Simple mail client. Mail client: Features of choosing a mail program

People have been using the post office for years, writing letters to each other to ask how things are going, to congratulate them on some holiday, send postcards to relatives, friends and acquaintances. AT modern world such a need has disappeared. After all, with the advent of the Internet and its spread, people began to use email. It is much more profitable in terms of time, as well as financially. No need to buy paper, a pen, an envelope, go somewhere to the post office to send a letter. It is quite simple, without leaving your home, print what you want and send. To do this, you need to have some free time and access to the Internet.

More and more more people start using e-mail. The number of incoming and outgoing emails is steadily growing. The spread of Gmail and Hotmail is gaining new momentum. Special desktop clients or mail programs come to the aid of users. They handle incoming mail for the person. At the same time, the e-mail user saves time, because the program does part of the work for him.

Email clients have never been very popular, but that doesn't mean they're low quality or hard to understand. There is a large number of varieties of similar programs that are very easy to install and do not have failures. For each user, you can find a suitable email client, depending on his preferences.

Benefits of email programs

  • In order to check all incoming emails, it is not necessary to open the browser every time. The program itself will check the mail and download it to your computer at the frequency that the person chooses.
  • The program does not require manual downloading every time you turn on your computer or laptop. The mail client will start by itself, you just need to add it to autorun.
  • Correspondence is checked from all mailboxes, if you have more than one. Letters are sorted into different folders or into one common folder. The program conducts it according to your taste.
  • The mail client can download emails to your computer at any time you request. It doesn't even require internet access. Which is a big plus!
  • The program can sort all your emails based on subject, date, email size, sender, and so on. Very comfortably. This feature saves a lot of time for the user.
  • Thanks to the client, a person can easily find the letter of interest to him, knowing only keywords contained in it.
  • When writing new messages, the user can pause the process, while the letter is quickly saved as a draft. The browser requires constant reloading of pages, and, of course, access to the Internet.
  • Due to the fact that the mail program does not always request access to the Internet, especially when viewing incoming correspondence, there is a significant saving in traffic, and, as a result, finances, which cannot please the user.

When installing a desktop client, you can always also open a web browser, go to any site, use the interface of interest, read your correspondence. This right is yours. But, you see, there is not always enough time to go in and check your mail. And the program will do everything for you, help you not to miss important information. After all, in the flow of affairs, you can forget about some important letter that should come to your email. The client will allow you not to sit a lot of time waiting for the desired message to be received with the mail tab open. How many pluses!

But for these benefits to work for you- you just need to install it on your computer desired program and be delighted with her work. If you are wary of the fact that you have to pay a certain amount of money to download an email client, then you can leave your concerns. There are many free email programs out there.

The site explorer has studied several email clients for Windows and tells you which programs may appeal to heavy email users who are tired of Windows Live Mail or Microsoft Outlook interfaces.


An email client with an interface distinctly reminiscent of Sparrow for Mac OS. This is the second year that the app has received the IT World award as the best email client for Windows.

The Mailbird team understands that many users want to personalize and improve the usability of the end product, and offer customers following solutions for personalization: choosing a color scheme, customizing user interface panels and hotkey combinations.

The trend to expand the functionality of applications by connecting other applications is gaining momentum. The developers took this into account, so the application supports touch control and connection third party applications, such as Facebook, Dropbox, WhatsApp, Twitter, Evernote, Todoist and some others.

The application is available in paid (Pro) and free (Lite) versions. A paid subscription, in turn, also exists in two versions: for a year and for life for $12 and $45, respectively. The paid version offers users a quick preview long messages and snooze messages.

Snooze messages allow the user to delay reading non-urgent messages for a specified amount of time. After the grace period expires, the message reappears as unread.

Also, the Pro version offers an unlimited number of email accounts, compared to the maximum of three in the free version. The free trial period of the Pro version is 30 days.

Mozilla Thunderbird

Cross-platform email client from browser developers Mozilla Firefox.

The creators of the application laid the foundation for the principle of OpenSource. The advantages of such projects are the timely search and elimination of vulnerabilities, as well as rapid product updates.

The developers of the application did not bypass the issue of the security of personal correspondence. Encryption of messages, digital signature and verification of certificates are responsible for the confidentiality of personal correspondence of users. A powerful spam filter does a good job and can be trained.

Functional features include support for modern email protocols, RSS and Atom feeds, lightness, branched folder directories. Thunderbird is "friendly" with almost any encoding, can filter messages and work with multiple accounts at the same time.

According to Mozilla, the product is used by 495,000 users in Russia and 9 million worldwide. The austerity and conceptual old age of the user interface is designed to brighten up the big green button on the product website with the inscription "Download for free".

eM Client

A simple and convenient email client in the style of Outlook.

Users are offered two versions of the product - Free and Pro. The $30 version offers unlimited account creation (versus the maximum of two for the free version) and a license for commercial use.

The advantages of the application include the connection of third-party services Microsoft Exchange, Gmail, iCloud, support for touch devices and customizable widgets. Data import from Microsoft Outlook, Windows Live Mail, Thunderbird, The Bat facilitates a possible transition from other email clients.

the Bat

An email client featuring powerful defense mechanisms on the one hand, and the complete absence of built-in spam filters, tedious interface settings and nondescript design on the other.

Compared to free competitors, the app wins in terms of privacy, holds its own when comparing features, and loses miserably in terms of usability.

In everyday correspondence, the security requirements of most users are satisfied standard means offered by others mail clients, so the price tag of 2000 rubles for the Home version seems too high.


Beautiful, modern and free email client.

In addition to a well-made user interface, Inky boasts the ability to work with multiple accounts, flexible filters, cloud synchronization and convenient visualization, in which the user is prompted to choose colors and icons for different accounts.

The developers have built into the application automatic sorting of incoming emails by relevance. Messages from your closest contacts are marked with a blue blob, which indicates the importance of the message. Less important messages and spam are marked with less bright drops and omitted from the list.

In practice, it is not uncommon for sorting to occur on a temporary basis, which means assigning more importance to the most recent message. A logical simplification of the sorting system that destroys the great idea of ​​care and attention to each user.

In terms of ease of personalization, Inky is a learnable and highly customizable client.

Finally, it is worth mentioning the interesting OpenSource development Mailpile, which is in beta testing.

This application is distributed free of charge and "lives" on voluntary donations, and therefore does not contain ads.

The mail client is designed to process correspondence from electronic mailboxes.

There is a great variety of software that can do this: multifunctional mail clients that combine the functions of a mail courier and a search agent.

Or simple utilities that allow the user to receive, send and store electronic messages.

The most popular mail utilities for Windows OS will be discussed in this publication.

Purpose and application

It's no secret that many PC users have several email accounts that can be easily registered on the servers of large search services.

Access to them can be obtained through the resources on which they are registered.

If several addresses are registered on different sites, for example,; Yandex; Google; Yahoo, etc., then the login and authorization process must be completed for everyone.

In order to be able to work with correspondence from all mailboxes at the same time, without much time and Internet traffic, mail clients were invented.

Before the "seven", all versions of Windows were equipped with the mail program Outlook Express.

In later versions operating system the Mail app appeared, which allowed you to collect all the mail in one mailbox using a Microsoft account.

Basic functionality of mail clients

As mentioned above, mail clients differ in their capabilities. But there are basic functions inherent in absolutely all such programs:

  • receiving correspondence;
  • sorting and grouping messages into folders;
  • creation of electronic messages in the built-in text editor;
  • automation in the preparation of outgoing messages;
  • the ability to receive and send attachments in an email message.

In addition to the basic functionality, almost every email client has a lot of additional features: connecting RSS feeds, organizing a full-fledged organizer, the possibility of mass mailing letters, etc.

The top five most popular email processing programs include the following mail clients:

  • The Bat;
  • eM Client;
  • Becky Internet Mail;
  • Windows Live Mail.

Let's consider each of them in more detail. Where you can download the utility you like, look under the product description.


Mozilla Thunderbird is a powerful software package that allows you to process mail, work with groups, connect news feeds, and has filters for incoming messages.

It can work with multiple accounts.

It works great with all popular protocols (POP; SMTP; IMAP), and the built-in plugin system provides a flexible system of settings.

The Thunderbird mail client has gained particular popularity among the domestic user for its convenient Russian-language interface.

The program is distributed on the basis of a free license.

The Bat

The second place in terms of frequency of use by PC users is occupied by The Bat mail client. It has a good set of features, among which are:

  • Ability to connect an unlimited number of mailboxes, which can be received simultaneously.
  • Powerful system incoming mail filtering.
  • Ability to selectively download emails from the server.
  • Support for importing messages from other email clients.
  • Built-in search for letters and respondents.
  • Multifunctional text editor

The Bat for Windows can encrypt messages using public key cryptography, so the user can be 100% sure that his messages will not be read by intruders.

eM Client

Most PC users single out this particular program as the most functional and safe among similar ones.

Really, eM Client is equipped with all the necessary functions for comfortable processing of correspondence: reading emails, sending messages, forwarding and sorting mail, etc.

This software package has a built-in full-fledged organizer, chat manager and many other rather interesting functions.

In addition, eM Client is Russified, supports the protocols of the main mail servers and perfectly synchronizes with accounts created in Google services, Yandex and iCloud.

The only drawback of the program is distribution based on a paid license, although many users will be satisfied with the lightweight free version, which can be downloaded by clicking on the link to the official website of the developer:

Focusing on a single function is the key to software efficiency. Programs that try to create all-in-one end up being bloated, incomprehensible, and most of their extra features don't work as well as we'd like.

On the other side are programs that have a specific direction, such as Excel. Email clients are no different in this regard either.

Having a dedicated desktop client that can handle your email for you is a great way to have more free time and still stay organized.

There is nothing wrong with using the popular web interfaces provided by most email services such as Gmail and Hotmail, but having a separate client is great option do not keep an open browser tab on the e-mail page 24 hours a day.

Personally, I use Postbox for my email, but this program costs about $10. Luckily, there are plenty of other email clients available and free that you just have to look in the right places.


When Mozilla Firefox came on the scene in 2004 (when it came out under the name Firebird), it was able to move Internet Explorer from Microsoft. That same year, Mozilla released Thunderbird, which became a direct competitor to . Since then, Thunderbird has maintained its popularity and is not going to give up its positions.

Thunderbird is packed full of features, but doesn't suffer from sluggishness due to their sheer number. The client can work with several email accounts at the same time, supports POP and IMAP, has message filters, folders for organizing emails, address labels and priorities, supports RSS and Atom feeds.

In addition, it has a system of plugins with which you can add additional functions at your own discretion. The only thing is that the program, despite its prevalence and popularity, will not install new add-ons from unknown places.

Thunderbird is open software and even cross-platform. It can be installed on Windows, Linux, and even on Mac, if desired.

eM Client

Although Thunderbird is the most popular free client for Windows, eM Client has the best feature set. It syncs perfectly with any Gmail accounts, including email, calendars, contact lists, tasks, and even GTalk. If you are migrating to this client from Outlook, then eM Client has a special data import tool for this case. In addition, the design of the client is made in a minimalistic style and looks quite nice.

eM Client can be used without fear for your own, as it encrypts everything it sends. It even has an interesting feature for creating your own . PC Magazine named the eM Client as one of the best free programs three years in a row - 2010, 2011 and 2012. Understanding why this happened is very simple, you just need to start using it.

eM Client is available in two versions: Free and Pro. The Pro version costs $50 and gives you a commercial license for commercial use as well as priority VIP support.

More, Pro version allows you to create an unlimited number of email accounts. Download eM Client

Windows Live Mail

If you use Windows on your computer, then you have the opportunity to install Windows Essentials and get an excellent free email client called Windows Live Mail. It handles all your Accounts email and very easy to set up. If you're using SkyDrive, then that's great! Windows Live Mail syncs with SkyDrive in real time.

Windows Live Mail is only available for Windows Vista, 7, and 8. If you're using an earlier version of the operating system, such as XP, then you're out of luck. Download: Windows Live Mail

Zimbra Desktop

Zimbra Desktop used to be a great top notch email client a while ago, but for some reason it fell out of sight and it's still unclear why that happened. Its main distinctive features are that it can synchronize in local mode, so you can read all the messages while offline. Plus, you can collect all your accounts in one place, whether it's email or social media accounts.

In principle, you can use the Zimbra Desktop client as a place to consolidate all your communication tools. And even despite such impressive functionality, Zimbra Desktop does not seem like a bloated program. Even with so many features, it's surprisingly fast and looks great. I can't even sum it all up amazing features client, because there are really a lot of them.

Zimbra Desktop is free and available for Windows, Linux and Mac. Download: Zimbra Desktop

Claws Mail

Claws Mail is a desktop email client based on GTK+. Thanks to this feature, it has a minimalistic interface and fast time response. In the design of the client, everything is intuitively clear and it is almost impossible to get confused, plus you can adjust it for yourself. In general, the program is quite reliable and easily extensible, which will allow you to meet all possible needs in an email client.

When using Claws Mail, you can manually import settings and emails from other email clients such as Outlook or Thunderbird.

If after a while you want to get rid of this program, then all data can also be easily exported.

By using plugins, you can add some functionality, such as the ability to read RSS, a calendar with events, and some others.

Mail programs for the computer allow more flexible use of electronic correspondence. Filters, rules, shortcuts and much more, and most importantly - offline access to what was previously downloaded.

1.Mozilla Thunderbird

A time-tested multifunctional tool from Mozilla.

Support for any number of accounts

Extensibility through plugins

Limited opportunities calendar

Like the Firefox browser, Mozilla's mail client works with third-party plug-ins, which can significantly expand the application's capabilities. In addition to reading and sending emails, Thunderbird even without plugins allows you to read RSS feeds.

Setting up mail is quite simple. In most cases, you only need to remember your email address and password. The rest of the program will configure itself.

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2.EM Client

Thunderbird's main competitor in the free email client market. The main plus is a simple migration from other mail programs and a smart translator.

Migration Tools

Built-in chat

Thoughtful design

Only supports two accounts

eM Client has a 10 year history and is considered by many to be the best email client for Windows.

eM Client allows you to easily and quickly transfer your messages from Gmail, Exchange, iCloud and, has built-in search, calendar and address book. The built-in chat supports third-party messengers like Jabber or Google Chat.

Additional features include a built-in translator, delayed messaging, and encryption. If you only have two email accounts, then eM Client is a great choice.

3.Mailbird Lite

Nice email client with rich social features

Integration of social services

Very easy installation

Supports only one account

Mailbird Lite is not just an email client. It's a whole platform for communications. It allows you to extend the application's capabilities for scheduling, chats, file synchronization, and teamwork.

The free version has certain limitations. For example, previewing files attached to emails before opening them, or quick reading. But the free functionality is quite wide.

When setting up, you do not need to bother with the addresses of mail services, just remember the username and password from your mailbox. You can add your Facebook account, WhatsApp, Google Calendar, the free task manager and the Asana teamwork app to the mail.

4. Claws Mail

Minimalistic and intuitive client.

Work speed

Intuitive Design

Ease of setup

Small set of plugins

The minimum resource requirement allows you to use the Claws Mail mail client even on older computers. It will still work quickly.

The application allows you to import your settings from other clients like MS Outlook or Thunderbird. Therefore, if one of them does not suit you, it will not take long to move to a simpler solution.

Thanks to plugins, you can additionally install a calendar, RSS subscription and something else.

5 Opera Mail

An open source project from the Opera browser team.

Any number of accounts

Customizable tagging system

Difficult setup

This solution allows you to create template letters, which is especially important for business. Convenient message filters and sorting. Lots of manual settings.

It is possible to read RSS feeds, which eliminates the need to use a browser for these purposes.

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