Why is CrossFit called Traumatic Fitness? CrossFit: myths about the dangers of circuit training

CrossFit as a sport is quite young and not as popular as, for example, bodybuilding, swimming, boxing, football and any other traditional sport.

But it is this type of modern fitness that can make a real revolution in the world of sports, become useful for people who have problems with being overweight.

crossfit program was developed in the 90s of the last century, and its author is Greg Glassman. The essence of this sports complex is to develop endurance, stimulate fat burning, build muscle mass and create a beautiful body relief, as well as contribute to the overall improvement of the body. Thus, crossfit is a new sports direction that allows everyone to make a beautiful and healthy body. What is the true meaning of crossfit - is it just a fashionable sport, or is it really very effective technique for weight loss?

Why is crossfit so popular?

As professionals note, not a single technique can be put on a par with crossfit, not a single technique and program can be called so universal and democratic. The peculiarity of CrossFit is that it suits everyone - without age restrictions. CrossFit can be practiced at home, in the yard, on the sports ground, in the gym. Of course, power loads must be applied to the best of their own physical capabilities, not overdo it, but exercise in such a way that the body receives new energy, but was not depleted.

Something else useful

As for additional accessories and personal protective equipment, they will not interfere during CrossFit training. In each case, depending on the training program, it is necessary to use the following sports equipment:

  • if you do exercises on horizontal bars or rings, press the barbell, then it is best to use palm pads or special fitness gloves. By putting these accessories on your hands, you prevent the appearance of corns, in addition, you provide an easy and comfortable grip of shells with your hands;
  • if you have to climb a rope, do weightlifting exercises, then you should take care of protecting your knees - these are special knee pads;
  • make sure to have a bandage on your forehead to protect your eyes from sweat.

What else is important to know

CrossFit is most often interested in girls and women. For them, this sports direction has become a new generation technique, and everyone wants to lose weight with the help of such a training program. But at the same time, many questions arise. Want to know what ours recommends and what it says about CrossFit?

Can you lose weight with CrossFit?

Yes, you certainly may. It is this goal that is the key to the developed sports program. In fact, CrossFit is one of the most successful and effective ways weight loss and body shaping. In order for training to be beneficial, several important conditions must be observed: eat right - include in the diet only healthy foods, correctly distribute doses of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, develop a nutrition schedule and menu for yourself.

If you think that you can train and then eat all the junk and fatty foods, then you will never lose weight. The result will be achieved only if you combine diet with exercise.

How to draw up a training program and how many times you need to train?

The first workout should last no more than 20 minutes. During this time, you give the body a good shake. On the initial stage this is quite enough to prepare the body for more intense loads. Over time, you can extend the workout to 30-40 minutes.

It is best to train every other day to give the body rest and the opportunity to recover.

Can I do CrossFit at home, or do I have to go to the gym?

CrossFit is attractive because this sport is suitable for home conditions. Of course, you need to consult an instructor who will develop individual program activities, considering your physiological features and end goals.

Is it possible to do so in order to exclude heavy loads and bench press?

In the CrossFit program, exercises are selected individually, each time they change. No one will force you to do what you do not want or physically cannot. The workout should be comfortable for you. However, iron exercises are key. In order not to overstrain your body, the weight of the barbell or kettlebell will be adjusted for you, and then you can easily lift the projectile.

Is there a risk of increasing muscle mass during exercise?

CrossFit is not aimed at building mass, so you don’t have to think about pumping the body. During crossfit training, you will find a beautiful relief, the muscles will become toned and elastic, but not pumped at all, like bodybuilders. In addition, it all depends on the weight with which you have to work.

Do I need to follow a special diet during CrossFit?

Of course, without a diet anywhere. But that doesn't mean you can't eat anything. You need to eat - often and in small portions, and also eat only healthy and low-fat foods in the diet.

Diet for crossfit

Basic Rules diet food during CrossFit training are as follows:

  • do not consume dairy products, do not eat products from wheat and its derivatives, do not eat legumes, potatoes, smoked meats, sugar, sweets, convenience foods, sausages, mayonnaise and pickles;
  • meat can be consumed in moderation, and only light varieties are chicken fillet and beef;
  • eat more fish and seafood;
  • eat juicy berries and fruits, as well as vegetables in any quantity. Restrictions are set for bananas, grapes and watermelon - these fruits should be eaten in minimal quantities;
  • take doses fish oil, drying, nuts;
  • follow the rule of daily nutrition - a hearty breakfast, a light lunch and a minimum of food for dinner.

Women's crossfit and training programs

Many women who are ready to train on the CrossFit program are wondering where to start, how to train correctly. And what can you do, what exercises are the most important, how to diversify your workouts?

Of course, it is always difficult to start, but if you overcome this barrier, you yourself will not notice how you get used to such a rhythm and training format. Your body will ask for this load, you will want to exercise, and you will always walk in a good mood.

So, consider the approximate training schedule:

  • the first exercise is squats with a medicine ball, which must be held near the chest. Legs should be wider than shoulder width, or practice squats on one leg;
  • then immediately run in place;
  • do an exercise on the press - raising the legs in limbo on the rings or horizontal bar.

The next two days you need to train according to this program:

  • pull-ups with a jerk on the horizontal bar;
  • jogging on an exercise bike;
  • exercise on the press - with emphasis lying or on the horizontal bar, while you need to perform at maximum speed;
  • do lunges with weights, using for this a disk weighing several kilograms, raised above your head.

It is important to remember that CrossFit classes involve alternating various exercise, adding new ones, reducing the time for rest between exercises and their repetitions. You always need to train at an intense pace.

Before you practice on your own, we recommend visiting several with a professional trainer who will help you adapt to the loads, properly distribute strength and show the technique of performing exercises.

Doing CrossFit at home

If you decide to organize CrossFit workouts at home, then you need a medicine ball or kettlebell with any weight that you can comfortably lift. You also need a jump rope. Each type of exercise is performed 20 times.

CrossFit home workout plan:

  • It is better to start with jumping rope. Thus, you can disperse the metabolism, warm up all the muscles of the body. Jumps can be freestyle;
  • then we do burpees. This exercise is very difficult, energy-intensive, but very effective. First, a squat is done with the arms resting on the floor, then in this position we immediately rearrange the legs so as to push ourselves off the floor, then we again bend the legs to the body, imitating a squat, and in a jump, tearing our hands off the floor, we jump up. All actions must be performed as quickly as possible;
  • mahi kettlebell - done for 20 repetitions on each side;
  • medicine ball toss - an exercise performed with effort when we squat and prepare for the jump.

For beginners, CrossFit can be traumatic if not followed. general rules. They are important for everyone, and you can always keep your health during training:

  • if there are contraindications to crossfit classes, it is better to protect yourself from it, choose another sport for yourself;
  • you need to start training with a professional trainer who can advise on all issues, as well as develop an individual training program;
  • before performing the program, you need to do a warm-up, stretching, and at the end of the complex, also do a stretch;
  • Do not wait for the result immediately after one or two weeks. Work and enjoy the process, and the result will come by itself;
  • You need to practice regularly, preferably every other day. If your muscles hurt, this is not a reason to skip a workout. You still need to go, overcome the pain and make yourself better;
  • during the training you can not drink water;
  • in one complex, four exercises are selected in order to work out all muscle groups - legs, traction, jerks, cardio load is also needed;
  • within 20 minutes of training, at least 4 circles of all exercises are performed;
  • it is important to develop grip strength;
  • do not be afraid of bruises, you need to learn how to deal with them;
  • you can not skip a workout even during menstruation. It is better to make a lightweight program, but still do it.

And there's another one important point- no need to pay attention to others, no need to be equal to a neighbor or girlfriend. Everyone has their own level of strength and physical potential, no need to think about whether you look beautiful during any exercise. You just need to train effectively and enjoy the whole process of training.

Although this “overseas” word came to us relatively recently, the very direction of crossfit (Crossfit) has already existed for a decent period of time, it was simply called “circular training” before. And such training is very much welcomed by professional athletes and muscular uncles from basement gyms.

The CrossFit training program aims to the development of all muscle groups, develops endurance, strength, reaction and fully justifies the theory that everything ingenious is simple.

Just because CrossFit can be practiced even in the forest, it does not require equipment, with the exception of a barbell, and you can do without it.

Maybe that's why for a long time fitness clubs did not provide such a service; it was not profitable for them that one training included almost all types of loads.

It is more profitable for fitness clubs to keep you in the gym as long as possible, saying that without special sports equipment, the lesson will not be effective, so pay money if you want results.

Contraindications for CrossFit

Now Crossfit is in the "trend", but no matter how much this type of load is touted, it is far from accessible to everyone.

The risk zone includes:

Beginners Fitness: Exercise requires muscle and endurance.

- People obese: the joints will not withstand the loads. Therefore, first.

- All those who have heart problems.

— Girls during menstruation.


If you don’t have such problems, you are a frequent visitor to the gym and want to try your hand at CrossFit, then our advice is: go to the easiest training program, test yourself.

To understand and understand what the crossfit training program includes, below we will write out several circles of training, but we warn that for beginners to do such programs is CONTRAINDICATED.

So, the workout consists of 5 exercises for all muscle groups. We repeat each exercise for 1 minute, one after the other, without interruption - this will make one circle. Done, rest for 30 seconds between circles until the pulse stabilizes at around 120 beats per minute, and start again from the first exercise. And such repetitions, i.e. circles, we count from 3-5.

Believe me, in this short period of time, you will have time to sweat, get tired and crawl into the locker room.

Crossfit training programs

Workout #1.

1. squats

crossfit workout 1.
Exercise 1. Squats

2. races at 30 meters

3. " burpee"(we perform in a certain sequence: emphasis crouching - emphasis lying - push-ups - emphasis crouching - jumping out)

crossfit workout 1.
Exercise 3. Burpee

4. push ups

crossfit workout 1.
Exercise 4. Push-ups

5. " fold»

crossfit workout 1.
Exercise 5. Fold

Workout number 2.

1. lunges alternately with each leg

crossfit workout 2.
Exercise 1. Lunges

2. jumping out

crossfit workout 2.
Exercise 2. Jumping

3. " climber»

crossfit workout 2.
Exercise 3. Rock climber

four. " burpee»

crossfit workout 2.
Exercise 4. Burpee

5. bike

crossfit workout 2.
Exercise 5. Bicycle

Workout number 3.

one. " spreading"(jumping in place in a lunge position with a change in the position of arms and legs)

crossfit workout 3.
Exercise 1. Stretching

2. air squats(brushes on the floor and perform squats to an angle of 90 degrees)

crossfit workout 3.
Exercise 2. Air squats

3. barbell squats

crossfit workout 3.
Exercise 3. Squats with a barbell

4. deadlift

crossfit workout 3.
Exercise 4. Deadlift

5. pull-ups on the bar

crossfit workout 3.
Exercise 5. Pull-ups on the crossbar

6. barbell pull to chin

crossfit workout 3.
Exercise 6. Rod pull to the chin

7. exercise on press

crossfit workout 3.
Exercise 7. Press

Workout number 4.

If there is very little time, then you can do it quite simply:

1. vertical jumps(jumping onto something)

2. 400 meters run.

And alternate to your health.

As you can see, the CrossFit training program can be performed independently using a stopwatch and in any conditions.

The main thing needed

bottle of water,

- the right shoes (preferably special for Crossfit),

- Moisture-absorbing clothing (for such training, this is sold in all sports stores).

Finally, I would like to point out that the most beautiful bodies obtained from the basic and most "banal" exercises. So, we build up endurance or in gym and try our hand at this stable training.

High achievements to you!

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CrossFit is one of the most popular group fitness trends. Crossfit training does not require the use of special strength training equipment (in most cases, a collapsible barbell and horizontal bar are enough), but crossfit involves performing complex cardio activities (starting from interval running, ending with box jumps).

Beginners who decide to do CrossFit often see only the "advertising" side of this sport - strong and muscular athletes. Unfortunately, this is just an illusion. It is almost impossible to pump up and gain serious muscles with the help of crossfit, while damaging the ligaments, getting a ban on any power training and suffering from chronic pain is easy.

dangerous exercises

Despite the fact that the trainer of the crossfit gym explains the mechanics of performing exercises, the training itself is not based on learning the correct technique, but on performing maximum number repetitions as quickly as possible. In a similar mode, professional athletes (for example,) can train, and not at all beginners who dream of creating a beautiful body.

Most of the exercises used in CrossFit are not as simple as they seem at first glance. Of particular danger are those exercises in which the shoulder joint is under load - push-ups on the rings, pushing out the kettlebell, and so on. The slightest mistake in technique can lead to serious injury and a complete ban on any strength training.

How to pump up with crossfit?

Growth muscle mass- This is a laborious and energy-consuming process that requires a huge amount of calories from the body. CrossFit training, in turn, requires about 500-900 kcal - in contrast to 200-300 kcal for a regular workout with exercise equipment and dumbbells. In order for muscles to grow from doing crossfit, you will have to consume at least 3000-3500 kcal per day.

In addition, training for hypertrophy (that is, with the goal of increasing muscle mass) involves performing 5-7 repetitions of a strength exercise with the most heavy weight - and not at all 10-20 repetitions with a moderate weight. The second condition for muscle growth is a long rest between exercise sets, and not performing them in.

Powerful Physique: Advertising Hoax

Another important nuance to understand is that athletes (or fitness models) look “powerful” not at all because they play a certain sport - most likely, they play this sport precisely because they were originally “powerful”. If basketball is played by tall teenagers, this does not mean that you will grow up by starting to play it.

Most CrossFit professionals have serious sports experience and are involved in many different activities. The secret to their fitness is a combination of interest in the sport and the desire to push themselves beyond their limits. At the same time, the training program of these people in itself is not capable of turning an ordinary beginner into a superman.

CrossFit: contraindications

Since CrossFit is an extremely active sport, it is strongly discouraged for people with problems with the spine, knees and other joints (one bad jump can send them to the operating room). In addition, typical contraindications are high blood pressure and the presence of any heart disease.

Among other things, crossfit is not always suitable for people suffering from diabetes(they may experience a severe lack of glucose). Theoretically, those who comply or - in their case, crossfit training risks ending with loss of consciousness and fainting can fall into the same category.

What type of training is needed for muscle growth, and what type is needed to burn fat? Everything about .

Why is crossfit popular?

One of the advantages of crossfit is the principle of competition, which is the basis of this sport - a person seeks not only to show the best result in the group, but also to improve his own performance. Unfortunately, this is what often leads to trouble, forcing beginners to overstep the limits of the physical capabilities of the body and create the risk of injury.

The Paleo diet, which involves cutting out most modern foods, is another common thread in the CrossFit community. should be meat, green vegetables and natural cereals, while any processed foods, wheat and sugar are completely prohibited. Interestingly, buckwheat is also banned in Paleo.

CrossFit Alternatives

In fact, CrossFit is ordinary. Given the fact that fitness clubs are required to pay royalties to its owner when using the Crossfit brand, many of them develop their own programs that resemble CrossFit. Most personal trainers are also able to put together a similar training program.

At the same time, circuit training is usually used more for fat burning (for example, any Les Mills program), and not at all for “building a strong and muscular body,” as CrossFit presents. In any case, when performing such training, it is important not only to mechanically repeat the exercises, but to observe the ideal technique and measured rhythm.

CrossFit: reviews and opinions of doctors

Almost all sports doctors speak extremely negatively about CrossFit training due to their increased danger. Dr. Stuart McGreel, University of Waterloo: "The benefits that you can get from CrossFit are negated by the risk that you expose yourself to performing inherently dangerous exercises with poor technique and at a fast pace."

Chris Shugart, fitness professional: “The structure of CrossFit programs is extremely chaotic, and I don’t see any logic in the choice of exercises and their sequence. The training system can be extremely dangerous for unprepared trainees" (1) . It is also important that in the USA there have already been several litigation when the injured person received monetary compensation (2) .


CrossFit training, which consists in repeating as quickly as possible more strength exercises- the path to injury and overtraining, and not at all to a muscular body. Ignoring "small" technical issues and the pursuit of the best result in a group can be dangerous not only for beginners, but also for professional athletes.

Scientific sources:

  1. Do Not Cross CrossFit,
  2. Getting Fit Even if It Kills You
  3. The Truth About CrossFit,

    AT recent times crossfit for girls began to occupy everything greater place in the sports information field. The time has come for us to cover this topic and figure out: what is crossfit for women. What is the use of it, and what is the secret of its frenzied popularity?

    On the path to gender equality, women prove that not only the representatives of the stronger sex can train hard, but they are also fragile, lovely creatures. Therefore, many girls “jumped off” cardio machines and went to master high-intensity and explosive crossfit. Well, laudable, but how justified are such sacrifices? Does such a training system harm health, and what features do girls need to know before starting to exercise? Read on for this and more.

    CrossFit for girls - don't be afraid! Look! 😉

    Do girls really need CrossFit? Or maybe give preference to more familiar areas (fitness, yoga, Pilates)? Let's try to figure it out.

    Pros and Cons of CrossFit for Women

    Let's summarize the pros and cons of CrossFit for girls.


    • Impact on all muscle groups. CrossFit training does not include leg day, arm day, or butt day. You work through everything at once;
    • The training program can be changed even every day, because in a month or two you will not feel sad;
    • The endurance of the body increases. You won’t move cabinets with your little finger, but in everyday tasks, crossfit training programs for girls will help you (it will become easier to carry a heavy bag from the supermarket);
    • Improves reaction speed, flexibility of the whole body and coordination of movements;
    • Thanks to intense training, you are provided with a daily release of endorphins, which means that there will be less stress in life.

    Weak sides

    Disadvantages or something that crossfit trainers are more often silent about:

    • CrossFit is the sport where correct technique exercise is very important, and its non-compliance increases the likelihood of injury at times due to the high intensity of the load.
    • An unprepared girl needs to be extremely careful. CrossFit means a serious load on the heart, since all the work takes place in a high-intensity mode.

    “If you ask a CrossFit coach, the injuries are your fault. In a culture that makes you move as hard and fast as possible, it's hard to keep common sense. You have to push yourself to the limit, but when you reach the limit and pay for it, you turn out to be an idiot who has gone too far. (c) Jason Kessler.

    Is the game worth the candle? It is worth it if you have a goal and you are ready to listen to your own feelings. With the right approach, the CrossFit program for women will become your favorite direction, and perhaps a real lifeline.

    The benefits and harms of crossfit for girls

    It is known that almost any sport is good for a girl's health - it strengthens the body and spirit. Is that the case with crossfit? This direction in sports is relatively young (since 2000, here about that) and not fully understood. There are a lot of conflicting reviews about it on the net. So what is so special about crossfit for women - let's look at the issue in terms of benefits and harms to a girl's health. Traditionally, let's start with the good

    Benefit for health

    The benefits for girls from doing crossfit are obvious:

    • Crossfit training is really effective and bring your figure into the desired look. After a killer workout, your body will continue to burn calories for 24 hours. And this means that the process of losing weight will be faster than that of the average amateur runner;
    • It has been proven that power systems (including CrossFit) speed up metabolism. As a result, you will improve general state: you will sleep better, eat with appetite, and certain periodic pains will torment you relatively less;
    • CrossFit is no less effective for girls in the fight against cellulite and stretch marks. The latter - they are also striae - will not completely go away, but will become less noticeable;
    • Thanks to short high-intensity classes, you can work out all areas of the female body in a complex.
    • You will bring your body into tone - that is, you will not just lose weight, but a) you will be fit b) you will pump the core muscles well, which are so important for women's health;
    • You will become more flexible and improve your coordination through gymnastic exercises.

    Let’s immediately dispel one of the most enduring myths about women’s crossfit: “All female crossfit athletes are pumped and look like men - fu be like that.” Let me disagree with this opinion. We are not going to argue about tastes - although, by the way, many people like professional crossfit athletes, but this is not about that ...

    To become "pumped" you need to plow on the "day and night" complexes. Train at least 4 times a week and for several years. At the same time, strictly observe the diet, exercise and rest. And only then, perhaps, you will reach the competitive level. In all other cases, this issue will not affect you, believe me.

    In general, such an argument lies in the plane of the 101st excuse, why not go to the hall. There are always reasons - find a better opportunity to start working on yourself and you will get involved and all questions will disappear by themselves. We will raise the issue of pumping in crossfit for girls in detail further.

    Harm to health

    As in any other active form crossfit sport also has its downsides. In which case crossfit for girls will be harmful - let's see.

    • With uncontrolled training regimen CrossFit puts a serious strain on the cardiovascular system. Still would! The average heart rate of work in training for experienced athletes varies from 130 to 160 beats per minute, and in some places it can reach up to 180. Watch your work in training and listen to the coach - you will be happy!
    • By virtue of anatomical features women suffer from osteoporosis much more often than men - 3-5 times! Pubmed published (source article on the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health dated November 22, 2013) interesting Scientific research: it turns out that crossfitters more often than other athletes get problems with the musculoskeletal system. And not so long ago it became known that over extreme exercises gradually lead to a decrease in bone mass, which is the root cause of the development of osteoporosis.
    • Unlike gym classes and banal cardio, CrossFit is not recommended for pregnant women and new mothers during lactation. Such high-intensity training can lead to overworking the unrecovered female body and cause a lack of milk. Athletes often complain that after training, children refuse to breastfeed, because the taste of milk becomes less pleasant. The reason is in the lactic acid that the mother's body releases during exercise. If you still decide to do CrossFit after pregnancy, do not forget about the stabilization of the shoulder blades, wrists and torso!

    We hope that we have helped you understand the question of what crossfit means for a girl and her health. If you have any questions or have comments - do not hesitate to write under the material below. If you liked the article, support us with a repost! 😉

CrossFit for weight loss is a special training system, developed by instructors of American police academies and originally intended solely for the training of cadets. Subsequently, it was "adopted" by many specialized departments, as a special technique physical education power employees.

Some semblance of this set of exercises is also used in Russia. It is on the principles of CrossFit that the police, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, not to mention the military, train. Why is this technique so popular, and what underlies it?

The basis of the crossfit methodology

It is based on high-intensity training with the simultaneous study of many muscle groups. As a result, it affects the skeletal muscles, as well as the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

A distinctive feature of this technique is a very high rate of exercise. In practice, there should not be any, even very short pauses between approaches. The athlete changes one projectile for another and immediately starts new repetitions.

It is clear that training for a long time, in this way, will not work, and there is no point in this. A 30-minute session is enough for a wave. Experts have noticed that after these procedures there is a persistent increase in the rate of many metabolic reactions over the next few days.

It is quite understandable that it makes sense to alternate training days with periods of rest. Here everyone chooses for himself, you can practice for three days, and then, for a couple of days, refrain from sports. You can distribute the load more evenly. It all depends on the state of health of the subject and the degree of fitness.

In addition, there are no strict restrictions on the exercises performed. You can do both training with dumbbells or a barbell, as well as aerobic activities, such as running, jumping, bending the torso, and the like. The main thing is to keep the pace as high as possible.

CrossFit for weight loss

Given the highest intensity of the training process, it is safe to say that losing weight using the CrossFit technique is more than possible. Given the scale of energy costs, it should be stated with confidence that in this case you can not even adhere to strict diets. Although, if any, the rate of weight loss will be even more pronounced.

In addition, and importantly, during these exercises there will be a load on the heart muscle, and this is the second positive moment from the CrossFit methodology. It is known that the ability of the myocardium to "pump" the necessary volumes of blood is very important for normal human life. In order for this ability to remain at the proper level for a long period of time, it is simply necessary to practice what is commonly called cardio training.

Any cardio training is, first of all, endurance exercises carried out at a high pace. Power loads they will not be able to help here, their intensity is insufficient for this.

Contraindications for crossfit training

Given the high intensity of this technique, we can state with confidence that it has a very extensive list of contraindications. Simply put, only those whose health does not cause any concern can resort to these activities. But, nevertheless, I will list the conditions in the presence of which crossfit is strictly prohibited:

Diseases of cardio-vascular system;
Pregnancy and period breastfeeding;
Any trauma in the recent past;
Surgical interventions in the recent past;
Pathology of the musculoskeletal system;

In any case, you should get expert advice. The burden ahead should not be underestimated.

Actually, the technique

As I already mentioned, there are no hard restrictions on the choice of exercise. Below is a sample training plan, which each of you can make your own adjustments, depending on personal preferences. Remember, the main thing is to keep pace.

Weighted squat

Grab the dumbbells and raise your outstretched arms. Further, without lowering the upper limbs, you should perform at least 20 vigorous squats. Monitor your breathing and pulse.

Flexion-extension of the body with weights

Hands with dumbbells are in an extended position. Next, you should perform at least 20 sharp bends and bends of the body. Be careful not to injure yourself or others.

Push-ups from the floor

Perhaps no comments are required here, the number of repetitions is selected based on the level of fitness.

jumping rope

Here, the duration of the exercise is more important than the number of repetitions. After finishing, you can repeat the whole training complex. And so on throughout the course.

Of course, this is far from complete list all available options. You can successfully diversify it with pull-ups, running, flexibility training, and so on. Do not forget also about the need to warm up thoroughly. The importance of this procedure should not be underestimated.


As I already mentioned, only physically can be engaged in such a system. healthy people. If you experience weakness, dizziness, or something like that during the session, you should immediately stop training and be examined by a specialist.

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