A fairy tale invented by parents about a ladybug. Facts about ladybugs. The appearance of a ladybug

Once upon a time, a ladybug was born. In summer, she enjoyed the sun and ate aphids. In late autumn, having accumulated fat, it would hide in holes in trees, in cracks between stones, or hide in a pile of fallen leaves and fall asleep until spring. She lived freely and joyfully, because from birth the ladybug was completely green, and not a single bird could see her in the summer attire of the Earth. Its rigid elytra, head with antennae, body and six legs were dark green, like a ripe cucumber. And the wings were light green, like the first grass. Ladybug was content with her quiet life. Few noticed around. Didn't make friends with anyone. And even more so, these ignorant birds, which shaded the sun from her with a shadow in flight, were indifferent to her. Which, sitting on a bush, where the cow's favorite dining room was located, swayed the branches with their weight. And sometimes the cow broke loose and fell to the ground. Which, of course, interrupted the fifth breakfast, or the sixth lunch, and maybe some of the afternoon snacks.
- What rudeness! - exclaimed the ladybug. - Immediately apologize!
But the birds did not notice her. But the cow did not insist. And so she would have lived to a ripe old age and left behind the same green offspring, if this had not happened ...
Somehow the summer turned out to be cold and damp. The insect world hid from the weather under the bark of trees and rarely showed itself outside, afraid to catch a cold. The insects were starving. Many perished. Therefore, the birds were also starving. Only woodpeckers were always full. Because they knew how to get even very deeply hidden insects, punching through the bark with their powerful beaks. And under the bark, the color is not important. It was terrible for the ladybug, which could only find a little reliable shelter in the old stump: a shallow hollow. She spent most of her time there. Her legs were weakened, her body was emaciated. And the cow thought bitterly that even if she lived to see the winter, she would hardly wake up in the spring.
And then the news reached her that a huge raven that lived in the branches of an old half-dried birch had gathered a guard of woodpeckers, and croaked such a speech:
- Woodpeckers! You are full, you are satisfied! But look! Your feathered brothers and sisters are dying around. Bright insects hid, and they are not visible. And those that merge with color with foliage, and even more so. Help other birds not to die of hunger. Here, under an old birch, white-sided magpies built a dish of burdock. Pull out some booger - bring it and put it in mugs. And when it becomes full - we will arrange a feast for the whole bird world!
- And what to do with green insects? Will they start to scatter over the burdocks, and the birds will not see them?! - asked the woodpeckers.
"We'll take care of that with the magpies." We decorate them with paints - blue, yellow, red. And the birds will see these bright spots even from a great height.
So they did. A huge flock of woodpeckers scattered to hunt. And after a few minutes, a bunch of half-asleep insects appeared in the burdocks, painted by Mother Nature in different colors. The green magpies were snatched out and, lightly pressing with one paw, so as not to crush them, they famously wielded with a thin artistic brush with their free paw, painting spider bugs to their magpie taste.
And our familiar ladybug, meanwhile, was trembling with horror. And as soon as one of the hunters got to her simple shelter, the cow, without resisting, got out of the hollow herself and rolled along the slope of the stump, where she was grabbed by a woodpecker.
- Listen, dear woodpecker! - the cow suddenly spoke and was surprised at her courage. - Listen! Release me please! You are not hungry, are you? And I'm small, inconspicuous, no one has ever tried me. What if I'm poisonous? Well, what are you worth?! Just open your beak - I will fall into the grass and quickly slip away. No one will accuse you of helping insects.
The woodpecker was silent.
- Why are you silent?! - Ladybug screamed in despair.
“I don’t talk to food,” the woodpecker muttered, opening its beak.
And then the cow fell into a dish of burdocks.
Finding herself in the paws of a magpie, the ladybug was only surprised at how carefully she was treated, how they tried not to hurt her. And when she turned around to look at the drawing, she even liked it. The elytra became bright red, and seven even black spots settled down, three on the sides and one near the head. Watching the burdocks fill up, the ladybug saw that some insects still managed to escape. And then our brave cow strained with all her might to figure out what to do now? Horrible! She is the brightest of all, she simply must be pecked first. "Well, no!" thought the ladybug. "I'm so beautiful now, I don't want to become someone's food in the prime of my life!"
Here is a bird already aiming to grab a cow. But she suddenly folded her paws and fell out of the dish, falling to the ground with her belly up. Her antennae drooped and she remained motionless.
The bird, which was just about to peck at the unfortunate one, stared at the cow in surprise, stamped around a little and asked:
- You're dead, right?
Having received no answer, the bird cringed in disgust, pecked at a blue bug from the dish and flew away.
The ladybug remained lying like this until all the feathered brethren had eaten and scattered home.
Evening came, and then night. And only then, in complete darkness, the ladybug turned over on its paws and trudged away from the terrible place. "What to do? How to live now?!" she thought. "No peace. Just do what you hide!" the cow cried.
- Mother Nature! Mother Nature! she pleaded. - Look how bright I am. You can see me from the moon! Help! Make it so that these gluttonous predators do not love my taste.
- So be it, I'll help you! Mother Nature replied. - I will give you this aphid filled with a caustic liquid. Swallow it. And as soon as one of the birds wants to peck you - spit out a drop. From now on, not a single bird will consider you a delicacy. Even the hungriest! Mother Nature smiled.
And, indeed, the very first magpie that tried to dine on a ladybug spat it out in disgust. And she spread the news all over the world about a tasteless bright red bug with black dots. And the ladybug again healed calmly. And, to our joy, her offspring turned out to be just as smart.

Fairy tales and stories about ladybugs!



She was an ordinary insect: she flew, ate, slept. In general, she did everything that a normal ladybug was supposed to do. But what about without it? Life laid in her such a program: to get food for herself. What for? Ladybug didn't know. But Life said so, and it carried out these instructions.

But one day ... the light went out. Darkness shrouded everything... No, not everything. Only ladybug. It was the children who covered her with a mug.

Several hours passed. The cow was sitting in a matchbox, where almost the entire place was filled with some kind of flower. This, you see, is her food.

In the first hour of its imprisonment, the ladybug was still trying to get out. No matter how! She kept bumping into the walls… And then they put this huge flower in a matchbox, and it became completely impossible to even crawl there.

The worst thing is the darkness. Darkness and stiffness of movement - it was impossible to fly. Now the ladybug understood what light and flight are. This is the joy that Life has given her. Previously, the cow was sure that the light was given in order to see the prey, and flight, so that the prey was easier to catch. And everything, it turns out, is the opposite. Food is needed only in order to live, and life, in turn, is given in order to rejoice. And the children took away this joy from her.

An eternity passed ... Suddenly, the ladybug heard a child's voice from her confinement.

- Artyomka now torments the animals. He doesn't have enough of me.

The matchbox suddenly lit up with bright sunlight.

- Fly! Listen, fly!

Ladybug couldn't believe her eyes

- Faster!

She flew out. Here it is, the sun! Here it is, the light! This is what life strives for!

And the last thing the ladybug heard from her little savior was:

- I'll get it from Artyomka...

Author Svetlana Rubina Source: Proza.ru


Ladybug It suddenly got warmer, and small creatures, spider bugs, immediately came to life, because they don’t need much. I go to the bathroom in the morning. I twist the faucets, one, the other, I look in the mirror, I take a brush, a tube, I press, nothing climbs, I look in the mirror - a ladybug. Not a fly, a cockroach, an ant. Ladybug. They don't happen in the summer either. So that at home, in the bathroom, on the mirror.

She noticed me and flew away. The lamp shines, it is around it. I think we need to capture her and release her. I went to the kitchen, there were some newspapers, you can tear off a piece, put a cow on it, go out onto the balcony, blow. "Ladybug, fly away to the sky." He warmed tea, poured it, took out bread and butter from the refrigerator, made a sandwich. He took out jam, good jam, made from gooseberries, it was candied, such a plump gooseberry. I love candied jam most of all ... The tea is hot, it smokes, the jam is delicious. Strong tea, boiling water. Sugar melts on the teeth. Oh yes, I forgot. About a ladybug. Well, goodbye, see you tonight.

In the evening we come home with Masha, I go into the bathroom - she sits. On the mirror. But I wanted to send SMS to Mashka in the morning! What a ladybug we have! Spring, sort of! Meet her. And the phone, oops, is discharged, well, it takes a long time to charge it, why now. I'll tell you in the evening. Forgot again, of course.

I go into the room. I put on a mysterious look.

- Do you know, - I say, - who settled in our bathroom?

- WHO???

I should have prepared Masha, but I somehow missed this moment. And now there is no turning back. As if nothing had happened, I hug Masha and, overcoming her resistance, lead me to the bathroom. Masha squints and grimaces, slowly raises her eyes from the floor and higher, higher - and I wait for her gaze to rest on the mirror and the beautiful ladybug on it. "Miracle!" - and Masha will smile, happy.

Masha finally notices the ladybug and quickly hides her head in my armpit.

We move into the room.

- Well, it's a ladybug! They are beautiful and completely harmless. And the butterflies? Are you afraid of butterflies too?

- I'm afraid!!

- Butterflies?!

- They are worse than worms!

- ???

- Worms, at least they are honest, they don't pretend. And the butterflies, from a distance they seem beautiful, but when it flies close, you can immediately see that it is a worm, only with wings! And if he sits on you, you can even die here.

But you love spiders!

I love spiders, but they're not insects.

- Don't you like insects in general?

Well, ants...

- And the beetles? There are bugs ... - I make a vague gesture with my hand.

Masha goes back to the bathroom.

Already from the bathroom:

- Although, ladybugs, of course, they are nothing ...

Author Dmitry Brisenko

source http://www.topos.ru/article/2959


How a ladybug was looking for the meaning of life, or how to become a wizard One beautiful warm sunny morning, a ladybug woke up from a breath of wind that swayed the flower on which she slept ... Today she hit exactly 5 points on her back, and she was extremely unhappy with this ... Ladybugs are generally strange creatures, their day they are not accustomed to celebrating birth like people... The life of an ordinary, average ladybug is 6 points... this is very little by human standards, and even less by ladybugs. There are, of course, centenarians - 12 pointers, but now we are not talking about them ...

Our ladybug woke up this morning with the feeling that her end was inexorably approaching and that in her whole little life of God, she did not have time to do anything worthwhile ... Except for the thousands of flowers that she helped to pollinate, well, and a couple more three very insignificant (by her standards) cases, which are difficult to call meaning, let alone purpose .... So she decided as soon as possible, before the appearance of the last, sixth point on her back, to do something that brought if her name went down in history, illuminated her entire life path... She decided to find her own meaning of life...

Before doing this important and responsible business, she washed her face with dew, cleaned her wings, refreshed herself a little with flower nectar and flew ... For some reason it seemed to her that in the forest, in the meadow, among the flowers, where she was born and where her life, she would never find her destiny ... so she went straight to the city ... Having overcome thousands of kilometers, dozens of rivers, a couple of lakes, several puddles and one huge suspension bridge ... She ended up in the city. Motley, smoky, noisy - it was the complete opposite of the forest and from the roof of the house, where the ladybug took a breath, it looked like a huge anthill ... "How can you find anything in it at all?" - the ladybug thought in dismay, but her intuition told her: "Do not retreat, you are on the right track!".

The first people our little lady bug started talking to were pigeons. These beautiful birds hosted on all the roofs of the city, they knew a lot about people, and constantly chatted, interrupting each other, from which the ladybug (for some reason) considered them smart. The pigeons advised her to look for the meaning of life in the windows of people ... Well, if not him, then she will definitely find bread crumbs there, they reasoned. "Smart Birds!" concluded the ladybug.

The first window she looked into was on the 4th floor of a gray standard building, no different from a million of the exact same ones. A small heart of a ladybug pointed the way to this house. In the window, she saw a lot of kids (5-6 years old)... They played, laughed, ran around the rooms, jumped... like all ordinary children. But, something was still wrong in them ... Maybe clothes? The same pants and blouses ... they had few toys .... they often cried and something else ... Oh yes, they called their nanny - MOTHER, every one of them, each One of them, a little blue-eyed boy did not wanted to play, he sat by the window and drew letters on the misted glass: "A-M-A", erased them, breathed on the glass, and wrote again: "M-A-A", erased and wrote, again and again, until the coveted "M-A-M-A" did not work out. Then he noticed a tiny ladybug behind the glass, which had been watching him for a long time, and had already pretty much frozen. The boy opened the window and took her in his little warm hands... First he twisted her, stroked her, counted all five dots on her back, blew on her for the last time, then put her on his palm and suddenly chattered: "Ladybug, fly away to the sky , bring me bread..." ...suddenly thought, shook his head negatively from side to side... and sang again: "...bring me... MOMMA and DAD!" and blew ... The ladybug fell off her palm and flew away ... This little boy with blue eyes touched her soul so much that she wanted to cry (yes, yes, even ladybugs sometimes cry and they also have a soul) ... "How to help, what to do!?" - she thought, and at this time she rose higher and higher, until, finally, she flew up into the clouds. And there (you may not believe me, of course), but she met God. "I know everything," he said, "I saw everything! You can help him!" “I really, really want this,” the ladybug pleaded. "But only for this I will draw the last dot on your back, and you will be forced to stay forever in heaven, are you ready for such a sacrifice?" the Lord asked. Not a second, without thinking, the ladybug answered: "Yes!"

The next day the boy was taken from the orphanage. His mom and dad finally found him and took him home ... Ladybug fulfilled her destiny, found her meaning in life. God has done another good deed. We can say that everyone is happy, and the fairy tale ended wonderfully...

And everything would be fine, but thousands of lonely children remained behind the glass of this gray typical building, so similar to many exactly the same ones, and who knows if their cherished ladybug will fly for them someday ...

How little is needed for happiness, a little magic and life turns into a fairy tale! It is joyful to realize that each of us can become a magician, you just have to want ...

source http://lib.babr.ru/index.php?book=3221

Faddeeva Julia


The Tale of the Ladybug and the Sun. It was a warm May day. The gentle Sun shone brightly, generously giving all his love. Small midges, spiders, bees - all basked under its gentle rays.

Ladybug busily flew from bushes to flowers, from flowers to trees, from trees to grass. She had many pressing concerns. I had to take care of the business. Make a lot of supplies in your cozy home corner. She had absolutely no time to pay attention to how beautiful it is around, how the Sun plays with its bunnies in the foliage, and how gently it closes the flower petals.

Suddenly, everyone around fussed, ran, flew, hurried. An unimaginable uproar ensued.

- Look, look, the sun has begun to set! - shouted the Ant running past, - Look, these are its last rays!
- Shouted, - Ladybug muttered displeasedly, - Why are you yelling? The first time it sits down, or what?

The ant didn't answer her. He stopped and watched as the Sun slowly descended behind the foliage of the trees, giving the Earth its last red-yellow, tired rays.
- Ah! What a beauty! - heard Ladybug. This was said by the Spider, who was sitting on a newly skillfully woven web. He looked through it at the Sun. And finally, it decided to play with it a little: it entangled its rays in the thin threads of the web, decorating them with all the colors of the rainbow.

- Ouch! Idlers! - grumblingly condemned Ladybug Spider and the Sun, - Do you have nothing else to do?

The spider didn't say anything to her. He continued to admire the unusual coloring of the web.

A bumblebee flew past, smoothly and with dignity. He sat on a flower and slowly began to collect fragrant nectar. But, suddenly, he stopped and began to watch the sun shine through the petals of a flower. It was so wonderful that Bumblebee completely forgot about the delicious nectar. He admired the velvet petals, as if glowing from within.

Ladybug didn't say anything to him. She had wasted too much time already.

Finally, the Sun flashed its last ray, waving them all in the end, like a palm.

Night covered the earth. After, she gave way to Morning. But the sun never appeared. It didn't show up during the day. Instead, strong Wind and Rain appeared. It became cold and uncomfortable.

Ladybug hid in a dry corner under a currant leaf. She was cold and sad. She missed the warming, gentle rays of the Sun, and was very sorry that she did not say goodbye to him. Never, never is she destined to see the Sun in the Sky. Ladybug lamented that she never looked at his beautiful sunset rays ...

So the whole day passed. The next Day came, but it was not illuminated by the Sun either. It did not even think of appearing in Heaven.

Another cloudy, cold day has passed.

Finally, the Morning of the Fourth Day arrived. It began with a bright, colorful Dawn. He smeared orange, pink, blue colors across the Sky with long bright stripes, joyfully informing everyone that the long-awaited Sun is about to appear!

Ladybug woke up and saw this colorful Dawn. She was seized with a premonition of an extraordinary miracle, ready to happen now. She began to tensely, holding her breath, peering at the edge of the Earth, from where the Sun could appear ...

And now the sun has appeared! It was just as sweet and warm as always. But it seemed to Ladybug that she had never seen such a wonderful Sunrise in her life!
- It's so beautiful! she exhaled admiringly.

And the sun rose higher and higher. It illuminated and warmed everything around. And all-all gave his love and affection.

Since then, Ladybug has always met and seen off the Sun. It was like seeing him for the first and last time. Each time she joyfully greeted him and, with the hope of a future meeting, said goodbye. Now she knew that everything good, even the most familiar and permanent, can be lost forever. And now, Ladybug appreciated every Sunny Day.


A fairy tale about a girl Yulia and a ladybug Masha Written and dedicated to my four year old daughter who is terribly afraid of ladybugs...

The setting sun rolled towards the earth. The last warm days were outside. The birds wearily sang their evening song and only the girl Yulia was not going to sleep. She learned the alphabet because she was going to go to school. It was getting colder in the courtyard, and Yulia, since she was an obedient girl, ran to put on warm and cozy slippers. It was not only Yulia who got cold. Ladybug Masha squeezed through a small crack, spread her little wings and stared in surprise at Yulia, around whom cards with letters drawn on them were laid out.
- Hello, - said Masha, - my name is Masha.
The girl Yulia, although she was a smart and good girl, was very afraid of ladybugs, because she had never seen them and because of this, having opened her mouth, she could not utter a word.
“You probably don’t know how to talk yet,” Masha said understandingly. - What a pity, I so wanted to at least chat with someone today ...
She made a frustrated look and was about to turn around and fly away, when Yulia finally said:
How can I not speak? I can even do it!
“Then why didn’t you say hello to me, or are you an ill-mannered girl?” - ladybug Masha stood on the window and kept her hands resting on the barrels.
- You yourself are ill-bred! - the girl Yulia, although she was well-mannered and obedient, was very fond of arguing. - My name is Julia, and I didn’t say hello to you because I’m very afraid of you.
When the ladybug Masha heard that Yulia was afraid of her, she laughed so loudly and loudly that even the dozing sparrows in the yard woke up and chirped.
- How so? Why are you afraid of me? I'm very small and I can't harm a big girl like you, even if I want to. Or did you see I have horns, like a real cow, with which I can gore you?
- No, - Julia said confusedly. - You don't have any horns.
- Or maybe you see I have big sharp teeth, like a wolf, with which I can bite you?
“I don’t see it either,” Yulia said even more perplexedly. - You don't have sharp teeth, Masha.
- Then maybe you see my shaggy paws, with which I can grab you and drag you into the dark forest? - Ladybug Masha suggested even more cheerfully.
- You don't have any paws - you're a little ladybug! Ladybugs don't have horns, sharp teeth, or shaggy paws.
"Well then, why are you afraid of me?" Masha laughed. “Which of us two should be afraid, it’s me. After all, you are a big girl, much bigger and taller than me. If you accidentally step on me... oh, I don't even want to think about what will become of me.
Little by little, the girl Yulia, talking with Masha, relaxed and realized that she was not scary at all, but a very funny ladybug. They talked a lot and for a long time. Yulia told Masha what letters she had learned, what games she played with children in the kindergarten, and how she helped her mom and dad, and Masha told Yulia about the world of flowers and insects. About hard-working ants, about lazy beetles, about beautiful fashionistas butterflies, about bees that produce tasty and healthy honey. Then the ladybug told the girl Yulia that for the winter they go to bed with their whole family and sleep all winter.
- How! Like this all winter? Julia was surprised.
- Of course. I don’t go to kindergarten, and I don’t have a warm coat and mittens either. And how can I fly when it's snowing outside and all the flowers and grass are covered with a big snow blanket? Spring will come and we will see you again, - said the ladybug Masha, yawning. - Good night, Julia. I enjoyed talking to you, but it's time for me to go to bed.
- Good night, Masha. Be sure to visit in the spring! - Julia waved goodbye to Masha and went to get ready for bed.


Katya's fairy tale The ladybug lived happily ever after in a red house until she realized that it was not a house, but wings. But at first the wings were not a burden to her, but a joy, because flying turned out to be much more pleasant than staying at home. Nothing that didn't have a house, the grasshopper didn't have a house either. The red ant had a house, but it did not have a single wing. And the worm had a mink, but no one went to visit him, because it was dark and boring in the mink. The ladybug flew from flower to flower, and at night she chose one that would gently cradle her.

At first, the lower flowers lulled her, then the higher ones, and when she grew bolder, she spent the night in the elder flowers. Elderberry was an evil nanny. Instead of "bayushka-bayu", she sang at the top of her voice: "... ladybug-fly-to-sky."

- Where is the sky?

- Fly - you will know.

- Do dandelions grow there?

- Fly - you will know.

- Do they fly back from there?

- Fly - you will know.

The ladybug obeyed and flew away.

For three days and three nights she liked wings.

- Dear wings, how kind you are, how light you are, how strong you are!

For three more days and three nights she asked them:

- Dear wings, carry me to the sky, plant-

those over there on that golden dandelion!

And it was a far, far away star, and it became farther and farther, even though the ladybug flew closer and closer ...

Oh, how well she lived in the red house, how she wants to live in the red house, dear wings, build a red house, and I will live in it again!

The red house fell to the ground and the windows shattered.

The ant looked into the empty red house and decided that it was a great garage for his Zhiguli.

Elderberry laughed until she dropped, rejoicing at her joke. The elderberry turned purple, and the dandelions faded, sowing the earth with far, far stars.


The Story of the Stupid Ladybug
To the boy alone, (at the dacha it was) the village
ladybug on the palm and began to tickle the palm
legs. The boy immediately fell in love with her and began to feed her.
He plucked a blade of grass and gave it to a ladybug:
- Eat, cow! -

And she won't eat for some reason! The boy says to his mother:
- Look how stupid she is - she doesn't eat grass.
Only runs on the palm of your hand and tickles with your legs.

Then the boy took one small piece of paper
and gave it to the ladybug:
- Come on, cow, eat! -

And she doesn't eat. Only the palm is tickled by the legs.
The boy says to his mother:
- No, she is still stupid, and does not eat a leaf,
for some reason.

And he took one (only one!) flower, chamomile,
gave it to the ladybug:
- Eat, eat!

Well, he doesn't eat at all. The boy says to his mother:
- How stupid she is, she doesn’t eat anything!
Only my palm tickles with his legs!

Ladybug ran, ran along the palm, climbed
on the finger, revealed her beautiful red in black
speck of wings and flew away.

The boy then said to his mother:
- Mom! Just look, she's so stupid, but she flies!

(composed by Andrey Grishin, 4 years old)

The moth Motya stood out among other moths. He had wings of an unusual red color. But that wasn't the point. Moti the moth had a secret...

Listen to a fairy tale (4min2sec)

Bedtime story about the moth Motya

There lived a moth. His name was Motya. Ordinary moths are dull and inconspicuous, but this one had wings of a completely unusual red color.

Forest dwellers have repeatedly asked the moth why its wings are so red and beautiful, but the moth did not reveal its secret to anyone.

Someone said that this kind princess of the dawn shared her bright color with him, and someone believed that, on the contrary, this evil dwarf decided to attract a moth for his unenviable deeds and made his wings turn red.

Who was right anyway?

The moth itself stubbornly kept silent ...

But then one day a rumor spread through the forest that the ladybug Greta was in trouble. The evil spider Gus wove a web and Greta got tangled in it. Spider Gus did not want to release the ladybug into the wild.

Because in this way he decided to sow fear in the forest! Let everyone be afraid of him, and if necessary, they will bow to him.

The moth Motya decided to free the ladybug Greta from captivity.

“Hey, spider, come out to fight, I will deal with you,” he said boldly.

And a battle ensued. The forces were about equal. The first day of the winner did not reveal.

The moth began to think. It was necessary in some unusual way to defeat the spider Gus.

The next day he poured a bucket of water and hid it in the bushes. When the spider appeared, the battle began again. At some point, the spider hesitated, and the moth poured a bucket of water on it. The spider's paws instantly got wet, and he could not move them. At the same time, the moth Motya broke the web and freed the ladybug Greta. Motya the moth and Greta the ladybug quickly flew to the Sunny Meadow, which was loved by all the inhabitants of the Emerald Forest.

There Greta came to her senses. She thanked the moth Motya for freeing her from captivity. And then the moth unexpectedly said that once upon a time he also had to free a captive from the web - a red-winged butterfly. Its wings were so weak that it could not fly. Motya the moth lent her his wings for a while. But when she returned them, they were already red, the same as the previous butterfly wings.

This is how the wings of the moth turned red. Over time, he got used to them. Why didn't you tell this story to anyone? Because he was modest, and did not want excessive noise.

The moth made friends with the ladybug Greta. They often walked together in the Sunny meadow.

And here is the end of the story.

A story about a ladybug for children will tell interesting information about this bug.

Ladybug story

Ladybug is an insect that is distributed throughout the globe. More than 4,000 species of ladybugs are known. Ladybugs are not necessarily scarlet, and dots are not necessarily black, and there may not be dots at all, there may be stripes, spots, and even commas. It all depends on the type of insect.

The ladybug has small wings, and under them are rigid translucent underwings. The ladybug is able to deftly crawl along the stalks of grasses, and can fly long distances.

The bright coloration of ladybugs - red or yellow with black dots - has a protective function, warning predators such as insectivorous birds that ladybugs have a very unpleasant taste.

Why is the ladybug called that? The origin of the name "cow" is most likely due to the peculiarity of the bug: it can give milk, and not ordinary, but red! Such a liquid is released in case of danger from the paws. Milk is very unpleasant in taste and in large doses it is even DEADLY! for predators who want to eat a cow.

And "God's" she may have been nicknamed for her harmless nature and help in preserving the crop by destroying aphids.

According to ancient beliefs, the cow is directly connected with God, she lives in heaven and only occasionally descends to earth. In ancient Russia, a ladybug was asked about the upcoming weather. If she flew away from the palm of her hand, it meant good weather, and if not, then bad weather.

The ladybug is not only beautiful and people love to admire it, it is also useful for humans! The ladybug insect in large quantities destroys various dangerous pests, which brings great benefits to agriculture.

Ladybug, despite its harmless appearance, is a predator. It eats inactive aphids - pests of plants. On the day this crumb destroys almost a hundred aphids or three hundred of their larvae. One ladybug lays about four hundred eggs in her life. Each of them hatches a larva, which also feeds on aphids. It grows and pupates in less than a month. The pupa is glued to the leaves and hangs upside down. Soon an adult ladybug emerges from it.

Some farmers specifically breed ladybugs on their plots. And so that such a useful insect does not fly away, they arrange special houses where the bugs can comfortably spend the winter.

How long does a ladybug live? Ladybugs live from 2 months to 2 years, but in winter they hibernate. The ladybug hibernates in cracks under the bark, under stones, in fallen leaves on the edges of the forest. For the winter, the bugs gather in large groups.

The ladybug is considered a symbol of good luck; in ancient times, people worshiped this insect and idolized it. The image of this beetle on clothes or various decorations was considered a talisman.

The ancient Slavs considered the ladybug a messenger of the sun goddess. It is believed that you can not drive away the ladybug, which sat on you, so as not to frighten off fortune.

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