Zodiac sign Sagittarius: astrological characteristic. Sagittarius Zodiac Signs. Sagittarius zodiac sign - detailed characteristics and compatibility with other signs

The signs of the zodiac divide the year into 12 equal parts, starting from the day spring equinox. The movement of the Sun in the zodiac circle occurs on the twentieth of each calendar month and means the transfer of power from one sign to another. The position of the Sun on a person's birthday determines his belonging to one or another zodiac sign. The ninth sign in the zodiac is Sagittarius. He rules over destinies in the period from 11/23 to 12/22.

Protectors and talismans

Sagittarius has its ruling planet Jupiter. His action runs like a thin thread through the whole life of Sagittarius, endowing him with the qualities of a boss and commander. Strength and perseverance in achieving goals, curiosity and lust for power - all these are echoes of the strong and warlike planet of the god Zeus.

The element of the sign is Fire. People born under this sign are energetic and temperamental. They instantly light up some business and just as instantly can cool down to it.

Stones - emerald, amethyst, sapphire. The emerald has a calming effect on the representatives of this sign. Helps them to subdue their fiery ardor and find peace. Good for insomnia and sleep problems cardiovascular system. Amethyst also brings peace and tranquility, especially in matters of the heart. This makes it possible not to do something in the heat of the moment or in the heat of emotions. Sapphire helps ambitious Sagittarians get promotions and social recognition.

Primary colors - blue, purple. These colors denote calmness and harmony, help to calm the fiery manifestations of the sign.

Flowers - narcissus, carnation, cornflower, palm.

Metal - zinc, steel. Zinc helps direct the inexhaustible fountain of energy in the right direction and increase immunity. Steel protects the owner from ill-wishers and lovers of easy money.

Wood - tall trees with a wide crown, bonsai, ash, hornbeam. To make a wooden talisman, you need to take whole piece living tree. Bonsai bestows wisdom on the wearer. Ash protects from dangers and enhances the gift of foreboding. Grab charges with luck on the personal front.

Talismans - images of fire and flame, horse, horseshoe, centaur, salamander, runes, arrow and bow, Phoenix. Since the sign belongs to the element of fire, a very favorable talisman for it is the image of a flame. It concentrates strength and helps to find mental balance. Even a small pocket lighter will help a person to concentrate and pull himself together. A talisman in the form of a horse energizes the wearer. The horseshoe brings good luck.

Sagittarius is usually depicted as a centaur shooting an arrow. He is strong, unbridled and ready for battle. An amulet or a picture with its image will give the sign confidence and humility with one's own energy and all aspects of the personality. Salamander ( fire lizard) helps to achieve the intended goals.

Scandinavian, Celtic and ancient Greek runes help to cope with difficulties on the path of life. But it is worthwhile to be very careful in choosing one or another rune as a talisman, having previously studied their meaning and influence.

Arrows and a bow bestow happiness in personal life. Phoenix is ​​a symbol of rebirth and purification through fire. It gives strength to new achievements and helps to recover.

Brief description of the sign

Sagittarius is active and full of a thirst for discovery, fire boils in his veins. It is difficult for those around him to keep up with the course of his thoughts, and he himself rarely has time to trace the thread in his own head. Distinctive features people belonging to this zodiac sign:

Zodiac Compatibility

In love, Sagittarius tend to adventure and adventure, not prone to jealousy and scandals. Often they idealize a partner, adding to him / her qualities that do not actually exist. And disappointed, they immediately go in search of a new half. To win this sign, you must have with him common goals and outlook on life. It is necessary to constantly set new tasks for him and set him up for a fabulous ending. the zodiac circle looks like this:

Representatives of the stronger sex

Sagittarius males are bold and generous. They are lucky in life. They always believe in the best and are not afraid to step forward. Impulsive and unpredictable, they are ready to live in a frantic pace hand in hand with their faithful companion.

Representatives of the stronger sex of this sign value frankness in friendship, and devotion in love. They are always honest with their soul mates, which deserves respect and some indulgence for rare sharp statements about a spouse or girlfriend.

In life, they value luxury and freedom. You should not tame such a man at the risk of scaring him. Freedom in love is much more important than coercion without it.

Girls and women

They are sweet, gentle and kind. Their life resembles a holiday filled with bright colors and music. Always believing in the best, they are firmly moving towards the intended goal, without turning off their path. An exception may be a new and more interesting target that has turned up.

The representatives of the beautiful half of this sign are surprisingly frank and sharp on the tongue. They are not afraid to look stupid or overly intrusive, expressing their true opinion, which will catch the chosen one in the most unexpected situations.

The characteristic of Sagittarius gives women strength and pride. They are able to see the world as it is, while radiating genuine enthusiasm and positive. From them are obtained faithful wives and wonderful fair mothers, ready for anything for the sake of their child.

Career and professions

Sagittarians choose for themselves a job that can match their fast-paced lifestyle. The following professions become the most successful according to the horoscope for them:

Work must bring satisfaction and a good income. Their priority is positions where the proud and narcissistic Sagittarius could feel himself in the center of everyone's attention and share pride in his work with the public.

Among celebrities, there are many people born under the sign of Sagittarius.. The most famous and popularly loved representatives of this fire sign include:

Sagittarius is a sign of the zodiac, the characteristics of which can fit in a few phrases, they will briefly and clearly convey its very essence and nature.

People born under this sign are very active and cheerful, they are always ready to lend a helping hand to a friend and help out of a difficult situation. They are always surrounded by many friends and good friends who really appreciate the straightforwardness and honesty of a comrade who is sincerely ready to lend a shoulder. It is difficult to be offended by them, because the natural charm and impulsiveness make people go hand in hand with them, helping them achieve their goals.

Attention, only TODAY!

The mysteries of human destiny, the secrets of character, the deepest movements of the soul - astrological knowledge helps to comprehend these most important aspects of our being. And no matter how distrustful skeptics treat them, but, having truly touched the basics of science, even they are imbued with respect for the high heavenly truths.

When the sun burns in the blood

The main character of our article today is the zodiac sign Sagittarius. Intriguing, charismatic, charming. Its representatives will never get lost in the crowd, they will always be in sight in a noisy company, and in a close circle of intellectuals they will very quickly take a dominant place. Why? So the stars decreed! The zodiac sign Sagittarius is fiery. It is ruled by Jupiter and Neptune, openly influenced by the Sun, Mars and Pluto. All together gives rise to a strong, bright, independent, purposeful personality. And restless! After all, what is fire, a child of the Sun? First of all, light, energy, purification. Sparks from which a flame ignites. A bonfire that can overcome darkness, warm, bring back to life. And maybe burn everything to the ground! But according to astrological science, the zodiac sign Sagittarius is coals. The fire raged, cleared the physical and spiritual space. There are hot smoldering coals left, and in their reflection those higher truths are revealed, that secret knowledge, which only Sagittarians are allowed to obtain, comprehend and convey. This is a lamp, a torch, a cult fire. No wonder they life path- teaching, priesthood, missionary work, i.e. spirituality in its highest manifestation.

fire element

However, the solar, fiery element does not limit its manifestations only to such properties. These include a thirst for creativity, an interest in the arts. The zodiac sign Sagittarius is often endowed by nature with the ability to draw, compose poetry or music. Everything beautiful, aesthetic is not alien to him and attracts him. "Sunny" people are often artistic, and therefore crave recognition, encouragement, praise. This is also characteristic of our sign. True, he rejects outright flattery and does not accept it. But sincere recognition of his merits and gratitude will listen with pleasure. Although with embarrassment. How else can fieriness manifest itself if, for example, the zodiac sign Sagittarius is a man? In spontaneity, impulsiveness, intolerance, vehemence of character. After all, the planet of courage, aggression and warriors Mars affects Sagittarius quite strongly. Cholerics - so they say about such people. They are reckless, easily get involved in disputes and bets, however, for the most part in young age. Over the years, it is the zodiac sign Sagittarius-man that becomes more strong-willed, courageous, his actions acquire meaningful restraint. But do not lose youthful enthusiasm and romantic pathos!

Power of Jupiter

How does it manifest itself in various life situations zodiac sign Sagittarius woman? She is independent in her judgments and tastes, her feelings and their manifestations. "Archer" is all striving to search for new knowledge, impressions, ethical teachings. In general, this sign is characterized by eternal apprenticeship and teaching. Being in the arms of idealism, the zodiac sign Sagittarius (woman or man - it doesn’t matter) in people and circumstances, first of all, tries to see the good, bright, positive. The optimistic beginning in him is extremely developed. Therefore, a woman born under the sign of Sagittarius will always find the most accurate and Right words support, comfort, reassurance for their friends when they find themselves in difficult situations. And she herself does not panic in case of force majeure! After all, Jupiter, the main Olympic Deity, is the organizer of law and order, system, statehood, moral and ethical standards. And it doesn’t suit him to fuss and wring his hands theatrically! But the planet communicates a heightened sense of justice to its “children” and gives energy in the struggle for it. This distinguishes Sagittarius from the rest of the inhabitants of the heavenly heights. The characteristic of the sign of the zodiac will be incomplete without taking into account this factor! It is Sagittarius who are considered the guardians eternal values and pass them on to humanity.

Power of Neptune

The influence of this planet on the 9th sign of the zodiac is not direct, but hidden, or, as astrologers say, potential. What is it expressed in? In romantic dreams, craving for solitude, a tendency to fantasize. Sagittarians love fairy tales mystery stories. They are attracted by the night starry sky, unexplored paths, roads, occult knowledge. This is the sign of wanderers, travelers, adventurers, troubadours, itinerant poets and philosophers. Imagery of thinking, a certain touch of eroticism, sexuality are signals that you met exactly Sagittarius, in person! They are reliable friends, honest, devoted partners. Most often, the same and beloved. But read on for more on this.

Under the arrows of Cupid

Let's try to list the signs of the zodiac, suitable for Sagittarius. First of all, it is Aquarius, Gemini and Libra. What is the reason for the choice? Sagittarius and Aquarius have a lot in common. This is the intellectual sphere, and spiritual needs, and emotional mood. Fire cannot burn without air, and Aquarius is an air sign. They perfectly complement each other, cultivating the best that is in their characters. Sagittarius gets along well with Gemini. They are brought together by ease of communication, romance, restlessness, adventurism. Of course, Sagittarius is much deeper and more spiritual than the fickle Gemini, therefore it has a sobering, ennobling and educating effect on them. And Libra, in turn, slows down and lowers the “fiery centaurs” themselves to the sinful earth. A sign of harmony, balance and order, highly aesthetic, it ennobles Sagittarius, smoothes, polishes the angularities of his character and behavior.

To avoid trouble

And with whom is it better not to fall in love with Sagittarius and with whom not to try to build relationships? Well, for example, with Pisces. The inhabitants of the deep sea are too immersed in themselves, in their inner world. They do not live here and now, like Sagittarians, but somewhere out there, beyond the horizon of their fantasies. And Sagittarius for Pisces - too active, active, energetic. In sexual terms, as partners for the night, they are still suitable for each other, but for a long-term union - no! Scorpio, Cancer - also not the heroes of the novel with Sagittarius in leading role. The first is too aggressive and proud, and the second is too homely and immersed in everyday life. Of course, from the point of view of the Sagittarius himself! And therefore there will be no understanding between the signs according to such a wide range issues that are not worth trying to solve them mutually.

All Zodiac Signs have special character traits that many people know about. Each of us has something that can amaze even ourselves. That is why it can be said about each Sign that it is unusual.

Does it make us all equal? To some extent this is true, but in matters of psychological analysis, trifles are important. WE have already analyzed the features and facts about such Signs as Virgo, Scorpio, Libra and many others. ten unusual facts about Sagittarius will help you better understand the train of thought of these unusual people, as well as their life priorities and even little secrets.

Sagittarius character

Let's say right away that these people annoy someone, and someone is forced to fall in love with them. The fact is that Sagittarius all life seems like a game. He is very dynamic and very smart, but not everyone can appreciate it. In principle, Sagittarius does not care about the opinions of others about his personality. They are concerned about much simpler things.

Representatives of this Zodiac Sign always have something to say, because they are well-read and very erudite. Their strength lies in the fact that they accept any outcome of their affairs as positive. They learn quickly and are very good at teaching others. The only thing that separates them from incredible success is multitasking. They often take on too much. This does not interfere with them and never unbalances them, but the efficiency of performing tasks suffers.

The fiery element makes these people real rebels. They are ready to go against any person in a dispute and fight for justice. Often these individuals choose and dark side trying to get his way. Yes, they are selfish, but which of us is not selfish, tell me? Sagittarians do not hide this, because they do everything on the forehead, and not on the sly.

10 facts about Sagittarius

Fact one: Sagittarians behave strangely in a state of love - two people are fighting in them. One says: "Yes, this is your happiness, dive headlong into love." The second one says, “Yeah, well. Again disappointment. Yes, look at you, you will have to part soon. Sagittarians very often think that relationships are ruined at the stage candy period. Because of this, many people get the impression that Sagittarians are frivolous and cold. They just want to seduce and run away. This is not true. Now you know it.

Fact two: Sagittarians are easy to move to action. It is only necessary to bring a share of competition in any business, then they will not be able to resist the temptation to be the first. Their favorite sin is vanity. If everyone will say that a person born under the Sign of Sagittarius has become the best in something, then this will give the latter an incredible charge of vivacity, self-confidence and a lot of strength. When you praise Sagittarius, you become his best friend, because he is greedy for flattery. It will be even better if these words are true.

Fact three: despite the dynamics of life and the fire in their eyes, Sagittarians are one of the most accurate drivers. If they know that they are stronger, faster or better than others in something, then they themselves will not shout about it. In general, they treat their things very carefully. They know how to maintain mood and energy at the same level even in extreme situations.

Fact four: for their relatives they are ready to do anything. This applies to all areas of life. They are willing to sacrifice love, money and time. If one of their close friends or relatives is in danger or needs help, then Sagittarius will help them, do not even hesitate.

Fifth fact: they are impossible to override. They will not beat their heads against the wall like Aries, but will bombard you with arguments. These people, in general, know how to speak and defend themselves verbally. They are incredibly successful lawyers. They are also good teachers. They will not nervously kick you in the face like Virgos - they will diplomatically and intelligibly tell the theory, back it up with practice and answer all questions. These are the best teachers.

Fact six: Sagittarians rarely change hobbies. They can add something to their list of favorite things to do, but never throw it away. Their passion does not go away. From school they can play volleyball, football, go in for running sports. At 40, they will still go to the stadium with friends and play their favorite game. They are true to themselves and try to achieve maximum results in sports.

Fact seven: representatives of this Sign are obsessed with success. If you play Tetris, then Sagittarius will come up to you and say that he somehow scored more points than you. This will most likely be true. If you want, he will provide you with evidence, but even in small things he will try to keep the lead.

Fact eight: Sagittarians more often than other people have a universal musical taste. They can listen to any music, from rap to classical.

Fact nine: Do you want to cheer yourself up? Contact Sagittarius. They always know. When and how to joke. Their phrases and facial expressions can be incredibly funny. They can also support you in difficult moment speech full of understanding and sympathy. Do not think that their life is only in search of profit. They are deep, like an ocean, and full of love and positivity.

Fact ten: Sagittarians are great parents. Their upbringing methods can be very different from the standard and generally accepted ones, but children will always love them. These are the parents who are their children first. best friends, and only then mentors for life.

Sagittarians need a lot of energy. They do not need affirmations for every daybecause they motivate themselves. They just need to be able to rest. If Sagittarius remembers more often that life is not only work, but also relaxation, then everything in his life will be fine. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the zodiac of the zodiac circle. Element of the zodiac sign Sagittarius- Fire, and they are completely subordinate to it, bearing in themselves all the features of the flame. Validity of this sign: from November 22 to December 21. In Chinese, it corresponds to Rat.

Description of Sagittarius - what is the sign of the zodiac

One of the main properties of the Sagittarius zodiac sign is a mutable sign, which means the presence of inconstancy, changeability. Jupiter is the planet that rules this sign of the horoscope. The energy of Jupiter is the energy of development. This is a teacher, mentor, personal guru of Sagittarius, who hears the voice of his planet and follows it.

The astrological principles of Jupiter are the element of alternative, patronage, enlightenment, and they perfectly correlate with the desire of a person of the Sagittarius zodiac sign for knowledge, self-development, social realization and a prosperous life. The fiery element also pushes the representatives of the zodiac sign Sagittarius to the dynamic striving forward.

There is another question that must be answered in order to understand what kind of people they are, namely: what zodiac sign is Sagittarius in love?

The horoscope sign Sagittarius is charismatic, and this is attractive to others, the guys and girls of this sign have many friends and admirers, they are easy-going, interesting, it is a pleasure to communicate with them! Like all representatives of the element Fire, the zodiac sign Sagittarius is optimistic and believes in himself.

In the zodiac sign Sagittarius, love is bright, like a flame, but it either fades away, or flares up again, and cannot warm anyone. In fact, above all the blessings and beauties on earth, he honors freedom, so he is in no hurry to give any oaths, including an oath of allegiance. And he is sure that it is the marriage ties that kill love. Most likely, for the sake of a loved one, he will go on a feat, but he will never do something - he will not sacrifice his freedom.

What stones are best for the zodiac sign Sagittarius

Sagittarius is an eternal wanderer, he is always in search, always striving for knowledge and harmony. And since this is a spiritual warrior, he just needs a talisman ring with semiprecious stone turquoise. Turquoise is the true stone of the Sagittarius zodiac sign. It is no accident that this mineral has been valued by warriors from time immemorial. It is believed that turquoise protects from wounds, relieves indecision and fear.

Other precious stones of the zodiac sign Sagittarius: amethyst, sapphire, topaz, chrysolite, opal.

Talismans of a person of the zodiac sign Sagittarius

  • The amulet of the zodiac sign Sagittarius is Fire and is patronized by a scarab. As is known, in ancient world The scarab was revered as a symbol of fidelity and longevity, resurrection to a new life. The jasper figurine of a scarab in a difficult moment will give him self-confidence. Tin soldiers, figurines of horses are also strong mascots of the zodiac sign Sagittarius.
  • Lucky numbers: 4 and all multiples of 3.
  • The colors of the zodiac sign Sagittarius: blue, blue, purple, crimson.

Lucky flower of the zodiac sign Sagittarius

Sagittarius is a sign of a raging storm, but at the same time deeply philosophical. The bouquet that you give to a man or woman should be bright, intricate and completely extravagant. Plants, suitable sign Sagittarius zodiac, its flowers are tall, pulling their inflorescences towards the light.


Sagittarians are very sociable and friendly people, distinguished by their directness in dealing with others. There is no point in getting angry or offended at them, because. they have no anger, their shocking remarks come out with complete innocence, and the fact that they can offend a person does not reach them. Don't judge them harshly, they don't have bad intentions. Their tactless manners hide a very smart head and high principles. Their unique combination of witty intelligence and purposefulness puts them in the circle of winners.

Sagittarians are sincerely convinced that they are the most diplomatic people. They keep saying, "I didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings." They do everything sincerely, falsehood and deceit are alien to them. They are as sincere and serious as 6 year olds. They are very mobile, love animals, speed, sports.

The typical Sagittarius is drawn to danger and loves physical and emotional risk. Few people can resist Sagittarius long time, because there is no maliciousness in his behavior. This is a sign of fire, so they are talkative and extravagant. At heart, they are spendthrifts. As a rule, these people are always happy and cheerful. But their mood can change if they are surrounded by people who abuse their friendliness or become too familiar with them. They may also resent the exercise of power over themselves. They do not avoid the fight and do not call for help. All Sagittarius can defend themselves perfectly. They absolutely cannot stand being accused of dishonesty. After a skirmish, they feel remorse and will try to mend their relationship. Sagittarians are avid travelers. There is always something childish about them, they do not want to see seriousness in life, although many of them can show a great sense of responsibility. But Sagittarius do not like to be responsible, they try to avoid it.

The most sensitive places for diseases are the lungs, liver, arms and legs. Them big love to sports can lead to injuries, but as a rule, Sagittarians do not stay long in the hospital. They hardly give up the disease and recover quickly.

In general, life rarely wins these people. They always believe that tomorrow will be better than today and yesterday. Every Sagittarius is a gambler. They fall in love quickly, but instantly cool down, mainly when a woman uses the word marriage. They think about the decision to marry for a very long time and cannot decide, it is difficult to "catch" them.

Among the most unpleasant traits of a Sagittarius is the tendency to drink and eat a lot, which can lead to alcoholism. Their mental brilliance can turn into sarcasm or eccentricity, as well as an inability to keep secrets. But Sagittarius can easily get out of any situation. Many Sagittarius men can lend you money without even asking why you need it. And a Sagittarius woman can adopt an orphan or cherish a lost animal.

Sagittarius has a fantastic memory, they can remember dates well, various little things, but they may well forget where they left their coat. They keep losing their stuff.

Whatever the Sagittarius may be, his true nature is a generous and cheerful idealist.
If a Sagittarius aims at something, then he shoots higher than other people can see, past the stars, to where all dreams are born.



I don't want to disappoint you, but Sagittarius can have a lot of oddities. It is he who can jump on a horse and rush through the city, defending some cause. Or he might suddenly have a desire to mingle with the clowns at the circus...

It can be won with certain efforts and manners. First of all, he must be forced to get off his horse and taken away from the circus crowd. All that he stands for leaves him little time for family life. Such unbridled enthusiasm and curiosity of Sagittarius is contagious. Sometimes he can overstep the bounds in his various affairs. You may feel thrown into the air and not caught back: he just forgot to do it. This person is almost always surrounded by a crowd.

And one more obstacle for you. You will always have to push them apart to get close to him. But don't be pessimistic, because this person is a huge optimist. He is so optimistic that he can not be offended by the insults of enemies. This kind of optimism can be dangerous. this word can be synonymous with blind faith. Blind faith is good, but he trusts with such naivety that he very often falls into a puddle. It is very easy to fall into a puddle when you are in a hurry and running all the time, looking at the sky in search of such high purpose, which should be rushed by those who have the courage. But in the strict sense of the word, Sagittarius is not a dreamer. His dreams are always accompanied by logic and curiosity. In Sagittarius, they are perhaps somewhat unpractical, somewhat unbridled. As soon as he feels that there is some possibility of achieving a goal, he gives everything to this goal. bright colors that only his imagination is capable of. But there are always people who do not approve of progressive ideas and try to trample before they justify themselves.

His imagination can give him a lot of trouble, but fate always helps him in time. He is so lucky that it even seems unfair. And, of course, with such luck, he quickly recovers from the blows of fate, if they do happen. This also applies to love. He does not like dishonesty and that is why he is surrounded by many friends and well-wishers. He is always looking true value in a person. It cannot be said that he has no enemies at all, but there are much fewer of them than other signs. People who listen to his remarks may be offended, but as a rule, they quickly move away, because. understand that his intentions are harmless.

The sin of Sagittarius is his tactlessness and inattention, but never deliberate cruelty. His speech is as direct as a symbolic arrow. He can say whatever he thinks, but if you are in love with him, he may pretend not to understand it. But you may be offended by the behavior of Sagittarius when he sees you for the first time, frankly looks at you and says that you are such a woman who can be chosen as a mistress. And when you're ready to grapple with him, he puts on an innocent expression and explains to you what he meant by saying that. He will say that in the Middle Ages they married a woman close in origin, while the wife could turn out to be ugly, so men always chose as mistresses only very beautiful women. Hearing this, you will feel that this is a kind of compliment to your beauty and will not be offended. Sagittarius will impress you. Well, what other man would waste time studying history?

You may decide that you will become the wife of an intellectual. But here you will make a mistake, you may be an intellectual's mistress, you may not understand it right away. He is moving fast and you will become a fallen woman. Of course, not every woman will accept such an explanation, but they may well remain friends. All of this should give you an idea of ​​how dangerous you can be with Sagittarius. His naive grin makes him completely unlike a wolf. Sagittarius love life very superficial, but he is also very honest. After all, he did not tell you that you are suitable for his wife. He said in "mistresses". He wants an easy relationship. Let's get back to his honesty. If you already know how often love vows turn out to be false, then you might like the frankness of Sagittarius. You won't even mind his stories about former lovers. He will never marry, hiding from you true feeling. Sometimes, of course, it happens that he is forced to marry. But in such cases, the proposal usually comes from the girl. In this case, he will do everything to avoid this marriage. If she manages to catch him in time, he may decide that by matching him in some ways, she can fit in the rest. He is getting married. And so we can assume that another divorce will soon be ripe.

Women often misunderstand the attitude of the Sagittarius man towards them. They think that their relationship is more serious than it really is. They hope he needs strong ties, while he only wants an easy relationship, maybe even a platonic one. His luck usually gets him out of predicaments. There's no denying that he loves to flirt, but he needs more than just sex. He needs variety. If he sees that a woman begins to become attached to him, he can turn everything into a joke.

Most Sagittarians are accused of eyeing any pretty woman. These accusations annoy Sagittarius, because. he thinks he's just being friendly to everyone. If your head is meant for more than just curlers, don't be jealous or suspicious. Give him freedom if you want to keep him around you. Do not ask him unnecessary questions, do not scare him that you will leave him. And just imagine what a relief it will be for him. If you accept life as he does, then you can expect to become his wife. If you are honest with each other, then flying kites together is very interesting. And why think what will happen to them when they fall to the ground.

No, you have to give this man whatever he wants, be who he wants you to be. Let him lead your energy, love sports, go hiking with him. Be generous, kind, do not make scandals to him every evening, but also let him know that he cannot completely dispose of you, that you are also a free spirit. Don't let him put his ideas into practice. Do something else while he shoots his arrows into the unseen. And perhaps then he will tell you one evening that you have almost everything that he would like to see in a woman. And since he has come to this, tell him also frankly that he is also suitable for you and that it is time to decide something. Note, however, that you love him so much that you consider it possible to marry him, provided that he does not interfere with your enjoyment of a certain freedom. And also say that you are very curious about what will happen when the children appear.

After you get married, you will see that you will not have any trouble with his relatives. Sagittarians are surprisingly indifferent to family relations. And they don't accept the theory that one should love one's relatives, even if they don't deserve love. Your suitcase should always be ready. you will have to travel a lot with it. Find yourself all sorts of activities and give him the opportunity to be free. If you keep him, he can break down the door. When he does wrong, he will always tell you about it. Practice listening to his frankness and telling yourself that he still loves you instead of listening to rumors. Be as practical as he is to human emotions. And you'll be surprised how strong love can be when it grows on honest ground.

Since he loves sports, it is possible that you will watch sports on television together. He can introduce you to society if you are charming enough and love people. He will be proud of your talents, so try to have them. Read, be prepared to defend his cause. It can be somewhat extravagant. Sagittarians love to take risks. But that makes him generous about your spending. You can hear criticism from him sometimes painful and tactless. You have to get used to it. He loves children more when they are older. He goes hiking with them, goes in for sports with them. He is closer to boys, but gentle with girls. He is more of a friend than a father.

Sagittarius thinks with both mind and heart. And not always therefore he will act wisely. He stumbles and falls, gets up and tries to start over. But you forgive him almost everything, because he gave you a great gift - honest love.



A Sagittarius woman doesn't always say what you want to hear. More often than not, she will startle you with her frank statements or embarrassing questions. Although from time to time she can say something beautiful that will make you want to sing. A friendly and outspoken Sagittarius woman usually so entangles your heart with her inherent charm that you will have nowhere to go. She is always somewhat straightforward, because she sees the world as it is. And, it must be admitted, talent.

Few people know how to apply reasonable logic to any situation and at the same time maintain a happy ability to believe in the best. She will never lie to you. Sometimes you even want her to lie. Be curious about how she spends her time when you're not seeing her. And you'll get an honest account of how many dates she's put off over the phone, then she can tell you that she's been thinking about your relationship and has decided it's just friendship between you, not love. You don't want to hear such confessions. But don't shout too loud, you will offend her and she may explode. Perhaps she will live alone.

The Sagittarius woman is very independent. Both sexes of this sign have alienation from family ties. Maybe it's because she loves to travel. She is in constant motion. Immediately you need to remember: when you want something from her, you can ask, but not demand. She thinks that tricks caveman they don't suit her. She likes to be protected, but can't stand being ordered around. Even a mother can't always get something out of her, much less you. However, there is an oddity in her - although she does not like to be commanded, especially in public, you must always be firm in everything, she absolutely cannot stand weak men.

If she goes too far, offending you, treat her like Tarzan for a minute, just to put her in her place. Show yourself sternly when you pull her back. The Sagittarius woman is not going to lose her individuality for the sake of any man, even the most beloved one. But she is pleased to know that you treat her like a woman. Many of them confuse friendship with love. There is no humility in her. This woman behaves quite frankly with men and does not play coquetry. She speaks and acts exactly as she feels. Her excessive frankness naturally causes misconceptions about her, not to mention the fact that it just offends you. This is very strong in spirit female. Her pride comes to the surface and bails her out of crisis situations, allowing her to treat her heartache as a joke. Inside, she may sob, parting with you. But she will put all her wits and strength into announcing to her friends that her affair with you was just flirting. Few would think how many tears she cried into her pillow, wondering what she could have done that led to a breakup.

All Sagittarians become indignant when they doubt their honesty. Few of the men perceive her excessive honesty correctly. She openly flirts with no intention of turning it into a romance. Because of this, she gains a reputation as a cold, heartless woman. In fact, she may even remain an old maid, but at the same time she will not be spiteful and mischievous, she will play with life and have fun. She will have many interests to replace a man with. Of course you plan to make her your wife. She is somewhat prejudiced about the loss of her freedom. You will have to use a lot of baits to get it. She has no conventions in relationships with men, because. she considers herself equal to a man, she can copy their manners, wear their sweaters, she loves sports just like men. Although by nature she is feminine.

Because she is very honest, she can be somewhat flippant about her reputation, as well as what society thinks of her. Usually she is surrounded by many men. She knows that her reputation is impeccable, and this is the only thing that matters to her. Naturally, she is wrong here. What other people think is very important for a woman's reputation. But try to understand it. If she laughs at a frivolous joke, it means she didn't understand the subtext. Subtext and double play are very often not clear to Sagittarius.

The basic truth is that by nature she is a trusting child. And her views are so naive that they make her vulnerable to the seducer. Forget about her intelligence and amazing logic. It has nothing to do with her heart. She is very smart and can stand up for herself in critical situation, but her heart is defenseless, it often breaks. And she's also a little clumsy. You can watch her walk gracefully down the street until she trips over the curb and clumsily grabs the kiosk to keep herself on her feet, knocking over a couple of crates in the process. But her friendliness saves the day. Sometimes she may remind you of a clumsy puppy. The typical Sagittarius has a big appetite. He loves good food, wine, clothes, first class travel. She usually spends money. Money for the sake of money does not interest her. Think carefully before lending her money.

A Sagittarius woman can perform in a show, because. she likes the stage lights. Don't expect her to leave her career for you. Never force her to choose between you and the audience. After a while, she will get tired of the flattery of the public and artificial light, and she will return home to feel something real and that you can be. She needs a man who will say that honesty is beauty, and deception is ugliness. If she gives up her career, this does not mean that her wings are denied, she has them since birth. The suitcase will always be with her. Take her on vacation or let her go, trust her. She loves you, not who she spends time with. Due to her somewhat indifferent attitude towards love and timidity before marriage, you might think that she lacks sensitivity.

You are mistaken, she may cry when she watches sad films, reads poetry, she may have saved your first note. As for her talent as a hostess, take courage and patience here. She is tired of the need to constantly wipe the dust, put things in order, make the beds. She just hates it. But when she starts her house, maybe she will pull herself together. Although she prefers to hire a house. worker. If this is not possible, she will make efforts to keep the house in order. Her mother can hardly believe it. Pride makes Sagittarius do the necessary things around the house. First, it must be surrounded by beauty and purity. And then, she realizes that if she doesn't do it, no one will do it for her. It is also difficult to say anything about her cooking. If she cooks all week, you can hardly expect a sumptuous dinner for the weekend. You have to go to a restaurant. Most Sagittarius women don't experience great desire Cook.

Her own Bad mood can be terrible, but fortunately it is rare. When she is truly offended, she becomes sarcastic, but may forget what she said before she has finished her sentence. And she does not understand why you were offended at the same time. She will not get along with a melancholic. She physically cannot stand gloominess and pessimism. The kids will probably adore her. She will receive guests well, no one can entertain as grandly as she, even Lioness. Her friendliness makes people feel welcome, and she can easily resolve conflicts. As long as you claim her soul, let her feel free, you will receive a triple income from her: loyalty, trust, love. All these three things are inseparable for her. Because by giving her love, she gives her friendship.

The Sagittarius woman is simply an incredible idealist. And here's a secret that she may never have revealed to you, she fell in love with you when she was a little girl and made a wish on a shooting star to have a man in her life with an honest heart. When you finally showed up, she immediately recognized you.

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