Move objects at a distance. How to move objects with the power of thought: the basics of concentration and telekinesis

According to the researchers, almost every person is given the ability to move objects with the help of a single thought. Telekinesis can be learned without even having the slightest ability. It's just that these abilities are inherent in a person from birth. The main thing is faith. Once you believe in your abilities, you will be able to achieve the desired result. You will be able to develop the ability to move objects. At first, of course, it may not work out, but you should not give up right away. You have to be patient, assertive and train a lot, only in this way you can learn telekinesis. How to learn to move objects at a distance with your eyes, if you do not need the help of teachers, but want to do everything yourself.

How to move an object with your mind

To discover the ability to move objects, it is worth starting with the most elementary exercise - “moving the void”. Look at some one point and mentally, on the subconscious, begin to imagine that you are trying to move the void. Such an exercise is necessary in order to learn concentration. You will learn to concentrate your eyes and your attention.

At the same time, your body should be relaxed. But at the same time, the hands must move. Practice until you feel that the tension in their muscles, the body gradually begins to go away. Even when you move your arms, you should not have any tension.

If something does not work out, you still continue classes, do not stop. It is not always so easy to become a real professional, but experience comes only when a lot of effort and daily training are applied to it.

How to learn to move objects with your eyes

After the first preparation with moving the void, you can already start moving any objects. To learn how to move objects at a distance, try to work with a piece of paper.

  • You will need a small piece of paper, which will need to be folded two times perpendicularly. Stick a pin into it or an ordinary needle into a plastic cover, a cork, you can into plasticine, put a leaf on the needle in the middle.
  • The needle and sheet should be at the same level of your eyes, but at a distance of two to three meters. Try to focus on the solar plexus, feel how the current passes through your hands, fingers, you feel a slight tingling. When your palms are opposite each other, it should feel like something is preventing you from touching them.
  • Now sit in a place where it is well lit. Bring your hands to a piece of paper and concentrate all your attention on it. Try to turn it over. Just throw all thoughts out of your head, they will only interfere with you, breathe calmly and deeply.

It is best to do these exercises at night and for at least 30 minutes.

Now you know how to move objects at a distance.

Researchers claim that any average static person can independently learn telekinesis. Everyone has these abilities from birth, the main thing is to believe in yourself and have a desire to learn something new. You should not give up if something does not work out, you need to seriously engage and gravitate towards triumph. Because how can you independently learn to move things with your eyes without teachers and any books?


1. Start with exercises on "moving the void." Look where you want and instinctively "move the void." This will teach you to concentrate your attention and gaze.

2. Try to relax the muscles of the body, but the hands, nevertheless, must move. Practice persistently until the tension in the muscles during hand movements subsides.

3. Get started on moving the physical prophetic. Take a small sheet of paper and fold it in half perpendicularly twice. Insert a sewing needle or pin into the lid plastic bottle, cork, lump of plasticine. Place a folded sheet on the needle in the middle.

4. Place a needle with a leaf on the eye tier, at a distance of 2-3 meters, in order to exclude the possibility of breathing.

5. Try to focus on a clear plexus, feel with your hands how heat moves from it. Feel a slight tingling and warmth on your fingertips and on your palms. If you turn your palms towards each other, then you must feel some tension, as if there is an inflated balloon between them.

6. Relax, sit comfortably. The place for the exercise should be well lit. Bring your hands to the sheet and, concentrating, try to overturn it with the power of thought.

7. At this moment, don’t think about anything, relax, put all thoughts out of your head, breathe deeply. You only have to want the leaf to turn and see this process morally.

8. Do the exercise every time for about thirty minutes. It is better than anyone to do this at night, because at this time of day the brain is less energetic.

9. Don't get discouraged and don't doubt your abilities. If it doesn’t work right away, then be sure that the sensation will come after 3-5 days of continuous training.

10. Remember: the most important thing in this business is hope in yourself and your abilities. If you are confident in yourself, you will rigorously achieve the desired result.

In the world familiar to us, the skill of moving objects with thoughts, or telekinesis, is nothing but an illusion. In other words, focus. In order to demonstrate such a trick, say, to your children, it is not at all rigorously to be Copperfield. Let's try at home to move the object mentally.

You will need

  • - strong magnet
  • - table or board
  • - small metal object


1. Take a small metal object. It can be whatever is desired, say, a ball from a bearing, or some kind of figure. The main thing is that the object chosen for the focus interacts with the magnet. Check this before the focus begins, on the contrary, embarrassment may come out.

2. Sit at the table, put the child on the contrary. Remove your left hand under the table (you hold the magnet in it), and with your right hand, to divert attention, carefully place our metal object in the middle of the table (let it be a ball). Give the spectator the chance to make sure that the ball is not fixed and that it can move freely on the surface of the table.

3. Now place your right hand over the ball, palm down. Pretend to be tense, it is allowed to tremble with your hand to enhance the result. At the same time, slowly and smoothly bring the magnet to the bottom surface of the table where the ball is. Wood does not affect strength magnetic field, consequently it will act on the ball through the table top. With the support of a magnet, move our object without forgetting about right hand, which you must pretend to control the behavior of the ball. If the viewer continuously follows the movement of the ball on the table, then the trick was a success.

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Not all metals and alloys are affected by a magnet. Choose products that attract well. When demonstrating the focus, be careful not to touch the magnet on the inside of the table, this can ruin everything. If the table is thick enough, or has any technological protrusions, this can complicate the task. Dining tables consisting only of a table top and legs are perfect.

Useful advice
Lean closer to the object of "telekinesis", make distracting movements so that the viewer does not pay attention to the left hand. Alternatively, the magnet can be adapted to the knee. In this case, both your hands will be free, however, you will somewhat lose the will to move the object.

Telekinesis is the knowledge to move items by one power of thought. More than once, scientists have described cases of non-contact movement of the prophetic, and they have not been able to give these facts a scientific interpretation. Move more often for knowledge items thought, as well as for practicing music, you need a certain gift, however, this can be achieved through hard training.

You will need

  • - a plastic cup;
  • - match;
  • - thread.


1. First, take a look at your family tree. Perhaps in your family there were already people with telekinesis. Ask your grandparents. If you are lucky, and the owners of paranormal abilities are present in your family tree, it will be much easier for you to learn how to move items without touching them. In addition, you can even do without training, because your abilities can wake up at any moment.

2. If there were no magicians in your family, do not be discouraged, you can reach everyone independently. Find a point on the wall (if you have a new wallpaper without spots, draw it independently) and concentrate your attention on it for 15 minutes all day. You have to sit comfortably and be relaxed. Imagine that rays come from your eyes, which rest on a point.

3. Later, after you have learned to concentrate your attention without tasks, complicate the exercise. Now keep looking at the point, while rotating your head. If this exercise was given to you without difficulty, draw a second point on the wall a little lower than the first and, concentrating on the top, smoothly move your gaze to the bottom. You should have the feeling that your gaze is glued to the top point and is pulling it down.

4. Take a plastic cup and place it in front of you on a sturdy chair. At the same time, sit on the floor. Making passes over the glass with your hands (which ones - your intuition will tell you), move it with the power of thought. With careful and regular performance of this exercise, the result should appear within a week.

5. Take a match, tie it to a string and hang it up. Now, making passes with your hands, try to force the match to turn around its axis. The result should also appear within a week.

6. After you have successfully mastered the exercises in moving a plastic cup and a match, you can move more huge items, guided by the same thesis.

Saturation of attention and thoughts requires a huge expenditure of mental strength. Any external stimuli can distract a person from the object of concentration. It can be difficult to concentrate when doing routine work. Special exercises and a fresh look at familiar things will help you maintain a steady interest in a thoughtful snag.


1. An important factor for successful concentration is the absence of external stimuli. When you are reading a book, writing or thinking about something, any sound or movement can distract your attention. It is more difficult for everyone to concentrate in crowded and loud places. If you are working from home, and your loved ones are watching TV, talking loudly and constantly asking some questions, you will not be able to fully focus on the task at hand. Try to isolate yourself from external stimuli as much as possible. Discover the secluded and the most quiet place where you can work more productively. If you can’t find such a place, try to mentally isolate yourself from the events taking place around you. Imagine that your head is in a large glass ball, and all external sounds bounce off it without reaching your attention.

2. When you need to concentrate on a chore or a dreary lecture that does not arouse interest, try to discover something new in it. Look at familiar things from a different perspective. Perhaps you are listening to the tenth report at the conference, your attention has wandered and thoughts gone in an unfamiliar direction. Imagine yourself as a person who first encountered the topic being presented, as if you accidentally got into the hall. Find points in the report that might interest you. This may be a good judgment on your well-known things, some previously unexplored figures, facts and wording of terms. Perhaps you are interested in the strange genre of the speaker's speech and the knowledge to present difficult material in an accessible way.

3. Learn to concentrate thoughts special exercises will help. Place any object in front of you - an apple, a vase, a matchbox or a watch. Focus on the selected object. Look at it from different angles. Pay attention to the color, volume, shape, smell, sensations when touching an object. Try to keep your attention clearly and think about the subject for at least 2 minutes. As soon as you notice that your attention has moved away from the object of concentration, gently bring it back and continue with the exercise. Perform the exercise every day for 5-10 minutes. Soon it will be easier for you to control thoughts .

Saturation - knowledge to fix Attention on the same object for a period of time. However, the pace of modern life, the abundance of information and routine affairs often do not allow you to focus on one thing. This only affects work or study. How can one learn to push everything indecent to the distant plane?


1. Make the right atmosphere. The first step is to minimize the impact of distractions. For some, this is a working TV or loud conversations around, someone is unable to refuse to communicate in social networks, and for someone the order in the workplace and a comfortable chair are the main thing. Having found out what prevents you from focusing more than anyone, it will be much easier to create a comfortable atmosphere: turn off the TV, turn off Internet access, remove excess from the table, or make yourself more comfortable.

2. Watch your health. It is unthinkable to work at full strength, feeling not very good. Even a minor headache leads to a decrease in the tier of concentration and performance. The ability to concentrate worsens due to chronic lack of sleep. Tea during sleep restores brain cells needed for concentration. To avoid psychological decline try to sleep at least 7-8 hours a day.

3. While reading a continuous text, attention is scattered, it becomes difficult to assimilate what has been read. In this case, it is allowed to draw up graphs, diagrams, mental maps or abstract plans. The brain, busy processing the received information, is much more difficult to be distracted by third-party objects.

4. Work is not always enjoyable. Consequently, there is a huge temptation to push an unpleasant or tedious business into a distant box. The ability to focus attention is closely related to self-discipline, as well as the knowledge to achieve goals. At the end of the whole day, make a to-do list for tomorrow and strive to stick to it. Perseverance in this undertaking will lead to the fact that you will be able to regulate your attention yourself and direct it to one or another object.

5. Long-term saturation of attention leads to rapid fatigue. This is due to overexertion of certain areas of the brain. Therefore, in order to maintain excellent performance during the working day, be sure to take breaks. Take an example from the school timetable. Organize hourly "changes" for 10-15 minutes. The main thing is not to sit in the same place, chatting with colleagues or playing computer game. Walk better, stretch your muscles, massage your neck or do exercises for the eyes.

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Knowledge to move items on the distance, or scientifically telekinesis, has been described by scientists more than once and shown in thrillers and sci-fi films. Until now, there is no unambiguous judgment, due to which items are moving. More often than not, this ability is innate, however, through hard training, this can be learned.

You will need

  • - a plastic cup / a box of matches / a piece of cloth;
  • - pencil.


1. Get to know your family tree. Ask relatives, visit great-aunts and ask if there were people in your family who were called magicians by neighbors or would really be primitively considered unusual and chose to bypass their house. If people with paranormal abilities are found among your ancestors, it will be much easier for you to master telekinesis.

2. If you start learning to move items on the distance from scratch, then the first thing you need to learn is to concentrate. First, draw a dot on the wallpaper and look at it for 15 minutes a day, without being distracted and without thinking about anything other than this dot. Such an exercise only at the first glance seems easy, however, to be concentrated on small spot for such a long time it is very difficult. Later, as you succeed, it is allowed to boldly go to subsequent training.

3. Make the exercise harder. You need to keep looking at a point on the wall, while making movements with your head, twitching your legs, moving your arms. If you have mastered this exercise, you are allowed to start skills on objects.

4. For starters, it’s better to take the lungs items- a plastic cup, an empty box of matches, a piece of cloth. Place the object opposite you, so that it is perfectly visible to you, and at the same time you sit upright. Concentrate on it in the same way as you concentrated on the dot, and start sending your box a mental message to move. Do not hesitate to immediately throw the object to the other end of the room, a few millimeters will be enough to start with. So that you do not doubt the results of the exercise, before starting the skill, you can mark the boundaries of the subject with a pencil. With proper diligence, in a week you will learn to move your lungs with your eyes. items .

Useful advice
One Azerbaijani conjurer, excellently possessed of hypnosis, could inspire each spectator at his performance that they see how the object has moved. If telekinesis is not working for you, try this method.

Many are wondering how to diversify their lives? It flows quickly, and people primitively do not have time to notice some events, while finding meaningless excuses. At similar moments, one invariably wants to discover something in life. How to learn to see world ?


1. Try to make the most of the negative situation that has been created. Usually similar collapses lead to a new life stage. Think about the reasons for a similar state, stay alone, feel your inner world. Think of the positive consequences and how to quickly acquire the fullness of life and draw for yourself newest way. To do this, take several sheets of paper and write whatever you want on them. this moment. Then choose the most basic and set a goal to achieve in the near future. Write everything in large letters and hang it in a conspicuous place.

2. Do a thorough cleaning by throwing out all the things and items that you haven’t used for a long time. Hang new curtains that are glorious to your eye, buy various shiny little things for the interior, put a cheerful screensaver on your computer desktop. All this will be designed to improve your well-being and more fun to look at the bordering world .

3. Change your lifestyle. Do something unusual for yourself (say, jump with a parachute). New sensations and strong emotions are bound to shake you up, you look at world other eyes. Be grateful to fate for everything, be able to see the charming in everyone and enjoy life. One has only to want, and events will begin to take on the right shade according to your desire, you just have to smile. A smile will rigorously transform world around you and make you feel better. Do good and be joyful.

4. Start looking at world realistically, trying to understand how people around you see it and why they do it that way, and not the other way around. Learning to see world through their eyes, or stepping into their shoes in a certain setting, you will be able to get what you want, develop useful relationships, achieve won triumph and live in harmony with world oh, people and yourself.

An object that is often at hand in very dreary and long periods of time (lectures, conferences, meetings) is a fountain pen. It is not surprising that there were enthusiasts who came up with a lot of tricks designed to diversify your pastime.


1. Assemble a pen for penspinning. Although such a “tool” may draw undue attention to you, it is highly recommended to have it. The reason is that it is quite difficult to learn the elements on a traditional ballpoint pen: it is not well controlled and the learning process will take place more slowly.

2. A particularly primitive assembly option: purchase a felt-tip pen, which has reverse side there is an alcohol eraser for erasing. Now additionally put a plastic cap on the pen on both sides (not the main thing - from a pen, marker and pencil).

3. Start simple. Basic exercise, which will allow the development of general mobility, is the rotation of the handle between the fingers - only four of them work (it is impossible to help with a huge finger). Be diligent to pay attention to the smoothness of execution, you actually do not have to make an effort - the handle will slide by inertia.

4. Expand the selection of items available to you. Tricks can be called especially primitive: ThumbAround (throw over the thumb), Sonic (cycle with lifting up) and Charge (rotation of the handle in a circle). Despite the ease of execution, the elements are crappy to present, and a series of video tutorials on the Internet will be a particularly productive method of learning.

5. When one of the elements begins to confidently turn out on an “enlarged” projectile, try to do it with the help of an ordinary fountain pen. At the same time, you need to consider that it is smaller in mass and the center of gravity is shifted towards the cap. In addition, due to the small length, some tricks turn out to be completely unthinkable to perform.

6. Develop both hands harmoniously. Exercises on the non-dominant hand can not only develop it and make it more energetic, but also focus on the nuances of the technical execution of tricks. You will have to examine your mistakes more and get used to the correct placement of your fingers.

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I think many people thought about how to learn to move objects with the power of thought. So why dream, sigh and look with envy at those who can do it? After all, you can learn on your own and then demonstrate your skills in the company, use them in everyday life. Now I will talk about how to control objects with the power of thought. I will share my experience and list exercises that will help you in self-development.

You know, it sounds trite, but I just watched the movie "Carrie" and admired the abilities of the main character. Yes, such a trifling reason inspired me to engage in self-development, to master telekinesis. At first, I simply decided that I needed to gather all my will into a fist, look at the object for a long, long time and wait for it to move. She literally incinerated things with a glance, but they remained lying in place. I meditated before starting, but I was constantly distracted, thinking about something else.

After two weeks of such useless practice, I gave up for a while, because I began to think that in real life this is impossible to do. Fortunately, a friend of mine shared the exercises with me and told me that my method was wrong (almost everything). He taught me and rejoiced at my success, and now I want to help you. Don't waste your precious time following wrong techniques. It's best to start practicing right away. Then you don't have to relearn.

When I first started, I was suspicious of success. Here's another piece of advice: never doubt yourself. You will definitely succeed, just believe in yourself and motivate in case of failures. You can't imagine my delight when I finally got the paper off the table. Immediately my eyes widened, I was in shock. I checked the situation a hundred times: maybe the window is open or the door, I accidentally moved. But no, the next day the same thing happened, soon the sheet gave in to me and allowed me to do whatever I want.

The main thing is to endure until your first positive result, after that you no longer want to quit what you started. This gives so much strength and positive, further training begins to take place faster and more confidently. Now I can move objects with my mind alone. With practice my skills have improved, it takes less time, plus now I can move something quite heavy.

Limit can be reached

Everything has a limit. I want to remind you that you will not be able to lift the cabinet and throw it against the wall in a big way. No cars, houses, bicycles. This is beyond the power of even the most trained person. Be prepared for the fact that at first it will be difficult for you to even work on a needle or a piece of paper. As far as I know, the record among those who practice telekinesis was a briefcase that weighed four kilograms. And then he managed to move a couple of centimeters. Even if you add up the forces of yourself and your partner, little will come of it. It is extremely difficult to manage energy in one room, you will knock each other down and disorientate.

So set yourself only achievable goals and do not think that you will gain superhero power. With speed, too, do not expect miracles. Juggling things is just a fairy tale that filmmakers came up with for a more colorful and exciting picture. The fastest is to crawl at a snail's pace. And then, if you're lucky. Undoubtedly, you will master how to lift objects with the power of thought. But they won't hover over your head or fly around the room. They just hang for a couple of seconds and crash.

Important! You must learn how to extend this flight and practice the technique of smoothly lowering the object to the floor.


Johann Wolfgang Goethe, the world famous writer, said these wise words: "No one knows what his powers are until he uses them." I suggest you finally find out about your opportunities and hidden talents, which you may not have suspected until now.

  • Plastic cup.
  • Matchbox.
  • Paper cone.
  • Match raft.
  • Rotations.

This is a set of exercises for beginners. Now I will tell about each in more detail. First you need to tune in the right way. Proper meditation will help with this. The first ten minutes you have to sit absolutely without thoughts in your head, how to merge with the air, dissolve in it. When you feel that you are becoming one with the room you are sitting in, move on to action. Raise all the energy from your body, collect it in one direction - into your hands. You should feel how they are filled with power. Then visualize these hands in front of you, it is with them that you will move objects.

So, when the preparation is completed, start training. Don't forget for a moment that you are doing everything with your energy hands. For convenience, you can even tie your real ones behind your back so as not to make mechanical and habitual movements. Only the rope should not put too much pressure on the skin, otherwise the pain and other discomfort will distract you from the process.

  • There should not be a draft in the room, since a plastic cup is easy to shake even with a simple breath. Try to point your imaginary hands in his direction. You don't have to put in the effort to pick it up. Just push, push. For the first time, you are not chasing beauty and precise technique, but the result. Encourage and motivate yourself with exclamations: “move!”, “move!”, “turn around!”. Again, these exclamations should not go beyond your head.
  • Moving objects with the power of thought trains an ordinary matchbox. Open it a little, and then try to close it.
  • Roll the paper into a cone. In this case, it is not necessary to glue the two ends with glue, since it also adds weight. Hang the cone on a string and make it spin. Yes, at first no spinning top and hurricane will come out. Just try to spin and stir the suspended object.
  • Make it harder with matches. Remove all contents from the box. Pour into a deep and spacious dish cold water. It turned out to be an imitation of a small lake, pond or reservoir. Your task is to let the raft float. You must become a gust of wind that sets the direction and route. I do not advise you to influence the water and try to create waves. Work with cardboard transport.
  • Now hang a match on the rope. By the way, if this is difficult for you, then replace the props with a needle. They come in a variety of sizes and weights, so go up. It will be easy to spin these items.

Here's another little secret: do they still remember how they solved math problems about “point A and point B” at school? So, mentally imagine two points and transfer objects from one to another. Sometimes you can even invent a small bridge.

Parting words for beginners

It is commendable that you embarked on the path of self-development and decided to test the limits of your body. I ask you not to treat telekinesis as some kind of stupidity, charlatanism or fun. Approach this matter seriously and sincerely believe in success. Don't be disappointed with the result. I repeat once again: no one will ever succeed easily and quickly, even the most stubborn and capable student.

In telekinesis, as in learning English, there is one general rule A: You need to train and exercise every day. Hone your skills on exercises for beginners, and then move on to more difficult ones. It should not be that you want to rotate the cone and float the raft on the water. The main thing is not quantity, but quality. No need to learn a bunch of exercises and be able to do them somehow. Get one perfect, then move on to the next.

One more piece of advice: don't show your friends your first steps towards perfection. You are still inexperienced, any extraneous movement will distract you. You will be worried and nervous, wanting to impress. Therefore, involuntarily focus not on the movement of the object, but on thoughts about how you look from the outside, what they think of you. It is necessary, as it were, to dissuade skeptics and prove to them that the movement of objects by the power of thought is possible. And this kind of evidence takes a lot of time.

We draw a conclusion

Patience and a little effort. If you really want to master this direction, then nothing will prevent you from achieving your goal. For this, one does not need to have some special talent from birth, everyone is equal in the topics of enlightenment. Someone learns to process their energy and manage it, while someone gives up. Wish you good luck and never give up!

Many of us have heard about telekinesis, but everyone knows that such abilities can be developed by everyone. How to move objects with the power of thought and what is needed for this, we will analyze in detail.

You can't move your mind

The essence of telekinesis lies in the fact that the power of thought will not work. You must understand the fact that it is impossible to do this, there are unreal things in the world, but you can still change something in it. The first thing to start with is to realize that the movement of objects with the help of thoughts is simply impossible, but you need to believe in your soul that you can do it.

How to move objects with the power of thought, emptiness

In order to develop in oneself the ability to move objects with the help, it is necessary to begin with the movement of emptiness. For example, you have some free time and you are ready to spend it on training. Sit in a comfortable chair and stare into the void for a long time. It is enough to spend several hours to see the emptiness. In essence, emptiness is the uncertainty around us. Imagine how emptiness envelops you and moves in space.


The next step is to work behind the action of your hands. To do this, you need to raise your hand at eye level, relax and realize that the hand is doing all yours. Clench your fist, concentrating all your actions, do similar actions with other parts of the body. Next, tighten your muscles one by one.


How to move objects with the power of thought using ordinary objects? The simplest thing for training and developing the power of thought is a pen. In a well-lit room, put a pen in front of you and look at it for a long time, study, examine every millimeter, keeping everything in your memory. When you get tired of it, start acting, making the impossible real, the main thing is to believe in yourself and your strengths.

After several training times, the pen can only move 1 mm, it is almost impossible to do it the first time. Show your imagination, imagine that you are moving a pen. Such training will take a lot of time, after which you can move on to a more significant movement of the pen. Set up a setting for yourself; if someone else can do it, then so can I.

Many of us have heard of people who can, at a distance, without any trickery, bend, move, hang forks, spoons and other objects in the air, as well as turn the compass, change the course of the clock, disperse clouds, extinguish the flame of a candle, perform other similar miracles with inanimate matter. However, with the living too. For example, one Western researcher has learned how to influence the ciliates-shoes observed in a microscope with a thought. By an effort of will, thought, it turns out that it is also possible to act on the growth of plants, the development of pathogenic fungi, on the metabolic process in a living organism, the treatment of wounds ... There are also such examples.

This parapsychological phenomenon was given the name telekinesis (literally "movement carried out at a distance"), and the hypothetical energy that allows this is psi-energy, bioenergy. It is believed that the psi-operator can excite telekinetic abilities in other people - those who are next to him.

One of the most amazing phenomena was Russian Ninel Kulagina. For a long time only the elite knew about her, some venerable academicians testified to her extraordinary gift. But they kept quiet about this, because it was believed: since there is no official laboratory studying paraphysical phenomena, there is no need to talk about it yet. But in 1988, when during the period of perestroika, the opportunity opened up for the Soviet media to cover "anomalous" topics, the multi-million television audience was able to make sure that telekinesis was a reality.

Kulagina took off her wedding ring from her finger, put it on the coffee table, scattered matches nearby, then moved her palm over these objects without touching them. The ring started to move and, together with the matches, moved to the edge of the table... Scientists could not explain this amazing effect and invited them to their laboratories for scientific experiments.

Professors discovered other unique abilities in Kulagina. In particular, to determine colors and read printed texts with any open area of ​​​​the body, change the chemical composition of liquids, increase the electrical conductivity of air, relieve pain during inflammatory processes, treat vascular diseases, heal wounds ... Once she was able to move a glass decanter weighing 380 grams. It is curious that during experiments on telekinesis, between Kulagina's fingers and objects that she set in motion with the efforts of her body in a non-contact way, some kind of "thin shiny dotted lines" that looked like beads sometimes appeared. The unique complex of Kulagina's abilities, confirmed in scientific laboratories, was called the "K" phenomenon. So far, it has not been completely solved...

A conversation about telekinesis with the founder of national radar, Hero of Socialist Labor Academician Yu. B. Kobzarev.

You, Yuri Borisovich, for many years - from the point of view of a physicist! - have been studying amazing phenomena of the human psyche, in particular, you have conducted experiments with a housewife from Leningrad, the famous psychic N. S. Kulagina. What can you tell about these experiments and about telekinesis as a parapsychological phenomenon?

For discussions about various forms telekinesis I lack experience data. I am not going to analyze messages already published in the press, this will lead very far. With your permission, I will tell you about my acquaintance with Kulagina. About ten years ago, Ninel Sergeevna and her husband Viktor Vasilievich were brought to my apartment by L. A. Druzhkin, head of the physics section of the Moscow Society of Naturalists and my former graduate student. He introduced me to amazing ability Kulagina to move light objects without touching them.

First, Ninel Sergeevna took an ordinary compass and moved her hands over it for some time. Finally, his arrow began to swing. It was, in her words, a "warm-up". Then, on a table covered with oilcloth, I put a metal cap from a fountain pen. Kulagina, having manipulated him with her hands, also set him in motion. The cap, following her palms, with increasing speed began to approach the edge of the table.

Didn't you get the feeling that this was a trick?

No. The experiment, repeated several times, was observed by my wife, and also by my colleague at the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Professor B. Z. Katselenbaum. It was obvious that in order for the object to start moving, Kulagina had to strain hard. But neither the appearance of Ninel Sergeevna, nor the environment in which the experiment took place, did not even evoke the assumption that I was being shown a trick. On the contrary, I wanted to repeat the experiment again using an electrometer, since it was suggested that the observed movement is the result of the appearance of an electrostatic field on the eve of the second experiment. I calculated how much force must be applied to the cap in order to overcome the friction on the oilcloth and move it from its place. The magnitude of the voltage of the electrostatic field, capable of causing such a mechanical force, was also found. Both for me and for Professor B. Z. Katselenbaum - we made the calculations somewhat differently - very large values ​​\u200b\u200bare turned out - hundreds of kilovolts. We were not very embarrassed by this, because it is precisely such voltages that arise when a person pulls off an electrifying nylon shirt that almost flies away from him, or when, touching a refrigerator (or a person) with his hand, he feels a spark discharge sharp as a needle prick.

For the next arrival of the Kulagins, I prepared an electrostatic voltmeter, connected it to the cap with a thin long wire, which, in turn, hung on a thread to the chandelier. I installed an electrometer on the corner of the table, and a cap on the opposite. I checked the circuit - I brought a comb to the cap, previously rubbed on a woolen cloth, the electrometer needle deviated ...

Before talking about the experience itself, I will note a detail that is essential for what follows. The wire, screwed to the cap, went vertically upwards, which excluded the possibility of throwing on it, say, a thread with an eyelet, pulling on which it would be possible to quietly move the object around the table.

And then something happened that literally shocked everyone present. Kulagina, without touching the cap, made it move across the table, and the needle of the electrometer did not even flinch. It turns out amazing phenomenon cannot be explained by a simple electrostatic interaction?!

It was decided to arrange a demonstration of experience large group researchers in order to arouse interest in the phenomenon and organize its comprehensive study. I telephoned Academician Ya-B. Zel'dovich and shared with him my thoughts on the strange phenomenon. "The impression is," I said, "that there is only one way to explain it - to recognize that by volitional exertion it is possible to influence the metric of space-time..." Zel'dovich, of course, rejected such a monstrous idea. He bluntly stated that Kulagina, of course, uses strings, but I just did not notice all her manipulations.

The next series of experiments took place at the apartment of my great friend Academician I.K. Kikoin (his apartment was chosen because it had a large hall that could accommodate many people). Academicians V. A. Trapeznikov and A. N. Tikhonov were also among those present. The meeting was joined by Deputy Director of the IRE of the USSR Academy of Sciences Professor Yu. V. Gulyaev (now Academician, Director of the IRE of the USSR Academy of Sciences). Here Kulagina moved a small wine glass, which stood on a large desk covered with newspaper. The newspaper was placed on glass, under which lay family photographs (which prevented Kulagina from concentrating). The participants of the experiment, who carefully observed what was happening, did not find any clues.

In addition to telekinesis, Ninel Sergeevna demonstrated to those who wished the ability to cause heating of the skin at the point of contact with her hand. However, heating occurred even without any contact. This phenomenon interested the professor of Moscow State University Braginsky. He endured pain longer than others. As a result, the scab at the site of the burn did not go away for several days.

Yuri Borisovich, so how does all this happen? What is the physics of non-contact movement of objects?

To find out, subsequent experiments were carried out. First of all, we decided to look for something that we could “grab onto ...” There is no electricity, but maybe there is a sound that is not heard, or some vibrations occur that cause the movement of objects.? After all, there is, say, the phenomenon of sound wind: a light object lying on a table can be set in motion if a working loudspeaker is brought closer to it. A small paper windmill spins when a vibrating piezoelectric plate is brought near it.

And so, while on official business in Leningrad, together with Yu. V. Gulyaev, they conducted a special experiment. Shortly before this, tiny microphones had been specially made in the IRE laboratory; one is condenser, the other is ceramic. They were built into matchboxes and connected to an amplifier and a cathode-ray oscilloscope. All these devices were taken with them.

In the evening we gathered together with the Kulagins in my hotel room, and Viktor Vasilievich showed an amateur film that he had made long ago. I was struck by the shots where Kulagina moves the object without bringing her hands closer to it, only with the help of head movements.

We started our experiments with a condenser microphone, as it is more sensitive. As soon as Kulagina brought her hands closer to the matchbox and tensed, pulses appeared on the oscilloscope screen ... and immediately everything disappeared. The microphone has lost sensitivity. Having disassembled it, we saw that it was "broken" - its membrane was welded to the base. The microphone was soon corrected, but again a failure: the sound impulses were so strong that the condenser microphone could not withstand them. The ceramic microphone worked flawlessly. During the movement of the matchbox, he gave out erratic impulses with very steep fronts. Kulagina's hands emitted ultrasound! It was a great discovery that literally shook our imagination.

For greater reliability, the experiments were repeated during the next visit of the Kulagins to Moscow. In this case, the pulses were recorded on magnetic tape using a broadband tape recorder at my disposal (bandwidth up to 200 kHz). Then they were read using a special setup on a cathode-ray oscilloscope and photographed. Thus, it was possible to estimate the duration of steep pulse fronts - about 30 microseconds. But what physical nature these impulses, was unclear.

Are these acoustic pulses capable of registering only very sensitive devices?

On this occasion, Gulyaev came up with a simple idea: listen to these impulses. Kulagina brought her hand close to the ear of the experimental physicist, tensed up - and random clicks began to be heard. The more she tensed, the more they sounded. Kulagina, who did not expect this from herself, became worried: was she harming the experimenter? No one was hurt during these experiments.

In the future, Yu. V. Gulyaev rechecked these experiments with the impulses discovered by him in every possible way. Still, it is extremely difficult to believe in the ability of a person to emit acoustic impulses.

Also a big surprise for us was the glow of Kulagina's palms, which occurs with volitional tension. This time the demonstration took place (on her next visit to Moscow) at the apartment of Yu. Subsequently, this radiation was also registered by instruments. A series of experiments was carried out, but the experiment carried out in my apartment was of decisive importance.

Employees of Yu. V. Gulyaev installed a photomultiplier tube (PMT) and a digital indicator in my office, registering the effect on the PMT. In the complete absence of light, the last sign of the number on the indicator changed randomly, registering a dark background.

Kulagina put her hand to the PMT lens, I fixed it from above with my own hand. Both the hands and the PMT were tightly wrapped in opaque material. The room was hot, Ninel Sergeevna's palm was covered with perspiration. For a long time we unsuccessfully peered into the last digit of the device rushing about - all other digits were "nulled".

Ninel Sergeevna was worried. After all, earlier such experiments were successful. Why is the device not showing anything now? I could feel her getting stronger and stronger. Finally, a number appeared and began to grow. It grew to 9, jumped to the next digit ... We did not have time to come to our senses, as the figures of the third digit ran on the indicator. Thousand times the dark current!

I feel that Kulagina is exhausted, but she cannot stop, although I demand that she stop straining. Finally, I can't stand it and take her hand away from the PMT window by force. She immediately runs away, she becomes ill. An attack of nausea and vomiting. The same thing happened to her after the demonstration of telekinesis by Kikoin, but then only his wife knew about it, whispering to us that Ninel Sergeevna was not well and she should rest a bit.

Why was it so difficult for Kulagina to make her hands glow under tight control? During the first demonstration you mentioned, these difficulties were not noted, were they?

Both when generating clicks and when generating a glow in the first experiments, everything went smoothly. But under control conditions, the glow, apparently, was hindered by sweat, which abundantly covered the surface of the skin.

Giving evidence at the trial and later, speaking on television in the Vzglyad program, you spoke about the streams of particles, corpuscles flying out of Kulagina's hands: How was this established?

In order to find out the spectral composition of its radiation, in experiments with photomultipliers, we began to cover the instrument window with light filters.

It turned out that under the influence of Kulagina, the glass plates become cloudy, and plaque forms on their surface. In experiments on non-contact heating of the skin and under appropriate lighting, we noticed that sparkles form on the heated surface. The skin seems to be covered with tiny crystals. Moreover, Yu. V. Gulyaev told me that when he asked Kulagin to save him from an attack of lumbar sciatica, she warmed his lower back until it turned red. After that, Gulyaev's wife scraped off almost half a teaspoon of some kind of salt. “What did you do with this salt?” I asked. “I gave it to our chemists for analysis.” They said that these are common sodium and potassium salts present in the human body.

Were there any special studies this salt?

Alas... VV Kulagin once told about a very simple experiment he had done. He assembled an electrical circuit from two metal plates, placed vertically at a distance of five centimeters from each other, connected them to each other in a circuit through a battery from a flashlight and a microammeter. When Ninel Sergeevna brought her hand closer to the space between the electrodes and strained, the microammeter registered a current of the order of ten microamperes. I asked E. E. Godik, who at that time headed a special laboratory at the IRE of the USSR Academy of Sciences, which has now grown into a department, to conduct appropriate experiments. In the laboratory, a simple installation was urgently assembled, which is a small brass box with a lattice window. A battery from a flashlight was placed inside, one pole of which was connected to the body of the box, and the other was left free. An electrode was mounted inside, connecting it with a shielded cable to an amplifier connected, in turn, to a tape recorder.

When Kulagina, having thoroughly washed her hands, brought them to the window of the box and strained, electrical impulses were recorded at the input of the amplifier and, accordingly, on the tape. Unfortunately, the circuit contained a signal limiter, so only their exceeding a certain threshold was recorded. On the whole, however, it became clear that electrical impulses, like the acoustic impulses previously observed in microphone experiments, represent two facets of one process. In both cases, particles flew out of Kulagina's hands, which, after a relatively short path, hit the microphone membrane or the eardrum. One of two things: either these particles themselves carried electric charge or carried out air ionization. Getting on the surface of the glass, they clouded it, getting on the surface of the skin, formed the smallest crystals on it, which irritated the nerve endings, caused an abnormal rush of blood and a burn, like a strong mustard plaster.

So, we have two facets of one process...

Yes, one of the physiological, previously unknown Process. But that's not all. This summer, V. V. Kulagin told me about the experiments connected with the influence of Kulagin on water. As soon as she holds, straining, her hand near the surface of the water poured into the jar, the liquid becomes sour in taste. This is confirmed by litmus paper, which changes its color. The effect was the same when the jar was closed with a lid, and Ninel Sergeevna simply held it in her hands. These experiments were immediately repeated at my house and... surprised witnesses tasted the "sour" water (naturally, they did not dare to drink it), looked at how the litmus paper moistened with it changed its color. The next day, we repeated these experiments in the laboratory of E. E. Godik, registering the process this time with a ph-meter. The recorder displayed a graph showing the gradual change in the pH of water from 7 ( neutral environment) to 3-3.5 (sour). When the jar was covered, the rate of oxidation dropped sharply. Apparently, the particles ejected from the pores of the palms had a high hydrophilicity and were easily absorbed and dissolved by water.

Excuse me, Yuri Borisovich, I'll interrupt you. Are all the observations made not enough to recognize Kulagina's ability to create streams of particles flying out of the skin of her hands by volitional effort? And if this is so, then the telekinesis demonstrated by Kulagina is not a trick, but physical reality.

It is impossible to deny the existence of a stream of particles. But for scientific explanation telekinesis, it is necessary to measure the magnitude of the charges on the bodies, calculate the electric fields and show that their intensity provides the emergence of forces sufficient to move objects given weight in a force field. I note that sometimes the mechanical impact of flying particles can also affect. Since they, despite air resistance, travel a considerable distance, it means that they fly out of the hands at high speed.

Yuri Borisovich, skeptics most often (albeit unsuccessfully) “convicted” Kulagin of using all kinds of strings, magnets, etc. Have you set up such experiments in which the possibility of using such accessories would be excluded in principle?

The most interesting, in my opinion, experiment not only eliminated the possibility of using any strings and magnets, but also excluded particles flying from Kulagina's hands from falling on the object being moved. To do this, IRE produced a plexiglass cube without one face. With its open end, the cube fit snugly into grooves milled in a thick plexiglass base. A cardboard sleeve from a hunting cartridge was placed inside the cube. Such a device was conceived precisely in order to show that telekinesis is not a trick, it is real fact. After all, the object being moved is non-magnetic, and the possibility of using strings was completely excluded. The experience took place two years ago.

Knowing how much effort Kulagina has to spend in such experiments, I invited our neighbor, a doctor, as a witness. Ninel Sergeevna spent an unusually lot of effort before the sleeve moved. When she moved to the wall of the cube, Kulagina became ill. The doctor who measured her arterial pressure, was horrified. The upper limit was at the level of 230, the lower one almost reached 200. They called the neighbor's husband, also an experienced doctor, he stated a spasm of the cerebral vessels, let the patient take the medicines he had brought, ordered him to keep complete rest. “The patient is close to a coma,” he explained to me. “Such experiments can lead to sad consequences ...”.

What is the reason for the movement of the sleeve?

If the movement of an object is explained by the accumulation of charged particles emitted from the hands, then what huge charges must be formed on the surface of the cube so that the Coulomb force of the required magnitude begins to act on an object consisting mainly of a dielectric. Accurate measurements are needed to verify the correctness of this explanation. They haven't been made yet.

How, then, is the very first experiment with an electrostatic voltmeter, which did not respond to the moving cap of a fountain pen, explained?

The fact that the arrow of the device did not deviate, although the object being moved was charged, can be explained by the fact that the charges on the object were “connected”, balanced with the charges of the same magnitude, but opposite in sign, on Kulagina’s hands. The mechanism is the following. From the initially neutral hand, the charges flew away and settled on the subject. In this case, the hand turned out to be charged with electricity of the opposite sign. There were no charges on the electrometer. But after the end of the experiment, when Kulagina (with her charged hands) moved away from the table, the charges from the object, now unbound by anything, should spread along the wire and reach the electrometer ... But the latter did not react. Perhaps the charge was not sufficient to deflect the needle?.. In a word, an insufficiently correct experiment does not allow one to draw a reliable conclusion. The research should have continued. But due to Kulagina's health, this is hardly possible.

Were there any other experiments that would help clarify the issue of telekinesis?

There were, but, according to skeptics, just as insufficiently correct. Kulagina acted on the laser beam. The beam was passed along the axis of a tin cylinder, at the top of which a hole was punched. At first, the beam illuminated a small bright spot on the screen.

Being in the next room (it happened at Gulyaev's apartment), I realized from the friendly exclamations of the experimenters that the spot on the screen had disappeared, and the space inside the cylinder was, as it were, filled with a pink fog. Yu.V Gulyaev told me that in one of these experiments two laser beams passed along the can axis with different distances to the side hole. The screen was replaced by photographic devices, and the recording of light pulses was carried out on two tracks of a tape.

Knowing the time shift of the impulse signals on the tracks, it was possible to determine the propagation speed of the impact. It turned out that the impact on a more distant beam was delayed much more than if it was a question of sound (when these experiments were carried out, we knew nothing about corpuscular flows). There was another similar experience that was carried out in my apartment. Unfortunately, he did not give clear results ...

Do you recall cases that cast doubt on the correctness of the actions of the subject?

Such an incident, which spoiled our mood, just happened during experiments with a laser. One of the young observers stated (and then one or two more participants joined him) that he saw a thread and even a small object tied to it and lowered by Kulagina into the cylinder through a hole in its wall. I do not believe that Ninel Sergeevna tried to deceive the experimenters. She didn't need it! Another experiment with a striking result added little to what had already been established with complete certainty. At the same time, I do not question the honesty of the experimenters who saw the thread. Yes, they saw the thread, but there was no thread!

It is known that Indian fakirs are capable of causing amazing, unnatural visions in quite large groups of people. There are cases of mass hallucinations among those praying in the church. I myself once experienced a visual hallucination suggested to me by a hypnotist. Having rolled a ruble into a ball, he made me see a hundred-ruble bill, quickly unrolling the ball and rolling it again. There were other cases that convinced me that you can both see and hear something that is not really there ... Self-hypnosis occurred, and the experimenters saw the strings, because they believed that it was impossible to do without them ...

In 1978, by order of Japan, the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company made the film “ Unique abilities people”, in particular Kulagin, who demonstrated “reading with the back of her head”. Behind her back, the operator put up a table with a picture of a number, and she called this number.

When I began to ask Ninel Sergeevna about this experience, she said that, concentrating, she seemed to see what was being shown to her and that it didn’t matter to her whether it was a number or a multi-digit number. We decided to repeat this experience at my home.

I prepared a number of tablets about 4 by 7 cm in size with random three-digit numbers. He installed them on the shelf of a bookcase, to which Kulagina stood with her back, covering her face with a scarf. Then he moved away from the closet, sat down on a chair and, watching Kulagin, expected the results. Ten seconds later Kulagina called the number. Then I put the next sign. All ten tablets were identified correctly, but some details of the experience convinced me that there was no “reading with the back of the head” here, that this was just a familiar ritual ...

The essence lies in Kulagina's ability to perceive the image of the number on the tablet from the consciousness of the person who puts up the tablet ... I will not expand on this matter, other cases of telepathy that I observed not only with Kulagina are much more convincing and interesting.

The features of these cases are such that the usually given "explanations" of telepathy - the unusually high sensitivity of the percipient to the mimicry of the inductor, which, as it were, involuntarily "whispers" the desired answer to the perceptive, etc., etc. - are completely excluded. Work with Kulagina is still ongoing in Leningrad. They give new, very interesting results.

It has been noticed that telekinesis, like other parapsychological abilities, sometimes appears as a result of injuries, diseases, stress, electric shocks ... This confirms the idea of ​​​​hidden reserves human body especially the brain. Many assume that each of us is endowed with such talents, we just need to create conditions for their manifestation. It is no coincidence that whole complexes of special exercises were invented to develop these abilities.

For example, in order to learn telekinesis, it is recommended to "conjure" according to a certain scheme - up to the appearance of fatigue - with a spiral paper cone or a glass saucer filled with water, in which a needle floats. It is believed that each such training is a step towards mastering extrasensory perception or influence. They say that Kulagina exercised continuously, frantically, until headaches and the urge to vomit appeared ... By the way, there is the concept of "second wind", according to which a person at a certain moment seems to be exhausted, loses strength, but then suddenly switches to a backup source of energy, manifested in parapsychological phenomena like telekinesis.

AT last years telekinesis is most diligently studied by employees of Princeton University (USA) under the guidance of Dr. Robert Jahn, who is in charge of the laboratory of anomalous research. They were able to prove that a person can influence material objects with his psyche. According to a strictly verified methodology, thousands of experiments were conducted here, in which hundreds of people participated - men and women. different ages and professions. One of the groups was faced with the task of mentally influencing the oscillation of a pendulum placed under a transparent plastic cap. Five operators managed to do this at any time of the day at a considerable distance, the rest - only in individual cases.

In addition, electronic random number generators were used in the experiments. It was necessary to influence the readings of these instruments with the power of thought, to guess the numbers. The result exceeded all expectations: the law of chance was violated - the planned numbers fell out more often than others! In other words, the will of man made certain changes. Interestingly, in cases where couples who knew each other well (spouses, friends, lovers) participated in the experiments, the efficiency was four times higher than in experiments with singles. And it was also noticed: for some reason, male participants in these experiments turned out to be more successful than women.

All this allowed Robert Jahn to say in an interview with the British newspaper "Daily Telegraph": "We believe that we have found irrefutable proof of the reality of this mysterious phenomenon. Psychokinetic influences manifested themselves to one degree or another in all subjects. Therefore, we think that we are talking about qualities that are inherent in almost all people.

In other words, thought can influence physical bodies. And this fact, together with others, may well force us to change the scientific picture of the world. The same Jan developed the concept of quantum mechanical interaction of consciousness with physical systems. Other scientists have found that the power of the mind can influence a variety of devices and liquid media. These are ultra-precise chronometers, lasers, electrical circuits, electromagnetic radiation generators, emulsions, colloidal solutions, water...

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