Gordon Ramsay lost a child. Famous chef and presenter Gordon Ramsay: biography, professional activity, personal life. Gordon Ramsay - quotes

Gordon James Ramsay (eng. Gordon James Ramsay, born 1966) is a British chef and TV presenter known for his eccentricity, who became the first Scottish native to receive three Michelin stars. Collectively, he earned 16 such stars. The general public is known as the host of a number of popular shows that appeared on the screens of the British TV channels Ramsay`s Kitchen Nighmares, Hell's Kitchen, The F-Word, as well as their overseas counterparts. He is the owner of many restaurants located in many countries, and the author of a dozen culinary bestsellers.

Childhood and youth

Gordon James Ramsay was born on November 8, 1966 in the Scottish city of Johnstone in large family. The mother of the future celebrity worked as a nurse, and his father was engaged in various activities ─ from working as a welder to owning small business. In this regard, the family constantly changed their place of residence, finally stopping in the small town of Stratford-upon-Avon.

Like a real Brit, Ramsay was passionate about football and had good success, gaining a foothold in the youth team of Warwickshire by the age of 12. All this inspired thoughts about a professional football career.

As soon as the young man turned 18, he was invited to watch the legendary Scottish club Glasgow Rangers, whose fan was Ramsay himself. However, fate was pleased to send him on a different path, since during one of the first training sessions he received a serious meniscus injury, which put an end to football. Despite the attempts made to restore it, it was not possible to do it fully. Today Ramsay talks about it like this: "That accident was best event in my life".

But then he experienced the deepest disappointment, and more out of desperation than consciously, he goes to college to learn how to manage a hotel and a restaurant. Over time, it turned out that he liked this occupation, and he devoted himself entirely to the study of cooking. Now he says: "Food has become the meaning of my life." And the success of the chef, which was achieved largely through passion, drive and hard work, confirms this.

First culinary experience

After receiving his diploma, Ramsay gets a job at the London restaurant "Harvey" S, which was led by Marco Pierre White. Two years later, Ramsay's career begins to develop upwards, as evidenced by an invitation to the famous restaurant "Le Gavroche". This institution once received the first in Foggy Albion three stars, however, lost one of them by the time Gordon arrived there. Here, a talented culinary specialist with great zeal began to study authentic French cuisine under the guidance of chef A. Ru. He invited him to the Hotel Diva restaurant a year later, located in the French Alps.For several years, experienced chefs ─ G. Savoie, J. Robuchon worked next to him.Then Ramsay worked in Paris and on a private yacht in Bermuda.

Returning to his homeland, Gordon gets a job at the London restaurant La Tante Claire, located in the Chelsea area. The next step in Ramsay's career ladder was helped by the same A. Roux, who invited him to work as a chef at the Aubergine restaurant. For four years of work in it, Gordon, together with his team, achieved the award of two Michelin stars to the institution, but he could not further develop his success. Due to disagreements with the owner, the hot-handed Briton left the restaurant. Ramsay later recalled that it seemed not easy to decide on this step, but he opened the way for him to independent swimming.

In 1988, he fulfills an old dream and opens his first own restaurant, Gordon Ramsay Royal Hospital Road, awarded three Michelin stars in 2001. Today, under this name is a large restaurant holding, the market value exceeds 160 million dollars, and one of its owners is Ramzi himself (69% of the shares). At the same time, he launched another restaurant, Petrus, later scandalously famous for the fact that some bankers dined there, having spent 44,000 pounds on wine.

Serious success inspired the British to create in 2002 the company "Gordon Ramsay Holdings Limited", which was engaged in the opening of restaurants. The first institutions were established in the UK, and then began to appear in other countries. Now Ramsay's culinary empire already has several dozen restaurants that can be found in various parts of the world - New York, Las Vegas, Doha, new establishments have recently been opened in Hong Kong and Singapore. The world-famous chef has bypassed Russia so far. main reason, according to him, lies in the absence of chefs of the highest qualification here.

Nevertheless, Gordon has a certain connection with Russia. It was he who was responsible for organizing a business lunch during V. Putin's first visit to Foggy Albion. Many years later, the chef was invited to the program of the First Channel "Evening Urgant", which is still the only one on domestic television, which was visited by a famous restaurateur.

Participation in cooking shows

In 1998, Ramsay made his TV debut in the documentary mini-series Boiling Point, then there was a little-known episode in one TV show. Widespread fame came to the chef in 2004, when he appeared on television in the program Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares. In it, the presenter talked about possible problems, which cooks can expect, and suggested ways to overcome them. Around the same time, the legendary "Hell's Kitchen" appears on the air. In the first season, Ramsay taught cooking classes to various celebrities, the best of which were lucky enough to open their own restaurant in London, though only for two weeks. The members later competed for the opportunity to work with Ramsay.

In 2005, Gordon began hosting the TV project The F-Word, a show about the benefits of healthy food with elements of competitions and interviews with guests. It is notable for its filming locations, which once took place in real prison. In another episode, while filming in Iceland, Gordon fell from an 85-meter cliff right into the icy water and even managed to say goodbye to life during the flight, but everything worked out. In addition, he has appeared on UK TV's Christmas with Gordon and Ramsay's Best Restaurant, and overseas as a producer and judge on America's Best Chef.

life credo

He calls himself a passionate guy and does not hide that he is not enthusiastic about many things - shy restaurant guests, slow sommeliers, colleagues with big bellies and everyone who intends to make him an offer to come to a dinner party. The chef does not go into his pocket for a word and can call people who are unprofessional in the kitchen with a rude word. In his shows, Gordon is used to giving all his best, but he does not like to watch them and never does.

Unlike many colleagues, Ramsay does not weigh one and a half centners. He believes that a chef has no right to be fat and adheres to the Chinese philosophy of eating, which involves eating multiple meals in small portions. In his work, the master relies on three main principles - perseverance, passion and dedication to his work. Of the many dishes, Ramsay singles out a good steak with green salad. Gordon's restaurants only use natural products that undergo minimal heat treatment. At the same time, the dishes always have the richest taste palette, in which the chef himself has few equals in the world. He also likes the opportunity to beat the usual dishes in such a way that they become something unusual.

In their current years Ramsay has great shape, is actively involved in cycling and is a real competitor in muscle strength to his son Jack.

Writer's path

Surprisingly, with a huge busy schedule, Ramsay still has time to literary activity. Perhaps because this business gives him no less pleasure than cooking. His first book, Passion for Taste, was released in 1996. Since then, over the course of ten years, he has written 14 works, among which were two autobiographies. All books instantly became bestsellers and were translated into many languages.

Personal life

Despite his eccentricity, Gordon Ramsay remains monogamous in his personal life. He married quite late to the teacher Kaitana Elizabeth Hutchenson. The beloved wife gave her husband four children, who, like their father, have experience in television filming in the TV show The F-Word. “Family is very important to me,” says Gordon, and as proof he cites a good family tradition - joint meals that are held three times a week. He considers it very important for the unity of the household and even wrote the book "Family Sunday Dinner" about it.

One of the closest friends of the famous chef is the equally famous British footballer D. Beckham. They have been friends for a long time and often spend time together, celebrating joint holidays.

Gordon James Ramsay is an unsurpassed restaurateur and famous British chef, a thunderstorm of lazy cooks and the most scandalous star culinary showbiz. Ramsay is the owner of 13 Michelin stars and the main "specialist" in French cuisine, does not tolerate vegetarianism and runs the London Marathon. In the kitchen of his main restaurant, Gordon Ramsay, in Chelsea, Blair and Abramovich tested their culinary skills.

The attitude towards the master among the brothers in the workshop is far from unambiguous. The indecent manners of Gordon Ramsay and the explosive nature of the eccentric Scot do not add friends to him, but rather repel many who want to communicate with him. Unanimously recognizing his talent, colleagues can not put up with his rudeness and excessive straightforwardness and believe that this only harms his popularity.

But his fans do not think so at all - the audience of Gordon Ramsay and his programs "Hell's Kitchen", "Kitchen Nightmares" and "The F-Word". His manner of cooking, mouth-watering comments at the same time, memorable movements and facial expressions attract the attention of the audience, and the usual abuse is perceived by them as nothing more than a spicy addition to the show.

“In England they are accustomed not to eat, but to refuel”

The famous Scot never and did not admit where he got this taste for good food? “In England, they are accustomed not to eat, but to refuel without disassembling the quality of food,” he once expressed himself not very flatteringly about his fellow tribesmen. While doing an internship in France, he saw that you can enjoy food, its shades. Therefore, I set myself the task of teaching my compatriots to do this.

Today, in his numerous interviews, the guru is very pleased that things are moving forward with common efforts: in the UK, in last years restaurants of a new level began to appear, enabling the British to feel the taste of real food.

Moreover, they began to eat less: good food, according to Gordon Ramsay, like a luxurious wine, quickly brings pleasure and saturation. At the same time, he admits that his life has long been controlled by food, and it is built on food - both professionally and in terms of enjoying the process itself.

Instead of a soccer ball, a ladle

A native of the Scottish city of Johnstone, in 1976, at the age of 10, he moved with his family to Statford-upon-Avon, in England. Gordon Ramsay's father is not very successful businessman mother is a nurse. There were four children in the family. In childhood and adolescence, he was seriously interested in football: he played in various age teams, and at the age of 18 he signed a contract with the Glasgow Rangers club. However, a leg injury ended his entire football career.

He tried to enter the Royal Navy and the police - did not have enough points. And yet it is difficult to explain why a guy under a meter ninety tall, dreaming of football and not fitting into size 50 shoes, chose the restaurant business.

Already while studying at college, he decides to seriously engage in cooking. During these years, the qualities that were formed in him under the influence of football are manifested: perseverance, determination, the ability to work in a team. And even though instead of a football field and a ball in front of him now there was a stove and a sharp chef's knife - the same success loomed ahead, leadership, which means there was something to strive for.

"Use your strengths and improve your weaknesses"

After 26 years, the already world-famous master will say: “There are only two ways in cooking - either you go along with it and a little ahead of it, or you disappear without a trace. The secret of success is to be imitated. If it doesn't, then you haven't been successful. So use your strengths and perfect the weak."
In his usual eccentric manner, this brawler admitted to reporters: "I cook a hell of a lot." And he immediately added that without the constant striving for new ideas and constant cooking, he would never have become what he is now - the owner of three Michelin stars and a 69% stake in Gordon Ramsay Holdings Limited.

Working for 15 hours a day, he requires feedback from his subordinates. He knows exactly what is going on at that moment in each of the restaurants of his holding - what is being prepared, whether the recipe is maintained. This was made possible thanks to the webcams installed above the stoves of the cooks, which allows you to watch the work of each of them online.

Of course, his first post-college job, at Harvey's in London, didn't have webcams. Yes, there was no need for them: his boss Marco Pierre Huyata worked nearby. At that time, he was increasingly attracted to French cuisine - refined, refined and so unlike English. Having gained experience, two years later the guru goes to the famous Albert Roux in the no less famous three-star French restaurant Le Gavroche. And a year later, he leaves with him for France to the fashionable resort restaurant Diva, which has just opened in the Alps.

Many years later, recalling his internship in France, he will say that he felt like an ugly boy among the French, acutely aware of his inferiority, this nation seemed so arrogant to him.

Gordon Ramsay's path to success.

When he returned to London four years later, he was already a mature master. He was immediately taken as a chef at La Tante Claire, and soon, at the invitation of the same Albert Roux, he moved to Aubergine. This is where the indefatigable nature of the Guru manifests itself: for three years of work in the restaurant, a young but talented chef raised his rating to two stars.

1996 Gordon thirty. He is the owner of the fourth part of Aubergine. But this is not enough for him, he has matured to open his own restaurant. This year in general became special for him: his first book “Passion for Taste” is published, he marries Cayetana Elizabeth Hutchenson, and soon leaves Aubergine. His authority among his subordinates turned out to be so great that the entire restaurant staff, from cooks to waitresses, quit with him.

But what about the usual role of a brawler and foul language? Saves it for the camera. Peculiar marketing ploy for his numerous TV shows, and very successful. And then, in 1997, Aubergine was forced to close, the damage for three months of downtime was estimated at a million pounds. So Gordon also had to deal with problems with former partners.

Be that as it may, six months later, in 1998, his first own restaurant, Gordon Ramsay at Royal Hospital Road, was opened on the site of La Tante Claire in Chelsea, and three years later, in 2001, he already had three stars.

Also in 2001, he founded Gordon Ramsay Holdings, which quickly stepped outside the UK. Restaurants began to open 2-3 a year and after a short time became owners of Michelin stars. Today, Ramsay's restaurant empire has about 30 restaurants: 11 in the UK, not counting pubs, the rest outside of it - in Ireland, Italy, France, the United Arab Emirates, the USA, Canada. There are even in Japan and Australia.

This is confirmed by his numerous titles: He is the recipient of three prestigious Catey awards: as best newcomer(1995), as the best chef (2000), as the best restaurateur (2006). In 2006, he became the most influential person in the hospitality industry in Britain, beating Oliver Jimmy. It remains to add to the list the Order of the British Empire, which was presented to him in 2005 by Queen Elizabeth II herself. The Scot is no less famous as a writer. He has written about 14 books, many of which have been translated into Russian.

The secret of success: be different

But on the restaurant business and books alone, the master would not have earned even half of the wild popularity that he has today. "Great and terrible" he became thanks to television. It all started with the documentary program "Boiling Point" in 1998. But the TV show "Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares", "Hell's Kitchen" ("Hell's Kitchen"), "The F-Word" ("The F-Word") brought him real fame. An excellent psychologist, he quickly realized that he needed at least something to stand out in a long line of, in general, similar cooking shows - by theme, demeanor. You need to become not like everyone else, and even better - to shock the viewer.

So, the successful, memorable name of his program “The F Word” was based on the coincidence of the initial letters of the words fuck and food and the habit of its star presenter to swear with or without reason. The eccentric celebrity is so generous in expressions that watching his programs after nine in the evening, when the censorship of the word fuck is removed in Britain, is strongly discouraged for parents in the presence of children.
His most popular show Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares (2004) is a kind of investigation into the viability of culinary establishments. Ramsay takes any one restaurant, does not get out of his kitchen for a week, scrupulously studying the state of affairs, identifies problems and immediately takes up their solution. All this, of course, is accompanied on his part by impartial epithets addressed to the institution itself, its management and staff. One has only to imagine what it is like to listen to all this to the shamed side. But, thanks to his experience and invested funds, in each case it is possible to rectify the situation.

In the end, everyone is happy the owners of the reanimated establishment solemnly promise not to lower the bar, but when after a while he revisits the restaurant, most often there are all the same problems. Most of all, at the same time, the famous pro is infuriated by the unwillingness of the owners and staff to change something, the irresponsible attitude to work, the inability to position themselves, which inevitably leads to ruin. But at the same time, one should not forget that this is still a show - therefore, often if there are not enough problems for the selected object, they are simply invented by the star presenter. Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmare was a wild success and won a BAFTA award in 2004. In just three years, five seasons of the show were released. In 2007, it migrated to American television.

In his other famous reality show Hell's Kitchen (2004), the bet is on survival: beginners and pros compete against each other in culinary battles. All this happens under conditions of the most severe psychological pressure (primarily from the guru himself) and the unthinkable physical tension. Those who gave weakness are humiliated and expelled, the strongest survive - both professionally and psychologically. The reward is a cash prize and a job as a chef in one of the prestigious restaurants owned by the devil. It is worth saying that among the newcomers there were many celebrities. The show is still breaking all records of popularity. Released for 9 seasons. In 2005, the American version of the show began to appear.

The action of another of his popular programs, The F-Word, takes place in the conditions of a real restaurant kitchen, where a famous culinary specialist invites some star and competes with her in cooking. Guests of the program determine which dish is more delicious. It happened that the invitees also won. The winners' recipes were then used in Ramsay's restaurant.

About the dangers of show business and daddy's cooking

His seemingly harmless shows are sometimes fraught with unforeseen dangers. So, The F-Word sometimes showed the whole process of preparing a dish - from the capture or rearing of animals and birds, whose meat will go to this dish.

During one such shoot in Iceland in 2008, the famous Scot almost died. Hunting for Atlantic puffin, whose meat was supposed to be used in one of the series of the show, he fell off the cliff and fell into the icy water. For 45 seconds, while he was trying to surface, throwing off heavy clothes and shoes, he was already mentally saying goodbye to life.

But there is no evil without good: this story happy ending most positively affected the (already high) rating of the program. In the first seasons, the children of the culinary celebrity also took part in it. He has four of them: the eldest Megan is thirteen, the twins Jack and Holly are eleven, Matilda is nine. Sometimes the star father shoots cooking videos right at home, in the kitchen, which he calls a laboratory, and Gordon's family helps him.

Therefore, in his huge London house there are two kitchens - his wife Tana cooks in the second. And it’s not a fact that the children like his cooking more than their mother’s. This was publicly stated in one of his videos “Family Dinner on Sunday”. True, the children were very young and did not yet understand how lucky they were in life ....

Good luck to you Ramzi in culinary creativity

Gordon Ramsay (Gordon James Ramsay), probably, without exaggeration, the most famous chef in the world, was born on November 8, 1966 in small town Johnston, Scotland. Today he boasts of his success in gastronomy, restaurant business, television career, and also as the author of popular cookery books.

Biography of Gordon Ramsay

When Gordon was 10 years old, his family moved to the city of Stratford-upon-Avon. Here he took up football professionally, but an injury ended prematurely in any hope of a promising career in the sport. Because of this, he returned to college to complete a course in hotel management. His determination and natural talent have led him to train with some of the world's top chefs such as Albert Roux and Marco Pierre White in London, and Guy Savoy and Joel Robuchon in France.

In 1993, Ramsay became head chef at the Aubergine restaurant in London, which within three years was awarded two Michelin stars. In 1998, at the age of 31, he opened his first wholly owned and eponymous restaurant, Restaurant Gordon Ramsay, which quickly won the culinary world's most prestigious award, three Michelin stars. Gordon is one of four UK chefs to receive this award.

The internationally renowned chef has since opened a string of successful restaurants around the world, from Italy and France to the United States. This includes two facilities opened in 2012 in Doha, Qatar; three restaurants in Las Vegas and the same number in New York; recently establishments have opened in Hong Kong and Singapore. According to Gordon Ramsay himself, the opening of restaurants in Russia does not occur for many reasons, one of them is the lack of professional chefs.

Ramsay has also become a television star both in the US and internationally, working on four highly rated Fox series broadcast in over 200 countries worldwide, such as Hell's Kitchen, Masterchef, Masterchef Jr. , "Hotel and Hell". Also known for his shows in England are Gordon Behind Bars, Ultimate Cooking Course, Gordon's Great Escape and Gordon Ramsay: Shark Bait. He is also the author of a number of books, many of which have become bestsellers worldwide, most notably his autobiography, Roasting in Hell's Kitchen.

In 2006, Ramsay received an MBE from Queen Elizabeth II for services to industry.

He lives with his wife Tana, four children: Megan (b. 1998), twins Holly and Jack (b. 2000) and Matilda (b. 2002), along with his pets Rumpole the bulldog and two cats.

Gordon and Tana created the Gordon Ramsay Foundation to make a real difference charitable organizations which are very important to them.

Gordon Ramsay is a British chef and cookbook author more known for his heavy temper than for his cooking prowess. In 1998, he kicked TV and movie star Joan Collins out of a restaurant in Chelsea and often insults other famous chefs. However, while he does not tolerate fools (or those he considers stupid or gets in his way), he is not arrogant. Gordon Ramsay (pictured later in the article), for example, deliberately fed his children "regular food" while they were growing up because he didn't want them to become snobs.

He and his wife Tana live in Battersea in South London. Their four children are named Megan, Jack and Holly (twins) and Matilda. The British chef is the owner of a chain of restaurants and manages many others. Gordon Ramsay's books are very popular. He also writes for magazines. The Times Saturday, BBC Food and Delicious.

Early biography of Gordon Ramsay

Born November 8, 1966 in Renfrewshire, Scotland. Gordon's father did not have a permanent profession, and his mother Helen Cosgrove worked as a nurse. From the age of 5, Ramsay grew up in Stratford-upon-Avon in Workshire, England. He was the second of 4 children. Diana was his older sister, and Ronnie and Yvonne were his younger brother and sister. His early childhood marked by abuse and neglect by his father - "a heavy-drinking womanizer". At 16, Gordon left parental home and moved to Banbury.


Ramsay played football, and at the age of 12 he was taken to the nursery football team Workshire. He played for Oxford United, and at the age of 15 he was tutored by Scottish Premier League club Glasgow Rangers. Football biography of Gordon Ramsay came to an end due to a knee injury.

Chef career

By the time he was 19, he became serious about acquiring a culinary qualification and enrolled at the Rotarian-sponsored North Oxfordshire Technical College to study hospitality management. In the early 1980s he worked at the Wroxton House Hotel and Wickham Arms. Then he moved to London, where he worked in several restaurants. For almost 3 years he worked for the temperamental Marco Pierre White at Harvey's. It was here that Gordon decided to study French cuisine. On White's advice, he went to Albert Roux at Le Gavroche in Mayfair. A year later, Roux invited him to go with him as a sous chef to a ski resort in the French Alps at the Hotel Diva, and then he moved to Paris.

The British chef worked in France for 3 years, where he was mentored by Guy Savoy. There is a fact in Gordon Ramsay's biography when he accepted a less stressful job as a personal chef on a private yacht, Idlewild, based in Bermuda. After his return to London in 1993, White's business partners offered him management and a 10% stake in Rossmore. The restaurant was renamed Aubergine and soon received a Michelin star.

Own business

Wanting to manage and own a restaurant on his own, in 1997 he left the partnership and opened Gordon Ramsay in Chelsea, which earned 3 Michelin stars in 4 years. In 1999, Pétrus was launched, which received a star after 7 months, and in 2001, Gordon Ramsay in one of the most prestigious and luxurious hotels, Claridge's.

2003 was an eventful year. In January, Gordon launched a candy brand named after him for sale in supermarkets. In May, he took over the Savoy Grill, sending a representative to launch it at the same time as Pétrus, and opened the Boxwood Cafe at the Berkeley Hotel on Walton Place in Knightsbridge. When Pétrus on St. James Street was closed to prepare for the move to the Berkeley Hotel, Ramsay launched Fleur in its place. In September, Pétrus reopened. Also in 2003, the chef closed his first Gordon Ramsay and launched another establishment called Banquette at the Savoy Hotel.

In 2004, the new Fleur (French for "Flower") restaurant on St. James Street was closed after only a year of operation. According to Ramsay, this was due to the end of the lease. But others have said it was because Fleur was stealing clientele from Pétrus. On January 14, 2005, Gordon closed the Amaryllis restaurant in Scotland. His losses rose to £480,000. Looking back, Gordon said the restaurant scared away local residents too much serious attitude, focusing on their work and not paying attention to the requests of local residents. In its place, a new one called Room Glasgo was opened.

In May 2005, Gordon added to his chain of Maze restaurants at the Marriott hotel. One of the dishes of the institution was pizza with white truffles for 100 pounds.

In 2012, he opened The Fat Cow restaurant in Los Angeles, in the touristy The Grove shopping area. People can go there all the time, relaxing and enjoying amazing food. However, after 2 years he left this project.

Chef Gordon Ramsay continued to build a successful chain of restaurants not only in England but also in Glasgow, Ireland, Italy, France, Dubai, Tokyo, New York, Florida, Las Vegas, Atlanta, Hong Kong, Singapore and Qatar.

TV work

In 2001, Ramsay took part in the television show Faking It, where he helped future chef Ed Devlin learn the secrets of the profession. This episode won the BAFTA Award for Best Real TV Moment. Between 2004 and 2007, Gordon took part in the British television show Nightmares in Ramsay's Kitchen, which was broadcast on Channel 4. In it, the chef set up work in unsuccessful restaurants in one week.

Since 2005, the British chef has hosted Channel 4's The F Word, a program that invariably includes competitions, food research and a project to raise the finale's animals.

On the ITV1 reality show Hell's Kitchen, Ramsay tried to train 10 British celebrities to be a chef at a restaurant that was open at the time the program was filmed. He adapted the TV show for audiences in the United States, and continued to produce the American version of Kitchen Nightmares between 2007 and 2010.

In 2010, he was a producer and judge on the American version of MasterChef and starred in travel notes about his trip to India "Gordon Ramsay's Great Escape". In addition, he organized a series of Ramsay's best restaurants. In the same year, he joined a group of famous chefs on a trawler to pay attention to how hundreds of thousands of sea fish are thrown overboard when fishing.

In March 2012, Fox began airing Ramsay's Hotel Hell show. In September of the same year, Gordon Ramsay's Elementary Cooking Course debuted on Channel 4.

In 2017, Gordon returned to ITV to host a new daytime show, Culinary Genius.


By 2012, he was writing articles for The Times Saturday magazine and had written 21 books. Two of them are biographies of Gordon Ramsay (Gordon Ramsay's Playing with Fire and Humble Pie).

Awards and achievements

The Gordon Ramsay restaurant in London was voted the best in the United Kingdom in the London Zagat Survey in 2001 and awarded a 3rd Michelin star, making Gordon the first Scottish chef to receive such an award.

In 2006, for achievements in the restaurant and hotel industry, Ramsay was awarded the title of officer of the order of the British Empire, and was also inducted into the Culinary Hall of Fame. In the same year, he received the Catey Award for Independent Restaurateur of the Year, becoming the third person with 3 of the highest awards in the British restaurant industry.

Gordon Ramsay: biography and his family

In 1996, Ramsay married Cayetana Elizabeth Hutcheson, known as Tana, a Montessori schoolteacher. Later, the father-in-law took part in the management of Gordon's business empire. In June 2017, he was even sentenced to 6 months in prison for hacking Ramsay's computer system in 2010-11. The couple had four children.

The family lives in south London in Battersea with their bulldog Rumpole and two cats. This unrestrained but very handsome chef is worth $80 million. He earns $225,000 per episode of the TV show and earns an additional $10 million a year from his media and restaurant empire. In 2014, the couple founded the Gordon and Tana Ramsay Foundation. This organization is engaged in charitable assistance to the Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital. The article contains a photo of Gordon Ramsay and his family.

The biography of the British chef is overshadowed by the tragedy that occurred in 2016. In May, it was announced that the couple were expecting their 5th child, a boy, but Tana had a miscarriage in the 5th month of pregnancy.

The famous British chef once said in an interview with Forbes.com that the last dish he would like to have was roast beef with Yorkshire pudding and red wine sauce.

Ramsay discovered one of the secrets to his success - to be a great cook, you have to work with the greats, and that's exactly what he did.

In 2008, while filming a puffin hunt, Gordon, while descending from a 26-meter cliff, fell into icy water and almost drowned.

"(Hell's Kitchen), and also as the first Scot to be awarded three Michelin stars. In our review - about what else, besides cooking, Gordon Ramsay lives and breathes.

In great shape

At 48, Gordon Ramsay is easily exposed under the guns of paparazzi cameras. Most recently, they ambushed the star chef on the beach in Malibu, where he came to ride a bike. He is a professional cyclist, so he rides with full ammunition. Ramsay got out of the car and quite calmly changed in front of everyone. It is not surprising: he has nothing to be ashamed of - he is in great shape.

Gordon Ramsay in Malibu in July 2015

Moreover, Gordon Ramsay easily measures his muscles with his own son Jack. “Someone is catching up with me ...” - the chef signed their joint picture. By the way, Jack is 15 years old.

Gordon Ramsay with son Jack

Gordon Ramsay is generally a good father. He has four children: Megan, the eldest daughter, born in 1998; medium - twins Jack and Holly born in 2000; the youngest is Matilda, born in 2002. Gordon Ramsay's children are also TV stars: they starred in the first two seasons of the TV show The F Word.

Star Chef - exemplary family man: how in 1996 he married a former school teacher Cayetane (Tane) Elizabeth Hutcheson, and has been living with her for 19 years. In addition, he made his wife's father the manager of his restaurant empire.

Gordon Ramsay with his wife and children at a family picnic

Gordon Ramsay is David Beckham's best friend

The celebrity chef and celebrity sportsman are both former British nationals who have moved to and now live in California, but they have been friends since the days when they lived in Britain. Not only they themselves, but also the families of Gordon Ramsay and David Beckham often spend time together, celebrate holidays and go to various events. Naturally, the Ramsays were among those invited to a party in honor of the 40th anniversary of David Beckham in Morocco, which brought together best friends footballer.

By the way, Gordon Ramsay himself has been seriously involved in football since childhood and from the age of 12 he already began to play for the team of the city of Warwickshire in the category “Young men under 14”, and at the age of 18 he was invited to the Rangers club. But cross on sports career put an injury to the meniscus of the left leg. So the world has acquired a talented chef.

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