Prince Harry of Wales and his girlfriend. Little-known and interesting facts about Prince Harry (16 photos). Prince Harry now

Prince Harry will soon say goodbye to the status of a bachelor: according to media reports, at the end of January he made an offer to the star of the TV series Suits Meghan Markle. Before meeting the 35-year-old actress, 32-year-old Prince Harry was known as a famous womanizer: he had about two dozen novels to his credit. ELLE remembered all the girls who also claimed the heart of the most enviable groom in the UK.

At the age of 20, Prince Harry had an affair with TV presenter Natalie Pinkham, who is six years older than him. Their romance ended quickly. In 2009, when Harry broke up with Chelsea Davey, they resumed their relationship, but again not for long.

About the daughter of a billionaire from Zimbabwe Charles Davey, Chelsea, Prince Harry has repeatedly said that it was she who was his "first true love." They met during their school years - Chelsea studied next door. In 2004, Harry and Chelsea met in South Africa, where Harry was visiting to support an AIDS charity in Lesotho and where Chelsea studied at the University of Cape Town. The couple's relationship was very unstable: they broke up in 2007, got back together a few months later, and separated again in early 2009. About six months they met with others, and then resumed the affair. In the summer of 2010, Prince Harry and Chelsea Davy decided to part ways for good. Davey explained this by not presenting herself as a member of the royal family. A year after the breakup, Harry invited her to the wedding of his brother Prince William and Kate Middleton - out of old friendship.

Australian singer and actress Natalie Imbruglia is almost 10 years older than Prince Harry, but this did not interfere with their relationship. A short romance happened in 2009. They were first spotted together at a concert by The Killers in London's Hyde Park, during which they constantly hugged and kissed. Quite quickly, the couple broke up: at that time, Prince Harry did not differ in constancy.

British TV presenter Caroline Flack was another girl in whose arms Harry sought solace during his 2009 break from relationship with Chelsea Davey. Over the course of a couple of months, they dined together several times and flirted on social networks, but Flack could not stand the increased attention of the press - as a result, Caroline and Harry quickly dispersed.

Bikini model Florence Brudenel-Bruce and Prince Harry dated for only one summer, in 2011. In the fall, Harry left to serve in Afghanistan, and their relationship ended.

With the lead singer of the British band The Saturdays, Molly King, Prince Harry had only a few dates in 2012. They went to Bunga Bunga karaoke together a couple of times - and nothing more serious.

Cressida Bonas was considered one of the best contenders for the role of the wife of the youngest son of Princess Diana. Bonas is the granddaughter of Earl Edward Curzon and the daughter of Mary-Gale Curzon, popular in the 60s, and Geoffrey Bonas, director of the large company MacCulloch & Wallis. They were introduced by Harry's cousin, Princess Eugenie, at a social event in 2012. During the two years of the novel, they broke up several times and in 2014 it was finally final, despite the numerous rumors about the wedding that circulated until the end of 2015.

At the after party of the Formula 1 Grand Prix in 2015, Harry liked the German model of Russian origin Anastasia Guseva. “I met Harry on the stairs. He came very close, smiled and invited me to the VIP area. He touched my hair, kissed my neck, we danced and kissed, ”Guseva recalled about that party. The model and the prince did not have a serious romance: after that, they were no longer seen together.

Against the background of rumors about the resumption of relations and the possible engagement of Prince Harry and Cressida Bonas in 2015, the son of Prince Charles had an affair with Doctor Who star Jenna Coleman. Party guests after the charity Audi Polo Challenge match at Ascot saw Harry flirting with the actress. A couple of days later, the prince and the actress were already having fun together in one of the London bars. Then they went to different parts of the world: Prince Harry - to South Africa, and the actress - to America, to shoot the series. Later, Coleman assured that only friendship connected her with Harry.

After the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton, many considered the Duchess Catherine's younger sister, Pippa Middleton, to be the perfect match for Harry. They said that mutual sympathy appeared just at the wedding of William and Kate, but they began to meet only in 2015. Pippa was the first to take the initiative, but after several dinners together, they realized that nothing serious would come of them. In May of this year, Pippa Middleton marries millionaire James Matthews.

In February 2015, the grandson of the Queen of Great Britain was credited with an affair with Emma Watson. Insiders said that Harry is really in love with the star of the Harry Potter films and has arranged secret dates with her several times. “World, remember our little conversation about not believing everything the press writes? Watson responded to rumors. "You don't have to marry a prince to be a princess." By the way, Emma really became a princess: on March 16, the film “Beauty and the Beast” will be released in cinemas, in which the actress played the role of the Disney heroine Belle.

With model and actress Cara Delevingne, Prince Harry never went beyond flirting. The first time they met was in 2013 at Princess Beatrice's picnic, after which they dined together several times. In 2016, Kara's colleague in the film Suicide Squad, Margot Robbie, said that Delevingne once mentioned that she was writing "drunk sms" to Prince Harry. By the way, then Margo herself began to correspond with Harry, at the suggestion of Cara Delevingne, who introduced them.

Juliet Labelle

The other day, all the anger of the British nation fell upon Kensington Palace. No, not at Cambridge, but at the rooms of Prince Harry, who recently gave a scandalous interview to the British edition of Newsweek, saying that he was supposedly burdened by royal life. “Sometimes when I go to the nearest supermarket for meat, I worry that someone will click on my phone,” the 32-year-old prince said, “But I want to live a normal life. And if I am lucky enough to have children, they will be able to live like that too.” The younger Welsh also added that, in his opinion, no member of the royal family really wants to be king.

Prince Harry gave a resonant interview to Newsweek at the end of June, for which he paid with the love of the British the very next day.

The lion's share of the interview was also occupied by Harry's revelations about how hard he experienced the death of his mother and how much he misses her (the young man did not say a word about his father, Prince Charles).

By the way, a similar interview dedicated to the depression of the prince after the death of Diana, Harry gave in April of this year. Then the youngest grandson of Elizabeth admitted to reporters that the realization of the loss fully came to him only after 30 and that since then it has been very difficult for him to pull himself together.

Farewell to Diana: The Duke of Edinburgh, Prince William, Earl Spencer, Prince Harry and Prince Charles follow the funeral procession (September 6, 1997).

"And what's wrong here?" ─ you ask, because for a long time the emotionality of Prince Harry, his spiritual simplicity and grief for his mother touched ordinary Britons. Just three years ago, royal biographer Penny Junor described the prince as a person who could understand the grief of others and support loved ones in the most difficult situations. She compared his character to Lady Dee's gentle nature, emphasizing that Harry inherited a big heart and craving for charity from his mother.

But it seems that William's younger brother inherited something else from Diana, namely, her love of giving scandalous interviews. Back in 1995, in an interview with BBC journalists, Diana seemed to open everyone's eyes to the rigidity and cruelty of the British monarchy, making a splash. And now, 22 years later, her youngest son, without a twinge of conscience, echoes his mother and publicly declares how hard royal life is, and that none of the members of the royal family wants to become a monarch. But if then the words of Diana became a world sensation, a real revelation, a confession, then the words of Prince Harry, alas, have not caused any emotions among the British for a long time, except for irritation. Now anger has joined in.

Diana Spencer gives an interview to BBC TV (1995).

"Don't you want to be king? Go to work!"

Prince Harry's statement about the frailty of the royal title, coupled with complaints of prolonged depression and a thirst for a normal life, seriously angered many Britons. On the one hand, of course, Harry does not claim the throne, but on the other ... Taking into account how close he is to his brother, it may well turn out that the prince voiced the opinion of the Duke of Cambridge himself, the future king. And this is serious.

Royal biographer Penny Junor also notes that William and Harry are two opposites. If Harry always grew up cheerful and emotional, then William, rather, was withdrawn and unsociable.

After Prince Philip was suddenly hospitalized at the end of June, the British again thought that no one is eternal, including Her Majesty, which means that the younger generation will soon take over the reins of power. And then it turns out that no one needs it. It turns out that the Windsors enjoy all the benefits of the royal court, but they do not want to fulfill their main duties and are burdened by their status.

Why, then, does Britain need a monarchy at all?

As for Harry himself and his grief for Diana, the British publicist Max Hastings advised the prince to “stop whining”, “find a normal job”, or renounce the title and live as you want. Indeed, after so many years of incessant mourning for the "People's Princess", the British seem to be tired of listening to the same thing. Yes, the loss of a mother is painful, but this is no excuse for a 32-year-old man to do nothing and only complain about life, Hastings is sure.

Harry admits that serving in Afghanistan was a real outlet for him, but after the press found out his whereabouts, the prince had to leave his military base.

Now, as a full-time royal, Harry's duties include mandatory attendance at protocol events and conducting charity projects, but many believe that this is not a very suitable business for a 32-year-old man.

The trend to complain

The British royal family has always been famous for its ability to maintain an aura of mystery and inaccessibility around them, reaching, perhaps, even stiffness. This has been done for many centuries, and this tradition has been passed down among English monarchs from generation to generation. And ordinary Britons, I must say, were quite happy with everything.

But alas, that was before Prince Charles of Wales married Diana Spencer. At first, she was perceived as a "breath of fresh air", but it soon became clear that the new princess was nothing more than an "ocean of tears." It was the Princess of Wales who first decided to make a real public property out of the skeletons in the royal closet. She willingly told the press, personal biographers, servants, lovers and all those whom she wanted to trust about her experiences and secrets. In a word, she took out dirty linen from the hut.

Princess Diana poses for a photograph with her sons at Kensington Palace (October 4, 1985).

However, after her death, the trend for constant complaints was picked up by Prince Charles, who, after the funeral of his ex-wife, even allowed himself to lose control of himself and start breaking family dishes with the words: “Only I can understand how painful it is to be the Prince of Wales.”

Judging by recent interviews, Prince Harry has also taken over the family habit, which today causes a flurry of discontent among the British and comments in the spirit of “you forgot what it means to be monarchs” and “Prince Harry behaves like a reality TV star.”

In a word, it seems that British subjects are serious about reminding the royal family that being a monarch means suffering in the soul and smiling in public. And although in general the British are not averse to the fact that the monarchs were closer to the people, it is obviously better for the royal offspring to keep their personal experiences to themselves.

Rumor has it that Harry's grandmother, who previously approved of the choice of her grandson, is now strongly opposed to his engagement to Markle.

In addition, it seems that soon the anger of the British regarding the behavior of their royalties can only intensify. It is not an hour when another “soap opera” will shock the British royal court: the other day, the British tabloid OK Magazine became aware that Queen Elizabeth sharply opposed her youngest grandson marrying his girlfriend, Canadian actress Meghan Markle. The reason for the royal “veto” was the fact that Markle was already married, and, according to Elizabeth, members of the royal house are not supposed to marry divorced women. In this case, it is not known whether the Charles-Diana-Camilla scenario will repeat itself, but Harry has an unconditional trump card up his sleeve - he does not claim the throne in any way, which means that he can theoretically marry anyone and leave the royal court hated by him. Then the world will know whether the red-haired prince's love for Megan is so strong and whether he is really so burdened by his current status.

Harry and Meghan Markle have been dating since November last year, and according to insiders, the prince is seriously considering marrying the Canadian actress.

Interest in the British ruling family excites many minds and hearts around the planet. The press service of the Queen of England announces and talks only about politically important moments and events taking place in her family. As a rule, all official messages have a positive connotation. But there are no ideal people, including in palaces. There are those who try to hide the details of their lives by hiding behind walls. Others want to live life to the fullest, love, travel the world. The latter include Prince Harry of Wales, the youngest son of the heir. His life passes under the flashes of cameras. It seems that we know everything about him, but is it really so? Surely there are pages hidden from prying eyes in his life.

All photos 14

Prince Harry of Wales - biography

Harry's home name is firmly attached to him, although in the documents he is Henry Charles Albert David Mountbatten-Windsor. He was born on September 15, 1984 in the capital of England. He is credited with the title of Prince of Wales by analogy with his father, although he is not the direct heir. Officially, he is titled Prince Henry of Wales, but if York does not have a son, then Harry will inherit the title of his uncle. Today, Harry is on the fifth step in line to the throne after his father, brother, two nephews. In an interview, Prince Harry of Wales talks about the joy of having each child and his stepping back from the throne.

Parents, Charles of Wales and Diana Spencer, married in 1981. The girl acquired the title of princess, but the marriage lasted only 15 years. She died after a divorce in a car accident. Then he was only 12 years old, and Prince William, his brother, was 15 years old. Of course, the tragedy left its mark on the character of the brothers.

Diana sent the princes to public schools, although the children of the royal family could study individually. Of course, these were elite institutions: the Weatherby School in London (primary) and the Ludgrove School in Berkshire. The intellectual William was successful in his studies and sports, and Harry gained a reputation as an eccentric student and a difficult teenager. He sometimes could not make informed decisions, was seen drinking alcohol and soft drugs (marijuana), loved noisy parties and adventures unworthy of the title of prince. The ubiquitous journalists documented such transgressions, happily publishing photos and articles in their newspapers. He followed his brother's footsteps after leaving school, attending Eton College from 1998 to 2003. He did not shine in studies, in geography he even had a negative assessment. After graduating from college, Harry set off to travel, first to Australia, then to the tiny African country of Lesotho. Here he stayed for a long time and engaged in charitable affairs. Many see this as a tribute to the memory of Diana, who gave her soul and means to the unfortunate. Harry, in collaboration with the local prince, founded Sentebale, an organization that helps orphans. "The Forgotten Kingdom: Prince Harry in Lesotho" is a documentary film about their destitute fate, filmed at that time.

In 2005, an unpleasant high-profile story was associated with Prince Harry of Wales. He showed up to a masquerade party dressed as a Nazi. Photos and notes in newspapers shocked the public, the prince publicly apologized. In 2005, with the surname Wales, he enrolled at Sandhurst Academy and the following year became a second lieutenant in the palace cavalry. In 2007, Harry went to Helmand (Afghan province), where from December 2007 to February 2008 he served as an aircraft controller. Subsequently, he came home to England, but invariably returned to Afghanistan. Harry participated in combat operations for several years, flying a helicopter, received several medals. In 2011, he became a captain in the army aviation. The Taliban movement did not hide their plans to destroy it, this would have served them with excellent PR.

Prince Harry of Wales - personal life

The love affairs of royal offspring are the most delicious topic for any journalist or tabloid. The paparazzi pursue them, leaving no hope of privacy and keeping any secrets. For several years, Chelsea Davy was next to Prince Harry of Wales. They met in England during their school years, but became a couple after meeting in Africa. Her father is the owner of a large safari tour business. Chelsea graduated from the University of Cape Town in 2006 with a degree in Economics. From 2004 to 2009, their romantic relationship was stable, the girl was accepted in the family, and then several breakups and reunions followed. In April 2011, Chelsea attended William's wedding. After that, the gap between her and Prince Harry finally took place. For the media, the girl said that life next to the royal family does not suit her.

In March 2013, Cressida Bonas was often seen with the prince. A fair-haired girl was born in 1989 in the family of businessman J. Bonas and socialite M. Curzon. The mother of the prince's girlfriend is from the wealthy Curzon family and is related to King Edward VII. Cressida has been friends with Prince Harry of Wales' cousin, Eugenie, daughter of the Duke of York, since childhood. Apparently, it was through Evgenia that the young people met in 2012. A short-lived romance began, ending after another unsightly antics by Harry. In 2013, the couple reunited and, according to media reports, announced their engagement. Cressida was not accepted by the royal family, apparently because her sister dated William for some time before his marriage. Kate Middleton and Prince Charles were unhappy with this relationship. In the spring of 2014, Harry and Cressida broke up. After Cressida, for a long time he could not choose a permanent girlfriend. For a short time, actress J. Coleman appeared next to him, as well as Pippa Middleton, Kate's younger sister. Recently, Harry has been dating Juliette LaBelle, a model and actress. The royal family is again unhappy as too many people see his girlfriend half-naked in photos. How long their relationship will last, only time will tell.

What do we know about Prince Harry? Youngest son of the Prince of Wales Charles and his first wife, the late Princess Diana, grandson of Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain, and brother of Prince William. Harry is young, rich and famous, but he is known not only for his origin, he also became famous for his active charitable work. Today you will learn 15 interesting and little-known facts about the Prince of Wales.

Harry hates Twitter
Prince Harry has repeatedly stated that he hates Twitter and other social networks for their invasion of privacy. Nevertheless, the prince was forced to write his first tweet, not for fun, but in support of the Invictus Games sports event organized for disabled soldiers.

The prince has a nickname
In the service, Harry is called the "Captain of Wales". The red-haired prince has been serving in the army for more than 10 years under the name Harry of Wales.

He was at the South Pole
In 2013, Prince Harry became the first member of the British royal family to visit the South Pole. Despite the difficult weather conditions, Harry daily covered 15-20 kilometers. The purpose of the expedition, which was organized by charitable foundations, was to draw public attention to the problems of military veterans and raise funds to help them.

Harry loves children
The Prince founded Sentebale, a charity dedicated to children with HIV/AIDS in Lesotho. So far, 31-year-old Harry has no children of his own, but he spends a lot of time with his nephew George and niece Charlotte.

Dad still gives Harry money
Charles, Prince of Wales, still transfers money to his son's account every month. And Harry spends these funds not only on himself, he also donates hundreds of thousands of pounds to charities. And the prince himself makes good money in the British army. And according to Diana's will, Harry annually received 450 thousand dollars from 21 to 29 years old.

Real military
Harry successfully completed a 44-week training course and, with the rank of second lieutenant, was sent to the Royal Horse Guards. He has several medals, including for participation in the military campaign in Afghanistan, where he was regularly involved in combat operations.

Talented Broker
In 2011, at the annual charity auction at the London office of brokerage firm BGC Partners, Harry set a world record by closing a deal worth 18 billion euros between the British bank Barclays and a European partner. The action was timed to coincide with the tragedy of September 11, 2001, in which 658 employees of the company were killed. The proceeds were transferred to various children's centers and aid funds.

Harry grew up in the shadow of his older brother
Until the age of 17, Harry quietly lived his own life while the paparazzi hunted for his brother. And then he somehow abruptly turned into an attractive young man, heartthrob and the most enviable groom of the planet.

Personal coat of arms
One of the main gifts that Prince Harry received for his 18th birthday was his personal coat of arms. The design of the coat of arms was personally approved by Elizabeth II. The emblem includes elements from the family crest of the House of Spencer, to which Harry's mother, Princess Diana, once belonged. The coat of arms depicts a lion, a unicorn, a shield and a crown.

Role in Invictus Games
The Invictus Games or the Invincible Games are competitions for disabled veterans of the British and Allied armies. The idea of ​​these games belongs to Prince Harry, and he managed to realize his idea in just 10 months! This year the games were held in Orlando, USA, and in 2017 they will be held in Toronto, Canada.

Prince Harry is truly a jack of all trades. During a visit to Chile, he went to visit a local resident and saw that the TV was working with interference. The Briton examined the device and began to fiddle with the cable, after which, according to the hostess, the TV began to work better. He also personally helped build a school in Lesotho.

Avid traveler
Harry lived in Australia for a year, where he worked on a ranch. Then he went to Lesotho, Africa, where he worked in an orphanage. Personally, he and the younger brother of the King of Lesotho Letsie III, Prince Seeiso, founded a charitable organization in 2006 to help the country's children and adolescents. A little later, the prince was admitted to the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst, after which he went to Afghanistan.

What did Diana call her son?
Princess Diana called her youngest son "my little Spencer" because Harry's hair color matched her relatives. Harry really has a lot in common with his mother: a similar sense of humor, modesty and kindness, a desire to help people.

Show "I want to marry Harry"
In 2014, the reality show I Want to Marry Harry aired on FOX. The organizers gathered 12 young American women in an estate located in the county of Berkshire in the south of England, and presented them with the main "prize" - a stately red-haired handsome man. Until the end of the project, the girls did not know that in front of them was only an actor who looked like the Prince of Wales.

He inherited a large fortune
When Prince Harry turned 30, he received a £10 million inheritance from his late mother, Princess Diana. Prince William received the same amount on his 30th birthday. But Harry's inheritance is larger than William's, due to bank interest that has accumulated over two years. Princess Diana's $40 million estate included stocks, bonds, jewelry, accumulated savings, dresses and other personal items.

Title: Prince Henry of Wales
Full name: Henry Charles Albert David Mountbatten-Windsor
Father: Prince Charles, Prince of Wales
Mother: Diana, Princess of Wales
Was born: 15 September 1984 at St Mary's Hospital, Paddington, London

Prince Henry, known as Prince Harry, was born on September 15, 1984 and is the second son of Prince Charles and Princess Diana. He was baptized by the Archbishop of Canterbury at Windsor Castle on 21 December 1984. His parents divorced in 1996 and his mother Princess Diana died in a car accident when he was 12 in 1997. He and his older brother William had to endure intense media interest in them after Diana's death and funeral.

He attended the same nursery and primary schools in London as his brother, and then Ludgrove School in Berkshire and Eton College. He took A levels in art and history, joined a cadet school, and developed an interest in polo, rugby, and mountain climbing. After graduating from Eton, he took a leave of absence and went to Australia, where he worked at a cattle station and later at an orphanage in Lesotho.

In May 2005, Harry entered the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst as an officer cadet. In April 2006 he joined the Royal Household Cavalry as a lieutenant. Trained as a tank reconnaissance commander. In June 2007, he trained in Canada with other British soldiers and served with his regiment in Afghanistan from December 2007 to February 2008 when revelations in the world press forced him to return home. He returned to his duties in Britain as a lieutenant in the King's Regiment. In 2009, he trained as an army helicopter pilot and served a 20-week tour of duty in Afghanistan as a qualified Apache helicopter pilot in 2013. In June 2015, he left operational service with the rank of captain and maintains close ties with charities in the Armed Forces.

He has a particular interest in the Sentabale Charity for children in Lesotho, and in the Invictus games, a Paralympic-style sporting event for wounded soldiers and women. He is currently fifth on the throne. If he becomes king, he will probably be known as Henry IX.

On November 27, 2017, it was announced that he and his American girlfriend Meghan Markle had decided to get married. She is a divorced television and film actress and they met in the summer of 2016. They are about to get married at St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle on May 19, 2018.

Prince Henry's (Harry) signature

Now watch the most important moments in the life of the most smiling prince and appreciate his great sense of humor.

Prince Harry's real name is Henry Charles Albert David Mountbatten-Windsor. Harry began to be called in early childhood, the name stuck with the boy so much that it is now used even in official sources. According to the British press, the Prince has another nickname - Spike. That's what friends and security at Scotland Yard call him. In addition, under this name, Harry allegedly registered on the social network Facebook many years ago, but then deleted the account.
Prince Harry with his mother Princess Diana
According to the biographers of the royal court, in childhood, the characters of the princes were completely different: now a diligent family man, William was a difficult child who could bring everyone to a nervous breakdown, including his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II. The joker and merry fellow Harry, on the contrary, was reserved and modest.
As a child, Harry loved the Starsky & Hutch crime series about two cops, but Diana banned him from watching the show due to the amount of violence on the screen.
Prince Harry is the cutest prince In 2011, the press wrote many times that Harry is a fan of the Star Trek franchise (Star Trek). In addition, allegedly, Harry wants to become the first British monarch to go into space. So far, the birthday boy has not yet managed to rise into the stratosphere, but he made an expedition to the South Pole.

Harry has repeatedly admitted in interviews that he inherited a sense of humor, surprisingly, from his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II. According to the prince, his family members love to joke and laugh behind closed doors. That is why Harry and William are not afraid to play pranks on Her Majesty, knowing that "ba" will appreciate it. So, once the young monarchs replaced the official voice message on her phone with their own. – Hey, how are you? It's Liz! Sorry, I'm a long way from the throne right now. For a hotline with Philip, press one. Press two to connect with Charles. And for the corgi (Elizabeth's dog) - three.

Queen Elizabeth II smiles at Prince Harry, who is in the ranks. He can't help smiling back
Harry is ready to do anything to once again “split” the more serious older brother. So, during his official visit to Brazil in 2012, he received an offer to take part in the Sport Relief race. Harry agreed, but before the start he noticed on one of the guests a mask with a photograph of William. The monarch, without hesitation, borrowed it and ran in it to the delight of journalists. The prince decided that "this will make his brother laugh a lot." The appearance of Prince Harry is followed no less than the fashionable images of Kate Middleton. Once the prince managed to surprise fashion journalists and bloggers around the world. During his visit to Jamaica, Harry appeared in front of photographers in a classic white shirt, beige trousers and ... bright blue boots. Harry answered journalists' questions like this: - Blue shoes ... Jamaica is Jamaica, it's time to walk them. I fought the urge to wear them earlier, but I knew that I would soon have to meet with Rita Marley (Bob Marley's widow), so with an incredible effort of will, I put them off until this moment.
Harry and William often play jokes on each other in interviews. The younger prince is especially famous for this. For example, once, after his visit to Brazil, Harry shared with the BBC: - When you are in Rio, everything around makes you dance. I'm so happy and grateful that my brother didn't come here because he could start doing it too... And that wouldn't be cool at all!
William's baldness also often comes from Harry, who, unlike his brother, boasts thick hair (at least for now): - I think he is definitely brainier than me. We discovered this with him at school, as well as his bald head. Me and a couple of our friends are constantly concerned about pricking William one more time or embarrassing him... Well, making him lose a few hairs. The appearance of Prince George in the royal family gave Harry more reason to joke about his brother. Even before the birth of the little heir, journalists asked his future uncle if he was going to babysit his nephew. Harry responded with his usual sense of humor, “Of course. Only I hope my brother knows how much my babysitting costs.
When Harry set out on an expedition to the South Pole in late December 2013, reporters asked him how Prince William felt about the trip. It turned out not to be very favorable. - My brother ... I think he was jealous, because, unlike him, I managed to get away from the constantly screaming child.
Prince William received another taunt in his address from his younger brother during the Invictus Games. At that time, the press had already learned that Kate Middleton was expecting her second child, so she asked Harry to comment on this event. Harry replied, "I can't wait to see my brother suffer even more." If it is a girl, then suffering and problems with her upbringing will only increase. I'll be happy to see how he handles all this!!!

Do not rush to think that only William always gets it. He also does not miss the opportunity to play a trick on Harry, although he does this relatively less frequently. For example, one day William decided to play a prank on his brother with a voice message. He tried to parody the voice of Harry's ex-girlfriend Chelsea Davy, not forgetting even the accent (Chelsea was born in Zimbabwe). Hi, this is Chelsea. I just want to tell you that I miss you so much. I think you are the most beautiful redhead I have ever seen. Although I don't know, maybe quite scary. Hope you're having a great time. I miss you so much. It's so beautiful here in Africa, and I hope to see you soon, big, hairy, fat redhead. Okay, we'll talk later.

In January 2010, British artist Nikki Philipps unveiled the official portrait of the two royal brothers. Prince Harry commented on the work with his usual sense of humor: - Well, I don’t know, I turned out here a lot more red than I really am. It seems to me. And William had too much hair drawn. But in general, the portrait is quite nice, things could have turned out much worse.
Usually fans ask celebrities for permission to take pictures with them, but Harry often takes the initiative himself, and at the most unexpected moment. At a recent Commonwealth Games swimming event in the Scottish city of Glasgow, Harry saw the spectators seated in the lower rows taking a picture and made a lightning-fast decision to improve the photo.
Rugby coach Gordon Titjens, Sport Manawatu CEO Trevor Scheyler, and Massey University Emiritus professor Gary Hermansson only found out that they were lucky enough to take a royal photo in every sense when they saw the finished picture. Subsequently, he appeared on the Massey University twitter account.
Harry never misses an opportunity to laugh - even at himself. So, on the eve of the start of the Invictus Games, Harry held a special event at which he introduced 130 Paralympians participating in future competitions. During the speech of the prince, a gust of wind blew off the sheet with his speech from the podium. Harry had to make a little effort to "catch up" with him, and this alone made the guests laugh a lot. When he finally managed to catch the leaf, he said to the nearby participants: “Thank you for not blowing on him from the left.” Two weeks after the scandal in Las Vegas, as a result of which pictures of naked Prince Harry got into the press, a charity event was planned in London - an evening to help children with leukemia. Shortly before it was held, British television interviewed several kids, one of whom was a boy named Alex. The reporters asked him if he knew anything about the prince. Alex admitted that he really wants to talk to Harry and ask if his clothes were returned to him. Harry found out about this and at the meeting, laughing and shaking his finger, said to the boy: I heard, young man, that you behaved a little impudently during an interview with ITV. I suggest not to mention my embarrassment in Las Vegas at that party.
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