Donald cook destroyer su. Hysteria around the destroyer "Donald Cook". What is the Montreux Convention on the Limitation of the Presence of Warships in the Black Sea

Hand on heart, I will say: "I did not want to write about it!" But, since the people continue to "chew" the next nonsense and launch "Victory balloons" into the sky .... I have to clarify. In this article I set myself the task - to make you think. Just think.

On December 26, 2014, the outlines of a familiar ship flashed in the Bosphorus. A high “Atlantic” bow, an octagonal prism of the superstructure, a famously littered foremast, emphasizing the swift silhouette of the Aegis destroyer... An old acquaintance returned to the Black Sea - USS Donald Cook (DDG-75). Missile destroyer The US Navy, which became famous after a high-profile incident in April 2014.
However, that incident became “loud” only on one side of the ocean. On the official website of the destroyer "Donald Cook" there is no mention of the refusal of the "Aegis", the inclusion of the electronic warfare of the "Khibiny" or the reports of 27 sailors who resigned with the motivation "we do not want to put our lives in mortal danger."

The missile destroyer of the 6th Fleet (assigned to the Rota naval base in Spain) has been patrolling the water area for the past year mediterranean sea, performing the tasks of missile defense in Europe and demonstrating guarantees of support for US allies in the region. On New Year's holidays (December 26 - January 14), the Americans decided to have a nice rest on the Black Sea. For 21 days active rest the destroyer visited Constanta and Varna, conducted joint maneuvers with a ship of the Turkish Navy and the only surviving ship of the Ukrainian Navy, the Hetman Sagaidachny frigate, and then, within the time period established by the Montreux Convention, left the Black Sea.

In connection with the previous events (of April 12, 2014), a reasonable question arises: what is it that “Cook” again forgot in our latitudes? Are the Yankees looking for new adventures? They completely lost their fear. Came for a rematch? Or did their acquaintance with CREP “Khibiny” not bring obvious expectations?

90 launch missile silos with the ability to store and launch anti-aircraft missiles of any class - from ESSM light self-defense missiles (4 in each cell) to SM-3 space interceptors. In addition to missiles, universal mines can be used to place Tomahawks and anti-submarine missile torpedoes - in any combination, depending on the tasks ahead. The destroyer's air defense in the near zone is additionally provided by two rapid-firing anti-aircraft guns "Phalanx" (4000 rds / min) with guidance according to the data of the radars built into them. All weapons and systems are under the unified control of the Aegis (Aegis) combat information and control system, which provides automatic detection, tracking, selection and destruction of selected targets on water, under water and in the air, and also controls the operation of the power plant, navigation systems, communications , as well as means of combating the survivability of the ship. The automated robot ship is able to exchange information with its “colleagues” (today, the Aegis are installed on 84 cruisers and destroyers of the US Navy), distribute tasks and independently make decisions in a combat situation.

“Donald Cook is more than capable of defending himself against two Su-24s”

- said Colonel Stephen Warren of the Pentagon press service.

Radiance of pure energy

The power plant of the destroyer Arleigh Burke consists of four General Electric LM2500 gas turbines with a total capacity of 77 million watts (105 thousand hp), which allows the destroyer to reach speeds of over 30 knots (~ 55 km / h).

The Burks power supply system of the first sub-series consists of three Allison 501-K34 gas turbine generators (GTGS, Gas Turbine Generator Sets) with a capacity of 2.5 MW each, dispersed in three compartments (generator No. 1 - auxiliary machinery compartment, No. 2 - the second turbine compartment , No. 3 - a separate generator compartment), which allows for sufficient power generation to provide all ship consumers, including the Aegis CICS and its subsystems: first of all, advanced detection tools and weapons.

Three-phase electrical network, voltage 440 V, frequency 60 Hz.

Destroyers built at the beginning of the new century were equipped with new 3-megawatt generators. In the future, in the event of the appearance of a heavy-duty missile defense radar AMDR (sub-series 3 destroyers), one of the destroyer’s helicopter hangars will have to be converted to install an additional generator: the voltage in the network will increase to 4500 Volts, which will entail a significant number of technical problems related to electrical safety and nutrition of ordinary consumers.
The Su-24 front-line bomber (and its reconnaissance version Su-24MR) is equipped with two GT30P48B alternators with a power of 30 kW each (they generate current under voltage 200/115 V, frequency 400 Hz) and two GSR-ST-12/40a direct current generators power 12.5 kW (nominal voltage 28.5 V).
To convert the voltage of alternating current generators into a three-phase current with a nominal voltage of 36 volts and a frequency of 400 Hz, two power transformers are provided (three-phase current is necessary for the operation of sighting and navigation equipment).

AN/SPY-1 phased radar antenna (one of four). Peak radiation power 6 MW.

Electronic warfare station AN/SLQ-32, known in maritime jargon as "Slick-32". Included as standard on all American destroyers.

Container KREP "Khibiny" (L175V). Container length 4950 mm. Weight 300 kg. Power consumption 3.6 kW

Based on the above data, the well-known “elephant and pug” paradox arises.

"Cook" from afar spotted the approach of "drying", played combat alert and froze in combat posts. Everything was going well, the radars considered the course of rapprochement with the target, "Aegis" regularly controlled the guidance systems. And suddenly - bang! Everything went out. "Aegis" does not work, screens show haze, even "Phalanxes" can not get target designation! Meanwhile, the SU-24 passed over the deck of the Cook, made a combat turn and simulated a missile attack on the target. Of course, successful - because there is no opposition! Then he turned around and imitated another one. And so on - 10 more times! All attempts by technicians to revive the Aegis and give target designation for air defense failed, and only when the silhouette of the “drying” melted into a haze over the Russian coast did the screens come to life, and the guidance systems conscientiously showed a clear April sky shining with emptiness.

- From the popular article "Khibiny" against "Aegis", or What scared the Pentagon so much?

“Clap!” - good sound. But for some reason, ordinary logic suggests the opposite: to distinguish the impulses of the Khibiny against the background of the impulses of the SPY-1 radar and the destroyer's electronic warfare systems is like hearing the breath of a KamAZ driver through the roar of the engine.

Therefore, all the tales of “jamming”, “turning off” and any kind of “maddening” of the Aegis system radars with impulses that are three (!) orders of magnitude inferior in power are designed for victims of the USE and cannot be taken seriously.

It is not possible to “burn” or in any way damage the destroyer’s electronics with an electronic warfare container. To create an impulse of the required power, a nuclear charge equivalent to tens and even hundreds of kilotons of TNT would have to be blown up near the ship.

Finally, one must be aware that the Khibiny KREP is not an offensive, but a purely defensive weapon.

What can "Khibiny"

Aviation electronic countermeasure systems are considered an important element that increases the chances of aircraft survival in modern combat conditions. The principle of operation of the CREP is based on radio direction finding of the probing signal of the radiation source (enemy radar) with subsequent distortion of the parameters of the reflected signal in order to:

- delays in the detection of the carrier aircraft of the KREP as an object of attack for the enemy;
- masking the true object against the background of false ones;
- difficulties in measuring the distance to the object, its speed and angular position;
- deterioration of the characteristics of the tracking mode "on the way" when scanning the beam of the radar antenna;
- increase in time and difficulty in capturing an object when switching to continuous radio direction finding mode.

It is impossible to “knock out” the enemy’s radar with the help of the Khibiny CREP (such a task is not even set), but, acting on a local scale, it is quite possible to turn the “drying” into a “difficult target”, giving the pilots a few precious minutes to complete the task in the coverage area aviation and air defense of the enemy.

Now about how all this relates to the case of “Donald Cook”. The answer is no!

KREP "Khibiny" is not installed on Su-24 aircraft (silent scene). The complex is intended only for new Su-34 tactical bombers (mentioned containers L175V, delivery of 92 sets, according to the contract of the Ministry of Defense dated 01/14/2013). The version of this station KS-418E for the export Su-24MK and MK-2 did not go into series, last time he was seen at the stand of the MAKS air show in the mid-2000s.

For effective work"Khibiny" is not required to fly up close to the enemy's radar. The radiation power of the radar is inversely proportional to the fourth power of the distance. And if at a distance of 200 km there is still a chance to distort the signal and “deceive” the radar of the Aegis destroyer, then it will be extremely problematic to do this close: powerful signals will quickly reveal the true position of the bomber and nothing good awaits the pilots.

Taking into account all of the above, it becomes clear the price of all the talk about the outbreak of panic on board, and the voluntary disembarkation of 27 frightened crew members. The air show organized by a single Russian bomber undoubtedly remained a bright page in the memory of American sailors, but could not cause any serious consequences. "Donald Cook" continued to fulfill its tasks in the region. And, as we see, eight months later, without any special fears, he again returned to the Black Sea. American sailors (each, in accordance with their job responsibilities) are aware of the capabilities of their supership and know how invulnerable their destroyer is to attack by single aircraft.

The Aegis system is not perfect. But, when criticizing, it is necessary to understand that where the Aegis destroyer fails, the other ship will “throw back” even earlier. This is one of the best shipborne air defense systems, continuously evolving for 30 years. Any mockery here is inappropriate. As well as doubts about the combat capabilities of a robotic destroyer: contrary to the opinion of the victims of the Unified State Examination, electronics are the most reliable element of any system (an example is spacecraft, where they try to minimize the number of moving parts), the most resistant to strong vibrations and other unfavorable factors. Let's leave the tales of "powerful electromagnetic pulses" to the conscience of fans of nuclear weapons.

By the time the computers “flicker” and “go out”, all other ship systems (mechanics / hydraulics / electric drive) will have long been broken and disabled.

Attempts to find the source of the news about the flight of 27 sailors lead to the same Russian-language Internet resource. The Pentagon's official statement regarding this incident does not contain any meaningful information. The Americans only hint offendedly that it was impolite.

What was it?

Aircrew commanders of aircraft of each Party shall exercise the greatest caution and prudence when approaching aircraft of the other Party operating over the high seas and ships of the other Party operating on the high seas, in particular ships engaged in issuing or receiving aircraft, and in the interests of mutual security should not allow: imitation of attacks by simulating the use of weapons against aircraft, any ships, performing various aerobatic maneuvers over ships and dropping various objects near them in such a way that they pose a danger to ships or interfere with navigation.

- Article 4 of the Agreement between the governments of the USSR and the USA on the prevention of incidents on the high seas and in the airspace above it.

The incident with the 12 flybys of the Donald Cook can be seen as a combat maneuver to demonstrate their displeasure at the presence of an American ship in the Black Sea and to politely warn the Yankees against making any sudden movements in the context of the growing intra-Ukrainian conflict.

Reuters photo

Yesterday details of the incident in the Baltic Sea became known. According to the Pentagon, backed up by photo and video materials, Russian Su-24 bombers in the company of a Ka-27 carrier-based helicopter for two days, dangerously maneuvering at extremely low altitudes and periodically simulating attacks, made overflights of the American destroyer Donald Cook, taking part in maneuvers together with the Polish Naval Forces. The European command has already expressed deep concern about the "unprofessional maneuvers of Russian aircraft." Concerns about the incident were also expressed in the White House. At the same time, it is noted that attempts to contact the pilots in English and Russian were unsuccessful.

But the Russian Ministry of Defense promptly responded. The official representative of the military department, Major General Igor Konashenkov, made it clear that he was very surprised by the "painful reaction of American colleagues." According to him, flying around the neutral waters an American destroyer, the crews of Russian bombers acted with the utmost precaution. “Having found the ship in the zone of visual visibility,” the general specified, “the pilots turned away from it in compliance with all security measures.”

In general, between two great nuclear powers another exchange of pleasantries took place, characteristic of the coming ice age cold war. But if objectively, ours flew around the "Donald Cook" really famously, while the flight height was no more than 30 m. Once the Su-24 even passed below the ship's superstructures - so much so that excitement rose from jet streams, says an American observer.

With the arrival of Sergei Shoigu in the Ministry of Defense Russian aviation finally began to take to the air regularly, and after the annexation of the Crimea - no matter how this historical episode was treated! - some state will was also designated. By the way, the destroyer "Donald Cook" already had the opportunity to feel it on his metal skin.

AT Soviet times the American fleet very rarely - all cases can be counted on the fingers - dared to look into the Black Sea. But with the advent of independent Ukraine, it generally ceased to crawl out of these waters, which are very significant in the defense sense for Russia. First, there are more legal grounds for a permanent presence. Secondly, it was believed that Moscow did not have military arguments to seriously object.

At least the crew of the same destroyer "Donald Cook", which appeared exactly two years ago (April 10, 2014) in the neutral waters of the Black Sea, felt like the master of the situation. The latest combat information and control system "Aegis", which allows you to simultaneously track hundreds of targets, and almost a hundred Tomahawk cruise missiles in nuclear and conventional equipment, with a launch range of up to 2500 km - this was, of course, the strongest argument. Therefore, the appearance of the unarmed Su-24 at first did not make much of an impression. But exactly until the moment when the bomber crew turned on the Khibiny electronic warfare complex: the Donald Cook immediately became blind and deaf - in other words, it turned into a piece of floating iron with which you could do anything. And the Su-24 simulated 12 attacks and went back on course.

As it became known later, as a result of a meeting with the Russian Su-24, the entire crew of the Donald Cook was demoralized, and 27 American sailors immediately wrote reports for dismissal from the fleet. Naturally, Russia was immediately accused of "violating its own traditions and international treaties" from the banks of the Potomac. But what is noteworthy is that before all the insistent requests of Moscow “not to turn the Black Sea into another NATO test site”, the Americans did not react at all, but the Khibiny for some reason acted immediately ...

But the lessons, apparently, need to be reinforced. In response to the protests of the American side in connection with the latest incident in the Baltic, General Igor Konashenkov noted that the destroyer of the US Navy "Donald Cook" was, although in neutral waters, but still 70 km from the main naval base of the Baltic Fleet (g . Baltiysk) - that is, at the range of use of airborne weapons. And with a huge margin. So our reaction was not so unreasonable. In addition, “the principle of freedom of navigation of the US destroyer does not at all cancel the principle of freedom of aeronautics of Russian aircraft,” said an official representative of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

By the way, quite recently, in the same area, over the Baltic, our Su-27s had to drive away NATO fighters attached to the plane of Sergei Shoigu, on board of which was one of the nuclear buttons assigned to the minister of defense by position. Then everything worked out. Still, the military is better to stay away from each other. Nothing good is expected from international contacts with the use of ships and military aviation.

Reasons for the imperfection of domestic ATGMs

We still don't have anti-tank missiles third generation

Consider combat capabilities Mi-28N helicopter, which are determined by electronic filling. The effectiveness of reconnaissance and weapon control depends on it.
The adoption of any model should be accompanied by an assessment of its effectiveness and a comparison of combat capabilities with an analogue of the enemy. Let's try to make such a comparison in relation to the Mi-28N and AN-64 Apache.
The Mi-28N helicopter is designed to destroy ground and air targets. special attention deserves an analysis of the process of defeating armored vehicles with the help of Shturm-SM ATGMs. In this situation, the use of a missile laser beam guidance system is extremely dangerous, since the total time for a visual search for a ground target and missile control is much longer than the reaction time modern means military air defense of the enemy.
Reaction time refers to the time from helicopter detection to departure anti-aircraft missile from the launcher, which for a short-range anti-aircraft missile and gun complex is 4–10 s. The Mi-28N is most dangerous when firing at a distance of 6 km, which requires an increase in flight altitude to ensure reliable visual contact with the target. With the price of a helicopter equal to the price of three or four Abrams, the Shturm-SM missile in conditions foreign funds military air defense will not solve the problem of hitting targets, taking into account the criterion of effectiveness-cost
Taking into account the firing range of 6 km for the Shturm-SM missile, the time to complete a combat mission will always exceed the reaction time of military air defense, which will lead to the defeat of the Mi-28N. Taking into account that during the creation of the Shturm-SM missile, the option of defeating the M1A2 SEP tank equipped with SAZ was not worked out, it is difficult to believe that the Abrams were seriously effective in defeating them.
The main drawback of the Mi-28N is its outdated weapons, which are not capable of hitting targets without entering the enemy’s military air defense zone. These helicopters in the ranks of army aviation are unlikely to make a significant contribution to air support ground forces. This applies to all Mi helicopters with Shturm-SM missiles.
The avionics of the Apache Longbow helicopter and the homing head (GOS) of the Hellfire missiles were developed in conditions of a high level of development of electronic and other technologies. The Hellfire ATGM has been constantly upgraded and has gone from a second-generation missile (AGM-114A) with a semi-active laser seeker to a third-generation missile (AGM-114L) using a radar seeker. When creating the Longbow ATGM complex, a significant reduction in the time spent by a helicopter under aimed enemy fire when aiming missiles was pursued due to highly intelligent avionics and the ability to launch salvo missiles at a cluster of armored vehicles. “

A new ritual of meeting uninvited guests is a repeated flight by a combat aircraft of the Russian Air Force. A polite reminder of who is the boss on the Black Sea. Next time, another polite plane will arrive with polite missiles. The Black Sea is the Russian Sea. For centuries!

"The Su-24 bomber flew several times in close proximity to the US Navy destroyer Donald Cook, which entered the waters of the Black Sea on April 12. This is reported by Reuters with reference to Pentagon spokesman Colonel Steve Warren. According to him, the plane is at a low altitude made 12 passes over the "Donald Cook" at a time when she was in the northern part of the Black Sea.

In connection with the keen interest of the public in the topic of the Navy and, in particular, in the incident with the overflight of the American destroyer, I propose detailed overview the current situation with a description of the possibilities of both sides. What threat could the bomber and destroyer pose to each other? What is this "Cook" capable of, and what is the danger of its appearance on the very shores of Russia?

USS Donald Cook (DDG-75)

The Aegis guided missile destroyer is the 25th ship of the Orly Burke class. Belongs to the obsolete "sub-series II". Bookmark date - 1996, launching - 1997, acceptance into the fleet - 1998. this moment assigned to the naval base of Rota (Mediterranean coast of Spain).

The ship is small - 154 meters in length, the total displacement is about 9000 tons. Regular crew - 280 people. The cost of the destroyer is a billion dollars in 1996 prices.

Cook is famous for being the first to launch a missile at Iraq on a March night in 2003.

He really has a lot of missiles. 90 underdeck UVP Mk.41 cells, each of which can contain a Tomahawk tactical missile launcher, an ASROC-VL anti-submarine missile torpedo, an anti-aircraft missile defense system long range"Stenderd-2", short-range missiles ESSM (4 in one cell) or atmospheric interceptor SM-3 of the American missile defense system. It is possible to use obsolete self-defense missiles "SiSparrow". By the end of this decade, LRASM anti-ship munitions are promised to appear in launch cells.

Thus, a modest destroyer is capable of carrying the entire range missile weapons, which is in service with the US Navy (with the exception of ballistic missiles submarine-based). The number and type of missiles can vary in any proportion, increasing the number of strike or defensive weapons. The composition of the ammunition load is determined by the current task.

This is an extremely powerful and versatile ship, whose strike capabilities surpass those of any cruisers and destroyers in other countries. Even those who are much larger than Cook. There are no analogues to this ship in the Russian Navy yet.

However, do not overestimate the American destroyer. Its strike capabilities are great, but limited by the only format of warfare "fleet against coast". High-precision Tomahawk SLCMs are good for attacking the most important military and civilian infrastructure in the depths of enemy territory, but they cannot help the destroyer in sea combat (the BGM-109B TASM anti-ship version of the Tomahawk was decommissioned 10 years ago). Before the advent of promising LRASM, the only anti-ship weapon of the destroyer "Kuk" to date are 4 small-sized subsonic anti-ship missiles "Harpoon", located in the stern of the ship.

"Donald Cook" and the British complex supply ship RFA Wave Ruler

And yet, Orly Burke-class super destroyers were not designed to launch Tomahawks at those who disagree with White House policy. The main "chip" of these ships has always been the "Aegis" ("Aegis") - a combat information and control system that linked all the means of detection, communication, fire control and damage control of the ship into a single information space. In fact, the destroyer "Donald Cook" is a naval combat robot capable of making decisions and exchanging information with other similar ships without any participation of living people.

Such an intelligent and fast system was created to solve one, the most important and responsible task - to ensure efficient air defense connections. Powerful air defense platforms for protecting aircraft carriers and escorting convoys on the high seas.

Included with the "Aegis" is certainly a multifunctional radar AN / SPY-1. A masterpiece of the US electronics industry, capable of detecting missiles flying above the water itself and observing satellites in near-Earth orbits. This is the problem with SPY-1 - it turned out to be impossible to effectively solve such different tasks with the help of a single radar. And if there are no problems with the detection of spacecraft, then the ability of Aegis destroyers to repel attacks of anti-ship missiles looks frankly doubtful.

The Aegis + SPY-1 bundle looked like a very innovative solution for 1983, but by now this system is completely outdated. You can name at least five modern maritime systems that are superior to Aegis in the field of solving air defense problems.

As a result, the super destroyer "Cook" (like any of its 62 twins) was not able to perform the first of its tasks.

And the only terrible trophy of the Aegis system in all 30 years of its operation was an IranAir passenger airliner, which the CICS erroneously identified as an F-14 fighter.

With such an "outstanding" air defense system, the American Aegis destroyers are hardly worth entering the Black Sea at all. Where the entire water area is shot through by coastal missile systems and coastal aviation, capable of "slamming" an American tin can with one blow. A lone American ship is not serious.

A major drawback of the destroyer "Cook", as well as all representatives of the sub-series I-II, is the inability to permanently base the helicopter. The ship has only a stern landing site and a limited supply of aviation fuel. The absence of a helicopter reduces the destroyer's anti-submarine capabilities and limits its functionality.

Is it really an explosion on board the destroyer?
Alas, just a rocket launch from the aft UVP


"Cook" passes the Bosphorus

Surely, many regretted that the destroyer was flown not by the snow-white Tu-22M missile carrier and not the latest Su-34 bomber, but only by the modest 24th Sukharik. A front-line bomber with a variable sweep wing, put into service in the distant 70s. However, even this was more than enough. The Pentagon press service erupted with angry accusations of provocation and "unprofessional actions" by Russian pilots. The Russian public also reacted with a flurry of derisive and jocular comments in the style of "Yankee, go home!"

On Saturday, the fighter flew up to a distance of a thousand yards (about a kilometer) to the destroyer at an altitude of about 500 feet (150 meters). The fighter had no weapons. The ship's commander issued several radio warnings. The maneuvers ended without any incident.

In general, it is worth recognizing that this episode with military point vision makes no sense. Su-24 is not a German dive bomber "Stuka". He doesn't need to approach the target at a distance of a thousand yards. Outside the twenty-first century. Epoch precision weapons. The main method of warfare has become remote, in which the weapons operator does not see the enemy in person.

Rapprochement with an opponent's warship in PEACE also does not give any reason to discuss the current situation. The incident took place in neutral waters, where everyone is free to be where he pleases. Another thing is that an American destroyer arrived in the Black Sea - the sphere of Russia's primordial interests, where the appearance of strangers is not welcome and is even specially limited by the Montreux Convention.

The Russian bomber "passed" the American ship at low level 12 times. And this is also a sign.

The only countermeasure that could be used by the Aegis destroyer was to shoot down the aircraft. Like the mentioned Iranian airliner in 1988. Of course, it was categorically impossible to do this in this situation - I had to endure ridicule and, as if nothing had happened, take refuge in the territorial waters of Romania.

It is useless to look for any sense in the actions of the Su-24 crew from a military point of view. “Combat sortie”, “attack rehearsal”, “Su-24 revealed the position of an enemy ship” - this is not about him. Combat sorties are carried out according to a different scheme - detection from the greatest range, launch of missiles and immediate departure to low altitude, beyond the radio horizon of the ship. Where the SPY-1 radar can't see it. In combat conditions, “going breastfeeding” on Aegis missiles is a beautiful, but not the most prudent act

The twelvefold flyby of the Donald Cook was purely demonstrative. To moderate the bellicose fervor of the Pentagon, which sent the fifth warship to the region this year, apparently believing that the Black Sea has the right to be called African American. The Russian side needed to demonstrate its determination. To show the whole world that we are closely following the development of the situation in the Black Sea, and if necessary... However, our "partners" understood everything and retreated.

If necessary, even the Su-24, which is not too adapted for striking ships, has a lot of worthy “answers” ​​for the adversary. Of particular interest are the Kh-59 air-to-surface remote-controlled missiles and the Kh-58A missiles, which are guided by the radiation of shipborne radars (flight speed - Mach 3.6).

Alexander FEDOROV

Donald Cook belongs to the Arleigh Burke-class destroyers of the Flight II sub-series. The ship is named after Lieutenant marines USA Donald Cook, who in 1964 was taken prisoner during the Vietnam War. He held on courageously, but in December of that year he died of malaria. His body was buried in some unmarked grave and has not yet been found. He was posthumously awarded the Medal of Glory, the highest military award of the United States, and also promoted to captain and then to colonel.

The destroyer was built in Bath, Maine at the Bath Iron Works shipyard of General Dynamics Corporation. It was launched in July 1996 and commissioned by the US Navy in December. next year. Until January 31 of this year, Donald Cook was assigned to the naval base of Norfolk, Virginia. The total displacement of the ship is 8900 tons, length - 154 m, width - 20 meters. home power plant consists of four General Electric LM2500-30 gas turbine engines with a total capacity of 75 MW. It allows you to develop a 30-knot course. At 20 knots, the destroyer is capable of covering 4,400 miles. The crew consists of 281 people, of which 33 are officers.

The "highlight" of Donald Cook, as well as all other ships of the Arleigh Burke type, is undoubtedly the Aegis ("Aegis") automatic combat control system, which, receiving data from various shipborne detection tools, tracks space, air, surface and underwater targets, and also aims a weapon at them. "Eyes" Aegis - radar SPY-1D with four flat phased antenna arrays placed on the superstructure. They actively and passively monitor the environment at all heading angles simultaneously, that is, 360 °. Missile ammunition destroyer - 90 units (29 - in the bow vertical installations and 61 - in the stern). In the most different combinations they can accommodate RIM-156 SM-2 missiles, BGM-109 Tomahawk cruise missiles designed to strike coastal targets, or RUM-139 VL-Asroc anti-submarine missiles. Complementing this solid arsenal are two quadruple Harpoon anti-ship missile launchers, a versatile 127mm artillery mount Mk 45, two 25-mm machine guns for repelling terrorist attacks, two six-barreled 20-mm Phalanx mounts for close-range defense against air threats, two three-tube Mk 32 torpedo tubes for firing anti-submarine torpedoes. In the aft part of the ship there is a runway for the SH-60 Sea Hawk multi-purpose helicopter.

The destroyer Donald Cook participated in Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003. He was the leader of an Arleigh Burke-class destroyer strike force that launched Tomahawk cruise missiles into Iraqi territory.

After the May session of NATO in Chicago in 2012, where a decision was made on the practical implementation of the European missile defense system, Donald Cook underwent a re-equipment. Now it can receive SM-3 Block IA and SM-3 Block IB anti-missiles. The Aegis ASBU software has been updated so that the Aegis detects targets in near-Earth space with higher accuracy and directs interceptor warheads at them.

Back in 2008, the Aegis-SM-3 system became the first element of the American global missile defense system, which was recognized as combat-ready. Thanks to mobile ship platforms, it can be deployed in almost any area of ​​the world. There is a constant process of improving Aegis and anti-missiles so that they can hit targets with high accuracy not only in the initial post-launch phase, but also in the passive, as well as on approaching the strike object. By 2018 the number American ships ABM with Aegis-SM-3 is supposed to be brought up to 40 units. High efficiency ship system stimulated the creation on its basis ground complex ABM Aegis Ashore. Such complexes will be located in Romania and Poland. Anti-missiles will be guided by control radars in Turkey, and a missile defense command center is expected to be set up in Germany.

As is known, the global missile defense system, including its European component, is of serious concern to Moscow and Beijing, where it is not without reason that they believe that anti-missiles are intended not so much for the destruction of ballistic missiles from Iran and North Korea, but for the gradual devaluation nuclear missile potential Russia and China. “When the Americans begin the third stage of their anti-missile plans in Europe and the effectiveness of the use of our strategic nuclear forces is threatened, serious questions will arise regarding the adequate response of Russia,” said Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov. “According to the General Staff, this could happen as early as 2017.” Until 2017, there is nothing left. That is why the deployment of the destroyer Donald Cook to Europe is alarming and heightens concern. This ship will be followed by the American anti-missile destroyers Ross (DDG 71), Porter (DDG 78) and Carney (DDG 64) in Rota this year and next.

The military-political leadership of the United States, of course, understands that it is "rocking the boat." Therefore, from the transition of Donald Cook to Europe, it made a show designed to demonstrate to the Old World America's "support" for European allies. Before the ship was sent overseas, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear and Missile Policy Elaine Bunn arrived in Norfolk. Accompanied by commander naval forces in the Atlantic zone of Rear Admiral Peter Gumataotao, she visited the destroyer. “The Minister of Defense and the President commit to NATO partners that our contribution to the North Atlantic Alliance will include the redeployment of warships to Rota, as well as the deployment of the ground version of the Aegis system in Romania and Poland,” Mrs. Bunn pompously told the crew members.

In the same vein, Secretary of the Navy Ray Maybus spoke at the send-off of the destroyer to Rota on 31 January. “The United States has good historical ties with Spain,” he said, apparently forgetting that the entry of the United States into the club of great powers began as a result of the American-Spanish War of the late 19th century, when Washington annexed Cuba and the Philippines from Madrid. “The strength of that relationship is confirmed today as the first of four American destroyers leaves for the Spanish Company. The permanent deployment of four ships there will not even be a symbol of our presence in the right place at the right time, but always a presence. Right Cicero!

When Donald Cook arrived in Rota, Ray Maybus was already there. And again he began to convince the Spaniards and the whole world that the deployment of anti-missile ships of the US Navy is a blessing and a great favor of America to the Old World. He called the presence of anti-missile destroyers in European waters "a guarantee of security and stability." And the more often high-ranking American political and military figures talk about this, the louder the falsehood in their voices. Presumably they hear it themselves.

The company, located almost in the extreme south of the Iberian Peninsula, near Gibraltar, is the main base of the Spanish fleet and the base of the American (the US Navy calls such bases "stations"). It is capable of receiving warships and auxiliary vessels of all classes. The United States Navy settled there in 1964 when the Lafayette-class SSBN with Polaris SLBM 16 Squadron (SUBRON 16) arrived there. submarines US Navy. From Rota, they were sent on patrol to the Mediterranean Sea, from where their missiles could "get" Soviet Union. It was their appearance in this water area that initiated the creation of the 5th Mediterranean Squadron of the USSR Navy, the main task of which was to detect and destroy, in the event of a threat of war, American nuclear submarines with ballistic missiles.

In the early 70s of the last century, american boats more advanced and longer-range Poseidon SLBMs appeared, which further spurred the Soviet naval presence. At the same time, anti-American sentiments began to grow in Spain, whose citizens were increasingly aware that they had become hostages of Washington's nuclear strategy. After all, Rota was included in the shortlist of priority objects of destruction by Soviet missiles. Under pressure from the protests of the Spanish population, the government of the country asked the Americans to remove the SSBNs. As a result, the 16th squadron in 1979 was relocated to Kings Bay, Georgia.

View of the Rota base.

However, the station itself, whose emblem is an angry black bull in a circle of red field, symbolizing the arena, remained. It is understandable. The Americans call Rota "the gateway to the Mediterranean", which is of strategic importance. In addition to the ships that come there to replenish fuel, weapons and food supplies, as well as to rest the crews, there is an airfield on the territory of the base, where patrol, anti-submarine and reconnaissance aircraft of the US Navy and Air Force are located on a permanent and temporary basis.

Donald Cook approaches the south pier of Naval Base Roth.

The area of ​​the station is about 25 square meters. km, of which 2.7 sq. km falls on the airfield. It houses 426 service and storage buildings, as well as residential buildings. In total, there are about 4,000 military personnel, civilian specialists and members of their families in Rota. By the arrival of the destroyer Donald Cook, the station, commanded by Captain Greg Peccary, has renovated facilities to accommodate newcomers and their families, sailor and family clubs, and a fitness center. That is, created comfortable conditions for a long stay.

However, the Spanish pacifists take a different position. Since the early 1980s, they have been trying to close the US Navy base. The appearance of anti-missile destroyers in Rota will undoubtedly spur their efforts. After all, they understand that now the American station on their land will again be under attack. nuclear missiles. It is obvious to them that the bull in the arena is doomed to be slaughtered.

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