How to find your true purpose in life. The path to a new lifehow to find your purpose

Have you thought about the meaning of your life? “What am I living for? Is there anything important that I need to do in life?” Most often, people ask themselves these questions at the age of 36 - 42 years. And this is due to the fact that at this age we are reconsidering our life values We overestimate what is important and what is not really important to us.

Perhaps at some time you succumbed to the influence of society or your inner circle and chose for themselves the “wrong” occupation, the “wrong” profession, the “wrong” person. In other words, they made the wrong choice, did not hear themselves. And for many now, at this age, the question remains unresolved - am I going the right way? Do I have a purpose, and if so, what is it? About, how to know your purpose will be discussed in this article.

What is purpose

Different philosophical currents understand the purpose in different ways, and some even deny it altogether.

But if you have the experience of viewing past lives, then you understand that there is a plan for each incarnation, and if you followed it, then you have a sense of satisfaction at the end of life. But if you did not follow this plan of the soul, then in the end you will find disappointment, guilt or condemnation of yourself. The task is carried over to the next incarnation.

I support the view that each soul has its own specific purpose, which it needs to fulfill in most of its incarnations.

Such tasks of the soul can be grouped into 3-4 groups and this point of view is supported by many philosophical currents of the past:

  • in the ancient Slavic tradition it is called "varnas": artisans, merchants, warriors, teachers
  • among the ancient Greeks, in particular in the ideal state structure Plato, there is a similar division between people, called "estates": the first estate - artisans, businessmen and peasants, the second - guards (warriors), the third estate - wise men (philosophers),

and many other traditions.

As you can see different times and different cultures but basically they are talking about the same thing.What underlies this division of people into groups?

4 types of destination

All these groups differ in their purpose of the soul. If you do not accept the idea of ​​having a soul (as the Buddhists do), then here we are talking about that subtlest part of our consciousness, which is reborn from life to life. But Buddhists do not deny reincarnation.

Here are the 4 types of destinations that the soul follows from incarnation to incarnation:

  1. To master some profession, to become a master in the profession, to find and use your talents for this, to work with your hands - this is the mission of the “artisans” group. In this group, also, many include Leonardo da Vinci.
  2. Learn to trade, establish communication, exchange of information - this is the mission of "merchants"
  3. To serve other people, to keep one's word, to adhere to the concepts of duty and honor, to defend the country, to serve society, voters, the country - this is the mission of "warriors". For example, many politicians, military men, company leaders are just examples of people in this group.
  4. To store and transmit knowledge, including the meaning of life, to teach not only the subject, but also spiritual truths, to bring love, wisdom and mercy - this is precisely the purpose of "teachers" or "philosophers".

Reincarnation works through immersion in oneself, work with the subconscious, viewing past lives or early childhood.

Astropsychology is a method at the intersection between astrology and psychology and helps to see with what talents or unsolved problems a person came into this life.

In Reincarnation, the client works on his own, in immersion “follows” the voice of the guide-consultant, and together we collect information from your past lives or images that come to you.

In Astropsychology, I look at your chart of the planets at the time of birth (Formula of the Soul) and tell you about what is written in it.If there are any unsolved problems (programs), then I, as a psychologist, suggest you how to solve these problems.

For example, from the Soul Formula one can see such programs as:

  • “do not expect financial support from your husband, become a breadwinner yourself” (when there is this program, then any man, as soon as he becomes your husband, immediately takes over this program and ceases to be a breadwinner in the family)
  • “I am looking for an ideal husband” (then there is a risk of getting out for a long time and being left alone)
  • “all men are deceivers” (for such a woman, men deceive her or even cheat on her)
  • sacrificial love (such a person will feel like a victim in any relationship that he creates)
  • high touchiness (such a person will perceive any relationship as a problem)
  • negative karma of the clan (and then you need to watch generic programs)
  • and other programs brought from past lives.

The Soul Formula also clearly shows the purpose for the current life, as well as the type / types of activities that correspond to this purpose.

The world today is teeming with information. It is akin to the ocean, in which each swimmer, having his own style and movement, can catch the wrong wave.

Often a seeker, thirsty highest goal his destiny, feels longing for something important and meaningful in his life.

The theme of service to the world, for looking for a person, can become an Achilles' heel, in which, gradually losing its own essence, it caters to authorities and knowledge.

The very theme of service is wonderful. It can really become the meaning of life for a person. But even in service it is necessary to rely on wisdom, awareness and one's own intuition.

In this article I will tell you what is the difference between purpose and self-realization, knowing it, you will be able to understand your purpose.

Purpose, what are you?

I have been looking for a destination in the outside world for a long time. My eyes were wide open. I took in information here and there. Until one moment I realized that destination cannot be found in the outside world.

It is embedded within a person and is the core of his personality.

Purpose is a deep sense of the world that manifests itself in external world without conscious impulse. Man manifests his destiny every day.

It is so natural for him that he cannot immediately trace it.

And what confuses a person is the concepts of purpose and self-realization, which he sometimes cannot separate.

Watch a broadcast dedicated to this topic, and also go through a meditation that will help you free yourself from energy, emotions, beliefs, and restrictions that prevent you from being yourself.

2 steps to find your purpose

Step One - Connect with the Inner World

Get in touch with the real you. Try to take off the "masks" that you are used to wearing in society. Leave for a while those "roles" that life is full of.

Establishing a connection with inner world you will have a deep sense of yourself. You will be able to realize your own value. see your strengths. Analyze how you manifest easily and freely, how you breathe.

The second step - Regain your self-worth

Another important step in understanding your purpose regaining self-worth.

Constant throwing in search of one's destiny arises when, due to different reasons you have lost your sense of worth.

That is why there are difficulties in realizing one's destiny. Loss of connection with the inner core of your own individuality does not give you access to your beingness.

So people who have not been deprived of a sense of self-worth in parental home, kindergarten, school, find their purpose more easily, because their sense of self is not lost.

As a result, such people are more resistant to comparisons and expectations of other people.

Methods for regaining self-worth

  1. Learn to live life not from the "mind", but from contact with oneself.
  2. Take back your unconditional acceptance of yourself and acknowledge your "I am".
  3. Recall the time when you felt most whole and happy and return this state to yourself in the “here and now”.

Feeling your value to the fullest, the destination will manifest itself and reach the level of awareness quickly enough.

You will understand that your purpose is manifested in relationships with people every day. See your daily contribution. And you realize that the purpose has always been within your personality.

Very often, sooner or later, a person begins to be tormented by questions: “Who am I, why do I live on earth, and how to find my purpose in life?” The most difficult thing is to find the right answers, but not everyone succeeds. However, there are ways to find your way and walk it with a happy smile.

Mission test

Psychologists offer a very simple test that allows you to determine your mission. Personally, I am a journalist by profession, - according to the results of the questionnaire, I turned out to be Herald. So in my case, we can say: the test works!

All questions are divided into groups. Need to answer "Yes" or "No", and at the end of the test, count the number of positive answers. So let's go!

Group A.

  1. Are strangers ready to tell you about themselves?
  2. How often do you hear in your address: “It feels like we have known each other for ages!”
  3. Do you tell other people how to improve their existence?
  4. Do you admit that you are giving truly wise advice?
  5. How often do friends turn to you for support?

Group B.

  1. Do you like to read?
  2. Does it happen that, looking in the mirror, you start to sing?
  3. Do you have an artistic gift?
  4. Love inventing new things?
  5. Do you ever start a new business but often don't finish it?

Group B.

  1. Strangers like your touch?
  2. Do you often get asked for a massage?
  3. Do you like massage yourself and do you do it yourself?
  4. Have you been able to heal someone from a distance?
  5. How often did it happen that electrical appliances broke down in your presence?

Group G.

  1. Do you think you could become a great doctor?
  2. Do you seem to understand the causes of children's tears?
  3. Are you interested in new methods?
  4. How often did you get sick as a child?
  5. Do you feel the need to help sick people and animals?

After counting the number of positive answers in each group, choose the one with the highest number of "yes".

Group A. Teacher. Your mission is to help people. Path - jurisprudence, pedagogy, religion, psychology, volunteering, sales.

Group B. Herald. The main talents are communication and creativity. Path - creativity, journalism, design, architecture.

Group B. Healer. Your gift is the impact on the physical shell of a person. Path - medicine (including non-traditional), veterinary medicine, sports.

Group G. Energy. Calling to work with energy shells. Path - chiropractic, physiotherapy, massage, Reiki.

Back to the roots

Although simplistic and schematic, this test really helps to determine what exactly a person is best at. But, unfortunately, not always the destiny of a person becomes his profession. However, there is a way out, because you can devote your free time to your mission.

Real life example: I have a friend Olga. She works as a cook in a kindergarten; moreover, he loves his work and is respected by his colleagues. However long time Olya suffered from the thought that there was something in her life goes not at all how it should be.

Then she began to remember her childhood; read the diaries of youth; I thought about how long ago her dreams were ... And I realized: she always liked helping people! Today Olya is a member of the volunteer movement, participating in garbage collection, cleaning water bodies, and planting greenery in the city. And feel absolutely happy!

Therefore, advice "No. 1" for those who want to understand how to find their purpose in life: return to the roots. Remember what most of all interested and excited you in childhood; what the soul initially lay in choosing a profession ... So you can understand what exactly is your destiny.

By the way, according to the test, Olya belongs to the representatives of group A. And volunteering is indeed her element!

Meditation and prayer

The reason that a person cannot find his destiny for a long time is the vanity of the world around him. The information that enters the brain almost around the clock is 97% garbage. It prevents us from separating the wheat from the chaff.

Meditation can help in this situation. Every day, at least for 30 minutes, free yourself from thoughts; dive into the depths of your subconscious; look for the answer to the question “how to know your purpose?”

For believers, prayer is also excellent. Daily seclusion in thoughts with God and asking him for help, you can find the answer to this question. The main thing at the same time is to distract yourself from external fuss and your own problems.

Paper and pen to help

You don't have to go too far to find your own path. It is enough to take a piece of paper and a pen to answer the following questions:
  • What do I enjoy doing the most?
  • What would you do if I were a billionaire?
  • What areas of life do I pay attention to first of all?
  • What occupations or lifestyles do I admire the most?
Thus, a vivid picture of individual interests, passions, hobbies emerges. It is the answer to the question “how to understand your purpose?”

Out of curiosity, I asked for mine best friend Katya to answer these questions. It turned out that most of all she likes to spend time with her daughter; having a huge fortune, she would give birth to two more children and travel the world from all over big family; the “parental” topic is of interest; and admiration large families. Needless to say, Katya's true calling is motherhood. And, most importantly, she does not deny it!

We say "no!" stereotypes

There are several more effective ways determine your path. But first you need to get rid of a number of common stereotypes that have haunted us all our lives. Here they are:
  • “The main thing is prestige!” It is not true. Today it is prestigious to be a lawyer, so most school graduates run to apply to the relevant faculty. But the very next day the trend changes, and economists come into “fashion”. Choose your path not on the basis of the degree of prestige (this is just a publicity stunt), but on the basis of an inner desire.
  • "Money comes first." This is not entirely true: for some, the main thing is creativity; For others - family values; for the third - inner harmony. Therefore, striving for signs of well-being imposed by society, one can easily lose one's own essence.
  • "Listen to your elders." Of course, it’s good to obey dad and mom ... But - up to certain limits. Very often, parents want to see themselves as "failed" children, and shift ambitions onto them. However, each person has his own destiny, and it most often does not coincide with the opinion of parents.
With regard to the last paragraph, the representatives Western civilization should be taken as an example of the wise Japanese. They offer their kids several items to choose from - a pen, a "gadget", a book, a coin ... What the child chooses first of all is considered his destiny. Thus, parents do not impose their will on the child, but give him the right to seek his own destiny. After all, each of us must find our own way.

simple and effective way which worked for me. The other 10 techniques didn't work.

  1. We take a sheet. We write the title "My true purpose in life:".
  2. We put a number and write down any answer that comes to mind.
  3. We continue to write until an emotional reaction occurs: tears are shed more often, or frost on the body, or something else noticeable.

  • Write at home. In a good and cheerful mood. Better on paper.
  • Allocate 1-3 hours. Take breaks only when you need to, don't lose flow.
  • Write any idea, not analyze. It's better to take it as a joke, but I'll write: "My destiny is to become the best balalaist in the world."
  • Don't worry if you don't get a response.
  • The answer can consist of one word: "music", "scene", "family", "help".
  • Develop responses that are often repeated in different forms
  • Develop incoming ideas, ask questions:
    • What did you like to do as a child?
    • If you had $10 million, what would you do?
    • What are your dreams?
    • What have you always wanted to do?

My experience

My emotional reaction went to point 116, after 40 minutes. But I suppressed it. I wrote in vain in a cafe - it’s not convenient to let tears in public. I did not believe myself, I continued to write options for another hour to 257 points.

My mission is to help others achieve their goals..

He came home satisfied, but in confusion - he began to double-check. Analyze life, compare past goals and desires.

Helped by a diary of goals and desires recorded for last years. The idea often slips through them: to help others. Recorded 5 years ago global goal: to help others identify and fulfill their destiny.

"Everything fits, but it's too simple" I thought. Searched, searched, and then - found.

I repeated the exercise after 3 days, already at home. At point 57 - it's there again! Tears came, did not expect it to work again.

Eureka! Is the search over? No, they just started.

For myself, I decided, since I had not found it for a long time, then - I had to learn to live happily.

And now it's time to do the second part - working for the benefit of others. This site is the result of following my destiny. Even if I don't see the end goal.

What changed?

Nothing special. I just as happy as before after finding a purpose.

Defining a purpose is like buying a 10-year gym membership. Elementary. And to plow in the gym 3 times a week is really difficult.

I thought that I would find the answer - everything would become simple and clear: take it and do it. But no. Fortunately, it just didn't. This is just another important step in development.

You need to get used to it - there will be uncertainty all your life. It is better to learn to love her and acquire a state of happiness in order to navigate this uncertainty.

The authors of self-development books and coaches (life tutors) promise:
"Find a calling and jump in development:" <но я не прыгнул>

  • Discover your talents and realize yourself in life.
    Yep, right away. To do this - you need a lot of work and 7 years.
  • Make a powerful breakthrough.
    Rather, a pause to change the knurled rails of life to a new direction.
  • You will wake up in the morning with a smile.
    I wake up, as I woke up - with difficulty. I don't like waking up and running to work. When this happens, it means you couldn’t sleep, you were tormented by ideas.
  • You will gain confidence - you will become more harmonious, more cheerful.
    To find all this, you need to plow, and not once go to a coach.

Universal purpose

Cheerful and healthy people- a rarity. It is important to be not just "normal" - moderately sick and unhappy.

You will already do a lot for the world - if you are busy with your development and recovery. Bring the spheres of the wheel of life 7-10 points. Once you've completed this task, you can start thinking about where to put your energy.

Your purpose is to live happily, and everything else is the answer to the question "how to become happy?"

P.S. Write in the comments about your experience. 99% of people will not make this exercise, but will you take this step in your development?

Every person is born with a certain life purpose. We come into this world with a predetermined fateful attitude. And, regardless of our desire, we are invited to follow the path destined by fate. You should not be afraid of this, because the life of a person who follows the call of his heart is always bright, easy and happy. He is firmly convinced that he was not born in vain. What's more, this lucky guy will always take great pleasure in what he does. A person who does not go his own way through life can be seen immediately. As a rule, his fate develops unfavorably, he does not receive any pleasure from his kind of activity, and emptiness and dissatisfaction with life appear in his soul. Undoubtedly, all this negatively affects karma. Higher power such a loser will be regularly "treated", sending life lessons in order to direct him on the true path.

Note! Only by doing what you love to do can you live a fulfilling life.

Successful businessman Brian Tracy wrote in one of his books: “Life is like a combination lock: your task is to choose the right numbers, and then you will get everything you want.” It's hard to disagree with that, isn't it? If you agree with the opinion of Brian Tracy, we suggest that you work on yourself a little in order to understand how to find your purpose and true life path.

Listen to yourself

Too often we give preference to someone else's opinion, forgetting about our inner voice. This is what we are taught from childhood. The opinion of parents for children is taboo. On their persistent advice, the majority of grown-up children enter universities for specialties that they clearly do not like, while their innate talents and abilities remain unrealized. The entire subsequent life path of such people becomes difficult, confusing and painful. If something like this happened to you, and you feel dissatisfied with your life, we advise you to listen to yourself. This will help you change your destiny for the better.

Practical exercises

Start by doing the basic exercises detailed below. We hope that these exercises will become your good helpers in finding yourself.

Exercise 1

Connect the game of imagination. Sit comfortably in a chair, relax and imagine that you are in a wonderful magical land where anything you want is possible! And in this marvelous fairy tale you are an almighty good Wizard who can make any dreams come true. Once you've got it all figured out, ask yourself a few simple questions:

  • Who am I?
  • How do I live?
  • What am I doing?
  • Am I using my abilities to the fullest?
  • Am I satisfied with the way I live?

By answering these questions to yourself absolutely honestly, you will be able to reveal the true desires and aspirations deeply hidden inside you.

Exercise 2

To further understand your purpose, use another exercise. Mentally return yourself to a rainbow childhood, and try to remember what you most liked to do and what you, as a child, dreamed of becoming. A pure child's soul on a subconscious level knows about its destiny, about the path to be traveled. Did you feel like a child? Fine. Now take a piece of paper with a pen and answer four questions in writing:

  • What did I want to be as a child?
  • What did I dream about the most?
  • What did I especially like at that time?
  • What activities interested me the most?

Read your recorded answers several times. Have you become what you wanted to be as a child? Does what you do today match your childhood dreams? How do you feel in your current role? Do you like everything in your life? If for three recent questions If you answered “yes”, then everything is fine with you. Otherwise, seriously think about changing the type of activity.

Exercise 3

And finally, do the last exercise, which we will call Finding Your Destiny in Three Days. To complete it, you will again need paper and a pen to answer a few questions in writing in three days.

The first day. What abilities and talents do I have? What can I do best?

Second day. What benefit can I bring to people? What can my activity bring the greatest benefit society?

Day three. What do I really want to do? What type of activity suits me best? What activities do I particularly enjoy?

The questions of each of the three days should be asked to yourself throughout the current day. All response options should be recorded in detail for further analysis. The answers you receive will definitely point you to specific points of contact with your fateful destiny.


If you are unable to find your purpose with the exercises described, resort to meditation. An indicator that you've stood up for true path there will be a feeling of complete happiness that life is a success.

Note! When you start working on finding the meaning of life, stay calm and never give up if you don’t get a quick result.

Believe in yourself and the universe will definitely help you!

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