When is the rainy season in Vietnam. When is the best time to visit Vietnam? When the rainy season comes

With the start of winter tourist season does not come to an end at all. On the contrary, it is in full swing. It is still cool in the north of Vietnam, but the country's southern resorts are already hospitably welcoming vacationers.

In central Vietnam, the weather is not very favorable - it rains periodically in Nha Trang (air temperature during the day + 27˚, at night + 21˚, water temperature + 24˚C). In Hanoi, precipitation in December is not often, but by the standards of the tropics, it is quite cool here, daily temperature reaches only +22˚C, at night it drops to cool +16˚C. But in Fukuoka you can already enjoy a beach holiday, will delight tourists warm water(+27˚C) and air temperature, which reaches +30˚C during the day and 22˚C at night, above zero. In Ho Chi Minh City and Phan Thiet, the mercury column reaches 33˚C above zero during the day, and +22˚C at night, the water temperature in Phan Thiet is +25˚.

For the northern part of the country, the first month of the year is the coldest, and in the southern regions of Vietnam, the winter is hot. It is quite cool in Hanoi, and if you decide to stay in one of capital hotels, you should ask in advance about the availability of heating or a heater. Daytime air temperature in Hanoi is only +19˚, nighttime temperature averages 14˚C above zero. In Phan Thiet, the weather is quite comfortable: +32˚C during the day and 21˚C at night, the water temperature averages +23˚C. In Nha Trang, compared to the beginning of winter, the weather has improved - precipitation has almost stopped, and the temperature has not changed much (+27˚C during the day, +20˚ at night, water temperature 22 degrees). In Ho Chi Minh City, by noon, the air warms up to + 32˚C, at night - up to + 21˚. Ideal weather in Fukuoka: warm sea water (+26˚C), during the day the thermometer reaches +30˚C, and by midnight it drops to +21˚C.

February is one of the months of the dry season. There are no natural disasters, which will allow you to go to any part of Vietnam. In Hanoi, evenings and nights are slightly warmer than in January (+16˚C), and during the day average temperature stays at the same level (+19˚C). In Phan Thiet and Ho Chi Minh City, the average daytime temperature is 32˚C, at night + 22˚C. Water in Phan Thiet warms up to 24˚C. In Nha Trang during the day + 28˚C, and at night + 20˚C, the water temperature is +23 degrees. Phu Quoc is still one of the most attractive places for recreation in the country. Here the daytime temperature reaches +31˚C, at night you will not freeze either (t +22˚C), the water is warm (+27˚C).

At the beginning of spring in the north of Vietnam it becomes warmer, in the south beach season long open. March and April are good times to visit Vietnam, and in May the wet season starts and ends only in autumn.

In March, it becomes warmer in the capital - during the day the temperature already reaches 22˚C, the average nighttime temperature in Hanoi is fixed at 18˚ above zero. With the advent of spring in the southern part of Vietnam comes the heat. In Nha Trang, the temperature is 30˚C by noon, dropping to 21˚C by night, the average water temperature is +25˚C. In Ho Chi Minh City and Phan Thiet, the daytime temperature in March reaches +33˚C, at night +23˚C. Sea water on the coast of Phan Thiet it warms up to + 26˚C. High temperatures are also recorded in Fukuoka: during the day +32 ˚C, warm nights - + 22˚C, water temperature + 27˚C.


April - perfect time for lovers aquatic species sports and recreation on the beach, you can swim not only in the south, but also in the north of the country. It rains, but not often and ends quickly. The capital Hanoi has also become warm, now warm clothes, most likely, will not be needed even at night (temperature at night is on average + 22˚C), during the day the air temperature is + 27˚C. In Ho Chi Minh City and Phan Thiet, mercury columns rise to +35 degrees during the day, and stop at +25˚C at night. The water temperature in Phan Thiet is +26˚C. On the island of Phu Quoc is still good weather, +33˚C is fixed during the day, and +23˚C at night, the water is very warm (+28˚). In Nha Trang, it is a little cooler, the daytime temperature here stays at around 31˚C, at night it drops to 23˚C, the water warms up to +25˚C.

AT last month spring in Vietnam begins a long wet season, it is worth noting that the rains in May occur mainly at night. Despite the rain, there are guided tours, so if you want to see sights of vietnam and do not be afraid of rain, you can safely pack for a trip. In Nha Trang during the day the temperature is +32˚C, at night +24˚C, the temperature coastal waters+28 degrees. In Hanoi, during the day, the mercury columns rise to +31˚, at night the temperature is +25˚C. In Phan Thiet and Ho Chi Minh, the daytime temperature is high (+35˚), at night +25˚C. Water in Phan Thiet and Fukuoka +28˚ ..29˚C. Air temperature in Fukuoka during the day + 32˚C, at night an average of + 24˚C.

In the summer, very few tourists come to Vietnam; heavy tropical rains fall almost throughout the country. A real danger to life is typhoons, which often occur in the central part of the country, a little less often in the north and south.

One of the main horror stories of tour operators regarding Vietnam is the rainy season. Like, Vietnam is turning into one big Venice, everyone is swimming around on bikes, typhoons, hurricanes, earthquakes and alien invasion.

In short, it is impossible to rest in this very season. Others, on the contrary, promise a fine rain, which only refreshes and generally contributes to the formation of lightness throughout the body, improves vision and male power. As always, the truth is somewhere in the middle. Therefore, let's see what is remarkable about the rainy season in Vietnam, when it comes and what a tourist can expect from him. You can read more about the weather in this beautiful country in general here.

When the rainy season comes

Let's start with when the rainy season in Vietnam starts. The fact is that the climate of Vietnam is far from uniform. In the same season, the weather in the northern and southern parts of the country can be drastically different. Since our site is mainly devoted to recreation in Nha Trang, let's look at when the rainy season comes to this particular city. If we consider the rainy season in Vietnam by months, then in Nha Trang it actually begins in November. Of course, it also rains in October. But it is November, December and January that can be called the rainiest months of the year. During this period, you can expect up to 15 rainy days per month. In February, the sun begins to come out more and more often, the waves slowly calm down and the sea becomes quite suitable for swimming: it is cleaner and calmer. Even the central city beach, which is noticeably washed out by the waves during the rainy season. If you want to come during this period and still soak up the warm sand, we recommend that you go to Mui Ne or Phu Quoc for a day or two. After all, when it rains in Nha Trang, the sun shines at these neighboring resorts.

Local rains are noticeably different from those in our latitudes.

Features of the rainy season in Nha Trang

Surprisingly, the rainy season in Vietnam is different. In particular, in Nha Trang it is noticeably different from the same Saigon or Hanoi. Firstly, here it is not as severe as in most other regions. In Nha Trang, you will not find people floating around the streets, flooded houses and cars everywhere. Of course, there are a couple of places in the city that are in the lowlands. However, storm systems work perfectly and the water does not stagnate for a long time. On most main streets, you will not find puddles even during a heavy downpour. Secondly, it doesn't rain for a week in a row. It can be a couple of rainy hours when it pours like a bucket. Just unexpectedly, a wall of water comes into the city and just as suddenly leaves. It happens to be insignificant it's raining day or two with short breaks. But in general, when the rainy season begins in Vietnam, you will not have to constantly get wet and there will be respite.

Something similar can only be seen in the Big C supermarket area.

Another feature of the rainy season is the wind and waves. During this period, quite impressive waves rise in the Nha Trang sea. On a city beach, for example, they can be three meters high. Of course, such a phenomenon can not be observed every day. But on average, the waves are such that swimming with small children is not worth it. Although, you can always go to Paragon Beach. Just 10 minutes from the city center and you are on a small private beach with a concrete breakwater. Here, in any season, calm water, so it is very comfortable with children. Therefore, there is essentially no such thing as a holiday season in Vietnam. Here, rather, several seasons for different type recreation. The rainy season, for example, is not suitable for the beach, but is great for outdoor activities.

The rainy season in Nha Trang will appeal to surfers


A few words should be said about this particular climate of Vietnam. Yes, indeed, sometimes typhoons come to Vietnam from the Philippines. However, most of them are rather weak and go more often to the north of Vietnam. The typhoon, if it gets to Nha Trang, is “weakened”. At the same time, any more or less significant becomes public knowledge in advance. So that the only way to suffer somehow from it is to walk along the street at the moment when a storm warning was announced throughout the city and everyone is sitting at home / hotels. The last significant typhoon was in Nha Trang in 2017. And this is one of two rather serious cataclysms in the last 100 years. So there is nothing to be afraid of. Nonetheless, best season for a holiday in Vietnam, to exclude the possibility of a typhoon - this is spring and summer.

This is what the streets of Nha Trang looked like after one of the most destructive typhoons of the last 100 years. As you can see - nothing terrible, the city was ready

Getting ready for the rainy season

Finally, we will give you a couple of tips on how to have a good time in Nha Trang during the rainy season. The first thing you should understand is that Vietnam is very diverse. It's not just the beach, rum and seafood. This country has magnificent nature, which you can admire during the rainy season. After all, instead of sitting in your room and watching the rain, you can go on one of the hundreds of excursions. Believe me, even in the rain you can visit the mass cool places near Nha Trang. It is not necessary to wait until the season in Vietnam reaches its peak and millions of tourists from all over the world travel. After all, it is much more pleasant to visit certain sights when there are not thousands of noisy Chinese people there. Do you agree?

If you still want to swim, you can always go to one of the spa complexes. For example, in the same I-RESORT for only 120,000 VND (price of August 2018) you get a full day pass to hot and cold mineral pools, waterfalls and just a great place to relax. Even in the rain it's pretty good.

In a place like this you will have a great time even in the rain

Separately, a few words should be said about driving a bike. The rainy season in Vietnam is far from best time to get behind the wheel of a two-wheeled vehicle. Traffic here is quite difficult for an unaccustomed driver, and in the rain it all only becomes more complicated. But, if this does not scare you, stock up on 2 things: a thick raincoat and transparent glasses (or a helmet with a visor). Otherwise, riding a bike in the rain in Nha Trang will be inconvenient and even dangerous. Speaking of raincoats. In Nha Trang, thin transparent raincoats are sold on every corner. They cost an average of 10,000 dong. But we do not recommend buying them. The fact is that this is a one-time nonsense that is constantly torn and does not really cover from the rain. We recommend buying a long, dense raincoat for 70-90 thousand VND. First, it perfectly protects from a rain. Secondly, it is not blown (and this is very important, believe me). Thirdly, such a raincoat will last you the whole rest, and then you will also take it home with you.

As you can see, se rain zones in Nha Trang are not so terrible. Yes, he is not very suitable for beach holiday, but you can still have a great time: excursions, Beautiful places, SPA complexes - this and much more is waiting for you.

Vietnam is one of the most popular tourist destinations in South-East Asia. Tourists are attracted to this country by beautiful tropical beaches, clear sea, small and very cozy resort towns. When planning your trip to Vietnam, keep in mind that there is a rainy season here, which may not be very pleasant for relaxation.

Rain season

In order to choose the right time to visit Vietnam, you need to imagine that the weather in different parts this country can be very different. Despite the fact that on the map Vietnam looks like a small piece of land, there are three climatic zones:

  1. South Vietnam - popular tourist resorts Ho Chi Minh City, Con Dao, Phu Quoc Island
  2. Central Vietnam - famous beaches near Nha Trang, Phan Thiet, Phan Rang
  3. Northern Vietnam - beach holidays in Hai Phong, Thai Binh, Nam Dinh

In the southern cities of Vietnam, tropical showers begin in May and continue until the last weeks of November. In December, tourists from different countries, because the sunny clear weather is finally set. For five months, until the first days of May, there is never any precipitation here.

Central Vietnam will be attractive to tourists whose vacations fall on summer period. The period from April to August is considered the dry beach season here. The rains begin in September and end closer to January.

The rainy season in North Vietnam lasts from April to September. At this time, it is not only rainy here, but also quite cool. The air temperature can drop to +6 degrees. So it is best to relax in the north of the country during a favorable period from October to the end of March, when it is dry and warm here.

Despite the fact that the rainy season is not very popular, in the south of Vietnam you can relax almost all year round. It is a common misconception that it rains around the clock here, and whenever you go outside, you will definitely get wet to the skin. However, this is not the case: showers in the southern part of Vietnam occur mainly at night. During the day, tropical rain lasts only 30-40 minutes, and you can easily wait it out in a hotel or cafe. The rest of the time it is still hot and sunny. The air temperature is stable at +30 °C. The sea is warm (+28 °C) and almost always calm.

However, if you are planning a trip to Central or Northern Vietnam, it is best not to go here during the rainy season. The fact is that along with the rains, monsoons come to the central regions. They rise to the sea big waves and it becomes unsafe for swimming. AT northern regions low season differs in what comes here cold air from China. Of course, by Russian standards, the temperature drops slightly - usually to plus 10. However, in combination with high humidity, it becomes rather cool and uncomfortable here.

How long is the rainy season

The rainy season in Vietnam lasts approximately 5-6 months, while in different parts of the country this wet period can vary by month. For example, in the summer it rains in the south of Vietnam, while in the central regions, on the contrary, dry weather sets in.

Six months of rain is quite a long period. However, do not think that it rains every day for many hours. In the south of Vietnam, the rains practically do not interfere comfortable rest. They go for about 30 minutes a day and bring invigorating coolness after a long heat wave. Sometimes it happens that even during a rainy period, not a single drop may fall from the sky for 4-5 days.

rainy season nha trang

The popular resort of Nha Trang is located in the central part of Vietnam. The rainy season here is quite short: showers begin in September and end in January. Unlike the southern resorts of Vietnam, the rainy period in Nha Trang is accompanied by stormy winds. Serious destruction and disasters have never been here, but hurricanes are definitely not suitable for good rest. On the beaches in the off season it becomes impossible to swim because they rise high waves. In addition, the rainy season in Nha Trang is unpleasant due to the invasion of mosquitoes.

Despite the fact that the rains in Nha Trang end in January, the beach season here begins only in April. The fact is that from January to March the weather here is quite cool for a tropical resort. The air warms up only to 22-25 °C, the water temperature averages about 20 °C. This weather is great for long walks and excursions, but sunbathing and swimming are better in the south of Vietnam in winter.

Rainy season in Phan Thiet

Phan Thiet is one of the most developed and popular resorts in the south of Vietnam. Tropical showers come here in May, and go throughout the summer and autumn months. In the second half of November, there may be no more rain, but there is no guarantee that the showers will not last until early December.

Most tourists visit Phan Thiet from December to April, when there is no rainfall. It becomes especially crowded here during the New Year and Christmas holidays. However, you can relax in this Vietnamese town all year round. During the rainy season, showers occur mainly at night, and during the day you can swim and sunbathe. In addition, in summer and autumn, hotel prices are reduced in Phan Thiet, and you can save a lot on accommodation without sacrificing a comfortable stay.

The best months for holidays

Vietnam is a unique country where you can avoid the rainy season by moving from one city to another. When tropical showers begin in the southern regions, you can move to the northern or central resorts and enjoy dry weather and bright sun there.

Therefore, it does not matter at all what months the vacation will take. In winter and spring, it is best to relax in the southern resorts - Phan Tien, Fukuoka or Ho Chi Minh City.

In May, June, July and August, cities will become the most favorable for recreation. Central Vietnam: Nha Trang, Da Nang, Hue.

autumn high season can be found on the northern beaches of Vietnam in Hanoi and Nam Dinh.

The climate of Vietnam is diverse, this is due to the considerable length of the country. Comfortable weather can be found here all year round if you choose the right resort.

The rainy season falls on the summer months and early autumn. At this time, the rains stand like a wall, and from high humidity it gets stuffy. But in the central region of the country there are several secluded bays, where it becomes uncomfortable only at the end of the year.

If the vacation falls on summer days, then it is preferable to go on vacation to the central region of Vietnam, in winter time it is advisable to choose resorts that are located in the south or north of the country. When going to these places for the first time, it is important to have reliable information when it is better to relax in Vietnam, at what time of the year and where.

North Vietnam is the oldest part of the country. On its open spaces there are numerous coffee plantations, as well as nature reserves. Capital Hanoi is a city that strikingly combines the influences of East and West: ancient pagodas and narrow streets, colonial villas and green French boulevards.

All this is complemented by lakes of magical beauty, surrounded by lush greenery. Northern Vietnam will be of interest to those who wish to get acquainted with the country's historical monuments and plunge into the atmosphere of the Old City. The best time to go there is in the spring.

Central Vietnam will not leave indifferent lovers of beach holidays, kitesurfing and. It is famous for its long white sandy beaches, clear turquoise water and a mild Mediterranean climate. You can visit anytime except autumn.

South Vietnam ideal for a beach holiday. World famous resorts are concentrated here ( Mui Ne, peninsula Cam Ranh, gulf Nha Trang and others). Any tourist can choose a place to their liking: youthful Nha Trang, luxurious Phu Quoc or calm Phan Thiet.

The region is characterized by greater economic development compared to the rest of Vietnam. The climate of the southern coast is tropical, the beach season is the most comfortable and long.

beach season

In the winter-spring period, the beach season begins in Vietnam, when it is better to relax in the southern part of the country. At this time, a large influx of tourists from all over the world, the weather in the region is conducive to relaxation, but prices rise accordingly. In spring, dry and hot weather sets in all resorts of the country.

It is best to relax on the most famous beach resorts Vietnam during the following periods:

  • Phan Thiet- during the winter months;
  • Hoi An– from April to the end of August;
  • Phu Quoc– from November to March;
  • Nha Trang– from February to September.

Spring is the time when it is best to go to Vietnam to relax. Hot weather sets in from March-April in the central and southern regions. it best period for outdoor activities and beach holidays. AT Phan Thiet and Mui Ne during the day about + 34 ° С, the sea 28 ° С. AT Nha Trang slightly cooler.

On the Fukuoka very warm nights, and daytime temperatures in the spring around 32°C. In the northern region, you can swim only from the end of April, when the temperature reaches +23°C.

rainy season in vietnam

This period in the regions of the country varies in time. In the south it lasts from May to November. During the rainy season, there is very high humidity due to short but heavy rainfall. The air temperature is about +27°С. Not all tourists avoid traveling to the country at this time, some do not consider the rains a hindrance. Prices during this period are significantly reduced, and the sea remains warm.

In northern Vietnam, the rainy season lasts from April to November. When going to this region, preferably warm clothes. In the central region, tropical showers are observed from December to April. Short-term rains occur frequently and the air temperature is quite low.

The hotel rooms are cool and very humid because they are not heated. The ocean is stormy, and it is most often impossible to swim, as red flags on the beaches warn about.

On the south coast, the wet season begins in May and ends closer to November. Rains are short, about 30-40 minutes, alternating with sunny weather. At the same time, the air temperature drops slightly.

The period when it is better to refuse a trip to Vietnam is from August to November. At this time, there is a high probability of typhoons, which are life-threatening. This must be taken into account when deciding when it is better to relax in Vietnam.

How to save money on travel

When planning a vacation in Vietnam (when is the best time to go in order to spend less), you need to consider that the most profitable tours are during the rainy season. At this time, the cost of recreation is lower than usual, so tourists often book places in advance. The flow of tourists is slightly reduced.

Despite showers, the air temperature in the southern resorts only slightly decreases (+28-29°C). In addition, the rains are short and the sea remains warm (+27-28°C). Showers often occur after lunch, during the period of the strongest heat and last only 30-40 minutes, so they do not always interfere with rest.

AT winter period prices for tours are the highest, this is due to increased competition. In other resorts, the tourist season is already closed and the number of people arriving in Vietnam to take a break from cold winter, increases sharply. Most of all visitors are on the eve, this causes a significant increase in the cost of vouchers. The rest of the time prices are quite stable.

Last Minute Tours to Vietnam

Diving and fishing

Diving enthusiasts can go to Vietnam at any time. In large resort towns there are special schools. The cost of classes is much lower than in other countries, and undersea world very beautiful and varied.

For those who prefer picturesque places, it is better to choose the dry season for recreation. Fishing enthusiasts should also prefer this period. There are several options for this activity in Vietnam: fishing on the high seas, in rivers and mountain lakes. Fishing equipment can be rented from residents.

The dry season in the country lasts from January to April, so when deciding when it is better to go to Vietnam to relax at sea, you need to understand that this is the best time for beach activities. During this period, you can go to any region of the country and visit all resort places in Vietnam.

Nha Trang has long been widely known in narrow circles. Considered to be one of the most popular Vietnamese resorts where summer is the season to relax!

For most of the year, the weather here is comfortable. You can relax in Nha Trang even during the rainy season, because there is not much rainfall there. On the climatic features Nha Trang is most influenced by the Truong Son Mountains or the Annam Mountains.

Wet weather occurs from October to December. At this time the resort rises strong wind, the daytime air temperature drops slightly, and high waves appear on the sea, and the water loses its transparency and becomes cloudy. During these months, it is not advisable to go to Nha Trang for a beach holiday or diving in order to avoid disappointment. But you can devote time and see.

Summer is the holiday season in Nha Trang

Enough heat expects tourists from June to September. Begins high holiday season in Nha Trang . The weather in Nha Trang in the summer is ideal for swimming in the sea and visiting excursions. In June there are an average of 20 sunny days, but intermittent tropical showers are possible, as well as mostly cloudy weather. The air temperature during the day rises to +32 degrees, and at night it does not fall below +27. The water in the sea heats up to +28 degrees. in summer it is great for swimming adults and children - the entrance to the water is gentle, there are practically no waves.

What to say? A lot of tourists gather in Nha Trang in July, because at this time the weather is very hot here, and there is almost no rainfall. In this sultry month, the average air temperature reaches +28 degrees.

In August, the weather in the resort is still hot, so you should not go here with small children and tourists who do not tolerate the heat. It doesn't get much cooler at night in Nha Trang. It is worth remembering that in early August it rains. But they usually go at night and not for long.

A feature of the holiday season in Nha Trang is the influx of foreign tourists, as well as wealthy Vietnamese coming from Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and other cities. Good news for those who want solitude - after all, you can take a break from compatriots and Russian speech everywhere.

Autumn in Nha Trang

The weather in Nha Trang in autumn is characterized by a slight coolness and the onset of the rainy season. In September there are downpours lasting 10-15 minutes, but frequent several times a day. The air temperature can reach +32 degrees. At this time, many water attractions appear on the beaches of Nha Trang, and it is also convenient to visit many attractions.

The wet season is in October, when many rainy days come to the resort. Most showers happen in the evening, but they end quickly. During the day the weather is exceptionally cloudy. During the day it is still warm, the air temperature rises to +30 degrees. In general, autumn is traditionally considered not the season for relaxing in Nha Trang.

In November there is no more regular rains. Usually precipitation at this time falls no more than 7-8 days. Even at the end of the month, comfortable warm weather prevails on the coast, and the average air temperature is 28 degrees. Warm clothes will not be needed even at night, when it is quite warm outside - up to +24 degrees. In November, the sea in Nha Trang is calm, without storms and big waves.

Of course, autumn in Nha Trang is not a holiday season, but only for a beach holiday! Sunbathing will not work enough, but easy chocolate shade provided in any case. Otherwise, the same beautiful Nha Trang with warm weather, sea breeze, fresh seafood and colorful sights.

Winter and spring in Nha Trang

The weather in Nha Trang in winter and spring will delight residents of mid-latitudes who want to spend this time in a warm climate, under the sun and surrounded tropical vegetation. Clouds over the resort are possible at the very beginning of December. It rains most often at night or in the middle of the day. The air warms up to +30 degrees during the day and up to +22 at night. The weather in December is perfect for both beach holidays and outdoor activities.

In January, the sea temperature usually reaches +22 degrees. This month, storms are possible in Nha Trang, causing sea disturbances. Therefore, January is not suitable for swimming. In February, the weather in Nha Trang becomes noticeably warmer, and the rains stop.

Beach holiday season in Nha Trang comes in March, when the daily air temperature rises to +26 degrees. Most tourists come here in April. From May comes the hot period, favorable for a beach holiday. The air temperature is +27 degrees and above.

Best time to go to Nha Trang- from March to September, when the optimal ratio of air temperature and humidity is expected. During these months in Nha Trang, you can relax on the beaches, attend various excursions, and also play sports. Tourists wishing to catch the dry season in Nha Trang should go there from June to August.

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