Who passed away in a year. Chapecoense football team

For many of us, 2016 was a difficult year, and for some it was our last.

1. Carrie Fisher (age 60)

American actress, screenwriter and novelist. She is best known for her role as Princess Leia Organa in the Star Wars movies. Her mother, 84-year-old actress Debbie Reynolds, died of a stroke the day after Carrie's death while arranging her funeral.

2. George Michael (53)

British singer, poet and composer of Greek origin. One of the most successful pop artists, winner of two Grammy awards. He died in his sleep from heart failure.

3. Elizaveta Glinka (54 years old)

Russian public figure and human rights activist, known as Dr. Lisa. Philanthropist, executive director of the Fair Aid International Public Organization, member of the Russian Presidential Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights. She died in a Tu-154 plane crash in Sochi.

4. Valery Khalilov (64 years old)

Russian conductor and composer, artistic director of the Academic Song and Dance Ensemble of the Russian Army named after A. V. Alexandrov. He died in a Tu-154 plane crash in Sochi, along with 63 artists of the ensemble.

5. Umberto Eco (84 years old)

Italian scientist, philosopher, specialist in semiotics and medieval aesthetics, cultural theorist, literary critic, writer, publicist. Author of the novels "The Name of the Rose", "Foucault's Pendulum" and others.

6. Leonard Cohen (82)

7. Harper Lee (89 years old)

8. David Bowie (age 69)

9. Oleg Popov (86 years old)

Soviet and German artist (clown, comedian) and circus director, actor, People's Artist of the USSR (1969). Known under the pseudonym Solar Clown.

10. George Martin (age 90)

British music producer, arranger and composer, best known for his work with the Beatles in the 1960s. He is sometimes called the "fifth Beatle": he produced almost all of the band's records.

11. Alan Rickman (age 69)

British theater and film actor, voice actor, director. Winner of Golden Globe, Emmy, BAFTA awards. He is best known for his role as Severus Snape in Harry Potter.

12. Anton Yelchin (27 years old)

American film actor of Russian origin. He died in Los Angeles when he got out of the car and did not put it on the handbrake. The car rolled and pressed him against a brick pillar.

13. Shimon Peres (93)

Israeli statesman, Prime Minister (1977, 1984-1986, 1995-1996) and President (2007-2014) of Israel, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize (1994).

14. Gene Wilder (83)

American actor, director, screenwriter, producer, writer, winner of the Emmy Award (2003, for his role in the TV series Will & Grace). His real name is Jerome Silberman.

15. Vladimir Zeldin (101 years old)

Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, People's Artist of the USSR

16. Fidel Castro (90 years old)

Cuban revolutionary, state, political and party figure who led Cuba for 47 years from 1959 until the transfer of power to his brother in 2006.

17. Prince (57 years old)

American musician, singer, one of the greatest guitarists (33rd in the Rolling Stone magazine list), multi-instrumentalist, songwriter, composer, producer, actor, director. Full name is Prince Rogers Nelson.

18. Mohammed Ali (74 years old)

American professional boxer in the heavyweight division. One of the most famous boxers in the history of world boxing. Champion of the XVII Summer Olympic Games in 1960 in the light heavyweight category, the absolute world champion in heavyweight (1964-1966, 1974-1978).

19. Mstislav Zapashny (78 years old)

Soviet and Russian circus artist, trainer of predatory animals, director. People's Artist of the USSR (1990), member of the Zapashny Brothers circus group, which included his brothers Walter and Igor.

20. Ernst Neizvestny (91 years old)

Soviet and American sculptor. Member of the Great Patriotic War.

The current year has become the last for many Russian celebrities: unfortunately, many talented musicians, actors and directors have passed away.

Russian celebrities who died in 2016 left a significant mark on the history of the fatherland.

And although today they are no longer with us, their memory will be preserved for more than one generation thanks to their creative heritage.

Russian celebrities who died in 2016:

Alexandra Zavyalova

Actress and Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. On February 3, 2016, Alexander Zavyalov suffered a tragic fate -. The star of Russian cinema did not live just a few days before her 80th birthday. It is known that the artist spent her last years in poverty, she huddled in an apartment with her son, who suffered from alcoholism and repeatedly beat his mother.

Zavyalova was remembered by the Russians for her roles in the films "Aleshka's Love", "The Hippocratic Oath", "Meeting at the Old Mosque" and "White Clothes".

Natalya Krachkovskaya

The actress (nee Belogortseva) died in the spring. On March 3, 2016, Russia was shocked by the tragic news of the popular Soviet films of Natalya Krachkovskaya - the honored artist died due to the serious illnesses with which she was.

Death overtook the national cinema at the age of 78.

Nina Arkhipova

Actress, People's Artist of the RSFSR Nina Arkhipova died on April 24, 2016 at the age of 94. Until the last day of her life, Nina Nikolaevna devoted herself to creativity, being the leading actress of the Moscow Theater of Satire.

She has more than a hundred roles in the theater, and she also starred in several dozen films: the last of them, The White Man, was released in 2012.

Alexey Zharkov

The actor, People's Artist of the Russian Federation died on June 5, 2016. For the first time, Zharkov appeared on the screens in 1962, when he played the role of Petya in the film Hello, Children!

Back in 2012, the health of Alexei Dmitrievich was shaken by a stroke, and after a new attack, the actor died.

Albert Filozov , actor (June 25, 1937 - April 11, 2016)

Fazil Iskander , writer (March 6, 1929 - July 31, 2016)

Zinaida Sharko , actress (May 14, 1929 - August 4, 2016)

Ernst Unknown , sculptor (April 9, 1925 - August 9, 2016)

Andrey Davidyan , musician (January 30, 1956 - November 13, 2016)

Vyacheslav Shalevich , actor (May 27, 1934 - December 21, 2016)

DJ Grad

DJ Grad - aka Anatoly Satonin. The "soul" of the club culture of Russia and the countries of the post-Soviet space, when he returned from St. Petersburg tour to Moscow. The DJ died on May 24, 2016 - at the time of his death he was only 40.

DJ Grad has been famous on the club scene since the 1990s. It is known that on the way home, his heart stopped right in a taxi.

Alexey Daineko

In Moscow. Alexey Daineko was remembered by the Russians for his roles in popular TV shows, he has about 30 roles, the most memorable ones are in the TV series Truckers-3, Balzac Age, or All Men Are Their Own..., Karpov, Cop in Law-5 ".

The actor also tried out for directing, in 2006 the Russian Federation saw his film “Smiling at the Eternity of the Universe”.

Anton Yelchin

Actor - a native of Soviet Leningrad, a rising Hollywood star in Los Angeles, USA.

Although Anton Yelchin's acting career developed rapidly in the United States, the Russians were proud of the success of their fellow countryman in Hollywood: Yelchin played in the films Star Trek and Terminator: May the Savior Come. Jeep Grand Cherokee, which, by an absurd accident, rolled right at the actor.

Konstantin Berezovsky

Film director Konstantin Berezovsky died in the summer of 2016. Death overtook the national cinematographer on June 24 at the age of 87. It was thanks to this director that the Russians saw the famous film "Three and a half days in the life of Ivan Semyonov - a second-grader and a repeater."

Rostislav Yankovsky

The list of celebrities who died in 2016, unfortunately, was replenished by the actor, People's Artist of the USSR Rostislav Yankovsky. In Soviet times, the actor shone in many iconic films. In particular, on his account there were more than 160 theatrical roles, several dozen roles in films.

The last time the picture with Rostislav Yankovsky appeared on the screens in 2010 - the film "Revenge", in which Yankovsky played the role of Beglov, closes the list of the actor's TV roles. theater and cinema June 26, 2016.

On the day of his 83rd birthday, Vladimir Zemlyanikin. On October 27, 2016, it became known that the Honored Artist of Russia, the oldest actor of the Sovremennik Theater, died in the hospital.

The artist began working at the Sovremennik Theater in 1959 and worked there until his death. He played his first role in the film in 1954; it was the picture "Certificate of maturity". The first popularity came to Vladimir Mikhailovich after the role of Serezha Davydov in Lev Kulidzhanov's film "The House in which I live."


Russian actor October 31, 2016 after a long illness at the age of 102. For almost a month, the actor was treated at the Sklifosovsky Research Institute. Vladimir Mikhailovich during his lifetime was recognized as the oldest playing actor on the planet and listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

He was remembered by the audience for the films "The Pig and the Shepherd", "Carnival Night", "June 31" and many others. The last work in the cinema was the role of the Man-Legend in the film "Run, Catch, Fall in Love."


One of the most famous Russian clowns on tour in Rostov-on-Don on November 2, 2016. Doctors said the cause of death was cardiac arrest. The artist's widow said that her husband did not complain about his health, but simply rested after work. She saw her husband already lifeless, called the doctors, but they only stated the death of Oleg Popov.

Legendary circus performer. He performed at the arena for over fifty years. In 1969 he was awarded the title of "People's Artist of the USSR". In 2010, the artist was awarded the Honorary Diploma of the President of the Russian Federation, and in 2015 he became the winner of the Legend of the Circus award.

Ludmila Ivanova (1933-2016)

During her eventful career, the actress has played more than 80 film roles, but she is most remembered for her role as Shurochka in Eldar Ryazanov's film Office Romance.

In Moscow on November 25, 2016 at the age of 90. The legendary Soviet designer was one of the creators of the MiG-29 multipurpose fighter.

Ivan Mikoyan was born in 1939, graduated from the Aviation Technical School in Stalinabad and the Air Force Engineering Academy. Zhukovsky. For the development of a combat aircraft, the specialist was twice awarded the USSR State Prize.

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After a long illness, a famous Russian actor died. The actor is known to Russian viewers thanks to the films “Wii”, “At Home Among Strangers, Stranger Among Our Own”, “Seventeen Moments of Spring”, “Legend No. 17” and many others.

During his career, the actor has performed more than a hundred roles. His last work was the film "Alien War", which was released in 2014.

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to Turkey December 19, 2016. The killer was identified immediately, since the crime was committed in front of hundreds of eyewitnesses. The perpetrator died during a shootout with security guards.

Andrey Gennadievich from 2001 to 2006 worked as the Russian Ambassador to the DPRK, from 2009 to 2013 - Director of the Consular Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry. Starting from July 12, 2013, he worked as the Russian Ambassador to Turkey. He played one of the most important roles in the normalization of relations between Turkey and Russia.

Academic Song and Dance Ensemble of the Russian Army. A. V. Aleksandrova (December 25, 2016)

It is very sad that such talented people are leaving us.

After all, each of them lived an amazing life and will forever remain both in history and in our hearts.

Let's remember all those who died in 2016 and honor their memory...

December 26, 2019 20:11

Died artistic director of the theater "Sovremennik" Galina Volchek

In Moscow, at the age of 87, the artistic director of the Sovremennik theater, People's Artist of the USSR Galina Volchek, died, Yevgenia Kuznetsova, head of the literary part of the theater, told Interfax.

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December 14, 2019 01:36

Actor Danny Aiello, who starred in The Godfather 2 and Leon, has died

American actor, producer and screenwriter Danny Aiello has died at the age of 86 after a short illness. reported on instagram representative of the actor Tracey Miller.

"On behalf of the Aiello family, it is with deep sorrow that Danny Aiello, beloved husband, father, grandfather, actor and musician passed away yesterday after a short illness. The family requests privacy at this time," she wrote.

Danny Aiello was born on June 20, 1933 in New York. He began his film career at the age of 35, having previously served three years in the US Army and worked in New York as a loader and an announcer at a bus station, THR notes. He left behind a wife and four children.

Throughout his career, Aiello has performed about 90 roles. The actor is best known for the films "The Godfather 2", in which he played mafia Tony Rosato, "Leon" (Mafia Tony), "Once Upon a Time in America" ​​(Police Chief Vincent Aiello) and many others. In 1990, Aiello was nominated for an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor for Do the Right Thing. He played the role of the owner of the pizzeria, Spike Lee.

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Luzhkov was born in Moscow on September 21, 1936. In June 1992, he became the second mayor of Moscow after Gavriil Popov. He led the city for 18 years. During this time, trade has developed significantly, honey festivals began to take place, and pensioners began to receive monthly "Luzhkov's allowances". A number of monuments have been restored in the city, including the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the Cathedral of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God on Red Square, the Rogozhskaya Sloboda ensemble and the Iberian Gates, and a large-scale demolition of historical buildings has begun. Under him, the point construction of skyscraper towers began and the so-called "Luzhkov style" in architecture appeared.

On September 28, 2010, then-president Dmitry Medvedev dismissed Luzhkov "due to loss of confidence." This formulation was applied in Russia for the first time. At the end of July and throughout August, an abnormal heat set in the capital region, which was exacerbated by smoke from peat bogs burning in the Moscow region, and the death rate in the city increased significantly. Luzhkov did not immediately interrupt his vacation, and the media reported that the Kremlin was unhappy with this.

After his resignation, Luzhkov was engaged in business in the Kaliningrad region.

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October 26, 2019 19:24

Died 83-year-old soloist of "Buranovskiye Babushki"

Participant of "Buranovskiye Babushki" Natalya Pugacheva (in the center)

The soloist of the creative team "Buranovskiye Babushki" Natalya Pugacheva passed away, the head of Udmurtia Alexander Brechalov said on his Twitter.

"Buranovskiye Babushki" became widely known after they took second place at the Eurovision song contest in 2012 in Baku.

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October 02, 2019 08:57

The author of the music for "Mimino" and "Kin-dza-dza" Gia Kancheli died

Georgian composer Gia Kancheli has died of a long illness at the age of 84, Georgian media reported on Wednesday. He was undergoing treatment in one of the Tbilisi clinics.

The composer became famous not only for operas and symphonic works, but also for music for theatrical performances and films, including "Mimino", "Kin-dza-dza", "Don't Cry".

In an interview, Kancheli said that "Do not cry!" is the motto of his life.

Gia Kancheli was born in 1935 in Tbilisi, where he graduated from the conservatory. From 1967 to 1986 he wrote seven symphonies, for the Fourth Symphony in 1976 the composer received the USSR State Prize. Since 1991 he has lived in Germany and Holland.

He was a People's Artist of the Soviet Union, laureate of the State Prize of Georgia.

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September 28, 2019 12:28

Director and artistic director of the Lenkom Theater Mark Zakharov dies

Artistic Director of the Lenkom Theater Mark Zakharov

Director and artistic director of "Lenkom" Mark Zakharov died at the age of 86. As reported, August 20 Zakharov with pneumonia in one of the capital's hospitals. September 9 him.

Since 1965, Zakharov has been the director of the Moscow Satire Theater, since 1973 he has been the chief director of Lenkom. He staged almost 50 theatrical productions. Zakharov was also a film director, among his films "12 chairs", "The Same Munchausen". He directed more than 20 TV plays and wrote scripts for more than 10 films.

Zakharov is a full cavalier of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland. Awarded with the State Prize of the USSR (1987), the State Prize of the Russian Federation (1992, 1997, 2002). He is the owner of the orders of St. Stanislav and St. Alexander Nevsky.

For his outstanding contribution to the development of theatrical art, Zakharov was awarded the Golden Mask theatrical prize. Winner of the "Crystal Turandot", "Seagull" awards. He was awarded the special prize of the film award "Golden Eagle" "For outstanding contribution to Russian cinema".

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September 26, 2019 13:11

Former French President Jacques Chirac dies

Former French President Jacques Chirac has died at the age of 86.

He died on the morning of September 26 at his home in Paris with his family, Chirac's son-in-law Frederic Sala-Baru told Le Figaro.

He suffered a stroke in 2005 and his health has steadily deteriorated in recent years.

Chirac was president from 1995 to 2007. From 1977 to 1995 he was mayor of Paris. In the mid-70s, he led the French government.

Jacques Chirac was born on November 29, 1932 in Paris. In the Lyceum of Carnot and Louis the Great, he studied, among other things, Russian, and in his youth he translated the entire poem "Eugene Onegin" into French. The translation was published when Chirac had already become a well-known politician.

He served in the army and in 1956-1957 he took part in the Algerian war and was wounded. He studied at the Institute of Political Studies and the National School of Administration, entered the civil service and entered politics.

In the 60s he became a Gaullist. In 1974, after the death of Georges Pompidou, he led the Gaullist Union of Democrats in Defense of the Republic and, in exchange for Giscard d'Estaing's support in the presidential election, became prime minister. Two years later, he went into opposition and became the first mayor of Paris after the restoration of this position, which was abolished more than a hundred years earlier.

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September 16, 2019 11:57

The Cars frontman Ric Ocasek dies

Ric Ocasek, 75, was found dead at his home on September 15, the NYPD said. According to preliminary data, death was due to natural causes.

The Cars had a significant impact on rock music in the late 1970s and into the 1980s.

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September 06, 2019 09:06

Former Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe dies

Robert Mugabe, who was in power in Zimbabwe from 1980 to 2017, has died in a Singapore hospital at the age of 95. About it informed on Twitter, the current president of the country, Emmerson Mnangagwa.

August 31, 2019 06:55

'Black Cape' and 'The Smurfs' creator Gordon Brassack dies

One of the screenwriters of the serial American cartoons "Pinky and the Brain", "Black Cape" and "The Smurfs" Gordon Bressak died at the age of 69.

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August 29, 2019 20:08

French actor Michel Aumont dies

French comedian Michel Aumont has died at the age of 82. In films, he most often played supporting roles.

In particular, he played the role of a store manager in the comedy "Toy" (1976) and played the father of a missing teenager in the film "Daddy" (1983) - in these tapes directed by Francis Weber, Pierre Richard played the main role. Michel Aumont also starred in The Unlucky (1981) and Understudy (2006).

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August 24, 2019 13:30

Film translator Yuri Zhivov, who became famous in the 1990s, has died

Simultaneous interpreter Yuri Zhivov, who became famous thanks to the author's one-voiced translation of films on videocassettes in the early 1990s, died on August 22 at the age of 61. The 360 ​​TV channel, citing Zhivov's cousin, notes that the cause of death was kidney disease.

Zhivov graduated from the Maurice Thorez Moscow State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages. Since 1993, in the wake of the popularity of foreign films that were distributed on pirated video cassettes, Zhivov began to engage in author's translations. Soon his voice became one of the most recognizable along with Leonid Volodarsky and other simultaneous interpreters. A feature of the translations of that time was that they had to be done spontaneously, on the go, without prior preparation of the text.

On account of Zhivov, in particular, translations of the cartoons "Aladdin" and "Tom and Jerry", the TV series "Twin Peaks", the films "Lady Chatterley's Lover", "Howl", "Confessions of a Window Cleaner", "Indiana Jones: The Last Crusade" .

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August 23, 2019 16:36

One of America's richest entrepreneurs dies

In the United States, one of the richest people in the country, former vice president of Koch Industries, 79-year-old sponsor of the Republican Party, David Koch, has died. The cause of his death was not named. In July 2018, he left his senior position at the family company due to health issues.

In the 2019 Forbes billionaire rankings, Koch was ranked 11th along with his brother Charles. The Forbes rating, updated in real time, estimates the fortune of each of the brothers at $42.4 billion. They owned shares in Koch Industries, founded by their father. It is the second-highest-grossing privately held company in the US and is active in oil refining, fertilizer, and everyday goods such as paper cups and toilet paper.

In 1980, David Koch was the Libertarian Party's vice presidential candidate.

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August 20, 2019 21:55

Died theater actress Yermolova Alexandra Nazarova

People's Artist of Russia Alexandra Nazarova died at the age of 80, according to the Yermolova Theater, where she worked.

The actress has starred in more than 80 films and television series. Among them are “And if this is love?”, “Sofya Perovskaya”, “Love with privileges”, “Little things in life”, “Border: Taiga novel”, “Brigade”, “Capercaillie”. Her most famous role in recent years was Nadezhda Mikhailovna, grandmother of Victoria, the main character of the comic series "My Fair Nanny".

Nazarova worked a lot as a dubbing actress in feature and animated films.

Full text of the news 08:20

Danish IKEA founder Lars Larsen dies

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August 17, 2019 02:05

Actor Peter Fonda has died

Hollywood actor Peter Fonda died Friday morning at the age of 79. Fonda received an Oscar nomination for his screenplay for Easy Rider, which he co-wrote with Dennis Hopper and Terry Southern.

Fonda was able to embody one of the main countercultural images of the rebellious youth of the late 1960s and 1970s: a biker in a leather jacket who chooses where he will go on a powerful chrome motorcycle.

Peter Fonda is a representative of a well-known family in Hollywood. He is the son of legendary actor Henry Fonda, younger brother of actress Jane Fonda and father of actress Bridget Fonda.

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August 10, 2019 17:19

Billionaire Epstein involved in sex scandal commits suicide in US

American billionaire and financier Jeffrey Epstein, accused of sexual crimes, committed suicide in prison, reports Associated Press. He was found dead in a Manhattan prison cell, where the 66-year-old tycoon was awaiting trial for soliciting minors into prostitution.

Epstein himself pleaded not guilty, on these charges he was threatened with 45 years in prison.

August 06, 2019 18:02

Alla Verber, fashion director of TSUM and vice president of Mercury Group, died

Alla Verber, fashion director of TSUM and vice president of Mercury Group, died in Italy at the age of 62, her friend, journalist Oleg Sharan, said. According to him, Werber died of a heart attack in the hospital of Forte dei Marmi. The message of Werber's death was confirmed by the press service of the Central Department Store to the magazine HELLO!

August 05, 2019 21:25

Died the author of the song "Snow is spinning" composer Sergei Berezin

Russian and Soviet composer, founder of the group "Flame" Sergei Berezin died at the age of 82, said the poetess Larisa Rubalskaya.

He is the author of the songs "Snow is spinning", "Golden Balls", "Maybe I made you up", "Only you everywhere", "Autumn". Berezin actively collaborated with Rubalskaya and wrote several dozen songs based on the words of her poems. His compositions were performed by Anne Veski, Lev Leshchenko, Nikolai Karachentsov, Iosif Kobzon, Philip Kirkorov, Valentina Tolkunova, Mikhail Shufutinsky, Olga Zarubina, Alexander Serov and others.

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August 04, 2019 15:59

Singer Willy Tokarev dies

Singer Willy Tokarev (real name - Vilen) was born on the Chernyshev farm in Adygea. In Leningrad, he graduated from the Music College at the Leningrad Rimsky-Korsakov Conservatory, double bass class. He worked in orchestras and various ensembles, began to write his own songs.

In 1974 he emigrated to the United States, where he worked as a laborer for some time, and then continued his musical career. Fame brought him his second album "In a noisy booth" (1981), which was popular among Russian-speaking emigrants. There he sang in Russian restaurants.

Having received US citizenship, he founded his own studio One Man Band. In 1989, Tokarev gave concerts in the USSR, in the 1990s he decided to return to his homeland, opened his own recording studio.

Russian chanson dominated Tokarev's repertoire. Among his most famous works are "Skyscrapers", "Over the Hudson", "New York Taxi Driver", "Fisherman", "We met in life", "On your birthday".

Full text of the news 13:26

Died astrophysicist Nikolai Kardashev

Soviet and Russian astrophysicist, member of the Space Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Nikolai Kardashev died at the age of 88. He is known as the man who predicted the existence of pulsars, and the head of the international space project "Radioastron".

As noted in Roskosmos, Kardashev can be considered one of the founders of radio astronomy. He developed the so-called "Kardashev scale", in which extraterrestrial civilizations were divided into several levels depending on the level of resource development and

The main thing in the life of the scientist was the international project "Radioastron", on which he worked for more than 30 years. This is a complex of the world's largest space radio telescope with an antenna with a diameter of 10 meters and a network of ground-based radio telescopes. The research targets were active galactic nuclei, stellar-mass black holes, pulsars, cosmic masers and megamasers, and interstellar gas clouds. The launch took place on July 18, 2011 from the Baikonur cosmodrome.

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August 02, 2019 16:11

Singer Alexandra Strelchenko dies at 83

People's Artist of the RSFSR, singer Alexandra Strelchenko died at the age of 83 after a long illness.

In the Russian Song Theater, on behalf of Nadezhda Babkina and the theater staff, they noted that the singer was engaged in the preservation and popularization of folk culture and traditions among young people.

Strelchenko was born on February 2, 1937. Songs performed by her can be heard in the films "War and Peace", "A Soldier Came from the Front" and "Kalina Krasnaya".

Full text of the news- TRAFON(s Backup Account) (@RiseFallNickBck) July 10, 2019 Full text of the news

The New York Times (@nytimes) May 16, 2019

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May 13, 2019 04:42 PM

Hollywood star Doris Day dies at 98

Popular in the 1960s, Hollywood actress and singer Doris Day died on Monday at the age of 97. During her career, Day starred in more than 40 films and recorded over 650 songs.

She first appeared in films in 1948 in the film Romance on the High Seas directed by Michael Curtis. She also starred in the films "Intimate Talk" and "Move Over Darling" by Michael Gordon, "The Man Who Knew Too Much" by Alfred Hitchcock, and the last film with her participation was released in 1968.

Famous and famous people who passed away in 2016. Which famous people died in 2016.

The end of the year is a time to remember those who left us last year. About those who have been known for a long time, made history and contributed to the national culture and art. For many years, and some for decades, they have given us joy with the full force of their great talent.

These people are no longer among us, but a bright memory of them remains, like everything that they managed to do during their bright life.

See also:


Born January 28 (February 10), 1915 in Kozlov, Tambov province, Russian Empire -.

Soviet and Russian theater and film actor. People's Artist of the USSR (1975). Laureate of the Stalin Prize of the second degree (1951) and the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation (2008). Full Cavalier of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland.

For a long time he was the oldest living people's artist of the USSR and was one of the oldest "acting" actors in the world.

The legendary circus clown, who for his famous number "Ray of the Sun" received the title of Solar Clown.

Soviet and Russian theater and film actor. One of the best performers of negative characters in Soviet and Russian cinema.

Soviet and Russian actress, People's Artist of the RSFSR. She gained wide popularity with the release of the TV show “Wake up and sing!”. Among her most famous roles are the mother of the main character in the film “Oh, this Nastya!”, Gertrude in the television play “Martin Eden” by Jack London and the wife of Commissar Maigret in a series of television films based on the works of Georges Simenon. Filmed in the film magazine "Yeralash".

Irina Lvovna Efremova (nee Matveevskaya).

Soviet and Russian actress, played in such series as "Two Fates", "A Place in the Sun", "Housing Problem", "Four Taxi Drivers and a Dog", "Andersen. Life without love" and "Breakthrough". Efremova has more than 20 roles on her account, including the main roles in such projects as “Detective without a license”, “Short breath”, “Women's stories”, “There would be no happiness” and “Take me with you”.

Popular Tatar and Bashkir singer, performer of the popular hit "Tugan Yak" ("Native Land"), People's Artist of the Republic of Bashkortostan, People's Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Viktor Lvovich Korchnoi.

A well-known Soviet and Russian prose writer and poet of Abkhaz origin, who became a classic of Russian literature during his lifetime.

Ernst Iosifovich Unknown.

Famous Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. In 1957, he played one of the main roles - Seryozha Davydov - in Lev Kulidzhanov's film "The House I Live in".

Well-known Soviet and Russian international journalist. For more than a quarter of a century he worked in the system of foreign broadcasting of the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting, was the host of the TV program "International Panorama". In recent years, he worked as a columnist for MIA Rossiya Segodnya.

Born October 21, 1945 in Chisinau in the family of the Hero of the Soviet Union Vasily Filippovich Margelov, commander of the Airborne Forces, "Uncle Vasya".

Legendary Russian paratrooper, Hero of Russia. Member of the landing on January 5, 1973, when for the first time in world practice at the airborne parachute track "Slobodka" near Tula, a BMD-1 armored combat vehicle was landed with two crew members on board.

Gennady Alekseevich Denezhkin.

The legendary Soviet and Russian designer who developed the Grad, Uragan and Smerch multiple launch rocket systems, Hero of Socialist Labor (1989), laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation and the Lenin Prize, Honored Designer of the Russian Federation.

Islam Abduganievich Karimov (uzb. Islom Abdug‘aniyevich Karimov; Islom Abduganievich Karimov).

Soviet and Russian director, People's Artist of Russia. He was the oldest director of Lenfilm. He made such well-known films as "In love of his own free will", "I'm going into a thunderstorm", "I accept the fight", "Widows".

Anatoly Mikhailovich Ilyin.

In Moscow.

The legendary football player of the Moscow "Spartak" and the USSR national team, Olympic champion in 1956. Author of the winning goal of the USSR national team in the final of the 1956 Olympics.

From a stroke.

The famous singer and musician, was the vocalist of the legendary group "Rock Studio", gained popularity with the public after participating in the projects "Voice" and "Three Chords".

At the age of 69.

The famous Soviet actor, who became famous thanks to Alexander Row's fairy tale "Barbara-beauty, long braid", starred in the humorous newsreel "Yeralash".

Nina Alekseevna Eremina.

At my dacha in the Moscow region.

A well-known Soviet sports commentator, former host of the REN TV channel, a famous basketball player in the past. At the 1960 European Championships, three seconds before the end of the match with the Bulgarian team, she scored the ball, which brought the title of champion to the Soviet team.

Nina Apollonovna Ponomareva (Romashkova).

The first Soviet Olympic champion: at the Summer Games in Helsinki in 1952, she won gold in the discus throw competition.

Yuri Eduardovich Dumchev.

Dumchev in February 2016.

Famous Soviet and Russian discus thrower, multiple champion and record holder of the USSR, winner of the international competitions "Friendship-84", Honored Master of Sports in athletics, actor, remembered for the films "The Man from Capuchin Boulevard", "Chinese Service" and many others.

Marat Kodyrovich Garipov.

: a rare disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), which leads to paralysis and muscle atrophy.

Mid December. Everyone plunged into the festive pre-New Year fuss. As for me, the best time has come to take stock of the outgoing year. What can I hide, there were a lot of good things in it.

But also this year was “rich” in losses, many talented and famous people passed away. We offer to remember all those who died in 2016 and honor their memory.

Vladimir Zeldin (1915–2016)

He was truly an outstanding person! Full holder of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, People's Artist of the USSR, laureate of the Stalin Prize of the second degree and the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Zeldin was the oldest acting actor on the planet. Until recently, being in the process of creativity, he died at the age of 101. Above all praise!

Alan Rickman (1946–2016)

This talented English actor lived a long and interesting life. Our beloved Professor Snape from Harry Potter suffered from pancreatic cancer in the last years of his life, which was the cause of his death.

David Bowie (1947–2016)

For the last year and a half of his life, the legendary musician struggled with liver cancer, and the disease finally broke him ... Bowie did not advertise his illness, working in the last months of his life on recording the 27th album, which was released two days before his death.

Natalya Krachkovskaya (1938–2006)

Krachkovskaya is a great actress whom we fell in love with thanks to the films “12 Chairs”, “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Profession”, “Be My Husband”, “It Can't Be!” and "Pokrovsky Gates". The woman was broken by a myocardial infarction, and she died in the hospital due to a large number of concomitant diseases.

Mohammed Ali (1942–2016)

The legendary boxer has died at the age of 75. During his career, he fought 61 fights, of which 56 ended in victory. In 1999, he even received the title of "Athlete of the Century"! He was a great man, and his memory will forever remain in the hearts of the fans.

Ludmila Ivanova (1933–2016)

During her eventful career, the actress has played more than 80 film roles, but she is most remembered for her role as Shurochka in Eldar Ryazanov's film Office Romance.

Having died at the age of 84, the woman left a huge mark on the history of cinema.

Prince (1958–2016)

Legendary singer Prince Rogers Nelson, known as Prince, has died at the age of 57. For a long time, the police could not determine the cause of the singer's death, until the examination showed that Prince died due to an overdose of a powerful opioid painkiller - fentanyl, which is ten times stronger than morphine.

Alexei Zharkov (1948–2016)

At the age of 69, the most talented Soviet and Russian actor also died. The health of Zharkov, who performed more than 130 film roles, was undermined by the first stroke he experienced 4 years ago. He didn't survive the second...

Harper Lee (1926–2016)

The American writer, author of the famous novel To Kill a Mockingbird, has died at the age of 90. In her personal life, the woman was unlucky, she was never married and had no children. However, the writer was more fortunate with her death: she died in her sleep.

Oleg Popov (1930–2016)

Everyone's favorite "solar clown" spent his whole life on stage until the very last day. At the age of 87, he went on tour with his new show “Let there always be sunshine!”, But managed to give only two performances out of the planned fifteen. He died in the hotel of the Rostov circus. A worthy death, you will not say anything!

Umberto Eco (1932–2016)

The famous Italian writer and philosopher has died at the age of 85. The author of books such as The Name of the Rose and Foucault's Pendulum died of cancer a year after the publication of his last novel Kilometer Zero. I propose to honor the memory of the prose writer by reading one of his brilliant works.

Anton Yelchin (1989–2016)

Russian-born Hollywood actor Anton Yelchin died this year. The guy was only 27 years old.

Fidel Castro (1926–2016)

The famous Cuban revolutionary Fidel Castro has died at the age of 90 due to a severe bowel disease.

Mihai Meszáros (1939–2016)

Even if you do not know this actor, then you know the famous Alpha from the series of the same name for sure. In the last years of his life, the actor suffered from numerous health problems since he suffered a stroke eight years ago. At the age of 76, he left our world.

Chapecoense football team

A real tragedy happened to the Brazilian football team Chapescoense. On November 28, 2016, the plane the team was on board crashed. Most of the team died, including its captain Kleber Santana and all members of the coaching staff.

Gordie Howe (1928–2016)

The world famous Canadian hockey player died at the age of 88. His contribution to professional sports is invaluable. The hockey player's career lasted no less than 35 years, during which he broke many records.

It is very sad that such talented people are leaving us. But after all, each of them lived an amazing life and will forever remain both in history and in our hearts.

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