How to impress a person with your desires. How to give yourself everything. Self-hypnosis techniques. Limitations and possible consequences

How to instill something in a person?

Many people daily enter into disputes or discussions, but cannot convince their interlocutor of the correctness of their point of view. It is very difficult for an ordinary person who does not possess the skills and tactics of suggestion to convince a determined opponent of the correctness of his opinion. Subsequently, they try not to enter into such situations, avoid them, or are completely afraid of discussions. Stop! Are there any ways of persuasion? How to convince a person of your point of view? A few practical tips will help solve this problem.

So, we want to understand the ways of suggestion, persuasion, in other words, influence on the opinion of another person. To begin with, we will find out what main types of suggestion exist in principle. And there are two of them: direct and indirect.

direct suggestion it most affects people with a weak level of intelligence, while it is combined with negative emotions (for example, you can scream or gesticulate vigorously).

For people with a developed intellect, tactics are reversed - the use of positive emotions. If a person is depressed or a little unsure of himself, the suggestion is pronounced in an imperative tone. The action is enhanced by facial expressions and / or gestures, the use of repeated phrases. sharp, loud, short, as if "knocked in" (but it is important not to overdo it here, otherwise you can scare a person).

If a person is emotionally excited or worried about something, then the suggestion is carried out in a soothing tone. Use repeated long, soft, soothing phrases.

An additional method of direct suggestion is a special, conceived "uncertainty" in the construction of phrases. You must construct the phrase in such a way that it would seem to the person that his thoughts are spoken aloud.

Methods of direct suggestion do not work in all cases. Therefore, there is also a second type of suggestion - indirect ...

indirect suggestion is divided into: informational, affective, complimentary, figurative-emotional suggestion, suggestion with the help of denial and allegorical suggestion.

Information suggestion is based on the principle of authority. That is, to influence the inner world of a person, they refer to the media. In general, it looks like a simple conversation. But the main thing in this method is that the memory of a person about any information that has received universal approval works as a fact. Thus suppressing anxiety.

The method of affective suggestion works when a person is in a state of passion or under the influence of emergency situations. In this state, a person is most susceptible to suggestion. This is influenced by fear of danger, the difficulty of choosing in a difficult situation, excessive physical fatigue, lack of experience in behavior in an unfamiliar situation. A person's volitional processes decrease, suggestibility increases, he behaves "imitatively". The model of behavior in this situation should begin as reassurance and understanding, which wins the trust of a person. And after a short pause, supposedly "friendly" advice should be given, which in such a situation has the greatest power, since the person's vigilance decreases.

The model of behavior in complimentary suggestion is based on flattery and praise. Many people cannot criticize a person who flatters and praises them greatly. This tactic of processing a person in the special services is called "bombing with love."

Figurative-emotional suggestion works due to. You must encourage a person to imagine all the charms of this object of suggestion. Convince him of the advantage of the suggestible object in comparison with others. This method is very effective because it works through the subconscious. You must convince the subconscious of a person that the object of suggestion is necessary for a person.

Negative suggestion works on the basis of the "not" particle. In order for a person to imagine what he should not do, first you need to imagine the situation as if he is doing it.

The allegorical suggestion model is based on an aphorism, an analogy, a joke, an anecdote, a short story from personal experience or the experience of acquaintances, a situation from work, a parable, an example from a book, the press, television, in a general metaphor. Their main goal is not just to evoke certain emotions, but also to induce a person to action. But the metaphors you use must match the person. For example, metaphors used when talking to strangers may not work well when talking to "old" friends, and so on.

By following these tips, you can feel confident in any discussion and overcome the fear of losing an argument. By practicing these skills, you will better master the art of suggestion. We wish you confidence in your abilities.

We all get into arguments or discussions from time to time, but not everyone manages to convince their interlocutor that his point of view is correct. Basically, for those who do not have the skills and tactics of suggestion, it will be difficult to convince the enemy, who is resolute in the correctness of his opinion. As a result, these people try not to enter into such discussions, avoid them, or do not communicate at all. Stop! There are also methods of persuasion, with the help of which you can explain your thoughts to a person without swearing and without aggression.

So, how to inspire a person with your thoughts

There are many ways of persuading, suggesting, and influencing the opinion of your interlocutor. The main types of suggestion can be called direct suggestion and indirect. It is easy for those who have a weak level of intelligence to inspire something, and direct suggestion to such people acts quickly. When suggesting your thoughts to such people, you can combine your words with such negative emotions as screams or increased gesticulation. But for those who have a developed intellect, it is impossible to act with such tactics, you need to choose the opposite tactics. For a slightly depressed or insecure person, you need to inspire your thoughts in an imperative tone. You can enhance the action with facial expressions and gestures, use repeated phrases, while they should be sharp, short and loud.

Well, if you have a conversation with an emotionally excited or worried person, then you need to inspire your thoughts in a soothing tone. You can use long, soft, repetitive, and soothing phrases.

It should be noted that direct suggestion methods are not effective in all cases, so you can suggest your thoughts to a person indirectly. This type of suggestion is divided into:

affective suggestion;

Information suggestion;

Figurative-emotional suggestion;

Complimentary suggestion;

And also allegorical suggestion.

Affective suggestion works when a person is in a state of passion, while in this state people are most susceptible to suggestion, since a person is covered by fear of danger, it is difficult for him to choose in a difficult situation, he is physically overtired, or perhaps he lacks experience in behavior in such a situation . At this moment, people's volitional processes are significantly reduced, while suggestibility increases with the same progression.

Information suggestion should be based on the principle of authority. The conversation should be kept calm, and during the conversation, the person should be reminded of any information that has received general approval. Thus, the alertness of a person is suppressed.

Figurative-emotional suggestion is a person's fantasies, that is, you need your opponent to imagine all the delights of this event. You can talk about the advantages of the suggestible object and compare them with others. This method of suggestion is considered very effective, as it works through the subconscious.

Complimentary suggestion is based on praise and flattery. It is very difficult to criticize someone who praises you a lot. A similar tactic of processing a person is used in the special services and is called “love bombing”.

The allegorical suggestion model is an explanation of one's opinion using aphorisms, analogies, jokes, anecdotes, short stories from personal experience, parables, etc. The main goal of such suggestion is to encourage a person to act.

How difficult it is sometimes to convince your interlocutor of something. It seems that the person simply does not hear you. How to find a way to inspire him with your thoughts? This is possible if you understand what your interlocutor is like and what method will work best for him.


Tell man something nice, any compliment. Praise his methods of work, personal qualities. Many people are not able to refuse those who speak well of them. Just don't overdo it. Undisguised flattery can irritate and backfire.

Speak in a calm, even tone. If your interlocutor is worried about the subject of your dispute, this will calm him down. After the person calms down, give him advice on how best to proceed. He will be grateful for your help in a difficult situation. Do not forget that in this case you should not put pressure on your opponent, the whole argument should look like a simple friendly conversation.

Refer to some sources. They should be authoritative for the person who is arguing with you. Say that it was advised to do so in a television program, or a scientific magazine. Refer to the opinion of the famous

or politics. The main thing is to emphasize that the majority does this.

Give an example of a similar situation from a book or movie. Remind me how successful and wonderful everything worked out there just because people did the same as you suggest. At the same time, the source to which you will refer should be interesting to the disputant, evoke positive emotions in him. If you manage to put your opponent in a good mood, consider that you have already won the argument.

Make your offer unexpected. Be sure to speak in a confident tone, in short sentences. Use as few words as possible, just state the fact. It often happens that the interlocutor, who was taken by surprise, quickly agrees.

Try to express your idea using images. Your opponent must imagine how wonderful what you offer. The more colorfully you describe the charms of your proposal, the faster you will get an agreement.

“Today you are where your thoughts of yesterday took you” - this aphorism of James Allen is often used to show how thoughts affect your position and state. Therefore, it is true that, inspiring yourself good, you are at least creating the conditions for realizing the best part of your life.


Be sure to control your thoughts every minute. Every negative thought you have must be nipped in the bud and replaced with a positive one. Force yourself to think positive, especially if everything is seen in black.

Look then at the sky, at the animals, at the beautiful pictures, remember the good books, i.e. specifically and purposefully look for the beautiful in life and rejoice in it.

Stop complaining if you have had such a habit. The pity of others and even the help offered

They will not bring you tangible benefits, they will not teach you anything. It is only in your power to change your own worldview and your own situation, so become independent, responsible for your thoughts and feelings, learn to believe in your own strength.


the habit of meditating three times a day, from 5 to 30 minutes. Learn to relax completely and in this state to inspire

good, positive statements, represent what you want. Many

proved that in a state of deep relaxation, the frequency of brain functioning changes. This allows you to expand its abilities and include in the work the reserve capabilities of the body.

Formulate what you want

suggest, in the form of positive statements (devoid of the "not" particle), in the present tense. These statements are called affirmations and they

you will meet in psychological and esoteric

Bet yourself goals and achieve them, think about them constantly and make efforts, act so that there is no time or energy left for bad thoughts. Think about your hobby, and be sure to set aside time for it every day. Even 5 minutes of your favorite thing a day can change your attitude.

Do good and kind deeds for others. Think about how you can help other people and start helping. This will improve your faith in your own strength, give you a sense of the fullness of life and, perhaps, the fulfillment of your mission. This recommendation does not at all mean embarking on the path of altruism and selflessly improving the lives of all people around. It's always best to strike a balance and stick to common sense. But if you can improve the lives of loved ones - do it, if you can lend a helping hand - lend.

Thought suggestion techniques have been used since ancient times. Legally - for the treatment of mental illness, alcoholism, drug addiction, etc. Fraudsters use them illegally. Master some ethical techniques of suggestion thoughts it is also possible for quite harmless purposes, for example, to find mutual understanding in the family or with colleagues.


Talk to the person to whom you want to inspire some thought. You need to find a topic that will be close and interesting to the interlocutor. Listen carefully to the person, speak softly but clearly. Choose an intonation that will repeat the intonation of the interlocutor as much as possible, mirror his posture and gestures.

Use the basic principles of persuasive speech, which is the main tool of suggestion. Be clear and specific about what the person should do and believe. For example, you want to convince your son to clean up after himself: "You have to clean your own room." Use attitudes such as: "I believe that everyone can keep clean on their own." Give reasonable and logical arguments - statements that confirm your case. For example: “If you can clean up on your own, then you are old enough and you can go alone on an excursion to another city.” This argument, in particular, can also be a motive - after all, the son probably wants to go on this trip.

Use the magnetic gaze technique. There are several exercises, having mastered which, you can inspire thoughts. For the first, draw a black circle with a diameter of 1 cm on a piece of paper. Place the sheet at the level of your eyes. Without blinking, look at the circle for 1 minute from a distance of 1 meter. Then move the sheet to the left by 80 cm. Return to the starting position and look first at the place where the sheet was, then, without turning your head, look at the circle without blinking for 1 minute. Similarly, repeat the exercise, moving the sheet to the left. For the second exercise, you will need a mirror. Stare into your eyes for 1 minute. Increase the time with each workout.


When using the magnetic gaze technique, you must be aware of the ethical aspects of your influence. At the moment of exposure, you are responsible for the psyche of the suggested person.

For those who want to lose weight, it is sometimes difficult to force themselves not to eat too much. And yet, one must try to do this by motivating oneself to achieve the goal with the right methods.


Try to buy fewer products than usual, filling the refrigerator only with healthy and approved products. With a strong desire to eat something tasty, a person often opens the refrigerator and if he finds his favorite treat there, he immediately takes it for him, despite any prohibitions. This desire will gradually disappear if you stop buying too much. Also, buy groceries

If you come to the store with a feeling

You will definitely buy a lot of superfluous and harmful things.

Put in front

a clear goal. Write down on paper

you want to lose kilograms, and specify the exact period for which you must manage. This will give you an incentive to eat less in order to achieve what you want. If you want

But don't limit yourself to rigid limits

It may as well remain a simple desire.

Read the information about the dangers of certain products. As a rule, those that lead to excess weight also have another

Knowing this, you will want them much less.

Choose a role model for yourself. It could be a celebrity who has the figure of your dreams, or look at close friends who have already achieved a significant goal and

Force yourself not to eat, so as not to yield to them in anything.

Switch to other activities as soon as you feel like eating too much. For example, do 10 sit-ups or push-ups, start singing your favorite song, take on chores around the house, study or work.

Eat more often, but in small portions - 4-5 times a day. If there are longer breaks between meals, you will experience a stronger feeling of hunger.

Arrange for yourself a fasting day once a week, when you can eat more than usual. So you can easily support

Without tormenting yourself with the thought that you will never try your favorite dishes again.

How to inspire a person with your thoughts

Many people enter into arguments or discussions on a daily basis, but cannot convince their interlocutor of the correctness of their point of view. It is very difficult for an ordinary person who does not possess the skills and tactics of suggestion to convince a determined opponent of the correctness of his opinion. Subsequently, they try not to enter into such situations, avoid them, or are completely afraid of discussions. Stop! Are there any ways of persuasion? How to convince a person of your point of view? A few practical tips will help solve this problem.

So, we want to understand the ways of suggestion, persuasion, in other words, influence on the opinion of another person. To begin with, we will find out what main types of suggestion exist in principle. And there are two of them: direct and indirect. Direct suggestion has the most effect on people with a weak level of intelligence, while it is combined with negative emotions (for example, you can scream or gesticulate vigorously).

For people with a developed intellect, tactics change to the opposite - use of positive emotions. If a person is depressed or a little unsure of himself, the suggestion is pronounced in an imperative tone. The action is enhanced by facial expressions and / or gestures, the use of repeated phrases. Phrases should be sharp, loud, short, as if “knocked in” (but it is important not to overdo it here, otherwise you can scare a person).

If a person is emotionally excited or worried about something, then the suggestion is carried out in a soothing tone. Use repeated long, soft, soothing phrases.

An additional method of direct suggestion is a special, intended "uncertainty" in the construction of phrases. You must construct the phrase in such a way that it would seem to the person that his thoughts are spoken aloud. Methods of direct suggestion do not work in all cases. Therefore, there is also a second type of suggestion - indirect, which is divided into: informational, affective, complimentary, figurative-emotional suggestion, suggestion using negation and allegorical suggestion.

Information suggestion is based on the principle of authority. That is, to influence the inner world of a person, they refer to the media. In general, it looks like a simple conversation. But the main thing in this method is that the memory of a person about any information that has received universal approval works as a fact. Thus suppressing anxiety.

Method affective suggestion works when a person is in a state of passion or under the influence of emergencies. In this state, a person is most susceptible to suggestion. This is influenced by fear of danger, the difficulty of choosing in a difficult situation, excessive physical fatigue, lack of experience in behavior in an unfamiliar situation. A person's volitional processes decrease, suggestibility increases, he behaves "imitatively". The model of behavior in this situation should begin as reassurance and understanding, which wins the trust of a person. And after a short pause, supposedly “friendly” advice should be given, which in such a situation has the greatest power, since the person’s vigilance decreases.

Model of behavior when complimentary suggestion based on flattery and praise. Many people cannot criticize a person who flatters and praises them greatly. This tactic of processing a person in the special services is called “love bombing”.

Figurative-emotional suggestion works at the expense of human imagination. You must encourage a person to imagine all the charms of this object of suggestion. Convince him of the advantage of the suggestible object in comparison with others. This method is very effective because it works through the subconscious. You must convince the subconscious of a person that the object of suggestion is necessary for a person.

Suggestion through denial works on the basis of the "not" particle. In order for a person to imagine what he should not do, first you need to imagine the situation as if he is doing it.

Model allegorical suggestion based on an aphorism, analogy, joke, anecdote, a short story from personal experience or the experience of acquaintances, a situation from work, a parable, an example from a book, the press, television, in a general metaphor. Their main goal is not just to evoke certain emotions, but also to induce a person to action.

But the metaphors you use must match the person. For example, metaphors used when talking to strangers may not work well when talking to "old" friends, and so on.

By following these tips, you can feel confident in any discussion and overcome the fear of losing an argument. By practicing these skills, you will better master the art of suggestion. We wish you confidence in your abilities.

How to use your potential for success in life? Suggestion of thoughts to another - are you able to do it? With this technique, you can master a super skill!

Everyone has superpowers!

Every person on earth has psychic abilities¹ that are dormant in him. Figuratively speaking, in many situations people reach their goal, working day and night like a miner, tearing through the ground where you can simply and easily fly to the right place.

It is the same in society: a person has the ability to do everything amazingly efficiently, achieve high results, build grandiose projects, but instead he is forced to waste time on completely unnecessary resistance.

This is especially true of interpersonal relationships, when one person stops the whole thing because of a bad mood or laziness!

This article provides an effective technique by which you can inspire thoughts in people so that they can act in the way you want. In this case, the person will consider that the inspired thought is his own.

This will allow you to achieve incredible success in all areas: both in your personal life and at work.


Before describing this technique, I must say that it really affects people!

A person who has assumed the right to act in this way, along with power, receives additional responsibility! Higher powers will carefully monitor how and for what you will use this ability.

Remember one thing: the law of karma² is inevitable, all thoughts and suggestions will return back to the addressee. It is strongly recommended to use this technique for the benefit of yourself and others!

Suggestion to another person: technique of influence!

Before practice, it is advisable to stay in hot water for a short time or take a contrast shower.

1. The practitioner lies on the floor: you can lay a special rug and make sure there are no drafts; pillow is not required.

3. Gradually, this will plunge the person into an altered state of consciousness. Feeling a light trance, he focuses on his breathing, the feeling of inhalation and exhalation.

4. After some time, the practitioner will be in a deep trance. The sensation of the body may disappear - this is completely normal. Without distraction, he imagines that he is in a vacuum.

5. Having caught this moment, a person begins to breathe deeply, imagining how, during inhalation, the vacuum energy enters him; it flows through all the pores in the body. During exhalation, he imagines how all the negativity leaves these pores, dissolving in a vacuum.

The practitioner continues to breathe like this until he feels overwhelmed by a sense of strength. It usually occurs 10 minutes after such breathing.

6. He stops abruptly, plunging into inner sensations. In this state, the practitioner chooses his target: the person to whom the suggestion is to be carried out.

7. Having clearly imagined the face of a person, the practitioner looks into his eyes and mentally pronounces the text of the suggestion loudly. After that, you need to imagine how this person begins to answer with his voice.

For example:

Olya, you love me very much and every day you understand it more and more!

Yes, I love you and every day I understand it more and more!

8. The practitioner continues this suggestion until he has a firm conviction that the job is well done and that the target person wants to do as intended.

By influencing an object in your imagination, you influence it in reality: this is the law, and it must be remembered!

9. Having finished the work, the practitioner thanks the higher powers and the person to whom he made the suggestion gradually comes out of the trance into his usual state.

The best time to practice is at night (when the subject is sleeping). For a successful suggestion of a thought or feeling, perform this procedure regularly 1-2 times a day at the same time. You need to work patiently until the result appears.

Now you have a powerful tool of influence in your hands! You have the opportunity to realize your dreams and unfulfilled plans in love, affairs, business, etc.

You only need to remember your responsibility: you always have a Mirror in front of you! As soon as you take responsibility, the Universe itself will come to meet you!

The author of this technique, describing his experience, used this technique to instill a feeling of love in a girl who had another young man. Believing infinitely in the power of the subconscious, he achieved the result in 2 weeks. After 3-4 weeks, this girl confessed her love to him!

Anton Andreev

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Extrasensory perception is a term used for many allegedly existing paranormal forms of perception or human abilities (Wikipedia).

² Learn more about the mechanism of karma in the article: "How does the law of karma work?"

A person lives in a world where every part wants to influence him. This is not bad if you understand that just as a person influences the world around him with his actions, words and thoughts, so the world will influence him with his wishes. There are various techniques of suggestion, some of them are easy, others are hard methods. and at a distance, their techniques will be discussed in the article.

Man is a part of God! This idea appealed to many people, because now this “piece of God” is trying to impose its opinion on everyone, forgetting that people are also “pieces” that can claim the role of God.

Man imagines himself to be God, not a part of him. Although when failures happen, then a person shrinks, trying to pretend to be a “particle”. As long as he is sure that he is right, he fancies himself omnipotent and omniscient. But as soon as his truth does not give the proper result, he immediately admits that he, too, can be wrong.

People forget about this truth when they begin to impose their opinions on each other. Parents want their children to obey them. Partners in love try to force each other to listen only to their opinions. In almost any close relationship, people forget that they can be wrong. A person seeks to insist on his opinion, as if wanting to deprive other people of their personal opinion.

“I said, so it will be so,” a person may not say this out loud. But when he fails to agree on something with others, the reason for this is his position. He does not want to listen to another opinion. He claims to be omniscient. He thinks he's right. He wants to decide the fate of other people. Such approaches to other people lead to the fact that even close ones begin to close and tear themselves away from each other.

Why do people impose their opinion? Because they want to dominate the lives of others. At the same time, one can often observe that these people themselves live unhappily, poorly and without love. So, what can they teach you by imposing their opinion? Nothing. Understanding this, you can calmly relate to any attempts to impose your opinion on you, seeing that a person simply imagines himself to be God, like a small child trying to copy the behavior of his parents.

What is a suggestion?

Suggestion is present in the life of every person. Even in an environment where a person is not in contact with others, suggestion can occur by various mechanisms. What is a suggestion? Usually, it is understood as the influence of one person on another in such a way that he uncritically perceives everything that is said to him, considering this to be the correct opinion.

It seems that you yourself influence your behavior and train of thought. However, psychologists can give many examples of how people influence each other. Almost everyone has various techniques that they constantly use to influence the thoughts and behavior of others. It can be hypnosis, manipulation, suggestion, telepathy.

All people are suggestible, just as all people influence each other in various ways. This happens everywhere: in communication, at work, at the time of education, in relationships. Often people influence each other for selfish purposes. When a person seeks the help of a psychologist on the site, he is faced with suggestion aimed at self-improvement.

The introduction of thoughts against the will of a person, contrary to his ideas, is called suggestion, and the person who inspires is called a suggestor.

During suggestion, various mechanisms are used: verbal and non-verbal signals. Sometimes people unconsciously use them. And their interlocutors do not even notice how they are affected. Repetition becomes effective here. If you repeat the same information several times, then a person will soon perceive it. From the first time, he may not pay attention to it or not treat it as necessary, so repetitions are necessary.

Factors that help in the process of suggestion, which affects its strength:

  • The nature of the suggestion.
  • Suggested mood.
  • The authority of the one who inspires.
  • Compliance suggestible.
  • Emotional toughness.
  • Categorical message.
  • The environment for the suggestion.
  • Mental exhaustion and overwork of the suggestible.
  • Message surprise.
  • Natural disasters, etc.

The power of suggestion is affected by how ready a person is to perceive someone else's information without succumbing to its criticism. Sometimes this is more effective than logical evidence, which is used to convince.

What kind of people are suggestible?

  1. With uncritical thinking.
  2. Weak.
  3. Scary.
  4. Innocent.
  5. Shy.
  6. Prone to dependence on others.
  7. Timid.
  8. Trusting.

The following individuals become less suggestible:

  • Strong-willed.
  • Initiative.
  • Eccentric.
  • Narcissists.
  • with business activity.
  • Independent from others.
  • Energetic.
  • Having someone under their control.
  • Uncommunicative.
  • Arrogant.
  • Frank.
  • Gloomy.

If the information that comes to a person contradicts his ethical and moral values, logic and provokes internal resistance, then this becomes a barrier that interferes with suggestion.

Suggestion of thoughts

Psychologists note that the greatest suggestion of thoughts occurs between close people. There is a lot of trust in the relationships of relatives, loved ones and friends. People uncritically perceive each other's information, because they believe that close relationships between them are built on openness, honesty and trust. It is a close person who can influence as much as strangers cannot influence.

Every parent has a direct influence on their children. What an adult says to a child, for what he punishes and for what he praises - absolutely any word and action leaves an imprint on the subconscious map of the child. To meet the expectations of parents is one of the main tasks of the baby in order to learn how to survive and adapt to life among other people and nature in general. Any parental attitudes towards the child, how he is, how he should stand, what to do, how to jump, how to communicate with others - everything is imprinted in his subconscious and carries important information about what he will be like when he grows up.

It is very important for adults to hear themselves and understand what they say to their young children. Any word spoken by mom or dad can remain in the memory of the baby for a long time and subsequently affect his adult life: how he will treat himself, other people and even his already aged parents.

To correct your words and actions, write down on a piece of paper: how do you see your child in 5, 10 years, as an adult? Based on the notes, adjust your attitudes about the child. If you want to see him smart, but every time you shout at him that he is stupid, just because he got a "2" in math, this crosses out all your true intentions. If you want a smart son, then see him as a smart kid even when he fails.

There are rare cases when parents give complete freedom and the opportunity to their children to choose their own path. This phenomenon is called unconditional love, which implies a positive attitude of parents towards a child even when he does not meet all the expectations of his adult mentors. Giving complete freedom to the younger generation, parents free themselves from responsibility for someone else's life, giving the child the opportunity to find his own life path, following which he will become an independent and responsible person.

Another way to suggest thoughts is hypnosis. It is carried out when a person plunges into a half-asleep or trance state. While awake or asleep, hypnosis will have no effect.

This method allows you to suggest any thoughts to a person who is under hypnosis. Here the fantasy and imagination of the hypnotized are effectively used. However, psychologists note the following fact:

  • Suggested thoughts should correspond to the needs of the person.
  • If the suggested thoughts are contrary to the needs of a person, then he will develop neurosis, internal conflict, nervous breakdown.

Two factors remain important in the suggestion of thoughts:

  1. The one who inspires must himself believe in the correctness of his own information.
  2. The one who is being inspired must be ready for suggestion, malleable, trusting.

If a person can not succumb to the influence of one individual, then sometimes he cannot resist the influence of the whole society. The so-called "public opinion" affects many people's minds, who may not want to and go against it, but sometimes succumb to pressure and obey the opinion of the majority. This is the easiest way to suggest thoughts: if the majority believes, then only a few will believe.

Suggestion methods

Suggestion can be both positive and negative. It all depends on what goals the person who is trying to influence others pursues, as well as the methods that he uses in doing so. They are:

  • Non-verbal. It is carried out through the intonation of the voice, postures and facial expressions. Divided by:
  1. Catalepsy.
  2. Levitation.
  3. Pause.
  • Intentional. It happens when the suggestor has specific goals and objectives, while taking all the actions that will help him in suggestion.
  • Unintentional. Occurs when the suggestor has no suggestion intentions, but at the same time performs actions that affect the interlocutor.
  • Positive. After the impact, there were changes for the better.
  • Negative. After exposure, negative properties, behavior, and traits appeared.
  • Impact while awake.
  • Impact in a relaxing state.
  • Hypnotic.
  • Mental. It is carried out in the absence of contact with a person.
  • Pressure.
  • persuasion.
  • indirect suggestions. When the person being influenced still retains the right to choose whether to accept the information or not. There are such types:
  1. Sequence - the beliefs that are fixed by the installation are listed in turn.
  2. An implication is a prediction of a possible outcome that a person is tuned in to.
  3. A double bind is an offer to choose between two similar options.
  4. Listing possible options for events, missing the most important, and focusing on one thing.
  • Emotional and volitional influence.
  • Mechanical - the impact on a person of various sounds, objects, colors, etc.
  • Mental.
  • Magical - the use of healing magnetism.

The goal of all methods of suggestion is to introduce specific ideas, thoughts and emotions to another person so that he perceives them as his own, after which he begins to act and change behavior in the right direction.

Suggestion at a distance

This topic causes a controversial attitude, since to date it has not yet been proven whether it is possible to inspire at a distance. This implies the introduction of the necessary information to a person without direct contact with him. You may not see or communicate with a person, but at a distance you can transmit the necessary thoughts to him.

Here the main emphasis is on telepathy. If hypnosis already has a scientific basis, then some hope to confirm the presence of telepathy.

It is believed that thoughts are waves of a certain frequency that can be transmitted over any distance. Accordingly, the person on whom the influence occurs must be a “receiver” that captures these frequencies. Here a logical question arises: if the person you want to influence is on the “other wave”, then how can you influence him? Scientists still have to think about this.

Undoubtedly, in the life of every person there are examples of "telepathic influence". You, for example, thought about calling a person, and a few hours later he called himself. For example, you wanted to see someone, and a miracle happened: you met a person literally on the same day. What is it - telepathy, suggestion of thoughts or a coincidence? There is no definite answer to this question yet. However, such situations gradually accumulate in the experience of people.

Sometimes a person can suddenly think about something that is unusual for him, and then find out that the same thought has occurred to another individual. Sometimes people invent something, and at the same time they find out that at the same time there are people on the other side of the planet who also made the same discovery.

Scientists talk about the presence of a single information field around the planet, where there are all thoughts and ideas that can only or have already been born in people's heads. Being on a certain "wave", a person perceives this or that information from the outside world.

Here is a technique for telepathy - suggestion at a distance:

  1. Take a comfortable position for yourself, preferably lying down.
  2. Relax. Take a deep breath in and out.
  3. Focus on the thought that you want to instill in another person. It should be short, clear and understandable.
  4. Focus on the person you want to impress. Get into his emotional state.
  5. Start repeating the desired thought to him repeatedly.
  6. Imagine how a person begins to do what you inspired him.


The topic of suggestion is in demand, as many people would like to have skills that could help them influence others. How good it would be if a person could influence the emotions, thoughts and behavior of any interlocutor. Everyone thinks so! Everyone wants this! The result of such a state of affairs would be chaos, where people are guided solely by their own desires, regardless of the opinions of others.

All people are susceptible to suggestion, just as absolutely everyone has techniques of influence. It’s just that the circumstances are always different, because of which a person achieves certain results. In one situation his methods work, in another they don't. This is quite normal in the real world.

People influence each other. Everyone has a modicum of trust, uncritical thinking and innocence. Much depends on the relationships in which people are. To authoritative persons and people who are very liked, unconditional trust arises: what they say will be true, whatever it may be. In a completely different way, people behave with those whom they do not know well or with whom they are in a conflict relationship. Here the level of criticality increases, so enemies or strangers can very minimally affect each other.

Life would be much easier if people around you agreed with your opinion and considered your ideas to be true. However, this does not always happen. But if you know how to inspire a person with your thoughts, you will be able to skillfully manipulate the interlocutor and easily achieve your goals. The techniques below will help you with this.

How to inspire a person with your idea

You can inspire a person with any idea, but you need to act tactfully. Tell the interlocutor what you want from him, but first praise him, say that you really appreciate his opinion. Support your idea with facts, if there are none, invent them. You can refer to a well-known publication, an influential person. Speak in a calm tone, repeat important points, then they will be deposited in the person's subconscious.

Use the "rule of three yeses". It has been noticed that if a person agrees with you twice, then he will do it a third time. Try to clearly state your point of view, do it in a calm tone, as you need the interlocutor to relax. Do it in more pauses in the conversation, this will give your words weight.

How to instill fear in a person

If you need to instill fear in a person, you need to speak evenly, slowly and convincingly, while looking at his reaction. The interlocutor should listen to you carefully. During the conversation, look the interlocutor directly in the eye, do not look away. Speak in a confident tone, add weight to each word.

You can also try to infect a person with your fear. In this case, you need to have acting skills. Tell the interlocutor that you are afraid or that a terrible thing can happen to you, do it emotionally, add bright details. A person will definitely try on your fear and start to get nervous.

How to inspire thoughts from a distance

There are very strong personalities who cannot be inspired by something just by talking to them. However, one can learn to inspire thoughts at a distance. This will require a clear picture of what this or that person should do. Then sit in a comfortable chair, close your eyes, try to relax.

When you reach this state, remember the picture that you imagined a few minutes ago, then imagine the person to whom the idea is to be instilled. Mentally open his head and put your picture in it. Then play the whole performance again and come out of the state of meditation. It is best to do this for several days in a row, and soon the person will do what you want.

You will find more tips on persuading people in our article -.

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