How old is Andrei Razin affectionate May. Andrey Razin: biography, showman's personal life, family, children, wife (photo). Razin's personal life

Andryusha Razin earned his first money at the age of 12, having put together a harvest team with teenage friends. And at the age of 25 he became the first official Soviet millionaire, eventually becoming a billionaire. On the birthday of the producer, who turns 55 on September 15, finds out how much money Andrei Razin earned on Tender May and where they went. Earned millions A pupil of an orphanage, a former vocational school student with a specialty "mason", at a young age he understood: money means money. Everyone knows the brilliant move of Andrei Razin, who became Gorbachev's "nephew", but not everyone knows that he still managed to slip a piece of paper to the Secretary General for signature, according to which he could take all the profits for himself, bypassing the almighty State Concert and other intermediaries who in those days got up to 99% of artists' fees. The cunning young man, working as deputy chairman of the collective farm and in charge of receiving delegations, told Mikhail Sergeevich, who arrived in Stavropol, that he had created a creative group for gifted orphans and asked him to sign the charter. Gorbachev approved the document, put his signature on the first few pages. And on the last, the cunning Razin wrote: "To allow touring activities on the territory of the Soviet Union, bypassing state concert organizations."

1984 Andrey Razin - Deputy Director of the Ryazan State Philharmonic. S. Yesenin. Source: @razin_andrei_lm Soon the sweet-voiced orphanage boy band traveled around the country, the money flowed like a river. In December 1987, 25-year-old Andrei Razin became the first Soviet millionaire - a fact that was later documented. That first million Razin poured onto the floor, it turned out a layer of 20 centimeters. He lay down on this money and, as he himself later recalled, slept on banknotes all night: “I woke up, threw them up, said to myself:“ Life is good, I’m a millionaire! And in the morning he ordered his assistant to collect banknotes and spend the entire million on pupils and employees of the orphanage in which he was once brought up, to provide his childhood friends with apartments, cars and other benefits. Load money with buses "Tender May", 1989 Source: more on the topic

How Vetlitskaya, Shatunov and other stars of the 80s and 90s who left Russia live The reasons why they chose a life abroad are different, but celebrities experience similar emotions about their new place of residence. It is believed that it was Andrei Razin who first brought to life a scheme in which the artist receives not at a fixed rate for the performance, but in proportion to the fees. "Tender May" collected stadiums, Alla Pugacheva - too, only in the late 80s the Primadonna received 67 rubles from a concert, and Razin - 1500-2000.

After accusations of selling "left" tickets began to sound in 1989 (it was assured that in this way Razin earned 8 million rubles) and the "execution" article "Theft on an especially large scale" hung over him, the producer of "Tender May" came up with a new plan. The authorities hoped to catch him red-handed after the concert at the time of receiving the money - but Andrei Razin turned out to be smarter. I received the money in advance, sometimes six months or a year, immediately after the signing of the contract. Fees no longer fit into bags - banknotes were rammed into potato sacks, the strongest of all bags.

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To transport money, Andrei Razin bought an Ikarus, the seats in it had to be removed. As the producer said, millions of "Tender May" were stored in three three-room apartments. When they stopped being placed there, private houses began to be used as storage facilities, which were guarded around the clock. “Money was pouring in,” the producer recalled those times.

How much “Tender May” actually earned, no one could calculate. Some former members of the group later said that the amounts Razin called (according to the producer, his part was a little less than $ 20 million) were underestimated several dozen times. Spending a millionaire If it was possible not to share with the State Concert, then it was necessary to share with the criminal world. "Protection" of popular artists was a profitable occupation and respected in certain circles. "Tender May" was a tasty morsel. Razin played big again - he contacted an influential businessman and authority Otari Kvantrishvili, who was called the godfather of the entire Moscow mafia, and asked him to become the "roof" of the group. For this, the producer unfastened 20% of all fees. Kvantrishvili financially supported veteran athletes, as the participants of Tender May said, the group often came on tour to another city, Otari sent addresses to the administrators, and the money was distributed to sports veterans directly to their homes. According to Razin, they distributed 2.5-3 million dollars in a similar way.

The disc "Tender May" sold 20 million copies.

Photo by Robert Netelev /TASS Newsreel/

August 4, 1990, Luzhniki. The 60,000-strong crowd roars, demanding that their idols take the stage. From the posters, the main legends of that time are looking at the audience: the groups “Kino” and “Tender May” - it is difficult to imagine performers more opposite in style.

But the fact remains: that evening, most people came to the stadium to hear the legendary "White Roses" performed by Yura Shatunov.

“I understood that there were more of our fans, and before the concert I went out to the public to ask the public to accept Vitya well. The concert was just great, ”Andrei Razin, the producer of Tender May, recalled in an interview many years later.

A man without whom the country would never have plunged into mass insanity for vociferous orphanage children.

For myself

Yuri Shatunov, Andrey Razin /Personastars/

He had no one to rely on from the very beginning - he grew up without parents. According to Razin himself, they died in a car accident, according to other rumors, the mother simply left her son in an orphanage.

After graduating, the young man receives the profession of a bricklayer at a technical school, but he is not going to work in his specialty: where have you seen successful bricklayers? And Andrei wanted a beautiful, successful life.

For some time, he was seriously fascinated by work along the lines of the Komsomol. Arriving in the 1970s at a collective farm in the Stavropol Territory, Razin laid the foundation for a legend that he still remembers to this day - about his relationship with Mikhail Gorbachev.

The first president of the USSR, like Razin, was from Stavropol. Mikhail Sergeevich's mother lived on that collective farm, and he sometimes came to visit. Razin rented a corner from a local resident, Valentina Mikhailovna Gostinaya (she is still called "Razin's grandmother").

The gostina helped the Gorbachevs with the household chores - so Andrey got into their house. On one of Mikhail Sergeyevich's visits, a young guy asked to be photographed with him: intuition, nothing else. He will carefully keep this picture for many years, and then show it to the "right" people, saying that he is Gorbachev's nephew.

The same cassette

Until the mid-80s, fate did not particularly smile at Andrei Razin. He works on laying a gas pipeline in the north, then returns to Stavropol, enters a cultural and educational school, but then drops out and joins the army.

In 1985, he first appeared on television as a singer - on the program "Morning Mail". “Warmer, warmer,” fate seems to whisper to him.

And a year later, Razin decides on the first serious adventure: being deputy chairman for supply on the collective farm. Sverdlov, he receives money for a new tractor and leaves for Moscow.

The collective farm did not wait for the tractor. But Razin is taken to work at the All-Union Creative Studio of the Ministry of Culture for gifted orphans. Here he falls into the hands of a cassette with recordings of the group "Tender May".

The children from the orphanage, without musical education, hearing and voice, sang uncomplicated songs. Andrei intuitively felt that this is what the people need now.

“The whole country was then in the same state of mind. Anxiety, crossroads, no one had anything. Everything is consistently bad. And now Pugacheva and Rotaru appeared on the stage in sparkles, pretending that everything was fine. The people did not believe in it, they needed a group that would warm the soul, ”Razin recalled in a 2008 interview.

"Tender May"

He understood that such music would not be played on Union television. And he decided to go the other way: having recorded the first album on cassettes with the guys, Razin went to storm the Moscow railway stations.

He told the conductors of long-distance trains the same story: “My girlfriend is leaving in your car, and these are her favorite songs. Put on the cassette, please! And if anyone else likes it, here are a few more copies.”

Simple words and melodies spread along the railways of a vast country. 13-year-old Yura Shatunov became a star of the allied scale, "Tender May" for schoolgirls was like the Beatles for their parents, and Andrei Razin became one of the first Soviet millionaires.

Already in the 2000s, on the eve of the release of the film "Tender May", the producer will apologize to Shatunov on the air of "Echo of Moscow":

“I want to tell you that I really am guilty before Yura, very guilty, because Yura, apart from the dressing rooms, the apartment, the guards and the stage, did not see anything. He got $10 million for it at 18. ... Not immediately, because the money was issued to the guardian, and we sued for a long time so that the guardian would not get it, but Yura directly got it.

Success accompanied the group for 5 years. "Tender May" traveled around with concerts with several compositions at once - for photo and video filming, the audience was immediately kicked out of the hall. Thousands of girls sang along with "White Roses" and "Pink Evening", confessed their love to Shatunov, Razin and musicians.

Then conflicts began to arise between the members of the group, new hits did not come out, and at the end of 1991 Shatunov left the country. "Tender May" broke up, and a new chapter began in the life of its producer.

Politician, banker, father

Since 1991, Andrey Razin went into politics: he established the International Association of Orphans and Boarding Schools "Happy Day" under the Government of the Russian Federation, was a confidant of Gennady Zyuganov in the presidential elections in 1996, and then he was elected to the State Duma of the Stavropol Territory.

In 2014, he tried himself as a banker: he became president of Doninvest Bank, and then resigned 8 days before the license was revoked. The same scenario happened with the United National Bank.

In March 2017, Andrei Razin experienced a real tragedy: his 16-year-old son Alexander died of cardiac arrest.

“My pain of loss is unbearable. I express my gratitude to all my relatives for their condolences and support, ”the producer wrote on his Instagram then.

He did not forget about "Tender May": the group still exists, but already in a different line-up, without Yura Shatunov, and instead of stadiums, it gathers fans at nostalgic corporate parties.

Andrei Razin is a shark of Russian show business, a successful entrepreneur and politician. His name is known in every corner of our country. An active, enterprising person and just a strong personality - these words characterize our hero of the article.
Who is he? How did his activity begin? These and many other questions are of interest to a large audience - fans of his talent.

Andrei Razin: biography

Andrey Aleksandrovich Razin was born in 1963 in the city of Stavropol. The father of our hero is from the city of Grodno in Belarus, and his mother is from the Stavropol Territory. Razin's parents died in a car accident. After that, he ended up in an orphanage in Svetlograd, Stavropol Territory. The cloudless days are over for him. But he didn't give up. In the orphanage, Andrei began to engage in creative and organizational activities.

In 1978, Andrei Razin entered GPTU No. 24, where he mastered the profession of a bricklayer. In 1979, our hero graduated from college and, in the direction of the Komsomol, was sent to work in the districts. There he spent several years of his life.

The beginning of the way

In 1982, Razin returned back, where he entered the Stavropol "Cultural Education School". A year later (in 1983), our hero left to serve in the army. Having repaid his debt to the Motherland, he got a job at the Ryazan Regional Philharmonic as a deputy director. He worked there for a very short time. His character did not allow him to stop at the achieved result and sit in one place.

In 1986, he changed his position as deputy director of the Philharmonic and took the place of deputy chairman for supply at the Sverdlov collective farm in the village of Privolny, Stavropol Territory. He also stayed at the new place of work for a short time and in 1988 went to Moscow, taking with him the money intended to buy a new tractor for the collective farm.

In Moscow, Andrei Razin, with the legend that he was Gorbachev's nephew, easily got a job at the Record recording studio, where he was looking for new talented performers, and negotiated the supply of the necessary equipment.

Group "Tender May"

And then one day, in search of talent, Andrei finds the Tender May group in Orenburg. This team was very interested in him, and Razin went there with a briefcase, on which the inscription "Ministry of Culture" flaunted. Posing as an employee of the ministry, he persuaded Sergei Kuznetsov (the creator of the group) to move to Moscow with the team for further cooperation.

After that, the guys began constant tours, recording new hits and albums. The main hits of "Tender May" were written by Sergei Kuznetsov, who both led and maintained discipline in the team. The group was promoted by Andrey Razin. "Tender May", thanks to his efforts, has gained immense popularity. Gradually, Kuznetsov stepped aside, and our hero began to do everything himself. The group gave four concerts a day. The record was eight performances in a day. Wanting to earn even more money, Andrey found doubles and arranged concerts simultaneously in different cities, to the soundtrack, passing off completely different people as members of the Laskovy May group.

In 1990, Andrey Razin released his first book entitled "Winter in the Land of Tender May". He didn't stop there. A little later, the newspaper "Tender May" began to be published. In 1992, the group broke up. As Razin explains, this was due to the desire of Yuri Shatunov to perform solo.

Now our hero has assembled a new team that works all under the same name. They are still touring all over the country, but with less success.

Razin's personal life

Andrei still does not disclose the name of the first common-law wife. It is only known that their son Ilya was born from their union. Razin found out about him when the boy was 17 years old. After that, the father took his son to Moscow to study as a stylist. Our hero assures that he is preparing a worthy replacement for the famous Zverev.

Andrei's first official wife was with whom they lived for nine years, after which they divorced. The next wife of Razin was Faina, the owner of a Moscow restaurant. They had a son Alexander. And again failure. The couple separated.

Razin's next lover was the stripper Karina Barbie. The couple initially hid their union. But when Karina's stomach became round, there was no point in denying her relationship.

In 2013, on November 7, Andrey Razin became the happy parents of little Aurora, whom our hero promised to present with the AR media holding. The girl was named after her. In addition, she was born at dawn, and in Latin "Aurora" means the morning star.

Andrey Razin - singer

During his work at the recording studio, Razin began working as the administrator of the Mirage group. Sometimes he, as a singer, together with the team performed at concerts. The listener liked them. Razin performed his first songs in a duet with E. Semenova.

After our hero devoted himself to work with the group "Tender May", where, with the help of its creator Kuznetsov, he recorded several songs, which were then included in the second album of the ensemble.

Political career

When the group broke up, Razin became involved in politics, business, science, and culture. In 1993, Andrey Razin tried himself as the rector of the Institute of Contemporary Arts in Stavropol.

In 1996, in the presidential elections, he was a confidant. In the same year, he headed the Stavropol Cultural Fund, was the head of the company.

In May 1997, Razin was elected chairman of the board of the Stavropol Cultural Foundation. This was not the end of his work. In the same year, he was elected to the Duma of the Stavropol Territory of the second convocation. In the future, Razin was elected to this position more than once.

In 2000, Andrey tries himself as an adviser to the President of Karachay-Cherkessia V. Semenov and is his authorized representative in the Republic of Belarus.

Razin also becomes an active supporter of the United Russia party.

Today, no one can think that once this well-known throughout the country and beyond, the producer, politician and singer Andrei Razin, whose biography began very tragically, achieved such heights thanks only to his strength and firmness of character.

Born September 15, 1963. Parents died in a car accident. He was brought up in an orphanage.

From 1978 to 1979 he studied at the Stavropol GPTU No. 24. After graduating from college, he received the profession of a bricklayer.

From 1979 to 1982 he worked in the direction of the Komsomol in the regions of the Far North in the cities of Nizhnevartovsk, Novy Urengoy, Nadym. Participated in the laying of the Urengoy-Pomary-Uzhgorod pipeline.

In 1982 he returned to the city of Stavropol and entered the Stavropol cultural and educational school.

From 1983 to 1985 he served in the Soviet Army. After demobilization, from 1985 to 1986, he worked as deputy director of the Ryazan Regional Philharmonic.

From 1986 to 1988, he worked as deputy chairman for the supply of the Sverdlov collective farm in the village of Privolnoye, Krasnogvardeisky district, Stavropol Territory.

The beginning of a musical career

In 1988, having received money to buy a tractor, he went to Moscow, where he got a job at the Record recording studio. There, his duties included looking for new talents, as well as communicating with suppliers of film, equipment, etc. He collaborated with the Mirage group. According to his own statement, he created it (although the official website of the group claims that this is not so).

Best of the day

"Tender May"

In June 1988, the album of the group "Tender May" recorded in the city of Orenburg fell into the hands of Razin. On July 4 of the same year, succumbing to the persuasion of Razin, who introduced himself as an employee of the Ministry of Culture, the poet and composer, the creator of the Laskovy May group, Sergey Borisovich Kuznetsov, arrived in Moscow.

On September 9, 1988, the soloist of the group Yura Shatunov turns up in the capital. This is followed by work in the studio and countless tours of the team, headed by Andrey Alexandrovich. Soon Razin convinces Kuznetsov to record a solo album for him, which is subsequently served under the guise of "Tender May".

On February 3, 1989, the Vzglyad program announced the opening of a criminal case against A. Razin by the prosecutor's office of the Dzerzhinsky district of Moscow under Article 1 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR. On April 29 of the same year, Andrei Alexandrovich Razin marries Natalya Evgenievna Lebedeva.

In January 1990, the criminal case against A. Razin was terminated, due to the lack of corpus delicti.

In the summer of 1990, Razin's first book "Winter in the Land of Tender May" was published. On August 1 of the same year, the first issue of the Laskovy May newspaper was published.

In early 1992, Razin announced the breakup of the Tender May group.

Leaving for politics

In 1993 Andrei Razin became the rector of the Stavropol Institute of Contemporary Arts at the Stavropol University. In the presidential elections in the Russian Federation in 1996, he was a confidant of Gennady Zyuganov. On April 2 of the same year, together with Yuri Shatunov, they participated in a concert at the Taganka Theater.

In 1996 he headed the Stavropol Cultural Fund. In the autumn of this year, he led the campaign to elect Alexander Chernogorov as the head of the administration of the Staropol Territory.

In May 1997, he was elected chairman of the board of the Stavropol branch of the Cultural Fund. Later, on December 14, he was elected to the Stavropol Regional Duma of the second convocation. Also in December, he ran for the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the third convocation in the Stavropol single-mandate constituency No. 55 as an independent deputy. In the elections, he took 2nd place out of 16 (14.38% of the vote), losing to Vasily Iver (18.08%).

In February 2000, according to media reports, he was appointed adviser to the President of Karachay-Cherkessia Vladimir Semyonov and the plenipotentiary representative of Karachay-Cherkessia in Belarus. In October 2000, he registered as a candidate for the post of governor of the Stavropol Territory. In the elections on December 3, he took 6th place out of 13, receiving 3.78% of the vote.

In February 2001, he announced that the chairman of the government of the Chechen Republic, Stanislav Ilyasov, offered him a seat in the republican government as minister of culture. On December 16 of the same year, he was again elected to the State Duma of the Stavropol Territory in the Oktyabrsky district of Stavropol N17. He was Deputy Chairman of the Committee of the State Duma of the Stavropol Territory for industry, energy, construction and housing and communal services. He was elected chairman of the Stavropol Cultural Fund.

Razin Andrey Alexandrovich (according to some sources, his real name and surname Vadim Krivorotov) was born on September 15, 1963. Parents died in a car accident. Brought up in an orphanage.

From 1978 to 1979 he studied at the Stavropol GPTU No. 24. After graduating from college, he received the profession of a bricklayer.

From 1979 to 1982 he worked in the direction of the Komsomol in the regions of the Far North in the cities of Nizhnevartovsk, Novy Urengoy, Nadym. Participates in the laying of the Urengoy-Pomary-Uzhgorod pipeline.

In 1982 he returned to the city of Stavropol and entered the Stavropol cultural and educational school.

From 1983 to 1985 he served in the ranks of the Soviet Army. After demobilization, from 1985 to 1986, he worked as deputy director of the Ryazan Regional Philharmonic.

From 1986 to 1988, he worked as deputy chairman for the supply of the Sverdlov collective farm in the village of Privolnoye, Krasnogvardeisky district, Stavropol Territory.

In 1988, having received money to buy a tractor, he went to Moscow, where he got a job at the Recording Studio. There, his duties include searching for new talent, as well as communicating with suppliers of film, equipment, etc.

In June 1988, the album of the group "Tender May" recorded in the city of Orenburg fell into the hands of Razin.

On July 4 of the same year, succumbing to the persuasion of Razin, who introduced himself as an employee of the Ministry of Culture, the poet and composer, the creator of the Laskovy May group, Sergey Borisovich Kuznetsov, arrived in Moscow.

On September 9, 1988, the soloist of the group, Yuri Vasilyevich Shatunov, turned out to be in the capital. This is followed by work in the studio and countless tours of the team, headed by Andrey Alexandrovich.

Soon Razin convinces Kuznetsov to record a solo album for him, which is subsequently served under the guise of "Tender May".

On February 3, 1989, the Vzglyad program announced the opening of a criminal case against A. Razin by the prosecutor's office of the Dzerzhinsky district of the city of Moscow under Article 1 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR.

In January 1990, the criminal case against A. Razin was terminated, due to the lack of corpus delicti.

In the summer of 1990, Razin's first book, Winter in the Country of Tender May, was published.

In early 1992, Razin announced the breakup of the Tender May group.

In 1993 Andrei Razin became the rector of the Stavropol Institute of Contemporary Arts at the Stavropol University.

In the presidential elections in the Russian Federation in 1996, he was a confidant of Gennady Zyuganov. On April 2 of the same year, they, together with Yuri Shatunov, participate in a concert at the Taganka Theater.

In 1996 he headed the Stavropol Cultural Fund.

In the autumn of the same year, he led the campaign to elect Alexander Chernogorov as the head of the administration of the Staropol Territory.

In May 1997, he was elected chairman of the board of the Stavropol branch of the Cultural Fund.

Later, on December 14, he was elected to the Stavropol Regional Duma of the second convocation. Also in December, he is running for the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the third convocation in the Stavropol single-mandate constituency No. 55 as an independent deputy. In the elections, he takes 2nd place out of 16 (14.38% of the vote), losing to Vasily Iver (18.08%).

In February 2000, according to media reports, he was appointed adviser to the President of Karachay-Cherkessia Vladimir Semyonov, the plenipotentiary representative of Karachay-Cherkessia in Belarus. In October 2000, he registered as a candidate for the post of governor of the Stavropol Territory. In the December 3 elections, he takes 6th place out of 13, receiving 3.78% of the vote.

In February 2001, he declares that the chairman of the government of the Chechen Republic, Stanislav Ilyasov, offered him a place in the republican government as minister of culture.

On December 16 of the same year, he was again elected to the State Duma of the Stavropol Territory in the Oktyabrsky district of Stavropol N17. He is the Deputy Chairman of the Committee of the State Duma of the Stavropol Territory for industry, energy, construction and housing and communal services.

Elected Chairman of the Stavropol Cultural Fund.

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