Fun cooking from steel. Does everyone know the story of Stalik Khankishiyev? Glorious friend Oblomov

On the Internet - that's really unprecedented - another scandal erupted. The famous chef, TV presenter and writer Stalik Khankishiyev turned to amateur cooks on YouTube and smashed their work to smithereens. Everything would be fine, but the reason was the video of the most popular blogger Druzhe Oblomov with million viewers and fans. They did not tolerate such impudence and went to war against Stalik.

Glorious friend Oblomov

Glorious Druzhe Oblomov (aka Oleg Grigoriev) is a top culinary blogger, video maker, sofa philosopher, gadget reviewer and many others. Charismatic, but extremely simple guy from St. Petersburg. He creates dishes, visits a rocking chair, sometimes reflects on life on camera (at the request of workers). Since March 2010, his channel has grown from a miserable no-name into a promoted millionaire, respected and with budgets. The quality of the content has been improved in accordance with the demands and growth of the audience.

Credo Friends: "I'm not a professional chef, I like to experiment, I cook for myself and friends, and reputation and subscribers are above all." He has been following this policy for six years. If a recipe, then a specific category: complex or "hand-butted" (official terminology), expensive or budget, timeless or seasonal (as, for example, the famous St. Petersburg fried smelt). Everything is honest, black and white, and if you wish, you can unsubscribe - which Oleg regularly reminds of in a joking manner.

What bribes Oblomov? Lack of pathos, boundless respect for the "senior" (earthly gods of food like Gordon Ramsay and Jamie Oliver) and, of course, a pronounced personal opinion. You turn on Druzhe and get a lamp atmosphere without arrogance and raucousness. As if they visited an old comrade, and he - that's luck - he bought marbled beef and is just ready to create masterpieces. However, have young talent and their problem areas. Oleg is categorically sloppy and contraindicated for viewing by true perfectionists. He cuts and chop as he has to, usually measures by eye and regularly uses the holy rule of the incorruptible Boris Stepantsev: "it will do." The masses are not in a claim - they themselves would be cut no worse. But a more demanding audience sometimes turns gray, looking at individual gestures of Grigoriev. Could not resist commenting and our second hero.

Stalik Khankishiev

On the other side of the scale is Stalik (according to Stanislav's passport) Khankishiyev. Popular in our country and in the CIS countries, a cook, restaurateur and writer of Azerbaijani-German blood, who made a name for himself in the national Central Asian cuisine. Known as the author of the books "Kazan, brazier and other male pleasures", "Kazan. Culinary tutorial", "Barbecue", "Kazan, ram and dastarkhan", "Pilaf". We believe you catch the idea that Stalik is a master of a rather narrow focus. I got even more rotation thanks to the NTV channel and the heading - guess! - "Kazan-mangal" as part of the "Country Answer" series of programs, where Khankishiyev, of course, played the role of a permanent host.

Stalik's role is a good-natured middle-aged man (he is 54), of the most ordinary build, simple morals and a hot oriental heart. With trepidation and a warm smile, he conducts a one-sided dialogue with the viewer, explains the complex and omits the obvious. Frankly, you believe him, you feel the national color and, willy-nilly, you are imbued with it (both Mr. Khankishiyev and the color). Can't this gentleman, radiating light and positive, play up?

As usual, without nuances anywhere. In the international culinary community, Stalik is not exactly known. His main achievement is winning the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards in the nomination " Best Book 2012 about national cuisine". He also took some Chinese awards for his publications, but whose merit in this is greater, his or the AST publishing house, is an open question.

We would have understood if someone of the level of "hellish" Ramsay had turned against Oblomov. But Khankishiyev is not among the certified chefs either. A string of books, a couple of shows on TV, a popular blog on LiveJournal and master classes at the Dorogomilovsky market - that's the whole Stalik. He differs from other non-professionals only in significant experience. Formally, Khankishiev is just as much an amateur as Druzhe, who upset him. In the publisher's information for the book "Kazan, barbecue and other male pleasures" on the Ozon website, one can find remarkable lines: "Stalik is a perfect self-taught, a brilliant dilettante...". The characterization is more than exhaustive.

But what Khankishiyev knows how to do professionally is to sell. He recorded a video message to the YouTube community, standing behind a clip of his best work. Such an unobtrusive marketing display with a price tag of nine hundred to more than two thousand rubles. "At a very fair price" and "...even with autographs", - as if by chance, the author advertises himself.

Presenting characters Let's move on to the main conflict. On July 5, 2016, Druzhe uploads on his channel the fatal video "Lula-kebab. In a blender or hatchets? Kurdyuk or onion?". In it, as the name implies, Oleg conducts an experiment on cooking minced meat. Traditional way or newfangled? The young man does not give an unequivocal answer: the product from the blender is objectively more tender, but hatchets know their business. As a result, the chef chooses a non-canonical recipe because of tenderness and juiciness.

I do not want to say that it is tasteless ... Very tasty! But with a twist

Glorious friend Oblomov about kebab from a blender

And this is what becomes a stumbling block for the self-proclaimed guru. Stalika Khankishieva frankly offends the gouging approach to cooking traditional dishes of Central Asian cuisine. He records "Appeal to culinary video bloggers" (spelling preserved. - Approx. Life).

An excerpt from it:

Using a blender to chop meat is just a scam

Lamenting about the blasphemous technologies of youth, between the lines Stalik appropriates the authorship of the unfortunate kebab. Like, after all, I showed and told - why don’t you do the same? "I have described kebab in this book", - he recalls to the place and again pushes the viewer a nice volume for 1300 rubles.

Stalik Khankishiev about Oblomov's methods

Look, my dad cooks better for pigs...

Stalik Khankishiev about Oblomov's methods

Oblomov responds to comments correctly and respectfully:

Stalik, you are just a holy man. If I, from the height of your experience and your years, saw my videos on YouTube (with all the jambs, mistakes, outright profanity), I would certainly not be shy in expressions

Glorious friend Oblomov in relation to Khankishiev

Friendship has order in his upbringing, and authorities are not an empty phrase for him. He draws conclusions, studies, and even if not, in no case tries to offend the interlocutor.

The drama, in fact, is not worth a damn. One amateur accused the other of negligence and irresponsibility - heavyweights are not drawn to the fight. The conflict would have ended there if the proven Internet fighter (and at the same time an expert in alcohol and shawarma) Yuri Khovansky had not entered the arena. AT joint stream with "Nemagiya" he remembered the conflict between Stalik and Oblomov. At first, the blogger accused Stalik of copying himself.

He has five books, which are essentially one book. They are called: "Kazan", "Kazan-brazier", "Kazan, ram" and "Pilaf

Then he recalled that Khankishiyev was recording a video, having previously posted all five (actually six. - Approx. Life) books to the fore - all for the sake of a loud discussion in the YouTube space.

Yuri explains his rebuff by the fact that he stands up for the delicate and non-conflicting Friends. But there is a suspicion that Khovansky's furious behavior is not due to a sense of elbow, but jealousy for the profile activities of the master. In his opinion, a culinary specialist with a TV background went to YouTube to extrapolate the TV experience to the Internet space.

I decided that you can come to the Internet from television as a host and take everything you want. So, [no] to you, Stalik

Yuri Khovansky about the activities of Khankishiev

Obviously, in this case, Khovansky is no longer acting as a defender of Druzhe (who had no grudges against Stalik), but as a Cerberus, uncompromisingly protecting bloggers from attacks by television colleagues.

The extra heat of history is given by the fact that the author of books about the cauldron is an odious figure. Khankishiev maintains a blog on LiveJournal, and crazy debates periodically flare up there: in the heat of verbal combat, Stalik can send an opponent "in the ass" or "piss in his mouth". Why are there comments - here are excerpts from a blog post where the master explains why pilaf should be eaten with your hands.

It is not surprising that the audience of Druzhe and especially Khovansky, who came to Khankishiyev to splash out the dirt, stumbled upon a powerful rebuff - Stalik answered almost everyone and all in the same harsh manner:

Come on now, demonstrate your sexuality, remember the color of my ass, write something about “fart”, “bombed”, “vyser” - what else do you repeat in such cases until you rub the callus on playful tongues?

Stalik Khankishiev in an address to the readers of his LiveJournal

Yuri's tirade spread throughout the domestic segment of YouTube, provoking a wave of video messages from less prominent speakers. In general, citizens took the position of Khovansky and Oblomov. Besides, video blogger and chef Anatoly Borsch noticed that Stalik is weak in dishes that are not related to the barbecue or cauldron. In particular, the famous culinary specialist incorrectly cut the onion for pumpkin risotto and "borrowed" the recipe from the legendary Gordon Ramsay, presenting it as his own.

We asked Anatoly if it is possible to cut meat in a kebab blender. Here is what the documented, unlike Stalik, cook answered:

Minced meat in a blender, I think, can be chopped - in the context of the experiment, of course. Of course, there is no such tradition to make minced meat for kebab in this way, but, I repeat, this is normal for the experiment. I somehow cooked chicken in washing machine- and nothing, it turned out fine

Anatoly Borsch, chef and video blogger

It would seem that the honest and peaceful response of the Glorious Friend should nullify any potential conflict. But the horde of trolls in the comments offended Stalik even more than because of the kebab in the blender. For some reason, he began another half-hour video called "An answer to some subscribers of Oblomov and Khovansky - oblomysh and khovanysh" with a fake violin playing (obviously, to illustrate the rule "if you don't know how, don't take it").

Appearing indignant at the morals of the commentators, Khankishiev compares the young growth with " Tender May", and myself with Lyudmila Zykina. There is a subtle allusion: YouTube cooking is a transient thing, but Stalik will remain for centuries. "I care about who's left after me", - the master complains and for some reason begins to compare the number of views on the Druzhe channel with his own indicators. Demonstrating at the same time a complete misunderstanding of the methods of counting the audience. 15 million views for him is equal to 15 million viewers.

The numbers are especially exciting for Khankishiyev - hundreds of thousands of live subscribers on Oblomov's channel are clearly haunted. Finding nothing better, he pulls off the already familiar maneuver with advertising books and stories about their wild popularity. Friendly, they say, dust from under the nails, some kind of blogger. And expensive Khankishiev books are sold like hot Uzbek samsa. Is this not an indicator of success and national recognition?

The funniest thing in this situation is the contrast between the respectful attitude of Druzhe and the arrogant indulgence of the foreman. Reading Oblomov's comment, Stalik relishes the wording. Moreover, it says something about winners and losers - as if it's not about a storm in a bowl of pilaf, but about a real battle not for life, but for kebab.

To clarify the situation, Life spoke with Druzhe Oblomov and received an exclusive comment:

"Am I in the center of a conflict? Sorry, but I don't know much. I know that the highly respected culinary specialist Stalik made a video where he scolded me for not carefully made recipe-experiment. Of course, I was surprised at such attention of a chef of Stalik's level to my to a crooked person and even apologized. For me, the story was over. I know that many subscribers hope to get some share of the "hype", expect a war, "versus" or at least a squabble, but I will hasten to disappoint them. I under no circumstances circumstances, I will not stoop to the level of a market squabble and look for flaws in other people's videos or recipes, and no one will ever hear a single bad word about Khankishiyev from me.

I have a negative attitude to any conflicts, but it is logical that they ask me questions about Yura, because we have good friendly relations with him. Here you need to understand what kind of person Yura is. This is a person who recently shot a SEPARATE video in the form of a song about the "conflictology of the Russian YouTube", which has collected a million views. Think about it. A SEPARATE video about who ran into whom, who fought with whom, who hates whom. Yura is an extremely versatile person in life ", however, his Internet role is the image of a troll who urgently wants to fill his face. He easily fits into any conflict, into any scandal, which is partly what makes his channel alive. From myself I will say that, firstly, I am terribly far from this ", and secondly, I sincerely asked Yura to leave the person alone and not to breed it is not clear what, also involving me. However, both Yura and I are adults. Everyone should be responsible for their personal actions and words.
For me, I repeat, this situation was politely closed a month ago. To be honest, I am now giving you an interview about something in which I do not participate at all. I do not make video responses, I do not write negative comments about the respected Stalik on the Internet. I'm running my channel.

To be honest, I did not watch the second video, because it was not even addressed to me. My audience is well over a million subscribers. There are also cooks among them, who relax after a working day, looking with laughter at my attempts to cook something. There are family people who like to just look at Tasty food. There are students looking over the recipe for a huge steak over a cup of "doshirak". People are different. Good and bad. Educated and not so well. Cultural and rude. Even if ONE percent of my subscribers are Internet trolls, it is ALREADY 10,000 teenagers who will write anything to anyone. I would not comb the entire audience with the same brush".

Life, of course, turned to Stalik, but received only "goodbye" and a dropped phone.

In general, the following picture emerges: a noisy culinary specialist from the TV noisily entered the world of YouTube, defamed a talented guy, turned the Internet community against himself and advertised books under the guise. The picture, what is already here, is unpleasant, but still incorrect.

The subtlety is that Stalik, no matter how rude he is in LiveJournal, no matter what he does with risotto, obviously knows how to cook. And in those culinary configurations where lard, meat, onions and open fire are present, he does it masterfully. His hands scurry about in the frame, cut through the scarlet fibers of the lamb, twist the skewers, string, chop and cut. A confident voice comments on the actions, and you trust the master unconditionally. Khovansky called Stalik "a man from Odnoklassniki", and this pure truth: it is easy to imagine how a 50-year-old retired colonel carefully watches the video of Khankishiyev shared by his colleague, after which he goes out onto the lawn and tries to repeat it.

Even Stalik's books, around which there are so many conversations, are selling well - otherwise there would not be six of them (with additional editions). Yes, partly all this is due to the powerful efforts of the AST publishing house (the presentation of one of the books was accompanied by public cooking and Leonid Parfenov), but the success is hardly due to marketing alone.

Friend, for its part, is hundreds of times sincere, more understandable to us, works in a modern format, actively contacts the audience and knows its place. in brightly painted local conflict He is the clear winner. At least because he did not participate in such at all. Hungry for cheap PR, Khankishiyev and Khovansky fanned the flames of war, in which they turned out to be distant extras in the background.

In the first and last time I go down to the comments of another tedium that I spreadStalik Khankishiev in his last "false truthful" spit in LiveJournal. Almost venomous and insulting to all the people who were kind and very sincere to him and tried in every possible way to help in his writing and culinary career. Quarreled with everyone who helped him at the beginning of his career, offended and slandered the masses wonderful people. For several years I read his opuses and was surprised - why is there so much anger, arrogance, cunning cunning in a person - he is able to denigrate and present in a completely unsightly form anyone who somehow did not come to his "Stalik" table, but not a word about his beloved real truth, only a half-truth, missing the most unpleasant details. I read all this, fundamentally did not respond to nasty attacks, living by the principle: "the dog barks - the caravan moves on."
But now I want to dispel the myth about the impeccably honest Stalik, they call it “got it”, about all his insinuations about imaginary enemies and envious people, tantrums, star fever, meanness, overly inflated and painful pride, duplicity, short memory and black ingratitude. This is what my friends on social networks want, and many good friends and relatives, everyone who has ever suffered from his rudeness and lies, demand justice.
So everything in chronological order. Once upon a time, many, many years ago in Fergana, we were really close friends, and I really borrowed money from Stalik when leaving for Moscow, and my wife gave it almost 2.5 times more, since he demanded a passport as collateral for the unfortunate 200 dollars , I had to give my wife's passport, mine was needed for a trip to Moscow. Hiding behind the fact that her passport was with the creditor, in fact, he kept it at home and blackmailed it until he got every penny from my wife. As it turned out, he borrowed a huge amount of money from one (no name) person and told him that I took all this money and could not repay it, and my $ 200 was like a grain of sand in the dune of his huge debts. Unfortunately, I found out about this later. It seems to me that this debt has not yet been closed, since tax office to this day, he sharpens his teeth at Stalik, and each police station has a photo of him as a swindler and a particularly dangerous criminal on the “wanted” board. And the chief accountant of his electronics store came to Moscow and tearfully asked me to repay the debt, otherwise she would be sent to prison ... This is a prologue ....

This is where the fun begins. When I lived in Moscow for almost 6 years, having bought an apartment, a car, let me say, without any participation of Stalik, he, living in Ferghana, wrote his first book and agreed to publish it in Moscow via the Internet. A black cat already ran between us then because of this penny debt and his deceit with his wife's passport, but a lot of time passed, I am quick-witted, so I was sincerely happy and very proud of him, considered it an honor to take a pilot copy to him in Ferghana. At that time, Stalik's affairs were in full ass and he seized the opportunity to leave for Moscow, where I quite sincerely offered him shelter and all possible assistance. To write a book is a big deal, but to promote it, to somehow be identified in the Moscow crowd, this, believe me, is no less important, in which I have always been happy to help him for more than a year. I did all the dirty work, cooked for the crowds of people, supported as much as I could. He lived with me with my family in two-room apartment, as they say, they shared shelter and a table for six months, and then my wife and I helped him rent an apartment in our own house under our guarantees, his wife and daughter arrived and everything seemed to work out. Stalik, thanks to his natural sharpness, creative talent and businessman's instinct, began to develop, orders for catering appeared, we traveled together, earned something. Soon he received an invitation to participate in the project of Yampolsky Dmitry, Borisov Mitya, Radov Igor in the organization of the Grand Buf restaurant, where he invited me to work out the menu of Uzbek cuisine and compose for him technological maps, called cooks from Uzbekistan. I successfully coped with everything, worked for 2 months as a simple cook, followed the process. But for reasons known only to him, one fine day he did not go to work, explaining that the investors had violated the agreements. But the money in advance had already been received, the hands were washed, and the fate of everyone he dragged into this was no longer of interest to him. As a result, the cook's guys were put out on the street, their salary was paid only at my urgent request, after which they were able to return to their homeland. I received the standard salary of a cook for all the work done in 2 months, thanks for this, I don’t complain. Being not initiated into their investor-contractual affairs, I accepted the situation, although questions and an unpleasant feeling remained, I think, not only with me.

Further, agreeing to a joint project with M. Prazdneva, va well-known top manager and former CEO restaurant chain Jean-Jacques, under her guarantee, investors were found to open a restaurant under his already quite famous brand"Kazan-mangal". And then history repeated itself... To organize the Uzbek cuisine, Stalik calls me to draw up technological maps and work out the menu. But, being taught, I indicated the cost of my services, Maria honestly paid them to me. A few months passed, the restaurant began to bring some income, Stalik borrows 400,000 rubles from investors under the guarantees of Maria Prazdneva in order to settle debt obligations in Uzbekistan and ... guess 3 times), again one fine day, without declaring war ... does not work to work. When investors and Maria demanded an explanation from him and a refund, he replied that this was a payment for his work and he did not owe them anything. It was truly a blow from the bottom of the belt, especially to Masha, who later, being a responsible and honest person, paid off his debt, but eventually lost this business.
Another failure, but so shameful .. I was disappointed, but I did not fully believe in the banal irresponsibility and greed of my friend, it seemed to me that there should be reasons for such behavior, I just don’t know about them ...

And then there were catering, the construction of kitchen complexes, they worked together, the agreements previously agreed upon were not canceled, but for some reason, unilaterally, Stalik began to violate them more and more often, he hid income, probably the toad stinged to share honestly. Witnesses to this were the workers who worked with us and told me about everything. And the last feint that Stalik threw out was the height of redneck, he did not pay the workers who were already building his own house for him, said that they ate and drank everything, and also lived on his territory (in the house that they built). This last outright deceit completely undermined my trust and respect for this person, I simply stopped communicating with him. There were attempts to find out the relationship through my wife, but he could not call me and find out the reason for my behavior, he was probably ashamed, but maybe this is not the royal business

He writes that he was the initiator of the break in relations due to some misunderstandings with L. Parfenov, it's funny to hear, it's disgusting ....
I am compelled to respond to my alleged slander of his family, L. Parfyonova and E. Chekalova. These are Stalik's frank insinuations, or his next hysterical trick, or maybe a special reversal of meaning, this scary man. I don't think the aforementioned people would gossip or lie, it doesn't sound like them. I will never lie or defame the Stalik family, since his father Khankishiev Gusein Askerovich, through whom we met Stalik, was a wonderful, smartest, kind and honest person, there are few of them, he was like a father to me and his opinion was to me very important.

And the last, again observing the chronology of the reproaches. People, even though Khankishiyev does not want to hear my denials about participation in his fate as a "teacher", let me still refute this in order to stop this tediousness and put an end to it once and for all.I officially declare that I am not the teacher of Stalik Khankishiev, since I have never taught anyone what this person is doing.

To be honest, I don’t understand this last hysterical antics, how he dragged me into his chaotic touchy tirade of showdowns with his texts for books, who writes for him there .. Why do you need these showdowns if you are confident in yourself and why this person it is always necessary to sort things out with someone, to swear, to scoff, to be in a state cold war? Probably, this feeds his unhealthy psyche, quenches his thirst for indefatigable aggression, asserts himself as a .. dubious person?
I suspect that he remembered me here in parallel with the topic of the day with a hint that all my texts are edited by my wife. Yes, it is, I never hid it. She will be better at Russian than I am, she helps me with grammar and syntax, so I trust her, but who else? I am very grateful to her. In general, I am surrounded by wonderful people.
You provide great help

Before writing a comment, take the trouble to read and understand the meaning of my post.

Having done a dirty trick, Stalik tried to cover his tracks and go on the offensive. Yesterday, at the request of Stalik, my post was blocked, which he hastened to call corrupt.

He probably expected that the conflict commission would quickly cut it out, but this did not happen so quickly and many managed to read it. Of course, the lies surfaced.

Let me remind you that I wrote a post with the title: Why Stalik is wrong

In which he quite intelligibly explained that on the issue of the 62nd hospital he is completely on the side of Stalik, but I did not like that he defends the truth with "dirty methods", namely, arranges "large-scale srach", involving and playing off bloggers.

Here is what I wrote in that post:

In the same post, I showed Stalik how he himself once defended the position of his friend, who was accused of corruption by Alexei Navalny himself.

Stalik did not like this comparison, to which he answered me in a rather sharp form:

Of course, Stalik got excited and after I inserted this comment into the post, he felt ashamed and deleted it. But everything that is written with a pen ...

Not only I noticed this, but also the commentators.

But that's not all, Stalik did not stop there and wrote a post in which he accused Share, me and several other bloggers of venality, who by that time had not been involved in this scandal. Those. he accused bloggers of venality in absentia for those actions that they had not yet committed.

This may seem normal to some, but this is the most common lie and provocation. He decided that if it worked with Doley, then he could practice with a few more bloggers. And thus arrange a srach to draw attention to an important issue.

But you could just write to all these bloggers and ask them to cover this problem or at least express their position. I'm sure no one would do this. But someone would definitely do it, I can say for myself that I would definitely do it even despite the fact that Stalik repeatedly mocked my person on the network.

Yes, Stalik, if you haven’t noticed, I never once allowed myself to somehow speak negatively in your direction, although you repeatedly provoked me to do so.

There is a common problem and it should unite people, not make them enemies.

Today, not only the 62nd hospital is in question, but you only write about it, since you personally know the head physician. Yes, Makhson is handsome and acted like a man. And although he was offered to become president of the clinic and give up control over purchases, he went for broke, but, unfortunately, he lost this battle, but not the battle. you smart man and you know that the problem is much wider.

Or am I wrong?

And where were you before, where were you in the summer, why were you silent in the summer?

And I'll tell you why, because in the summer, Mr. Pechatnikov and Mr. Makhson were still on friendly terms and it was not in their interests to raise a scandal, and therefore not in your interests.

It turns out that you noticed this problem when it only affected you, am I right?

And there is no need to "put pressure on rot" and write about hundreds of lives, because back in the summer you absolutely did not care about all these lives.

In the summer of 1916, I noticed that some officials broke away from reality and, on the day of mourning for the children who died in Karelia, arranged a holiday for themselves, the event took place on June 20 in the luxurious Turandot restaurant, where about 200 guests gathered.

Stalik, ask your friend Makhson if he was invited to that event, how did you swim and walk?

But then no one paid attention to it.

Well, how do you like such an order from a corrupt blogger?

I am sure that you have already run to block this post of mine. However, there is a chance that before it is frozen, someone will have time to draw the right conclusions.

I hope that you, Stalik, will be among them.

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Stalika Khankishieva Facebook was blocked for 30 days after a dispute about dolma. Stalik (his father is Azerbaijani) tried to explain to the cook from Armenia that dolma was not invented by Armenians, after which, according to Stalik, the friends of this cook "bombarded" the administration of the social network with "slanderous denunciations".
Dolma is a dish common in Transcaucasia and other regions. Armenia and Azerbaijan defend the right to consider it an integral part of their national cuisine.

In December 2017, the UNESCO committee included dolma in the list of intangible cultural heritage from Azerbaijan.

"It is important to understand one simple thing: Facebook and its daughters (Instagram, WhatsApp) are a digital concentration camp. There is neither justice nor understanding. Your fate is in the hands of the guard, and sooner or later you will be thrown into a digital furnace. " Facebook "bans and deletes accounts for no reason. What is the story when they banned for the word "crest" a couple of years ago, even when quoting fiction. Therefore, there can be only one conclusion here - do not associate your business with social networks, do not make any social network the main platform for communication. Sooner or later, Zuckerberg will come and throw you into the oven.

Today, some people think that this is a far-fetched problem. Just think, the social network blocked the account, HA-HA-HA, think, the instagram was deleted, HI-HI-HI. This is how people from the margins of progress, who missed the wind of change, argue."

I'm looking for an article about kebabs and I can't find it. How so?! There are 1000 types of pilaf, 2000 types of shish kebabs, but only an old video about kebabs. I called Stalik: “Stalik, dear friend, how is it? Where are the kebabs? I really want to cook, give me a couple of tips!” To which Stalik replies that just tomorrow he is going to cook kebabs and shoot for another article. It was impossible to miss such an event. I was with him the very next morning.

01. The first thing I see is Stalik at the helm of his spaceship. Well, what other associations can there be from this fantastic home studio? I have boundless admiration for Stalik for his ability to bring everything he does to perfection. simple photography food for illustration turns into a complex and expensive process. There is one equipment for many millions of rubles. Photographers will understand.

I was in Stalik's home studio a few years ago and now I can see the change. It would seem that even then everything was perfect, but no, there were even more lamps, reflectors, some tricky devices. Just amazing. To my shame, it’s hard for me to imagine how you can spend so much time and energy on seemingly simple things. Anyone else would take a normal photo and move on, but Stalik is not interested in the usual result.

There is such a good documentary- "Jiro's dreams of sushi." It tells about the sushi master Jiro Ono, who has been preparing this simple, seemingly Japanese dish all his life. His restaurant, located in an ordinary Tokyo subway station, was honored to be included in the Michelin Red Guide with three stars, highest award for the restaurant. The film talks about the philosophy of continuous improvement "kaizen". Every day the master repeats the same actions, improving them. The fantastic attention to detail shocks and delights. How he chooses products, how he has been working on quality for decades, when he seems to have already reached perfection. Anyone else would have opened a bottle of champagne and celebrated a victory long ago, but Jiro says: “I do the same things, improving them little by little. I will always try to get to the top, but no one knows where it is. When you think you know everything, you realize you're just fooling yourself. Even at 85, I don't think I've reached perfection. But I feel elated all day.” I highly recommend you watch it.

You experience a similar delight when you look at how Stalik works. It would seem much better, but no, every time it turns out that it was not yet the top.

02. In the morning, Stalik was shooting Easter cakes.

03. Photos are transferred immediately to the computer, Stalik comes up, looks and is dissatisfied with the seemingly perfect picture.

04. Excellent Easter cakes.

05. Shooting Easter cakes alone lasts several hours.

06. Everything is constantly rearranged, the light, angles, composition change.

07. What I would do in Photoshop, Stalik does with light.

08. Do you want smoke for the background? He takes a hot frying pan and pours water on it! Everything you see on his blog is not photoshop! All cut cauldrons and pans, all complex compositions - this is done in life. The main special effect here is the hands and the head.

09. Almost done.

10. The next day you will have to get up at 5 am and write articles, edit photos and prepare a new book.


12. Working camera Mamiya 645DF+ with 80 megapixel back.

13. A huge kitchen is also a photo studio. Professional lighting is everywhere, everything is designed not only to cook, but also to shoot food.


15. And now the preparation of kebabs begins. At the beginning, Stalik's wife shows how to butcher the meat. Absolutely all veins and films are removed from it. Remains perfectly pure meat. “Stalik, it’s all the same in a meat grinder, why clean everything so carefully?” - I'm interested. Of course, I still don't understand that in a perfect kebab everything has to be perfect. “A good restaurant shouldn't have toothpicks,” Stalik says.

16. Meat

17. Stalik shoots.

18. And here is his frame for the book.

19. You can just cook, but imagine that your kitchen is set where everything must be perfect. Perfect cleanliness, nothing superfluous should fall into the frame. Try to cook something like this and you will understand how difficult it is.

20. Crockery and knives are also included in the shooting and they must also be impeccable.

21. We are already transferring the meat to the studio, which we will chop.

22. The main difficulty is that the process cannot be stopped, because something is on fire, something is being cut, and all processes must go according to plan. It's shooting a model in the studio, you can go for a smoke break, and shooting food, you work hard for many hours. The slightest hitch - and everything is smarty. Forgot to take something off? Didn't get a frame? All over again. Shooting food is unforgiving, it's like a game where you can't save.


24. Max Wernick acts as an assistant.

25. Start chopping meat.

26. And this is how Stalik got these shots.


28. Some of the kebabs are made from minced meat, some are passed through a meat grinder.

29. Bow

30. Fat tail fat cannot be passed through a meat grinder, so it must be cut into cubes 2 by 2 millimeters.

31. Minced meat

32. Stalik frame

33. For a kilogram of meat we take 300 g of onion and 300 g of fat.

34. Stir the minced meat for 15 minutes.

35. Photo of Stalik

36. Trying different ways cooking. We cook part in a pan, using it as a barbecue, part in the oven, part on coals.

37. Stalik shoots with one hand, cooks with the other, and still manages to give tasks to assistants.

38. The secret of a good kebab is straight arms.

39. On the coals of my photo.

40. Photo of Stalik.

41. Yes, the brazier is also a studio with well-tuned lighting.

42. The birth of the perfect kebabs.

43. For the oven


45. It is impossible to remove it, the smell is such that you start to choke on your own saliva.

46. ​​Done

47. But you still have to take it off! For only one frame, some kind of cunning design is invented and built on the go!

48. Need some smoke? Oil on coals.

49. And here it is, the final frame! A frame for which 4 and a half people worked all day. I arrived at 12, and we sat down at the table only at 6 o'clock.

10 years to figure out how to cook kebabs, 6 hours to prepare and shoot, then process the material and write an article. And here is the result. Now you will read Stalik's article and think that this is the peak, but no one knows where the peak is and in 10 years Stalik will lay out new recipe, even more perfect.

This is how masterpieces are made. Steel, of course, is infinitely cool.

Now tell me, are you really surprised by Stalik's reaction to Yulia Vysotskaya and the boorish behavior of the producer of her program? Right now, when you saw how much work, effort and many years of experience are invested in each frame?

I already see a pack of raging devils who will run in the name of Stalik and start their dances in the comments. Yes, with his very sharp and straightforward manner of communication, he created a whole army of haters around him, who don’t feed kebabs, let them shit in the comments. Especially for them I inform you - this post declares a no-fly zone, zero tolerance for rudeness. No food served. ;) Enjoy.

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