Wars will become invisible. "Weapons based on new physical principles": myths and reality New physical principles of weapons

means of armed struggle, the damaging effect of which is based on the use of directed high-energy radiation and fields, neutral or charged particles brought to targets, as well as on other non-traditional methods of destruction.

At the beginning of the 21st century, this type of weapon includes laser, accelerator, microwave, information, infrasound, geophysical, etc.

According to their striking properties, these weapons (at least some of their types) should be classified as weapons of mass destruction. Its application can lead to a new revolutionary and dangerous leap in military affairs.

Laser weapons are a special type of advanced directed energy weapons based on the use of laser radiation to destroy people and disable military equipment (primarily optoelectronic reconnaissance and weapon control systems). Such weapons can use gas, solid-state and chemical lasers with appropriate control and guidance systems.

At the beginning of the 21st century, only low-energy laser devices were used. Along with this, the possibility of forceful destruction by a laser beam of structural elements of military equipment, including the hulls of ballistic missiles and other aircraft, was experimentally tested. However, the appearance of samples of this type of weapon in service with the troops and fleet forces is still very problematic due to its bulkiness, high energy consumption and other negative operational factors.

Accelerator (beam) weapons are a possible promising type of weapon based on the use of flows or beams of elementary particles (hydrogen, helium, lithium atoms, etc.) to destroy manpower and military equipment. It can be used mainly to destroy space and air targets.

Microwave weapons are a possible promising type of weapon based on the use of radio-electronic components of military equipment to destroy (mainly functional). In the system of such weapons, microwave energy generators in the millimeter and centimeter wave bands and their corresponding antenna systems can be used, which together form directed radiation. Usually refers to weapons of multiple use. Along with this, a search is underway for explosive single-action generators and the creation of bombs (rocket warheads) based on them that can destroy household and military electronics at distances of tens of kilometers, which can make these weapons very effective. Most likely, it will appear in service as a deterrent against aggression.

Infrasonic weapons are a promising type of weapon based on the damaging effect on the human body of sound vibrations of infra-low (from units to 30 Hz) frequencies. Can be used as a weapon of mass destruction.

Information weapons are promising complexes of specific software and information tools created to defeat the enemy's information resource. These include:

- "logic bomb" - a program embedded in a computer that, at a certain signal or at a set time, comes into action, distorting or destroying information;

- "computer viruses" - programs or defects introduced into the software of an enemy computer that are capable of disrupting a computer network and incapacitating weapons controlled by this computer (See 11.3.2).

Recently, weapons based on the so-called "new physical principles" have been heard. The term has already been used in their speeches even by the first persons of the country - the President and the Minister of Defense. "Defend Russia" decided to find out what ONFP is and what types of it are.

In general terms, these are weapons based on physical processes and phenomena that have not previously been used in conventional weapons - edged weapons, firearms or weapons of mass destruction - nuclear, chemical, biological.

The concept of NFP is rather conditional, since all these principles are well known. New is only their use in the creation of military equipment. The term "unconventional weapons" would be much more accurate here.

So, what are the types of this mind-boggling “weapon of the future”? Note that the list below is not complete.

Directed Energy Weapon

This type of weapon already exists and is used in test mode. It operates on the basis of the concentration of beam energy, a weapon that radiates energy in a given direction without the use of wires, darts and other conductors, to achieve a lethal or non-lethal effect. I would like to single out one type of weapon with directed energy - this is a laser weapon. When used, its rays propagate at the speed of light, so many factors fade into the background. Such a weapon cannot be dodged, it still hits right on target.

Electromagnetic weapons

Its principle of operation is based on electromagnetic radiation, which affects the vulnerable components of combat electronics and weapons. To give the initial speed to the projectile, a magnetic field is used, or the energy of electromagnetic radiation, which is used directly to hit the target. Most often, the target of this type of weapon is: household radios, cell phones, tablets, laptops, radio mines and mines with electronic fuses, including traditional amateur radio devices for terrorist and sabotage actions. Also, there are already means of protection against EMP. One of them is the famous "Faraday cage" that interferes with electromagnetic weapons beyond their frequencies. Also, as a means of protection, they use: blocking the input of a part of the energy of an electromagnetic pulse, suppression of induction currents inside electrical circuits by quickly opening them.

Weapons of non-lethal action

Or, as the media call it, "humane": its main task is to influence people and military equipment, depriving them of their combat capability for a certain time, while causing them minimal damage to health. It is divided into such categories as: mechanical, chemical, electrical and light-sound devices, which are most often used by law enforcement agencies and special services to provide psychophysical, traumatic and deterrent effects on offenders, temporarily incapacitating them, as well as army special forces - to capture the enemy alive .

Boost weapon

The basic principle of its operation is the transfer of energy to the striking element, which provides acceleration of one type or another. In such a weapon, the accelerator accelerates a beam of elementary particles or plasma, which leads to a shot at the target. A feature of this type of weapon can be considered that it can be used both in the atmosphere and outside it, that is, in outer space. A striking example of this type of weapon is the electromagnetic catapult.

infrasonic weapons

The basic principle of its operation is the use of low frequency acoustic waves. Its effect on people depends on the strength of the infrasonic wave. It has been documented to cause the subject to feel fear, dread, or panic. The most dangerous is the appearance of psychosis, which later can develop into somatic disorders, and end in death. At a meeting with permanent members of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Medvedev announced that in wars in the near future, infrasonic weapons would be widely used.

Geophysical or seismic weapons

It is aimed at managing the hydrosphere, lithosphere, ozonosphere, magnetosphere, and ionosphere. Thus, forming destructive cataclysms such as: earthquakes, tectonic movements and faults, volcanic eruptions and secondary catastrophes caused by them in the form of a tsunami.

climate weapon

A type of geophysical weapon based on changes in the meteorological situation in the atmosphere, both on a single territory, country, and on entire states, continents, continents. The principle of operation of this weapon is that there is a huge concentration in one place of a large accumulation of energy, which subsequently affects the natural course of synoptic processes over a vast territory. In order for the weapon to work, the accumulated energy must be no less than the energy that the synoptic formation itself possesses.

Ozone weapon

It is an alleged type of geophysical weapon. Its main tasks are: to significantly change the living conditions of organic life in certain geographical areas, creating favorable conditions so that nothing interferes with the penetration of hard solar radiation through the atmosphere. The means of delivery can be selected space vehicles, balloons, rocket systems, artillery or rockets. Spraying can be carried out by explosion or special sprayers. Its main features are: an accurate understanding of the height and coordinates of the area where chemicals are sprayed, associating it with the time of day, season of the year, and factors that affect the state.

genetic weapons

It is also customary to call it an ethnic weapon. It is a kind of analogue of biological weapons, which are aimed at selective destruction of people: by nationality, gender or other genetically determined traits. Its action lies in the fact that the attack occurs precisely on those pathogenic microorganisms that will be laid. These can be men of the same nation, whose body has its own specific genetic differences. Or the attack can take place on a whole layer of the nation. Due to the fact that the pathogenic effect has been enhanced, all the drugs that existed before the appearance of the genetic weapon may be powerless in the fight against it.

The use of non-lethal (non-lethal) weapons as a way to minimize the possibility of unintentional casualties. The principle of operation of different types of weapons: psychological, sound, laser, information, traumatic and microwave weapons.

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weapon psychological information

Weapons based on new physical principles(unconventional weapon) - new types of weapons, the damaging effect of which is based on processes and phenomena not previously used in weapons. By the end of the 20th century genetic weapons, geophysical, infrasonic, climatic, laser, ozone, radiological, microwave, accelerating, electromagnetic weapons, etc. were at various stages of research and development.

Weapons of non-lethal (non-lethal) action(HE'S D)- this is a weapon designed to temporarily disable the enemy's manpower, without causing permanent damage to people's health.

This is an extensive complex of mechanical, chemical, electrical and light-sound devices used to provide a psychophysical, traumatic and deterrent effect on the offender, temporarily disable him, and capture the enemy alive.

As a rule, special means are used by law enforcement agencies to detain offenders, suppress active resistance on their part, release hostages, suppress and eliminate group hooligan manifestations and riots.

The use of non-lethal weapons is intended to minimize the possibility of unintended casualties.

Psychologicalweapon- devices, psychological methods and preparations, the purpose of which is to lower the self-esteem of the opponent, to make him insecure or to force him to perform any purposeful act against the will of the victim, to keep groups of people under his control:

Sudden onset of hard-to-control states: anger, fear, sexual arousal, euphoria;

Short-term exacerbations of smell, hearing, etc.;

dizziness, muscle cramps;

chronic diseases;

The appearance of "burns" and wounds;

Aggression, adultery, homosexuality, suicide, etc. imposed, previously not characteristic of the victim.

Repeated failure of nearby devices, accidents, etc.

sonic weapons - the principle of operation is based on the radiation of sound and infrasonic waves of certain frequencies.

LRAD (Long Range Acoustic Device)- is capable of transmitting clear warnings for many hundreds of meters, increasing the volume of transmitted commands to unbearable, and thus influencing the behavior of the crowd, the commands of enemy ships, groups of terrorists in buildings, etc.

FROM booming megaphone- emits powerful impulses with a frequency of 2 to 3 thousand hertz, a power of 150 decibels, which can lead to permanent damage to the hearing organs, loss of self-control; there is fear, dizziness, nausea. Those at close range - a mental disorder, the destruction of internal organs. They are used to disperse the crowd, cause panic in military units, protect objects from strangers.

microwave weapons disrupts the functioning of the brain and central nervous system, a person hears non-existent noise and whistle.

Non-lethal laser weapons. The action of these devices is achieved by a red or green laser beam directed at the intruder, causing temporary blindness and psychological impact, leading to the inability of a person to perform coordinated (conscious) actions, thereby reducing the combat capability of the intruder and preventing him from moving forward. The bright light of the laser creates the effect of a light curtain that does not allow for aimed shooting, observation through optical devices.

Information weapon- this is an arsenal of means of unauthorized access to information and disabling electronic control systems.

AI differs from conventional weapons secrecy, scale,versatility. The main objects of application of IO are:

- computer and communication systems used by government organizations in the performance of their management functions;

- military information infrastructure;

- information and management structures of banks, transport and industrial enterprises;

- mass media.

An information "attack" threatens to disable all electronic control systems of the country, its armed forces, state infrastructure, etc. The transport and energy (including nuclear) systems will collapse. The army and navy will be helpless in repelling aggression. The leaders of the country will not be able to receive the necessary information, make and implement any decisions. The use of such weapons in their catastrophic consequences is quite comparable with the use of weapons of mass destruction

precision weapons- this is a weapon, usually controlled, capable of hitting a target with the first shot (launch) at any range within its reach.

Allows you to inflict exceptionally accurate strikes on attacked objects (up to hitting the required window of a given structure).

Precision weapons include various ground, aviation and ship-based missile systems, guided bomber and artillery systems, and reconnaissance and strike systems. From firearms - certain types of rifles.

Accelerator (beam) weapon is based on the use of narrow beams of charged or neutral particles generated by various types of accelerators.

It affects various objects and humans with radiation (ionizing) and thermomechanical effects. Beam weapons can destroy the shells of aircraft hulls, hit ballistic missiles and space objects by disabling on-board electronic equipment.

Work on accelerating weapons based on charged particle (electron) beams is being carried out in the interests of creating air defense systems for ships, as well as for mobile tactical land installations.

Other OND.

Traumatic weapon of self-defense, in particular, the OSA and Makarych pistols.

Water cannons - devices that have a physical impact with jets of water under high pressure. Able to cause hypothermia, incl. with a lethal outcome.

Tear gas - chemicals that cause irritation of the organs of perception (lacrimation, pain, "ringing in the ears"), respiratory organs (cough, suffocation), skin (burning, inflammation), nervous system and psyche (hallucinations, loss of consciousness, a sense of horror and fear, panic) making it impossible to continue conscious activity in the affected area.

Flashbang grenades - made on the basis of burning pyrotechnics and creating a low-temperature gas plasma, when using them, a person goes blind for 30 seconds and loses his hearing for 5 hours.

thermal gun - in seconds warms up the body to a temperature of over 40 degrees Celsius; the person against whom this weapon was used experiences an unbearable burning sensation and a desire to run away.

foam gun - a device that shoots with a special quick-hardening and enveloping foam; soldiers quickly lose not only mobility, but also hearing and vision.

Viscous / slippery polymers - substances that, during polymerization, form a viscous or, conversely, a very slippery film on the surface of objects.

Weapon genetic - a type of weapon capable of damaging the genetic (hereditary) apparatus of people. The active principle may be some viruses that have mutagenic activity (the ability to cause hereditary changes), which penetrate the cell chromosome, as well as chemical mutagens. Such exposure can lead to severe diseases and their hereditary transmission.

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Major General of the Engineering and Technical Service I. ANUREYEV, Professor, Doctor of Military Sciences

Scientific and technological progress has always had a decisive influence on the methods of warfare and its character. But this role of his has never manifested itself so quickly, so comprehensively and with such consequences as in our days. Scientific achievements and discoveries have led to the creation of such powerful means of combat that have changed the views that existed for a long time on the role of various types of armed forces in war, forced to reconsider the basic provisions of tactics, operational art and strategy.

What scientific achievements of our time have had such a decisive impact on military affairs? These should primarily include the discovery of ways to use nuclear energy, the development of rocket technology, mathematics and computer technology, radio electronics, automation, chemistry, metallurgy, and instrumentation. A special place belongs to physics, which must also be included in this list. Not to mention the fact that military affairs owe the appearance of nuclear weapons to it, the creation of all models of military equipment and weapons without exception is based on the use of various physical laws.

As is known, physics studies the most general forms of motion of matter - mechanical, thermal, electromagnetic, and others, and their mutual transformations. At present, this science includes sections: mechanics, molecular physics, the doctrine of oscillations and waves, the doctrine of electricity, the theory of the electromagnetic field, optics, nuclear physics. The boundaries between physics and some other natural sciences are not sharply delineated. Recently, vast border areas have appeared between physics and chemistry, astronomy, earth science and other areas of knowledge.

The successes of physics and chemistry, along with the successes of other natural sciences, had an exceptionally great influence on the development of the materialistic worldview. Dialectical materialism made the widest possible use of physical discoveries to substantiate its propositions.

The impetus for the development of physics, like all other sciences, was the demands of practice that arose in the process of the historical development of social formations. Major discoveries of the late 17th and early 18th centuries were made under the influence of developing technology and military science.

The founder of Russian physics and chemistry, M. V. Lomonosov, closely combined scientific work with the requirements of practice. His numerous and varied researches on optics, electricity, meteorology, on the nature of liquid and solid bodies were most closely connected with practical needs. Many examples from the history of the development of physics show that often very abstract (abstract), at first glance, physical discoveries eventually found the most diverse application in technology and military affairs.

The discovery in 1831 by Faraday of electromagnetic induction created the conditions for widespread use in technology and in military affairs of electrical phenomena. Various electrical machines, means of control, control, measurements appeared, which had a revolutionary effect on technology in general and military equipment in particular.

The periodic law of D. I. Mendeleev not only played an outstanding role in the development of the theory of the atom and the nature of chemical phenomena, but also became a guide in solving a huge number of practical problems in chemistry and physics. On the basis of this law and the subsequent successes of physics, it was possible to discover elements capable of participating in fission and fusion (compound) reactions, which later led to the creation of the most powerful weapon of destruction - nuclear weapons.

In the second half of the last century, the English scientist Maxwell created a general theory of the electromagnetic field. Based on this theory, he came to the conclusion about the possibility of propagation of electromagnetic energy in the form of waves. Maxwell's discovery was used by A. S. Popov to create a radiotelegraph. This outstanding invention of the Russian scientist led to an exceptionally powerful development of troop communications, the creation of various radio engineering systems, and the emergence of radar - the technical basis of the air defense radio engineering troops. On account of radio engineering, there are many other military means that the army and navy are equipped with.

The studies of the Russian scientist A. G. Stoletov on active electric phenomena played a large role in the study of the photoelectric effect (a physical phenomenon consisting in the fact that under the action of visible light, ultraviolet, infrared, X-rays, and also gamma rays on a substance, its electrical properties change ). The photoelectric effect is widely used in modern technology (television, automation, sound films, etc.). Television devices and systems have found the widest application in military affairs. They are used in control systems of various combat means, serve as information sensors, and are used to communicate space objects with the Earth.

Of great importance for military affairs is such a branch of physics as optics. It arose as a doctrine of light in connection with the study of a person's ability to see the surrounding space. Subsequently, physics expanded the field of study, and the word "light" began to be used to denote an objective phenomenon occurring outside of us, which, acting on the eye, causes a subjective visual sensation. At present, physics speaks of "light" as a wide set of objective phenomena that are uniform in nature and are reduced to the propagation of short electromagnetic waves. Thus, the electromagnetic theory of light was born. She showed the unity of light and electromagnetic phenomena and gave a new proof of the basic position of dialectical materialism about the deep interconnection of all natural phenomena.

Soviet physicists have played an important role in the development of modern optics. A. F. Ioffe and N. I. Dobronravov made a number of experiments on the elementary photoelectric effect and obtained important results confirming the law that light energy is absorbed in separate portions, the magnitude of which is proportional to the frequency of light vibrations. S. I. Vavilov developed a method that makes it possible to visually detect changes in weak light fluxes due to their discontinuous structure. D. S. Rozhdestvenskii developed the theory of spectra with his work on anomalous dispersion and on the theory of atoms.

On the basis of the achievements of science, a powerful optical industry arose. The subtlest optical phenomena studied in physics have found the widest application in technology and military affairs. These are various guidance and control systems, control and measurement devices, elements of automatic systems and much more. The scope of the achievements of optics is expanding every day.

But, of course, the development of nuclear physics was of particular importance for military affairs. The discovery of methods for the combat use of nuclear energy was the result of a long study of the objective properties of the nature around us, a generalization of numerous newly established facts. It became possible thanks to the achievements of modern physics, as a result of which the doctrine of the structure of the atom, radioactivity and isotopes, and artificial fission of nuclei was developed.

Let's take this example. The elementary particles that make up the nucleus of an atom move at high speeds. For example, the speed of alpha particles is 20,000 km/sec, and their kinetic energy is 200 million times greater than the energy of a gas molecule at room temperature. It is impossible to study the motion of particles with such velocities comparable to the speed of light by methods of classical mechanics. For these cases, the provisions of the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics are applicable.

The most important law of the theory of relativity is the law of the relationship between mass and energy. Its essence is as follows: the internal energy of the body is equal to the rest mass multiplied by the square of the speed of light. Prior to the establishment of this law, it was possible to use only an insignificant fraction of internal energy (thermal energy, energy of chemical reactions). Achievements in the field of nuclear physics, the development of quantum mechanics (the science of the laws of motion of elementary particles) made it possible to discover and extract atomic energy. People have an almost inexhaustible supply of energy. As is known, imperialism used this outstanding achievement of physics primarily for military purposes, which forced the Soviet Union to create atomic weapons. Thus, atomic bombs based on the fission reaction of heavy nuclei of uranium-235, uranium-233 and plutonium-239 appeared in the arsenal of modern armed forces.

Following the fission reaction, a reaction was obtained for the synthesis of hydrogen isotopes - deuterium and tritium with the transformation of their nuclei into heavy helium nuclei. Such reactions can proceed at very high temperatures, on the order of 10–15 million degrees. Similar temperatures occur during nuclear processes on the Sun and stars, which release huge thermal energy. On Earth, thermonuclear reactions are still carried out at the time of the explosion of thermonuclear bombs. Thus, another outstanding discovery of physics led to the creation of an even more powerful weapon of mass destruction - thermonuclear weapons. In our country, the most powerful thermonuclear bombs with a TNT equivalent of 50 and even 100 mgt have been created. They have colossal destructive power and can cause severe radioactive contamination over vast areas.

During the Second World War, the most common large-scale ammunition was high-explosive aerial bombs, which were equipped with about 0.5 tons of explosive - TNT. If 200 million of these bombs were placed in one place and exploded, the shock wave would be the same as the explosion of one modern thermonuclear bomb of 100 megatons. However, it must be borne in mind that in this case new powerful damage factors appear - penetrating radiation and radioactive contamination of the area. The explosion of one medium-sized thermonuclear bomb in a large industrial area with a high population density can lead, as noted in the press, to the death of 1.5 million people. Subsequently, another 0.5 million people may die from the harmful effects of radioactive contamination.

Calculations have been cited in the foreign press showing that, for example, eight thermonuclear bombs with a yield of 3-5 megatons are enough to disable West Germany.

And here is what the American scientist Pauling writes: “In total, about a billion people live in areas that are likely to be hit by strong nuclear strikes. Within 60 days of the atomic strike

500-750 million people may die.” It is difficult to say what guided Pauling in his calculations. But if he is at least half right, then this also speaks of the enormous destructive power of thermonuclear weapons.

Modern armies are now also armed with small-caliber nuclear weapons, which are fundamentally changing the nature of combat. Our army now has a large assortment of nuclear weapons. The need for such a weapon is dictated by the following circumstances. It is difficult to use high-yield nuclear charges on the battlefield. They strike large areas, and it is impossible to use them in direct contact with the enemy without the risk of hitting friendly troops.

As noted in the foreign press, nuclear charges of 100 tons or less were tested in the United States. The action of such a charge is 200 times weaker than the explosion of the bomb dropped by the Americans in 1945 over Hiroshima.

What do small-caliber nuclear weapons give tactically? The shock wave of their explosion at a small distance causes only moderate destruction of brick buildings. Light radiation can cause second-degree burns, and penetrating radiation, although it leads to radiation sickness, is not in a dangerous form.

Small-caliber nuclear munitions can be used even when friendly troops are in direct contact with the enemy. They are capable of destroying or reliably suppressing anti-tank strongholds and artillery firing positions. As a result of such strikes, gaps are formed in the enemy's defenses, which can be used by the attackers to dismember the enemy's battle formations and infiltrate into his rear. The battle takes on an exceptionally maneuverable, fleeting character.

Achievements in nuclear physics made it possible to carry out a controlled nuclear reaction. On its basis, various nuclear power plants were created. The military use of controlled nuclear reactions led primarily to the creation of nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines with nuclear weapons. The use of nuclear power plants on foreign boats made it possible, as noted, to increase the speed of the underwater course to 50 km / h. Atmospheric air is not needed for the operation of nuclear power plants, therefore, with their appearance, submarines became submarines in the full sense of the word. They may not float to the surface for a long time.

In the future, according to foreign experts, we should expect the use of nuclear engines on missiles, which will dramatically improve their tactical and technical properties. Nuclear power plants and nuclear power sources for spacecraft for various purposes will be of great importance.

Nuclear weapons have acquired strategic importance thanks to the creation of perfect carriers of them - missiles. Modern ballistic and global missiles are capable of delivering powerful nuclear weapons to any region of the globe. To cover a distance of, say, 10 thousand km, an intercontinental ballistic missile needs only 25-30 minutes. It is hardly possible to hide from her blow. And the Soviet global missiles completely crossed out the concept of geographical invulnerability. Their blow is inevitable. The combination of nuclear weapons and missiles determined the nature of the future war as a nuclear missile war on an intercontinental scale.

The most important discoveries and achievements of physics used in the creation of modern rocket technology include the deep development of aerodynamics, gas dynamics and rocket dynamics. At present, these scientific directions are already independent, extremely complex and voluminous sciences with many branches. But fundamentally, they all belong to the physical sciences, their foundations are laid in mechanics, a branch of physics that studies the simplest of all forms of motion - mechanical motion.

Without the development of aerodynamics, the creation of modern combat aircraft and cruise missiles would be unthinkable. The development of jet aviation became possible due to the emergence of gas dynamics, the basis of high-speed aerodynamics and the theory of jet engines. Its founder is the outstanding Russian scientist Academician S. A. Chaplygin. Back in 1902, he established the basic dependences for the movement of gases with high subsonic and supersonic velocities. The results of the achievements of gas dynamics have found practical application in the creation of modern jet aviation and rocket technology.

The flight speeds of modern military aircraft are now 2-3 times the speed of sound propagation. But, as it turned out, this is not the limit. A further increase in flight speed caused the emergence of a new branch of aerodynamics - hypersonic aerodynamics. This science will make it possible to study in detail the motion of gas at high supersonic speeds. The military use of hypersonic aerodynamics is likely to lead to the creation of new aircraft. According to foreign opinions, they can be new perfect carriers of nuclear weapons, as well as powerful means of anti-aircraft and anti-missile defense.

Flights of ballistic missiles and spacecraft at altitudes of 100–150 nm in a highly rarefied atmosphere required a thorough study of the laws of motion of aircraft in conditions where gas molecules have a long mean free path, estimated at hundreds of meters and even several kilometers. It is no coincidence that experimental and theoretical aerodynamics of highly rarefied gases is rapidly developing at the present time. It makes it possible to calculate the motion parameters of ballistic missiles during their movement at the end of the active part of the trajectory and during entry into the atmosphere, to study the laws of motion of orbital aircraft, and helps to more accurately determine the lifetime of spacecraft in orbit.

When rockets and other aircraft move at high speeds in the atmosphere, even rarefied, extremely high temperatures occur, which lead to strong heating of the walls of the apparatus. The problem of "kinetic" heating is very acute in aviation and rocket technology. It is necessary to find new materials and coatings that can withstand high temperatures. The study of the movement of bodies at very high heating temperatures showed that in the so-called boundary layer (a thin layer of air near the walls of the aircraft) electromagnetic phenomena occur, which must also be taken into account. The study of electromagnetic phenomena in the boundary layer is carried out by a new branch of aerodynamics - magnetohydrodynamics.

And finally, about rocket dynamics. Its foundations were created by the outstanding Russian scientist K. E. Tsiolkovsky. In his famous work “Investigation of world spaces with rocket instruments” (1903), the great scientist established the basic laws of rocket motion and derived his famous formula for calculating the speed of a multi-stage rocket. This is currently a "desktop" formula for any rocket scientist. As a result of the development of aerodynamics, rocket dynamics and other areas of physics, the use of the achievements of chemistry, radio electronics, metallurgy, instrument making, it became possible to create models of military rocket technology. It is currently the most important weapon system.

This type of weapon is characterized by high combat effectiveness over the entire range of ranges, from several tens to several hundred kilometers. Operational-tactical missiles are reliable in operation and do not require much time to prepare for launch. They can also carry nuclear weapons. This opens up wide opportunities for destroying any enemy targets on the battlefield with nuclear strikes. The accuracy of missile guidance today is such that a missile, having flown over 12,000 km, deviates from a given point by no more than one kilometer.

In recent years, physics has also achieved a lot in the field of the theory of electricity and magnetism, the theory of the electromagnetic field, electromagnetic waves, and other sections. This led to the emergence of such independent sciences as, for example, radiophysics and electronics. They have become the basis of modern achievements in the field of radio electronics, telemechanics, automation, computer technology, without which the development and use of modern military equipment is unthinkable.

The outstanding scientific achievement of the remarkable Russian scientist A. S. Popov, who discovered the principle of radio communication and the phenomenon of reflection of electromagnetic waves, the subsequent discoveries of physicists in the field of radar and radio physics of ultrashort waves led to the rapid introduction of various radio engineering and radio electronic systems in the army. They now form the basis of communication systems, night vision equipment, detection of aircraft and missiles in flight, control of the flight of cruise and ballistic missiles, and are used to interfere with enemy radio control equipment.

Radar has gained particular importance in military affairs. It has become the most important tool in creating an effective anti-aircraft and anti-missile defense. Modern radars, as noted in the foreign press, are able to find a target (aircraft, missile) at a distance of 5000 km or more.

Great opportunities are opening up thanks to advances in solid state and semiconductor physics. Equipment for communication, radar, guidance becomes more reliable in operation, compact in size. Electronic devices based on semiconductors are not afraid of shocks, shaking and can last 5-10 times longer than conventional radio tubes. The equipment becomes more convenient and miniature. Already, compact semiconductor radars have appeared in the arsenal of the armies, easily carried by one or two soldiers. There are separate types of radios that can be placed in a helmet.

However, this is not all. Achievements in molecular electronics make it possible to create equipment of truly microscopic dimensions. It can be collected on special very thin films or on so-called solid circuits. They are called solid because the entire circuit of the device is hidden inside a solid substance - a crystal.

A few words about another new direction in physics - quantum radiophysics. Her successes open up ways to obtain high-intensity electromagnetic oscillations in narrow beams. Such devices are called lasers in foreign literature. According to the American press, with the help of lasers, it was possible to obtain a power of the order of 1-3 million watts in a pulse. It is estimated that laser radio stations will be capable of simultaneously transmitting thousands of television programs and telephone conversations. Some foreign experts are trying to use quantum generators to create a new type of weapon - beam, which is supposedly capable of destroying manpower and equipment.

We have examined the main directions in which physics - a science that is truly limitless in its possibilities - influences modern military affairs. As you can see, this influence is huge, and, undoubtedly, it will continuously increase. The same is true of other areas of modern science. This obliges Soviet soldiers to comprehensively study not only the type of equipment that is entrusted to them, but also master the basics of all scientific and technical knowledge related to progress in military affairs. Broad knowledge will help the soldiers to better understand their role and place as armed defenders of the motherland, to carry out tasks related to the further strengthening of the defense might of our country with great effect.

RIA Novosti about the creation of weapons operating on the basis of new physical principles.

The defense industry representative explained the essence of the new weapon in this way: “The peculiarity of such weapons is that they are able to neutralize enemy equipment without the use of traditional projectiles, but with the help of directed energy, that is, it makes an indirect physical impact on the on-board equipment of aircraft, drones and neutralizes high-precision weapons."

And this is not about research work with vague prospects, but about specific products. They were demonstrated as part of a private display for the Ministry of Defense at the Army-2016 military-technical forum last September.

The next day, the editor-in-chief of the Arsenal of the Fatherland magazine attacked the innovators with sharp criticism. Viktor Murakhovsky, a man of authority in the field of military technology. But the essence of his claims was rather not technical, but terminological. Without denying the possibility of creating such weapons, he stated that these are not new physical principles. There are no new physical principles, and this weapon works on the ancient principle of the propagation of electromagnetic waves in space.

Indeed, the already established term “weapon based on new physical principles (ONFP) does not fully reflect reality. It would be more correct to talk about the use of principles that were not previously used in weapons.

However, at the same time, doubt creeps into the soul. Recently, all kinds of psychics, sorcerers, warlocks and other wizards have been trying to oust the authority of the Academy of Sciences from the mass consciousness. And, I must say, not without success. So, maybe they gathered all these heroes of our time in the defense industry complex, and they made a machine that damages enemy military equipment?

However, the OPK spokesman nevertheless spoke about directed energy, and, consequently, the Academy of Sciences in military engineering has a significant priority. The principle, indeed, is well known, still discovered Michael Faraday. But how this energy affects the enemy's technique, not a word was said. On the one hand, secrecy. And this is understandable. But, on the other hand, the creators of domestic means of electronic warfare are much more frank. And this is also a super-weapon that has no analogues in the world.

Modern Russian electronic warfare equipment is based on the use of extremely effective algorithms for studying the electromagnetic radiation of enemy military equipment (radar, communications, computer background) and issuing such an information impact on equipment that literally paralyzes it. At the same time, high power of influence is not required, as the developers of electronic warfare explain, the Russian equipment "only" introduces the necessary distortions into the information circulating in the enemy's networks. But it does not “suppress” it, which would require power, which is achievable only in stationary installations. Such counteraction is called "non-energy interference".

The possibilities of this Russian method were brilliantly demonstrated in the spring of 2014, when a Su-24 bomber with electronic warfare equipment on board in the Black Sea "turned off" all the electronics of the destroyer "Donald Cook". The ship became absolutely "blind" - its means of detecting targets, targeting, communications and navigation failed. But it is on it and on ships of this type that the Aegis information and control system and SM-3 anti-missiles are located, on which the naval component of EuroPRO is based. The Su-24 made 12 combat visits to the destroyer, to which the team was unable to respond. Shortly thereafter, 27 sailors submitted their resignations because, they said, "we don't want to put our lives at risk."

As for the new development of the defense industry, then, based on the scarcity of information received, experts immediately began to express a variety of versions.

Editor-in-chief of the National Defense magazine Vitaly Korotchenko believes that we are talking about “the impact of powerful microwave pulses on enemy targets in order to disable their electronic equipment, which will lead to a complete loss of functionality and the impossibility of their combat use. Such weapons can be used to disable unmanned aerial vehicles directly above the battlefield."

The scope of microwave guns is further expanded by a military political scientist, associate professor Alexander Perendzhiev:“This is a very effective weapon, because it is difficult to defend against it - it is impossible to hide from the wave. Combining methods of remote influence on enemy electronics and methods of electronic warfare, it is possible, for example, to jam the automatic loading of a tank and make the projectile explode in the turret, destroying the combat vehicle. True, for this the tank must be made of plastic, since steel armor does not transmit electromagnetic waves.

Needless to say, this topic is not new. But for some reason, information on such developments does not expand over time, but narrows. The same United Instrument-Making Corporation presented in the press a year and a half ago a mobile microwave gun, which is mounted on a chassis from the Buk air defense system. It is intended to disable the instrumentation of low-flying aircraft and drones, as well as the guidance system for enemy precision weapons. The complex provides 360-degree all-round defense. The range is 10 kilometers.

But these 10 kilometers seem too big, given that the level of the electromagnetic signal drops inversely with the square of the distance from the emitting antenna. It is clear that we can only talk about creating interference, and not about destroying the enemy's electronic equipment.

Similar work was done in the USA at the end of the last century. But the task of the microwave gun, which was called the Active Denial System, was different - to put the enemy to flight. Its range is 500 meters. Tests were carried out on 10 thousand volunteers. When irradiated for 3 seconds, a person experiences acute pain. After another 5 seconds, the pain becomes unbearable, and the person tends to leave the radiation zone. In some cases, minor burns were recorded. That is, there were no health consequences after turning off the signal.

Electromagnetic weapons are not the only ones on the list of weapons that use new physical principles. Intensively, both in Russia and in the United States, work is underway to create a combat laser. There are already certain results, but it is too early to talk about the appearance of a laser in the army.

Punch weapon. It is a particle accelerator that can be located both on the ground and in space. Particles must be accelerated to very high energies in order, according to military engineering theorists, to undermine ammunition and melt nuclear charges in ICBM warheads. However, the creation of such weapons is not a matter of one decade.

And finally, geophysical weapons. Its essence lies in the fact that with the help of powerful influences, for example, nuclear explosions, it is possible to provoke natural disasters - earthquakes, floods, tsunamis. It is known that in the 60s this idea greatly fascinated Khrushchev. And he issued a task to study the possibility of creating a giant wave that would bring devastation on the east coast of the United States. Experiments were conducted in which huge amounts of conventional explosives were used. However, the conclusion of the researchers greatly upset Nikita Sergeevich.

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