Saint Demetrius of Thessalonica helps. A short life of the martyr. Demetrius of Thessalonica

Holy Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica was the son of a Roman proconsul in Thessalonica (modern Thessaloniki, Slavic name- Thessalonica). It was the third century of Christianity. Roman paganism, spiritually broken and defeated by a host of martyrs and confessors of the Crucified Savior, intensified the persecution. The father and mother of Saint Demetrius were secret Christians.

In the secret house church, which was in the house of the proconsul, the boy was baptized and instructed in Christian faith. When his father died, and Demetrius had already reached the age of majority, the emperor Galerius Maximian, who ascended the throne in 305, summoned him to his place and, convinced of his education and military administrative abilities, appointed him proconsul of the Thessalonian region in his father's place.

The main task assigned to the young strategist was to defend the city from barbarians and exterminate Christianity. It is interesting that among the barbarians who threatened the Romans, an important place was occupied by our ancestors, the Slavs, who especially willingly settled on the Thessalonian Peninsula. There is an opinion that Dimitri's parents were of Slavic origin.

In relation to Christians, the will of the emperor was expressed unequivocally: "Put to death everyone who calls on the name of the Crucified." When appointing Demetrius, the emperor did not suspect what a wide path of confessional deeds he gives to a secret ascetic. Having accepted the appointment, Demetrius returned to Thessalonica and immediately confessed and glorified our Lord Jesus Christ before all. Instead of persecuting and executing Christians, he began to openly teach the inhabitants of the city the Christian faith and eradicate pagan customs and idolatry.

The compiler of the Life, Metaphrastus, says that he became for Thessalonica in his teaching zeal " the second apostle Paul”, because it was the “apostle of tongues” who once founded the first community of believers in this city (1 Thess., 2 Thess.). Saint Demetrius was destined by the Lord to follow the holy Apostle Paul even in martyrdom.

When Maximian learned that the newly appointed proconsul was a Christian, and converted many Roman subjects, carried away by his example, to Christianity, the emperor's anger knew no bounds. Returning from a campaign in the Black Sea region, the emperor decided to lead the army through Thessaloniki, full of desire to deal with the Thessalonica Christians.

Upon learning of this, Saint Demetrius commanded in advance his faithful servant Luppus to distribute the property to the poor with the words: "Divide the earthly wealth among them - we will seek for ourselves the wealth of heaven." And he gave himself up to fasting and prayer, preparing himself for the acceptance of the crown of martyrdom.

When the emperor entered the city, Demetrius was called to him, and he boldly confessed himself a Christian and denounced the untruth and vanity of Roman polytheism. Maximian ordered the confessor to be imprisoned, and an angel descended to him in prison, comforting and strengthening him in his feat. Meanwhile, the emperor indulged in gloomy gladiatorial spectacles, admiring how his beloved strongman, a German named Liy, threw down from the platform onto the spears of the soldiers defeated by him in the struggle of the Christians.

A brave young man named Nestor, from Thessalonica Christians, came to the dungeon to his mentor Demetrius and asked to bless him for single combat with the barbarian. With the blessing of Demetrius, Nestor overcame the prayers of the holy saint, the ferocious German, and threw him from the platform onto the spears of the soldiers, as a pagan murderer threw Christians. The enraged ruler ordered the immediate execution Holy Martyr Nestor(Comm. 27 October) and sent guards into the dungeon to pierce with spears Saint Demetrius, who had blessed him for the feat.

At dawn on October 26, 306, soldiers appeared in the underground dungeon of the holy prisoner and pierced him with spears. Faithful Servant saint lupp He collected the blood of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius on a towel, removed the imperial ring from his finger, a sign of his high dignity, and also dipped it in blood. With a ring and other shrines, consecrated by the blood of Saint Demetrius, Saint Lupp began to heal the sick. The emperor ordered to seize and kill him.

The body of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius was thrown out to be devoured by wild beasts, but the Thessalonica Christians took it and secretly betrayed it to the earth. Under Saint Constantine Equal-to-the-Apostles (306-337), a church was erected over the tomb of Saint Demetrius. One hundred years later, during the construction of a new majestic church on the site of the old one, the incorruptible relics of the holy martyr were found.

From the 7th century, with the cancer of the Great Martyr Demetrius, miraculous outflow of fragrant peace, in connection with which the Great Martyr Demetrius receives the ecclesiastical naming of Myrrh-streaming. Several times the admirers of the Thessalonica miracle worker made attempts to transfer his holy relics or a part of them to Constantinople. But invariably Saint Demetrius mysteriously manifested his will to remain the patron and protector of his family Thessalonica.

Repeatedly approaching the city, the pagan Slavs were driven away from the walls of Thessalonica by the sight of a formidable, bright youth who bypassed the walls and inspired fear in the soldiers. Perhaps that is why the name of St. Demetrius of Thessalonica is especially revered in the Slavic peoples after enlightening them with the light of the Gospel truth. On the other hand, the Greeks regarded Saint Demetrius as a kind of Slavic saint par excellence.

With the name of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica, by the foreknowledge of God, the very first pages of the Russian chronicle are connected. When Prophetic Oleg defeated the Greeks near Constantinople (907), as the chronicle reports, "the Greeks were afraid and said: this is not Oleg, but Saint Demetrius was sent to us from God." Russian soldiers have always believed that they are under the special patronage of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius. Moreover, in the old Russian epics, the Great Martyr Demetrius is depicted as Russian by birth - this image merged with the soul of the Russian people.

Church veneration of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius in the Russian Church began immediately after the Baptism of Russia. By the beginning of the 70s of the 11th century, the foundation of the Dimitrievsky Monastery in Kyiv, later known as the Mikhailov-Golden-domed Monastery, dates back. The monastery was built by the son of Yaroslav the Wise, Grand Duke Izyaslav, in Baptism Demetrius († 1078). The mosaic icon of St. Demetrius of Thessalonica from the Cathedral of the Dimitrievsky Monastery has survived to this day and is located in the State Tretyakov Gallery.

In 1194-1197 Grand Duke Vladimirsky Vsevolod III Large The nest, in baptism Demetrius, “created a beautiful church in his courtyard, the holy martyr Demetrius, and marvelously decorated it with icons and scriptures” (i.e., frescoes). Dimitrievsky Cathedral is still an adornment of ancient Vladimir.

The miraculous icon of St. Demetrius of Thessalonica from the iconostasis of the cathedral is also now located in Moscow in the Tretyakov Gallery. It is written on a board from the tomb of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius, brought in 1197 from Thessalonica to Vladimir. One of the most valuable images of the saint is a fresco on the pillar of the Vladimir Dormition Cathedral, painted by the Monk icon-painter Andrei Rublev.

The veneration of Saint Demetrius continued in the family of Saint Alexander Nevsky (Comm. 23 November). Saint Alexander named his eldest son in honor of the holy great martyr. BUT younger son, Holy Right-Believing Prince Daniel of Moscow († 1303; Comm. 4 March), erected in Moscow a church in the name of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius in the 1280s, which was the first stone church in the Moscow Kremlin. Later, in 1326, under Prince John Kalita, it was dismantled, and the Assumption Cathedral was erected in its place.

The memory of Saint Demetrius of Thessalonica has long been associated in Russia with military exploits, patriotism and the defense of the Fatherland.

The saint is depicted on icons as a warrior in feathered armor, with a spear and a sword in his hands. On the scroll (in later images) they wrote a prayer with which Saint Demetrius turned to God for the salvation of his native Thessalonica: “Lord, do not destroy the city and people. If you save the city and people, I will be saved with them, if you destroy it, I will die with them.

In the spiritual experience of the Russian Church, the veneration of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica is closely connected with the memory of the defender of the Motherland and the Church, the Grand Duke of Moscow Demetrius of the Don († 1389).

“The Sermon on the Life and Repose of the Grand Duke Dimitri Ivanovich, Tsar of Russia”, written in 1393, like other ancient sources, appeases him as a saint. Spiritual son and pupil of Metropolitan Alexis, St. Theodore of Rostov († 1394; commemorated November 28), Grand Duke Dimitri “greatly grieved about the churches of God, and held the country of the Russian land with his courage: he defeated many enemies who attacked us, and he fenced his glorious city of Moscow with wonderful walls.” From the time of the white-stone Kremlin built by the Grand Duke Dimitri (1366), Moscow began to be called White-stone. “The Russian land flourished in the years of his reign,” testifies the named “Word”.

Through the prayers of his Heavenly patron, the holy warrior Demetrius of Thessalonica, Grand Duke Demetrius won a number of brilliant military victories that predetermined the further rise of Russia: he repelled the onslaught of the Lithuanian troops of Olgerd on Moscow (1368, 1373), defeated the Tatar army of Begich on the Vozha River (1378), crushed the military power of the entire Golden Horde in the battle on the Kulikovo field (September 8, 1380 on the day of the celebration of Christmas Holy Mother of God) between the rivers Don and Nepryadva.

The Battle of Kulikovo, for which the people called Dimitry Donskoy, became the first all-Russian national feat that rallied the spiritual forces of the Russian people around Moscow. This turning point in Russian history is dedicated to Zadonshchina, an inspired heroic poem written by Priest Zephanius Ryazants (1381).

Prince Demetrius of the Don was a great admirer of the holy great martyr Demetrius. In 1380, on the eve of the Battle of Kulikovo, he solemnly transferred from Vladimir to Moscow the main shrine of the Vladimir Dimitri Cathedral - the icon of the Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica, written on the board of the saint's tomb. In the Moscow Assumption Cathedral, a chapel was built in the name of the Great Martyr Demetrius.

In memory of the soldiers who fell in the Battle of Kulikovo, it was installed for a general church commemoration.

For the first time this memorial service was performed in the Trinity-Sergius Monastery on October 20, 1380 by the Monk Sergius, hegumen of Radonezh, in the presence of the Grand Duke Dimitry Donskoy himself.

Since then, it has been celebrated annually in the monastery with a solemn commemoration of the heroes of the Battle of Kulikovo, including the schema-monks-soldiers Alexander (Peresvet) and Andrei (Oslyabi).

Troparion, tone 3

Great is the universe in troubles, you are a champion, passion-bearing, / conquering tongues. / As if you had put down your pride for Lieva, / and you were bold to create Nestor for a feat, / so, Saint Demetrius, / pray to Christ God / grant us great mercy.

Kontakion, tone 2

With your blood streams, Demetrius, / God stain the Church, / giving you an invincible fortress / and keeping your city unharmed; / moreover, you are an affirmation.

November 8 Orthodox Church honors the memory of the great martyr Dmitry, named Thessalonica. In Russia, he was considered "their" saint, but where and when was he born? Why is it called Myrrh-streaming? Why did Russia love the saint so much? Why was Dmitrievskaya installed before the day of his memory? Memorial Saturday? You will learn about this from our article.

The Childhood and Youth of the Great Martyr

Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica was born in the 3rd century Greek city Thessaloniki (modern Thessaloniki). In Russia this locality called The Solun. Hence the name of the saint "Thessalonica" and many versions that the great martyr was Russian. But they are not true.

At the time when Dmitry lived, Thessaloniki belonged to the Roman Empire, and the saint's father was a Roman proconsul. Since Christianity was not yet the official religion, the parents secretly baptized their son in their home church and raised the boy in a Christian spirit.

The emperors of that time - Diocletian and Maximian Galerius - supported paganism and persecuted Christians. If they had known that the proconsul in Thessalonica was a follower of Christ, then the father of the future great martyr would hardly have remained in his position and died a natural death.

From service to the emperor to execution - one step

What was required of the young proconsul? Defending the empire's borders external enemy organization of the activities of military commanders. But the emperor instructed his subject and a new task: to fight the Christians.

Demetrius of Thessalonica did the opposite: he began to enlighten the pagans with the faith of Christ. It was an open challenge to the emperor. Maximian did not tolerate such insolence and imprisoned the proconsul.

Dmitry knew perfectly well what awaited him for the open confession of Christianity, and even before the dungeon he gave away all his property. It is not known how long he would have spent in prison if he had not agreed to the second insolence. And its meaning was this.

Emperor Maximian arranged gladiator fights, setting up a proud opponent Leah against the Christians. On our own no one could defeat him. But the Christian youth Nestor, hoping for God's help, came to the imprisoned proconsul and asked for blessings. Dmitry Thessalonica blessed Nestor and asked the Lord for help. So the young man overcame the arrogant Leah, throwing him on military spears.

Maximian avenged the death of his favorite by executing Nestor. And when he found out from whom the young man received a blessing, he ordered to kill his adviser as well.

November 8, 306, in the morning, the servants of Maximian arrived in the dungeon. They caught Dmitry morning prayer and pierced him to death with spears.

How did Dmitry Thessalonica become Dmitry Mirotochiv?

The body of the saint, according to the plan of the emperor, should have been eaten wild animals. But the Lord did not allow it. The holy relics were buried by Christians.
Lupp, the servant of the great martyr, left for himself in memory of the righteous man a robe covered in blood and a ring. By prayer and the touch of these things, he healed the sick, for which he was also killed by a pagan emperor.

Only with the advent of Constantine the Great, when persecution for the faith ceased, was a temple built over the tomb of the Great Martyr. Many people came to this place, and Dmitry Solunsky helped many. One of them was the nobleman Leonty, who in the first half of the 5th century erected a large church on this site.

During the construction, holy relics were also found. They were not only incorruptible, but also exuded a fragrant myrrh. According to the testimony of the Byzantine official and historian John Skylitsa, the first myrrh-streaming was observed in 1040.

As eyewitnesses write, myrrh flowed so abundantly that many believers who were in Thessaloniki brought ampoules with it. But the fragrant liquid was collected not only by Christians. When the city was captured by the Muslim Turks, they took with them the myrrh from the relics of the saint, considering it a cure for all ailments. For miracle-working from the relics, Dmitry of Thessalonica received a second name - myrrh-streaming.

There were also cases of super-blasphemous attitude to the shrine. As the Byzantine historian Nikita Choniates writes, the Scandinavians, during the siege of the city in 1185, also collected myrrh. There was so much liquid that the Normans scooped it up with pans, cooked fish on it and lubricated their shoes.

In the XIV century, another miracle happened: from the well in the crypt, in which the relics were kept, the world-water flowed. When the built temple turned into a mosque, the flow of myrrh from the well stopped.

In our time, the righteous remains of Demetrius of Thessalonica do not exude fragrant liquid.

The Great Martyr is venerated by both the Orthodox and Catholic Church. For a long period (from the beginning of the 13th century until 1978), the relics stayed in Italy, and only in the second half of the 20th century did they return to their native city of Thessaloniki.

Veneration of the saint in Russia and Dmitrievskaya memorial Saturday

In many ancient Russian churches there was always an icon of Dmitry Myrrh-streaming with a piece of relics. Where does this reverence come from? Since the time of Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius. The Enlighteners of Russia, after the creation of the alphabet, first of all translated into the Slavic “Canon of Demetrius of Thessalonica”.

Very often temples in Russia were named in honor of the saint. Perhaps the most interesting example- Dmitrievsky Monastery of the 11th century in Kyiv. It was built by the son of Yaroslav the Wise Izyaslav (baptized as Dmitry). long time historians could not understand what happened to him until they came to a version: over time, he was renamed Mikhailovsky Golden-domed.

First stone temple Moscow Kremlin, built in late XIII century at the expense of Prince Daniel of Moscow, was also consecrated in the name of the Great Martyr Dmitry.

At every opportunity, the Russians tried to bring particles of the relics of the righteous or ampoules of peace to their temples. Judging by the number of icons with reliquaries, they succeeded.

Dmitry Thessalonica was also captured by Andrei Rublev on the fresco of the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir.

Many Russian princes called their eldest sons the name of this saint (remember Yuri Dolgoruky, Alexander Nevsky or Ivan the Terrible).

Warrior patron?

Since the saint was engaged in military affairs during his lifetime, in Russia he was considered the patron saint of warriors. Dmitry Donskoy, with whom Dmitrievskaya memorial Saturday is connected, especially honored his heavenly patron.

In the autumn of 1380, the army of Prince Dmitry won the battle with the army of the Golden Horde. In memory of the fallen soldiers, the Dmitrievskaya memorial Saturday was established. For the first time, Sergius of Radonezh served it on Saturday before the day of memory of the heavenly patron Dmitry Donskoy. The prince himself was present at the commemoration.

The tradition of commemorating the dead before the feast of the Thessalonica saint has survived to this day. This day is called: Dmitrievskaya Memorial Saturday.

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Even without knowing the life of this or that saint, looking at his image, you can understand something about his earthly path. For example, Dmitry of Thessalonica is most often depicted on icons with a spear and in armor, with a cloak tied in the Roman manner. Indeed, the saint occupied a responsible post in the Roman Empire. He was a proconsul, that is, governor of a province. Often this activity was associated with the suppression of riots in the occupied territories, which is probably why military vestments are used here.

Warrior of Christ

Dmitry Thessalonica was brought up as a Christian from childhood, there was a secret church in the house. Thanks to his parents, the young man learned the truths of faith, which he followed in life. He lived in Thessalonica (Thessalonica), after the death of his father he was appointed to his position. In those days, Maximian ruled, who severely persecuted Christians. The icons with life show in detail the entire path of martyrdom, as well as posthumous miracles.

The saint foresaw his death - even before the arrival of the emperor in the city, he distributed property to the poor. The ruler has already received a denunciation that his subordinate is spreading the Christian faith. The emperor arrested the proconsul, threw him into prison and decided to arrange battles in which he forced the captured believers to also participate.

But Demetrius of Thessalonica was pierced with spears in his dungeon. This moment is depicted on the icon: several menacing-looking soldiers simultaneously thrust their weapons into the prisoner's chest. He sits, not thinking of resisting. It can be seen that the saint is ready for his fate. An angel descends from heaven, carrying a crown - a sign that the martyr will be honored in heaven.

Iconography: meaning and description of images

Especially popular is the icon, where the martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica is depicted on horseback. This is an image of a miracle that is included in the life written by Dmitry Donskoy. At the beginning of the 12th c. Enemies led by the king laid siege to Thessalonica. According to legend, the saint came to the camp and killed Kaloyan. It is this moment that is depicted by the icon painter.

  • On the icon, Dmitry of Thessalonica pierces an enemy with a spear, who falls into the ground.
  • On the city gates, defenders are depicted, as well as residents who hold the icon of St. Dmitry in their hands.
  • An angel descends from heaven, placing a crown on the head of the martyr.
  • To the left from heaven, the Savior blesses the holy warrior.

The icon of the 12th century is also quite famous. She is now in the Tretyakov Gallery. The icon belongs to the XII century. The image stayed in the city of Dmitrov, in the cathedral, after the revolution it was removed from there and transferred to the museum. In the 1920s, the masters removed a new image painted over an older one. Demetrius of Thessalonica sits on the throne, on his head is a crown. In the hands is a sword. Of course, there is no need to defend yourself in paradise, this is a symbol of the fact that during his lifetime the saint was armed with the Word of God. It also emphasizes courage.

people's patron

It is believed that the icon of Dmitry Thessalonica helps those who suffer from diseases of the eyes and head. He is also the patron saint of warriors. The relics of the saint, when they were found, poured out so much fragrant peace that he was called myrrh-streaming. Believers use it to heal from diseases. In Russia, the saint was revered so much that he was even considered Russian by origin. Many princes often named children after him, perhaps the popularity of the name Dmitry, which has survived to this day, is related to this.

You can turn to the saint in any need. Before asking him to help establish himself in Orthodox faith. Then voice your other desires, the main thing is that they do not harm other people - the Lord will hear and help if you yourself make efforts. God's help in business!

Prayer to Saint Demetrius of Thessalonica

Holy and glorious Great Martyr of Christ Demetrius, quick helper and warm intercessor with faith flowing to you! Standing with boldness to the Heavenly King, ask Him for forgiveness of our sins, and save us from the all-destructive ulcer, coward, flood, fire, sword and eternal punishment: pray for His grace, hedgehog this city, (this abode) and every Christian country : intercede from the King of the reigning enemies victory and overcoming, peace, silence, firmness in faith and progress in piety: for us, who honor your honorable memory (names), ask for a grace-filled strengthening for good deeds, but pleasing to our Lord Christ God creating here, let us be honored by your prayers to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven and glorify Him there, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever.

Life of Demetrius of Thessalonica

The icon of Dmitry Thessalonica helps in what, meaning was last modified: June 17th, 2017 by Bogolub

Excellent article 0

The holy relics of Demetrius of Thessalonica helped cure many diseases, especially eye diseases. Therefore, he can be prayed for help to the sick, as well as for the strengthening of the Christian faith and help in strengthening the spirit in the face of danger.

Since ancient times, the saint was considered the patron saint of warriors and a protector from enemy attacks. The military personnel themselves and their relatives can pray to St. Dmitry to survive in hostilities and to overcome the hardships of military service.

It must be remembered that icons or saints do not "specialize" in any particular area. It will be right when a person turns with faith in the power of God, and not in the power of this icon, this saint or prayer.
and .


The Holy Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica was born into a wealthy family at a time of open persecution of Christians. His father was a Roman proconsul in Thessaloniki (now Thessaloniki) and he, by the nature of his service, is simply obliged to take part in the persecution of those who believed in Christ. But he himself, and his wife, secretly professed Christianity. Their son, Saint Demetrius, was baptized in a little-known house church and was brought up in Christianity from childhood.
After the death of his father, he was summoned to the emperor Galerius Maximian (the beginning of his reign in 305), who spoke with him, realized that the young man was smart and capable, and could replace his father as proconsul.
Having received a high position, Saint Demetrius in Thessalonica began to openly confess the Lord Jesus Christ. This was a courageous act of the saint, because the main task that the emperor assigned to him was precisely the extermination of Christians and the protection of the city from the barbarians, the bulk of whom were our ancestors - the Slavs. Against the will of Maximian, Dmitry began to eradicate paganism and preached the teachings of Christ, taught parishioners the basics of faith.
Once upon a time, it was in this place that the Apostle Paul created the first Christian community, and Saint Demetrius became his ardent follower and successor.

After some time, the emperor was informed of Dmitry, he was furious. Then his army was returning home from a military campaign, and he decided to change the return route and go through Thessaloniki with fire, destroying the Thessalonica Christians.
Having received news of the intention to the emperor, Saint Demetrius prepared for inevitable death for his faith. He ordered his assistant to distribute to the poor the money received from the sale of the estate, and he himself began to pray to the Lord God. When the ruler was in the city, Dmitry fearlessly appeared before him and openly, in the eyes of Maximian, declared himself a Christian. Once in the dungeon, Dmitry descended sky Angel, which gave strength in confronting fear.
And Maximian at that time enjoyed the then fashionable gladiatorial fights. He everywhere carried with him his beloved invincible gladiator Leah, originally from Germany, who this time also amused the emperor, destroying the captured Christians in the arena one by one.

Before the battle, a Christian named Nestor was able to visit his holy spiritual guide, who blessed him for victory in the upcoming battle. With the help of God and with the blessing of St. Demetrius of Thessalonica, the cruel German was defeated by the young man. The emperor was angry because of the death of his favorite toy - the gladiator. Saint Nestor was executed, he received the crown of martyrdom.
The emperor learned that Demetrius had blessed Nestor for a duel and also gave the order to destroy the saint.
On October 26 (according to the old style), 306, his order was carried out, the saint was killed with spears. His faithful assistant Lupp soaked a towel with the blood of St. Dmitry and began to heal sick people with it, and other things, sanctified by the holy blood of the martyr. By order of Maximian, Lupp was captured and also accepted martyrdom for faith.

The Thessalonica Christians discovered the body of St. Demetrius of Thessalonica, which the executioners threw out to be eaten by predators, and buried it in the ground.


Shortly after the coming to power of St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine (306-337), a church was built over the place where Dmitry of Thessalonica was buried. A hundred years later, when they decided to build a new church instead of the old church, the incorruptible relics of the Great Martyr Dmitry of Thessalonica were found.
In the seventh century, a new miracle happened - the outflow of a wonderful world began, and therefore St. Dmitry was also called Myrrh-streaming.

Several times they wanted to transfer his imperishable relics to the capital, Constantinople, but Saint Dmitry each time showed that he would like to remain in his native city.
The pagan Slavs attacked Thessaloniki more than once, but each time they saw a formidable young man bypassing the city walls. This vision greatly frightened the attackers. These traditions reached our direct ancestors, who, after the adoption of Christianity, greatly revered St. Demetrius of Thessalonica.

Therefore, immediately after the Baptism of Russia, in Kyiv, the son of Yaroslav the Wise, the Dmitrievskaya monastery was founded (later it was the Mikhailov-Golden-Domed Monastery). The mosaic icon of Dmitry Thessalonica from this monastery is now in the State Tretyakov Gallery. Prince Vsevolod III the Big Nest, ruling in Vladimir, in 1194-1197 built the Demetrius Cathedral, which is still the decoration of this city, and miraculous icon St. Demetrius from this church is also now in the Moscow Tretyakov Gallery.

The eldest son of Saint Alexander Nevsky received the name in honor of the great martyr, and his youngest son, Saint Daniel of Moscow, in Moscow in 1280 built the first stone church in Moscow in honor of Saint Demetrius of Thessalonica. True, fifty years later, under Ivan Kalita, it was dismantled, and the Assumption Cathedral was built on this site.

The saint was not of Russian origin, but Russian soldiers always considered him "their own", the defender of the Motherland, an assistant in military affairs.

The Grand Duke of Moscow, Dimitry Donskoy, considered Dmitry of Thessalonica to be his heavenly patron, and with the help of the prayers of the saint, he won a whole series of victories in the defense of the Christian faith from the Lithuanians and Mongol-Tatars.
The Battle of Kulikovo, in which Russian soldiers for the first time in several centuries crushed the previously invincible Horde army, also took place under the patronage of St. Demetrius.
Before this battle, Prince Dmitry Donskoy solemnly transferred from the city of Vladimir to Moscow the icon of the Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica, which was written on the board of the saint's tomb.
On October 20, 1380, in the Trinity-Sergius Monastery, Reverend Sergius of Radonezh, in memory of all the fallen warriors-heroes of the Kulikovo battle, performed a memorial service, which since then has been held annually. And after a while, a new church memorial day arose - which falls on the first Saturday before the day of memory of St. Demetrius of Thessalonica.


We magnify you, passion-bearing Saint Demetrius, and we honor your honest suffering, even though you suffered for Christ.


Demetrius of Thessalonica is a famous Christian saint. He is revered as one of the first enlighteners of people that Jesus Christ is truly the Son of God the Father, our Savior from original sin and conqueror of death. Not all believers know about the life of Demetrius, his exploits and labors, as well as about the miracles that God created through his prayers.

One of the most revered Orthodox Christian saints, the Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica, was the son of a Roman proconsul. The father of the future glorified in the face of saints served in the Greek city of Thessaloniki (now this city sounds like Thessaloniki, in Old Slavonic - Thessalonica). Special attention The Monk Andrei Rublev dedicated to the personality of the great martyr, having painted the face of Demetrius on one of the frescoes of the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir.

Life of Demetrius of Thessalonica

The saint was born in the third century from the birth of Christ. Then it was especially hard times for Christians: for the open confession of Jesus Christ as God from pagans and polytheists, daredevils were threatened with faithful, most often painful death. Therefore, Christians hid their faith, that is, they were "secret."

Such secret Christians were the parents of Saint Demetrius. The future saint was baptized in a secret church, which was located inside the house itself. The boy was raised in the Christian faith. After the death of his father, Saint Demetrius received the post of ruler of the Greek Thessalonica. Guided by zeal for the Christian faith, he began to openly spread Christianity and teach the true religion of the Thessalonica inhabitants, who for the most part were idolaters.

Soon the emperor received a denunciation that his proconsul Demetrius is an ardent Christian. The emperor was offended and ordered Saint Demetrius to be taken into custody and imprisoned. Dimitri knew that he was in danger of death, and began to prepare in advance. He distributed his property to the poor, and he gave himself up to fasting and prayer. In conclusion, he was honored with a visit from the Angel of Christ, and this led to the fact that the prisoner yearned for martyrdom even more.

Maximian stopped in the city of Thessalonica, returning from a military campaign. The ruler, having imprisoned his proconsul, decided to teach the inhabitants of the city a lesson, and entertain himself with gladiator fights. Maximian's men sought out the Christians and dragged them into the arena. The famous fighter Liy easily overcame meek Christians in battle and, with the jubilation of the raging crowd, threw them off the platform onto spears.

A young man named Nestor, who was a pupil of St. Demetrius of Thessalonica, came to prison to listen to his instructions. A young man who no longer wants to see how Liy kills many beautiful and good people, decided to engage in a duel with a bloodthirsty killer. He went to Demetrius in prison and asked for his prayers and blessings for this work.

The saint crossed him and prophetically said that the young man would win over Leah and accept a martyr's death. The young Christian, reinforced by the almighty power of the Holy Trinity, defeated Leah and threw him off the platform onto spears.

When the ruler Maximian called Nestor to account, what kind of sorcery he used to defeat such a skilled warrior, he answered directly that the gladiator was defeated by an angel who was sent by "God Demetrius." The enraged emperor commanded without delay put Nestor to death.

Realizing that it was through the prayers of Demetrius that the young man was able to win, Maximian ordered him to be put to the same death that Ley had been killed: the saint was tortured with spears. A servant of Demetrius named Lupp collected the blood of the great martyr on a cloth and dipped a ring belonging to the new saint into it.

Soon miracles of healing began to come from these objects. The rumor about them quickly spread throughout Thessalonica, people came to honor the memory of the saint and receive the necessary help. The emperor found out about this and ordered Lupp to be executed. The body of Demetrius was buried by the adherents of the former proconsul out of fear of the ruler in the same place where he accepted his martyr's death. Many signs and wonders were performed at the place of death of Demetrius of Thessalonica, and now the glory of the great martyr has spread throughout Thessaly and Macedonia.

Miracles of the Great Martyr

About the silver throne

Many miracles happened at the relics of the saint, but only the brightest and most memorable have come down to us.

Once, a fire broke out in the church built in honor of the great martyr. From a strong flame, the silver canopy over the shrine of St. Demetrius. Archbishop of Thessalonica in those years was Bishop Eusebius, who was going to restore the cover. However, he had very little silver for this.

Also in the same temple was a silver throne, which remained completely intact after the fire. The archbishop decided to transfer the throne to the shrine of the saint, but at the same time he did not notify anyone of his intention. At the same time, there was a God-fearing presbyter at the church named Dmitry. The holy great martyr appeared to him three times with the same words: “Go and tell the bishop that I myself will take care of the city and my church, and that I myself will take care of them. Therefore, let him not overflow the throne.

The pious Christian obediently conveyed the words of the saint to the archbishop, but he only listened to the transmitted words for the third time and ordered not to transfuse the throne. Soon a citizen of Thessalonica, whose name was Mina, came to the temple and donated 75 pounds of silver. He expressed the desire that this precious metal be spent for a canopy over the shrine of the saint. After that, other citizens of Thessalonica also came, who brought silver in the same way. From the collected donations was made magnificent cover over the shrine of the Great Martyr Demetrius.

On the siege of the city

When Emperor Mauritius came to power, the Avars, who lived on the Don, besieged the city of Thessalonica. The Monk Demetrius appeared on one of the city walls and, striking down with a spear, threw off the wall the first of the enemies who had risen there. Falling, he dragged the other attackers with him, and the one hundred thousandth army of the besiegers rushed away from the city in horror. However, after a while, the enemy came to his senses and laid siege to the city again.

At that time, a certain righteous inhabitant of Thessalonica named illustrius fervently prayed in the temple of the great martyr Demetrius for the liberation of the city from opponents. Suddenly he saw two angels who entered the temple and went to the tomb of the great martyr. According to their appeal, Demetrius, as the story says, “came out in his likeness,” while, the narrator specifies, “his face shone stronger than sunlight.” The angels of the greeting “kissed him” and conveyed the command of the Almighty Lord to leave Thessalonica, since Thessalonica “will be taken by the filthy.”

Saint Demetrius wept, saddened, and asked to be told to Vladyka that he could not leave his native city in such trouble and, standing aside, see his death. The saint boldly answered the heavenly messengers, “If you destroy Thessalonica, then I will die with him; if you deliver me, then I will be delivered with him.” The angels were disappointed with the decision of the great martyr and left, warning him that for disobedience he would face the wrath of God. The saint lay back in the tomb.

The next morning, Illustrius told his fellow citizens about what he had witnessed. They were very encouraged and rejoiced that their heavenly intercessor was with them. After a week of siege, the enemies for no apparent reason took to flight, leaving both their throwing weapons and tents.

About help in hunger

When the siege of the city was lifted, it turned out that all the grain stocks in the city were destroyed, and famine came to Thessalonica.

The Great Martyr appeared more than once on ships sailing on the sea, went around the islands and marinas, ordering ships with wheat to go to Thessalonica everywhere. Thus, the city was saved by Saint Demetrius from famine.

The Miracle of the Relics

When the pious ruler Justinian built a magnificent temple in Constantinople in honor of Sophia, the Wisdom of God, he equipped honest men in Thessalonica to bring some part of the relics of St. Great Martyr Demetrius to decorate and consecrate the newly erected church. Arriving in Thessalonica, the king's envoys approached the sacred shrine, in which the relics of the great martyr rested, in order to fulfill the king's command.

Suddenly, a stream of flame burst out of the coffin, showering all those present with a whole stream of sparks, and a voice was heard from the fire: “Stop and don’t dare to touch me.” All who witnessed this miracle fell on their faces, filled with trembling; after that, the royal messengers, taking only a little land near the place where the holy relics were, returned to the ruler and told him about everything that had happened to them. All who listened to the story were shocked. The envoys handed over half of the brought land to the ruler, and the rest was placed in the temple vessel.

Veneration of Demetrius of Thessalonica in Russia

There is a lot of evidence that this saint was especially revered by our ancestors, as well as confirmation exceptional responsiveness of Dimitri helping anyone who needs his protection:

The saint, although he was not of Russian origin, was nevertheless always considered the defender of our Motherland, one of the first patrons of those who participated in military affairs. Prince Dmitry Donskoy greatly revered the Greek saint. On the eve of the Battle of Kulikovo, in 1380, he solemnly transferred the central shrine from Vladimir to Moscow. Vladimir Cathedral - the icon of the great martyr, which was written on the board of the saint's tomb. In memory of the soldiers who fell in the Battle of Kulikovo, Dmitrievskaya Parental Saturday was established for the general church commemoration.

For the first time such a memorial service was held in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra on October 20, 1380 by the holy Reverend Sergius himself, hegumen of Radonezh, Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy himself was also present there.

What helps the great martyr

Prayer to Demetrius of Thessalonica can be offered up in a very different occasions. Here are some examples when the saint showed (and personally) his great help:

If someone needs help, then you can pray to the holy akathist- a small home or temple service, the text of which is composed in such a way as to cover the entire biography of the saint, mention his main miracles and facts of help. Such a prayer is universal and will help to correctly express your feelings and requests to one of the great Christian saints.

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