Fables in the faces. The game. Making up fiction Short stories of fiction

Tales for children

If your child has already grown up, then you can read funny fairy tales to him. These funny rhyming lines will amuse both adults and children. Children enjoy listening to fables and all sorts of fictional stories. Read fables with your child and have fun from the heart!

Such reading develops in kids a sense of humor, fantasy, helps to see the world more widely. If the child still does not quite understand the difference between fables and nursery rhymes, then try to explain to him that fiction- this is a comic story, an absurdity, a playful invention of the author.

Unprecedented side
On the side of that bear
It's sad that they don't suck their paws.
Bees are good neighbors
They are given honey as a gift.
The wolf lives there,
But his howl is not heard,
He doesn't touch the sheep
He eats grass.
What's with the invisibility hat?
Miracles are everywhere here.
See how they sleep in an embrace
In a mink, a bunny and a fox.
Why not dream about it?
Does everyone live in harmony there?
Mice go for advice
To good affectionate cats.

There was a fox, chalk tail
And shook her horns.
Grew up on an empty stump
Pie box.

Suddenly a crow flew
With wolf teeth.
Raspberry pies
I ate mushrooms.

Fish walk along the path
They wave their fins,
An elephant hedgehog carries on its back,
Chickens plow the ground.

The hare is chasing the lion
And growls terribly.
The mole under the tree builds a house
From red rowan.

The wolf flies behind the cloud
Mice are dancing in a circle.
And sits at the bottom of the river
A frog under an umbrella.

Over the cheerful fiction
The sun is blue frolicking.
And in the green clouds
The elephant rides on skates.
(I. Gurina)


I get up in the evening
And I go to bed in the morning.
rooster cackling,
A goose crows.
I am a doll dress
I wash with a broom
And firewood in the stove
I light it with a saw.
I pour three soups
In a bowl with eggs.
song with cover
A saucepan with an end.

Fiction confusion

A ship sailed on the sea,
The fish swam in the river
The cat purred on the sand
Pedestrian on the path
Walked with a purse in hand
Walk, walk, walk...
Suddenly a strong wind picked up
Messed up everything,
And in the same place:
A pedestrian floated on the sea,
The cat was floundering in the river
The fish basked in the sand
On the path of the steamer
He walked with a wallet in his hand.
(R. Farhadi)

Once I saw an elephant in a circus
Jumped straight from the ground to the balcony
Then he jumped to the very sky
And still no tears from there.


A bear flies through the skies,
He wagged his ears, paws,
He directs his black tail.

Unbelievable, yes unheard of.

On the mountain, a cow barked at a squirrel,
Legs expanding and eyes bulging.

Fiction in faces, fiction,
Unbelievable, yes unheard of.

A pig made a nest on an oak tree,
She built a nest, brought out the kids.

Fiction in faces, fiction
Unbelievable, yes unheard of.

Little baby pigs
They sit on knots, look at the tops,
They look at the top, they want to fly away.

Fiction in faces, fiction
Unbelievable, yes unheard of.

The cockroach walked, walked behind the stove,
Suddenly, he walked out into the world.

Fiction in faces, fiction
Unbelievable, yes unheard of.

I saw a cockroach in a tub of water:
- Is it, brothers, the blue sea? -

Fiction in faces, fiction
Unbelievable, yes unheard of.

I saw a cockroach - they slurp from a cup with spoons:
- Isn't it, brothers, the ships are running,
Ships are running, are rowers rowing on them?

Fiction in faces, fiction
Unbelievable, yes unheard of.

The village was passing by a peasant,
And from under the dog the gate barks.
He snatched the cart from under the whip
And let's beat the gate with it.
The roofs were frightened, they sat on the raven,
The horse drives the man with a whip.

I rode, I rode along the path
Timoshka in a basket,
Petka in a boot
Kusk on one leg,
Senka in a glass
And Vanya is on a cockroach.

Early in the morning, in the evening
Late at dawn
Grandma was walking
In a chintz carriage.

Lived a tall citizen
Vertically challenged.
And walk him out the window
It was very easy.
Once upon a frosty summer day
In the morning in the evening
Exhausted from the heat
Suddenly he climbed onto the stove.

With marmalade in the beard
To your papa
Swimming bear in a frying pan
For curly porridge!
Watermelon flies above the ground
He chirps, whistles:
- I'm mustard, I'm lemon!
I'm closed for renovations!
Yam-tiryam-tiryam, in a wheelchair
Two mustachioed pandemoniums
Barefoot, run-run
They catch the wind with their boots!

A buffet runs along the river,
In it lies
Big secret,
He acts in films
Everyone will love it!
(Yu. Moritz)

How are you doing?
- They put an ax on their bare feet,
They mow the grass with a boot,
They carry water in a sieve.
Our sledges are moving by themselves.
And our horses - with mustaches,
Run underground for mice.

Yes, they are cats!
- A mosquito in your basket!

Our cats live in a nest
They fly everywhere.
Arrived in the yard
Started a conversation: - "Kar, kar!"

Yes, they are crows!
- Boiled fly agaric for you!
Ours is a big-eared crow,
Often runs into gardens.
Skok yes skok, across the bridge,
White speck tail.

Yes, it's a bunny!
- A barrel of cucumbers for you!
All the animals are afraid of our hare.
Last winter in the bitter cold
The gray hare took the ram away.

Yes, it's a wolf!
- Click on your forehead!

Have you never heard
That our wolves are horned?
The wolf shakes his beard
I ate swan.

Yes, it's a goat!
- A thousand clicks for you!

Our goat went under the snag,
Tail moves,
It does not order to set up nets.

Yes, this is burbot!
- No, not burbot.

We are not talking about burbot.
Halim Nicodemus is proud of himself,
Halim Nicodemus wears a sable hat
Doesn't break it before anyone
And he doesn't understand jokes either.
(Sapgir Heinrich)

As a child, I saw and remember to this day:
The cat was sewing on a sewing machine
Suddenly her car roared
And sewed a paw to the cat.
(A. Sergeev)

I saw a lake on fire
A dog in trousers on a horse
On the house a hat instead of a roof,
Cats that are caught by mice.
I saw a duck and a fox
That pies were baked in the forest,
How the little bear measured shoes
And what a fool he believed everything!
(S. Marshak)

A trolleybus floated in the ocean,
A ship was sailing in the sky.
As in the snow, in sour cream,
The skiers went on a hike.

The camel was skating
The pike was basking on the bitch,
Elephant climbed a tree
And he sang: - Ku-ka-re-ku!

The bear sat in his rocket
And went to the station...

I didn't come up with this myself.
Kostya told me this.

He is an invention - a master!
Or maybe it happens?
(Sergey Baruzdin)

In children's books with fables, something unimaginable happens: a cat that cuts its paw “partly” walks along the road, “partly” flies through the air; The "Greek" was bitten by cancer; in the village, the gates bark “from under the dog”, and a certain stick jumps out “with a grandmother in his hands” ... Short stories with an inverted meaning amuse and develop children. Examples of tales for children, given in the article, will help adults better understand what it is and how fables are useful for the development of children.

Short examples of children's tales

On the way to the Caucasus
An old tarantass rides.
A cat sits in a tarantass,
He has a stomach ache.

The horse ate porridge
And the man is an oat,
The horse sat in the sleigh
And the man took it.

Nonsense, nonsense,
It's just lies
Mowing hay on the stove
Crayfish with axes.

Stands dear at the gate,
Widely open mouth.
And no one will understand:
Where is the gate, and where is the mouth.

Drove the village
Past the man
Suddenly from under the dog
The gates are barking.

Fairy tale games

Using examples of tall tales above, play with the children:

  • Which of them will remember more fables the first time?
  • Who will remember all the fables printed here the fastest?
  • Who, closing his eyes, will say these fables by heart in reverse order?
  • Who is the best to turn fables “from head to foot” and explain why this does not happen in life and cannot be?

What do stories teach children?

Fables, children's counting rhymes, teasers, tongue twisters live and do not die, being passed down from generation to generation, please today's kids no less than our juvenile great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers? Every nation has whole fund children's stories.

Yes, because they, these fables, like air, are necessary for children.

“... The child himself has a desire to create for himself such an“ inverted world ”, in order to more accurately establish himself in the laws that govern the real world,” K. I. Chukovsky proves in the book “From Two to Five”.

“A child under the age of ten demands fun, and his demand is biologically legitimate. He wants to play, he plays with everyone and learns the world around him first of all and most easily in the game, the game. He plays with words and in words. It is on the game with a word that the child learns subtleties mother tongue, assimilates his music and what philologists call the “spirit of the language,” A. M. Gorky argued in his article.

Children enthusiastically accept both the oldest and the newest fables, counting rhymes, teasers, jokes, silences, riddles, proverbs, sayings, tongue twisters, long twisters, endless songs, parodies, ditties, burners, tautograms and much, much more ...

Happy minutes to you. Both small and big!


Basic concepts: definition, features of existence, terminology, features (figurative system, anthropomorphism, composition, rhyming), storytelling methodology, forms, genre models.

The existence of the genre. Fables, or tall tales, represent a special genre of folklore that is found among all peoples as an independent piece of art or as part of a fairy tale, epics, epics, buffoons.

The genre is equally common in both adult and children's repertoire. The difference lies in the form. In works performed for children or by children, "fiction takes the form of a song, a rhyming sentence (counting), silence, teasing, pestle, etc."

Children are attracted to works where absolutely incredible events would develop; there was a rearrangement of the object of action or signs characterizing various items; the functions and properties of one object were attributed to another. “Violation of the correct coordination of things causes laughter in children, and the more this violation, the stronger the sense of funny,” noted O.I. Kapitsa.

Definition. Typically, researchers consider fiction to be “works of various genres that depict reality with a deliberate violation of the chronological sequence of events, cause-and-effect relationships, etc. and create an artistic picture of the world full of inconsistencies.”

Probably, the name of the "fable" was given by the performers themselves:

Allow me, brothers, a fable with pegs,

Non-fiction, but non-fiction.

I will sing the old, unprecedented, but not heard.

Their important property is alogism. The objective world, pets, birds - everything in the fables is shown from the "absurd" side.

The second property is due to the attribution to one object of the properties of another. It was noted, in particular, by K.I. Chukovsky, who called such works "changelings" by analogy with the English "Topsy-turvy Rhymes" - "rhymes inside out, changeling rhymes." The name "shifters" partly coincides with the German name "Verkehre Welt" - "upside down world".

The study, One of the first in Russian literary criticism, shifting songs was considered by O.I. Kapitsa, her conclusions were subsequently confirmed by the English scientists I. Opie and P. Opie in the book “Folklore and Language of Schoolchildren”, published in Cambridge in 1959. Around the same time, V.P. Anikin fixed the double name of a similar form.

However, some researchers distinguish between them E.M. Levina believes that it is necessary to distinguish between fables and shifters. The difference between them is observed in the originality of the nature of the action: in fiction, anthropomorphism becomes the main principle (the performance of the work of people by animals, the acquisition of human nicknames and qualities by them).

In a shifter, reverse coordination takes place, animals do the same work, but do it in an unusual way- they mow hay with hammers, the caftan is sewn up with a broom. Temporal characteristics are also unusual: in fables, the disasters of birds and insects are portrayed as a global catastrophe, in shifters, heroes move across the sea on a sieve, confuse seasons and seasons.

Any deviation from the norm helped the child to seek and find his orientation in space. Associative links became such. The inverted world made it possible to look at ordinary things in a different way, to define them, to shade and emphasize individual qualities.

M.N. Melnikov clarifies that the analysis of texts published by V.I. Dalem, allows us to assert that fables were created by adults and for adults. Therefore, they cannot be attributed to the work of children, rather we are talking about peculiar transcriptions or adaptation of individual forms by the children's audience.

It is no coincidence that changelings were actively used by folk pedagogy, activating cognitive activity child and forming his ability to see the comic:

Cat on a basket

She sews a fly

cat on the floor


Not so, cat

Not like that, baby

Not so skull

Our Ivan is well done.

Peculiarities. Fables are distinguished by the playful nature of shifters, Chukovsky considered them a mental game: "A child plays not only with pebbles, cubes, dolls, but also with thoughts." Having learned to fold past stories, the child begins to turn them into own stories- “The thirst to play changelings is inherent in almost every child on certain stage his mental life.

Circle of images children's fables were predetermined by the conditions of peasant life, they included animals, birds, and insects familiar to a peasant child from childhood. Only they dressed like people: “a goat in a sundress”, “a chicken in boots”, “a duck in a skirt”. Animals performed the same duties: “a hen sweeps a hut, swept a hut, put a golechka under the threshold”, “a cat crushes crackers on the stove, a cat sews a fly”.

The movement of animals into an unusual environment, where they were forced to act in an unusual way, led to the creation of a comic effect. It happened that properties of others were attributed to one animal: “a bear flies through the skies, waving its ears, paws, straightening its gray tail”, “a dog gave birth to a bull”, “a pig laid an egg”.

The main approach becomes anthropomorphism: animals, insects, birds dressed in human clothes and endowed with human qualities, properties and vices. They performed the same actions as people. People also worked and acted in an inappropriate environment: “men on the street of the zaezka (fishing stakes) are beating, they are catching fish.” Animals were used in an unusual way: “Foma rides a chicken, Timoshka rides a cat”; "A man plowed mosquitoes, drove with a baton."

Compared with fairy tales, the anthropomorphism of fables has its own characteristics. The similarity was manifested in the humanization of animals, however, in a fairy tale, the animal acts as a carrier of certain qualities: the fox was distinguished by a crafty disposition, turned out to be quirky, capable of theft; the bear, on the contrary, is always clumsy and slow-witted.

In fiction, the characteristic changes. Here are some non-fictional songs, in the first of them disguised animals are presented, and in the second - disguised animals are dancing:

Ulyana, Ulyana,

Get in the sleigh

Let's go with us

To a new village.

In the new village

In the old village

You will see a lot of diva:

Hen in earrings

Goat in new trousers

Goat in a sundress

And the bull in leather

Duck in a skirt

Drake in necklaces

Cow in a mat -

There is none more valuable!

Our Danila

The cattle played

And cows and bulls

Adam's apples opened,

Ducks in pipes,

Cockroaches in drums;

Goat in a blue dress

In linen pants

in woolen stockings,

The ox and dances

leg waving,

The cranes went dancing

Show long legs

Boom, boom, boom.

A family of goats performs peasant work:

The goat grinds flour

The goat sleeps

And the little goats

They walk in the barns.

By shape a fable is a brief plot sketch, an everyday picture with specific content without a beginning or ending. Let us give an example of a fairy tale, where actors insects are: cockroaches, mosquito, louse, flea:

cockroach chopping wood

A mosquito walked on water

Got my feet stuck in the mud.

Flea raised -

Belly torn.

The louse heated the bath,

The nit cooked lye,

The louse went to bathe,

Fell out of a frenzy,

I hit the tub with an edge,

Thank God it's over

The whole world is tired.

The plot completeness of the description, saturation with specific details, visual inconsistencies determine the semantic capacity, accurate and spectacular transmission of actions.

Compositionally The flip-flop consists of scene-actions arranged in a chain and loosely connected to each other. In it there is a permutation of the object of action or signs that characterize different objects. Sometimes this verbal fun "takes on the character of a slip of the tongue game":

Where is it seen

Where is it heard

For a hen to give birth to a bull

Piglet laid an egg

The armless man robbed the cage,

He laid naked in his bosom,

Legless jumped ran

The ending in the tales is missing or does not affect the main content, being perceived as a complete summary:

Nits lye alkaline,

The louse went to bathe,

Fell out of a frenzy,

Hit the tub with an edge.

Thank God it's over

The whole world is tired.

Some researchers believe that the beginning, on the contrary, plays an important semantic role: “it immediately emphasizes that we are talking about nonsense, that they didn’t believe in it.”

Narration in fiction is conducted from the first or third

Our Danila

The cattle played.

I lived with my mother

In a pine hut.

Slept on a pillow

On a feather.

The nature of rhyme in fiction is varied. The most common adjacent rhymes are:

And the owner puts on shoes on the stove,

And the bear is on the road,

And the pig under the bridge pushes oats,

And the frog sings songs in the yard.

An example of a cross rhyme combined with an internal one:

The goat sows flour

The goat is sowing

And the lambs are tough

They play flute

And white-sided magpies

Legs top-top,

And an owl from coal

Eyes pop-clap.

Often there are internal rhymes in combination with paired


Young Thrush.

Changelings vary by genre model; sometimes it's a little joke:

Eh, my boots are on cotton,

And the undershirt on the violins.

Yes I'm on a piebald on a cart

On a pine horse.

But maybe a whole song:

The bast is girded by a man.

The village rode among the peasant,

Looking out from under the dog the gate is barking;

The gate is colorful, the dog is new.

The man grabbed the dog

And let's hit the stick.

The barn dog is squeezing

Yes, and ran away.

The hut came to the man

There, kneading a woman is kneading.

There are shifters in the form of a narrative:

I got up in the morning, put on my shoes on my bare feet, put on an ax, tucked three skis into my belt, girded myself with a club, and propped myself up with a sash. I walked not by the road; near the basts of the mountain tore; I went into a clear field, I saw: under an oak tree, a cow is milking a woman. I say: "Auntie, mother, give me one and a half milk in an unleavened jug." She didn't. I went out into the street: here a husky is dogging (meaning the dog is barking) at me; what do I have to defend? I saw: the road was on a sleigh, snatched the sleigh from the shaft, whip the husky and went home.

In this case, the plot unfolds as unusual story which happened to the narrator himself. EAT. Levina believes that even in the case when there are "motifs of prosaic fiction, repetitions rhythmically organize them."

... Yes, not a chicken on the stupas of soyagnilas,

cow on skis rolled,

Yes, the pig made a nest in the spruce.

Yes, she made a nest and brought out children.

Small children and piglets.

The little pig is hanging from the branches,

Hanging on the boughs and fly though.

eared pig

She made a nest on an oak tree,

piglet piglets

Exactly sixty.

Disbanded piglets

All in small knots.

The pigs are squealing

Yana wants to fly.

O.I. Kapitsa noted that the so-called "big songs" adjoin the fables. In most of them, the characters are animals that act like humans. She considers the following to be the most common: "Goat", "Owl's matchmaking", "Mushroom War", "Chechotka", "Death and burial of a mosquito", "Let's go, little wife, make a house", "I lived with the priest."

Similar songs by P.V. Shane calls satirical and buffoonish. “Almost all of them,” he notes, “are distinguished by a clear satirical character, the meaning and purpose of which have been smoothed out over time, as a result of which they have largely lost completely interest for people of older generations. But, thanks to the abundance of alliterations, tautologies and rhymes, as well as the ease of remembering their simple musical motives, they, so to speak, themselves asked for their invaluable services to mothers, nannies, nurses, for whom they were the most desirable, the most convenient and suitable means to entertain and amuse their own and other people's babies in a pleasant way. These little ones, having grown up and grown up to adolescence, begin to use these very songs and jokes with pleasure.

The lack of precise terminology led to the fact that in the first collection of "Russian folk songs» P. Shane put these songs in children's department, and in Velikorussa he transferred them to a group of humorous songs for adults.

Among the big songs, first of all, we will point out the song about the “goat” common among Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians. O.I. Kapitsa gives more than 10 versions of the song. It tells that the beloved grandmother's goat went to the forest for a walk, and there he was torn to pieces by wolves. Professor V.N. Peretz points to the prototype of this song, which is in the collection of Polish songs by Gintovt and Rudnitsky, dating back to 1713.

Here is the beginning of the most common version of this song:

Once upon a time there was a gray goat with my grandmother,

Grandmother loved the goat very much.

The goat decided to take a walk in the forest,

Gray wolves attacked the goat,

There were horns and legs left from the goat.

After each line, the chorus "That's it, that's it" is repeated and two last words. Gradually, the text, simple in structure, develops into a song filled with various events, where a goat meets wolves and dies.

At the beginning, the grandmother's goat boasts:

Seven wolves to kill

Sew a fur coat for Grandma.

The goat turns out to be a coward and, when meeting with a hare and a fox, asks:

Are you not my death?

Won't you eat me?

Animals respond to this

I am not your death

I won't eat you.

I'm a hare

I'm already white.

The goat then encounters seven wolves who attack him. Grandmother finds only his remains and arranges a wake for her pet. O.I. Kapitsa also gives a version with a happy ending, in which the goat cracks down on the wolves and returns home unharmed:

Oh you grandma

You, Varvarushka,

Open up the gate

Take the goat.

The song ended up in a children's book and was widely used for pedagogical purposes. O.I. Kapitsa believed that she provided material for outdoor children's games with singing for little ones, since "of all the big songs, it is especially close to children in form and content, which explains its popularity." S.Ya. Marshak processed the song into a play for the children's theater and for the Petrushka theatre. Obviously, OI, Kapitsa has in mind the play by S. Marshak "The Tale of the Goat".

No less common in terms of the number of variants is the song “Woodding and Wedding of an Owl”, in which birds act. It has a distinctly satirical tone. The characteristics of the birds that are offered to the bullfinch as a wife are distinguished by their depiction. All of them are endowed with human qualities:

I would take a jackdaw - it is clubfoot.

I would have taken a crow - she is a black man.

I would take a swallow - she is fidgety.

I would take the cuckoo - it is dreary, etc.

At the same time, the groom is trying to find out the business qualities of his bride:

Do you know how, little owl, to spin, weave?

Do you know how to plow pashenko?

In the collections of children's fairy tales, the song "Mushroom War" is placed:

Started a war

In the middle of the day.

How to start firing

Only the smoke began to fall.

As they said to the war

All our village

thought it over porcini -

All mushrooms Colonel,

Sitting under an oak tree

Looking at mushrooms.

He refers to different mushrooms, but everyone refuses to go to war: mushrooms say:

We are rich men

Not guilty in the regiments

Openers answer:

Our legs are very thin

We are not going to war, etc.

Finally, milk mushrooms agree:

We are friendly kids

Give sabers, guns,

We are the protectors of the village

We're going to war.

Children's songs are a parody of historical songs composed at the end of the 18th century under the influence of the Pugachev uprising. The lyrics of the song ridiculed those who refused to go to fight.

The songs "Let's make a house, little wife" and "I lived with the priest" are built on a number of onomatopoeia and names that characterize animals. The first song lists the animals bought for the farm, the second - the animals donated by the pan to the worker for his service. Here is how the animals are characterized:

And the heifer is a braggart

My sheep mother-pester,

Kozinka is white-Russian,

Pig motley-speckled,

My duck is a float

My goose is a waterfly, etc.

Here is an example of sound imitation:

Kozynka - meke-keke,

Lamb - bya-bya, bya-bya,

Pig - ruffles, ruffles,

Turkey - shuldy-buldy,

Goose - ha-ha-gaga, etc.

The interaction of tall tales with literary forms. M.N. Melnikov and E.M. Levin show the appearance of changelings based on the book tradition: “A suitcase was sailing on the sea”, “There was a hut on the bridge ...”, “It was in January, the first of April”.

There are parodies of modern popular songs:

At the edge of the forest

Winter lived in a hut.

She cooked people...

In such texts there are motives of intimidation, organically included in the structure of the genre. This circumstance brings parody songs closer to " scary stories"and shows that the genre has not lost popularity in the modern children's environment.

The child grows up, and jokes and fables appear in his life. Fables have existed among the people for a long time, but folk art preserves the best, gradually weeding out everything unnecessary. The difference between fables and nursery rhymes and pestles is that they are not associated with any movements, but there is some kind of fabulous or fantastic plot in it. These are pictures from the life of animals or short fairy tales that expand the child's knowledge of the world around them. Fiction songs and changelings, which help the baby to understand the real and the fantastic, strengthen the child in the correct perception and sense of the world. Children early age(up to 3 years) perceive paradoxes as reality. Fables are intended for children who already have enough life experience to feel the paradox of the situation described. Reading such poems contributes to the development of freedom of thought, imagination and, most importantly, a sense of humor. It is important that the baby hears surprise in the voice of an adult and understands that something incredible is happening .. Putting a new meaning into the familiar, turning everything upside down, the child learns to better operate with concepts, develops freedom of thinking, imagination and, importantly, learns to understand humor.
For an adult, these are absurdities, but for a child, funny stories about something that does not happen. When a child discovers the patterns of the world around him, new concepts, he begins to play with these concepts, because through the game he learns the world.

I'll play the trumpet
lime pipe,
Copper rings.
Through the cat house
Puffs of smoke.
A chicken runs with a bucket
Fills the cat's house.

A raven sits on an oak tree.
He plays the trumpet
A spruce pipe.
She is juniper.
And tu-tu-tu-tu-tu-tu,
The man lost his pipe.
Fumbled, fumbled - did not find,
He cried and went.

The cat's house caught fire.
Running chicken with a bucket
Fills the cat's house.
The cat jumped out
Eyes popped out
Run away to the river
I drank some water.
Ran away to the tavern -
Got drunk on tobacco.

orzy males
Our goat was taken away
Milked on the stove
They fed the goats.

there was an important turnip,
Each old woman wondered:
One day
You don't go around.
The whole village ate
The whole week.
One crust was put on
So the cart was broken off!

Anya-Vanya, simplicity
Bought a horse without a tail.
Went to get married
Tied a trough.
The trough is breaking
The wife smiles.

oron in red boots,
In gilded earrings
Black raven on oak
He plays the trumpet
Turned pipe,
The pipe is fine
The song is complex.

all the dogs are small
They put on vaaalenki,
And big so-ba-ki
They put on sa-po-gi!

hey guys, listen
My fairy tale is not rich
From the humpbacked horse
And a dancing bear:
Like a dirty pig
She made a nest on an oak tree.
She built a nest, brought out the children.
sixty piglets
They sit by knots.
The pigs are squealing
They want to fly.
They flew, they flew.
It's like a bear is flying across the sky.
The bear is flying
Head turns.
And he carries a cow,
Black-and-white, white-tailed.
And the cow is mooing
Yes, the tail is twirling!
Know the bear shouts:
- Let's go to the right
Come on to the left
And now straight ahead!

rum rolled over the mountains -
A mosquito fell from an oak tree,
Crashed on the rhizome
An old mosquito mosquito.
Flies flocked in an instant -
Two rumblers-goryukhi,
Raised a poor brother
They began to buzz, to kill:
- Old mosquito mosquito,
How it hurts, my friend!
Our poor light-sudarik,
How sorry we are for you, mosquito!

va brother Kondrat built a bathhouse.
The sandpipers were dark,
The cranes did
The woodpecker cut through the pipes,
The cockroach carried firewood,
The flea alkalized the lye,
Nits soaked brooms,
The louse was steaming
Yes worn out
Run around ass -
All according to the old bug,
Remember the slave
Sulfur louse in the coffin.

Evushka Pelageyushka.
What did you do?
- She pastured the foals.
- What did you take out?
- A foal.
-And where he?
- Nikolka took away.
- Where's Nikolka?
- He left the cage.
- Where are the cells?
- It was washed away by water.
- Where is the water?
- Bulls drank.
- Where are the bulls?
-They left on the grass.
- Where is the grass?
- Priests mowed down.
-Where are the priests?
- They went home.

Neighbor food,
Where did you go?
- In the forest.
- What did you see?
- Birdie.
What is she sitting on?
- On the Christmas tree.
What is she singing about?
- All chuvik-chuvik,
Come to me to drink tea,
And then I'll fly into the willow.

there is such a stick,
Catch stick.
You will knock with a catcher -
The blue siskin takes off.
At the siskin, at the siskin
Red-haired crest,
And on a little paw
Scarlet shoe.
Chizhik knows the song
About mice, about a ladder:
"Like a crowd of stairs
There were mice in the pantry.
The ladder has fallen
The mice rolled ... "

hala village
Past the man
Suddenly from under the dog
The gates are barking.
He grabbed a club
Broke the ax
And for our cat
Ran the fence.
The roofs were scared
Sit on a raven
The horse is chasing
A man with a whip.

hala village past a man,
Suddenly from under the dog
The gates barked
"True," said the horse
And the man screamed
The horse went to the hut
And the man stood
The horse ate buns
And the man is oats,
The horse sat in the sleigh
And the man took it.

Ayats white,
Where did you run?
- In the forest-oak.
- What did you do there?
- Tore the bark.
- Where did you put it?
- I cleaned it under the deck.

because of the forest, because of the mountains
Grandpa Egor is coming.
He is on a gray wagon,
On a creaky horse
Belted with an ax
The belt is tucked into the waist
Boots wide open
Zipun on bare feet.

because of the forest, because of the mountains
Grandpa Egor is coming.
Himself on a filly
wife on a cow
children on calves,
Grandchildren on goats.
Moved down from the mountains
lit a fire,
They eat porridge
Listen to a fairy tale.

Where have you been? - She pastured the horses.
What did you pasture? - A foal.
Where is the foal? - In a cell.
Where is the cell? - It was washed away by water.
Where is the water? - Bulls drank.
Where are the bulls? - They went to the talnik.
Where is the talnik? - The girls were knocked out.
Where are the girls? - Got married.
Where are the husbands? - They went to war.
Where is the war? - In the middle of the barn.

the lake went on the water,
Found a bag of malt
Steamed the kulishka.
Kulishka, Kulishka,
Sweet, honey
Haven't been in the oven
Under the crack stood
Mouse hit
Not a trog - forward
Shepherds for lunch.

the oshka walks along the edge,
She flicks a lychko,
Weaves bast shoes for a cat,
And the cat has no time -
Necessary brew beer,
Gotta brew beer
Yes, you need to get your son married.
Son Maxim, balalaika player,
Bought a balalaika
Yes, I loved all the girls:
You are slouchy
You are hunchbacked
Come out, marry me
Yes, for the rich.
I have something about you
A whole river of milk
Kisel barns are intact.

issa ran through the forest,
The fox has lost its tail.
Vanya went to the forest
Found a fox tail.
The fox came early
Vanya brought berries,
She asked for her tail.

scarlet tatars
They took a stick
They hit the board
Let's go to Moscow.
There is a bridge being built
Piglets are being baptized.
They look up
They want to fly.
Arrived early
They brought a ram
With steep horns.
He stomped his feet.

amont and papont walked on the river,
Babant and grandfather were lying on the stove.
And the granddaughter was sitting on the porch
And he twisted his trunk into rings.

I eat heaven and earth
Piglet rummaged
And accidentally tail
Caught up to the sky.

Children's poems-fiction - a huge storehouse folk wisdom. Many writers insisted that fables are, first of all, a special children's intellectual game, thanks to which you can develop your child harmoniously. And as it turned out, they were right, because children can not only play using the most various means, including toys, cars, dolls. Children can play just as much fun, but only with their own thoughts. Fiction is the fruit of fantasy and imagination, which allows the child to significantly expand the boundaries of existing reality, to look at every object in a new way, to make the world more interesting.

Always perky, funny and cheerful - they are liked by children.

They talk about things that don't really happen.

and cannot be.

Often adults can hear how the child himself makes up fables. There is no need to stop the baby, let him compose, perhaps it is in your family that a great storyteller grows.

Despite the fact that the struggle for the right to compose and tell lasted long years, today this genre can rightfully be considered interesting and useful. revived.

Using the game as a means of developing the child's intellectual abilities

Develop mental processes in children (Fantasy, logical thinking, speech, imagination

Activate cognitive interests.

To form the internal position of the future student.

I do not praise myself in vain,

I say to everyone and everywhere that any proposal,

I will repeat right away.

Vanya rode a horse

Led a dog on a belt

And the old woman at this time, Washed the cactus on the window.

Vanya rode a horse

Led a dog on a belt

Well, the cactus at this time, washed the old woman on the window.

Vanya rode a horse.

Led the old woman on a belt.

And the dog at this time,

Soap Vanya on the window.

Knowing what I'm saying

I said I'll repeat

It came out without error

And why boast in vain.

Vladimir Shainsky "About the cat".

I bought a talking cat from the bird market

But I didn't know what would happen

With him, a solid maeta maeta,

My cat ran away from home

And he appeared in the deity garden.

He sang the song Chunga-chang

Thirty-three hours straight.

Fables, Fables

Crossing all boundaries.

So what, so what.

Reality and fiction are so similar.

Sunday half past two

The Martian has arrived

Called on the phone

Wanted to meet.

I was just filming

And where is it seen

And in what village is it heard

For a hen to give birth to a bull,

The little pig laid an egg,

Yes, I took it to the shelf

And the shelf broke

And the egg broke

The sheep fluttered

The filly clucked

Oh, where, where, where,

It didn't happen to us.

So that the armless man robs our cage,

The bare-bellied man put it in his bosom,

And the blind man was peeping

And the deaf man overheard

And the legless water carrier ran,

The tongueless "guard" shouted!

The village rode

Past the man

Suddenly from under the dog

The gates are barking

He grabbed a club

Broke the ax

And for our cat

Ran the fence

The roofs were scared

Sat on the vorn

The horse is chasing

A man with a whip.

There is a stump in the swamp,

There is a stump in the swamp,
He's too lazy to move.
The neck does not turn
And I want to laugh.

The fox ran through the forest
The fox has lost its tail.
Vanya went to the forest
Found a fox tail.
The fox came early
Vanya brought berries,
She asked for her tail.

Because of the forest, because of the mountains
Grandpa Egor is coming
On a bulan cart,
On a creaky horse.
Boots on it with a pocket
A vest with a heel.
Belted with a club
Leaned on a sash.

Between heaven and earth
Piglet rummaged
And accidentally tail
Caught up to the sky.

Fuck-tah, rattle,
The mouse rides on hedgehogs.
- Wait prickly hedgehog,
No more driving
You are very stubborn, hedgehog!

    Where did you run?
    - In the forest-oak.
    - What did you do there?
    - Tore the bark.
    - Where did you put it?
    - I cleaned it under the deck.

  • The fox ran through the forest
    The fox has lost its tail.
    Vanya went to the forest
    Found a fox tail.
    The fox came early
    Vanya brought berries,
    She asked for her tail.

  • Between heaven and earth
    Piglet burrowed
    And accidentally tail
    Caught up to the sky.

Fuck-tah, rattle,
The mouse rides on hedgehogs.
- Wait prickly hedgehog,
No more driving
You are very stubborn, hedgehog!

  • Because of the forest, because of the mountains
    Grandpa Egor is coming.
    Himself on a filly
    wife on a cow
    children on calves,
    Grandchildren on goats.
    Moved down from the mountains
    lit a fire,
    They eat porridge
    Listen to a fairy tale.

  • Shadow-shadow-sweat,
    Above the city is a wattle fence.
    The animals sat under the fence.
    Boasting all day
    The fox boasted:
    - I am beautiful to the whole world!
    Bunny boasted:
    - Come on, catch up!
    Hedgehogs boasted:
    - We have good coats!
    The bear boasted:
    - I can sing songs

  • There is a stump in the swamp,
    He's too lazy to move.
    The neck does not turn
    And I want to laugh.

  • There was an important turnip
    Each grandmother wondered.
    You can't go around in one day.
    The whole village ate a whole week

More on this topic...

Olesya Emelyanova

Reality or fiction

This is a game for children 3-6 years old. There can be any number of participants. Draw a line on the ground or, if the game is played indoors, place a ribbon or string on the floor. Children should stand behind the line, and the leader should stand in front of them. Before starting the game, you need to introduce the children to the symbols. If the host says something that can happen in life (falsehood), you need to stand up and raise your hands above your head, if you said something that cannot be (fiction), you need to squat down. You can come up with other conventional signs, but they must be very different from each other so that it is impossible to quickly change one for another. After that, the facilitator reads to the children short rhyme, and they should respond to it correctly conditional movement. The leader himself should not make any movements. Everyone who has shown the correct sign takes a step forward. All those who made a mistake remain in their original places.

Whoever is the furthest at the end of the game wins. For greater honesty, you can line the entire playing area into stripes-steps. Or, on the contrary, allow the players who answered correctly to take a step or jump of the maximum length.

in green couplets-were marked, and fables are marked in red:

To escape the winter storms
Swallows fly south.

ballerina at work
They stuff down into feather beds.

Cuttlefish in the sea
It doesn't float, it rolls.

From porch to gate
Snails crawled all day long.

To hunt, owls
Bricks are thrown down.

african gorilla
Eats elephants and crocodiles.

From a tree bud
The leaves have grown.

In the thicket of the mushroom picker Peter
Mosquito bitten.

To cure a cold,
Ants eat mustard.

Gave Misha Light
Chocolate candy.

At the flying hedgehogs
Eight legs and six ears.

Boy Petya on a walk
Gathered buns from trees.

Rhinos and elephants
Came to us from the moon.

Monkeys in the zoo
Bananas are eaten in the morning.

Cockerel, singing the dawn,
Says to the chickens: "Oink!"

Milked Semyon from the bull
Two cans of milk.

At the mighty eagle
Two legs and two wings.

Made from ice
Very wet water.

Toothy wolf in the morning
Cleans teeth with paste.

Two hungry jellyfish
They ate corn in the sea.

So that the ears do not freeze in winter,
Puts on Lusha's hat.

Young fisherman Fedot
Floats in a boat on the river.

A fly from Antoshka's kitchen
She took away the fork and the spoon.

Natasha has a ghost
Ate all the jam in the house.

Football players of CSKA
The ball is played with sand.

On the table at Baba Yulia
The dough is falling out of the pan.

Wolverine in the zoo
Outrun the turtle.

Crayfish whistle on the mountain
To flood and heat.

The plane is circling in the sky
Flapping its wings like a bird.

At the toy doll
Long arms and legs.

The squirrel jumps between the trees
Hides nuts for the winter.

Uncle Misha at work
Sells skates and skis.

Alena saw in the park
A flock of green sparrows.

Every five years
The cat changes color.

Kalahari all year round
The cactus dances and sings.

Sometimes the moon during the day
Visible to people in the sky.

Doll new Matryona
Dropped it off the balcony.

Smart dog on command
Kolya slippers brought.

Hiding mother kangaroo
Kangaroo in a holster.

After a rain of semolina
Toadstools grew up in the forest.

From cakes and syrup
Penelope got fat.

Soldiers in training
Learn to throw grenades.

Dove walks along the path
He has four legs.

In Larisa's garden
Foxes steal zucchini.

At the edge of the earth in the east
The sun shines day and night.

The fallen athlete
Bandaged knee.

Angry toothy crocodile
Motor scooter swallowed.

Printer printed photo
Striped raccoon.

Petya with baskets
Turns snow into gasoline.

Under water at the bottom of the sea
The stingray feeds on sand.

The cow in the picture
Very dirty boots.

Dropped the porcupine quills,
It became quite, not at all prickly.

On green orange
The skin turned dark blue.

divers underwater
Breathe gas through a tube.

Five-year-old boy Vasya
Fifth year in tenth grade.

Uncle Vasya to Antarctica
In the summer I floated on a mattress.

Evil Antoshka from the window
Doused the cat with water.

Flew in a flock
Weasels in the sky.

At night in total darkness
Mice ride on a cat.

Summer in Yegor's yard
Rolled down hills from ice.

At a fun carnival
Children in masks danced.

At the polar beaver
Right in the iceberg hole.

After Tuesday Wednesday
It doesn't always come.

All his life a huge whale
He eats in the sea and sleeps in the sea.

Making tomato juice
From burdocks and from boards.

There are no babies
No colored pencils.

Under the window on a spring day
White lilac blooms.

If a notebook is in a cell,
You can't draw in it.

Saw Yang like a caterpillar
Ate a bird in the garden.

From an eagle chick
You can grow a starling.

From Timur's cold
The temperature has risen.

Digging under the ground
Little nimble mole.

Grandson Vanya Vanin grandfather
Fifteen years younger.

Dasha ate at dinner
One hundred bowls of semolina.

In the garden of Proshka
I planted potatoes.

He hissed Petya from the stump
Poison pig.

Jumping on the branches of a bird -
Yellow-bellied titmouse.

Anyuta plucked a rose,
And now there's a splinter in my hand.

Near the old pond
The ostrich sat on the wires.

Uncle Kolya for beauty
He grew his mustache.

In ice and in ice
Good for sledding.

Add seagulls to tea
Swan and milkweed.

Catfish caught in the river
And boiled in boiling water.
(catfish could not catch and cook itself)

At the sea lion
The skin is like oilcloth.

Even the Chinese
There are five fingers on the hand.

cucumber leaves
Twice as sweet as halva.

Teaching a hedgehog is easy
Drink milk from a saucer.

Grandchildren of Baba Olya
The beds were weeded.

Scaled hose
It's called a snake.

Doctor prescribed Misha
From a sore throat.

In cartoons on roller skates
Ride lions and rabbits.

Fish smart dolphin
There will be no paraffin.

Skinny gopher on a hillock
A column stands at the mink.

Don't give a cripple
Books in the library.

Eight year old boy Kolya
Got an A in school.

At the frog from the pond
Greyed beard.

Everything is always put in a salad
Chocolate and marmalade.

Glory found a rainbow
And went on the rainbow.

The cat sleeps on the battery
And it gets better.

At the bazaar we are Kazakh
I weighed the melon on the clock.

Chef Uncle Borya deftly
I froze the cake in the oven.

Angry penguin grabbed a raccoon
And took him to the swamp.

Vlad on the phone
I called Simon.

Together with grandfather Egor
Paint the fence.

Water poured out during the day
From a perforated pond.

From the hands of the Chinese Li
Panda eats bamboo.

The train was driving over the bridge
And he signaled to everyone “Tu-tu!”

Yang, pressing the switch,
Koshkin turned off the purr.

See also:


Children's fables in verse

About the red mouse and the green horse

I went and asked
different passers-by
About red mouse
And a green horse.
And they answered me
Dozens of passers-by
- We haven't seen any of those.
Even similar ones.
Smiling all around
-It's all fantasy!-
Some old man said:

I walked through the city
Ridiculous and disheveled.
I asked everywhere
Don't bother me:
- Has anyone seen
green horse,
green horse
And a red mouse?

Suddenly someone called
me from the window.
And I saw
blue elephant,
Who said:
- Look for them at the pier.
Recently there
Walked by tourists
green horse
and a red mouse.
Well, hurry up
what are you standing for?

In excitement I ran
to the pier
Where is the white boat
shook the stern.
The ship has already left
From the pier.
green horse
At the side stood
A red mouse
waved to me from the stern ...
Since then, unfortunately
We didn't see each other.
You say it's all
one untruth.
Do not trust?
Ask the blue elephant.

Barrel of little dogs

Let me
tickle piece,
Give laughter - Two pinches,
Three tablespoons
And thunderstorms - Four meters!
Squeak-squeal - Two hundred grams
Plus half a liter
Yes, even
gulp of rope
And a skein of soda! - - I will give everything,
What would you like,
If you
Give in exchange
Yes keg
Little dog!
Zakhoder Boris

Maybe, maybe...
From m / f "Plasticine Crow"

One simple story
Or maybe not a fairy tale
Or maybe not simple
We want to tell you.
We remember her from childhood
Or maybe not since childhood,
Or maybe we don't remember
But we will remember.

We remember, crow,
Or maybe a dog
Or maybe a cow
Once lucky.
Someone sent her cheese
Gram, I think, two hundred,
Maybe three hundred
Or maybe half a kilo.

She flew up to the spruce
Maybe it didn't fly
Or maybe a palm tree
She climbed up with a run.
And there she has breakfast,
Or maybe have lunch
Or maybe have dinner
Gathered calmly.

But then the fox ran,
Or maybe she didn't run.
Or maybe it's an evil ostrich,
Or maybe not evil.
Or maybe it was the janitor.
He walked through the countryside
To the nearest hazel
For a new broom.

Listen, crow
Or maybe a dog
Or maybe a cow
But also good.
You have such feathers
You have horns
Hooves are very slender
And a kind soul.

And if you sing
Or maybe you're crying
Or maybe close √
Cows are mooing
Then you have a big saddle,
Carpet and TV
As a gift immediately handed
Or maybe they will.

And stupid crow
Or maybe a dog
Or maybe a cow
Like something will sing.
And from such singing
Or maybe not singing,
Fainted immediately
From laughter all the people.

And that crow has cheese
Or maybe the dogs
Or maybe cows
Of course he fell.
And right on the fox
Or maybe an ostrich
Or maybe the janitor
Got it immediately.

The idea of ​​this fairy tale
Or maybe not fairy tales
Not only adults will understand
But even the little one
Don't stand and don't jump
Don't sing, don't dance
Where there is construction
Or a load is suspended.
Uspensky Eduard

three wise men
Three wise men in one bowl
They set off across the sea in a thunderstorm.
Be stronger
old basin,
It would be my story.
Translation by S. Marshak

They said, you can't see a sparrow,

And a sparrow is walking down the street,

In the left wing carries a violin,

Plays with the right wing

Jumping from foot to foot.

And-ta-ta, and-ta-ta,

A cat married a cat

For the cat,

For Ivan Petrovich.

They began to bury the cat,

Ring all bells.

Ti-li-l don,

Ti-li-l don,

The goat house caught fire

The goat jumped out

Her eyes popped out.

A chicken runs with a bucket

I ran to the oak

Bit her lip

Ran to the city

She burned her beard.

Erema, Erema,

Would you sit at home

sharpening spindles,

Heels are green.

A spinner spun on a thread,

Put in boxes

The mouse clattered.

The mouse is afraid

Lies on the stove

Not expensive forward (thread)

Shepherds for lunch.

The cat walks on the edge

She flicks a lychko,

Weaves bast shoes for a cat,

And the cat has no time -

Gotta brew beer

Gotta brew beer

Yes, you need to get your son married.

Son Maxim, balalaika player,

Bought a balalaika

Yes, I loved all the girls:

You are slouchy

You are hunchbacked

Come out, marry me

Yes, for the rich.

I have something about you

A whole river of milk

Kisel barns are intact.

The sheep were walking along the road,

Wet feet in a puddle.

One, two, three, four, five,

They began to wipe their feet,

Who with a handkerchief

Who is a rag

Who has a holey mitten.

White bunny, where did you run?

Into the oak forest.

What did you do?

Lyki fought.

Where did you put it?

Under deck.

Who stole?

I don't know, I don't know.

Thunder rolled over the mountains -

A mosquito fell from an oak tree,

Crashed on the rhizome

An old mosquito mosquito.

Flies flocked in an instant -

Two rumblers-goryukhi,

Raised a poor brother

They began to buzz, to kill:

old mosquito mosquito

How it hurts, my friend!

Our poor light-sudarik,

How sorry we are for you, mosquito!

Drove the village

Past the man

Suddenly from under the dog

The gates are barking.

He grabbed a club

Broke the ax

And for our cat

Ran the fence.

The roofs were scared

Sit on a raven

The horse is chasing

A man with a whip.

Our hostess

She was smart

Everyone in the hut worker

For the holiday gave:

The dog washes the cup with his tongue,

The mouse collects crumbs under the window,

On the table, the cat scratches with its paw,

The hen sweeps the doormat with a broom.

All the birds flew

tap dance sisters,

Cuckoo girlfriend;


He narrowed his eyes;

Crow Bride

She sat down.

Only there is no groom.

Should I call the rooster?

I bought a lamb

Early in the market

I bought a lamb bagel:

For sheep, for sheep

TEN poppy rings,

NINE sushi,

EIGHT buns,

SEVEN cakes,

SIX cheesecakes,

FIVE cakes,

FOUR donuts,

THREE cakes,

TWO gingerbread

And I bought ONE kalach -

I didn't forget about myself!

And for the wife - sunflowers.

At our moon

From a dear friend

Forty tubs

salty frogs,

Forty barns

dry cockroaches,


Pigs -

Only the legs are hanging.

Kindergarten websites
How to create a website for...

online courses
Children's creative competitions, competitions for teachers, voting.

. "Cheering for Russia-2014"
"Gift for dad for 23" bird feeder "

Order a certificate
Certificates and testimonials

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