Biography of Fedor Emelianenko. Statistics of the fights of Fedor Emelianenko: the most striking battles

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Biography, life story of Emelianenko Fedor Vladimirovich

Briefly about the main

Fedor Vladimirovich Emelianenko - the legendary champion in fights without rules, was born on September 28, 1976 in the city of Rubizhne, Luhansk region. The invincible fighter has many titles, including the title of World Champion according to Pride, according to Rings, Pride Grand Prix champion, three times World Sambo Champion. The athlete fights in the heavy weight category. The physical data of Fedor are as follows: height 183 cm, weight 104 kg. Of the fights held, the athlete won almost everything. On May 16, 2012, Fedor Emelianenko was elected the first president of the established Union of Mixed Martial Arts MMA of Russia.


An athlete was born in a family of workers (gas-electric welder, crane operator). In 1978, a family from Ukraine moved to Russia, to the city of Stary Oskol. In the biography of Fedor Emelianenko, the passion for martial arts manifested itself at the age of 10 years. Then he began to study in the sambo and judo section, where Vasily Ivanovich Gavrilov was the coach. In 1987, Fedor entered sports class coach Voronov Vladimir Mikhailovich. After graduating from school in 1991, the athlete began to study in vocational school. A year after his graduation in 1995, he began serving in the army.

After the army Sambo

After serving, in 1997, Fedor again began to intensively play sports and participate in competitions. In the same year, the athlete won the international sambo competition for the first time. Also in 1997 he was awarded the title of master of sports in judo. In 1998, Fedor won the international sambo competition. So in the biography of Fedor Emelianenko, the second title of master of sports was received, now in sambo.

In addition, 1998 brought many other victories to the treasury of the athlete's achievements. Fedor won first and third places at the Russian Judo Championship, and took third place at the Sambo Championship. The athlete also became a champion in the competitions of the Russian armed forces, and in the absolute weight category of this competition he took second place. The following year, Fedor Emelianenko won international sambo competitions. At the same time, the athlete's team became the first at the European Championships.


hand-to-hand combat

However, the athlete did not stop there. In 2000, he began to study engineering hand-to-hand combat at the coach Michkov Alexander Vasilyevich. Fedor began to participate in fights without rules, and at first in a more humane version of "Rings". Having immediately achieved considerable results, already in 2001 Fedor became the world champion in this version of fighting without rules. After that, the athlete switched to a more prestigious version - "Pride". The cruel rules of Pride allow you to beat the enemy in a lying position with your feet and hands to the head, and if the fighter is knocked down, to finish him off.

Without stopping doing sambo, Fedor won the Russian championship in 2002, then the world championship in Greece. In Panama, Fedor became the first in the absolute weight category at the World Combat Sambo Championship. Then in 2003, Fedor Emelianenko won the Pride MMA World Championship by defeating former champion Antonio Rodrigo Nagier. Many of the strongest fighters were defeated in the fight with Fedor, among them Sam Schilt, Heath Hiring, Kazuyuki Fujita, Gary Goodridge.

In 2004, in the biography of Fedor Emelianenko, several outstanding fights were held with such rivals as Kevin Rendleman, Naoya Ogawa, Mark Colman, Antonio Nogueira. Fedor received two more titles: Grand Prix champion, world champion in fights without rules of the Pride version. The following year, the athlete became the Pride World Champion for the third time, and also became a three-time SAMBO champion. In 2006, Fedor Emelianenko was awarded the title of four-time world champion in fights without rules according to Pride.

From 2002 until November 2008, Fedor Emelianenko never lost. Only in November 2008 did he lose to Blagoe Ivanova from Bulgaria at the World Combat Sambo Championship, held in St. Petersburg. Many then started talking about the fact that it was time for the 32-year-old fighter to retire. However, after 2 months, Fedor was able to prove the opposite to all skeptics by defending the title of world champion in fights without rules within 2 minutes. In this fight, Emelianenko knocked out the Belarusian weightlifter Andrei Arlovsky in a crowded gym at the Honda Center (USA, Anaheim).

M-1 Global

After the bankruptcy of Pride and the buyout of its assets by Zuffa, the parent company of the UFC, rumors were widely circulated in the media that Emelianenko would fight in the American octagon.

As a result, negotiations failed, and in October 2007, Emelianenko signed a two-year, six-fight contract with M-1 Global, a company that little was known about, since it was formed quite recently and was an alliance of Mix Fight companies. M-1, Sibling Theatricals, Garlin Holdings Limited, SFX Media & Event. It was also not known about the level of fighters, the scale of events and the financial viability of the company. However, Fedor pointed out that in "M-1 Global [he] met with full understanding and respect for himself", in contrast to the "UFC", and the contract itself was more attractive than the one offered by Dana White. In particular, a feature of the agreement was the lack of exclusivity, which gave the fighter the right to play for other organizations.

AT further activities M-1 Global caused conflicts between Finkelstein, who as of 2011 served as president of the company, and other organizations, in particular, Affliction. As a result of this, Fedor's performances were noticeably limited: if in Pride he could have from three to five fights a year, then after signing a contract with M-1 Global, he began to conduct, as a rule, one fight per year, despite the need to conduct 3-4 fights per year according to the terms of the contract. Fedor himself is also a minority co-owner of M-1 Global, having a shareholding of 8.5%.

Last Stand

June 21, 2012 Emelianenko came out against the Brazilian heavyweight Pedro Rizzo, known for his performances in the early UFC tournaments. Fedor won by knockout in the second minute of the first round. After the fight, the athlete announced the final decision to end his career in mixed martial arts:

I think the time has come, I'm leaving. I also have the World Combat Sambo Championship. The decision to leave was influenced by the family. The girls are growing up without me, so it's time to leave.

Personal life

In 1999, Fedor married Oksana, whom he met back in school years in a pioneer camp, where Fedor was at a sports camp, and Oksana worked as a counselor. In the same year, their daughter Masha was born. The couple divorced in 2006. Around the same time, after a trip to Diveevo, Fyodor's churching began. Emelianenko began to think seriously about issues of faith while serving in the army, but Fedor's faith took on a pronounced character since 2006.

On December 29, 2007, Fedor and his longtime girlfriend, Marina, had a daughter, Vasilisa, and in October 2009, Fedor and Marina got married. In July 2011, the Emelianenko couple had a daughter, Elizabeth.

Awards and titles

Medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland", II degree (May 21, 2007) - for services to development physical culture and sports and many years of conscientious work.

Order of Peter the Great, 1st class (2007).

Honorary title "The best in the sport of St. Petersburg" (2009).

Medal "For Merit to the Belgorod Land" (2009)

Title of Honorary Citizen Belgorod region» for outstanding achievements in sports and personal contribution to the development of physical culture and sports (2009).

Golden Order of the Romanov family "Saint Nicholas II", 1st class (2010).

Honorary title of laureate of the regional campaign "50th anniversary of the region - 50 glorious deeds".

Activities outside of sports


In 2009, in preparation for the fight with Rogers, Fedor took part in the filming of the film Key of the Salamander, where he played the role of a special forces soldier - Fedor.


In 2008, Victory Belt Publishing published the book Fedor: The Fighting System of the World's Undisputed King of MMA (eng. Fedor: the fighting system of the undisputed King of MMA), co-authored by Glen Cordoza, Eric Kraus and Fedor Emelianenko.

Political activity

Since September 3, 2007, Fedor Emelianenko has been a member political party « United Russia". In October 2010, Emelianenko was elected to the Belgorod Regional Duma as part of the list of candidates from the party. In the fighter's election program, considerable attention was paid to the development of youth movements and sports interests of the public. After being elected, Emelianenko said that he would "to uphold human rights and make people's lives better".

In 2011, Emelianenko became the face of the Russian sportswear brand Forward. The company plans to release a separate line "from Fedor Emelianenko", in the development of which the athlete himself will take part. According to Emelianenko, he would like the collection to contain not only a national, but also a spiritual component.

Fedor Emelianenko - Russian athlete, four-time world champion in mixed martial arts - MMA in heavyweight according to Pride FC, two-time - according to RINGS, two-time - according to WAMMA, four-time world champion and nine-time champion of Russia in combat sambo.

Emelianenko is also an Honored Master of Sports in Sambo and an international master of sports in judo.

Biography of Fedor Emelianenko interesting because in the period from 2003 to 2010 he was recognized worldwide by the most famous sports media as the best heavyweight MMA fighter.

During the same period in the lists best fighters regardless of the weight category, Emelianenko held the leading position, being in the top three, and was recognized by the majority of experts best fighter MMA in the history of the sport.

In many ways, Fedor owes his colossal popularity to personal qualities, because regardless of success, he was always extremely modest and respectful to his rivals.

The nickname of the fighter is "The Last Emperor."

Right now you can get acquainted with the features of Emelianenko, his personal life and sporting achievements.

So, before you is the biography of Fedor Emelianenko.

Biography of Fedor Emelianenko

Fedor Vladimirovich Emelianenko was born on September 28, 1976 in the city of Rubizhne, Lugansk region, Ukrainian SSR.

His father, Vladimir Alexandrovich, was a simple welder, and his mother, Olga Fedorovna, was a teacher at the school.

Fedor has older sister Marina (b. 1974) and two younger brothers - Alexander (b. 1981) and Ivan (b. 1988).

Childhood and youth

When little Feda was 2 years old, his parents moved to and settled in the city of Stary Oskol. There they lived in a small communal apartment.

At the age of 10, Fedor began attending the judo and sambo sections, where he trained under the guidance of Vasily Gavrilov. According to the recollections of many friends, the future champion free time gave .

Fedor Emelianenko (right) as a child with his brother Alexander

He did not miss a single workout, and sometimes even stayed overnight in the gym.

When he had to look after his younger brother Alexander, he took him with him to training. In the future, Alexander will also become a professional athlete.

Young Fedor Emelianenko with his brother in his arms

After a year of hard training, the ability and perseverance of Fedor Emelianenko was noticed, and they offered to go to the class of Vladimir Voronov.

After graduating from school, the young man entered the school. In 1994, he received a red diploma as an electrician.

From 1995 to 1997 Fedor Emelianenko served in the ranks Russian army. There he continued to train hard, and even managed to gain more than 20 kg of muscle mass.

In 2003, Fedor entered the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports of the Belgorod state university.

In the same educational institution the athlete completed postgraduate studies, having received a diploma in 2009.

Professional sports

Immediately after the army, Fedor Emelianenko became the winner of the international tournament held in Kursk, and received the title of master of sports in judo and sambo.

In 1998, he took first place in the most prestigious international class "A" tournament and became a master of sports of the international class of Russia in sambo.

In the same year, Fedor becomes the champion of Russia and receives "bronze" in two championships of Russia at once - in judo and sambo.

The following year brought Emelianenko victory in Moscow international sambo tournaments. He won "bronze" in international tournaments of class "A" (, Sofia).

In the late 90s, Fedor moved to MMA, choosing a Japanese organization called Rings for cooperation. Under the auspices of this organization, Emelianenko fought 11 fights, losing only once.

Failure overtook the athlete in the final fight, when the opponent (Tsuyoshi Kosaka) struck Fedor Emelianenko with an illegal elbow strike. As a result of a double cut, the fight was stopped by the decision of the doctor.

In 2000, the fighter began to intensively study boxing techniques under the guidance of Alexander Michkov. At the same time, Fedor joined the Russian Top Team.

In 2001, he became the champion of the Rings, and then was invited to the Pride, the most prestigious MMA organization of that time.

It was here that Fedor Emelianenko had the best fights in his biography, since the top fighters of all countries were in this organization.

Among the opponents defeated by Fedor were Sammy Schilt, American Heath Herring, Brazilian Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira, who had previously remained undefeated for 6 years.

In 2004, Emelianenko had especially many bright victories. First, he defeated Mark Coleman, then Kevin Randleman, and on the last day of December, he met Nogueira for the second time in the ring and confidently won the fight, confirming his champion title.

In 2005, a fight took place against the most dangerous opponent in the Japanese career period - Croat Mirko Krokop. This fight will be called one of the best in the biography of Emelianenko.

After the bankruptcy of Pride in 2006, despite rumors that Emelianenko would fight in the famous American octagon, the athlete chose M-1 Global.

During this period, his biography of fights became much smaller, which was offset by increased attention to Fedor at home.

The fight with the representative of Korea Choi Hong Man, 218 cm tall, ended in a bright victory for the Russian fighter. Fedor Emelianenko then became the WAMMA Champion with a superb win in less than half a minute over Tim Sylvia.

The athlete defended his new title in 2009, having sent Belarusian Andrey Orlovsky to the deepest knockout.

The expected event was the signing of a contract with Strikeforce, according to which Emelianenko was obliged to hold three fights. In the first fight, the Russian athlete won a brilliant victory over Brett Rogers.

But two other meetings - with Fabrizio Werdum and Antonio Silva - ended in defeat for him. Thus ended the great fighting era of Fedor Emelianenko, who was called the Last Emperor.

After the defeats, Fedor began to talk about a possible retirement.

However, at the end of 2011, he confidently defeated Jeff Monson, and a few months later he had a successful fight with Pedro Rizzo. After the fight with Pedro, he announced that he would leave the ring.

And although Emelianenko's fans were upset by this news, everyone understood that the peak of the great athlete's career had already passed.

Moreover, his biography was marked by so many outstanding victories that in any case he forever inscribed his name in world sports.

Nevertheless, on July 14, 2015, Fedor Emelianenko, unexpectedly for everyone, officially announced his intention to return to big-time sports. The return of the Last Emperor took place in a duel against the Indian fighter Jaideep Singh.

Personal life

The first wife in the biography of Fedor Emelianenko was the girl Oksana. He met her in a pioneer camp during his school years. Then Fedor was at a sports camp, and Oksana was a pioneer leader.

When they started serious relationship, the girl waited for Fedor from the army, and in 1999 they already played a wedding. In the same year, Oksana gave birth to a daughter, Masha.

Fedor Emelianenko with his wife Oksana

After 7 years, in 2006, the couple filed for divorce. What exactly caused this decision is not officially known, since Emelianenko does not like to talk about his personal life.

In 2007, a girl was born to Fedor Emelianenko and his girlfriend Marina, who was named Vasilisa. In 2009, they got married, and they had another daughter, Elizabeth.

However, in 2013, the athlete broke up with Marina and reunited with his first wife. In 2014, they underwent a church wedding ceremony.

Fedor Emelianenko is a very religious person. In his interviews, he repeatedly mentions God, and his words “For all the will of God” have acquired a cult significance among the fans of the athlete.

In 2012, Emelianenko was elected the first president of the established Union of Mixed Martial Arts MMA of Russia, and in 2016 he was re-elected for a second term.

Fedor Emelianenko and Vladimir Putin

During presidential elections 2018 was a confidante, about whom he repeatedly spoke in the most positive characteristics.

Fedor Emelianenko today

At the time of 2018, Fedor Emelianenko continues to perform. He is a member of the sports organization Bellator MMA. After returning to the sport, he has 4 wins and one loss.

Biography of Emelianenko, as well as his personal and sports achivments inspire many young athletes.

The most attractive thing about Fedor's personality is that, despite his worldwide fame and universal love, he continues to be an extremely modest and simple person.

He wears discreet clothes, and considers money "an opportunity to help loved ones."

An interesting fact is that many outstanding fighters and famous champions gave the most positive assessments of both the personality of Fedor Emelianenko and his athletic qualities.

Mike Tyson generally called Emelianenko his idol, saying that he is "always smaller than the opponent and always comes out the winner" and that "he fights too long in the era of doping drugs and giant rivals."

Knowing sports biography Emelianenko cannot but agree with this.

At the end it is worth telling interesting story associated with Emelianenko. The fact is that one day back in 2009, he came to some event in a funny sweater.

Initially, no one attached importance to this conspicuous thing. However, when he appeared in this sweater for several years, the athlete's fans gave him the name "Great Victory Sweater".

Fedor Emelianenko (wearing an absolute victory sweater) and Bellator President Scott Cocker

Fedor himself simply answers the question about the sweater, saying that it is just clothes, and he does not attach any importance to it.

An interesting fact is that in 2018 the sweater became so popular that it was put up for auction.

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It cannot be said that in our country there is a large number of outstanding personalities in the sport. But if there are any, then Russia can rightly be proud of them. Until recently, the Russian national football team conceded a lot of balls from anyone. In basketball, the national team also did not do well. Hockey is a little better: many of our hockey players have signed contracts with foreign teams, which proves their professionalism. Yes, and the world championships clearly demonstrate the result of the work of coaches and our athletes. But in terms of we have something to be proud of. The best wrestlers and fighters of mixed and hand-to-hand styles were brought up in our country. This is especially true for mixed style fights. Russia is famous for such an invincible fighter as Fedor Emelianenko. This man for many years does not let everyone sink into oblivion famous expression"The heroes in Russia have not yet died out."

Fedor and Alexander Emelianenko: brothers

In addition to Fedor, MMA rings also know another fighter with the same last name - Alexander Emelianenko. The brothers have achieved significant success in their sports careers. Alexander is the younger brother of Fedor. He is also known for his sporting achievements.

Unfortunately, the popularity of fighters does not have such a scale in Russia as abroad. For example, the largest fan club of Fedor Emelianenko is located in Japan. And in Korea, a fighter has so many fans that he has to move around with 50 bodyguards.

Emelianenko brothers: who is older? Biography of Fedor

The fighter, born in 1976, comes from the city of Rubizhne (Luhansk region). He was the eldest son in an ordinary working-class family, which in 1978 moved to Russia, to the town of Stary Oskol, Belgorod Region. His passion for martial arts appeared at the age of ten, when he visited the sambo section for the first time. Then the judo section was added. There was no one to leave Alexander's younger brother with, so Fedor took him with him to training, which subsequently attracted him to the world of sports.

In 1987, Fedor entered the sports class of Vladimir Voronov. After 1991, Emelianenko Sr. graduated from high school and entered the college. Having finished it successfully, in 1995 he entered the army, where he first served in the fire department, and then in tank troops. Being in the ranks of the armed forces, he did not stop playing sports. However, due to the limited army conditions, all training consisted of strength exercises. This includes work with kettlebells, and lifting the barbell, and, of course, long forced marches.

Fedor found himself in the world of mixed style fighting in the 90s, when, due to the crisis, an acute financial shortage that affected the majority of the population overtook him. The athlete's first fights were held according to the Rings version, which at that time was considered the safest.

Biography of Alexander

The brother of Fedor Emelianenko is from Stary Oskol. Alexander (born in 1981), as mentioned above, got into the sports world thanks to his older brother Fedor, who often took him with him to training. Thus, Fedor's brother Emelianenko became addicted to sambo and, like Fedor himself, entered the sports class of Vladimir Voronov. In 2003, Alexander entered the correspondence department of the Faculty of Economics of the Belgorod Institute. A year later, the athlete moved to St. Petersburg.

Sports achievements of Alexander Emelianenko

The fighter is known for his victories on professional ring. Moreover, he is a multiple world sambo champion. Alexander also won the title of European champion in combat sambo. In addition, Alexander has the title of master of sports in judo and master of sports in combat sambo.

The list of his achievements includes 24 victories, of which 17 were won by technical knockout. Thanks to boxing, the fighter has a hand, which allowed him to achieve high results.

Contrary to rumors that Alexander got fame thanks to his older brother, the athlete is known for his victories over such titans of the ring as Kharitonov, Morais and Foki.

Sports achievements of Fedor Emelianenko

During his sports career, Fedor is known for his victories over such fighters as Rizo, Ishil, Monson, Orlovsky, Rogers and over 30 more famous athletes. Fedor suffered only four defeats. These were the fights:

  • Emelianenko - Henderson.
  • Emelianenko - Silva.
  • Emelianenko - Werdum.
  • Emelianenko - Kosaka.

Known fights. Fight with Lindland

As a rule, all the battles of the Russian hero are spectacular events, and it is difficult to single out the most memorable of them. One can only recall the 2007 fight with Lindland, where guests of honor gathered on the auditorium in the person of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, Jean-Claude Van Damme and Silvio Berluscloni.

In the first minutes, Fedor received a powerful blow from Lindland, but soon after that, Emelianenko won. One of the memorable moments is that Lindland had to gain 15 kg in order to go against Emelianenko.

Fight with Monson

One of the expected events of 2011 was the fight of two titans of the mixed styles ring - Monson and Emelianenko. The brothers have been preparing for this fight for a long time. Fedor and his opponent had deep respect for each other and were waiting for a fight. In the course of the battle, it became noticeable that Fedor especially honed his percussion technique, as the fight was filled with low-kicks from his side. The result of one of these batches of punches was an American fighter. In addition, in the third round, Monson received a blow to the face, resulting in an American.

Repeatedly American athlete tried to commit Fedora, but the attempts were unsuccessful. Toward the end of the round, Monson missed three hits to the head. At the end of the battle, it became noticeable to everyone that the American was exhausted and it was difficult for him to continue the fight. The result was the victory of Fedor on points.

Fight with Henderson

Famous fight where Fedor failed. After three rounds, the athletes exchanged blows, in which the Russian hit hard. The result was the defeat of Fedor.

According to the coaches, Henderson got the victory due to the poor preparation of Emelianenko. The brothers repeatedly noted after that that Fedor himself, in recent times paid little attention to work on tactics, did not make changes, which led to a sad result.

Fight with Antonio Silva

The sad outcome of this fight is known to all fans of Emelianenko. The Brazilian "Bigfoot" came out against the Russian athlete - it was this nickname that the public awarded Fedor's opponent. The first round went in the style of Emelianenko. It would seem that the outcome will be the same as in the previous fights of the champion. But the Brazilian turned out to be very agile, despite his size, which Fedor did not expect from him. In the second round, Silva knocked the Russian on his shoulder blades, after which he unleashed a hail of blows that no one could resist. However, Fedor did not lose consciousness and fought back as best he could until his doctor stopped the fight. The eye of the Russian athlete swam completely, and the continuation of the fight became impossible.

Fight with Kosaka

This was the first defeat of Fedor Emelianenko in his career (2000). However, as such, the result of the battle cannot be called the loss of the Russian, since the outcome was a mistake of the judges. Kosaka spent because of which Emelianenko's eyebrow was cut. Because of this, the fight was stopped. The mistake was that according to the version of the Rings (according to which the fight was held), the strike was considered forbidden. However, the judges did not take this into account.

However, the revenge that took place in 2005 put everything in its place. Alexander Emelianenko's brother took full revenge on Kosaka, breaking his eyebrow in the first round. In it, having made several blows to the face, Fedor did not leave the Japanese the slightest chance. Constantly running blood did not allow the Russian athlete to carry out attacks on the opponent's face. TKO in the first round dotted everything.

In addition, the outcome of the battle was a foregone conclusion by the majority of Japanese spectators, who unanimously predicted Emelianenko's victory over their compatriot. In total, the Russian athlete won almost all of his fights. The Emelianenko brothers have repeatedly made statements that Fedor will soon return to professional sports.

Fedor Emelianenko is a Russian athlete, four-time world champion in mixed martial arts.

Fedor Emelianenko was born on September 28, 1976 in the Ukrainian city of Rubizhne. Vladimir Alexandrovich, the father of the future athlete, worked as a welder. Olga Fedorovna, Fedor's mother, teacher at the school. Fedor was the second child, in total there were four children in the family.

In 1978, the family moved to Russia, settling in the city of Stary Oskol. There they lived in a communal apartment - the family got a small room, originally intended for drying clothes.

At the age of 10, Fedya enrolled in the judo and sambo sections, where he trained under the guidance of Vasily Gavrilov. The boy devoted all his time to training, sometimes even staying in the gym for the night. The future athlete had to take his younger brother Sasha with him to training, who had no one to leave with. In the future, Alexander also became a professional athlete.

After a year of successful training, Fedor Emelianenko, as a promising student, was offered to go to the class of Vladimir Voronov. After graduation high school the guy went to study at a vocational school, which he graduated in 1994, having received a red diploma in electrician.

In 1995, Emelianenko was drafted into the ranks of the Russian army, where he served until 1997. Over the years of service, not forgetting about intense training, Fedor increased muscle mass more than 20 kg.

From 2003 to 2009, Fedor studied at the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports of Belgorod State University. In the same educational institution, the athlete completed postgraduate studies.


Returning from the army, Fedor Emelianenko became the winner of the international tournament held in Kursk, and received the title of master of sports in judo and sambo. In 1998, the first place at the most prestigious international class "A" tournament brought him the title of Master of Sports of the international class of Russia in sambo. In the same year, Fedor became the champion of Russia and received "bronze" in two championships of Russia at once - in judo and sambo. In addition, the athlete achieved the title of champion in his weight category.

The following year brought Emelianenko victory in Moscow international sambo tournaments. The wrestler won the "bronze" in international tournaments of class "A" (Moscow, Sofia).

In the late 90s, the athlete moved to MMA, choosing a Japanese organization called Rings for cooperation. Under the auspices of this organization, Emelianenko went through 11 fights, losing only once. Failure overtook the athlete in the final bout - the opponent struck Fedor Emelianenko with an illegal elbow strike: as a result of a double cut, the athlete dropped out of the fight.

In 2000, the wrestler began to intensively study boxing techniques under the guidance of Alexander Michkov. At the same time, Fedor joined the Russian Top Team. Three years later, Fedor left the club, pointing out the dishonesty of the manager Vladimir Pogodin. Soon the fighter joined the Red Devil Fighting Team.

In 2001, the Russian athlete nevertheless became the champion of the Rings. Then, noticing the success of the fighter, he was invited to the Pride. Emelianenko believes that it was here that he spent his most best fights. His victory ended with meetings with the Dutch athlete Sami Schilt, the American Heath Herring, the Brazilian Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira, who had remained undefeated before for 6 years.

The year 2004 is considered especially successful in the biography of the Russian wrestler - the victory came one after another. First, the athlete defeated Mark Coleman, then Kevin Randleman. On the last day of December, Emelianenko met Nogueira for the second time in the ring and won the fight, confirming the organization's champion title.

In 2005, a battle took place against the most dangerous opponent in the Japanese career period - a Croat. This fight will be called one of the best in the career of a Russian fighter.

Gradually, the statistics of battles began to change, defeats began. AT next years Fedor Emelianenko had a number of fights that were not so revealing, and in 2006 Pride became bankrupt. After the bankruptcy of Pride, despite rumors that Emelianenko would fight in the famous American octagon, the athlete chose M-1 Global. During this period of fighting, he had much less, which was offset by increased attention to Fedor at home.

This was followed by a fight with the representative of Korea Hong Man Choi, which ended in a bright victory for the Russian fighter. Then, having defeated Tim Sylvia, the Russian became the WAMMA champion. The wrestler defended his new title in 2009, having clashed with from Belarus.

The expected event was the signing of a contract with Strikeforce, according to which the athlete was obliged to hold three fights. In the first fight against Brett Rogers, the athlete won. But the other two meetings - with Fabrizio Werdum and Antonio Silva - ended in defeat for him. Nevertheless, the Russian is called the best in fights without rules.

After unfortunate failures, the athlete first spoke about a possible retirement. But soon Emelianenko pleased the fans with new victories and knockouts. At the end of 2011, Fedor won, and a few months later he had a successful fight with Pedro Rizzo - it was after this fight that the wrestler announced that he would leave the ring.

On July 14, 2015, Fedor Emelianenko officially announced his intention to resume his sports career. The return of the "Last Emperor" (nickname of Fedor Emelianenko) took place in a duel against the Indian fighter Jaideep Singh. Today Emelianenko is the president of the MMA Union of Russia.

Personal life

With Oksana, his first wife, Fedor Emelianenko met in a pioneer camp, as a schoolboy. Fedor was at a sports camp, and Oksana was a pioneer leader. The relationship between the guys was quite serious - the girl was waiting for a guy from the army. In 1999, the couple got married, in the same year Oksana gave birth to a daughter, Masha. The marriage lasted 7 years - in 2006 the couple filed for divorce.

At the end of 2007, Fedor Emelianenko and his good friend Marina had a girl who was named Vasilisa. Two years later, the couple documented the union, and a year later they had a daughter, Elizabeth.

In 2013, the athlete broke off relations with Marina and got along with his first wife. With Oksana, they were married in the church in the winter of 2014.

Fedor Emelianenko now

In 2016, the last Fedor Emelianenko took place against the Brazilian Fabio Maldonado. The fight between Emelianenko and Maldonado took place as part of the cultural program at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2016. Russian fighter Initially, experts predicted a victory, but it was almost necessary to “pull out” a triumph from an opponent with “teeth”. The video of this fight has become popular on the Web.

On February 19, 2017, a new fight was planned for Emelianenko. This time, the American was supposed to be the opponent of the Russian, but the fight did not take place. It is assumed that Emelianenko will fight against the representative of the United States in June 2017 in San Jose. If Mitrione is not recovered by this point, the Russian will face another opponent.

In 2017, Emelianenko commented on the incident with the beating of the vice-president of the organization Radmir Gabdullin by the brothers Gadzhimurad and Gamzat Hiramagomedov, who are also members of the MMA Union. According to Emelianenko, such actions should not go unpunished.

Fans are closely following the news from the life of an idol, as well as training and physical data (Fedor's height is 182 cm, weight is 107 kg) of the legend of Russian sports.

In April 2016, the first of four Russian films about the famous fighter called "The World of MMA" was released.


  • Mixed Martial Arts World Champion
  • World champion in combat sambo in the absolute weight category
  • International Judo Tournament Winner

Fedor Vladimirovich Emelianenko is a world famous and beloved athlete who became famous not only in MMA, but also in judo and sambo. It was Emelianenko who gave all novice athletes an incredibly accurate and well-tried battle tactics.

Fedor - a guy from a simple large family, who began to practice martial arts quite late, but he managed to prove that nothing is impossible for a real fighter.

The eminent athlete is respected by rivals, because he never throws mud at them, taking them as equals. He dresses modestly, and often gives money to those who need it more. Fedor does not drink alcohol, considers himself an Orthodox Russian person.

Height, weight, age. How old is Fedor Emelianenko

After Fedor Emelianenko began to appear in public, one by one defeating all the world's celebrities in the field of MMA, fans wanted to know what his height, weight, and age were. How old is Fedor Emelianenko is easy to find out by the date of his birth.

Fedor was born in 1976, so he is already forty years old. At the same time, the Zodiac gave the man the sign of reasonable, fair, harmonious, benevolent Libra, who will never go to the goal over their heads.

The eastern horoscope endowed Emelianenko with the sign of the Dragon, which has such character traits as caution, the desire to be in the spotlight, brightness, adherence to principles.

The growth of Fedor Emelianenko is one meter and eighty-three centimeters, and the weight does not exceed one hundred and four kilograms, which is ideal for MMA fighters.

Biography and personal life of Fedor Emelianenko

The biography and personal life of Fedor Emelianenko are probably known to the whole world, since he is an extraordinary person. Fedor lived in a poor family, few people know, but at the age of two the boy moved to a communal apartment, where a family of six lived in a room for drying clothes.

The boy began to practice judo and sambo when he was ten, and for company with him he brought his five-year-old brother Sasha, who later became a famous athlete, to the section.

The guy studied well at school, but completely devoted himself to training, he even stayed overnight in the gym. After leaving school, he entered the vocational school and graduated with honors, having received the specialty of an electrician. From 2003 to 2011 received higher education at the University of Physical Culture and Sports of Belgorod.

After serving in the army, he went in for sports professionally, as he was a master of sports in judo and sambo. In 1997, the guy became the champion of Russia in sambo in the international class A.

However, in the crazy nineties, it was unrealistic to make money on sports, so Emelianenko moved to MMA, choosing the Japanese team Rings. Victories rained down on the guy like from a cornucopia, because out of 12 fights he lost only once.

After he became the champion in 2001, Fedor was lured away by the Pride club, in which he showed only top scores. The heyday of a career is considered to be 2004, in which such venerable fighters as Coleman, Randleman, Nogueira fell from the fist of Emelianenko.

After that, the guy became a co-owner of the M-1 Global club and played for it himself, receiving the WAMMA title. After spending three fights for Strikeforce, Fedor Emelianenko announced his desire to leave the sport and devote himself to his family. It happened after the victory over Pedro Rizzo in 2012.

Emelianenko starred in the movie "Key of the Salamander", wrote several books about MMA and Sambo techniques, advertised sportswear, and also became a character computer game. Fedor has been a member of the United Russia party since 2007.

Emelianenko's personal life was not stormy, he considers himself monogamous. The guy loved one woman all his life, so he managed to admit his mistakes and return to her after a divorce, offering to marry again.

Family and children of Fedor Emelianenko

The family and children of Fedor Emelianenko occupy a special place in the life of an athlete, he is a deeply religious person, therefore he considers these two categories to be fundamental strongholds.

The Emelianenko family had many children, except for the guy, her older sister Marina and three brothers grew up in her. By the way, younger brothers Ivan and Alexander are also professionally engaged in MMA.

Father - Vladimir Emelianenko - had nothing to do with the world of sports, worked as an ordinary welder. Mother - Olga Emelianenko - taught at a local vocational school in the Ukrainian town of Rubizhne, and then at a school in the city of Stary Oskol. In 1997, the family broke up, the children did not want to maintain a relationship with their father, except for Fedor, who came to dad until his death in 2012.

Fedor had four daughters from two undoubtedly beloved women. It is worth clarifying that the man simply adores all his princesses, but he spends little time with them due to constant training and participation in world-class MMA fights.

Very little is known about the three daughters of the athlete, namely, the date of birth and the name of the mother. At the same time, the news that in 2017 Emelianenko had a daughter from his first wife spread all over the Internet. At the same time, nothing is known about the baby, including the date of birth and name.

Fedor Emelianenko's daughter - Maria Emelianenko

The daughter of Fedor Emelianenko, Maria Emelianenko, is the first and, undoubtedly, the desired child from the first wife of Oksana Emelianenko. The girl was born in the capital's maternity ward in 1999.

Maria barely went to first grade when his dad left the family, this plunged the girl into a real shock. The parents did the right thing, because they showed in front of their daughter that they were friends, and did not limit Masha's communication with each other.

Now Maria is studying at school, she is active and creative person. The girl is sociable, she has a huge number of friends.

Daughter of Fedor Emelianenko - Vasilisa Emelianenko

The daughter of Fedor Emelianenko, Vasilisa Emelianenko, was born in 2007, and Marina Emelianenko, who was not yet married to an athlete, became her mother. At the same time, it is worth clarifying that Fedor immediately recognized Vasilisa as his own child.

Rumor has it that he left his first wife precisely because Vasilisa was to be born. The baby grows active, talented and athletic child she visits regular school where he studies quite well.

At the same time, the girl cannot live without her dad, she often attends his fights and watches how he signs autographs.

Daughter of Fedor Emelianenko - Elizaveta Emelianenko

The daughter of Fedor Emelianenko - Elizaveta Emelianenko - was born in 2011, her mother was the second wife of the athlete Marina. The girl grows bright and active child, she goes in for sports and is not averse to fighting with a famous dad, albeit as a joke.

At the same time, the baby goes to a developing studio and an elite Kindergarten Lisa is getting ready to go to first grade. The girl loves her father, she constantly spends time with him and does not notice the disagreements between her parents.

Elizabeth gets along well with her half-sister, and she loves to mess around with her in her free time.

The ex-wife of Fedor Emelianenko - Marina Emelianenko

The ex-wife of Fedor Emelianenko - Marina Emelianenko - appeared in his life quite a long time ago, even when he was married. The fact is that Marina was an old friend of Fedor, and the first marriage broke up because of her.

Otherwise, how to explain the fact that after breaking up with his first wife, he almost immediately got along with Marina, who immediately gave birth to a daughter to the athlete. The girl turned out to be a non-public lady, so she never appeared at social events.

Marina was a housewife who took care of the house and children, and also created comfort for her husband and helped to relax between fights. The marriage was concluded after the birth of the second child in 2009, and in 2013 it was terminated for a very unexpected reason.

Fedor Emelianenko's wife - Oksana Emelianenko

The wife of Fedor Emelianenko - Oksana Emelianenko - entered the life of an athlete when they were schoolchildren. Fedor at that time was at a sports camp, and his future wife worked there as a pioneer leader.

The novel developed rapidly, while Oksana faithfully waited for her chosen one from the army, and then was present at all competitions, healing the wounds of her beloved. The marriage was concluded in 1999, and broke up seven years later, because Oksana accused her husband of treason.

The couple broke up peacefully, without making a fuss in the press, in principle, they remained friends. The most interesting thing is that after four years of living with his mistress and having children from her, Fedor returned to his first wife.

Young people got married again and even got married in 2014.

The last fights of Fedor Emelianenko watch online

The last fights of Fedor Emelianenko can be watched online either on sites on the Internet or on such an open resource as youtube. Especially popular are videos that relate to the masterpiece fights of Fedor Emelianenko against Matt Mitrione, Jaideep Singh, Dan Henderson, Tim Sylvius, Andrey Orlovsky.

It is also possible to download these battles to a flash card or to a personal computer. At the same time, all videos can be found in excellent quality in hd 720p format, which makes it available for viewing on phones and tablets.

Instagram and Wikipedia Fedor Emelianenko

Instagram and Wikipedia Fedor Emelianenko are already available long time, they qualitatively cover the sports career and personal life of the guy. On Fedor's Wikipedia page, it is possible to find reliable and up-to-date data regarding childhood and adolescence, parents and the beginning sports career. A lot of data is presented about training, winning and losing fights. Fedor's activities outside of sports are well covered, including in cinema, advertising, and politics.

On the Instagram page, you can see photos and videos from Emelianenko's personal archive. At the same time, about 3,000 people have subscribed to the profile, who want to be the first to know about everything from Fedor's life.

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