Changes in a woman's body at 45. Cleansing the female body

This time scares many women, because it is at this time that significant changes occur in the entire female body, but the main changes relate to the reproductive system. This is mainly due to a change in the hormonal background of female sex hormones - estrogens, the production of which decreases at this age. Nature laid it down in such a way that it is at this age that the reproductive function of most women ends, the ovaries “finished their work” and menstruation stops. Now the main function of women is to protect the already existing offspring, and not to give birth.

Hormones are generally very interesting "creatures", because they have "their representatives" in almost all organs and tissues. That is why their influence is so great on the whole body of a woman. It is the decrease in estrogen that leads to the formation of the so-called menopausal syndrome. The main components of which are depression, hot flashes, sweating, irritability, insomnia, a sharp increase in heart rate, mood swings, and increased fatigue.

In addition, there are other age-related changes, most of which also flow without the participation of estrogen. This is bone fragility, sensitivity to salt, respectively, water retention and, as a result of this, edema, an increase in cholesterol in the blood and, as a result, changes in blood pressure, problems in the genitourinary system (urinary incontinence, various inflammatory processes), weight changes, the risk of oncological neoplasms also increases with age.

What to do? How can we help women during this difficult period of time? I propose to put everything on the shelves and discuss how to improve the health of a woman after 45 years:

1. Calm down and accept your age and all the changes that are taking place as a given. This is a natural process and everyone has to go through it. Sip soothing melissa tea.

2. Regular and mandatory visits to doctors. To begin with, let's decide which doctors and how often a woman needs to visit after 45 years:

  • A gynecologist should be visited at least once every six months, and you should talk about everything that bothers you, up to a headache. Be sure to get your hormones tested.
  • A cardiologist, every six months you should do a cardiogram.
  • A mammologist, once every six months, you should do a mammogram and monthly feel your breasts on your own.
  • Therapist.
  • Gastroenterologist.

It should also be remembered that any ailment in the future can develop into a serious illness, so you should not delay treatment.

3. diet. This is one of the main points, because excess weight leads to cardiovascular diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, and increased pressure. In addition, obese people are more prone to diabetes. As you know, with age, muscle activity is lost, and, consequently, muscle mass, and adipose tissue takes its place.

What is the diet:

  • Reduce consumption of flour and sweet foods. If most of us tolerate the consumption of starchy foods normally, then many of us cannot refuse sweets. In this case, it is recommended to replace sugar with honey or dried fruits, you can also eat marshmallows, but not more than 2-3 pcs. in a day.
  • We use more iron and calcium, since during menopause the body quickly loses them. In no case should you give up meat. Its norm at this age is approximately 80-100 g per day. The meat is rich in iron. Do not give up on dairy products, sources of calcium. But in both cases, their fat content should be reduced.
  • Reduce salt intake, excessive consumption of which leads to edema.
  • It is advisable to replace coffee with green tea.
  • If possible, replace butter, mayonnaise, ketchups and other sauces with vegetable or olive oil.
  • Once a week, arrange a fasting day for yourself. It is not at all harmful to sit on kefir and apples for one day.
  • Do not forget about fruits, especially apples.
  • Be sure to take vitamins, it is desirable that they are age-appropriate, but it can also be just a vitamin-mineral complex.

4. Sports. At this age, you can do yoga, callonetics, or other sports, but do not overestimate your strength. In this case, we are not going to set records, but just want to prevent the muscles from atrophying and becoming fat.

5. intimate life. Love should be practiced regularly, because during menopause, most women have increased sexual activity, it is almost impossible to get pregnant, but some problems in menopausal syndrome can be avoided due to regular sex life.

6. Appearance. At this age, do not forget about the skin, it becomes dry, and therefore needs regular hydration and nutrition. In addition, now many cosmetic companies produce products according to age. Do not forget about the hair, regular visits to hairdressers are also welcome.

7. Lessons. Many women after 45 discover new talents in themselves, someone begins to compose poetry, someone takes up an easel, someone just dances. You don't have to give up on your desires. After all, at 45, life is just beginning!

We looked at how to improve the health of a woman after 45 years. Dear women, remember that you are beautiful at any age. In all periods of life, you need to look for only positive moments and everything will be fine with you! I hope that these tips will help you overcome the little troubles associated with this age, and keep the love of life and yourself!

The difficult transition period of menopause is a natural process for any woman and means changes in hormonal levels and many other symptoms. The body of the fair sex is so arranged by nature that changes are inevitable for the reproductive system and other internal organs. The symptoms of menopause in women after 45 years of age depend on individual characteristics and health status, but all of them often cause a lot of trouble. Knowing about the first signs of menopausal syndrome will help you better prepare for an important period in your life.

The reproductive system of every woman is arranged in such a way that, upon reaching a certain age, changes begin that lead to the gradual extinction of the functioning of the genital organs. Due to the fact that all internal organ systems are interconnected, menopause affects the cardiovascular, endocrine and other systems. Signs of menopause in women at 45 can be early, middle and late. During the period of premenopause, there is a gradual transition to the complete extinction of ovarian function and the cessation of menstruation.

Menstrual irregularity

One of the first symptoms of approaching menopause is a violation of menstruation. At the beginning of this process, the periods become more scarce, short, and then completely disappear. On average, this is, but before the onset of menopause, the body needs time for cardinal changes, so it begins to prepare in advance.

Hot flashes during menopause

The surest symptom of menopause is hot flashes, which are characterized by increased sweating and a feeling of heat. The skin becomes suddenly wet and then dry. During hot flashes, a woman also has weakness, dizziness and nausea, and her consciousness is slightly clouded. Such symptoms occur suddenly and last no more than one minute, and their frequency also varies significantly. Hot flashes are the most common first signs of menopause.

Increased sweating

During menopause, there is almost always an increase in sweating. A decrease in the hormone estrogen leads to a disruption in the production of another hormone that causes high fever. For these reasons, a large amount of sweat is produced, especially at night, since bed linen must be changed after each sleep.

Headaches and other symptoms

Simultaneously with hot flashes, a woman after 45 has constant headaches. They bother many because of muscle tension or mood swings, which is typical of menopause. Often there is tinnitus, it is difficult to even get out of bed. A woman has a malfunction in the cardiovascular system, therefore. Depression is often worrisome due to the fact that hot flashes can be 50 times a day, as well as due to other symptoms.

In many of the fair sex, libido decreases, the amount of vaginal discharge decreases. Again, due to changes in the amount of hormones, libido decreases. The consequences of menopause for the body are the following conditions:

The intervals between the next menstruation become longer and longer, and then they completely stop. Menopause at 45 ends with the complete absence of the opportunity to conceive a child. Not only the reproductive system is changing, but the skin and the whole body are aging much faster.

What affects the climax

The reproductive system of a woman is most susceptible to changes during menopause. In the ovaries, the follicles stop their maturation, ovulation does not occur. Menopause is a natural process and is explained precisely by a decrease in the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system, a change in the hormonal background.

The state of the uterus, mammary glands, vagina, skin and mucous membranes depends on the level of estrogen, therefore, with menopause, changes in these organs are inevitable.

Sometimes possible early menopause for a number of reasons. Usually, the period of premenopause takes five, six years, and in cases of early menopause, all changes are completed in one year. The first signs of menopause in women under 40 or 45 years old appear for the following reasons:

  • ovarian exhaustion;
  • various surgical interventions;
  • the strongest stressful situations;
  • chemotherapy;
  • heredity.

It is dangerous that women stop, but unlike the timely cessation of the functioning of the ovaries, in other cases the supply of eggs is not exhausted if the female age is from 30 to forty years. If the decision on the onset of menopause is made independently, pregnancy is quite possible, because it is not known whether there is ovulation or not.

Only a doctor can unequivocally answer the question, 45 years old, because often the absence of menstruation is only a temporary phenomenon, even after the age of forty.

The average age for menopause is 45 to 50 years. Before menopause occurs, the body undergoes slow changes and preparation, during which all systems are rebuilt to a new mode. This period can last up to eight years.

Then comes menopause, the manifestation of which is the absence of menstruation, the total duration of which is one year. After such a period of time, all internal organ systems are rebuilt for a new job and menstruation no longer returns.

Phases of menopause

There are three stages of menopause. The first of these is called the period of premenopause, during which, for five or more years, gradual changes in the female body take place. The duration of this period depends on individual characteristics, but always ends with the last menstruation. Symptoms of this period:

  • the regularity of menstruation is disturbed, they are significantly reduced in number;
  • changes in estrogen levels, which is not present in every woman.

All these changes are accompanied by flushes, the chest becomes firmer. The second stage is menopause, which begins on the date of the last menstruation and ends exactly one year after it.

The peculiarity of this phase is the change in the habitual shape of the mammary glands, the reduction of vegetation in the pubic area. The last and final period for every woman is. It starts right after menopause and lasts for the rest of your life.

Every woman experiences menopause differently. In most cases, this process is natural and without complications, but sometimes there are severe symptoms that need urgent treatment. All changes in this difficult period of time occur in the hypothalamus, therefore, the cardiac system, blood vessels, respiratory and other internal organs can be involved.

Timely examinations and consultation with a specialist will help solve many problems that bother you during menopause. The female body is unique, because the signs of approaching menopause are very different.

It is impossible not to agree with the statement that a woman is always young, at any age. A woman does not age, and this is a fact - how many songs and various films, poems, sayings exist about the eternal and unfading female youth. But for this you need to work a little! To get started, read this article and find out what you absolutely cannot do.

What can not be done by a mature, self-sufficient and self-confident woman who is a little over 45?

1. Save on yourself

We understand that you have a husband, children, a dog and a house, and most of the salary goes to the family. You have to save, and first of all on yourself. Of course, relatives and friends are your everything, and for them you do not feel sorry for any money.

But! Dear ladies, you can’t live only for the sake of others, sometimes you need to please yourself. Every month, give yourself one little gift: cool shoes, a blouse, a skirt, or a trip to a beauty salon. We are sure that your relatives also want to see their mother, wife, sister beautiful, stylish and happy.

2. Get short haircuts

The main trouble of Russian women! Who said that a short haircut is young? Okay, maybe she is young for someone, but for someone, on the contrary, it hurts. Now is the time to experiment with hairstyles: try a bob, then grow your hair longer, dye your hair red or do American highlights. Hair is the main decoration of a woman at absolutely any age, why cut it right away?

In addition, do not forget about hair treatments: use thermal protection and leave-in treatments, make nourishing masks and go to the hairdresser regularly. With proper care, hair will be your calling card for at least another 20 years.

3. Choose "old lady" things

Some women suddenly decide: “That's it, youth is over, stop wearing tight jeans and beautiful tops, it's time to buy a shapeless gray coat (no, not a fashionable oversize coat), a dark floor-length skirt and a synthetic blouse with some unrealistically strange floral print. Now fashion is not for us, but only for young girls.”

We sincerely hope that you do not have such thoughts, but if suddenly you are drawn to buy an absolutely awkward and clearly “retired” thing, immediately tell yourself: “Stop!” Remember how they say about a woman who turned 45 years old?

4. Choose clothes that are too youthful

There is also a reverse situation: start dressing as if you recently turned twenty-something. T-shirts with silly slogans, miniskirts, short sundresses, tank tops, leggings - these things will never make you look younger. On the contrary, they will highlight the discrepancy between your age and style.

Teenage clothes are a thing of the past: this needs to be recognized and accepted. Believe me, you will look a hundred times better if you switch to more restrained (and this does not mean “boring”) and elegant outfits. You can follow all fashion (or almost all) trends and still be a luxurious mature woman.

5. Don't follow trends

By the way, about trends. Another common mistake women make after 45 is not to follow fashion at all. It is clear that you practically do not have time to read fashion portals and magazines (although you are reading this post?), but despite this, try to at least occasionally flip through the gloss or go to sites about fashion and style.

In addition, most trends have no "age restrictions". For example, is a denim skirt fashionable this season suitable for any woman? Yes, only in your case it is better to choose a length to the knee or slightly lower. What about a long vest? Of course, it can and should be worn at 15 and 80. Shoes with fringe? Why not. Of course, you don't have to experiment with crop tops and thick-soled slip-ons, but we repeat once again: fashion is available to everyone.

6. Hide flaws, but do not emphasize dignity

Forget about shapeless and baggy clothes. If you think: "I'll put on a hoodie - and no one will notice my stomach or large hips," then you are greatly mistaken. Shapeless clothes make you look like a bun or a large rectangle. You should be able not only to hide the flaws of the figure, but also to emphasize the merits.

Hide your hips under puffy midi skirts, highlight your waist with a thick or thin belt, wear fitted jackets and blouses with V-necks. Create beautiful silhouettes and showcase seductive forms. When you stop wearing "bags", others will definitely notice how attractive and charming you are.

7. Don't wear heels

If 5 years ago you ran on 10-centimeter stilettos from home to work, from work to kindergarten, from kindergarten to supermarket, from supermarket home, and now you decided that heels are uncomfortable, impractical and generally sneakers a hundred times better, it's bad.

Agree, walking in heels every day is useless: fortunately, there are cool loafers, brogues, ballerinas, flat boots, but still, you should have a few cool pairs of heels in your wardrobe. And it is desirable to wear them not only on major holidays. Choose shoes with genuine leather heels and wear them at least once a week (more often is better).

8. Buy cheap underwear

It seems to us that any mature woman can afford 3-5 sets of good underwear. Yes, let them be not 10, not 20, but much less, but ideal. The right underwear models and tightens the figure. And if you don’t have free funds for a Victoria’s Secret bra, look into the stores of more democratic, but no less quality brands (Bustier, Intimissimi).

9. Don't learn age makeup techniques

Unfortunately, after the age of 40, our skin changes: wrinkles, age spots appear, it becomes too dry or too oily. It’s great if you regularly visit a beautician and fight the signs of aging with modern methods, for example, take courses in mesotherapy or photorejuvenation. But the procedures are not able to instantly turn you into a 20-year-old beauty, which means that you need to mask age-related changes with the help of decorative cosmetics.

Consult a professional makeup artist: he will tell you what makeup to use at your age, how to apply it, what to add to your makeup bag, and what to remove forever. Learn to do the right makeup - you will look 10 years younger.

10. Run your body

Imagine a typical case: a woman gave birth to three children, stopped taking care of her body and there was no trace of a slender figure. Now sport for her is only on TV. Guard! If you recognize yourself in this description, then it's time to think.

We are not encouraging you to go on a strict diet, drink only water and sign up for CrossFit classes. But running your body, completely forgetting about sports is a crime against yourself. Fitness is movement, health, good mood. Find what you like: swimming pool, water aerobics, Nordic walking, yoga, zumba - whatever! Only two workouts a week - and lazy girlfriends will envy your toned figure, and such energy will appear in your body that you can move mountains.

11. Forget about health

In continuation of the previous paragraph. To be beautiful and healthy, a woman needs not only to play sports, but also to visit a doctor on time. Work, children, saving on yourself - you put off going to the hospital until the last, and hidden diseases that you do not treat will age you faster than malnutrition and lack of exercise.

Take tests, visit a therapist, dentist, gynecologist at least once a year and remember once and for all: a beautiful woman is a healthy woman.

Proper care of the female body (appearance, health) after 45 years

With age, not only lifestyle, clothing style and eating habits should change, but also ways to maintain health and appearance. After all, the body of a woman at 20 and 50 years old is two big differences: all internal organs function differently, and, accordingly, the appearance changes: the condition of the skin, hair, nails. In order to resist negative trends, it is necessary to organize care for one's own body in accordance with age - whoever does not do this will drastically reduce the time of their active life and accelerate the process of external aging.

Hair care after 45 years.

During this period of life, due to metabolic disorders, nervous stress, overwork, unbalanced nutrition (in particular, mineral deficiency), the hair follicle and the body of the hair itself are destroyed, the hair becomes thinner along its entire length. The sebaceous glands atrophy, the synthesis of melanin decreases - the hair loses its color, turns gray. The structure of the hair changes. Hair absorbs smoke and dust from the air faster, which also contributes to the deterioration of their appearance and health. Another important negative factor that worsens the condition of hair at this age is a decrease in the body's production of the hormone estrogen.

There are several options (ideally, use them in combination) to improve the condition of the hair and body of a woman after 45 years.

1. Use products containing the hormone estrogen directly. But such therapy can only be carried out under the guidance of a doctor.

2. After 45 years, you should use special shampoos and conditioners.

3. It is necessary to include foods containing phytoestrogens in your diet. Pomegranates, dates, spinach, carrots, broccoli, linseed oil will be useful. Eat red grapes, clover, alfalfa. Fish, soy, nuts, seeds, seafood, parsley and dill should be eaten regularly.

4. Take care of the cleaning of blood vessels (elimination of atherosclerosis). With age, due to atherosclerosis, capillary circulation is disturbed (the scalp is one of the first to suffer from this), as a result, the hair roots receive a minimum of nutrients and atrophy. Clean blood vessels are the key to normal blood circulation and proper nutrition of the hair roots. This can be achieved by giving up these food products: any canned food, sweets, flour products and overly fatty foods.

5. Use antioxidants extensively in both food and external hair care products. First of all, you need to pay attention to vitamins E, C and A, as well as the element selenium.

6. Carry out courses of massage or self-massage of the head with aromatic oils. Due to this: the nutrition of the hair follicle improves, the cells of the hair shaft are restored, the elasticity of the hair increases, dandruff is eliminated and dead cells of the upper layer of the skin are exfoliated.

Women's health after 45 years.

There are several common factors that affect a woman's health in the second half of her life. Let's look at them, and then develop a set of activities that contribute to better health at this age.

1. Stress, emotional and psychological fatigue. By the age of 45, many events take place in the life of every woman, and not all of them leave a positive imprint in the mind. To save yourself from stress, it can be useful to put aside a frightening horoscope or dream book, look at life easier, and also quarrel less with relatives.

2. Probably, no woman after 45 can boast of absolute health. Stress, poor nutrition, poor environment contribute to the development of at least one, and most often several chronic diseases.

3. The work of the endocrine glands changes, and as a result, the hormonal background in the woman's body changes and, as a result, the work of all internal organs.

In order not to be an outside observer of the processes occurring in the body after 45 years, women must follow a number of general rules and recommendations. These tips should naturally be supplemented and adjusted by the recommendations of a personal doctor.

1. Nutrition. Vitamins and minerals are needed by both men and women at any age, but women over 45 need to pay attention to this.

Regular intake of vitamin A. The easiest way to do this is with the help of such foods: dates, green peas, soybeans, pumpkin, cabbage, dried apricots, tomatoes, prunes, spinach, veal liver and cod liver.

B vitamins are also needed, for this we eat: wholemeal bread, yeast, peas, fish, nuts, liver.

The easiest way to get vitamin C is from: cabbage, onions, beets, citrus fruits, currants.

Vitamin E - from cold-pressed sunflower oil, soybean oil, walnuts.

To get calcium, we eat: dairy products, buckwheat, seaweed, parsley, beets, carrots.

Phosphorus is enough in cheeses, cottage cheese, eggs.

We get iron from plums, nuts, black bread, meat products.

Potassium is enough in potatoes, porcini mushrooms, grapes, peaches, dried apricots.

To get magnesium we eat: black bread, cocoa, nuts, seeds, seafood.

In addition, in the nutrition of a woman after 45 years, one should pay attention to this.

Reduce the amount of sugar you consume.

If you eat chocolate, then only natural, black.

Do not eat foods containing a lot of fat.

If you prefer to eat fried food, cook it in a Teflon-coated pan.

It is best to give up cakes and other factory muffins altogether.

2. Full sleep for 6-8 hours after the age of 45 for a woman is especially important, both appearance and health depend on it.

3. Usually by the age of 45, every woman gains at least a little extra weight. If this weight is 3-5 kilograms more than it was at 30 years old, and at the same time it is stable, you should not worry and try to get rid of these kilograms. If there are already more than 10 extra pounds, then you need to pay attention to this and take steps to optimize your weight.

4. Psychological state. By the age of 45, most women achieve what they aspired to at the age of 20-25 - they already have a family, children, position in society, and so on. In order not to fall into the trap of the "midlife crisis", you need to find and set yourself new goals and horizons of self-realization, in some area of ​​life or creativity. If this is done on time, then the void in life is filled, which in many women leads to a depressed state and even depression.

5. Once a year, you need to be examined by a mammologist - a specialist who monitors the condition of the mammary glands.

6. At least once a year to visit a gynecologist.

7. There are several diseases that women after 45 suffer many times more often than others. It is imperative that these diseases be prevented.

Osteoporosis - thinning, rarefaction of bone tissue.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic, systemic connective tissue disease with a primary lesion of peripheral joints.

Gallstone disease is the formation of stones in the gallbladder or large bile ducts.

Cholecystitis is inflammation of the gallbladder.

Elevated levels of lipids (cholesterol) in the blood.


Features of skin care after 45 years.

The skin obeys the general laws of physiology and ages along with the body, these factors “help” it in this.

1. Malnutrition.

2. Improper care.

3. Hormonal changes in the body and deterioration of the internal organs.

4. Deterioration of the immune system.

For these reasons, metabolism in the skin is disrupted and slowed down, blood supply worsens and, accordingly, nutrition, subcutaneous fat becomes thinner, the elasticity of elastic fibers decreases, the functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands is disrupted - at 45 years old, the sebaceous glands secrete 3 times less fat than in youth.

These negative trends can be partially counteracted with the help of these measures.

1. Cleanse the skin with a mild cleanser in the morning and evening.

2. Be sure to use nourishing creams - night and day.

3. Sufficient sleep on a low pillow.

4. Regularly perform exercises for the muscles of the neck and face.

5. Conduct a course of cosmetic massage 2-3 times a year.

6. If possible, perform self-massage daily.

7. Regularly use masks based on algae or therapeutic mud.

8. Be sure to use a protective cream daily.

9. With the help of a beautician, choose a skin care program for yourself in a beauty parlor.

And we must remember that beauty before the age of 25 is a gift, after 25 it is already work, and after 45 it is hard work.

© Alexander Kuznetsov

What problems does a woman face in the main periods of her life? What you need to know in order to take action in time and prevent their aggravation?

A star example is actress Sharon Stone, who turned 50 this year.

We asked these questions to Professor Vera Petrovna Smetnik, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Gynecological Endocrinology Department of the Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, scientific consultant of the Vallex-Med Preventive Medicine Clinic in Moscow.

After 45 years, a special stage begins in a woman's life - the stage between youth and old age. During this period, changes occur in all organs and systems, but changes in the reproductive system still dominate. These changes relate to the progressive decline in the levels of female sex hormones produced in the ovaries. Nature has programmed a woman in such a way that an extremely important gland - the ovary - “turns off” at the age of 45-55 years, the first symptoms of menopause begin to appear. First, the ability to conceive stops, and then, as the level of sex hormones decreases, menstruation also “turns off”.

Problem: Menopausal Syndrome

Solution: Sex hormones are amazing creatures. Their representatives are found in many organs and tissues. When their deficiency occurs after 45 years, menopausal symptoms may develop. The most common of these are hot flashes, irritability, sweating, insomnia, and depression. Subjectively, these symptoms are, of course, unpleasant, but in 80–90% of women they disappear without special treatment in 1–2 years.

If menopause is severe, then hormone replacement therapy is used.

Problem: Age-related ailments

Solution: Hormone replacement therapy - HRT - is especially recommended for those women who stop menstruating early and menopause occurs before the age of 45. There is also an artificial menopause that occurs in young women after surgical removal of the ovaries.

This is a risk group for early myocardial infarction, stroke, genitourinary disorders and osteoporosis, Alzheimer's disease. Therefore, here HRT plays not so much a curative as a preventive role.

At this age, there are more contraindications and chronic diseases. Therefore, special types of drugs are used - natural and low-dose. They contain 10 times less hormones than are produced in a young body.
They are also necessary for those women who previously had periods of prolonged absence of menstruation, deficiency of sex hormones, surgery to remove the ovaries.

Particularly noteworthy are those whose mothers or grandmothers faced fractures of the femoral neck.

At this age, diseases of the mammary glands occur more often, therefore, with a favorable family history at the age of 40–45 years, mammography is indicated every two years; after 50 years, annual mammography is strictly indicated.

Even if there are no complaints, you should regularly donate blood for cholesterol and check the condition of bone tissue - undergo densitometry. The insidiousness of the latent course of such age-related ailments as atherosclerosis and osteoporosis is that there are no complaints, and the process is slowly developing. And in 5–10 years, serious, often unsolvable problems may arise.

Conclusion: How to avoid disorders and disorders associated with age-related changes in the body, and maintain health and performance for a long time?
This will help timely and high-quality diagnostics, which provides comprehensive information about the state of health, taking into account heredity, risk factors and lifestyle.

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