Where does the big jerboa live? Upland jerboas Geographical variability and subspecies


Upland jerboa inhabits sandy deserts and semi-deserts of southeastern European Russia, Kazakhstan, Central and Central Asia, southern Altai Krai, and northern Iran. Dwells among various types sands, from dune to hilly, however, avoids massifs of bare dune sands.

AT Central Asia widely distributed in the Karakum and Kyzyl Kum. An isolated locality of the jerboa is known in Southern Kyrgyzstan in the eastern part of the Alay valley near Irkeshtam. Along the Irtysh valley, the range of the upland jerboa reaches 52 ° N, and to the east - to the ribbon forests of the Altai steppes, the Ubsunur depression in South Tuva.

The species has a strong geographical variability, which is manifested in the size and proportions of the skull, as well as in the color of the fur. Animals from the southern and southeastern parts of the range have more large sizes and more bright color, in which ocher and reddish tones appear instead of gray, as in animals from the northern and northwestern parts of the range. There are several subspecies grouped together:

  • Subspecies group "sagitta":
  • Semipalatinsk upland jerboa ( Dipus sagitta sagitta Pallas, 1773). Tape pine forests on the right bank of the Irtysh within the Semipalatinsk and Pavlodar regions of Kazakhstan and the south Altai Territory.
  • Zaysan upland jerboa ( Dipus sagitta zaissanensis Selevin, 1934). Sands of the Zaisan basin. Outside the former USSR, it probably occurs in Northwestern China (Dzungaria).
  • Gobi Rough-footed Jerboa ( Dipus sagitta sowerbyi Thomas, 1908) (syn. D.s. ubsanensis Bannikov, 1947). Southern Tuva, Mongolia (Ubsunur and Achitnur basins, Central Khangai, Big Lakes Valley, Gobi Lakes Basin, Gobi Altai, Trans-Altai, Middle and Eastern Gobi), Northern China (Alashan and Ordos).
  • Subspecies group "lagopus":
  • Ciscaucasian upland jerboa ( Dipus sagitta nogai Satunin, 1907). Dagestan, Kalmykia, Astrakhan region, left bank of the middle Don.
  • Volga-Ural upland jerboa ( Dipus sagitta innae Ognev, 1930). Sandy deserts and semi-deserts of the Volga-Ural interfluve.
  • South Ural upland jerboa ( Dipus sagitta austrouralensis Shenbrot, 1991). Sandy deserts and semi-deserts between the Urals and the Emba.
  • Aral upland jerboa ( Dipus sagitta lagopus Lichtenstein, 1823). Sands Big and Small Badgers, Aral Karakum, sands of the lower reaches of Turgay and Sarysu.
  • Turanian upland jerboa ( Dipus sagitta turanicus Shenbrot, 1991). Karakums, Kyzylkums, Sundukli sands, insular sand massifs of Mangyshlak.
  • Muyunkum upland jerboa ( Dipus sagitta megacranius Shenbrot, 1991). The Chui Muyunkums.
  • Balkhash upland jerboa ( Dipus sagitta usuni Shenbrot, 1991). Sand massifs of the Southern Balkhash region and the Ili basin.

In addition to the above, the following subspecific forms related to the "sagitta" group are also accepted:


Jerboas of medium size. Sexual dimorphism is not expressed. General appearance of a typical jerboa. The body is short. The tail is long (1.2-1.3 times longer than the body), not thickened, with a well-developed flag. The forelimbs are short, the hind limbs are long (the length of the foot is 47-51% of the body length), three-toed. The head is large, with a pronounced neck interception. The muzzle is shortened, wide. Piglet is well expressed. The ears are relatively short and rounded.

The hairline is thick and soft. The coloration of the top of the head and back, as well as the cheeks and outer surfaces of the thighs, varies greatly depending on the habitat: from pale sandy-yellow to dark grayish-brown with pronounced longitudinal dark striation. The guard hairs of the top of the head and back are tricolored: the main part is ash-gray (about 70% of the length), then follows a light yellowish-brown or yellowish-ocher belt (20% of the length), the top (about 10% of the length of the hair) is black or dark -brown. The sides of the body and cheeks are covered with somewhat lighter and brighter hair than the back. The outer surface of the thighs is brighter than the back. Lips, throat, chest, belly and inner thighs are pure white. The rings around the eyes and spots behind the ears are greyish-white in color. The foot is covered from above with short pure white hair, from below - with a brush of long soft hairs (at the same time, the outer hair of the brush is dyed white colors, and the lower ones - in dark brown or white). The tail shank is light yellow, yellowish-brown or yellowish-ocher above and on the side, pure white below. At the end of the tail there is a long, two-color tassel (banner): its main part is black (in young animals) or dark brown (in old animals), and the end is pure white.


Active and mobile animal. Activity falls on twilight and night. Max Speed run - 8.1 m / s, maximum jump length - 200 cm. The day is spent in burrows. In total, 4 types of burrows of upland jerboas are distinguished: protective, diurnal summer, brood, wintering. Permanent burrows are up to 5-6 m long and up to 3 m deep, with 1-3 emergency exits.

In the northern regions, it hibernates, and in the southern regions it is active throughout winter period, except for very harsh winters. For example, in Dagestan, hibernation lasts from late October to mid-March.

Relatively generalized herbivorous species. Before the beginning of the growing season in early spring, the upland jerboas feed exclusively on last year's seeds; with the beginning of the growing season, green and underground parts of plants predominate in the diet. In summer and autumn, they feed mainly on ripened seeds and fruits. They also feed on insects and their larvae, but in small quantities. Forage is collected in the ground layer, although they also climb bushes well.


Reproduction varies greatly geographically. Depending on climatic conditions, the breeding period can last from 3 to 8 months. During the season, the female can bring from one to three broods. In overwintered females, the number of litters is 2-3, in arrived animals of the first brood - 1. In a brood there are from 1 to 8 cubs, and the size of the brood increases from north to south. The duration of pregnancy is 25-30 days.

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  1. Complete illustrated encyclopedia. "Mammals" Book. 2 = The New Encyclopedia of Mammals / ed. D. MacDonald. - M .: "Omega", 2007. - S. 444. - 3000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-465-01346-8.
  2. Sokolov V. E. Five-language dictionary of animal names. Mammals. Latin, Russian, English, German, French. / under the general editorship of acad. V. E. Sokolova. - M .: Rus. yaz., 1984. - S. 193. - 10,000 copies.
  3. , with. 219.
  4. , with. 231.
  5. , with. 221.
  6. , with. 221.
  7. , with. 232.
  8. , with. 224-226.
  9. , with. 226.
  10. , with. 213.
  11. , with. 212.
  12. , with. 216.
  13. , with. 218.
  14. , with. 240.
  15. , with. 241.
  16. , with. 238.
  17. , with. 243.
  18. , with. 232.
  19. , with. 236.
  20. , with. 244.


  • Gromov I.M., Erbaeva M.A. Mammals of the fauna of Russia and adjacent territories. Lagomorphs and rodents. - St. Petersburg: Nauka, 1995. - 522 p. - (Series "Guidelines for the fauna of Russia, published by the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Issue 167").
  • Shenbrot G.I., Sokolov V.E., Geptner V.G., Kovalskaya Yu.M. Jerboas. - M .: Nauka, 1995. - 576 p. - (Series "Mammals of Russia and adjacent regions"). - ISBN 5-02-004764-3.


An excerpt characterizing the Upland Jerboa

The real Magdalene moved to Languedoc a thousand years after the birth of the Jewess Mary, and she went exactly Home, and did not run away from the Jews to other Jews, as the Jewess Mary did, never former toy bright and pure Star, which was the real Magdalene. Mary, a Jew, was a kind but narrow-minded woman, married very early. And she was never called Magdalene ... This name was "hung" on her, wanting to combine these two incompatible women into one. And in order to prove such an absurd legend, they came up with a fake story about the city of Magdala, which did not yet exist in Galilee during the life of the Jew Mary... common man it turned out to be too difficult to get to the truth. And only those who truly knew how to think saw what a continuous lie was carried by Christianity - the most cruel and most bloodthirsty of all religions. But as I told you before, most people don't like to THINK for themselves. Therefore, they accepted and accept on faith everything that the Roman Church teaches. It was convenient, and always has been. The person was not ready to accept the real TEACHING of Radomir and Magdalena, which required labor and independent thinking. But on the other hand, people have always liked and approved of what was extremely simple - what told them what to believe in, what can be accepted, and what should be denied.

For a moment I was very scared - the words of the North were too reminiscent of the sayings of Caraffa! .. But in my “rebellious” soul, I did not want to agree that the bloodthirsty murderer - the Pope - could be at least truly right in something ...
– This slave “faith” was needed by the same Thinking Dark Ones in order to strengthen their dominance in our fragile, still emerging world... in order to never allow it to be born again... – continued Sever calmly. – Precisely in order to more successfully enslave our Earth, the Thinking Dark Ones found this small, but very flexible and conceited Jewish people, understandable to them alone. Due to their "flexibility" and mobility, this people easily succumbed to foreign influence and became a dangerous tool in the hands of the Thinking Dark Ones, who found the prophet Joshua who once lived there, and cunningly "intertwined" the story of his life with the story of Radomir's life, destroying the real biographies and planting false ones, so that naive human minds would believe in such a "story". But even the same Jewish Joshua also had nothing to do with the religion called Christianity... It was created by order of Emperor Constantine, who needed a new religion in order to throw a new "bone" to the out-of-control people. And the people, without even thinking, swallowed it with pleasure... Such is still our Earth, Isidora. And very soon someone will be able to change it. Very soon people will want to THINK, unfortunately ...
– Let them not be ready yet, Sever... But you see, people very easily open up to the “new”! So doesn't this show exactly that humanity (in its own way) is LOOKING for a way to the present, that people are striving for the TRUTH, which there is simply no one to show them to? ..
- You can show the most valuable Book of Knowledge in the world a thousand times, but it will not work if a person cannot read. Isn't that right, Isidora?
“But you do TEACH your students!” I exclaimed with anguish. “They also didn’t know everything right away, before they got to you!” So teach humanity!!! It's worth it not to disappear!
– Yes, Isidora, we teach our students. But the gifted ones who come to us know the main thing - they know how to THINK ... And the rest are just “followers” ​​so far. And we have neither the time nor the desire for them until their time comes and they are worthy of one of us teaching them.
Sever was absolutely sure that he was right, and I knew that no arguments could change his mind. So I decided not to insist anymore ...
– Tell me, Sever, what part of the life of Jesus is real? Can you tell me how he lived? And how could it happen that with such a powerful and faithful support he still lost?.. What happened to his children and Magdalene? How long after his death did she manage to live?
He smiled his wonderful smile...
“You reminded me now of the young Magdalene... She was the most curious of all and endlessly asked questions that even our magi did not always find answers to!..”
The North again "left" into his sad memory, meeting there again with those for whom he still so deeply and sincerely yearned.
– She was indeed an amazing woman, Isidora! Never giving up and not pitying herself, just like you... She was ready at any moment to give herself up for those she loved. For those whom she considered more worthy. Yes, and simply - for LIFE ... Fate did not spare her, bringing down on her fragile shoulders the weight of irretrievable losses, but until her last moment she fiercely fought for her friends, for her children, and for all who remained to live on earth after death Radomira... People called her the Apostle of all Apostles. And she truly was him ... Only not in the sense in which she shows her in her " scriptures Hebrew, which is inherently alien to her. Magdalene was the strongest Witch... Golden Mary, as people who met her at least once called her. She carried the pure light of Love and Knowledge, and was completely saturated with it, giving everything without a trace and not sparing herself. Her friends loved her very much and, without hesitation, were ready to give their lives for her! .. For her and for the teaching that she continued to carry after the death of her beloved husband, Jesus Radomir.
- Forgive my poor knowledge, Sever, but why do you always call Christ - Radomir? ..
- It's very simple, Isidora, his father and mother once called him Radomir, and it was his real, generic name, which really reflected his true essence. This name had double meaning- Joy of the world (Rado - peace) and Bringer of the world Light of Knowledge, Light of Ra (Ra - before - the world). And Jesus Christ was already called by the Thinking Dark Ones, when they completely changed the history of his life. And as you can see, it has firmly "taken root" to him for centuries. The Jews have always had many Jesuses. This is the most common and very common Jewish name. Although, oddly enough, it came to them from Greece... Well, Christ (Christos) is not a name at all, and it means in Greek - "messiah" or "enlightened one"... It is only asked if in Bible says that Christ is a Christian, how then to explain these pagan Greek names that the Thinking Dark Ones themselves gave him?.. Isn't it interesting? And this is only the smallest of those many mistakes, Isidora, that a person does not want (or cannot! ..) see.
– But how can he see them if he blindly believes in what is presented to him? .. We must show it to people! They must know all this, Sever! - again I could not stand it.
“We don’t owe people anything, Isidora…” Sever answered sharply. They are quite happy with what they believe. And they don't want to change anything. Do you want me to continue?
He again tightly fenced himself off from me with a wall of “iron” self-righteousness, and I had no choice but to nod in response, not hiding the tears of disappointment that had come out ... It was pointless even trying to prove anything - he lived in his own " right" world, without being distracted by minor "earthly problems"...

– After the cruel death of Radomir, Magdalena decided to return to where her real Home was, where she was born a long time ago. Probably, all of us have an inherent craving for our “roots”, especially when, for one reason or another, it becomes bad ... So she, killed by her deep grief, wounded and lonely, decided to finally return HOME ... This place was located in mysterious Occitania (today's France, Languedoc) and it was called the Valley of the Magicians (or also the Valley of the Gods), famous for its harsh, mystical majesty and beauty. And there was no person who, once having been there, would not fall in love with the Valley of Magicians for the rest of his life...
“Forgive me, Sever, for interrupting you, but the name of Magdalene… didn’t it come from the Valley of Magicians?…” I exclaimed, unable to resist the discovery that shocked me.
“You are absolutely right, Isidora. Sever smiled. - You see - you think! .. The real Magdalene was born about five hundred years ago in the Occitan Valley of Magicians, and therefore they called her Mary - the Magician of the Valley (Mag-Valley).
- What kind of valley is this - the Valley of Mages, the North? .. And why have I never heard of such a thing? Father never mentioned such a name, and none of my teachers talked about it?
– Oh, this is a very ancient and very powerful place, Isidora! The land there once gave extraordinary power... It was called the "Land of the Sun" or "Pure Land". It was created by hand, many thousands of years ago... And there once lived two of those whom people called Gods. They took care of this Pure Land from the "black forces", as it kept in itself the Gates of the Interworld, which no longer exist today. But once, a very long time ago, it was a place of arrival of otherworldly people and otherworldly news. It was one of the seven "bridges" of the Earth... Destroyed, unfortunately, by a stupid mistake of Man. Later, many centuries later, gifted children began to be born in this valley. And for them, strong, but unintelligent, we created a new "meteora" there ... Which we called - Raveda (R-know). It was, as it were, the younger sister of our Meteora, in whom they also taught Knowledge, only much simpler than we taught it, since Raveda was open without exception to all the gifted. Secret Knowledge was not given there, but only something that could help them live with their burden, that could teach them to know and control their amazing Gift. Gradually, various, beautifully gifted people from the farthest corners of the Earth began to flock to Raveda, eager to learn. And because Raveda was open just for everyone, sometimes “gray” gifted people also came there, who were also taught Knowledge, hoping that one fine day their lost Light Soul would definitely return to them.

Big jerboa - bright representative kind earthen hares. This is a creation in the process of evolution and adaptation to its natural environment habitat has developed its own unique style of movement. In some areas, the large jerboa is on the verge of extinction, as its habitat is constantly shrinking due to human activities. Steppe reserves are almost the only refuge for large populations of these creatures.

Large jerboa - a bright representative of the genus of earthen hares

Apart from natural enemies, large jerboas have to constantly compete with other rodent species for food. Given their hidden lifestyle, many people have no idea what a jerboa looks like or where they live. Despite the fact that in the natural environment these small animals constantly face seemingly insurmountable difficulties, in some regions their number is rapidly increasing.

This animal is the largest representative of the genus of earthen hares. Now Available Full description of this kind. body length adult is approximately 19-26 cm. Males are usually larger in size. The tail of a jerboa, as a rule, is 1.3 times the length of the body and is about 25-30 cm. There is usually a fluffy tassel at its end. Such a tail is necessary for the animal to maintain the balance of the body while running. In addition, fat accumulates in it, which later helps the animal survive the winter season. The body weight of these creatures does not exceed 300 g. The muzzle of the jerboa is wide, but slightly elongated. She is crowned with a characteristic piglet. The eyes of jerboas are set very high. They differ large sizes. The ears are quite long. Often they reach 6 cm.

These creatures are distinguished by subtle hearing. Any wrong rustle leads to the fact that a large steppe jerboa takes off running, wanting to get into its hole. External Description representatives of different sexes of these creatures are similar. This long-eared jerboa also has very large feet, which can reach up to about 45% of the body. The eared animal moves exclusively on its hind legs. They can reach about 20 cm. Many other types of jerboas have a similar description of the structure, but at the same time they are even more modest in size. This is no coincidence, since they all came from the same ancestor. Since these creatures look very exotic, they have been successfully tamed. However, only the domestic jerboa has already lost the ability to live in the wild, and besides, it is not a carrier of various dangerous diseases. Thus, only a tamed animal can be considered completely safe for humans.

Large, like the shag-legged jerboa, it is an excellent jumper. In one push, he can overcome more than 1.5 m. This is possible due to the structure of the lower legs. It is known that these animals can move not only through long jumps, but also by rearranging their paws. Just while running a long tail helps them to maintain balance when the animal needs to transfer body weight from one paw to another. However, the jerboa gained fame as a jumper. On elongated feet, reaching a length of more than 10 cm, the lateral fingers, that is, the 1st and 5th, are poorly developed. Having a similar structure of paws, the long-eared jerboa can reach speeds of up to 50 km per hour, which allows it to avoid natural enemies. Only a furry-legged jerboa, which has a similar structure of paws, can be a real competitor in speed to a large earthen hare. Among the animals of the desert, the jerboa is perhaps the fastest rodent.

The forelimbs of this animal are greatly reduced, as they are used exclusively in the process of feeding. In addition, the large jerboa uses them for burrowing. The animal has a warm fur cover. Its color largely depends on where the jerboas live. Usually the top coat is brownish-gray with a rusty tinge. On the abdomen and chest, the fur is whitish-grayish in color. This makes it almost invisible on the ground and in withered foliage. The desert jerboa may have a uniform yellowish-brown coat color. It also contributes to camouflage.

Lesser jerboa (video)

Gallery: large jerboa (25 photos)

Distribution area of ​​the big jerboa

This animal prefers to settle in the forest-steppe and desert zones. Its largest population is in Eastern Europe, Kazakhstan and Western Siberia. Due to the good adaptability of the natural habitat, the large jerboa has spread much further than other members of the family. Its range extends up to 55° northern latitude. For example, the long-legged jerboa can no longer live here, since the climatic conditions are too harsh for it.

The population of these animals in different areas is uneven. The range of large jerboas extends to the steppes near the Black Sea and extends up to Altai mountains. These animals try to avoid plowed lands, as loose soil does not allow them to dig shelters. In some regions where jerboas were previously very common, they are now completely extinct. In some areas, for example, in Kazakhstan and on the left bank of Ukraine, this species is on the verge of extinction. In many regions, this variety of ground hare divides natural environment with other members of this family. For example, the upland jerboa has a similar distribution area, but at the same time, its large population is found in areas characterized by a relatively warm climate and mild winters.

African jerboas (video)

Lifestyle and reproduction of a large jerboa

It is now known that these animals are an extremely important link the food chain. These little creatures have a lot of natural enemies. They are actively hunted:

  • steppe snakes;
  • some types of lizards;
  • predator birds;
  • wolves;
  • foxes.

Thus, not a single predator will miss its chance to taste the earthen hare, if they have the opportunity. Snakes are a particular threat to warm-blooded animals. Large, like a shaggy jerboa, leads night image life, therefore, it often becomes the prey of owls, which, thanks to excellent night vision and hearing, can detect a rodent that has left its hole to find food. Thanks to the developed sense organs, animals can avoid dangers. If this creature notices signs of a predator approaching, it takes to its heels. The jerboa is primarily a herbivore. His favorite foods are:

  • wormwood leaves;
  • bulbs of lily plants;
  • seeds of melons and cereals.

In rare cases, these creatures can eat insects. In the spring, they harm agricultural land, as they often hunt on sown fields, digging up buried seeds. After the appearance of juicy green grass, the beast begins to feed on it. In the daytime, the animals always hide in burrows. There is usually only 1 nesting chamber, the entrance to which the jerboa blocks with an earthen embankment in order to protect itself from a sudden attack by a snake. There may be emergency exits in the hole in case of unexpected guests.

The breeding season in animals begins late spring. Representatives of different sexes, who usually lead a solitary lifestyle, begin to make screams to attract a partner. Pregnancy lasts about 25 days.

In late spring or early summer, the female brings offspring, which can include from 2 to 8 cubs. She feeds herself. In some regions, these creatures bring 2 offspring. The young animals stay with the female for 1.5 months, then go to self-feeding in order to stock up on enough fat and survive the winter.

These animals hibernate. For wintering, they dig deeper holes, the length of which can be about 2.5 m.

In winter, jerboas do not eat, so they do not make stocks. Juveniles reach adulthood at 2 years of age. Average duration The life of these creatures in nature is about 3 years. More recently, fishing for jerboas was carried out in various regions, including Kazakhstan, but it has been discontinued. One of the reasons for stopping the harvesting of skins is the fact that the animal is a natural carrier of tularemia, plague and some types of fevers.

Attention, only TODAY!

Upland jerboa

Upland jerboa, or arrow jerboa (lat. Dipus sagitta) is the only species from the genus of upland jerboas of the jerboa family.


The upland jerboa inhabits sandy deserts and semi-deserts of the southeast of the European part of Russia, Kazakhstan, Central and Central Asia, the south of the Altai Territory, as well as Northern Iran, and is also found in small quantities in Central Asia. To the west of the Volga, it lives in the Terek-Kuma, Nizhnevolzhsky and Volga-Don sands.
It lives among different types of sands, from dune to hilly, but avoids massifs of bare dune sands.


The species has a strong geographical variability.
Animals from the southern and southeastern parts of the range are larger and brighter in color, in which ocher and reddish tones appear instead of gray, as in animals from the northern and northwestern parts of the range. The species has several subspecies, united in the "sagitta" and "lagopus" groups.

Jerboas of medium size. Sexual dimorphism is not expressed. The body is short. The tail is long (1.2-1.3 times longer than the body), not thickened. The forelimbs are short, the hind limbs are long (the length of the foot is 47-51% of the body length), three-toed. The head is large, the muzzle is shortened, wide. The piglet is well defined, the ears are relatively short and rounded.
The hairline is thick and soft. The coloration of the top of the head and back, as well as the cheeks and outer surfaces of the thighs, varies greatly depending on the habitat: from pale sandy yellow to dark. The sides of the body and cheeks are covered with somewhat lighter and brighter hair than the back. Lips, throat, chest, belly and inner thighs are pure white. The rings around the eyes and spots behind the ears are greyish-white in color. At the end of the tail there is a long, two-color tassel (banner): its main part is black (in young animals) or dark brown (in old animals), and the end is pure white.


Active and mobile animal. Activity occurs at dusk and at night. The maximum running speed is 8.1 m/s, the maximum jump length is 200 cm. The day is spent in burrows. In total, 4 types of burrows of upland jerboas are distinguished: protective, diurnal summer, brood, wintering. Permanent burrows are up to 5-6 m long and up to 3 m deep, with 1-3 emergency exits. In the northern regions it hibernates, and in the southern regions it is active throughout the winter period, with the exception of very severe winters.
Relatively herbivorous. Before the beginning of the growing season in early spring, the upland jerboas feed exclusively on last year's seeds; with the beginning of the growing season, green and underground parts of plants predominate in the diet. In summer and autumn, they feed mainly on ripened seeds and fruits. They also feed on insects and their larvae. Forage is collected in the ground layer, although they also climb bushes well.

Upland jerboa somewhat larger than the emanuel. A well-developed brush of straight hairs covers the entire lower surface of the hind toes. Sizes are average (body length 105-140 mm). The coloration of various geographical forms ranges from relatively dark ocher-brownish or brownish-gray to pale ocher-sandy.The facial part of the head is comparatively long, not as short as that of earth hares (Allactaga), the muzzle is not flattened in front, and the nose does not have the shape of a "piglet". The size of the eye and the nature of the incision of the eyelids are similar to those of five-fingered jerboas.The front surface of the incisors is yellow (in all other representatives of the subfamily, the incisors are white).

Tail length 135-150 mm; foot length 60-65 mm; ear height 15-20 mm. Condylobasal skull length 30.3–34.3 mm; zygomatic width 21.0–24.5; interorbital width 9.7–12.1; length of nasal bones 12.2–15.5; diastema 8–9.5, maxillary row of teeth 5.3–6.8 mm. The hairline is of medium height, thick, soft.

Ears tubularly fused at the base; bent forward, they reach only the middle of the eye. The degree of reduction of the first (inner) finger of the forelimb and the length of its claw as in Allactaga. The hind limbs are three-toed; from the side fingers there were only small bones hidden under the skin. Middle finger longer than half of the metatarsus, and its claw is only slightly shorter than the claws of the lateral fingers. The hind foot from below, like the lower surface of the fingers, with a “brush” of short coarse hair not adjacent to the foot. The pads of the fingers are slightly compressed from the sides and not enlarged, their outer edge is slightly "serrated". There is no conical callus at the base of the middle fingers of the hind limb. Tail without fat thickening. "Znamya" is well developed. The fur is not very long.

The median crest of the os penis is located on its shaft (not on the basal plate) in its main part. Antero-outer corners of the basal plate are not pronounced and rounded. On the lower surface of the penis, the median longitudinal fissure begins only from the middle of the length of the penis; on each side of it there is another deep slit, starting from the base and reaching almost to its top. Two long stylized spikes are well developed. The protrusion on the outer side of the parietale does not form a sharp ridge or spike, but only a wide rounded bulge.

In the structure of the trunk skeleton, the presence of middle metatarsal bones fused into a tarsus is combined with a complete reduction of the phalanges and metapodia of the lateral fingers. Pelvic bone with double pubic tubercle; the femur is shorter than that of other three-toed jerboas, with a wide entrance to the intertrochanteric depression characteristic of them. The structure of the cervical vertebrae is characterized the following signs: the boundaries between the fused bodies of the 2nd-6th cervical vertebrae are quite clearly visible; the borders between the fused neural arches of the same vertebrae are equally visible. The distal ends of the transverse processes of the 5th and 6th vertebrae are completely fused with each other; the apex of the spinous process is pointed and slightly deviated forward. On the sides of the ventral side of the fused cervical complex of vertebrae, there are 4 openings between the free parts of the transverse processes. The accrete part of the small tibia relatively small. The middle metatarsal process of the tarsus is narrower than the lateral ones, does not protrude anteriorly in relation to them, and is shortened, protruding downwards beyond the longest of the lateral ones by no more than its distal width. The middle finger of the hind limb of the upland jerboa is also thinner than the lateral ones.

Subspecies: 1) Dipus sagitta nogai satun. (1907) - the color of the top is dull, brownish-gray with a slight admixture of ocher or reddish tones, the dimensions are relatively large; sands of eastern Ciscaucasia (valley of the Kuma river).
2) D.s. innae Fire. (1930) - brighter, ocher-reddish fur color; sands of the left bank of the lower Volga.
3) D.s. lagopus Lichtenstein (1823) - pale ocher-sand color of fur is characteristic: sands of Central Asia and southern Kazakhstan.
4) D.s. sagitta Pall. (1773) - a relatively dark ocher-brown color with an olive tint; sands of East Kazakhstan and southwestern Siberia (valley of the upper Irtysh, forests of the Altai steppe).
5) D.s. zaissanensis Selevin (1934) - similar to the previous form; distinguished by a brighter and rustier color of the back fur and a paler color of the black part of the banner; Zaisan basin, adjacent mountains of the Semipalatinsk region.

1. Fokin I. M. Jerboas. Series: The life of our birds and animals. Issue 2. Publishing house Leningrad. un-ta, 1978. 184 p.
2. Photo: Yu.K. Zinchenko, Siberian Zoological Museum
3. B.S. Vinogradov. Jerboas. Mammals vol. III, no. 4. Fauna of the USSR. Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1937

see also 11.5.3. Genus Upland jerboas- Dipus

Upland jerboa - Dipus sagitta

(Appendix 1, Fig.12). Distributed in the Lower Volga region, the Caspian, Altai and Tuva, can be found in Western Siberia near the border with Kazakhstan. Very numerous in places. It lives in deserts and steppes, where it adheres to sand dunes, loose loose sands and dunes. Occasionally it is also found far from the sands. Even in dense sand, it can dig a passage 50-70 cm long in a few minutes. The burrows are branched, up to 8 m long and a meter deep, or quite simple, sometimes only half a meter long. Hibernation lasts 4-5 months, in early spring jerboas appear on the surface. In the evening, they emerge from their burrows immediately after sunset. They feed on seeds and fruits. There are usually two broods per year. Young jerboas at first go to feed in a chain after their mother, but after a few days they already dig their own holes.

Table 46 224 - upland jerboa (224a - adult jerboa, 224b - animal in a hole, 224c - young animals); 225 - common lizard; 226 - five-toed pygmy jerboa; - three-toed pygmy jerboa; - Andrews jerboa.

220 - paw print of a large jerboa; 222a, 222b, 222c - different variants location of traces of the small jerboa; 223 - the location of the traces of the tarbagan; 224 - traces of upland jerboa; 225 - traces of an immoranchik; 247 - paw prints of a midday gerbil; 250a - paw prints of a great gerbil; 250b - traces of a large gerbil that dug up a pile of droppings; (220, 222, 223 - paw prints on soft ground; 224, 225, 247, 250 - footprints on loose sand).

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