Morning call to prayer for Muslims. Azan information about. Some rulings related to adhan and iqamah

Azan and Iqamat - What does it mean. when it was prescribed.

AZAN is the Call to Prayer. The commandment of the Sunnah, close to Obligatory. The adhan indicates the start time of each of the five prayers. Every day, Muslims read 5 prayers, therefore, the Azan is pronounced 5 times.

Azan words:

Allahu Akbar-ul-Lahu Akbar!

Allahu Akbar-ul-Lahu Akbar!

Allah is Great, Allah is Great!

Ashkhadu al la ilaha illa-l-Laah!

I bear witness that there is no god but Allah!

Ashkhadu anna Muhammadar-rasulu-l-Laah!

I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah!

Allahu Akbar-ul-Lahu Akbar.

La ilaha illa-l-Laaah!

There is no god but Allah!

In the Morning Azan after the words "Hayyah alal-falah" twice pronounced:

“As-Salatu khairum-minan-naum! - As-Salatu khairum-minan-naum! -

Prayer is better than sleep! - Prayer is better than sleep!

The opportunity to read the Azan is a great blessing of Allah Almighty for a Muslim. This opinion is based on the words of the Hazrat Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wasallam):

“If Muslims knew about the greatest goodness that is given for proclaiming the Azan and standing in the front row in prayer, and if later they would not have the opportunity to do this (due to the large number of people who wish), they would draw lots.”

In the book "Mir'at-ul-Haramain" says: “The reading of the Azan began in the first year of the Hijra in Medina. Until that time, the notification of the time of prayer was carried out by an exclamation - As-salatu jami'a. The first performer of the Azan in Medina was Bilal al-Habashi, and the first muezzin of Makkah was Habib b. Abdurrahman (may Allah be pleased with them). The first Azan before the Friday Prayer was introduced during the reign of Caliph Uthman (may Allah be pleased with him). At first, this Azan, like others, was read inside the mosque. During the time of Caliph Abd-ul-Malik, the ruler of Medina, Abban b. Usman ordered to read this Azan from the minaret. Malik Nasir b. Mansur in 700 ordered to read salavats (as-salatu vas-s-salamu) on Fridays before Azans. In 58, on the orders of Caliph Hazrat Mu'awiya (may Allah be pleased with him), the ruler of Egypt, a companion of Maslam b. Mahled (may Allah be pleased with them), ordered the construction of the first Minaret and ordered to read salawats to Muadzin Sharhabil before the morning Azan.

In the book "Mewahib-i lyadunNiyat", as well as in the hadith from Abdullah b. Umar from Sahih Bukhari reported: In the first year of the Hijra, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) consulted with his companions about the call to prayer. Various proposals were received: who advised to notify about prayer by striking the bell like the Nazarenes; who offered to blow the trumpet like the Jews; who - to kindle a fire in a high place like fire worshipers. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) did not accept any of these proposals. Here Hazrat Umar remarked: “Why don’t we appoint a responsible person who would call for joint prayer?” To this, the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Get up Bilal, call people to prayer ».

In the book "al-Badaiu's-Sanai fi tartibu-sh-Sharai" Imam al-Kasani writes that after Abdullah b. Zeid reported that he saw and heard in a dream how someone called for prayer by reading the Azan, on the same days Hazrat Umar (may Allah be pleased with them) also reported the same dream. Ibn-i Abidin in his collection "Radd-ul-Mukhtar ale-d-Durr-ul-Mukhtar" on this occasion, he adds: “The author of Feth-ul-Qadir (Ibn-i Humam) conveys the messages of Abdullah b. Zeida from the book « Siraj... "with all the confirmations, where Hazrat Umar also speaks of a similar dream". Further, the imam explains:

“The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) liked this form of announcement very much, and he ordered from now on to call for prayer with a similar Azan”

When performing prayer at home or in the field, it is also highly desirable to read Azan and iqamat . Until the time of prayer, neither Azan nor Ikamah are read. Reading the Azan and Ikamah while restoring missed prayers is a Sunnah Duty. It is undesirable to pronounce the Azan by an impious Muslim (fasik). It is allowed to read the Azan by a teenager who is sufficiently educated for his age.

Women do not read either Azan or Iqamat. If someone reads the Qur'an when calling for prayer, then he is obliged to stop reading and repeat the words of the Azan. Listen to the call to prayer with reverence and repeat quietly, without disturbing others.

Only the expressions “Hayyah alas-salah ... Hayyah alyal-falah ...” are not repeated. At this point, Azana quietly says: “Laa haul wa laa kuvvata illyaa bil-Lyahi Aliyyi-l-Azyim.”

Salavat is pronounced at the end

"Allahumma sally alaa sayyidina Muhammadin wa alaa ali sayyidina Muhammad."

and the following prayer to Allah Ta'ala is read:

"Allahumma Rabbi Hazikhi'd-da'wati't tamatti vassalatil-qa'imati ati Muhammadini'l-vasilyati val fazilyati vab'ashu makaaman mahmudanillazi vaadathu, innaka la tukhlifu'l-miada."

A Muslim who recites the Azan is called " Muadzin"

Qualities a Muadzin Should Possess:

1) Be smart, capable. An imbecile adult or an unintelligent child cannot be muadzins.

2) Be of legal age. Despite the permissibility of pronouncing the Azan by a prudent teenager, it is still more blessed when the muezzin is an adult.

3) Have a correct understanding of Qibla and correctly distinguish the time of prayer.

4) To have an idea that the call to prayer he performs is Sunnah.

5) Be a serious, morally pure person.

6) Be in a state of ablution.

7) If possible, perform your duties for free, for the sake of Allah Almighty.

8) In mosques and other places, before a joint prayer, read the Azan standing up, in a high voice and, if possible, on a more or less elevated place.

IKAMAT - Notice of the Beginning of Joint Prayer.

Pronounced the same as Azan, but before the obligatory ( fard) prayers and, after the words “Hayyya alal-falyah”, the words are pronounced twice:

"Kad kemati-s-salah - Kad kemati-s-salah"! - "Prayer begins - Prayer begins"!

"Kad kamati-s-salah - Kad kamati-s-salah"! - "Prayer begins - Prayer begins"!

Allahu Akbar-ul-Lahu Akbar!

Allah is Great, Allah is Great!

Allahu Akbar-ul-Lahu Akbar!

Allah is Great, Allah is Great!

Ashkhadu al la ilaha illa-l-Laah!

I bear witness that there is no god but Allah!

Ashkhadu al la ilaha illa-l-Laah!

I bear witness that there is no god but Allah!

Ashkhadu anna Muhammadar-rasulu-l-Laah!

I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah!

Ashkhadu anna Muhammadar-rasulu-l-Laah!

I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah!

Hayyah alas salah, hayyah alas salah

Hurry to Prayer - Hurry to Prayer!

Hayyah alal-falah, hayyah alal-falah

Hurry to Salvation - Hurry to Salvation!

Kad kamati-s-salatu, Kad kamati-s-salah!

The prayer begins, - The prayer begins!

Allahu Akbar-ul-Lahu Akbar.

Allah is Great - Allah is Great!

La ilaha illa-l-Laaah!

There is no god but Allah!


1) When performing the prayer together, Ikamah is read aloud

2) In mosques where prayers are performed together, it is undesirable ( Makruh) read prayers without Azan and Iqamat.

3) If Azan was heard from a nearby mosque, then there is no need to repeat it before the prayer of this time. However, Ikamah must be recited in any case.

4) Recitation of the Azan and Iqamah before making up any missed Obligatory ( fard) Prayer is Sunnah. If several prayers are restored one after another, then it is enough to read the Azan before the first prayer. Iqamah must be read before each prayer.

5) You cannot greet the Muadzin when he reads the Azan and Iqamat. It is also highly undesirable (Makruh) for a Muadzin to respond to such greetings.

6) Azan and Iqamah are read only in Arabic. They will not be valid if they are spoken in another language.

7) When reading the Azan and Ikamat, the muadzin is not allowed to walk, pronounce other words, or engage in extraneous affairs. The only permitted walking is the passage of the muadzin to his place for prayer when he pronounces the words: “Kad kematis-salah, - Kad kematis-salah!”.

9) It is sunnah to turn towards Qibla when reading Azan and Ikamah. Only with the words “Khayya ala-s-salah”, they turn their heads to the right, and with the words “Khayya ale-l-falyah”, they turn their heads to the left.

It is desirable (Mustahab) that Iqamat be pronounced by the same person who recited the Azan. It is highly undesirable (Makruh) to read Iqamat to another person without the permission of the imam, since Bilal al-Habashi asked permission from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) to pronounce Iqamat. In a hadith reported by Ibni Adiyam from Ziyad b. Harisa al-Sudai says: “I asked permission from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) to say Iqamat. I was told in response: "The Muadzin has more rights to the Azan and the Imam has more rights to the (instruction to read) Iqamat."

10) It is desirable (Mustahab) to pray to Allah subhana-Khu wa taala between Azan and Ikamat. Since according to reports from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) it is known that the prayer at this time will not be rejected.

11) It is highly desirable (Sunnah) to listen attentively to the Adhan. And it is desirable (Mustahab) to repeat the words of the Azan.

12) According to the Hanafi and Hanbali madhhab, when pronouncing Iqamat, one who enters the mosque should sit down and wait until the imam reaches the mihrab. During the reading of Iqamat, the jamaat does not rise for prayer until the imam rises, as the hadith is given in the collections of Bukhari and Muslim: “ Hazrat the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "When Ikamat is pronounced, do not get up for prayer until you see me." .

13) As with the reading of the Azan, Ikamah is pronounced in the state of ablution and in the direction of Qibla. It is Sunnah not to talk or walk.

14) There should not be a long pause between the utterance of Iqamat and the performance of the prayer (for example, eating). If the pause is long, then Ikamah will have to be repeated. Therefore, after pronouncing Ikamat and before pronouncing the Introductory Takbir, the imam is allowed to pause only to align the rows.

1. After the birth of a child, Azan is read in his left ear, and Ikamah is read in his right ear. Since the daughter of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) Fatima, after the birth of her son Hasan (may Allah be pleased with them), read Azan in his ear

4. To protect yourself from the evil of jinn and shaitans, who sometimes appear before people in the form of a man, it is also recommended to read the Azan. Since the devil, who heard the Azan, tries to run away from this place.

On the Meaning and Essence of Some Worships Related to Prayer

AZAN is the loud voice of Islam, announcing that a Muslim is a free person. Azan is the continuation of the call of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) by representatives of his community, which will continue until the End of the World.

Azan - announces what a person is striving for, what he is worried about and what a person hopes for.

Azan is a minute-by-minute reminder to the whole world of the Unity and Greatness of Allah Almighty.

Azan is an invitation to worship Almighty Allah and evidence that there is no other deity worthy of worship; that no other worship is able to get rid of adversity in this world, and avoid the fire of Hell after the Day of Judgment.

In the book "Gayatu-t-tahkyk" section "Had-ud-dallin" it is reported that in the third volume of the book "Hilye-tu-l-Auliya" A hadith is transmitted from Abdullah Ibni Abbas, in which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “When Iblis (Satan) was lowered to Earth, he asked Allah Almighty:

"Having lowered Adam to Earth, You showed his descendants the Way to salvation through the Books and Prophets. How will this be done"? Allah Almighty replied: "Through the angels, famous prophets and four famous books." Iblis: "And what books and what prophets will You give me so that I can deceive and confuse them"? Almighty Allah: "Your book will be poetry and music that corrupts the soul of man. Your prophets will be soothsayers, fortune-tellers, sorcerers and magicians. Your food will be intoxicating drinks, as well as everything that will be drunk and eaten without mentioning My name. Your instructions will be deceit , home - sports grounds and baths; your traps - half-dressed girls;

your chapels are places where the wicked (fasyk) gather. And your Muadzins will be Mizmars (musical instruments and devices).

[From Abdullah Ibni Abbas].

Bukhari and Muslim cite a hadith in their collections: “When you hear the voice of the Muadzin, then repeat what he says, and then say salawat to me.” (DMIF, I-437)

Question: Is it possible to receive a salary for reading the daily Azan and similar actions?

According to madhhabs Hanafi and Shafi'i it is allowed to receive wages for the position of Muadzin, Imam of a certain mosque, for the position of Mudarris (head of the Madrasah) and for other similar positions.

Maliki make a clarification: Yes, it is permissible to receive a salary for the daily Azan and Iqamat. However, the position of imam is allowed only on the condition that he combines this position with the position of Muadzin. An imam can receive a salary only if the salary is allocated from a state or charitable fund. But it is undesirable that he receive the money collected from the parishioners.

Hanbalis they believe that if there is a person who agrees to read Azan and Iqamat daily for free, then it is not permissible to hire Muadzin for money. If there are no volunteers, then those responsible for the affairs of the mosques investigate the situation, and only if necessary hire such a person for a fee. (DMIF, I-436, 437).

In a hadith from Abdullah b. Zaid, narrated by at-Tirmidhi says: "The offers of the Azan and the Iqamat of the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) were paired."

This is confirmed by a hadith narrated from Jabir: “When you read Azan, try to do it slowly, and when pronouncing Iqamat, do it faster, and remember that between Azan and Iqamat you will need to allocate as much time as it is necessary for the one who heard the Azan to finish his food. »

Ibni Adiya - Abu Ahmad Abdullah b. Adiya ad-Jurdjani (Ibn-ul-Kassar; 279-365). A prominent scholar on hadith (hafiz). book author "Al-Kamil".

In a hadith reported by Bukhari and Muslim, it is said: “Keep your rows straight. Since the ability to keep even rows increases the possible goodness for prayer.

Azan is read immediately after the prayer time. Azan is a call for Muslims to read the obligatory prayer. Azan is the announcement of prayer times. The person who gives the adhan is called the muezzin. It is desirable that the muazzin has a beautiful voice. Monotheists read a day, respectively, before each prayer, the azan sounds. Ikamat (kamat) is an invitation to Muslims to obligatory collective prayer. Azan is a sunnah-mu'akkad, close in strength and importance to wajib.

  • Allahu akbarul-laahu akbar (2 times)
    (Allah above all)
  • Ashkhadu alla ilyaha illallah (2 times)
    (I testify that there is no object worthy of worship except the One God)
  • Ashkhadu anna muhammadar-rasulullah (twice)
    (I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah)
  • Haya ‘ala salting (twice)
    (Hurry to prayer)
  • Hayya ‘alal-falah (twice)
    (Hurry to the rescue)
  • Allahu akbarul lahu akbar
    (Allah above all)
  • La ilaha illallah
    (There is no one and nothing worthy of following the laws, except following the perfect laws of Allah Almighty)

Ikamat (kamat) with transcription in Russian

Ikamat (kamat) is a call to prayer, pronounced immediately before performing fard prayer (obligatory prayer)

It should be noted that when calling for the morning prayer, after the words: “Haya ‘alal-falyah”, before “Allahu Akbar”, the words are added: “Assalatu khairum minan naum! Assalatu khairum minan naum!”

Iqamat words according to the Hanafi madhhab

  • Allahu akbarul-laahu akbar (2 times)
    (Allah above all)
  • Ashkhadu alla ilaha illallah (2 times)
    (I testify that there is no one and nothing worthy of worship except Allah)
  • Ashkhadu anna muhammadar-rasulullah (twice)
    (I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of God)
  • Haya ‘ala ssolya (twice)
    (Hurry to prayer)
  • Haya ‘alal-falyah (twice)
    (Hurry to the rescue)
  • Cad camatis-solatu cad camatis-solya
    (Prayer begins)
  • Allahu akbarul-laahu akbar
    (Allah above all)
  • La ilaha illallah
    (There is no one and nothing, there is no object worthy of worship except Allah)

Iqamah words according to the Shafi'i madhhab

  • Allahu akbarul lahu akbar
    (Allah above all)
  • Ashkhadu alla ilaha illallah
    (I testify that there is nothing and no one worthy of worship except the Supreme Lord)
  • Ashkhadu anna muhammadar rasulullah
    (I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of the One God)
  • Haya ‘ala salting
    (Hurry to prayer)
  • Haya ‘alal-falyah
    (Hurry to the rescue)
    Cad kamatis-solyatu cad kamatis-solya
  • (Prayer begins)
  • Allahu akbarul lahu akbar
    (Allah above all)
  • La ilaha illallah
    (There is nothing and no one, there is no object of worship who could be worshiped except Allah, since all other "gods" are fictitious idols or are created creations, and it is forbidden to worship the creations of the Almighty)

Five Daily Prayer Times

Reading time of 5 obligatory prayers:

  • Fajr (morning prayer) occurs from the moment of dawn until the very sunrise.
  • Zuhr (midday prayer) begins after the zenith of the sun until late in the evening.
  • Asr (Evening Prayer) occurs from late evening until sunset.
  • Maghrib (evening prayer) begins from the moment the sun sets until dusk (when the sky becomes completely dark).
  • Isha (night prayer) occurs from the moment of twilight (pitch darkness) to the beginning of dawn.

All these prayers should be recited at the points mentioned above. However, there are exceptions when the association of prayers is allowed. For example, Zuhr and Asr or Maghrib and Isha can be read immediately after each other. You can combine these two prayers when you are traveling, if you are sick, very sleepy, very tired, or if you cannot control your schedule (classes or work). These are the exceptions and should not be the norm.

If you are praying in a Masjid (mosque) in a congregation, under bad weather conditions such as rain, snow, ice, etc., then it is permissible to combine the two prayers.

Virtues of Azan

Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

“When the call to prayer is pronounced, the shaitan retreats, emitting winds with a noise so as not to hear this call, and when the call ends, he (again) approaches. And he retreats during the iqama, and when the announcement of the beginning of the prayer ends, he (again) steps up to stand between the person and his heart and inspire him: “Remember this and that,” which he did not even think about. (before prayer, and he does this) so that a person remains (in a similar) position, not knowing how many (rakah) prayers he has performed.

The adhan words are pronounced loudly and slowly. When pronouncing the adhan, the hands are raised according to the madhhab that the reader of the adhan adheres to.

1) Azan is a call to prayer. It is sunnah to pronounce the adhan for the five times prayer, as well as for the Friday prayer.

2) Azan is pronounced only by men. Adhan made by a woman is invalid.

3) When pronouncing the azan, the muezzin should face the qibla.

4) Azan should also be given for the replenishing (kaza) prayer. If the worshiper performs several kaza-namaz at once, he must say the azan for the first kaza-namaz, after which he has a choice: either say the azan for the rest of the kaza-namaz, or confine himself to pronouncing the iqamat.

5) It is sunnah to be in a state of ablution while saying the adhan. However, it is allowed to pronounce the adhan even without a small wudu.

6) It is not allowed to pronounce the adhan for prayer before the start of the time for this prayer.

7) If the azan is pronounced before the prayer time, such azan will not be valid. In this case, the adhan should be repeated.


اَللهُ أَكْبَرُ

Allahu akbar
Translation: "Allah is great"
(pronounced 4 times)

أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لَّآ إِلٰهَ إلَّا اللهُ

Ashkhadu alla ilaha illallah
Translation: “I testify that none is worthy of worship except Allah.”
(pronounced twice)

أَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا رَّسُولُ اللهِ

Ashkhadu Anna Muhammadar Rasulullah
Translation: “I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah”
(pronounced twice)

حَيَّ عَلَى الصَّلٰوةِ

Haya ‘alas salah
Translation: "Hurry to prayer!"
(pronounced twice)

حَيَّ عَلَى الفَلَاحِ

Haya ‘alal-falyah
Translation: "Hurry to salvation!"
(pronounced twice)

اَللهُ أَكْبَرُ

Allahu akbar
Translation: "Allah is great"
(pronounced twice)

لَآ إِلٰهَ إلَّا اللهُ

La ilaha illallah
Translation: There is no god but Allah

The muezzin should purify himself of both types of impurity: both small and large. He should climb to an elevated or high place outside the mosque and turn towards the qibla.

(Please note: adhan should not be given inside the mosque)

Turning towards the qibla, the muezzin puts the index fingers of both hands into the ear holes. Then he says the adhan in a loud voice (without shouting).

When pronouncing the words “haya ‘alas salah”, the muezzin turns to face to the right so that his chest and legs are still facing the direction of the qibla.

When pronouncing the words “haya ‘alal-falyah”, he turns his face to the left in the same way.

During the adhan, pronounced for Fajr prayer, after the words “haya ‘alal-falyah”, the following phrase must be pronounced twice:

الصَّلٰوةُ خَيْرٌ مِّنَ النَّوْمِ

As-salatu khairum-minan-naum
Translation: "Prayer is better than sleep"

After saying “Allahu akbar” twice, the muezzin should pause long enough for those who hear the adhan to have time to answer (how to answer it will be described later).

In addition to this pause, after “Allahu akbar”, the muezzin should pause once after each phrase so that those who hear the azan have time to answer.


Iqamat is similar to adhan, but differs from it in the following ways:

1) Iqamah is pronounced inside the mosque, while the adhan is outside it.

3) During iqamah, fingers are not put into the ears, as is the case with adhan.

4) Iqamah is pronounced quickly, while adhan is said slowly.

5) The phrase "As-salatu khairum-minan-naum" is not pronounced during iqamat.

6) During the iqamah for five times prayer, after “haya ‘alal-falyah”, the phrase is pronounced twice:

قَدْ قَامَتِ الصَّلٰوةُ

Komatis salah code
Translation: "Namaz has begun"

7) During iqamah, the face is not turned to the right and left as in the adhan.

8) Iqamat is pronounced when the collective (jamaat) prayer is to begin.

Adhan and iqamah rules

1) For a traveler (musafir), saying the adhan when he performs his prayer is mustahabb (preferably).

2) Azan and iqamah in the mosque are sufficient for all the people of this area. Therefore, if the adhan and iqamah have already been said in the mosque, the recitation of the adhan and iqamat at home will be mustahabb.

3) It is makruh (reprehensible and forbidden) to say the adhan and iqamat in the mosque, where joint prayer is performed daily with adhan and iqamat. However, in a mosque where there is no fixed order according to the imam and muezzin, the adhan and iqamah are read by each group or person performing prayers in this mosque.

5) Azan and iqamah are read only for prayers of the category "fard "ayn" (five and Friday prayers).

For those who hear the adhan, it is mustahabb to answer it, i.e. they should quietly repeat the phrases uttered by the muezzin. They answer during the pauses made by the muezzin after each phrase. However, after the phrases “haya ‘alas salah” and “haya ‘alal-falyah” one should say:

لَا حَوْلَ وَلَا قُوَّةَ إِلَّا بِاللهِ

La howla wa la quwwata illa billah
Translation: “There is no power and strength except through Allah”

During the Fajr adhan, after the phrase “as-salatu khairum-minan-naum”, listeners should say:

صَدَقْتَ وَبَرَرْتَ

Sadakta va bararta

At the end of the adhan, the listeners say salawat and the following prayer:

اللّٰهُمَّ رَبَّ هٰذِهِ الدَّعْوَةِ التَّآمَّةِ، وَالصَّلٰوةِ الْقَآئِمَةِ، اٰتِ مُحَمَّدًا الْوَسِيلَةَ وَالْفَضِيلَةَ وَالدَّرَجَةَ الرَّفِيعَةَ، وَابْعَثْهُ مَقَامًا مَّحْمُودًا الَّذِي وَعَدْتَّهُ، وَارْزُقْنَا شَفَاعَتَهُ يَوْمَ الْقِيٰمَةِ، إِنَّكَ لَا تُخْلِفُ الْمِيعَادَ

Allahumma rabba hazihid-da'vatit-tammati, was-salyatil ka-imati, ati Muhammadanil-vasilyata wal-fadylyata vad-darajatar-rafi'ata, vab'ashhu makamam-mahmudanillazi wa attahu, varzukna schafa'atahu yaumal-kyamati, Innakya la tukhliful-mi'ad.

Translation: “O Allah, the Lord of this perfect call and beginning prayer! Bless Muhammad with the utmost closeness to You, grant him perfection and exalt him to the high position You promised! And grant us his intercession on the Day of Judgment. Verily, You do not break the promise.

7) Replying to iqamah is also mustahabb. The answers to the iqamah are the same as to the adhan, and after the phrase “code komatis salah” you need to say the following:

أَقَامَهَا اللهُ وَأَدَامَهَا

Akomahallahu wa adamaha
Translation: “May Allah establish the prayer and make it constant!”

8) It is not necessary to answer the adhan during the following actions:

a. performing namaz;

b. listening to khutbah (Friday, marriage, etc.);

in. during menstruation and postpartum bleeding;

g. during meals;

d. with intimacy.

9) The second azan for Friday prayer should be given inside the mosque in front of the minbar.

10) Adhan by muezzin should be performed while standing. If the azan was given while sitting, it should be repeated. But if the adhan was said while sitting for one's own prayer (not for joint prayer), there is no need to repeat it, although the adhan should not be read without the need to sit.

11) It is mustahabb to close the ear holes with the fingers during the adhan.

12) To pronounce the adhan, being in a state of great impurity, is strictly condemned (makruh-tahrim). Repetition of such adhan is mustahabb.

13) To pronounce iqamat, being in a state of great or small impurity - makrooh-tahrim. But, unlike adhan, repeating iqamah is not mustahabb.

14) It is sunnah to say the phrases of adhan and iqamah in sequence. If a mistake is made in the order of the phrases of the adhan or iqamah, such a mistake should be corrected by repeating in the correct order the phrase uttered in the wrong place.

15) If during the performance of the adhan, the muezzin cannot finish it for any reason (for example, due to illness), repeating the entire adhan again will be a sunnah-muakkada.

16) If the small wudu’ of the person who says the adhan or iqamah is broken, it would be better to complete the adhan or iqamah, and after that perform wudu’.

17) Saying iqamah is the right of the one who said the adhan. But he can give consent to the recitation of iqamah by another person.

18) The muezzin should end the iqamah in the same place where he started it. He should not move from place to place during the recitation of the iqamah.

19) If, after pronouncing the iqamat, the imam performs the sunnahs of fajr, then the time it takes to complete them will not be considered significant. Therefore, the iqamah does not need to be repeated.


Definition of Azan and Iqamah


Announcement of the beginning of prayer through a specific dhikr


Notification of the onset of prayer time through a specific dhikr (remembrance)

Shari'ah ruling regarding adhan and iqamah

1. In relation to a group of people (jama'ata):

adhan and iqamah are the approved sunnah, legalized only for five prayers, both on and off the journey.

After all, the adhan and iqamah are among the external rites of Islam, and their final abandonment is not permissible.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “If the (time) of prayer comes, then let one of you perform the adhan for you, and then let the eldest of you be your imam.” [Hadith agreed]

2. For one person:

adhan and iqamah are sunnah. It was narrated from 'Uqb bin 'Amir that he said: “I heard the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, say:“ Your Lord is surprised at the shepherd of sheep on the top of the mountain, who gives the azan and prays. And Allah Almighty and Great says: “Look at this My servant, gives the azan and stands up a prayer, fearing Me. And I have already forgiven My servant and admitted him into Paradise.” [Reported from an-Nasa'i]

Wisdom in the adhan

1. Notification of the time and place of prayer.

2. Encouragement to collective prayer.

3. Awakening the heedless, reminding those who have forgotten to pray, which is one of the greatest graces.

When was adhan legalized? And what caused this?

Azan was legalized in the first year of the Hijri. And the reason for this was the need to establish some kind of sign by which people could find out about the time of prayer.

And the Muslims, having consulted, did not come to any definite decision. When night fell, Abdullah ibn Zayd saw in a dream a man carrying a bell.

Then Abdullah said to him: “Are you selling this bell?” That man in turn asked, “What are you going to do with him?” Abdullah said: "We will call to prayer through him."

Then the man said, "Shall I show you what is better than this?" Abdullah said: "Indicate". And then that person taught him the adhan, and then the iqamah [Reported by ad-Darimi].

Abdullah said: “In the morning I went to the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and told him about my dream. And then he said: “Verily, this is a true vision, if it is the will of Allah. So get up with Bilal and tell these words to him, verily, he has a louder voice than you.” [Reported from Abu Dawud]

Virtues of Adhan

1- On the Day of Judgment, everything that his voice reached will testify for the muazzin.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever among the jinn, people and all things hears the limit of the voice of the muazzin, he will testify for him (the muazzin) on the day of Resurrection.” [Reported by al-Bukhari]

2- If people knew the real benefit of adhan, they would compete for the right to give adhan.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “If people knew what is contained in the call (to prayer) and the front row, and then found nothing but to cast lots for it, then they would have thrown it.” [Reported by al-Bukhari]

Adhan Validity Conditions

1. The caller to prayer must be a male Muslim who is of sound mind.

2. Compliance with the order of the words of the adhan.

3. The continuity of the adhan, that is, there should not be a big break between the words of the adhan.

4. Azan should be performed at the time of prayer.

Desirable actions regarding the one who gives the adhan

1. Be facing the Qibla.

2. Observance of ritual purity, both from large defilement and from small.

3. Turning the head to the right and left while pronouncing the words "Hurry to prayer, hasten to success."

4. Put the index fingers of both hands in your ears.

5. It is desirable that the muazzin has a beautiful and strong voice.

6. Clarity in the pronunciation of sounds and stretching the adhan in compliance with the relevant rules.

Put two index fingers in your ears

Form of adhan and iqamah

1. Form of adhan: “Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. Ashhadu alla ilaha illa llah, ashhadu alla ilaha illa llah. Ashkhadu anna Muhammad rrasul Allah, Ashkhadu anna Muhammad rrasul Allah. Hayya'ala-s-salah! Hayya'ala-s-salah! Hayya'alal-falah! Hayya'alal-falah! Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. La ilaha illa Allah." [Reported from Muslim]

2. Form of ikamah: “Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. Ashhadu alla ilaha illa llah, ashhadu alla ilaha illa llah. Ashkhadu anna Muhammad rrasul Allah, Ashkhadu anna Muhammad rrasul Allah. Hayya'ala-s-salah! Hayya'ala-s-salah! Hayya'alal-falah! Hayya'alal-falah! Kadi kamati-s-salatu, kadi kamati-s-salaat (y). Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. La ilaha illa Allah."

Desirable actions in relation to the one who hears the adhan

1. Repetition following the muazzin, except for the words: “Haya’ala-s-sialah! Hayya'alal-falah!".

In this case, you should say: “La haula wa la kuwata illa billah”(“There is no strength and power except with Allah.”). [Reported by al-Bukhari]

2. Words after the end of the azan: “Ashhadu an la ilaha illa Llahu wahdahu la sharika lahu, wa anna Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasulyuhu, happytu bi-Llahi rabban, wa bi-Muhammadin rasulyan, wa bill-islamy dinan”

(I testify that there is no god but Allah, Who has no partner, and that Muhammad is His slave and messenger. I am pleased with Allah as Lord, Muhammad as a messenger, Islam as a religion”). [Reported from Muslim]

3. Ask for blessings for the prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and then say: “Allahumma of the slave hazihi d-dau'ati t-tammati, was-salatil-kaimati, ati Muhammadan al-wasilyaya wal-fadilyata, wa b'ashu maqaman mahammudan allazi wa'adtahu”

(O Allah, Lord of this perfect call and this ongoing prayer, grant Muhammad al-Wasil and a high position and guide him to the place of meritoriousness that You promised him). [Reported by al-Bukhari]

4. Making a du’a, since a prayer between the adhan and the iqamat is never rejected.

The Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: “Indeed, a prayer between the adhan and the iqamah is not rejected”. [Reported from Ahmad]

Some rulings related to adhan and iqamah

1. In the case of combining two prayers, for example, as dinner (zuhr) and afternoon (al-> asr), you should limit yourself to one azan, and then say iqamat separately for each of the prayers.

2. If the iqamah was said, and then there was a delay in the beginning of the prayer, then there is no need to repeat the iqamah.

3. Muazzin should avoid mistakes in pronunciation. Some examples of such errors:

a) pronunciation with interrogative intonation, which is carried out in Arabic by adding the letter “hamza” at the beginning of the word. For example, like this: “AAllahu AAkbar?”

b) the extension of the sound “a” after the letter “b” in the word “akbar”. For example, like this: “Allahu Akbaar”.

c) Addition of the letter “wow”, which has the meaning of the union “and” in Russian. For example, like this: "Allahu wa Akbar."

4. If an iqamah has been given to start the obligatory collective prayer, then it is forbidden to start an additional prayer.

If a person began to perform an additional prayer, and then an iqamah was given, then he should bring it to the end with the condition that there is not much left before its completion.

Otherwise, he should interrupt it without taslim (however, if it is with taslim, then there is nothing reprehensible in this) and join the imam in performing the obligatory prayer.

5. The adhan of a minor but discriminating boy (mumayiz) is valid.

6. Azan is also legalized if a person sleeps through the time of prayer or forgets to perform it on time.

And the proof of this is that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) (when he and his companions overslept the morning prayer and woke up at sunrise) “ordered Bilal, and he gave the adhan. Then they performed ablution and performed the desired two rak'ahs performed before the morning prayer. Then the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) commanded Bilal, who recited the words of the iqamah. And then he (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) led the morning prayer.” [Reported from Abu Dawud]

7. The one whom the azan found in the mosque should not leave it, except for a good reason.

It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) commanded us that if any of you was in the mosque and then called to prayer, then let him not go out until will not pray." [Reported from Ahmad]

What Not to Do

1. Excessive chanting of the azan, which leads to a change in letters, harakat, addition and subtraction of sounds.

2. The pronunciation of the words of blessing and greeting of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and greet him, in a loud voice after the adhan.

3. The words “Akamaha Llahu wa adamaha” after the person speaking the iqamat says: “Kad kamati s-salatu”.

The one who repeats after this person should also say “Qad kamati s-salatu”.

Morning prayer azan:

In the words of the azan of the morning prayer, you should add: “As-salatu kheirun mina-n-naum” twice.

This is confirmed by the words of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him): “If there is a morning prayer, then say: “As-salatu kheirun mina-n-naum”, “As-salaatu kheirun mina-n-naum” [Reported by Abu Dowd].

I start with the name of Allah. All praise belongs to Allah, may blessings and salutations be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family and companions! May Allah guide us all to that which He loves and which He will be pleased with!

When the Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) wished to create a method for calling people to prayer, he consulted with the Companions. Some companions related a dream they had of one of the believers reciting the adhan, and the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) agreed that this was the best way.

The value of adhan in our religion is very high: it is a sign of Islam where Muslims live. Allah praised the muezzins by saying: Whose speech is more beautiful than the speech of the one who calls to Allah and does righteousness! .. "(Sura Fussilat, verse 33).

Muezzins (calling to prayer) on the Day of Judgment will be the highest ". The muezzin is, as it were, the deputy of Allah (He is Holy and Great) in calling slaves to the gates of the Almighty.

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) told us about the greatness of this work, and the believer is encouraged to strive for this. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: If people knew what reward awaits for calling and being in the front row during prayer, and there would be no other way out but to draw lots, then they would draw lots for this. "(Imam Muslim, No. 437).

People should be imbued with the greatness and dignity of adhan. The Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) said: If someone reads the adhan, then whoever hears it, be it a man or a genie, even if a stone or clay hears, they will testify to what they heard on the Day of Judgment ».

The most important ethical points that a muezzin must observe are piety, honesty, turning towards the Kaaba, being in ablution during the azan.

It is desirable that the muezzin be vociferous; It is sunnah to raise your voice when reading the azan, to rise to a high place, because there were no microphones before, to cover the ears with your index fingers while reading the azan and read it in the well-known common form: “Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar ...” - and so on to the end. It is advisable to turn when reading the words "Haya" ala ṣ-ṣalakh", "Haya" alal-falyakh" to the right and to the left.

It is also advisable for the muezzin to make “tarji”, that is, after reading the takbirs to himself, read “Ashkhadu alla ilaha illa llah” twice and “Ashkhadu anna Muhammad rasulullah” twice, then read the same thing in a loud voice - and in general it turns out four times .

In the call for morning prayer, it is advisable to make “tasvib”, that is, say: “Assalatu khairu mina navm” (“Namaz is better than sleep”). This is an important sunnah that is performed during the recitation of the adhan. It is desirable that the muezzin also read the iqamah, draw out his voice in the adhan, and read it a little faster while reading the iqamat.

According to the testimony of Mrs. Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her), the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), when he heard the azan, changed in behavior: “The Messenger of Allah talked to us, joked, but if the time for prayer came, he became as if not knew us, but we did not know him." That is, he left everything and prepared for prayer.

When we hear the muezzin, we need to prepare for prayer and leave all our affairs, be it talking, working, and even reading the Qur'an, we should leave all activities, since this is the call of Allah himself through the muezzin.

Then it is desirable to repeat what the muezzin says. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) told us: Whoever repeats the words of the muezzin sincerely, he will enter paradise ". Another version of the hadeeth says: ... he will be honored with my intercession ". Preferably, repeating after the muezzin while reading the words " Ashkhadu anna Muhammadu Rasulullah ", to tell:

رضيت بالله رباً، وبالإسلام ديناً ، وبمحمدٍ نبيا

Meaning: " I also testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, I am pleased with Allah as Lord, Islam as religion, Muhammad as Prophet ».

While the muezzin is reading the words "Haya" ala ṣ-ṣalakh", "Haya" alal-falyakh" say:


Meaning: " There is no strength and power except from Allah the Majestic».

In the morning call, when the muezzin reads the words “Assalyatukhayru mina navm”, one should say:

صدقت وبررت وبالحق نطقت

Meaning: " You are right and you spoke the truth».

اَللّهُمَّ رَبَّ هذِهِ الدَّعْوَةِ التّامَّةِ وَالصَّلاةِ الْقائِمَةِ آتِ سَيِّدَنا مَحَمَّدً الْوَسيلَةَ وَالْفَضيلَةَ وَابْعَثْهُ مَقامًا مَحْمُودًا الَّذي وَعَدْتَهُ وَارْزُقْنا شَفاعَتَهُ يَوْمَ الْقِيامَةِ إِنَّكَ لا تُخْلِفُ الْميعادْ

Meaning: " O Allah! Lord of this complete call (Azan) and prayer, bestow on our master Muhammad the degree of al-Vasilat and bring him to the level of Maqam-mahmud, which You promised him. Grant us the intercession of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) on the Day of Judgment, truly You do not break promises". Then you can read any desired dua.

The one who reads this dua, Allah will magnify by honoring him with intercession, because this prayer for the degree of “al-Vasilat” to the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) can help us receive shafaat on the Day of Judgment.

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) told us that the prayer between the azan and iqamah is not rejected - this is an important time that the believer uses to appeal to Allah Almighty (He is Holy and Great).

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: When shaitan hears the adhan, he immediately runs away from the adhan, because the adhan hits him, burns him and pushes him away ».

Azan is a favor to us from Allah. When a person hears the call to prayer, which sounds in different corners from the minarets of Muslims, he feels calm and many troubles leave him. Azan is associated with the signs of Islam, including the greatest sign in Islam - the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). When you hear the azan, try to feel how our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) behaved when he heard the azan, how he turned to Allah, so that our entry into prayer was like that of our Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him). So we will be perfect in following the worthy deeds of the best creation - the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) - and we will correspond to the meaning of the words of Allah: “ Say (O Muhammad): “If you love Allah, then follow me, and then Allah will love you ”” (Sura “Alu Imran”, verse 31).

Transcript of the sermon Muhammad as-Saqaf.

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