Snowflakes and angels give the title. Heavenly messengers. Nature is a mistress of surprise, and snowflakes can rightly be called one of her wonderful creations. Small miracle with your own hands

It seems that there is nothing more weightless than tiny snowflakes: if it falls on your hand, you won't feel it. A thin “net” seems to be hanging in the air, and they all fall, fall - hundreds, millions, billions ... In a few hours, vast spaces are covered with a fluffy “blanket”. When it snows, you rarely think about the nature of snow, even less often - snowflakes. (Hurry up to go home - in warmth!) But it turns out - this complex structure of ice crystals linked together. There are many options for “assembling” snowflakes - so far it has not been possible to find two identical ...

A crystal snowflake floated in the sky.
Friends are flying nearby - it's not scary in the clouds.
One she is a snowflake, and millions are snow,
And from a height of heaven - a swift run.
The flight is pleasant in the sky, but soon on the ground
They will turn into snowdrifts to the joy of the children! ..
Crystal snowflake - when she is alone!

Mystery of birth

How does ordinary water, freezing, form such a multitude of symmetrical lacy shapes? To understand why snowflakes look so beautiful, let's get acquainted with the life story of one snow crystal.
Clouds always contain ice or foreign dust particles. They serve as the basis for the tiny core of the snowflake. Molecules of water vapor, moving chaotically, cool down and, losing speed, “are eager to land”. And then there's the dust! Thanks to the crystals, it acquires patterns and turns from an “ugly duckling into a beautiful swan” - a crystal snowflake.

Law breakers

Each snowflake is unique. Back in the 17th century, the philosopher and mathematician R. Descartes wrote that these creatures look like roses, lilies, wheels with six teeth. He was particularly struck by the “tiny white dot” located in the center of the snowflake, as if it were the footprint of a compass, which was used to outline its circumference. The great astronomer I. Kepler explained the shape of snowflakes by the will of God... Be that as it may, isn't it a miracle?! Real magic!
Magic is magic, but how does such a variety of snowflakes turn out? It turns out that under some conditions, the “ice” grows intensively along the axis, forming elongated columns and needles, in others they prefer to grow perpendicular to the axis, eventually showing plates or stars. Everything seems to be simple and clear.
And yet there is one mystery - the secret of the structure of snowflakes. According to physical laws, where strict order reigns, there is no place for chaos. And vice versa. And only at the birth of these creatures order and chaos somehow coexist together.
It is known that a solid body must be either in the form of a crystal (the atoms are ordered) or in an amorphous state (they form a random grid). Snowflakes, on the other hand, break all laws: they have a lattice, where oxygen atoms (and later water molecules) are lined up strictly in places, like soldiers in the ranks, and hydrogen atoms are random. But, joining the oxygen atoms, the hydrogen "tramps" form smooth faces, and... regular hexagonal prisms are born.
Young snowflakes are never pentagonal or heptagonal. Every time I never cease to admire the amazing mathematical precision with which nature creates its masterpieces. Amazing! Jewelers are just relaxing...
However, sooner or later, snowflakes begin to gain weight: new water molecules are attracted to each face and tubercle - irregularities appear. When traveling in the clouds, snowflakes grow rapidly: one thick beam appears from the edge, branches from the tubercles. If all six faces are in the same conditions, “twin” rays are formed.

Air waltz

When snowflakes grow up and they, the numerous “children of the clouds”, become crowded in father's house, they, with “bold curiosity”, decide to try their luck - to go on an air journey to the earth, which can only conditionally be called a fall. K. Balmont colorfully described the flight of a snowflake: “Under the blowing wind it trembles, rises, on it, cherishing, it sways lightly.”
Air currents pick up light “fluffs”, carry them to the side, lift them up, circle in a whirlwind of dance - “snowflakes, like laughter, dance on the fly ...” And they are “light, winged, like night butterflies”, know yourself having fun and sing a song by A. Tvardovsky on the fly:

We are white snowflakes
We fly, we fly, we fly.
Paths and paths
We'll screw everything up.
Let's circle over the garden
On a cold winter day
And quietly sit next to each other
With people like us.
Dancing over the fields
We lead our round dance.
Where, we don't know
The wind will carry us.

And at first glance it may seem that “... They don't care about anything! - In light dresses with lace, with a bare shoulder ... ”But this is not entirely true!

Losing shape

Snowflakes fluttering in the air are in danger. Once in the warmer "edges", they can melt, turning into raindrops or grits. In addition, their enemy is evaporation, especially in the wind and at low humidity. The smaller the snowflake, the faster it melts: sharp tips are smoothed out, lacy bulges disappear. And the longer it falls, the more it rounds.
When there is no wind, snowflakes cling to each other into huge flakes - swirling “saucers”. And it happens that during severe frosts (below -30 ° C), ice crystals “freeze”, a strong wind mercilessly breaks their fragile rays, or they break and crumble, colliding with each other, and fall to the ground in the form of “diamond dust” - very fluffy snow made of thin ice needles.
Only a small part of the “princesses of the air ball” reaches the earth without incident - safe and sound. However, their girlfriends, who have changed beyond recognition, are also snowflakes, although they are asymmetrical. And the opinion that they must necessarily be hexagonal stars is erroneous. Those who have just been born - yes, but those “wise with experience”, who have known heat, wind and water, lose their former beauty. Their forms are no longer so elegant and regular, but still very diverse.

whole science

It is difficult to classify a phenomenon that has no repetition in nature. All snowflakes are different, and separating them is largely a matter of personal preference. Long time scientists could not photograph a snowflake under a microscope.
For the first time this was done in 1885 by the American W. Bentley, nicknamed “Snowflake”. For 46 years, he has created a collection of over 5,000 unique photographs, proving that no pair of snowflakes are exactly alike. Their study turned into a science, and in 1951 International Commission on snow and ice adopted a classification of ice crystals, including seven main types of snowflakes and three types of icy precipitation (fine snow grains, ice grains and hail).
However, it's time for snowflakes to introduce themselves - so many times we have mentioned their magic and originality.

Let's get acquainted!

I am a snowflake-fluff, beautiful and amazing creation nature. Not without reason remarkable verses are devoted to me. Listen to how K. Balmont wrote about me: “Light-fluffy, white snowflake, how pure, how bold!” It's about me! But I'm not alone. We are very, very many.
The most beautiful are thin (only 0.1 mm thick) star-shaped crystals, or dendrites (I also belong to this group). Our tree-like, openwork, branching body (diameter 5 mm or more) consists of six symmetrical main branches and many branches - as you like.
Our closest relatives are the disc sisters. They are flat and thin, like us. However, they are inferior to us in beauty: a lot of ice ribs divide the blades of their body into sectors - also nothing, but there is no such grace as ours!
And let us be few, but my sisters and I are masterpieces. It is we - lamellar snowflakes - that attract the eye more than other types of snowflakes. And the most numerous of our relatives are columns, or columns. This is a form of crystals in the form of hexagons and pencils, with caps, pointed at the ends...
It happens that the columns, flying in a whirlwind of dance into a zone with a different temperature, change their “orientation” - they turn into plates. And they are already called columns (or columns) with tips.
Among the columnar crystals, individual “accelerate” specimens grow long and thin. They are called needles. Sometimes cavities remain inside them, and the ends split into branches.
Some of our “flat and columnar” relatives decide to live in “families” - three-dimensional structures. By the way, very interesting complex creations are obtained - spatial dendrites: crystals, growing together, retain their individuality - each branch is located in its own plane.
A lot of troubles fall to the share of “snowflakes-ballerinas”: in heat or in a strong wind they lose branches, break. Usually there are a lot of such “cripples” in wet snow. These are irregularly shaped crystals.

colorful snow

The fact that snow is not pure white, but slightly blue, has long been known. Make a hole in it about a meter. The light in the thickness of the snow near the edge of the hole will appear yellowish, deeper - yellowish-green, bluish-greenish, and finally bright blue. The reflection of the sky has nothing to do with it. And in cloudy weather, and when using a cardboard tube - nothing will change. Why does blueness occur?
The ice of snowflakes is transparent, and sunlight, reflected and scattered on their many faces, loses red and yellow rays, retaining only bluish-green, blue or bright blue - depending on the thickness of the crystal. But when there are a lot of snowflakes, the impression of a white mass is created.
In different areas - "their" snow, a special shape and color. In the arctic regions, you can see pink or red snow - this color it acquires due to algae living between the crystals. There are cases when blue, green, gray and even black snow fell (apparently due to soot and industrial pollution atmosphere).

He's getting old just like us.

But let's get back to fresh loose snow in the form of stars, needles, columns ... Myriads of snowflakes are not like grains of sand: like living beings, being together, they immediately begin to actively interact: they evaporate, sharp corners. Excess steam goes into a solid (or liquid) state. Ice builds up in the center of the snowflakes. Small crystals disappear, large ones become larger, losing their uniqueness. Ice bridges appear. There is less and less air in the snow “house”, the snow is compacted, hardens, turning into compacted, then compacted and, finally, into firn - dense coarse-grained snow from compressed ice grains.
These processes are observed in any “long-playing” snow cover. They are accelerated by thaws, they are affected by winds. And if the snowflakes fell in the form of grains, forming already dense snow, then its “aging” accelerates ...
“Snow is swirling, snow is falling - snow! Snow! Snow!..” Fresh snow on a frosty day is always accompanied by a cheerful crunch underfoot. And it is nothing but the sound of breaking crystals. We cannot perceive the sound of one broken snowflake, but a myriad of crushed crystals create a very distinct creak.
Try to catch this fragile celestial beauty on a mitten and examine it properly. You will see for yourself that this is magic, a real miracle! And marvel at its magnificence!

Figures and facts:

  • More than half of the population the globe never seen real snow.
  • In 1 m3 of snow there are 350 million snowflakes, and throughout the Earth - 10 to the 24th degree. The weight of a snowflake is only about 1 mg, rarely - 2-3 mg. However, when combined, billions of almost weightless snowflakes can even affect the speed of the Earth's rotation. By the way, by the end of winter, the mass snow cover on the planet reaches 13,500 billion tons.
  • German meteorologists managed to calculate that several septillions (a number with 24 zeros) of snowflakes fall on Germany every year, among which there are not even two identical ones.
  • The diameter of most snowflakes is about 5 mm. Although there are exceptions. On April 30, 1944, amazing snow fell in Moscow - palm-sized snowflakes resembling ostrich feathers. The officially registered “record holder” had a circumference of 12 cm.
  • Turns out, White color gives snow ... air (95 percent). Loose and fluffy snow is saturated with air bubbles, from the walls of which light is reflected. The presence of air also determines the very low density of snowflakes and snow and the slow speed of their fall (0.9 km/h).
  • The Japanese scientist N. Ukichiro called snow "a letter from heaven, written in secret hieroglyphs." He was the first to create a classification of snowflakes. The only snowflake museum in the world on the island of Hokkaido is named after him.

When the snowfall subsides .. And the stars flare up in the sky
Let's go for a walk hand in hand .. How many, many days ago.
My airy dreams.. Keep you, keep me..
My Dear, Snow Angel YOU .. And next to the Snow Angel I ..
Today is an amazing day! Snowflake spinning in the air
quite unexpectedly, turned into a White Angel ..
Today is SNOW ANGEL DAY! I will turn you into a princess
and I will dance with you the Snow Waltz ..
You will have a great mood and everything that you have to come true ..
And sorrows will remain in the past, said the Angel .. The music began to play
and we spun in a waltz ..
Together with other Snowflakes Angels!
And the story began!
When North wind falls asleep curled up around the axis
North Pole, it is replaced by south polar winds.
And along with the winds, the Snow Angels arrive, who create new, amazing laces of snowflakes all year round.
and weave them in the Tales of the Polar Night ..
The world is decorated with diamonds..
Light white snow sparkles,
And you and I are floating together
And now I'm the happiest of all!
Will never happen again
December night sky
Look - your Star is burning,
And next to mine falls..
Among the frosty emptiness
The teardrop will turn to ice..
Two Snow Angels
The snowstorm will sweep the features in the morning ..
Snow Angels especially
rejoice when they meet
Lovers they then dance
around them with their
Snowflakes! Snow angel
smiled, threw a handful of feathers on the city .. The Snow Angel smiled and painted the sky White .. Touched the wings of the moon,
The Milky Way was covered with chalk..
Snow Angel smiled! Became Brighter and Lighter.
The Snow Angel smiled, tired and closed his eyes..
The city was buried in White Snow and fell asleep in the middle of the white night..

Let's all become at least a little in love today and dance
with them! Snow Angels are such Special Angels,
who make sure there is snow in winter. They have a long working time
there was not much, because the Snow itself fell out, as it should be ..

But the world has changed, and global warming has come ..
The snow from this did not just disappear, but began to fall unevenly
it will fall out there .. it will melt here .. All this is just fairy tales and fantasies,
but I really want to believe in something like that..
believe in the bright, fabulous, bewitching ..
I want to become a small child again and believe in Miracles.
Let the Snow Angels visit you today and envelop you
you with the Warmth of Delicate and Fluffy Snowflakes..

Topic: "Snowflakes - the wings of angels that fell from heaven ..."

Place of work: MOU secondary school No. 9, grade 3, Irkutsk region, Ust-Kut


1. Introduction.

2. Snowflakes - the wings of angels that fell from heaven:

History of the study of snowflakes;

Conditions for the birth of snowflakes;

The geometry of the snowflake

· Types of snowflakes;

· Physics of snow.

3. Entertaining and informative about snow and snowflake.

· Do you know that…;

· snow tales;

Snegurochka - a girl from the snow;

«Lantern for admiring the snow»;

· Excursion to the museum of snowflakes.

"Summer Snow Festival"

4. Small miracle with your own hands.

· Snowflake in 3D format;

· Quilling.

· How to cut a beautiful snowflake;

5. Conclusion.


"Nature is so about everything

Made sure that everywhere

You find something to learn."

Leonardo Da Vinci

Snow is a great miracle of nature. The legend about the very first snow tells that the Rebellious Angels at the moment of the fall lost their snow-white wings, which covered the earth with a white shiny carpet. So snow appeared, and the first winter came.

When it snows, this spectacle leaves no one indifferent. For some, the falling snow pleases, gives high spirits, while for others, on the contrary, it evokes sadness and sadness. Thanks to snow, every year we admire fabulous winter landscapes, but we love snow not only for this. Snow reserves affect the crop, the water level in the rivers. Snow is used to build winter roads and even airfields. But we do not even think about this useful role of snow. Snow for us is first of all a FAIRY TALE. Have you noticed that various monsters, mythical and fabulous, can live anywhere, but man has not settled them in the snow? But snow inspired a great many fairy tales to man.

The most amazing thing about snowflakes is that none of them repeats the other. Astronomer Johannes Kepler in his treatise "New Year's gift. About hexagonal snowflakes ”explained the shape of the crystals by the will of God. If you live in cold lands, you know about winter firsthand, then you have at least one reason to be proud of it: unlike residents of hot countries, you can admire snowflakes in vivo. Believe me, it is very interesting to look at snowflakes, if only because two identical ones have never fallen to the ground.


· To get acquainted with the conditions of the birth of snowflakes;

Consider the division of snowflakes according to shape;

· Get ​​acquainted with the geometry and physics of snowflakes;

· Learn myths, riddles, proverbs and sayings about snow;

Consider making unusual paper snowflakes.


As an additional material in the lessons of the "World around" in the 3rd grade;

In the lessons of visual geometry;

· As material for messages;

· In additional and optional classes for younger students.

"Snowflakes are the wings of angels that have fallen from heaven..."

The history of the study of snowflakes.

It is difficult to say when a person first admired this miracle of nature. The forms of snowflakes are unusually diverse - there are more than five thousand of their variations.



What was observed

Archbishop Olaf Magnus of Uppsala, Sweden

For the first time I observed snowflakes with the naked eye.

Johannes Kepler, German astronomer and mathematician.

French mathematician Rene Descartes

Wrote "Study on the shape of snowflakes", observed a 12-ray snowflake

17th century

Robert Hooke

Concluded about six-pointed symmetry in the geometry of snowflakes

17th century

Donat Rosetti, Italian priest and mathematician

The first to classify snowflakes

17th century

William Scoresby, English whaler

first described snow crystals in the form of hexagonal pyramids, columns and their combinations

Feudal Ruler of the Country rising sun Toshitsura Onakami Doi

made 97 drawings of "snow flowers".

Wilson Bentley, American farmer

Nicknamed "Snowflake"

Got the first successful photo of a snowflake under a microscope

Nikolai Vasilyevich Kaulbars, member of the Russian Geographical Society

First sketched and described a snowflake unusual shape

Ukihiro Nogaya

Carried out a classification, created a museum of ice crystals

Scientists at the University of Tokyo

We started growing artificial snow for the Sapporo Olympics

International Commission on Snow and Ice

Adopted the classification of snowflakes

Astronomer Kenneth Libbnecht

Conditions for the birth of snowflakes.

Snowflakes develop from small ice crystals that are shaped like hexagons. During very severe frosts (at temperatures below 30 degrees), ice crystals fall out in the form of "diamond dust" - in this case, a layer of very fluffy snow is formed on the surface of the earth, consisting of thin ice needles. Usually, in the course of their movement inside the ice cloud, ice crystals grow due to the direct transition of water vapor into ice. How exactly this growth occurs depends on external conditions, in particular on temperature and humidity, as shown in the figure:

Under certain conditions, ice hexagons grow intensively along their axis, and then elongated snowflakes form - snowflakes-columns, snowflakes-needles. Under other conditions, hexagons grow mainly in directions perpendicular to their axis, and then snowflakes form in the form hexagonal plates or hexagonal stars. A drop of water can freeze to a falling snowflake - as a result, a snowflake irregular shape. We see, therefore, that the popular belief that snowflakes look like hexagonal stars is erroneous. Moving up and down, they fall into a layer of air with supercooled water droplets. Here, the future snowflake begins to intensively increase in size. In this case, the convex sections of the snowflake grow faster. So, a six-pointed asterisk grows from an originally hexagonal plate. Faced on its way with supercooled droplets, the snowflake is simplified in shape. If it collides with a large drop, it can turn into a small hailstone.

Snowflake geometry.

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"Space Crystals"

"Fern Dendrites"

"Twelve Pointed Star"

Physics of snow.

Step on fluffy snow on a frosty day. Do you hear? It is the sound of a myriad of crystals breaking. The lower the temperature, the harder and more fragile the snowflakes, and the stronger the crunch underfoot. Can you tell the temperature by hearing the sound of breaking snowflakes?
After all, each temperature has its own creaking tone.

Despite the fact that snowflakes are small, by the end of winter, the mass of snow cover in the northern hemisphere of the planet reaches 13,500 billion tons. Snow reflects up to 90% of sunlight into space.

We are used to seeing White snow. And is he white? The fact is that the complex shape of the ice floes strongly refracts light. As a result, snow reflects white sunlight.

However, there are times when a different color of snow is pronounced for the human eye. So, for example, in the arctic and mountainous regions, pink or red snow, colored by algae living between its crystals, is considered common.

There are cases when blue, green, gray or black snow fell from the sky. So, on Christmas Day 1969, black snow fell on 16,000 square miles of Swedish territory. Most likely, this happened as a result of industrial waste emissions into the air.

In 1955, phosphorescent green snow fell near Dana, California. Some residents decided to try his flakes and soon died, the hands of those who dared only take it in their hands became covered with a rash, accompanied by severe itching. This phenomenon still creates controversy about the origin of snow. In the meantime, it is believed that the toxic fallout was the result of atomic testing in the state of Nevada.

Wet snow in the mountains forms wet avalanches, which have tremendous destructive power and cementing action. Avalanches cause a lot of inconvenience to people, breaking down from the mountains at the most inopportune moment. Usually, avalanches form on slopes with a steepness of 25-45° (however, avalanches are known to descend from slopes with a steepness of 15-18°). On steeper slopes, snow does not accumulate in large quantities and rolls down in small doses as it accumulates. Any avalanches pose a threat, even with a volume of only a few cubic meters.

April 30" href="/text/category/30_aprelya/" rel="bookmark"> April 30, 1944 in Moscow. Caught on the palm, they covered almost the entire palm and resembled beautiful ostrich feathers. Scientists explained this phenomenon as follows: from In the area of ​​Franz Josef Land, a wave of cold air descended, the temperature dropped, the formation of snowflakes began in the clouds.But snowflakes could not immediately fall to the ground: they were held up in the air by rising warm streams. Snowflakes floated in the air layers and stuck together, forming large flakes. The earth cooled down in the evening, the ascending air currents weakened, and an amazing snowfall began.

Bulldozer" href="/text/category/bulmzdozer/" rel="bookmark">Bulldozer .

It is known that even in the air snowflakes are constantly changing. Depending on the weather conditions, "own" snow falls in different places. In the Baltics and in the central regions, for example, it often snows in the form of large, complexly shaped branched snowflakes, sometimes shaggy flakes.

The snow is slippery because under the pressure and friction of the runners of the sleigh or skis, the surface particles of the snow cover melt, and the resulting film of water serves as a lubricant. The "slipperiness" therefore depends on the temperature of the snow and on the speed of travel. The largest snowflake was recorded on January 28, 1887 in the USA in the state of Montana. It was 38 cm in diameter.

Entertaining and informative about snow and snowflakes.

Do you know that…

1. A snowflake is one of the most fantastic examples of the self-organization of matter from simple to complex.

2. The most amazing thing about snowflakes is that none of them repeats the other. Astronomer Johannes Kepler in his treatise "New Year's gift. About hexagonal snowflakes ”explained the shape of the crystals by the will of God.

3. Snowflakes are absolutely transparent. They only appear white to us due to the refraction of light at the edges of the crystals.

4. In the Japanese city of Kaga, the Museum of Snow and Ice was opened, made in the form of three hexagonal buildings.

6. Snowflakes are 95% air, which results in low density and relatively slow falling speed (0.9 km/h).

7. Snow can be eaten. True, the energy consumption for eating snow is many times greater than its calorie content.

8. More than half of the world's population has never seen snow, except in photographs.

9. It turns out that ice is not equally cold. There is very cold ice, with a temperature of about minus 60 degrees, this is the ice of some Antarctic glaciers. The ice of the Greenland glaciers is much warmer. Its temperature is approximately minus 28 degrees. At all " warm ice"(with a temperature of about 0 degrees) lie on the peaks of the Alps and the Scandinavian mountains.

10. A layer of one centimeter of snow packed over the winter gives 25-35 cubic meters of water per 1 ha.

11. The amount of water "conserved" in the glaciers of the globe is 50 times less than the entire mass of ocean waters, and 7 times more water sushi. If the glaciers completely melted, then the level of the world ocean would rise by 800 meters.

12. Two or three icebergs of medium size contain a mass of water equal to the annual flow of the Volga (the annual flow of the Volga is 252 cubic kilometers).

13. There are black icebergs. The first press report about them appeared in 1773. The black color of icebergs is caused by the activity of volcanoes - the ice is covered with a thick layer of volcanic dust, which is not washed away even by sea water.

14. The US Postal Service issued 4 snowflake stamps in October 2006.

15. There are people who can judge the temperature of the air by the way the snow creaks.

American scientists have spent $ $ on finding out the fact that snowflakes are formed directly from steam, bypassing the rain stage.

17. Residents of Norway, who call snowmen "white trolls", are not advised to look at the snow creature at night because of the curtain. And if you stumble upon someone else's snowman at night, you should bypass it.

18. The legend of the very first snow - The rebellious angels at the time of the fall lost their snow-white wings, which covered the earth with a white shiny carpet. So snow appeared, and the first winter came.

"Snow Tales"" alt="(!LANG:Image" align="left" width="193" height="125">Всем, конечно, знакомы сказки о снежных волшебниках. В русской !} folk tale this is Morozko, and in Andersen's fairy tale - The Snow Queen. Remember how different they are? Morozko is kind and warm-hearted, and fair to the same. He generously endowed the industrious girl, and ridiculed the lazy and envious. The Snow Queen from Andersen's fairy tale appears before us in a completely different way. It is cold and uncomfortable in her ice palace, and the pieces of ice scattered by her around the world pierce into human hearts, and they become callous and evil. Two fairy tales about the rulers of the snow - and they are so different. The snow itself can be just as different. When it snows, this spectacle leaves no one indifferent. For some, the falling snow pleases, gives high spirits, while for others, on the contrary, it evokes sadness and sadness. Thanks to snow, every year we admire fabulous winter landscapes, but we love snow not only for this. Snow reserves affect the crop, the water level in the rivers. Snow is used to build winter roads and even airfields. But we do not even think about this useful role of snow. Snow for us is first of all a FAIRY TALE. Have you noticed that various monsters, mythical and fabulous, can live anywhere, but man has not settled them in the snow? But snow inspired a great many fairy tales to man. Snow and fairy tales have one common feature. Both fairy tales and snow tell us about miraculous TRANSFORMATIONS. As Cinderella turns into a princess, so a dull black field under the fallen snow, as if by magic, turns into a sparkling in the sun. gorgeous carpet. Snow is one of the amazing phenomena of nature. Its variability is almost mysterious.

Snegurochka - a girl from the snow.

Snow girl coming to us under New Year is a unique phenomenon. In no other New Year's mythology, except for Russian, there is a female character! Meanwhile, we ourselves know little about her ... They say she is made of snow ... And melts with love. So, at least, the writer Alexander Ostrovsky introduced the Snow Maiden in 1873, who can be safely considered the foster dad of the ice girl.
The true roots of the relationship of the Snow Maiden go to the pre-Christian mythology of the Slavs. AT northern regions pagan Russia there was a custom to make idols from snow and ice. And the image of a revived ice girl is often found in the legends of those times. The parents of the Snow Maiden turned out to be Frost and Spring-Krasna. The girl lived alone, in a dark cold forest, not showing her face to the sun, yearning and reaching out to people. And one day she came out of the thicket to them. According to Ostrovsky's fairy tale, the icy Snow Maiden was distinguished by fearfulness and modesty, but there was not a trace of spiritual coldness in her. But if her heart falls in love and becomes hot, the Snow Maiden will die! She knew this, and yet she made up her mind: she begged from Mother Spring the ability to love passionately. How it looked was demonstrated by the artists Vasnetsov, Vrubel and Roerich. It was thanks to their paintings that we learned that the Snow Maiden wears a pale blue caftan and a cap with an edge, and sometimes a kokoshnik. This was the first time the children saw her on holiday tree 1937 in the Moscow House of the Unions.
The Snow Maiden did not come to Santa Claus right away. Although even before the revolution, Christmas trees were decorated with figurines of a snow girl, girls dressed up in costumes of the Snow Maiden. In Soviet Russia, officially celebrating the New Year was allowed only in 1935. Christmas trees began to be set up all over the country and Santa Claus was invited. But suddenly an assistant appeared next to him - a sweet, modest girl with a scythe over her shoulder, dressed in a blue fur coat. First a daughter, then - it is not known why - a granddaughter. The first joint appearance of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden took place in 1937 - since then it has been the custom. The Snow Maiden leads round dances with children, conveys their requests to Grandfather Frost, helps distribute gifts, sings songs and dances with birds and animals.
And the New Year is not the New Year without the glorious assistant of the main wizard of the country.

"Yukimi - tora" - "Lantern for admiring the snow"" alt="(!LANG:http://*****/public/news/5/1705/Museum-Nakaya-001_8 .jpg" align="left" width="247" height="184 src=">!} a letter from heaven, written in secret hieroglyphs. "He was the first to create a classification of snowflakes. The only snowflake museum in the world, located on the island of Hokkaido, is named after Nakaya.

"Summer Snow Festival"

August 5" href="/text/category/5_avgusta/" rel="bookmark">August 5, on the day of the Feast of the Snow of Mary, during mass, white flowers fall on the worshipers from under the dome. A blizzard of a million white roses.

"A small miracle with your own hands." Master class on making snowflakes.

Snowflake in 3D.

To make one snowflake, you will need: 6 square pieces of paper of the same size , scissors, ruler, pencil, tape, stapler, thread or other material for hanging a snowflake.

Operating procedure:

Fold each piece of paper diagonally and draw future slots on it along the ruler:

We cut the intended slots and unfold the pieces of paper:

We begin to twist the tubes to form paper snowflakes by taping them

The next "frame" of the future paper snowflake twist it to the other side. We alternate the sides, we get six blocks

In each half of a paper snowflake that we make with our own hands, there will be three such blocks fastened with a stapler

We fasten the halves of the snowflake together, also with a stapler:
We also fasten the blocks together, insert a thread for hanging into one of these fasteners:

Snowflakes can be made different colors, textures and sizes, you can vary the number of cuts. It all depends on your requests, the interior and the amount of paper that you do not mind spending on decorating it.

It is beautiful to make such snowflakes from colored paper, you can use the existing foil or colored film, and the finished snowflake can be covered with glitter hairspray!

Here is the result:


Quilling, also known as paper rolling, is an art that has been practiced since the Renaissance. The technique is as follows: narrow strips of paper are twisted into rolls, shaped and glued together.

This kind of art existed in medieval Europe. At the peak of its popularity, quilling was popular among noble ladies who occupied themselves with it during their leisure hours, and works of this art were often published in women's magazines of that time.

To perform these works, you will need white office paper. It must be cut into strips 5 mm thick along the short side. cut better stationery knife on a ruler several sheets at once. For a small amount, you can cut with scissors. You can twist the strips with different tools. You can use an awl, a special slotted rod, a toothpick. To make a snowflake (pendant or appliqué), you need to prepare a variety of different forms from twisted strips. Forms can be closed, i.e. glued and open, where no glue is used. Both are suitable for applications. And for snowflake pendants, you can use only closed forms.

Scheme of work:

The results are also different:" alt="(!LANG: snowflake, quilling technique" width="194" height="146">!}

How to cut a beautiful snowflake.






If you live in cold climes, you know firsthand about winter, then you have at least one reason to be proud of it: unlike residents of hot countries, you can admire snowflakes in natural conditions. And this is not at all as prosaic as it seems, you just need to dress warmer and go outside, taking with you the most ordinary magnifying glass or magnifying glass. Believe me, it is very interesting to look at snowflakes, if only because two identical ones have never fallen to the ground.
And in general, we advise you to carry a magnifying glass in your coat pocket all winter, because you never know when the most beautiful snowflake will fall from the sky.
Where did the snow come from? The legend says that the rebellious angels lost their snow-white wings at the time of the fall. And so the snow appeared. Do you know that more than half of the world's population has never seen snow? Or seen, but only in photographs. In the Eskimo language, there are more than 20 words for the name of snow, in the Yakut language - about 70. Most snowflakes weigh about a milligram. But billions of snowflakes can affect the speed of the Earth's rotation. When the white airy beauties descend to the ground, the fun begins. Under the influence of temperature, wind, relief, snowflakes turn into a wide variety of snow forms. Round dances begin to circle in snowstorms, howl together in a blizzard, wrap houses and roads with fluffy impenetrable snowdrifts. Marveling at the extremely complex shape, perfect symmetry and endless variety of snowflakes, people from ancient times associated their outlines with action. supernatural forces or divine providence.

While working on the project, I learned a lot of new and interesting things and realized that this is not all the information about snow and snowflakes. The forms of snowflakes are inexhaustible, which means that you can study them endlessly, as well as admire them.

Used literature and sources INTERNET:

1. Perelman tasks and experiments. D.: VAP, 1994.-547 p.

2. Physics in nature /: Book. for students. - M.: Enlightenment, 199p.: ill.

3. Literary reading[Text]: 3 cells. : Textbook. : At 2 o'clock / . - 3rd ed. - M .: Akademkniga / Textbook, 2009. - Ch 1: 192 ., 16 reprod. : ill.

4. http://wsyachina. *****/physics/snow_2.html

5. http://upovara. info/forum/index. php? s=a5a460fa2cee1883b817b0a74c55d896&showtopic=1888

6. http://brembola. pereslavl. info/b7.htm

7. http://www. *****/snezhinka_iz_paper

8. http://go. *****/search? q=%D1%ED%E5%E3%20%E2%E8%EA%F2%EE%F0%E8%ED%E0

9. http://go. *****/search? q=%D1%ED%E5%E3%20%E2%20%F1%EA%E0%E7%EA%E0%F5%2C%20%EF%EE%F1%EB%EE%E2%E8%F6 %E0%F5%2C%20%EF%EE%E3%EE%E2%EE%F0%EA%E0%F5%2C%20%EF%F0%E8%EC%E5%F2%E0%F5

10. http://news. *****/society/2254437

11. http://*****/archives/412

12. http://www. snowtale. *****/gallery. html

It was once said that every drop of rain reflects the whole world. In each snowflake, the beauty and harmony of nature appear before us. So we decided to introduce children closer to the beautiful and amazing natural science field - crystallography, remembering the time when, as children ourselves, we admired the bizarre carved and lace crystals on mittens.

This winter in the camp Nanocamp children and I will catch, photograph, study and grow snowflakes and other crystals on our own!

We hope that our growing experiments snowflakes in the lab will be just as successful and we can make rasta videos of them. Below are videos with frame-by-frame shooting of the growth of a snowflake crystal for 70 minutes, made by professorLibbrecht.

Even looking at the snowflakes with the naked eye, you can see that none of them repeats the other. It is assumed that in one cubic meter snow is 350 million snowflakes, each of which is unique. There are no pentagonal or heptagonal snowflakes, they all have a strictly hexagonal shape (although Soviet artists were forced to draw five-pointed snowflakes on posters). Designs full of perfect harmony snow crystals have been of interest to people for many years.

One of the first people to notice the snowflake was Johannes Kepler, famous astronomer and discoverer of the laws of planetary motion.

In 1611, the researcher published his treatise New Year's gift. About a hexagonal snowflake”, in which, however, he explained the shape of the crystals by the will of God. This study can be considered the first ever work on the study of snow crystals. Kepler wondered why crystals always have the shape of a regular hexagon. He explained this phenomenon by the dense arrangement of spheres that form the hexagonal structure of the crystal.

Kepler first became interested in the nature of the symmetry of snowflakes, but could not explain it. It took 300 years before scientists were able to answer the question posed by Kepler. This was made possible by the discovery of X-ray crystallography.

I intercepted the relay ice stick (although, in our case, it was most likely just a snowflake) Rene Descartes, philosopher and mathematician. It was he who first described in detail the shape of snow crystals - as well as it could be done without the help of a microscope. In his writings, he wrote that snowflakes look like roses, lilies and wheels with six teeth. His detailed notes, dated 1635, contained descriptions of rare forms of snowflakes - 12-angled and columnar. Mathematics was especially struck by the “tiny white dot” he found in the middle of the snowflake, as if it was the trace of the leg of a compass, which was used to outline its circumference.

The basis for the formation of a snowflake, its tiny core, is ice or foreign dust particles in clouds. Water molecules, randomly moving in the form of water vapor, pass through the clouds, then along with the temperature they lose their speed. More and more hexagonal water molecules are attached to the growing snowflake in certain places, giving it a distinct shape. In this case, the convex sections of the snowflake grow faster. So, a six-pointed asterisk grows from an originally hexagonal plate.

In 1665 Robert Hook published a huge volume called Micrographia. The work included an image of everything that the author could see thanks to the largest invention of that time - the microscope. In this album there were numerous photos of snowflakes, which clearly show the absolute symmetry and regular shape of snow crystals. This discovery changed the then ideas about snowflakes.

Next was Wilson Bentley(1865-1931) - American farmer who photographed snow crystals. His collection contains 5,000 photographs, of which more than 2,000 were published in 1931 in his famous monograph Snow Crystals. The book is published in additional editions to this day.

Trailer for the 60-minute film by W. Bentley "Snowflakes in Motion".

Ukichiro Nakaya called snow "a letter from heaven, written in secret hieroglyphs." He became the first scientist who managed to create a systematic theory of snow crystals. It was a huge breakthrough in understanding the nature of snow.

Nakaya, a nuclear physicist by profession, was appointed professor in Hokkaido, Japan's northern island, in 1932. It was not possible to conduct nuclear research in a new place, but the attention of the scientist was attracted by snowflakes - fortunately, there was no shortage of “experimental material” in cold Hokkaido.

Unlike Bentley, the Japanese photographed and studied all the crystals that came across, including not very beautiful and asymmetrical ones. Through hard work and a scientific approach to work, Nakaya was able to compile a detailed catalog of snowflake types.

The real scientific triumph of Nakaya was the cultivation of artificial snowflakes in given conditions. This made it possible to determine the patterns between the shape of snow crystals and the environment of their formation.

The result of several years of work of the scientist was the work "Snow crystals: natural and artificial." First published in 1954, the book is still being published today. It reveals a fascinating Scientific research, which began from almost nothing, and ended with a careful study and detailed classification of snowflakes - an impressive natural phenomenon.

Crystallography is currently being actively developed in connection with the needs of electronics and physics. solid body- in particular, the properties of semiconductors used in our everyday electronic devices depend to a large extent on the characteristics of the crystals used in them.

The next step in the study of the properties of the most famous natural crystals - snowflakes - was made by a professor of physics Kenneth Libbrecht(Kenneth Libbrecht) of the California Institute of Technology. In the laboratory of Professor Libbrecht, snowflakes are grown artificially. “I'm trying to figure out the dynamics of crystal formation at the molecular level,” comments the professor. “This is not an easy task, and the ice crystals hide many secrets.”

A snowflake is a complex symmetrical structure made up of ice crystals clustered together. There are many “assembly” options - so far it has not been possible to find two identical snowflakes among the snowflakes. Research carried out in the laboratory of Libbrecht confirms this fact - crystal structures can be grown artificially or observed in nature. There is even a classification of snowflakes, but despite the general laws of construction, snowflakes will still differ slightly from each other even in the case of relatively simple structures.

To study the characteristics of snowflakes, Professor Libbrecht began taking photographs of the resulting snowflakes in 2001. naturally snowflakes and carry out their comparative classification. Structure and appearance snowflakes, as it turned out, depend on where exactly they were observed. According to Libbrecht, the most beautiful and complex snowflakes fall where the climate is harsher - for example, in Alaska, but in New York, where the climate is milder, the structures of snow crystals are much simpler.

Apparently, the scientist has never been to Russia, then he would have declared with absolute certainty that there can be no more beautiful Russian snowflakes.

Classification of snowflakes according to a similar type:

Prisms- there are both 6-coal plates and thin columns with a 6-coal section. Prisms are tiny and almost invisible to the naked eye. The edges of the prism are very often decorated with various complex patterns.

Needles- thin and long snow crystals, they form at a temperature of about -5 degrees.
When viewed, they look like small light hairs.

Dendrites- or tree-like, have pronounced branching thin rays. More often these are large crystals, they can be seen with the naked eye. The maximum size of a dendrite can reach 30 cm in diameter.

12-ray snowflakes- sometimes columns with tips are formed with the rotation of the plates relative to each other by 30 degrees. When rays grow from each plate, a crystal with 12 rays is obtained.

double records- in this type, the posts with tips have a short vertical part. The plates grow very quickly, from water vapor one of the bottom obscures the second and as a result grows larger in size.

hollow posts- inside columns with a hexagonal section, cavities sometimes form. Interestingly, the shape of the cavities is symmetrical with respect to the center of the crystal. High magnification is needed to see half of the small snowflakes.

fern-like dendrites- this type is one of the largest. The branches of stellate dendrites grow thin and very frequent, as a result, the snowflake begins to look like a fern.

Dimensional Crystals- it happens that from a microscopic drop several snow crystals begin to grow in different directions. And then they can take on a complex shape. Such intergrown crystals can disintegrate into several simple snowflakes.

triangular crystals- such snowflakes are formed at a temperature of about -2 degrees. In fact, these are hexagonal prisms, some of the sides of which are much shorter than others. But on the faces of such rays can grow.

Poles with tips- such snowflakes are rarely seen. Crystals begin to grow in the form of columns, but after the wind carries them into the zone with others weather conditions, and then plates begin to grow at their ends.

star-shaped snowflakes- such snowflakes are widespread. These are thin lamellar crystals, in the form of stars with six rays. More often they are decorated with symmetrical various patterns. Such snowflakes appear at -2 °C or -15 °C.

Plate with sectors is a star-shaped lamellar snowflake, but with particularly prominent edges that indicate the angles between adjacent prism faces.

Dear readers, hello! We have a new, well, very entertaining project. All of us have caught small white parachutes falling from the sky on mittens or in warm palms, and sometimes right in our mouths! But where do these patterned ice crystals come from, and do you know what snowflakes are?

Lesson plan:

How do snowflakes appear?

Snowflakes exist in nature thanks to water vapor. From the accumulation of water rain falls in summer, but in winter cold air freezes small droplets of water and as a result it snows.

How does this fragile miracle come about? The beginning of each patterned crystal is given by its middle - the core, which can be any speck of dust from the cloud. This speck of dust, as it moves through the clouds, is overgrown with transparent ice crystals, which give it a certain shape. Gradually, so many crystals are glued that the weight of the dust particle makes it fall to the ground.

If you carefully consider the patterns of snowflakes falling from the sky, you can easily notice that none of them is similar to the other.

Interesting Facts! An ordinary snowflake weighs about 1 milligram, rarely 2 or 3. But the most Bolshukhansky ones fell in 1944 in Moscow. You can't even call them snowflakes. The size of a palm, they looked more like ostrich feathers.

Why are snowflakes different?

The question of why ice crystals fall from the sky in different shapes has always been of interest to scientists. The first to think about their structure was the German astronomer Kepler. He wondered why pentagonal or heptagonal snowflakes did not fall from the sky.

The French mathematician Descartes first made detailed description, what ice crystals might look like, and divided them into groups. Rare forms are mentioned in his works.

When the microscope was invented, English physicist Hooke published graphic images of snowflakes, showing all the unique intricate patterns of the natural wonder.

Russian photographer Sigson even managed to take a photo of about two hundred different snowflakes. But the real snow pioneer of photography was the American Bentley, who took 5,000 photographs in his life, of which 2,500 were included in the book Snow Crystals.

Japanese physicist Nakaya learned how to grow snowflakes in the lab. He poetically called them letters from heaven.

As a result of the work of scientists from different countries it became clear that

  • in nature there is no other form of snowflakes, except for hexagonal,
  • the species depends on the environment in which the ice crystal is born,
  • among the factors affecting the shape are air temperature and humidity,
  • the simplest patterns appear when the air is not very humid,
  • the higher the percentage of humidity and air temperature, the more complex and beautiful the snowflake turns out.
  • the angle between the beams can be either 60 or 120 degrees.

Interesting Facts! A snowflake falling on the water creates a high pitched sound. A person, of course, does not hear him, but, as scientists say, such noise is extremely unpleasant for fish.

Now you know where snowflakes come from and why they are different. All ice crystals were conventionally divided into seven simple groups and given their conventional names.


The simplest of all, thin and flat. She has many edges that divide the crystal into parts.


These snowflakes, resembling a hollow hexagonal pencil, are the most common of all shapes. It can be blunt or pointed at the ends.

Column with a tip

This type is obtained if an ordinary column falls into certain conditions under which the crystal changes the direction of its growth and gradually turns into a plate at the ends. For example, this happens when moving to another temperature zone under the influence of wind.


This is a kind of columnar snowflake that has grown thin and long. It happens that they have a cavity inside, but sometimes they open at the ends in the form of branches.


This specimen has a beautiful branching silhouette that we love to admire. It has six absolutely symmetrical main rays and many different branches. They are about 5 mm in size and are usually flat.

Spatial dendrites

Amazing patterned crystals are voluminous due to the combination of various other types.

Wrong snowflakes

Yes, there is also such a group, which includes damaged representatives who, on the way to us, damaged their branches or completely broke into pieces. Such crippled snowflakes are usually obtained in strong winds, there are many of them in wet snow.

Remember, we talked about the fact that different forms are obtained when different conditions? So here it is

  • stars are usually obtained at temperatures down to -5 degrees,
  • but the needles - from -5 to -10,
  • for complex dendrites, the temperature should be at least -10 and not lower than -20 degrees,
  • but plates and columns of different sizes are formed even with air at -35.

Interesting Facts! It is estimated that half of the inhabitants of the Earth have never seen snowflakes. But they have a chance to come north or visit the world's only snowflake museum in Japan on the island of Hokkaido.

Here is an interesting project we have today. Look to us more often, there is still a lot of interesting things in the world to tell about!

By the way, we have already talked about many interesting things. For example, about . we met winter folk omens, and learned more about ball lightning.
Evgenia Klimkovich.

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