Types of air defense systems. Ship air defense. Elements of missile control systems

The fact that aviation became the main striking force at sea became clear by the end of the Second World War. Now the success of any naval operations began to be decided by aircraft carriers equipped with fighters and attack aircraft, which later became jet and missile-carrying. It was in the post-war period that the leadership of our country undertook unprecedented programs for the development of various weapons, among which were anti-aircraft missile systems. They were equipped with both ground units of the air defense forces and ships of the Navy. With the advent of anti-ship missiles and modern aviation, high-precision bombs and unmanned aerial vehicles, the relevance of naval air defense systems has increased many times over.

The first shipborne anti-aircraft missiles

The history of air defense systems of the Russian Navy began after the end of World War II. It was in the forties and fifties of the last century that the period when a fundamentally new type of weapon appeared - guided missiles. For the first time, such a weapon was developed in Nazi Germany, and its armed forces for the first time used it in combat. In addition to the "weapons of retaliation" - V-1 projectiles and V-2 ballistic missiles, the Germans created anti-aircraft guided missiles (SAM) "Wasserfall", "Reintochter", "Entzian", "Schmetterling" with a firing range of 18 to 50 km, which were used to repel the attacks of Allied bomber aircraft.

After the war, anti-aircraft missile systems were actively developed in the USA and the USSR. Moreover, in the United States, these works were carried out on the largest scale, as a result of which, by 1953, the army and air force of this country were armed with the Nike Ajax anti-aircraft missile system (SAM) with a firing range of 40 km. The fleet did not stand aside either - a ship-based Terrier air defense system with the same range was developed and put into service for it.

Equipping surface ships with anti-aircraft missiles was objectively caused by the appearance in the late 1940s of jet aircraft, which, due to high speeds and high altitude, became practically inaccessible to naval anti-aircraft artillery.

In the Soviet Union, the development of anti-aircraft missile systems was also considered one of the priorities, and since 1952, air defense units equipped with the first domestic S-25 Berkut missile system (in the west received the designation SA-1) were deployed around Moscow. But in general, Soviet air defense systems, which were based on fighter-interceptors and anti-aircraft artillery, could not stop the constant violations of the border by American reconnaissance aircraft. This situation continued until the end of the 1950s, when the first domestic mobile air defense system S-75 "Volkhov" (according to the Western classification SA-2) was put into service, the characteristics of which ensured the possibility of intercepting any aircraft of that time. Later, in 1961, the low-altitude S-125 Neva complex with a range of up to 20 km was adopted by the Soviet air defense forces.
It is from these systems that the history of domestic naval air defense systems begins, since in our country they began to be created precisely on the basis of complexes of the air defense forces and the ground forces. This decision was based on the idea of ​​ammunition unification. At the same time, as a rule, special naval air defense systems were created for ships abroad.

The first Soviet air defense system for surface ships was the M-2 Volkhov-M air defense system (SA-N-2), designed for installation on ships of the cruiser class and created on the basis of the S-75 anti-aircraft missile system of the air defense forces. Work on the "seasoning" of the complex was carried out under the leadership of the chief designer S.T. Zaitsev, the chief designer P.D. Grushin from the Fakel Design Bureau of Minaviaprom was engaged in anti-aircraft missiles. The air defense system turned out to be quite cumbersome: the radio command guidance system led to the large dimensions of the Corvette-Sevan antenna post, and the impressive size of the two-stage V-753 missile defense system with a sustainer liquid-propellant rocket engine (LRE) required an appropriately sized launcher (PU) and ammunition cellar. In addition, the missiles had to be refueled with fuel and oxidizer before launch, which is why the fire performance of the air defense system left much to be desired, and the ammunition was too small - only 10 missiles. All this led to the fact that the M-2 complex installed on the Dzerzhinsky experimental ship of project 70E remained in a single copy, although it was officially put into service in 1962. In the future, this air defense system on the cruiser was mothballed and was no longer used.

SAM M-1 "Wave"

Almost in parallel with the M-2, in the NII-10 of the Ministry of Shipbuilding Industry (NPO Altair), under the leadership of the chief designer I.A. C-125. The rocket for him was finalized by P.D. Grushin. A prototype air defense system was tested on the Bravy destroyer of project 56K. Fire performance (calculated) was 50 seconds. between volleys, the maximum firing range, depending on the height of the target, reached 12 ... 15 km. The complex consisted of a two-beam induced stabilized pedestal-type launcher ZiF-101 with a supply and loading system, a Yatagan control system, 16 V-600 anti-aircraft guided missiles in two below-deck drums and a set of routine control equipment. The V-600 rocket (code GRAU 4K90) was a two-stage and had a starting and marching powder engines (RDTT). The warhead (warhead) was supplied with a non-contact fuse and 4500 ready-made fragments. Guidance was carried out along the beam of the Yatagan radar station (radar), developed by NII-10. The antenna post had five antennas: two small missiles for rough targeting, one radio command antenna, and two large target tracking and fine guidance antennas. The complex was single-channel, that is, before the defeat of the first target, the processing of subsequent targets was impossible. In addition, there was a sharp decrease in pointing accuracy with increasing range to the target. But in general, the air defense system turned out to be quite good for its time, and after being put into service in 1962, it was installed on mass-produced large anti-submarine ships (BPK) of the Komsomolets Ukraine type (projects 61, 61M, 61MP, 61ME), missile cruisers (RKR ) of the Grozny (project 58) and Admiral Zozulya (project 1134) types, as well as on the upgraded destroyers of projects 56K, 56A and 57A.

Later, in 1965-68, the M-1 complex underwent modernization, receiving a new V-601 missile with an increased firing range of up to 22 km, and in 1976 another one, called Volna-P, with an improved noise immunity. In 1980, when the problem of protecting ships from low-flying anti-ship missiles arose, the complex was modernized again, giving the name Volna-N (V-601M missile). An improved control system ensured the defeat of low-flying targets, as well as surface targets. Thus, the M-1 air defense system gradually turned into a universal complex (UZRK). According to the main characteristics and combat effectiveness, the Volna complex was similar to the US Navy Tartar air defense system, somewhat losing to its latest modifications in the firing range.

At present, the Volna-P complex has remained on the only BOD of project 61 "Sharp-witted" of the Black Sea Fleet, which in 1987-95 was modernized according to project 01090 with the installation of the Uran SCRC and reclassified to TFR.

Here it is worth making a small digression and saying that initially naval air defense systems in the Soviet Navy did not have a strict classification. But by the 1960s of the last century, work was widely launched in the country to design a variety of air defense systems for surface ships, and as a result, it was decided to classify them according to their firing range: over 90 km - they began to be called long-range systems (ADMS DD), up to 60 km - medium-range air defense systems (SD air defense systems), from 20 to 30 km - short-range air defense systems (BD air defense systems) and complexes with a range of up to 20 km belonged to self-defense air defense systems (SO air defense systems).

SAM "Osa-M"

The first Soviet naval self-defense air defense system Osa-M (SA-N-4) was started by development at NII-20 in 1960. And initially it was created in two versions at once - for the army ("Wasp") and for the Navy, and was intended both to destroy air and sea targets (MTs) at a distance of up to 9 km. V.P. Efremov was appointed chief designer. Initially, it was supposed to equip the missile defense system with a homing head, but at that time it was very difficult to implement such a method, and the rocket itself was too expensive, so in the end a radio command control system was chosen. The Osa-M air defense system was completely unified in terms of the 9MZZ missile with the Osa combined arms complex, and in terms of the control system - by 70%. A single-stage with a dual-mode solid propellant rocket engine was made according to the "duck" aerodynamic scheme, the warhead (warhead) was equipped with a radio fuse. A distinctive feature of this marine air defense system was the placement on a single antenna post, in addition to target tracking stations and command transmission, also its own 4R33 airborne target detection radar with a range of 25 ... 50 km (depending on the height of the CC). Thus, the air defense system had the ability to independently detect targets and then destroy them, which reduced the reaction time. The complex included the original ZiF-122 launcher: in the non-working position, two starting guides were retracted into a special cylindrical cellar (“glass”), where the ammunition load was also placed. When moving into a combat position, the launch guides rose up along with two missiles. The missiles were placed in four rotating drums, 5 in each.

The tests of the complex were carried out in 1967 on the project 33 pilot ship OS-24, which was converted from the Voroshilov light cruiser of the pre-war project 26-bis. Then the Osa-M air defense system was tested on the lead ship of project 1124 - MPK-147 until 1971. After numerous refinements in 1973, the complex was adopted by the Soviet Navy. Due to its high performance and ease of use, the Osa-M air defense system has become one of the most popular shipborne air defense systems. It was installed not only on large surface ships, such as aircraft-carrying cruisers of the Kyiv type (project 1143), large anti-submarine ships of the Nikolaev type (project 1134B), patrol ships (SKR) of the Vigilant type (project 1135 and 1135M), but also on ships of small displacement, these are the already mentioned small anti-submarine ships of project 1124, small missile ships (RTOs) of project 1234 and an experimental RTO on hydrofoils of project 1240. In addition, the artillery cruisers Zhdanov and Zhdanov were equipped with the Osa-M complex "Admiral Senyavin", converted into control cruisers under projects 68U1 and 68-U2, large landing ships (BDK) of the Ivan Rogov type (project 1174) and the Berezina integrated supply ship (project 1833).

In 1975, work began on upgrading the complex to the Osa-MA level with a decrease in the minimum target engagement height from 50 to 25 m. ships under construction: Slava-class missile cruisers (projects 1164 and 11641), Kirov-class nuclear missile cruisers (project 1144), Menzhinsky-class border guard ships (project 11351), project 11661K TFR, project 1124M MPK and missile ships with project 1239 skegs. And in the early 1980s, the second modernization was carried out and the complex, which received the designation Osa-MA-2, became capable of hitting low-flying targets at altitudes of 5 m. According to its characteristics, the Osa-M air defense system can compare with the French ship complex "Crotale Naval", developed in 1978 and put into service a year later. "Crotale Naval" has a lighter missile and is made on a single launcher along with a guidance station, but does not have its own target detection radar. At the same time, the Osa-M air defense system was significantly inferior to the American Sea Sparrow in terms of range and fire performance and the multi-channel English Sea Wolf.

Now the Osa-MA and Osa-MA-2 air defense systems remain in service with the missile cruisers Marshal Ustinov, Varyag and Moskva (projects 1164, 11641), BOD Kerch and Ochakov (project 1134B). ), four TFRs of projects 1135, 11352 and 1135M, two missile ships of the Bora type (project 1239), thirteen RTOs of projects 1134, 11341 and 11347, two TFRs "Gepard" (project 11661K) and twenty MPKs of projects 1124, 1124M and 1124MU .

SAM M-11 "Storm"

In 1961, even before the completion of tests of the Volna air defense system, the development of the M-11 Shtorm universal air defense system (SA-N-3) was started at the NII-10 MSP under the leadership of the chief designer G.N. Volgin, especially for the Navy. As in previous cases, P.D. Grushin was the chief designer of the rocket. It is worth noting that this was preceded by work begun back in 1959, when an air defense system was created under the designation M-11 for a specialized air defense ship of project 1126, but they were never completed. The new complex was intended to destroy high-speed air targets at all (including ultra-low) altitudes at a distance of up to 30 km. At the same time, its main elements were similar to the Volna air defense system, but had increased dimensions. Shooting could be carried out in a volley of two missiles, the estimated interval between launches was 50 seconds. The two-beam stabilized pedestal-type launcher B-189 was made with an under-deck ammunition storage and supply device in the form of two tiers of four drums with six missiles each. Subsequently, B-187 launchers of a similar design, but with a single-tier storage of missiles, and B-187A with a conveyor for 40 missiles were created. The single-stage ZUR V-611 (GRAU index 4K60) had a solid propellant rocket engine, a powerful fragmentation warhead weighing 150 kg and a proximity fuse. The Thunder radio command fire control system included a 4Р60 antenna post with two pairs of parabolic target tracking and missile antennas and antenna command transmission. In addition, the upgraded Grom-M control system, created specifically for the BOD, also made it possible to control missiles of the Metel anti-submarine complex.

The tests of the Shtorm air defense system took place on the OS-24 experimental ship, after which it entered service in 1969. Due to the powerful warhead, the M-11 complex effectively hit not only air targets with a miss of up to 40 m, but also small ships and boats in the near zone. A powerful control radar made it possible to steadily track small targets at ultra-low altitudes and direct missiles at them. But for all its merits, the Storm turned out to be the heaviest air defense system and could only be placed on ships with a displacement of more than 5500 tons. They were equipped with the Soviet anti-submarine cruisers-helicopter carriers Moskva and Leningrad (project 1123), aircraft-carrying cruisers of the Kyiv type (project 1143) and large anti-submarine ships of projects 1134A and 1134B.

In 1972, the modernized Shtorm-M air defense missile system was adopted, which had a lower boundary of the kill zone of less than 100 m and could fire at maneuvering ATs, including in pursuit. Later, in 1980-1986, another upgrade took place to the Shtorm-N level (V-611M missile) with the ability to fire at low-flying anti-ship missiles (ASMs), but before the collapse of the USSR, it was installed only on some BOD project 1134B.

In general, the M-11 "Storm" air defense system was at the level of its foreign counterparts developed in the same years - the American "Terrier" air defense system and the English "Sea Slag" air defense system, but was inferior to the complexes put into service in the late 1960s - early 1970s s, since they had a longer firing range, smaller weight and size characteristics and a semi-active guidance system.

To date, the Storm air defense system has been preserved on two Black Sea BODs - Kerch and Ochakov (project 1134B), which are still officially in service.

ZRK S-300F "Fort"

The first Soviet multi-channel long-range air defense system, designated S-300F "Fort" (SA-N-6), has been developed at the Altair Research Institute (formerly NII-10 MSP) since 1969 in accordance with the adopted program for creating air defense systems with a firing range of up to 75 km for the Air Defense Forces and the Navy of the USSR. The fact is that by the end of the 1960s, more effective types of missile weapons appeared in the leading Western countries and the desire to increase the firing range of the air defense system was caused by the need to destroy anti-ship missile carrier aircraft before they used these weapons, as well as the desire to ensure the possibility of collective air defense of the formation ships. The new anti-ship missiles became high-speed, maneuverable, had low radar visibility and increased warhead damage, so the existing ship-based air defense systems could no longer provide reliable protection, especially with their massive use. As a result, in addition to increasing the firing range, the task of sharply increasing the fire performance of air defense systems also came to the fore.

As has happened more than once before, the Fort ship complex was created on the basis of the S-300 air defense system of the air defense forces and had a single-stage V-500R missile (index 5V55RM) largely unified with it. The development of both complexes was carried out almost in parallel, which predetermined their similar characteristics and purpose: the destruction of high-speed, maneuverable and small-sized targets (in particular, the Tomahawk and Harpoon anti-ship missiles) in all altitude ranges from ultra-low (less than 25 m) to the practical ceiling of all types of aircraft, the destruction of aircraft carriers of anti-ship missiles and jammers. For the first time in the world, an air defense system implemented a vertical launch of missiles from transport and launch containers (TPK) located in vertical launch installations (VLA), and an anti-jamming multi-channel control system, which was supposed to simultaneously track up to 12 and fire up to 6 air targets. In addition, the use of missiles was also ensured for the effective destruction of surface targets within the radio horizon, which was achieved through a powerful warhead weighing 130 kg. For the complex, a multifunctional radar for illumination and guidance with a phased antenna array (PAR) was developed, which, in addition to guiding missiles, also provided an independent search for CC (in the 90x90 degree sector). A combined missile guidance method was adopted in the control system: it was carried out according to commands, for the development of which data were used from the radar of the complex, and already in the final section - from the semi-active onboard radio direction finder of the missile. Due to the use of new fuel components in solid propellant rocket engines, it was possible to create a missile defense system with a lower launch weight than that of the Storm complex, but at the same time, an almost three times greater firing range. Thanks to the use of UVP, the estimated interval between missile launches was brought up to 3 seconds. and reduce preparation time for firing. TPKs with missiles were placed in under-deck drum-type launchers with eight missiles each. According to the tactical and technical specifications, to reduce the number of holes in the deck, each drum had one launch hatch. After the launch and departure of the rocket, the drum automatically turned and brought the next rocket to the start line. Such a "revolving" scheme led to the fact that the UVP turned out to be very overweight and began to occupy a large volume.

Tests of the Fort complex were carried out at the Azov BOD, which was completed in 1975 according to project 1134BF. Six drums were placed on it as part of the B-203 launcher for 48 missiles. During the tests, difficulties were revealed with the development of software programs and with fine-tuning the equipment of the complex, the characteristics of which initially did not reach the specified ones, so the tests dragged on. This led to the fact that the still unfinished Fort air defense system began to be installed on mass-produced missile cruisers of the Kirov type (project 1144) and the Slava type (project 1164), and it was already being fine-tuned during operation. At the same time, project 1144 nuclear missile launchers received a B-203A launcher of 12 drums (96 missiles), and project 1164 gas turbines received a B-204 launcher of 8 drums (64 missiles). Officially, the Fort air defense system was put into service only in 1983.

Some unsuccessful decisions during the creation of the S-300F Fort complex led to the large dimensions and mass of its control system and launchers, which made it possible to place this air defense system only on ships with a standard displacement of more than 6500 tons. In the United States, at about the same time, the Aegis multifunctional system was created with Standard 2 and then Standard 3 missiles, where, with similar characteristics, more successful solutions were applied that significantly increased the prevalence, especially after the appearance in 1987 UVP Mk41 honeycomb type. And now the Aegis ship-based system is in service with ships from the United States, Canada, Germany, Japan, Korea, the Netherlands, Spain, Taiwan, Australia and Denmark.

By the end of the 1980s, a new 48N6 rocket developed at the Fakel Design Bureau was developed for the Fort complex. It was unified with the S-300PM air defense system and had a firing range increased to 120 km. New missiles were equipped with atomic missiles of the Kirov type, starting with the third ship of the series. True, the control system available on them allowed a firing range of only 93 km. Also in the 1990s, the Fort complex was offered to foreign customers in an export version under the name Reef. Now, in addition to the nuclear-powered RKP "Peter the Great" pr.11422 (the fourth ship in the series), the Fort air defense system remains in service with the missile cruisers Marshal Ustinov, Varyag and Moskva (projects 1164, 11641).

Later, a modernized version of the air defense system was developed, called "Fort-M", which has a lighter antenna post and a control system that implements the maximum range of the missiles. Its only copy, put into service in 2007, was installed on the aforementioned atomic missile launcher "Peter the Great" (together with the "old" "Fort"). The export version of "Forta-M" under the designation "Rif-M" was delivered to China, where it entered service with the Chinese destroyers URO Project 051C "Luzhou".

SAM M-22 "Hurricane"

Almost simultaneously with the Fort complex, the development of the M-22 Hurricane (SA-N-7) short-range air defense system with a firing range of up to 25 km began. The design has been carried out since 1972 at the same Research Institute "Altair", but under the leadership of the chief designer G.N. Volgin. By tradition, the complex used missiles, unified with the army air defense system "Buk" of the ground forces, created in the Novator design bureau (chief designer L.V. Lyulyev). SAM "Hurricane" was intended to destroy a wide variety of air targets, both at ultra-low and at high altitudes, flying from different directions. For this, the complex was created on a modular basis, which made it possible to have the required number of guidance channels on the carrier ship (up to 12) and increased combat survivability and ease of technical operation. Initially, it was assumed that the Hurricane air defense system would be installed not only on new ships, but also to replace the obsolete Volna complex during the modernization of old ones. The fundamental difference between the new air defense system was its control system "Nut" with semi-active guidance, in which there were no own means of detection, and the primary information about the CC came from the ship's radar. The guidance of the missiles was carried out with the help of radar searchlights for illuminating the target, the number of which depended on the channeling of the complex. A feature of this method was that the launch of missiles was possible only after the target was captured by the missile's homing head. Therefore, the complex used a single-beam induced launcher MS-196, which, among other things, reduced the reloading time compared to the Volna and Storm air defense systems, the estimated interval between launches was 12 seconds. Underdeck cellar with a storage and supply device contained 24 missiles. The 9M38 single-stage rocket had a dual-mode solid propellant rocket engine and a high-explosive fragmentation warhead weighing 70 kg, which used a non-contact radio fuse for air targets and a contact one for surface targets.

The tests of the Uragan complex took place in 1976-82 at the Provorny BOD, which had previously been converted according to project 61E with the installation of a new air defense system and the Fregat radar. In 1983, the complex was put into service and it began to be installed on destroyers of the Sovremenny type (project 956) under construction in a series. But the conversion of large anti-submarine ships of project 61 was not implemented, mainly due to the high cost of modernization. By the time it was put into service, the complex received a modernized 9M38M1 missile, unified with the Buk-M1 army air defense system.

In the late 1990s, Russia signed a contract with China for the construction of project 956E destroyers for it, on which there was an export version of the M-22 complex, called "Shtil". From 1999 to 2005, two Project 956E ships and two more Project 956EM ships armed with the Shtil air defense system were delivered to the Chinese Navy. Also, Chinese destroyers of their own construction, pr.052B Guangzhou, were equipped with this air defense system. In addition, the Shtil air defense system was delivered to India along with six Russian-built frigates pr.11356 (Talwar type), as well as for arming Indian destroyers of the Delhi type (project 15) and Shivalik-class frigates (project 17) . To date, only 6 destroyers of projects 956 and 956A have remained in the Russian Navy, on which the M-22 Uragan air defense system is installed.

By 1990, an even more advanced missile, 9M317, was created and tested for the Uragan ship air defense system and the Buk-M2 army air defense system. She could shoot down cruise missiles more effectively and had a firing range increased to 45 km. By that time, guided beam launchers had become an anachronism, since both in our country and abroad we had complexes with vertical missile launch for a long time. In this regard, work began on the new Uragan-Tornado air defense system with an improved 9M317M vertical launch missile equipped with a new homing head, a new solid propellant rocket engine and a gas-dynamic system for tilting towards the target after launch. This complex was supposed to have a UVP 3S90 of a cellular type, and it was planned to carry out tests on the Ochakov BOD of project 1134B. However, the economic crisis in the country that erupted after the collapse of the USSR crossed out these plans.

Nevertheless, a large technical reserve remained at the Altair Research Institute, which made it possible to continue work on a complex with a vertical launch for export deliveries called Shtil-1. For the first time the complex was presented at the Euronaval-2004 maritime show. Like the Uragan, the complex does not have its own detection station and receives target designation from the ship's three-coordinate radar. The improved fire control system includes, in addition to target illumination stations, a new computer system and optoelectronic sights. The 3S90 modular launcher can accommodate 12 TPKs with 9M317ME missiles ready for launch. Vertical launch significantly increased the fire performance of the complex - the rate of fire increased by 6 times (the interval between launches is 2 seconds).

According to calculations, when replacing the Hurricane complex with Shtil-1 on ships, 3 launchers with a total ammunition capacity of 36 missiles are placed in the same dimensions. Now the new Hurricane-Tornado air defense system is planned to be installed on serial Russian frigates of project 11356R.

SAM "Dagger"

By the beginning of the 80s of the last century, the Harpoon and Exocet anti-ship missiles began to enter the arsenal of the fleets of the United States and NATO countries in massive quantities. This forced the leadership of the USSR Navy to decide on the speedy creation of a new generation of self-defense air defense systems. The design of such a multi-channel complex with high fire performance, called the "Dagger" (SA-N-9), began in 1975 at the NPO Altair under the leadership of S.A. Fadeev. The 9M330-2 anti-aircraft missile was developed at the Fakel Design Bureau under the leadership of P.D. Grushin and was unified with the self-propelled air defense system "Tor" of the ground forces, which was created almost simultaneously with the "Dagger". When developing the complex, in order to obtain high performance, the basic circuit solutions of the Fort ship long-range air defense system were used: a multi-channel radar with a phased antenna array with electronic beam control, a vertical launch of a missile defense system from a TPK, a revolver-type launcher for 8 missiles. And to increase the autonomy of the complex, similarly to the Osa-M air defense system, the control system included its own all-round radar, located on a single 3R95 antenna post. The air defense system used a radio command guidance system for missiles, which was distinguished by high accuracy. In a spatial sector of 60x60 degrees, the complex is capable of simultaneously firing 4 ATs with 8 missiles. To improve noise immunity, a television-optical tracking system was included in the antenna post. The 9M330-2 single-stage anti-aircraft missile has a dual-mode solid propellant rocket engine and is equipped with a gas-dynamic system, which, after a vertical launch, inclines the missile defense system towards the target. The estimated interval between launches is only 3 seconds. The complex may include 3-4 drum launchers 9S95.

Tests of the Kinzhal air defense system have been carried out since 1982 on a small anti-submarine ship MPK-104, completed according to project 1124K. The significant complexity of the complex led to the fact that its development was greatly delayed, and only by 1986 it was put into service. As a result, some of the ships of the USSR Navy, on which the Kinzhal air defense system was to be installed, did not receive it. This, for example, applies to the Udaloy-type BOD (project 1155) - the first ships of this project were handed over to the fleet without air defense systems, the subsequent ones were equipped with only one complex, and only on the last ships were both air defense systems installed in full. The aircraft-carrying cruiser Novorossiysk (project 11433) and the nuclear missile launchers Frunze and Kalinin (project 11442) did not receive the Kinzhal air defense system, they only reserved the necessary seats. In addition to the aforementioned project 1155 BODs, the Kinzhal complex was also adopted by the Admiral Chabanenko BOD (project 11551), the aircraft-carrying cruisers Baku (project 11434) and Tbilisi (project 11445), the nuclear-powered missile cruiser Peter the Great (project 11442), Fearless-class patrol ships (project 11540). In addition, it was planned to be installed on aircraft carriers of projects 11436 and 11437, which were never completed. Despite the fact that initially in the terms of reference for the complex it was required to meet the weight and size characteristics of the Osa-M self-defense air defense system, this was not achieved. This affected the prevalence of the complex, since it could only be placed on ships with a displacement of more than 1000 ... 1200 tons.

If we compare the Kinzhal air defense system with foreign analogues of the same time, for example, the Sea Sparrow complexes of the US Navy or Sea Wolf 2 of the British Navy modified for UVP, we can see that in terms of its main characteristics it is inferior to the first, and with the second it is on the same level.

Now the following ships carrying the Kinzhal air defense system are in service with the Russian Navy: 8 BODs of projects 1155 and 11551, the nuclear-powered missile defense system Peter the Great (project 11442), the Kuznetsov aircraft-carrying cruiser (project 11435) and two TFRs of project 11540. Also this a complex called "Blade" was offered to foreign customers.

SAM "Polyment-Redut"

In the 1990s, to replace the modifications of the S-300 air defense system in the air defense forces, work began on the new S-400 Triumph system. The Almaz Central Design Bureau became the lead developer, and the rockets were created at the Fakel Design Bureau. A feature of the new air defense system was to be that it could use all types of anti-aircraft missiles of previous modifications of the S-300, as well as new 9M96 and 9M96M missiles of reduced dimensions with a range of up to 50 km. The latter have a fundamentally new warhead with a controlled destruction field, can use the super-maneuverability mode and are equipped with an active radar homing head in the final section of the trajectory. They are capable of destroying all existing and future aerodynamic and ballistic air targets with high efficiency. Later, on the basis of 9M96 missiles, it was decided to create a separate air defense system, called the Vityaz, which was facilitated by the research and development work of NPO Almaz to design a promising air defense system for South Korea. For the first time, the S-350 Vityaz complex was demonstrated at the Moscow air show MAKS-2013.

In parallel, on the basis of the land-based air defense system, the development of a ship-based version, now known as the Poliment-Redut, using the same missiles, began. Initially, this complex was planned to be installed on the new generation patrol ship Novik (project 12441), which began construction in 1997. However, the complex did not hit him. For many subjective reasons, the Novik TFR was actually left without most of the combat systems, the completion of which was not completed, it stood at the factory wall for a long time, and in the future it was decided to complete it as a training ship.

A few years ago, the situation changed significantly and the development of a promising ship-based air defense system went in full swing. In connection with the construction in Russia of new corvettes pr.20380 and frigates pr.22350, the Polyment-Redut complex was determined to equip them. It should include three types of missiles: long-range 9M96D, medium-range 9M96E and short-range 9M100. The missiles in the TPK are placed in the cells of the vertical launch installation in such a way that the composition of weapons can be combined in different proportions. One cell holds 1, 4 or 8 missiles, respectively, while each UVP can have 4, 8 or 12 such cells.
For target designation, the Poliment-Redut air defense system includes a station with four fixed headlamps that provide all-round visibility. It was reported that the fire control system ensures the simultaneous firing of 32 missiles at up to 16 air targets - 4 targets for each PAR. In addition, its own three-coordinate shipborne radar can serve as a direct means of target designation.

The vertical launch of rockets is carried out in a "cold way" - with the help of compressed air. When the rocket reaches a height of about 10 meters, the main engine is turned on, and the gas-dynamic system turns the rocket towards the target. The 9M96D/E missile guidance system is a combined inertial one with radio correction in the middle section, and active radar in the final section of the trajectory. The 9M100 short-range missiles have an infrared homing head. Thus, the complex combines the capabilities of three air defense systems of different ranges at once, which ensures the separation of the ship's air defense using a significantly smaller amount of means. High fire performance and guidance accuracy with a directional warhead puts the Poliment-Redut complex among the first in the world in terms of effectiveness against both aerodynamic and ballistic targets.

Currently, the Polyment-Redut air defense system is being installed on project 20380 corvettes under construction (starting with the second ship, the Smart One) and Gorshkov-class frigates, project 22350. In the future, it will obviously be installed on promising Russian destroyers.

Combined missile and artillery air defense systems

In addition to air defense missile systems in the USSR, work was also carried out on combined missile and artillery systems. So, by the beginning of the 1980s, the Tula Instrument Design Bureau for the Ground Forces created the 2S6 Tunguska self-propelled anti-aircraft gun, armed with 30-mm machine guns and two-stage anti-aircraft missiles. It was the world's first serial anti-aircraft missile and artillery system (ZRAK). It was on its basis that it was decided to develop a shipborne anti-aircraft complex of the near boundary, which could effectively destroy the ATs (including anti-ship missiles) in the dead zone of the air defense system and would replace small-caliber anti-aircraft guns. The development of the complex, which received the designation 3M87 "Kortik" (CADS-N-1), was entrusted to the same Instrument Design Bureau, the leadership was carried out by the general designer A.G. Shipunov. The complex included a control module with radar for detecting low-flying targets and from 1 to 6 combat modules. Each combat module was made in the form of a tower platform of circular rotation, which housed: two 30-mm AO-18 assault rifles with a rotating block of 6 barrels, magazines for 30-mm cartridges with linkless feed, two package launchers of 4 missiles in containers, target tracking radar, missile guidance station, television-optical system, instrumentation. The turret compartment housed additional ammunition for 24 missiles. The 9M311 two-stage anti-aircraft missile (western designation SA-N-11) with radio command guidance had a solid propellant rocket engine and a fragmentation-rod warhead. It was completely unified with the Tunguska land complex. The complex was capable of hitting small-sized maneuvering air targets at ranges from 8 to 1.5 km and then sequentially firing them with 30-mm machine guns. Since 1983, the development of the Kortik air defense system has been carried out on a Molniya-type missile boat specially converted according to project 12417. Conducted tests with live firing showed that within one minute the complex is capable of sequentially firing up to 6 air targets. At the same time, for target designation, a radar of the “Positive” type or a similar radar of the “Dagger” complex was required.

In 1988, the Kortik was officially adopted by the ships of the Soviet Navy. It was installed on aircraft-carrying cruisers of projects 11435, 11436, 11437 (the last two were never completed), on the last two nuclear missiles of project 11442, one BOD of project 11551 and two TFRs of project 11540. Although it was originally planned to also replace the AK-630 artillery mounts with this complex on other ships, this was not done due to the more than doubled dimensions of the combat module.

By the time the Kortik complex appeared in the USSR Navy, there were no direct foreign analogues to it. In other countries, as a rule, artillery and rocket systems were created separately. In terms of the missile part, the Soviet ZRAK can be compared with the RAM self-defense air defense system, which was put into service in 1987 (jointly developed by Germany, the USA and Denmark). The Western complex has several times superiority in fire performance, and its missiles are equipped with combined homing heads.

To date, the Kortiki have remained on only five ships of the Russian Navy: the aircraft-carrying cruiser Kuznetsov, the missile cruiser Peter the Great, the large anti-submarine ship Admiral Chabanenko, and two Neustrashimy-class patrol ships. In addition, in 2007, the newest Steregushchiy corvette (project 20380) entered the fleet, on which the Kortik complex was also installed, moreover, in a modernized lightweight version of the Kortik-M. Apparently, the modernization consisted in replacing the instrumentation with a new one using a modern element base.

Starting from the 1990s, the Kortik ZRAK was offered for export under the name Chestnut. Currently, it has been delivered to China along with project 956EM destroyers and to India with project 11356 frigates.
By 1994, the production of ZRAK "Kortik" was completely discontinued. However, in the same year, the Central Research Institute "Tochmash", together with the Design Bureau "Amethyst", began the development of a new complex, which received the designation 3M89 "Broadsword" (CADS-N-2). When it was created, the main circuit solutions of the Dirk were used. The fundamental difference is a new noise-proof control system based on a small-sized digital computer and an optical-electronic guidance station "Shar" with television, thermal imaging and laser channels. Target designation can be carried out from shipborne detection tools. The combat module A-289 includes two improved 30-mm 6-barreled AO-18KD assault rifles, two package launchers for 4 missiles each and a guidance station. Anti-aircraft missile 9M337 "Sosna-R" - two-stage, with a solid propellant engine. Aiming at the target in the initial section is carried out by a radio beam, and then by a laser beam. Ground tests of the Broadsword ZRAK took place in Feodosia, and in 2005 it was installed on a Molniya-type R-60 missile boat (project 12411). The development of the complex continued intermittently until 2007, after which it was officially put into service for trial operation. True, only the artillery part of the combat module passed the test, and it was supposed to equip it with Sosna-R anti-aircraft missiles as part of the Palma export version, which was offered to foreign customers. In the future, work on this topic was curtailed, the combat module was removed from the boat, and the attention of the fleet was switched to the new ZRAK.

The new complex, called "Palitsa", is being developed by the Design Bureau of Instrument Engineering on an initiative basis on the basis of missiles and the instrumental part of the Pantsir-S1 self-propelled air defense system (put into service in 2010). There is very little detailed information on this ZRAK, only it is reliably known that it will include the same 30-mm AO-18KD assault rifles, 57E6 two-stage hypersonic anti-aircraft missiles (range up to 20 km) and a radio command guidance system. The control system includes a target tracking radar with a phased antenna array and an optical-electronic station. It was reported that the complex has a very high fire performance and is capable of firing up to 10 targets per minute.

For the first time, a model of the complex under the export name "Pantsir-ME" was shown at the Maritime Show IMDS-2011 in St. Petersburg. The combat module was actually a modification of the Kortik air defense system, on which new elements of the fire control system and missiles from the Pantsir-S1 air defense system were installed.

SAM ultra short range

While talking about shipborne air defense systems, it is also necessary to mention portable anti-aircraft missile systems launched from the shoulder. The fact is that since the beginning of the 1980s, on many small displacement warships and boats of the USSR Navy, conventional army MANPADS of the Strela-2M and Strela-3 types were used as one of the means of defense against enemy aircraft, and then - "Igla-1", "Igla" and "Igla-S" (all developed in the Design Bureau of Mechanical Engineering). This was a completely natural decision, since air defense missiles are not important for such ships, and the placement of full-fledged systems on them is impossible due to their large dimensions, weight and cost. As a rule, on small ships, launchers and the missiles themselves were stored in a separate room, and if necessary, the calculation brought them into a combat position and occupied predetermined places on the deck, from where they were supposed to fire. Submarines also provided for the storage of MANPADS for protection against aircraft in the surface position.

In addition, pedestal installations of the MTU type for 2 or 4 missiles were developed for the fleet. They significantly increased the capabilities of MANPADS, as they made it possible to sequentially fire several missiles at an air target. The operator guided the launcher in azimuth and elevation manually. Such installations were armed with a significant part of the ships of the USSR Navy - from boats to large landing ships, as well as most of the ships and vessels of the auxiliary fleet.

In terms of their tactical and technical characteristics, Soviet portable anti-aircraft missile systems, as a rule, were not inferior to Western models, and in some ways even surpassed them.

In 1999, in KB "Altair-Ratep", together with other organizations, work began on the topic "Bending". Due to the growing number of small displacement ships, the fleet needed a light anti-aircraft system using missiles from MANPADS, but with remote control and modern aiming devices, since manual use of portable air defense systems in ship conditions is far from always possible.
The first studies of a light shipborne air defense system on the subject of "Bending" were launched in 1999 by specialists from the Marine Research Institute of Radio Electronics "Altair" (the parent company) together with JSC "Ratep" and other related organizations. In 2001-2002, the first model of ultra-short-range air defense systems was created and tested, using components from finished products manufactured by Russian defense enterprises. During the tests, the issues of aiming missiles at a target in pitching conditions were resolved and the possibility of firing a volley of two missiles at one target was implemented. In 2003, the Gibka-956 turret was created, which was supposed to be installed for testing on one of the Project 956 destroyers, but for financial reasons this was not implemented.

After that, the main developers - MNIIRE "Altair" and OJSC "Ratep" - actually began to work on a new air defense system, each independently, but under the same name "Bending". However, in the end, the command of the Russian Navy supported the project of the Altair company, which, together with Ratep, is currently part of the Almaz-Antey air defense concern.

In 2004-2005, the 3M-47 Gibka complex was tested. The anti-aircraft missile launcher was equipped with an MS-73 optoelectronic target detection station, a guidance system in two planes and mounts for two (four) Sagittarius firing modules with two Igla or Igla-S TPK missiles in each. Most importantly, to control the air defense system, you can include it in any ship's air defense circuits equipped with radars for detecting air targets of the Fregat, Furke or Pozitiv type.

The Gibka complex provides remote guidance of missiles along the horizon from - 150 ° to + 150 °, and in elevation from 0 ° to 60 °. At the same time, the detection range of air targets by the complex's own means reaches 12 km (depending on the type of target), and the affected area is up to 5600 m in range and up to 3500 m in height. The operator directs the launcher remotely using a television sight. The ship is protected from attacks by anti-ship and anti-radar missiles, aircraft, helicopters and UAVs of the enemy in conditions of natural and artificial interference.
In 2006, the Gibka air defense system was adopted by the Russian Navy and installed on the small artillery ship Astrakhan, project 21630 (one launcher). In addition, one Gibka launcher was installed on the bow superstructure of the Admiral Kulakov BOD (project 1155) during its modernization.

At the same time, JSC "Ratep" continued work on the creation of an ultra-short-range ship-based anti-aircraft missile launcher, but under the new name "Komar" using developments on the topic "Bending". Since 2005, these developments have been carried out on the instructions of the Navy under the leadership of Ch. designer A.A. Zhiltsov, having received the name "Gibka-R". It was with this complex that, after testing, they began to equip serial artillery ships of projects 21630 (starting with the second - Volgodonsk), as well as small rocket ships of the Grad Sviyazhsk type, pr.21631 (two launchers).

However, the work did not end there and at the Maritime Salon IMDS-2013, the Ratep company demonstrated another modification of the export version of the Komar air defense system, which, in addition to the new optical-electronic unit, was distinguished by increased security of the main components of the launcher.

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Svyatoslav Petrov

Russia celebrated the Day of Military Air Defense on Tuesday. Control over the sky is one of the most urgent tasks for ensuring the security of the country. Air defense units of the Russian Federation are replenished with the latest radar and anti-aircraft systems, some of which have no analogues in the world. As the Ministry of Defense expects, the current pace of rearmament will allow by 2020 to significantly increase the combat capabilities of the units. Due to what Russia has become one of the leaders in the field of air defense, RT understood.

  • The calculation of the self-propelled firing system alerts the Buk-M1-2 air defense system
  • Kirill Braga / RIA Novosti

On December 26, Russia celebrates Military Air Defense Day. The formation of this type of troops began with the decree of Nicholas II, signed exactly 102 years ago. Then the emperor ordered to send an automobile battery to the front in the Warsaw region, designed to destroy enemy aircraft. The first air defense system in Russia was created on the basis of the chassis of the Russo-Balt T truck, on which a 76-mm Lender-Tarnovsky anti-aircraft gun was installed.

Now the Russian air defense forces are divided into military air defense, whose units are part of the ground forces, airborne forces and navy, as well as object air defense / missile defense, parts of which belong to the aerospace forces.

Military air defense is responsible for covering military infrastructure, groupings of troops at permanent deployment points and during various maneuvers. Objective air defense / missile defense performs strategic tasks related to protecting Russia's borders from air attack and covering some of the most important objects.

The military air defense is armed with medium and short-range complexes, a military expert, director of the air defense museum in Balashikha, Yuri Knutov, said in an interview with RT. At the same time, the site air defense/missile defense systems are provided with systems that allow monitoring airspace and hitting targets at long distances.

“Military air defense should have high mobility and cross-country ability, fast deployment time, enhanced survivability and the ability to work as autonomously as possible. Objective air defense is included in the overall defense control system and can detect and hit the enemy at long distances, ”Knutov said.

According to the expert, the experience of local conflicts of recent decades, including the Syrian operation, demonstrates the urgent need to cover ground forces from air threats. Airspace control is critical in a theater of operations (theatre).

So, in Syria, the Russian military deployed the S-300V4 anti-aircraft missile system (SAM) (military air defense weapon) to protect the naval support point in Tartus, and the S-400 Triumph system (refers to the object air defense / missile defense system) is responsible for the air defense of the Khmeimim airbase. ).

  • Self-propelled launcher ZRS S-300V
  • Evgeny Biyatov / RIA Novosti

“Who owns the sky wins the battle on earth. Without air defense systems, ground equipment becomes an easy target for aviation. Examples are the military defeats of Saddam Hussein's army in Iraq, the Serbian army in the Balkans, terrorists in Iraq and Syria," Knutov explained.

In his opinion, the lag in the aviation sector from the United States became an incentive for the rapid development of anti-aircraft technology in the USSR. The Soviet government accelerated the development of air defense systems and radar stations (RLS) in order to neutralize the superiority of the Americans.

“We were forced to defend ourselves against threats from the air. However, this historical lag has led to the fact that our country has been creating the best air defense systems in the world for the last 50-60 years, which have no equal, ”the expert emphasized.

far frontier

On December 26, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reported that at present the military air defense is at the stage of rearmament. The military department expects that the arrival of the latest air defense systems will allow by 2020 to significantly increase the combat capabilities of the air defense forces. Earlier, plans were announced to increase the share of modern equipment in military air defense to 70% in 2020.

“This year, the anti-aircraft missile brigade of the Western Military District received the Buk-MZ medium-range anti-aircraft missile system, and the anti-aircraft missile regiments of the combined arms formations received the Tor-M2 short-range anti-aircraft missile systems, the air defense units of the combined arms formations received the latest anti-aircraft missile systems.” Willow,” the Ministry of Defense noted.

The main developers of air defense systems in Russia are NPO Almaz-Antey and the Design Bureau of Mechanical Engineering. Air defense systems are divided among themselves according to a number of characteristics, one of the main ones is the range of interception of an air target. There are complexes of long-range, medium and small ranges.

In military air defense, the S-300 air defense system is responsible for the long line of defense. The system was developed in the USSR in the 1980s, but has undergone many upgrades, which improved its combat effectiveness.

The most modern version of the complex is the S-300V4. The air defense system is armed with three types of guided hypersonic two-stage solid-propellant missiles: light (9M83M), medium (9M82M) and heavy (9M82MD).

C-300B4 provides simultaneous destruction of 16 ballistic missiles and 24 aerodynamic targets (aircraft and drones) at ranges up to 400 km (heavy missile), 200 km (medium missile) or 150 km (light missile), at an altitude of up to 40 km. This air defense system is capable of hitting targets whose speed can reach up to 4500 m/s.

The S-300V4 includes launchers (9A83 / 9A843M), radar systems for software (9S19M2 "Ginger") and all-round visibility (9S15M "Obzor-3"). All machines have tracked chassis and therefore are all-terrain vehicles. The S-300V4 is capable of long-term combat duty in the most extreme natural and climatic conditions.

The C-300V4 entered service in 2014. The Western Military District was the first to receive this missile system. The latest anti-aircraft missile systems were used to protect the Olympic facilities in Sochi in 2014, and later the air defense system was deployed to cover Tartus. In the future, the C-300V4 will replace all long-range military systems.

“The S-300V4 is capable of fighting both aircraft and missiles. The main problem of our time in the field of air defense is the fight against hypersonic missiles. Due to the dual homing system and high flight performance, S-300V4 air defense missiles are capable of hitting almost all types of modern ballistic, tactical and cruise missiles, ”said Knutov.

According to the expert, the United States was hunting for S-300 technologies - and at the turn of the 1980-1990s they managed to get several Soviet air defense systems. On the basis of these complexes, the United States developed the THAAD air defense / missile defense system and improved the characteristics of the Patriot air defense system, but the Americans could not completely repeat the success of Soviet specialists.

"Shoot and forget"

In 2016, the Buk-M3 medium-range anti-aircraft missile system entered service with the military air defense. This is the fourth generation of the Buk air defense system created in the 1970s. It is designed to destroy maneuvering aerodynamic, radio-contrast ground and surface targets.

The air defense system provides simultaneous shelling of up to 36 air targets flying from any direction at a speed of up to 3 km / s, at a distance of 2.5 km to 70 km and an altitude of 15 m to 35 km. The launcher can carry both six (9K317M) and 12 (9A316M) missiles in transport and launch containers.

The Buk-M3 is equipped with 9M317M two-stage solid-propellant anti-aircraft guided missiles, which are capable of hitting a target in conditions of active radio suppression by the enemy. To do this, the 9M317M design provides for two homing modes at the end points of the route.

The maximum flight speed of the Buk-M3 rocket is 1700 m/s. This allows it to hit almost all types of operational-tactical ballistic and aeroballistic missiles.

The Buk-M3 divisional set consists of an air defense system command post (9S510M), three detection and target designation stations (9S18M1), an illumination and guidance radar (9S36M), at least two launchers, and also transport-loading vehicles (9T243M). All military medium-range air defense systems are planned to be replaced by Buk-M2 and Buk-M3.

“In this complex, a unique rocket with an active warhead has been implemented. It allows you to implement the "fire and forget" principle, since the missile has the ability to homing on a target, which is especially important in conditions of radio suppression by the enemy. Moreover, the updated Buk complex is capable of tracking and firing at several targets at the same time, which significantly increases its effectiveness, ”said Knutov.

fire on the march

Since 2015, the Tor-M2 short-range air defense systems began to enter the Russian army. There are two versions of this technique - "Tor-M2U" for Russia on caterpillar tracks and export "Tor-M2E" on a wheeled chassis.

The complex is designed to protect motorized rifle and tank formations from air-to-ground missiles, corrected and guided bombs, anti-radar missiles and other new generation high-precision weapons.

"Tor-M2" can hit targets at a distance of 1 km to 15 km, at an altitude of 10 m to 10 km, flying at speeds up to 700 m/s. The capture and tracking of the target in this case occur in automatic mode with the ability to conduct almost continuous fire at several targets in turn. In addition, the unique air defense system has increased noise immunity.

According to Knutov, the Tor-M2 and the Pantsir anti-aircraft gun-missile system are the only vehicles in the world capable of firing on the march. Along with this, Thor has implemented a number of measures to automate and protect the complex from interference, which greatly facilitates the crew's combat mission.

“The machine itself selects the most suitable targets, while people can only give a command to open fire. The complex can partly solve the issues of combating cruise missiles, although it is most effective against enemy attack aircraft, helicopters and drones, ”the RT interlocutor emphasized.

Technology of the future

Yuri Knutov believes that Russian air defense systems will continue to improve, taking into account the latest trends in the development of aviation and missile technology. SAM systems of the future generation will become more versatile, will be able to recognize subtle targets and hit hypersonic missiles.

The expert drew attention to the fact that the role of automation has increased significantly in military air defense. It not only allows you to unload the crew of combat vehicles, but also insures against possible errors. In addition, the Air Defense Forces implement the principle of network-centrism, that is, interspecific interaction in the theater of operations within the framework of a single information field.

“The most effective means of air defense will manifest themselves when a common network of interaction and control appears. This will bring the combat capabilities of vehicles to a completely different level - both in joint operations as part of a joint link, and in the presence of a global intelligence and information space. The efficiency and awareness of the command will increase, as well as the overall coherence of the formations, ”explained Knutov.

Along with this, he noted that air defense systems are often used as an effective weapon against ground targets. In particular, the Shilka anti-aircraft artillery system proved to be excellent in the fight against the armored vehicles of terrorists in Syria. Military air defense units, according to Knutov, may in the future receive a more universal purpose and be used in the protection of strategic facilities.

The S-125 low-altitude mobile anti-aircraft missile system is designed to engage air targets at low and medium altitudes. The complex is all-weather, capable of hitting targets on a collision course and in pursuit. The characteristics of the missile and the warhead make it possible to fire at both ground and surface radar-observed targets.
Testing of the complex began in 1961, at the same time it was adopted by the air defense forces of the Soviet Army. At the same time, shipborne versions of the M1 "Wave" and M1 "Wave M" complex were developed for the Navy. Soon, the new anti-aircraft missile system was tested in real combat conditions - in Vietnam and Egypt.

The 5V24 two-stage solid-propellant rocket is made according to the normal aerodynamic scheme. The rocket has a solid-propellant starting engine, the time of which before dropping is 2.6 seconds. The sustainer engine is also solid-propellant, it starts after the end of the starting one and runs for 18.7 seconds. If the missile does not hit the target, it will self-destruct.

A missile guidance station is used to detect and track air targets. The maximum target detection range is 110 km. The complex uses launchers 5P71 or 5P73. One 5P71 launcher accommodates 2 anti-aircraft guided missiles, 5P73 launcher - 4 anti-aircraft guided missiles. Loading time - 1 minute. For transportation and loading of missiles, a transport and loading vehicle based on a ZIL-131 or ZIL-157 off-road truck is used. For preliminary detection of targets, radar stations P-15 and P-18 are used.

The main combat test of the complex took place in 1973, when Syria and Egypt used a large number of complexes against Israeli aircraft. The S-125 anti-aircraft missile system was used by the Armed Forces of Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Angola. Eight S-125 divisions were used to defend Belgrade in repelling NATO air raids against Yugoslavia. The S-125 low-altitude missile system is in service with the armies and navies of the CIS countries, as well as many foreign countries, remaining today a formidable air defense weapon.

Anti-aircraft missile system S-75M "Desna"

The S-75 anti-aircraft missile system is designed to destroy air targets at medium and high altitudes, on a collision course and in pursuit. The transportable (towed) complex was developed to cover important administrative, political and industrial facilities, military units and formations. The S-75 is single-channel for a target and three-channel for a missile, that is, it is simultaneously capable of tracking one target and directing up to three missiles at it.

During its existence, the S-75 air defense system has been modernized many times. In 1957, a simplified version of the SA - 75 "Dvina" was adopted, in 1959 - the C - 75M "Desna". The next modification was the S-75M Volkhov complex. Rockets of all serial modifications are two-stage, made according to the normal aerodynamic configuration. The first stage (starting accelerator) is solid propellant, it is a powder jet engine operating for 4.5 s.
The second stage has a liquid-propellant jet engine running on a combination of kerosene and nitric acid. Warhead - high-explosive fragmentation weighing 196 kg. The maximum target engagement range for the S-75 Desna is 34 km. The maximum speed of the fired target towards - 1500 km / h.

The S-75 anti-aircraft missile system is in service with the anti-aircraft missile division, which includes a missile guidance station, an interface cabin with an automated control system, six launchers, power supply facilities, and airspace reconnaissance facilities. Typically, launchers are located in a circle at a distance of 60 - 100 meters around the missile guidance station. Elements of the complex can be located in open areas, in trenches or stationary concrete shelters. The combat crew of the complex consists of 4 people - one officer and three escort operators in angular coordinates.

In the USSR, the C-75's baptism of fire took place on May 1, 1960, when a high-altitude American reconnaissance aircraft U-2 Lockheed, piloted by CIA pilot Powers, was shot down near Sverdlovsk. The result of this use of the S-75 was that the United States stopped its reconnaissance flights over the territory of the USSR and thereby lost an important source of strategic intelligence information. Under the name "Volga" (export name), the complex was supplied to many countries of the world. Deliveries were made to Angola, Algeria, Hungary, Vietnam, Egypt, India, Iraq, Iran, China, Cuba, Libya and other countries.

Anti-aircraft missile system S - 300P

The S-300P anti-aircraft missile system was put into service in 1979 and is designed to defend the most important administrative, industrial and military facilities from air attacks, including non-strategic ballistic missiles. It replaced the S-25 Berkut air defense systems located around Moscow, as well as the S-125 and S-75 systems. The S-300P anti-aircraft missile system was in service with anti-aircraft missile regiments and brigades of the country's air defense forces.

In the S-300P complex, towed launchers with a vertical launch of 4 missiles and transport vehicles designed to transport missiles were used. In the S - 300P complex, the V - 500K rocket was originally used. The rocket has a solid propellant engine, at launch it was thrown out of the transport and launch container with the help of squibs to a height of 25 m, and then the rocket engine was started. The maximum range of destruction of an aerodynamic target was 47 km.

The S-300P complex includes: a radar for illumination and guidance, which aims up to 12 missiles at 6 simultaneously tracked targets, a low-altitude detector, up to 3 launch complexes, each of which can have up to 4 launchers, and each launcher - up to 4 missiles of type B - 500K or B - 500R.

During 1980 - 1990. The S-300 anti-aircraft missile system has undergone a number of deep upgrades that have significantly increased its combat capabilities.

Anti-aircraft missile system S-200V

The S-200 long-range anti-aircraft missile system is designed to combat modern and advanced air targets: early warning and control aircraft, high-altitude high-speed reconnaissance aircraft, jammers and other manned and unmanned air attack weapons in conditions of intense radio countermeasures. The system is all-weather and can be operated in various climatic conditions.

During its existence, the S-200 air defense system was modernized many times: in 1970 it entered service with the S-200V (Vega) and in 1975 with the S-200D (Dubna). In the Soviet Union, the S - 200 was part of the anti-aircraft missile brigades or regiments of mixed composition, which also included S - 125 divisions. The S - 200 anti-aircraft guided missile was two-stage. The first stage consists of four solid propellant boosters. The sustainer stage is equipped with a liquid-propellant two-component rocket engine. The warhead is high-explosive fragmentation. The missile has a semi-active homing head.

The S-200 air defense system includes: control and target designation point K-9M; diesel - power plants; target illumination radar, which is a high-potential continuous-wave radar. It provides target tracking and generates information for missile launch. The complex has six launchers, which are located around the target illumination radar. They carry out storage, pre-launch preparation and launch of anti-aircraft missiles. For the early detection of air targets, the complex is equipped with an aerial reconnaissance radar of type P - 35.

S-200 air defense systems, served by Soviet crews, were supplied to Syria and used in combat operations in the winter of 1982/1983 against Israeli and American aircraft. The complex was delivered to India, Iran, North Korea, Libya, North Korea and other countries.

The S-300 is a Soviet (Russian) long-range anti-aircraft missile system designed for air and missile defense of the most important military and civilian facilities: large cities and industrial structures, military bases and points and command and control. The S-300 was developed in the mid-70s by the designers of the famous Almaz research and production association. Currently, the S-300 air defense system is a whole family of anti-aircraft missile systems that reliably protect the Russian sky from any aggressor.

The missile of the S-300 complex is capable of hitting an air target at distances from five to two hundred kilometers, it can effectively “work” against both ballistic and aerodynamic targets.

The operation of the S-300 air defense system began in 1975, this complex was put into service in 1978. Since then, based on the basic model, a large number of modifications have been developed that differ in their characteristics, specialization, radar operation parameters, anti-aircraft missiles and other features.

Anti-aircraft missile systems (SAM) of the S-300 family are one of the most famous air defense systems in the world. Therefore, it is not surprising that these weapons are in great demand abroad. Today, various modifications of the S-300 air defense system are in service with the former Soviet republics (Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan). In addition, the complex is used by the armed forces of Algeria, Bulgaria, Iran, China, Cyprus, Syria, Azerbaijan and other countries.

The S-300 has never taken part in real combat operations, but despite this, most domestic and foreign experts estimate the potential of the complex very highly. So much so that problems with the supply of these weapons sometimes lead to international scandals, as was the case with the Iranian contract.

A further development of the S-300 family of air defense systems are (adopted in 2007) and the promising S-500 Prometheus, which is planned to be put into operation in 2020. In 2011, it was decided to complete the serial production of early modifications of the complex - S-300PS and S-300PM.

For many years, Western experts dreamed of "getting to know" the S-300 air defense system better. Such an opportunity they had only after the collapse of the USSR. In 1996, the Israelis were able to evaluate the effectiveness of the S-300PMU1 complex, which was previously sold by Russia to Cyprus. After joint exercises with Greece, Israeli representatives said they had found the weak points of this anti-aircraft complex.

There is also information (confirmed from various sources) that in the 90s, the Americans managed to buy the elements of the complex they were interested in in the former Soviet republics.

On March 7, 2019, a number of Western media (in particular, the French Le Figaro) published information about the destruction by the latest Israeli F-35 aircraft of a Syrian S-300 battery in the Damascus region.

The history of the creation of the S-300 air defense system

The history of the creation of the S-300 anti-aircraft missile system began back in the mid-50s, when the USSR began to work closely on the creation of an anti-missile defense system. Research work was carried out within the framework of the Shar and Zashchita projects, during which the possibility of creating air defense systems capable of carrying both air defense and missile defense was experimentally proven.

Soviet military strategists clearly understood that the USSR was unlikely to be able to compete with Western countries in terms of the number of combat aircraft, so great attention was paid to the development of air defense forces.

By the end of the 60s, the Soviet military-industrial complex had accumulated significant experience in the development and operation of anti-aircraft missile systems, including in combat conditions. Vietnam and the Middle East provided Soviet designers with a huge amount of factual material for study, showed the strengths and weaknesses of the air defense system.

As a result, it became clear that mobile anti-aircraft missile systems, capable of moving from traveling to combat position and back as quickly as possible, have the greatest chances to hit the enemy and avoid a retaliatory strike.

At the end of the 60s, at the suggestion of the command of the USSR Air Defense Forces and the leadership of KB-1 of the Ministry of Radio Industry, the idea arose to create a single unified anti-aircraft anti-aircraft system that could hit air targets at distances up to 100 km and was suitable for use both in the ground forces and in the air defense of the country, and in the Navy. After the discussion, which was attended by the military and representatives of the military-industrial complex, it became clear that such an anti-aircraft system can justify the cost of manufacturing only if it can also perform the tasks of anti-missile and anti-satellite defense.

The creation of such a complex is an ambitious task even today. Officially, work on the S-300 began in 1969, after the appearance of the corresponding decree of the USSR Council of Ministers.

In the end, it was decided to develop three air defense systems: for the air defense of the country, for the air defense of the Ground Forces and for the air defense of the Navy. They received the following designations: S-300P ("air defense of the country"), S-300F ("Fleet") and S-300V ("Military").

Looking ahead, it should be noted that it was not possible to achieve complete unification of all modifications of the S-300 complex. The fact is that the elements of modifications (except for the all-round radar and missiles) were manufactured at various enterprises of the USSR using their own technological requirements, components and technologies.

In general, dozens of enterprises and scientific organizations from all over the Soviet Union were involved in this project. The main developer of the air defense system was NPO Almaz, the missiles of the S-300 complex were created at the Fakel Design Bureau.

The further the work progressed, the more problems became associated with the unification of the anti-aircraft complex. Their main reason was the peculiarities of the use of such systems in different types of troops. If air defense and naval air defense systems are usually used together with very powerful radar reconnaissance systems, then military air defense systems usually have a high degree of autonomy. Therefore, it was decided to transfer work on the S-300V to NII-20 (in the future, NPO Antey), which by that time had significant experience in developing army air defense systems.

The specific conditions for the use of anti-aircraft missile systems at sea (reflection from the signal from the surface of the water, high humidity, spray, pitching) forced the appointment of VNII RE as the lead developer of the S-300F.

Modification of the S-300V air defense system

Although the S-300V air defense system was originally created as part of a single program with other modifications of the complex, it was later transferred to another lead developer - NII-20 (later NIEMI) and, in fact, became a separate project. The development of missiles for the S-300V was carried out by the Sverdlovsk Engineering Design Bureau (SMKB) Novator. Launchers and charging machines for the complex were created at the Start Design Bureau, and the Obzor-3 radar was designed at NII-208. The S-300V received its own name "Antey-300V" and is still in service with the Russian army.

The composition of the anti-aircraft division of the S-300V complex includes the following components:

  • command post (9S457) to control the combat operation of air defense systems;
  • All-round radar "Obzor-3";
  • Radar sector review "Ginger";
  • four anti-aircraft batteries to destroy air targets.

Each battery included two types of launchers with different missiles, as well as two launchers for each of them.

Initially, the S-300V was planned as a front-line anti-aircraft missile system capable of fighting SRAM, cruise missiles (CR), ballistic missiles (Lance or Pershing type), enemy aircraft and helicopters, subject to their massive use and active electronic and fire counteraction.

The creation of the Atlant-300V air defense system took place in two stages. At the first of them, the complex "learned" to confidently counteract cruise missiles, ballistic and aerodynamic targets.

In 1980-1981. at the Emba test site, air defense systems were tested, which were successful. In 1983, the "intermediate" S-300V1 was put into service.

The purpose of the second stage of development was to expand the capabilities of the complex, the task was to adapt the air defense system to combat Pershing-type ballistic missiles, SRAM aeroballistic missiles and jamming aircraft at distances up to 100 km. For this purpose, the Ginger radar, new 9M82 anti-aircraft missiles, launchers and loading vehicles for them were introduced into the complex. Tests of the improved S-300V complex were carried out in 1985-1986. and completed successfully. In 1989, the S-300V was put into service.

Currently, the S-300V air defense system is in service with the Russian army (more than 200 units), as well as the armed forces of Ukraine, Belarus and Venezuela.

On the basis of the S-300V air defense system, modifications of the S-300VM ("Antey-2500") and S-300V4 were developed.

S-300VM is an export modification of the complex, which was supplied to Venezuela. The system has one type of missiles in two versions, its firing range reaches 200 km, the S-300VM can simultaneously hit 16 ballistic or 24 air targets. The maximum engagement height is 30 km, the deployment time is six minutes. The missile speed is Mach 7.85.

S-300V4. The most modern modification of the complex, it can hit ballistic missiles and aerodynamic targets at distances of 400 km. Currently, all S-300V systems in service with the Russian Armed Forces have been upgraded to the S-300V4 level.

Modification S-300P

The S-300P air defense system is an anti-aircraft system designed to protect the most important civilian and military facilities from any type of air attack: ballistic and cruise missiles, aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles, in conditions of massive use with active enemy electronic countermeasures.

Serial production of the S-300PT anti-aircraft missile system began in 1975, three years later it was put into service and began to enter combat units. The letter "T" in the name of the complex means "transported". The lead developer of the complex was NPO Almaz, the rocket was designed at the Fakel Design Bureau, and it was manufactured at the Severny Zavod in Leningrad. Launchers were engaged in the Leningrad KBSM.

This air defense system was supposed to replace the S-25 air defense systems and S-75 and S-125 air defense systems that were already outdated at that time.

The S-300PT air defense system consisted of a command post, which included a 5N64 detection radar and a 5K56 control point, and six 5Zh15 air defense systems. Initially, the system used V-500K missiles with a maximum range of 47 km, later they were replaced by V-500R missiles with a target range of up to 75 km and an onboard radio direction finder.

The 5Zh15 air defense system included a 5N66 target detection radar at low and extremely low altitudes, a control system with a 5N63 guidance illumination radar and a 5P85-1 PU. The air defense system could well function without the 5N66 radar. Launchers were located on semi-trailers.

On the basis of the S-300PT anti-aircraft missile system, several modifications were developed, which were operated in the USSR and exported. The S-300PT air defense system has been discontinued.

One of the most widespread modifications of the anti-aircraft complex was the S-300PS (“S” means “self-propelled”), which was put into service in 1982. Soviet designers were inspired to create it by the experience of using air defense systems in the Middle East and Vietnam. He clearly showed that only highly mobile air defense systems with a minimum deployment time can survive and effectively perform combat work. The S-300PS turned from traveling to combat (and vice versa) in just five minutes.

The composition of the S-300PS air defense system includes KP 5N83S and up to 6 air defense systems 5ZH15S. Moreover, each individual complex has a high degree of autonomy and can fight independently.

The KP includes a 5N64S detection radar, made on the MAZ-7410 chassis and a 5K56S control center based on the MAZ-543. The 5Zh15S air defense system consists of the 5N63S illumination and guidance radar and several launch systems (up to four). Each launcher has four missiles. They are also made on the MAZ-543 chassis. In addition, the complex may include a system for detecting and destroying low-altitude targets 5N66M. The complex is equipped with an autonomous power supply system.

Additionally, each S-300PS division could be equipped with a 36D6 or 16Zh6 all-altitude three-coordinate radar and a 1T12-2M topographical positioner. In addition, the anti-aircraft missile system could be equipped with a duty support module (based on the MAZ-543), in which a dining room, a guardhouse with a machine gun, and living quarters were equipped.

In the mid-80s, on the basis of the S-300PS, a modification of the S-300PMU was developed, the main difference of which was an increase in the ammunition load to 28 missiles. In 1989, an export modification of the S-300PMU complex appeared.

In the mid-80s, the development of another modification of the S-300PS, the S-300PM, began. Externally (and in composition), this system did not differ much from the previous complexes of this series, but this modification was carried out on a new elementary base, which made it possible to bring its characteristics to a new level: significantly increase noise immunity and almost double the range of targets. In 1989, the S-300PM was adopted by the USSR Air Defense Forces. On its basis, an improved modification of the S-300PMU1 was created, which was first demonstrated to the general public in 1993 at the air show in Zhukovsky.

The main difference between the S-300PMU1 was the new 48N6 SAM, which had a smaller warhead and a more advanced hardware component. Thanks to this, the new air defense system got the opportunity to deal with air targets flying at a speed of 6450 km / h and confidently hit enemy aircraft at distances of 150 km. The S-300PMU1 included more advanced radar stations.

The S-300PMU1 air defense system can be used both independently and in combination with other air defense systems. The minimum RCS of the target, sufficient for detection, is 0.2 square meters. meters.

In 1999, new anti-aircraft missiles for the S-300PMU1 complex were demonstrated. They had a smaller warhead, but greater target hitting accuracy due to the new maneuvering system, which did not work due to plumage, but using a gas-dynamic system.

Until 2014, all ZRS-300PM, which are in service with the Russian Armed Forces, were upgraded to the level of S-300PMU1.

Currently, the second stage of modernization is underway, which consists in replacing the outdated computing facilities of the complex with modern models, as well as in replacing the equipment of anti-aircraft gunners' workplaces. The new complexes will be equipped with modern means of communication, topographic location and navigation.

In 1997, a new modification of the complex, the S-300PM2 Favorit, was presented to the public. Then she was adopted. This option has an increased target engagement range (up to 195 km), as well as the ability to withstand the latest aircraft manufactured using stealth technologies (target RCS - 0.02 sq. M).

Favorit received improved 48N6E2 missiles capable of destroying short and medium-range ballistic targets. The troops of the S-300PM2 air defense system began to appear in 2013, the previously released modifications of the S-300PM and S-300PMU1 can be upgraded to their level.

Modification S-300F

The S-300F is an anti-aircraft missile system developed for the Navy based on the S-300P air defense system. The lead developer of the complex was VNII RE SME (later NPO Altair), MKB Fakel was involved in the rocket, and NIIP was involved in the radar. Initially, it was planned to arm missile cruisers of projects 1164 and 1144, as well as ships of project 1165, which was never implemented, with the new air defense system.

The S-300F air defense system was designed to destroy air targets at distances up to 75 km, flying at a speed of 1300 m / s in the altitude range from 25 m to 25 km.

The prototype S-300F was first installed on the Azov BOD in 1977, and the complex was officially adopted in 1984. State tests of the naval version of the S-300 took place on the missile cruiser "Kirov" (project 1144).

The prototype of the air defense system consisted of two drum-type launchers, which contained 48 missiles, as well as the Fort control system.

S-300F "Fort" air defense systems were produced in two versions with six and eight drums, each of which contained 8 vertical launch containers. One of them was always under the launch hatch, the rocket's sustainer engine was started after it left the rails. After the rocket was launched, the drum turned and brought a new container with missiles under the hatch. The firing interval of the S-300F is 3 seconds.

S-300F air defense systems have a homing system with a semi-active missile radar. The complex has an SLA 3R41 with a phased array radar.

The 5V55RM SAM, which was used on the S-300 Fort complex, is a solid-propellant missile made according to a normal aerodynamic configuration. The deflection of the rocket in flight was due to the gas-dynamic system. Fuse - radar, high-explosive fragmentation warhead, weighing 130 kg.

In 1990, a modified version of the complex, the S-300FM Fort-M, was demonstrated. Its main difference from the base model was the new ZUR 48N6. The mass of its warhead was increased to 150 kg, and the radius of destruction - up to 150 km. The new missile could destroy objects flying at speeds up to 1800 m/s. The export modification of the S-300FM has the name "Rif-M", currently it is armed with destroyers of the Chinese Navy type 051C.

The latest modernization of the S-300F Fort complex is the development of 48N6E2 anti-aircraft guided missiles, which have a firing range of 200 km. Currently, the flagship of the Northern Fleet, the cruiser Peter the Great, is armed with such missiles.

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Overview of the main air defense systems of ships

Complex "Kashtan". Photo from pvo.guns.ru

On January 22, 2008, the US Navy announced the start of modernization of the Ticonderoga-class guided missile cruiser CG 52 Bunker Hill. One of the key elements of improving the ships will be the SM-2 Block IV and SM-3 missiles, which are capable of hitting almost all air attack weapons. Shortly thereafter, the US Navy announced its intention to equip all AEGIS-class ships with interceptor missiles. We present to readers a brief overview of modern shipborne air defense / missile defense systems and directions for the further development of this type of weapon, prepared by Lenta.ru.

Long arms of the West

The basis of the air defense of modern navies of Western states are anti-aircraft guided missiles of the Standard family (Standard Missile, SM). American-designed SM-2 Block IV and SM-3 missiles are considered the most advanced missiles of this type in use today. Missiles of this type are capable of hitting targets at great distances and heights. However, their installation is possible only on ships with powerful radar stations and modern combat information and control systems such as AEGIS.

The main advantage of the AEGIS system, which many incorrectly call "anti-aircraft missile", is the ability to combine under common control all the ship's combat systems, from universal gun mounts and air defense systems to long-range cruise missiles. In addition, AEGIS provides the possibility of collective defense, allowing you to control the combat systems of a squad of ships from one command post.

Rockets of the SM (Standard Missile) family, used as part of the AEGIS system, began to be developed in the 50s of the last century. They replaced the obsolete RIM-2 Terrier and RIM-24 Tartar. The first generation of SM-1 missiles, from the Block-I modification to Block-V, were widely used by the United States in the 60-80s. In the mid-70s, the development of the second-generation SM-2 Block I (RIM-66C / D) missile, which became the basis of the AEGIS combat system, was completed. In the 1980s, missiles were first installed on the cruiser Bunker Hill, which was the first US Navy ship to have a Vertical Launching System (VLS). Currently, the SM-2 missile launcher is the main missile launcher on the Ticonderoga and Orly Burke class ships.

AEGIS class cruiser. Photo from rti.com

Modern missiles of modifications SM-2 Block IV (RIM-156) and SM-3 (RIM-161) differ from each other, first of all, in their purpose. The first were developed to destroy aircraft, helicopters and cruise missiles, the second - to destroy ballistic missiles. RIM-156 have only two stages, RIM-161 - four. The target hit ceiling of the latter is more than 160 kilometers, the range is 270 nautical miles. At the same time, the range of RIM-156 is about 200 nautical miles, but the ceiling is only 33 kilometers. They also differ in the guidance system and warheads.

In December 2007, the first launch of the SM-3 rocket was carried out by Japan from the DDG-173 Kongo spacecraft. Previously, Japanese ships were involved in exercises only to provide communication and target tracking.

Frigate with Aster air defense systems. Photo courtesy of naval-technology.com

A new extended-range missile, the SM-6 ERAM (Extended Range Active Missile), is currently under development to replace the SM-2. Its main advantage is the guidance system, borrowed from the latest AIM-120 AMRAAM missiles. This system provides target engagement beyond the range of shipborne radars due to the possibility of target designation from remote radars in real time.

The second Western ship-based long-range air defense system is the SAAM complex with Aster 30 missiles, developed by the European concern MBDA. Just like the "Standards", "Asters" are launched from vertical launch installations. The Aster 30 has a range of 120 kilometers, which is significantly less than that of the SM-2 block IV, but the European air defense system does not require such a powerful and heavy radar as the SPY-1 included in the AEGIS system.

Long arms of the Motherland

The Russian fleet uses a “wetted” version of the S-300 anti-aircraft missile system, known as the S-300F, as a long-range air defense system. The first sample of this complex was installed on the BOD "Azov" in the late 70s of the last century. Currently, the complex is installed on Project 1144 heavy nuclear missile cruisers (96 missiles) and Project 1164 missile cruisers (64 missiles).

Cruiser "Peter the Great" project 1144. Photo of the Russian Navy

During testing and further operation, the characteristics of the air defense system improved significantly, mainly due to the consistent modernization of fire control systems and the replacement of anti-aircraft missiles. The latest modifications of the S-300F with 48N6E2 missiles ensure that targets are hit at a distance of up to 200 kilometers. The basic S-300F was designed only to deal with aerodynamic targets (aircraft, cruise missiles, helicopters, UAVs). The upgraded system with 48N6E2 missiles can also hit ballistic missiles, although the Russian Navy never planned to use warships to intercept ballistic targets.

In the future, it is planned to re-equip the S-300F with new small-sized missiles of the 9M96 family, which will quadruple the ammunition load of the air defense system without losing other characteristics. The reduction in the size of the missiles was achieved through the use of hit-to-kill technology - 9M96 warheads do not carry explosives and hit the target with a direct hit.

Reducing the distance

Sea Sparrow rocket launch. US Navy photo

In addition to long-range systems, ships of the navies of Western countries use medium, short-range and short-range missile and anti-aircraft installations. Medium-range installations include an upgraded system with Raytheon's SeaSparrow missiles and MBDA's Aster 15 missiles. They do not require powerful radars and high-speed fire control systems. The target engagement range of these air defense systems is about 30 kilometers.

An analogue of these systems in the Russian Navy is the Shtil air defense system with a range of 32 kilometers. Promising ships of the frigate-destroyer class will use the modernized Shtil complex with missiles placed in the UVP, which will significantly increase the rate of fire of the complex and make it possible to simultaneously fire at several targets.

Short-range systems include both rocket and artillery mounts. Typical missiles of this level include the Ramsys RAM complex (a joint venture between Raytheon and MBDA), the South African Umkhonto missile from Denel, the Seawolf missile from MBDA, the Crotal-NG missile from Thales, and the Israeli Barak-I missile from Rafael Advanced Defense Systems and Israel Aerospace Systems.

SAM Crotale-NG. Photo courtesy die-marine.de

The latter was placed in service with the Israeli corvette Hanit, damaged during the second Lebanese-Israeli war by Iranian-made S-802 missiles fired from Lebanese territory by Hezbollah militants. All these systems are united by a range of up to 12-15 (rarely 20) kilometers, and - in some cases - the use of infrared guidance systems, which makes it possible to install such air defense systems on small ships with simplified electronic equipment.

The main Russian ship system of this type is the Kinzhal complex. The firing range of the "Dagger" reaches 12 kilometers, the ceiling for hitting targets is six kilometers. The air defense system uses a radar guidance system and is installed both as the main air defense system for ships of small and medium displacement, and as a "second echelon" on heavy ships.

UVP SAM "Dagger" in the foreground. Photo of the Russian Navy

Short-range anti-aircraft artillery mounts include, for example, the 76 mm Super Rapid anti-aircraft gun from Oto Melara, the 57 mm Mk1-3 gun from BAE Systems. The latter has become more widespread due to its installation on many ships of the US Navy and Coast Guard. They also include the 76-mm Davide cannon (or Strales in the export version) being developed by the Italian company Oto Melara. It is an upgraded Super Rapid cannon. Rate of fire Davide - 130 rounds per minute. Its trials are scheduled for mid-2008.

The average caliber of anti-aircraft artillery of the Russian fleet is mainly represented by 100 and 76 mm mounts of large anti-submarine ships, guards and other combat units of small and medium displacement (130 mm gun mounts of destroyers and cruisers, having the ability to fire at aircraft, are designed primarily to destroy surface and ground targets).

The 100-millimeter AK-100 mount has a rate of fire of up to 60 rounds per minute and a firing range of up to 21 kilometers against surface and ground targets. This installation most effectively hits air targets at a distance of up to 10 kilometers.

The main caliber of the Russian "mosquito fleet" is the 76-millimeter AK-176. The firing range of the AK-176 is 15 kilometers against surface targets, air targets are effectively hit at a distance of up to five kilometers.

AK-100. Photo courtesy worldnavy.info

The Last Frontier

The last, or so-called internal (in Western terminology), line of air defense of the ship is provided through the use of anti-aircraft artillery and close-range rocket launchers. These include MBDA's Mistral rocket launchers, Raytheon's Stinger, and the Russian Igla. All these systems are portable air defense systems adapted for placement on ships. In the ship version, MANPADS, as a rule, are mounted in "packages" of two to four launch containers, equipped with a control system that provides timely target designation, and a reloading system that quickly replaces "fired" containers with new ones. The firing range of these complexes reaches 3-5 kilometers.

The most famous anti-aircraft rapid-fire systems of the modern world are the American Phalanx complex, the European Goalkeeper and the Russian AK-630, Kortik and Kashtan. These complexes, which are high-speed cannons with a rotating block of barrels, should hit targets at a distance of a couple of hundred meters to 2-3 kilometers. The rate of fire of such installations is several thousand rounds per minute, the fire is fired, as a rule, in half-second bursts. Guidance of guns is carried out remotely, from air defense control posts, using radar and electron-optical systems.

Anti-aircraft gun Goalkeeper. Photo courtesy of futura-dtp.dk

Of the promising systems of this kind, it is worth noting the Millennium anti-aircraft gun with a 35-mm guided projectile. After the shot, the latter receives signals from the ship's fire control system and, exploding, creates a "cloud" of small cylindrical fragments on the target's path. The new gun was developed by the German company Rheinmetall together with Oerlikon. The Danish Navy has already ordered two such guns for its Absalon-class support ships.

The future of naval air defense

One of the main ways to increase the effectiveness of air and missile defense of ships is the use of laser systems. The first developments in this area were started by Raytheon in the first half of the 90s of the last century.

Anti-aircraft gun Millennium. Photo courtesy of aiad.it

The most optimal option for creating a new shipborne air defense system was chosen to be a combination of a laser with short-range anti-aircraft installations, such as the 20mm Phalanx cannon or the 30mm Goalkeeper. Currently, Raytheon in Tucson, Arizona is actively developing such systems.

Recently, a 20-kilowatt laser system was tested, which was able to detonate a mortar mine with a caliber of 60 millimeters at a distance of 500 meters. In the next eight months, it is planned to increase the power of the laser and conduct regular tests, but with heavier projectiles at a distance of one kilometer. The new system has already received the designation - Laser Area Defense Systems. It should protect the ship from mortar mines, artillery shells, sea mines, attacks by small kamikaze boats, missiles and UAVs.

Laser Area Defense Systems (LADS) is only part of an integrated ship defense system currently being jointly developed by various Western defense companies. This system should combine LADS, Phalanx anti-aircraft gun, powerful anti-missile microwave installations Vigilant Eagle and Active Denial.

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