film in the image of one of the women named Marta, who are two detectives.

Personal life

The first time Lydia Fedoseeva got married at an early age. The girl met her future husband at the institute. The affair with the Ukrainian artist Vyacheslav Voronin developed rapidly and quickly ended in marriage. The first daughter of the artist, Anastasia, was born in the family.

It was a difficult period in the life of Lydia Nikolaevna. The actress was torn between Leningrad and Moscow. In one capital, the girl studied and worked, in another, a little daughter lived with her parents. Meanwhile, her husband worked in Kyiv. Distance and busyness ruined this marriage.

The second time the actress married Vasily Shukshin. It was a marriage of love that lasted until the death of the writer and director. The personal life of Lydia Fedoseyeva-Shukshina was surprisingly happy for all 10 years together. In a marriage with Shukshin, two children were born - daughters Maria Shukshina and. In memory of that happy period, a lot of family photos remained in the personal archive of the artist. Both daughters followed in the footsteps of their parents, but then Olga left the worldly life and devoted herself entirely to faith. Olga spent 15 years in a monastery, later moved to the African continent, where she lives in a town on the Red Sea and regularly attends church.

The eldest daughter Anastasia married a foreigner, went to Angola and took the surname Voronina-Francisco. Nelson's husband Francisco served as Angolan's chief of counterintelligence. After the death of her father Vyacheslav Voronin in 2016, Anastasia and her children moved to Kyiv.

After the death of Vasily Makarovich in 1974, Lidia Fedoseeva-Shukshina tried more than once to arrange her personal life. But marriages with Mikhail Agranovich and Marek Mezheevsky turned out to be short. For many years, the artist could not find a person who could take an empty place in a woman's heart.

Fedoseeva-Shukshina has seven grandchildren. In 2014, granddaughter Anna, daughter of Maria Shukshina, gave birth to Lydia Nikolaevna's great-grandson Vyacheslav. The actress does not communicate with her older daughters.

Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina now

Now Lidia Fedoseeva-Shukshina lives in Moscow. The actress rarely leaves the apartment, Lidia Nikolaevna moves with the help of a cane. The artist's health deteriorated due to arrhythmia and diabetes. The state of health also affected the situation around the dispute with real estate between mother and daughter Olga. The conflict drags on for years and both sides do not find the right solution. The development of the situation was devoted to the program “We Speak and Show”, which was broadcast on the NTV channel in early 2017.

In November 2018, the actress became the heroine of the front pages of the media. It turned out that Bari Alibasov and Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina. The wedding ceremony took place at the Kutuzovsky registry office on November 20.

The wedding was attended only by the closest relatives and friends of the newlyweds. It turned out that after numerous attempts to build their happiness separately, Alibasov and Fedoseeva-Shukshina became close again and decided to get married.


  • 1955 - "Maxim Perepelitsa"
  • 1969 - "Strange People"
  • 1972 - "Stove-shops"
  • 1973 - Red Kalina
  • 1975 - "They fought for the Motherland"
  • 1976 - "12 chairs"
  • 1980 - "You never dreamed of ..."
  • 1981 - "The driver for one flight"
  • 1983 - “Burn, burn clearly ...”
  • 1986 - "On the main street with an orchestra"
  • 1991 - “Vivat, midshipmen!”
  • 1994 - Petersburg Secrets
  • 2002 - "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka"
  • 2010 - "Marry a Millionaire"
  • 2014 - "Martha's Line"

Lidia Shukshina is a native Leningrader who even survived the blockade. Even in her school years, she began filming a movie, soon met Vasily Shukshin and became his wife. In his films, Lydia received complete equality, and although today the famous writer and actor is no longer there, it will always be in her heart. The children of Lydia Shukshina were born in a happy marriage, and they are not only from Vasily Makarovich, but also have a daughter from Vyacheslav Voronin. The name of the girl from her first marriage is Nastenka.

Children of Lydia Shukshina - photo

Lydia met Vyacheslav Voronin in Lviv when the shooting took place there, he studied at VGIK, and Lida was still learning the basics of acting. The moment she found out she was pregnant, the man proposed to her. From her first husband she had a wonderful daughter. Lydia Shukshina and her first husband had no more children.

In the photo: The first husband of Lydia Shukshina

The family lived in Kyiv, but just dreamed of moving to Moscow, because it was here that all fellow students had already begun to build a career, and Lydia wanted to be a famous actress. The husband did not support the zeal of his wife, which is why the family broke up.

In the photo: Lidia Shukshina with her first husband Vyacheslav Voronin

Shukshina's biography is interesting and multifaceted. They sent their daughter to their grandmother in Leningrad, dad did not stop talking and constantly went there. Soon, Lydia Shukshina began an affair with Vasily, this became the point in the previous relationship, and her personal life changed dramatically.

In the photo: Lydia and Vasily Shukshin

The girl stayed with her father, but most often she lived with his relatives in Zherdevka, and she saw her mother very rarely, as a child she did not know what her mother's true love was. When Nastenka grew up, she got married and gave birth to a daughter, Laura. Her fate was quite difficult, she even had to go to jail for drug trafficking.

In the photo: The eldest daughter of Lydia Shukshina Nastya

The youngest children of Lidia Shukshina, Maria and Olga, were of the age, and after their birth, Vasily Shukshin proposed to Lida. The sisters did not live together, and subsequently their fate was completely different.

In the photo: Lidia Shukshina with her second husband Vasily and daughters

Maria went to study foreign languages, but then she completely devoted herself to acting and became a TV presenter. Lidia and Vasily Shukshin's relationship with children was open, but they failed to establish mutual understanding between the sisters.

In the photo: Lidia Shukshina with her daughters and granddaughter

The children of Vasily Shukshin and Lydia Shukshina are already adults today, and the grandmother has grandchildren whose names are no less legendary.

In the photo: Shukshina's daughter Maria with children

Lidia Shukshina constantly talked with the children about continuing their profession with their father. Olga entered VGIK and starred in various films, but later moved to the Literary Institute and became a writer. The woman managed to visit the minister of the church, but realized that it was not hers and returned to worldly life. Age went on, and she wanted to find herself as soon as possible. Photos of the children of Lydia Shukshina are absolutely everywhere.

In the photo: Daughter of Lydia Shukshina Olga

Lidia Shukshina and her children lived quite peacefully, but not so long ago a conflict occurred with Olga, since her son Vasily showed himself on a rather bad side and her grandmother did not intend to see this from her grandson, whom she raised and raised.

Today Lidia Shukshina lives in the capital, she is no longer removed. The People's Artist received a huge number of well-deserved awards, which all cannot be listed. The main activity is work in the Shukshin memory fund, this is the main thing that she is trying to establish and structure.

The ingenious Russian actress Lidia Fedoseeva-Shukshina received the Medal and the Order for services to society and the Fatherland. Her talent was appreciated not only at home, but also abroad.

Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina had many offers from various directors. Even in retirement, she continues to act in films.

Leningrad became the hometown of Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina. She was born on September 25, 1938 and, together with her parents, survived the difficult siege of Leningrad.

Nothing more is known about Lida's father and mother. When the war ended, the girl went to school. She was able to receive knowledge from 1946-1956 in the famous Petrishula.

Love for acting

When Lida was in elementary school, she tried to play as often as possible in the Leningrad drama circle "Dom Kino". Here she had the joy of performing on stage, playing children's roles. During one such performance, young Lydia was appreciated by director Anatoly Granik. He liked the skill of the girl and he decided to show her in his movie. Then there was work on the film "Maxim Perepelitsa", where Lida was supposed to play a laboratory assistant. In the future, she had another episodic role in the film "Two Captains". These two small roles clearly showed Fedoseeva where she needs to direct her life path - to the world of cinema.

Therefore, in 1957, Lydia entered VGIK, where the talented became her mentors. Literally after 2 years, the fruits of their training could be seen in the game of Fedoseeva when she starred in the film "Peers". After the release of this picture, many appreciated the new actress.


Lydia was invited to take part in the filming of the film "What is it like, the sea?". While working on the set, Fedoseeva met a handsome guy. The young liked each other, and after a short time they got married. Now they were waiting not only for life together, but also for joint work. The couple can be seen together in the films Stoves and Benches, Strange People and others.

Further films in Shukshina's creative biography were "Kalina Krasnaya", "Birds over the city", "They fought for their homeland", "Dauria" and others. In almost all the paintings, Lydia appeared as an ordinary peasant woman. Her appearance was very suitable, since the actress had a short stature and a figure corresponding to a Russian woman. In addition, Fedoseeva had a chic, long blond braid, which fit the image of a village woman.

Since 1974, the actress began to introduce herself as Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina. The reason for this act was the sudden death of her husband. Despite the heavy loss, the woman continued to act in films. In the archive of cinema there are vivid pictures with the participation of Shukshina. These are “Vivat, midshipmen!”, “Our sins”, “12 chairs”, Walking through the torment” and others.

Since 1984, Lydia has been a People's Actress of the RSFSR. If at the beginning of her career she played only village women, then later Shukshina appeared as an empress, teacher, lady from high society and other leaders. At the same time, Lydia very accurately reflected the qualities and character traits of such women.

Since the 2000s, Shukshina began to appear less and less in films. The reason for this is the work in the memory fund of her husband Vasily. Later, she handed over leadership in the fund to her granddaughter Anna. Another public work was the presidential participation in the festival "Vivat, cinema of Russia!".

Despite her active life, the actress also managed to star in several films. In 2014, Lydia played Martha in the film Martha's Line. According to the story, mother and daughter decided to find Marta, to whom one soldier left a farewell letter on the wall. Shukshina played one of the Marches, who were found by women. Even in 2018, Lydia appeared on the screens. She played in the film "McMafia" and was the mother of Vadim Kalyagin.

Personal life

Vasily Shukshin was not the first man of a young actress. She met her first husband Vyacheslav Voronin at the institute. Their romantic relationship quickly led to the registry office. After a short time, the couple had a daughter, Nastya. Their personal life can hardly be called happy. Lydia was in Moscow, then in Leningrad, and Slavik generally worked in Kyiv. Meanwhile, their joint daughter was with her parents. Therefore, the marriage of Fedoseeva soon broke up.

Photo: Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina with her daughters

When Lydia was left alone, she met Vasily Shukshin. Together, the couple lived 10 happy years and could have lived more if not for the death of Vasily. During this time, the couple had Olga and Maria. Initially, both daughters aspired to the same as their parents. But this way of life became unpleasant for Olya, and she devoted herself to religion. For 15 years, the woman spent in a monastery, and then went to Africa and regularly attends church there. The daughter from her first marriage, Anastasia, connected her life with a foreigner and lived with him for a long time in Angola, where he worked as the head of counterintelligence. When her father V. Voronin died, she returned to Kyiv with her children.

For Lydia, her second husband remained forever in her heart. Later, she tried to fall in love again and was married three times, but neither Mikhail Agranovich nor even Marek Mezheevsky could make Shukshina happy. Therefore, now the woman lives alone and does not want to have anyone around.

Photo: Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina with her husband and daughters

The woman enjoys communication with children and grandchildren. And in 2014, she already became a great-grandmother and has a great-grandson, Vyacheslav. Lydia has a difficult relationship only with Olga, since the women have not resolved the situation with real estate. Because of the nerves, Fedoseyev-Shukshina is experiencing considerable heart problems and suffers from diabetes.

For Lydia, Vasily's death is still a mystery. She is sure that he was killed. On this day, Shukshin was resting with friends on the ship, where the tragedy happened. After death, it was established that the man had heart failure, which once again spoke of his unnatural death. At the same time, there were rumors that the actor died from drunkenness, but the widowed wife rejects this idea. Others claimed that he died from a "heart attack" gas, which was allegedly launched into the actor's cabin. Then Shukshin's friend was on the ship - who should have known the cause of death. But the man refused to talk about this terrible day until his death and took his secret with him to the grave.

Selected filmography

  • 1955 - Two captains
  • 1976 - 12 chairs
  • 1977 - Walking through the throes
  • 1980 - You never dreamed ...
  • 1991 - Faithful Ruslan
  • 2002 - Evenings on a farm near Dikanka
  • 2005 - Women's Intuition
  • 2009 - Terrorist Ivanova
  • 2018 - McMafia

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- Russian and Soviet theater and film actress.

Photo: http://www.tvc.ru/news/show/id/44455

Biography of Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina

Graduated from the All-Union State Institute of Cinematography (1964, acting workshop of S. Gerasimov and T. Makarova).

She began acting in films in 1957.

The great success of the actress was her creative union with V. M. Shukshin, in whose films she created vivid images of ordinary Russian women.

In 1974-1993 she was an actress at the Theater-Studio of a film actor in Moscow.

In 1996-1997, together with Bari Alibasov, she headed the Secret & Secret magazine.

Since 2005, Lidia Fedoseeva-Shukshina has been the president of the Vivat Cinema of Russia! film festival.

Personal life

The first husband of Lydia Fedoseyeva was the Kyiv actor V. Voronin. They met at the Dovzhenko film studio (starred in the films: "First Echelon", "Ivanna", "Kochubey", "Dream", etc.).

In 1960, she gave birth to a girl from him, who was named Nastya. However, the birth of a child had a negative impact on her studies at VGIK - soon Fedoseeva was expelled from the institute for systematic absences from classes.

Her young husband had to bow to the dean of the acting department of VGIK. This campaign ended in success - Fedoseeva was reinstated at the institute and enrolled in the workshop of S. Gerasimov and T. Makarova.

Meanwhile, the return of Fedoseyeva to the capital played a cruel joke on the young family. Since Voronin continued to live in Kyiv, and Fedoseeva in Moscow (while their daughter lived with her grandmother in Leningrad), they saw each other extremely rarely and eventually weaned from each other. Therefore, by 1964, when Fedoseeva graduated from VGIK and left to star in the film "What is it, the sea?", Her marriage to Voronin managed to turn into a pure formality.

After the divorce, the girl was left in the care of Voronin's mother, they hid her from her own mother until they were completely excommunicated. Over time, Fedoseyeva's spiritual wound healed, and now she herself does not want to maintain any relationship with her daughter, even after learning that she was arrested for drug trafficking. She also asks journalists not to interfere and not stir up this family tragedy.

The second husband is Vasily Shukshin, writer, film director, actor, screenwriter (married from 1964 to 1974).

In a marriage with Shukshin, Lydia Nikolaevna had two more weather girls. The eldest, Masha, graduated from the Institute of Foreign Languages, for several years she worked as a translator at the stock exchange, then switched to television. But over time, she decided to continue the family tradition and became an actress. She has already starred in several films, among them - "American Daughter", "The circus burned down and the clowns ran away." Recently, Masha often starred in serials.

The younger Shukshina, Olga, first graduated from VGIK, starred in several films, it seemed that her future had already been decided. But then she decided to follow in her father's footsteps, began to write autobiographical stories and went to study at the Literary Institute. Olga is not at all like her older sister, bright and energetic. She lives closed in a country house and brings up her son Vasily. As it turns out, Olga received her literary gift not only from her father, but also from her mother, who also decided to prove herself in the literary field and has already published a collection of riddles. Some of them were collected by Shukshin.

Daughters - actress Maria Shukshina and Olga Shukshina.

Photo: http://antikontrafakt.ru/estrada/store/mariya-shukshina-i-olga-shukshina.html

The third husband is Mikhail Agranovich, a cameraman (married from 1975 to 1984).

The fourth husband is Marek Mezheevsky, a Polish artist (married from 1984 to 1988).

Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina has four grandchildren and one great-grandchild.

Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina and

Bari and Lydia met in the late 90s at the Nika film awards, where their places were next door. “We were together with Lida for four years,” he shared with the magazine “Collection. Caravan of stories" Bari Karimovich. - An unimaginably long time for me. My main misfortune is that no matter how much I love a woman, I lose interest in her after a few months. And I still have the warmest and most tender feelings for Lida. Why didn't we get married? This topic has been discussed many times. And even the Nai, who adored Lida, hinted: what else do you need, Bari ?! But it didn't work out. The reason for this was my obsession with work. Reproaches began that we rarely see each other, that I pay little attention. However, there was no break as such ... ".

Photo: http://news.rambler.ru/20257244/

Lidia Fedoseeva-Shukshina awards

  • Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV degree (09/15/1998).
  • Medal "For Services to Society" (2009).
  • Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1976).
  • People's Artist of the RSFSR (1984).
  • Order of the Arts (Poland) - for his role in the film "The Ballad of Januszyk" (1988).
  • In 1989 in Warsaw she was awarded the "Golden Screen" award for creative work on television, received this award for her performance of the main female role in the serial television film "The Ballad of Yanushka".

Films with Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina

1955 - Two captains - assistant to V. Zhukov

1955 - Maxim Perepelitsa - laboratory assistant

1957 - To the Black Sea - Nastya, combine operator

1959 - Katya-Katyusha

1959 - Peers - Tanya

1961 - Save Our Souls

1961 - People of my valley

1964 - What is it, the sea? - Nastya

1969 - Strange people - Lydia Nikolaevna

1971 - Dauria - matchmaker

1972 - Stoves-shops - Nyura

1973 - Red viburnum - Lyuba Baikalova

1974 - Birds over the city

1974 - If you want to be happy

1975 - They fought for the Motherland - Glasha

1976 - Our debts - Katerina

1976 - Tryn-grass - Lydia

1976 - 12 chairs - Madame Gritsatsueva

1976 - Gypsy happiness - Anyuta

1976 - Key without the right to transfer - Emma Pavlovna, chemistry teacher

1977 - Walking through the torment - Matryona

1977 - Our debts - Katerina

1977 - Call me into the bright distance - Pear

1978 - Trouble - Zinaida, Kuligin's wife

1979 - The wife left - Tatyana

1979 - Little tragedies - an elderly lady

1980 - You never dreamed ... - Vera, Roman's mother

1980 - Youth of Peter - matchmaker

1980 - From the life of vacationers - Oksana

1980 - Useless - Marina

1981 - Driver for one flight - Sofia Makarovna Tishanova

1981 - To the last drop of blood

1981 - Others of games and fun - Khudyakova

1981 - What would you choose? - Marina's mother

1982 - Idealist - Hope

1982 - You can't forbid living beautifully

1982 - The Limit of Desires - Zoya Sergeevna

1983 - Burn, burn clearly ... - Ustinovna

1983 - Demidovs - Anna Ioannovna

1983 - Quarantine - circus cashier

1983 - Bribe - Olovyannikova

1983 - Talisman - Nina Georgievna

1984 - Bouquet of mimosa and other flowers - Ekaterina Terentyevna Bubnova

1984 - Dead Souls - a lady, just nice

1986 - Along the main street with an orchestra - Lida Muravina

1987 - And live tomorrow - Martynova

1987 - Kreutzer Sonata - Lisa's mother

1987 - They sat on the golden porch - the queen

1988 - Branch - Vera Platonovna Saburova

1988 - Ballad about Janusik Ballada o Januszku (Poland) - mother

1988 - Treasure - Ksenia Nikolaevna

1988 - Let me die, Lord - Lydia Nikolaeva

1988 - Connoisseurs are investigating. Without a knife and brass knuckles - Sofya Rashidovna Narzoeva

1989 - Do not leave - Queen Flora

1989 - Love with privileges (another name is "City Details")

1990 - Beast - voice acting

1990 - Eternal husband - Zakhlebinina

1990 - Hat - Zinaida Ivanovna Kukushkina

1991 - Faithful Ruslan - Styura

1991 - Vivat, midshipmen! - Countess Chernysheva

1992 - One in a million - Maria Fedorovna

1992 - Manuscript

1993 - The personal life of the queen - Lucy, wife of the Russian ambassador

1993 - Ferry "Anna Karenina"

1994 - Countess Sheremeteva - Catherine II

1994 - Petersburg Secrets - General Amalia von Spielz

1996 - Scientific section of pilots - Anna Vilgelmovna

1997 - Schizophrenia

1998 - Prince Yuri Dolgoruky - Euphrosyne, Kuchka's sister

1998 - The denouement of Petersburg secrets - Amalia von Spielz

2001 - The perfect couple - Maria Pankratovna

2002 - Marriage of convenience - Aunt Marina

2002 - Russians in the city of angels

2002 - Evenings on a farm near Dikanka - Catherine II

2004 - Thieves and prostitutes. Prize - flight into space - Tina Modotti in old age

2004 - Dasha Vasilyeva 2 - Violetta Pavlovskaya

2004 - Parallel to love - grandmother

2005 - Women's Intuition - Eleanor

2005 - Matchmaking (short film)

2006 - Dad of all trades - mother-in-law

2006 - Park of the Soviet period - Elizaveta Petrovna Ivanova

2008 - Start over. Marta - Marya Ivanovna

2008 - Candle from the Holy Sepulcher

2009 - Terrorist Ivanova - Alevtina Petrovna Blinova, judge

2009 - Mother's Heart - Ekaterina Petrovna

2010 - Marry a millionaire - Nina Petrovna

2010 - - Olga's mother

2013 - Sex, coffee, cigarettes

2014 - Martha's Line - Marta Galanchik

“For me, Vasily Shukshin has always been, is and will be. And I thank God that he chose me,” Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina recently admitted. But after their first meeting, she almost hated him. And she was very upset when she found out that Vasily Shukshin would be her partner in the film "What is it like, the sea?". But how did it happen that already on the way to the shooting she fell in love with him?

Lidia Fedoseeva was born in Leningrad. The girl grew up "hooligan, impudent, but fair." Several times the director called the parents to school, already in the elementary grades they wanted to expel her. She was accepted into the pioneers with difficulty, and she was never a Komsomol member at all. A neighbor in a communal apartment taught little Lida the alphabet of the deaf and dumb, and until now, the people's artist can communicate using sign language.

“It seems to me that I was born an actress,” Lidia Fedoseeva-Shukshina is sure. After the 10th grade, the parents took their daughter to relatives in Moscow. From the window of the trolley bus, my aunt showed her the VGIK building and said that they were studying to be artists there. The girl, without thinking, immediately jumped out at the bus stop and went to act ... "I was sure that they accepted me at VGIK. When I saw that I was not on the lists, I went to complain," recalls Fedoseeva-Shukshina.

With Vyacheslav Voronin, the actress met on the set in Kyiv. “It so happened that I married this man. I was a fool,” Lidia Nikolaevna admitted to Boris Korchevnikov. They lived together for four years, and when they divorced, their daughter Anastasia was not even five years old. Lydia then left her husband because she wanted to finish her studies at VGIK, and he was assigned to Kyiv (they did not take her to the local theater university, since she did not speak Ukrainian). She gave little Nastya to her mother in Leningrad, from where Vyacheslav took the girl by deceit, he took the child to Ukraine. “I didn’t leave the child - it didn’t happen. And I didn’t leave Voronin for Shukshin. We didn’t even know each other,” said Lydia Nikolaevna.

And Vasily Shukshin first married in his youth to his fellow villager, but she refused to go to Moscow with him, and that was the end of their relationship. He also had novels, as a result of one of them he had an illegitimate daughter - Catherine.

When they met, Vasily Shukshin was already a star. And it's no secret that he suffered from alcoholism. 26-year-old actress Lydia Fedoseeva then promised to save him. She kept her word, and he became everything for her - both a husband and a father of two daughters, and a director who managed to fully reveal her acting talent. The simple-hearted, modest, faithful Nyura from the film "Stoves and Benches", kind and gentle Lyuba Baikalova from "Kalina Krasnaya" - she played the best roles in the films of her great husband. “He was very gentle, patient. He always watched me closely. And he said:“ You are so good with me, ”the people's artist recalls and adds that she was crying with happiness then.

The couple had to pay a considerable price for their love. According to the actress, her first husband had a personal dislike for Vasily Shukshin. And when he found out that it was with him that she was going to build a family life, he finally took their daughter from her. Lidia Fedoseeva-Shukshina has still not been able to restore relations with her. And the illegitimate daughter of Vasily Shukshin, Ekaterina, who grew up without a dad, today does not give her consent to the film adaptation of her father's works. Lydia and Vasily lived together for 10 happy years. His sudden death divided her life into "before" and "after". It seemed to her that with his departure, her fate also ended ...

Why did seven-year-old Lida throw her felt boots into the Fontanka? Why did she not like Shukshin at the first meeting? Who prophesied to her that she would fall in love with a talented director? Why did she refuse to pull the drunken Shukshin out of the ditch into which he fell on the way to her house? How did she confess her love to him? And how many times in ten years did he tell her about his feelings? Answers - in the program "The fate of a man with Boris Korchevnikov".

About his life after the death of Vasily Shukshin

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