The Three Little Pigs is an abbreviated version. Encyclopedia of fairy-tale heroes: "Three little pigs". The tale that became the basis of Tex Avery's provocative cartoon

The Three Little Pigs is an English fairy tale familiar to everyone since childhood. It tells about three little pigs who build their own shelter in the forest before the onset of cold weather. Hardworking and sensible Naf-Naf builds a reliable dwelling from stones and clay long before the onset of winter. His brothers Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf build straw and wooden houses just before the cold. However, they did not resist the onslaught of the wolf. The brothers managed to hide at the prudent Naf-Naf in a stone house. The fairy tale teaches diligence, rationality, patience, mutual assistance in difficult situations and the need to take care of the future.

There were three little pigs in the world. Three brothers.

All of the same height, round, pink, with the same cheerful ponytails. Even their names were similar. The piglets were called: Nif-Nif, Nuf-Nuf and Naf-Naf.

All summer they tumbled in the green grass, basked in the sun, basked in the puddles.

But now autumn has come.

The sun was no longer so hot, gray clouds stretched over the yellowed forest.

“It's time for us to think about winter,” Naf-Naf once said to his brothers, waking up early in the morning. - I'm shivering from the cold. We may catch a cold. Let's build a house and winter together under one warm roof.

But his brothers did not want to take the job. It is much more pleasant to walk and jump in the meadow on the last warm days than to dig the earth and carry heavy stones.

- It will succeed! Winter is still far away. We'll take a walk, - said Nif-Nif and rolled over his head.

“When it is necessary, I will build myself a house,” said Nuf-Nuf and lay down in a puddle.

- Well, as you wish. Then I will build my own house, - said Naf-Naf. “I won't wait for you.

Every day it got colder and colder. But Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf were in no hurry. They didn't even want to think about work. They were idle from morning to evening. All they did was play their pig games, jump and roll.

“Today we will take a walk,” they said, “and tomorrow morning we will get down to business.

But the next day they said the same thing.
And only when a large puddle by the road began to be covered with a thin crust of ice in the morning, the lazy brothers finally got to work.

Nif-Nif decided that it was easier and most likely to make a house out of straw. Without consulting anyone, he did just that. By evening, his hut was ready.

Nif-Nif put the last straw on the roof and, very pleased with his house, sang merrily:

Even if you go around half the world,
You'll get around, you'll get around
You won't find a better home
You won't find it, you won't find it!

Singing this song, he went to Nuf-Nuf.

Nuf-Nuf, not far away, also built a house for himself. He tried to finish this boring and uninteresting business as soon as possible. At first, like his brother, he wanted to build a house out of straw. But then I decided that it would be very cold in such a house in winter. The house will be stronger and warmer if it is built from branches and thin rods.

And so he did.
He drove stakes into the ground, intertwined them with rods, heaped dry leaves on the roof, and by evening the house was ready.

Nuf-Nuf proudly walked around him several times and sang:

I have a good house
New home, solid home,
I'm not afraid of rain and thunder
Rain and thunder, rain and thunder!

Before he could finish the song, Nif-Nif ran out from behind a bush.

- Well, here is your house ready! - said Nif-Nif to his brother. "I told you we'd get it over with quickly!" Now we are free and can do whatever we want!

- Let's go to Naf-Naf and see what kind of house he built for himself! - said Nuf-Nuf. "We haven't seen him in a long time!"

- Let's go see! Nif-Nif agreed.

And both brothers, very pleased that they did not have to worry about anything else, disappeared behind the bushes.

Naf-Naf has been busy building for several days now. He dragged stones, kneaded clay, and now slowly built himself a reliable, durable house in which one could hide from wind, rain and frost.

He made a heavy oak door with a bolt in the house so that the wolf from the neighboring forest could not climb up to him.

Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf found their brother at work.

- What is it, a pig house or a fortress?

“The pig’s house should be a fortress!” Naf-Naf calmly answered them, continuing to work.

Are you going to fight with someone? Nif-Nif grunted merrily and winked at Nuf-Nuf.

And both brothers were so merry that their squeals and grunts carried far across the lawn.

And Naf-Naf, as if nothing had happened, continued to lay the stone wall of his house, humming a song under his breath

Of course, I'm smarter than everyone
Smarter than everyone, smarter than everyone!
I build a house from stones
From stones, from stones!
No animal in the world

Won't break through that door
Through this door, through this door!

What animal is he talking about? - Nif-Nif asked Nuf-Nif.

What animal are you talking about? - Nuf-Nuf asked Naf-Naf.

- I'm talking about the wolf! - answered Naf-Naf and laid another stone.

“Look how afraid he is of the wolf!” - said Nif-Nif.

And the brothers cheered even more.

- What kind of wolves can be here? - said Nif-Nif.

And they both began to dance and sing:

We are not afraid of the gray wolf,
Gray wolf, gray wolf!
Where do you go, stupid wolf,
Old wolf, dire wolf?

They wanted to tease Naf-Naf, but he didn't even turn around.

“Let’s go, Nuf-Nuf,” said Nif-Nif then. “We have nothing to do here!

And two brave brothers went for a walk. On the way they sang and danced, and when they entered the forest, they made such a noise that they woke up the wolf, who was sleeping under a pine tree.

- What's that noise? - the angry and hungry wolf grumbled with displeasure and galloped to the place where the squealing and grunting of two small, stupid pigs could be heard.

- Well, what kind of wolves can be here! - said at that time Nif-Nif, who saw wolves only in pictures.

- Here we will grab him by the nose, he will know! added Nuf-Nuf, who also had never seen a live wolf.

And the brothers rejoiced again and sang:

We are not afraid of the gray wolf,
Gray wolf, gray wolf!
Where do you go, stupid wolf,
Old wolf, dire wolf?
And suddenly they saw a real live wolf!

He stood behind a large tree, and he had such a terrible look, such evil eyes and such a toothy mouth that a chill ran down the backs of Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf and thin tails trembled finely. The poor pigs couldn't even move for fear.

The wolf prepared to jump, clicked his teeth, blinked his right eye, but the piglets suddenly came to their senses and, screeching throughout the forest, rushed to their heels. They have never run so fast before! Sparkling with their heels and raising clouds of dust, the piglets each rushed to their home.

Nif-Nif was the first to reach his thatched hut and barely managed to slam the door in front of the wolf's very nose.

"Now open the door!" the wolf growled. “Or else I’ll break it!”

“No,” Nif-Nif grunted, “I won’t unlock it!”

Outside the door, the breath of a terrible beast was heard.

"Now open the door!" the wolf growled again. “Otherwise I’ll blow so hard that your whole house will fly apart!”

But Nif-Nif from fear could no longer answer anything.

Then the wolf began to blow: “F-f-f-u-u-u!”.

Straws flew from the roof of the house, the walls of the house shook.

The wolf took another deep breath and blew a second time: “F-f-f-u-u-u-u!”. When the wolf blew for the third time, the house was blown in all directions, as if it had been hit by a hurricane. The wolf snapped his teeth in front of the little piglet's snout. But Nif-Nif deftly dodged and rushed to run. A minute later he was already at the door of Nuf-Nuf.

As soon as the brothers had time to lock themselves, they heard the voice of the wolf:

"Well, now I'll eat you both!"

Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf looked at each other in fear. But the wolf was very tired and therefore decided to go for a trick.

- I changed my mind! he said so loudly that he could be heard in the house. “I won’t eat those skinny piglets!” I better go home!

- You heard? - Nif-Nif asked Nuf-Nif. He said he won't eat us! We are skinny!

- This is very good! - Nuf-Nuf said and immediately stopped trembling.

The brothers became cheerful, and they sang as if nothing had happened:

We are not afraid of the gray wolf,
Gray wolf, gray wolf!
Where do you go, stupid wolf,
Old wolf, dire wolf?

And the wolf did not think to go anywhere. He just stepped aside and hunkered down. He was very funny. He had a hard time keeping himself from laughing. How cleverly he deceived two stupid little pigs!
When the pigs were completely calm, the wolf took the sheep's skin and cautiously crept up to the house. At the door, he covered himself with skin and knocked softly.

Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf were very frightened when they heard a knock.

- Who's there? they asked, their tails shaking again.

“It’s I-I-I—poor little sheep!” the wolf squeaked in a thin, alien voice. - Let me spend the night, I strayed from the herd and very tired!

- Let me go? the good Nif-Nif asked his brother.

- You can let the sheep go! Nuf-Nuf agreed. - A sheep is not a wolf!

But when the pigs opened the door, they saw not a sheep, but the same toothy wolf. The brothers slammed the door and leaned on it with all their might so that the terrible beast could not break into them.

The wolf got very angry. He failed to outsmart the pigs! He threw off his sheepskin and growled:

- Well, wait a minute! There will be nothing left of this house!
And he began to blow. The house leaned a little. The wolf blew a second, then a third, then a fourth time.

Leaves flew off the roof, the walls shook, but the house still stood.

And only when the wolf blew for the fifth time, the house staggered and collapsed. Only one door still stood for some time in the middle of the ruins.

In horror, the pigs rushed to run. Their legs were paralyzed with fear, every bristle trembled, their noses were dry. The brothers rushed to the house of Naf-Naf.

The wolf caught up with them with huge leaps.

Once he almost grabbed Nif-Nif by the hind leg, but he pulled it back in time and added speed.

The wolf stepped up too. He was sure that this time the piglets would not run away from him.
But again, he was out of luck.

The piglets quickly rushed past a large apple tree without even hitting it. But the wolf did not have time to turn and ran into an apple tree, which showered him with apples.

One hard apple hit him between the eyes. A large lump jumped up on the wolf's forehead.

And Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf, neither alive nor dead, ran up at that time to the house of Naf-Naf.

The brother quickly let them into the house. The poor piglets were so frightened that they could not say anything. They silently rushed under the bed and hid there. Naf-Naf immediately guessed that a wolf was chasing them. But he had nothing to fear in his stone house. He quickly bolted the door, sat down on a stool himself, and sang loudly:

No animal in the world
Cunning beast, terrible beast,
Won't open this door
This door, this door!
But just then there was a knock on the door.

- Open without talking! came the rough voice of the wolf.

- No matter how! And I don't think so! - Naf-Naf answered in a firm voice.

- Ah well! Well, hold on! Now I'll eat all three!

- Try! - answered Naf-Naf from behind the door, not even getting up from his stool. He knew that he and his brothers had nothing to fear in a solid stone house.

Then the wolf sucked in more air and blew as best he could! But no matter how much he blew, not even the smallest stone moved.

The wolf turned blue from the effort.

The house stood like a fortress. Then the wolf began to shake the door. But the door didn't budge either.

The wolf, out of anger, began to scratch the walls of the house with his claws and gnaw the stones from which they were built, but he only broke off his claws and ruined his teeth. The hungry and angry wolf had no choice but to get out.

But then he raised his head and suddenly noticed a large, wide chimney on the roof.

— Aha! Through this pipe I will make my way into the house! the wolf rejoiced.

He carefully climbed onto the roof and listened. The house was quiet.

“I’ll still have a snack today with fresh piglet,” the wolf thought, and, licking his lips, climbed into the pipe.

But, as soon as he began to descend the pipe, the piglets heard a rustle.

And when soot began to pour on the lid of the boiler, smart Naf-Naf immediately guessed what was the matter.

He quickly rushed to the cauldron, in which water was boiling on the fire, and tore off the lid from it.

- Welcome! - said Naf-Naf and winked at his brothers.

Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf had already completely calmed down and, smiling happily, looked at their smart and brave brother.

The piglets didn't have to wait long. Black as a chimney sweep, the wolf flopped right into the boiling water.

He had never been in such pain before!

His eyes popped out on his forehead, all his hair stood on end.

With a wild roar, the scalded wolf flew into the chimney back to the roof, rolled down it to the ground, rolled four times over his head, rode on his tail past the locked door and rushed into the forest.

And the three brothers, three little pigs, looked after him and rejoiced that they had taught the evil robber so adroitly.

And then they sang their cheerful song:
Even if you go around half the world,
You'll get around, you'll get around
You won't find a better home
You won't find it, you won't find it!
No animal in the world
Cunning beast, terrible beast,
Won't open this door
This door, this door!
The wolf from the forest never
Never ever,
Won't come back to us here
To us here, to us here!
Since then, the brothers began to live together, under the same roof.
That's all we know about the three little pigs - Nif-Nif, Nuf-Nuf and Naf-Naf.

S. Mikhalkov fairy tale "Three Little Pigs"

The main characters of the fairy tale "Three Little Pigs" and their characteristics

  1. Naf-Naf, the most intelligent and sensible pig, knew that he had to protect himself from both the cold and the wolf, so he built a stone house. Very prudent and prudent.
  2. Nif-Nif, the most frivolous pig, built a house out of straw
  3. Nuf-Nuf, built a house from branches, but also frivolous, does not think about the future.
  4. The wolf, an insidious predator, wanted to eat piglets. Greedy, strong, but stupid.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "Three Little Pigs"
  1. Naf-Naf offers to build a house
  2. Straw house Nif-Nif
  3. House of Nuf-Nuf branches
  4. Stone house Naf Nafa
  5. wolf and straw house
  6. The wolf and the tree house
  7. wolf and stone house
  8. Flight into a pot of boiling water.
The shortest content of the fairy tale "Three Little Pigs" for the reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. Autumn came and the pigs decided to build their own houses
  2. Naf-Naf built a stone house, Nif-Nif - a straw house, Nuf-Nuf - a house of branches
  3. The piglets laughed at Naf-Naf, but woke up the wolf
  4. The wolf blew away the straw house and the house of branches
  5. The pigs locked themselves in the stone house of Naf-Naf, but the wolf climbed into it through the pipe
  6. The wolf got into boiling water and ran away
The main idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fairy tale "Three Little Pigs"
Any business must be done thoroughly, efficiently, reliably.

What does the fairy tale "The Three Little Pigs" teach?
This fairy tale teaches us that it is better to work well once, but do a good thing, than to quickly do something that will break in an hour. It is better to spend money once and buy something good than to buy cheap something that you will have to throw away in a week.
This tale teaches foresight and thoroughness. It teaches you to correctly assess your capabilities and needs.

Review of the fairy tale "The Three Little Pigs"
I liked this tale, because its main idea is very reasonable. Not only the pig's house should be a fortress. Everything that surrounds us should be good and reliable. The piglets in the fairy tale were very different, and if Naf-Naf understood that the house should be good, then his brothers did everything at random. If the wolf had not blown them away at home, they would have frozen in the winter.

Proverb to the fairy tale "Three Little Pigs"
Work feeds, and laziness spoils.
Labor conquers everything.
Haste does not help matters.

Summary, brief retelling of the fairy tale "Three Little Pigs"
There lived three little pigs, who had a merry time in the summer. But then autumn came and the most sensible of the piglets, Naf-Naf, offered to build a house, because he was shivering from the cold.
Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf refused and were idle for a long time. But when ice began to cover the puddles, they nevertheless took up construction.
Nif-Nif, without hesitation, made a house out of straw, Nuf-Nif decided to build a warmer house, and made it out of branches and twigs. The piglets went to see what kind of house Naf-Naf was building and saw that he was kneading bricks and putting up an oak door. Naf-Naf believed that the piglet's house should be his fortress and protect him from the wolf.
Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf laughed and began to sing songs about the wolf, and so loudly that the wolf was awakened.
The ox decided to eat the piglets and opened its mouth. The piglets ran away. Nif-Nif was the first to run to his house, but the wolf blew three times and his straw house shattered. Nif-Nif ran to Nuf-Nuf's house. The pigs are locked in the house.
First, the wolf put on a sheep's skin and pretended to be a sheep. But the pigs recognized the wolf when they opened the door and slammed it shut. Then the wolf blew three times and the house of branches collapsed.
The piglets rushed to Naf-Naf and he let them in and closed the door.
The wolf decided that now he would eat all the pigs and began to blow, then shake the door, then scratch the walls, but the stone house stood dead.
Then the wolf climbed onto the roof, deciding to get inside through the pipe. Naf-Naf heard the wolf and opened the lid on the pot of boiling water. The wolf got into it, but as soon as it jumped up, it flew back through the pipe.
And the piglets began to live together.

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "The Three Little Pigs"

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Oh this one fairy tale three little pigs! Coming from English folklore, she won the hearts of children of all generations: we are interested to know how diligence and ingenuity defeat laziness and stupidity! Our fairy tale is about how a reasonable Naf-Naf was able to resist a strong and evil wolf, and his pig brothers realized that work and friendship help to get out of dangerous stories.

There were three little pigs in the world. Three brothers. All of the same height, round, pink, with the same cheerful ponytails.

Even their names were similar. The piglets were called: Nif-Nif, Nuf-Nuf and Naf-Naf.

All summer they tumbled in the green grass, basked in the sun, basked in the puddles.

But now autumn has come.

The sun was no longer so hot, gray clouds stretched over the yellowed forest.

It's time for us to think about winter, - Naf-Naf once said to his brothers, waking up early in the morning. - I'm shivering from the cold. We may catch a cold. Let's build a house and winter together under one warm roof.

But his brothers did not want to take the job. It is much more pleasant to walk and jump in the meadow on the last warm days than to dig the earth and carry stones.

Have time! Winter is still far away. We'll take a walk, - said Nif-Nif and rolled over his head.

When it is necessary, I will build a house for myself, - said Nuf-Nuf and lay down in a puddle.

Well, whatever you want. Then I will build my own house, - said Naf-Naf. - I won't wait for you.

Every day it got colder and colder. But Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf were in no hurry. They didn't even want to think about work. They were idle from morning to evening. All they did was play their pig games, jump and roll.

Today we will take a walk, - they said, - and tomorrow morning we will get down to business.

But the next day they said the same thing.

And only when a large puddle by the road began to be covered with a thin crust of ice in the morning, the lazy brothers finally got to work.

Nif-Nif decided that it was easier and most likely to make a house out of straw. Without consulting anyone, he did just that. By evening, his hut was ready.

Nif-Nif put the last straw on the roof and, very pleased with his house, sang merrily:

Even if you go around half the world,
You'll get around, you'll get around
You won't find a better home
You won't find it, you won't find it!

Singing this song, he went to Nuf-Nuf.

Nuf-Nuf, not far away, also built a house for himself.

He tried to finish this boring and uninteresting business as soon as possible. At first, like his brother, he wanted to build a house out of straw. But then I decided that it would be very cold in such a house in winter. The house will be stronger and warmer if it is built from branches and thin rods. And so he did.

He drove stakes into the ground, intertwined them with rods, heaped dry leaves on the roof, and by evening the house was ready.

Nuf-Nuf proudly walked around him several times and sang:

I have a good house
New home, solid home.
I'm not afraid of rain and thunder
Rain and thunder, rain and thunder!

Before he could finish the song, Nif-Nif ran out from behind a bush.

Well, your house is ready! - said Nif-Nif brother. "I told you we'd get it over with quickly!" Now we are free and can do whatever we want!

Let's go to Naf-Naf and see what kind of house he built for himself! - said Nuf-Nuf. - We haven't seen him for a long time!

Let's go and see! - agreed Nif-Nif.

And both brothers, very pleased that they did not have to worry about anything, disappeared behind the bushes.

Naf-Naf has been busy building for several days now. He dragged stones, kneaded clay, and now slowly built himself a reliable, durable house in which one could hide from wind, rain and frost.

He made a heavy oak door with a bolt in the house so that the wolf from the neighboring forest could not climb up to him.

Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf found their brother at work.

A pig's home should be a fortress! - calmly answered them Naf-Naf, continuing to work.

Are you going to fight with someone? - Nif-Nif grunted merrily and winked at Nuf-Nuf.

And both brothers were so merry that their squeals and grunts carried far across the lawn.

And Naf-Naf, as if nothing had happened, continued to lay the stone wall of his house, humming a song under his breath:

Of course, I'm smarter than everyone
Smarter than everyone, smarter than everyone!
I build a house from stones
From stones, from stones!
No animal in the world

Won't break through that door
Through this door, through this door!

What animal is he talking about? - asked Nif-Nif from Nuf-Nuf.

What animal are you talking about? - Nuf-Nuf asked Naf-Naf.

I'm talking about the wolf! - answered Naf-Naf and laid another stone.

Look how afraid he is of the wolf! - said Nif-Nif.

What kind of wolves could be here? - said Nif-Nif.

We are not afraid of the gray wolf,
Gray wolf, gray wolf!
Where do you go, stupid wolf,
Old wolf, dire wolf?

They wanted to tease Naf-Naf, but he didn't even turn around.

Let's go, Nuf-Nuf, - said then Nif-Nif. - We have nothing to do here! And two brave brothers went for a walk. On the way they sang and danced, and when they entered the forest, they made such a noise that they woke up the wolf, who was sleeping under a pine tree.

What's that noise? - An angry and hungry wolf grumbled displeasedly and galloped to the place where the squealing and grunting of two stupid little pigs could be heard.

Well, what kind of wolves can be here! - said at that time Nif-Nif, who saw wolves only in pictures.

Here we will grab him by the nose, he will know! - added Nuf-Nuf, who also never saw a live wolf.

And the brothers rejoiced again and sang:

We are not afraid of the gray wolf,
Gray wolf, gray wolf!
Where do you go, stupid wolf,
Old wolf, dire wolf?

And suddenly they saw a real live wolf!

He stood behind a large tree, and he had such a terrible look, such evil eyes and such a toothy mouth that a chill ran down the backs of Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf and thin tails trembled finely. The poor pigs couldn't even move for fear.

The wolf prepared to jump, clicked his teeth, blinked his right eye, but the piglets suddenly came to their senses and, screeching throughout the forest, rushed to their heels. They have never run so fast before! Flashing with their heels and raising clouds of dust, they each rushed to their home.

Nif-Nif was the first to reach his thatched hut and barely managed to slam the door in front of the wolf's very nose.

Now open the door! the wolf growled. - Otherwise, I'll break it!

No, - grunted Nif-Nif, - I will not open it!

Outside the door was heard the breath of a terrible beast.

Now open the door! the wolf growled again. - Otherwise, I'll blow so hard that your whole house will shatter!

But Nif-Nif from fear could no longer answer anything. Then the wolf began to blow: “F-f-f-w-w-w!”

Straws flew from the roof of the house, the walls of the house shook.

The wolf took another deep breath and blew a second time: “F-f-f-w-w-w!”

When the wolf blew for the third time, the house was blown in all directions, as if it had been hit by a hurricane. The wolf snapped his teeth in front of the little piglet's snout.

But Nif-Nif deftly dodged and rushed to run, a minute later he was already at the door of Nuf-Nuf.

As soon as the brothers had time to lock themselves, they heard the voice of the wolf:

Well, now I'll eat you both!

Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf looked at each other in fear. But the wolf was very tired and therefore decided to go for a trick.

I changed my mind! - he said so loudly that he could be heard in the house. - I won't eat those skinny pigs! I better go home!

You heard? - asked Nif-Nif from Nuf-Nuf. He said he won't eat us! We are skinny!

This is very good! - Nuf-Nuf said and immediately stopped trembling.

The brothers became very cheerful, and they sang as if nothing had happened:

We are not afraid of the gray wolf,
Gray wolf, gray wolf!
Where do you go, stupid wolf,
Old wolf, dire wolf?

But the wolf didn't want to leave. He just stepped aside and hunkered down. He was very funny. He had a hard time keeping himself from laughing. How cleverly he deceived two stupid little pigs!

When the pigs were completely calm, the wolf took the sheep's skin and cautiously crept up to the house. At the door, he covered himself with skin and knocked softly.

Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf were very frightened.

Who's there? they asked, their tails shaking again.

It's me-me-me, poor little sheep! - the wolf squeaked in a thin, alien voice. - Let me spend the night, I strayed from the herd and very tired!

Let me in? - the kind Nif-Nif asked his brother.

You can let the sheep go! - Nuf-Nuf agreed. - A sheep is not a wolf!

But, when the piglets opened the door, they saw not a lamb, but the same toothy wolf. The brothers slammed the door and leaned on it with all their might so that the terrible beast could not break into them.

The wolf got very angry. He failed to outsmart the pigs. He threw off his sheepskin and growled:

Well, wait! There will be nothing left of this house!

And he began to blow. The house leaned a little. The wolf blew a second, then a third, then a fourth time.

Leaves flew off the roof, the walls shook, but the house still stood.

And only when the wolf blew for the fifth time, the house staggered and collapsed. Only one door still stood for some time in the middle of the ruins.

In horror, the pigs rushed to run. Their legs were paralyzed with fear, every bristle trembled, their noses were dry. The brothers rushed to the house of Naf-Naf.

The wolf caught up with them with huge leaps. Once he almost grabbed Nif-Nif by the hind leg, but he pulled it back in time and added speed. The wolf stepped up too. He was sure that this time the piglets would not run away from him.

But again, he was out of luck.

The piglets quickly rushed past a large apple tree without even hitting it. But the wolf did not have time to turn and ran into an apple tree, which showered him with apples. One hard apple hit him between the eyes. A large lump jumped up on the wolf's forehead.

And Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf, neither alive nor dead, ran up at that time to the house of Naf-Naf.

The brother let them into the house. The poor piglets were so frightened that they could not say anything. They silently rushed under the bed and hid there. Naf-Naf immediately guessed that a wolf was chasing them. But he had nothing to fear in his stone house. He quickly bolted the door, sat down on a stool and sang loudly:

No animal in the world
Cunning beast, terrible beast,
Won't open this door
This door, this door!

But just then there was a knock on the door.

Open without talking! came the rough voice of the wolf.

No matter how! And I don't think so! - Naf-Naf answered in a firm voice.

Ah well! Well, hold on! Now I'll eat all three!

Try! - answered Naf-Naf from behind the door, not even getting up from his stool. He knew that he and his brothers had nothing to fear in a solid stone house.

Then the wolf sucked in more air and blew as best he could! But no matter how much he blew, not even the smallest stone moved.

The wolf turned blue from the effort.

The house stood like a fortress. Then the wolf began to shake the door. But the door didn't budge either.

The wolf, out of anger, began to scratch the walls of the house with his claws and gnaw the stones from which they were built, but he only broke off his claws and ruined his teeth. The hungry and angry wolf had no choice but to get out. But then he raised his head and suddenly noticed a large, wide chimney on the roof.

Aha! Through this pipe I will make my way into the house! - the wolf rejoiced. He carefully climbed onto the roof and listened. The house was quiet. “I’ll still have a snack today with fresh piglet,” the wolf thought, and, licking his lips, climbed into the pipe.

But, as soon as he began to descend the pipe, the piglets heard a rustle. And when soot began to pour on the lid of the boiler, smart Naf-Naf immediately guessed what was the matter. He quickly rushed to the cauldron, in which water was boiling on the fire, and tore off the lid from it.

Welcome! - said Naf-Naf and winked at his brothers; Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf had already completely calmed down, and, smiling happily, looked at their smart and brave brother.

The piglets didn't have to wait long.

Black as a chimney sweep, the wolf flopped right into the boiling water.

His eyes popped out on his forehead, all his hair stood on end.

With a wild roar, the scalded wolf flew into the chimney back to the roof, rolled down it to the ground, rolled four times over his head, rode on his tail past the locked door and rushed into the forest.

And the three brothers, three little pigs, looked after him and rejoiced that they had taught the evil robber so adroitly.

And then they sang their cheerful song:

Even if you go around half the world,
You'll get around, you'll get around
You won't find a better home
You won't find it, you won't find it!
No animal in the world
Cunning beast, terrible beast,
Won't open this door
This door, this door!
The wolf from the forest never
Never ever,
Won't come back to us here
To us here, to us here!

Since then, the brothers began to live together under the same roof.

That's all we know about the three little pigs - Nif-Nif, Nuf-Nuf and Naf-Naf.

Careless Nif-Nif with Nuf-Nuf had fun and fooled around, singing a song: “Where do you go, terrible wolf”, and at this time Naf-Naf was building a strong house for himself. When autumn came, two piglets built themselves huts from dry grass and twigs, hoping to hide in them from the cold and dangerous forest predators. Tale of the three little pigs it will help you remember your childhood: after all, she was your favorite fairy tale; show expression and lively feelings! You will see how the eyes of children will sparkle with surprise and expectation of a happy ending! After all, I really want the little slobs, two pig brothers, to find reliable protection and be saved.

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In the magical and so bewitching world of a kind children's fairy tale, real images are intertwined with fantastic ones, only here good always triumphs over evil, everyone lives happily ever after. It is with the help of this magical world that it is easiest to form the correct concepts of kindness, truth, fidelity and love in a child. Without fairy tales, childhood would not be so amazing. Without fairy tales, it simply loses its attractiveness and magic.

A good story never dies. It is passed from mouth to mouth, changing a little, but still carries a spark of kindness in the open hearts of kids.

One of the most famous fairy tales in the world is the English folk tale "The Three Little Pigs". Yes, this is an English fairy tale, although many mistakenly consider it to be Slavic folklore. Interestingly, some sources attribute the authorship of this work to specific individuals, and not only to the British. To whom? This is what we will find out now.

Three pig brothers - Nif-Nif, Nuf-Nuf and Naf-Naf - had a fun summer, walking a lot, lying on the grass and enjoying the sunlight. But smart Naf-Naf at the end of summer reminded the brothers that it was time to think about housing for the winter. Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf were too lazy to start building a house for themselves, they still enjoyed a carefree life while smart Naf-Naf was already working on a home. With the first frost, they set to work. Nif-Nif built himself a frail house of straw, and Nuf-Nuf's dwelling was made of thin rods. Such huts could not protect not only from the winter cold, but also from the wolf, who was so eager to eat these pink and plump pigs. He had no problem blowing away (and thereby destroying) Nif-Nif's thatched house, which then tried to hide in a dwelling made of Nuf-Nuf's twigs. But this house was also destroyed. Only thanks to the fact that Naf-Naf built a house of stone, the pigs were able to protect themselves from the evil wolf, but he tried to climb through the chimney, but still good defeated evil, and the pigs remained alive.

Sharp question of authorship

I wonder who is the real author? The Three Little Pigs and authorship are widely discussed today. After all, many have known this tale since childhood, as it is one of the easiest to understand. It is to the taste of even the smallest children, therefore it is often called Russian folk. But for Russian children, not so long ago, parents began to read The Three Little Pigs. The author of the book with the translation of this English fairy tale is none other than the famous Sergei Mikhalkov. Interestingly, his version is slightly different from the original. After all, only the Russian version of the tale tells that smart pigs simply taught the wolf a lesson. If we compare this tale with the original, that is, with the original work “The Three Little Pigs” (the author of the tale is the people), then the arrogant wolf was boiled by cunning pigs in a cauldron when he tried to get through the chimney into the house of Naf-Naf.

Such cruelty of the folklore version is inherent not only in this particular fairy tale, in the original many works (not only English, but also other peoples) were quite cruel, but after they were changed and modernized to the form in which they have already come to us. And thus, the three little pigs (the author of the English fairy tale is the English people) have already become not so bloodthirsty and have not boiled the wolf, but simply let them go.

A little more about the Russian version of the fairy tale

Mikhalkov is an excellent author. The Three Little Pigs is a fairy tale that he translated back in 1936. It was then that “The Tale of the Three Little Pigs” was published under his name, which immediately became beloved and widely known. Interestingly, not only was it created on the basis of another fictional story (stories, fairy tales), but he knew how to add such colors to them, after which the characters came to life in a new way.

Mikhalkov's tale was translated into English

An interesting historical fact is that it was the version of the work "The Three Little Pigs" (the author of the fairy tale - Mikhalkov) that was published in 1968 in England. It is noteworthy that the German edition of Mikhalkov's Three Little Pigs, which was published in 1966, served as the primary source for this translation. A similar fact confirms that Mikhalkov really created this fairy tale, that is, he is the author. The Three Little Pigs is a work that many attribute to his pen. In extreme cases, he is the author of the most popular and interesting version of this tale.

More options for possible authors

Who wrote the fairy tale "The Three Little Pigs"? English author or not? You can hear such an answer, according to which the Grimm brothers are still considered the authors of this fairy tale. But this is absolutely the wrong answer. Confirmation of this can be found in the book "Nursery Rhymes and Stories" (this is where the first printed version of this tale entered), which was published in London back in 1843. At this time, the Brothers Grimm were already well known and would hardly have allowed this work to be printed under their own name. On the other hand, it does not matter at all who the author is, The Three Little Pigs is just a great fairy tale.

Interpretation of a fairy tale in cartoons

Nif-Nif, Nuf-Nuf and Naf-Naf were so fond of children that their story was even filmed in cartoons. The most famous options for us are, of course, Disney and from the Soyuzmultfilm studio. And here the question of who wrote the fairy tale "The Three Little Pigs" has already ceased to be important. The author of each individual film adaptation made his own adjustments, thereby slightly changing the tale, making it more interesting for children. The main thing is that, despite the fact that both versions of the tale were filmed in the last century, they still remain interesting for new generations.

The tale that became the basis of Tex Avery's provocative cartoon

The world-famous cartoonist Tex Avery has managed to give a new meaning to a children's fairy tale. In his caricature version of the cartoon, which was created during the Second World War, the “evil and terrible gray wolf” was the image of Hitler. The "countries" that have agreed to sign a non-aggression pact are stupid Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf. And only "Captain Pig" was preparing for a possible attack by the "wolf". So we can say that Tex Avery is also the one who wrote The Three Little Pigs. The author here already simply created a story for adults, not for children. After that, he wrote the continuation of this story "pigs".

Fairy tale to read to children

In this tale we have good and bad heroes. Kind, of course, piglets, we sympathize with them. After all, the evil wolf wants to eat them. But the piglets are also stupid (Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf), because they hope that the frail houses will save them, and if it were not for the smart Naf-Naf, they would not have survived. Only by uniting, the brothers were able to defeat the wolf, and even teach him a lesson so that he would never try to eat them again.

Although this tale is considered by many to be primitive, it is still the kind of work that should be told to children all over the world. Indeed, regardless of who wrote The Three Little Pigs, the author wanted to convey the main essence - you must always prepare for the “winter” on time, that is, be prepared for bad times and start preparing in advance, and the family is the main value, only together with the family you can even defeat the wolf. Indeed, only in the form of a fairy tale can such serious life concepts be conveyed to young children, and only in this form will they be perceived by them. It is important to correctly answer the questions that children may ask after listening to or reading this work, so that they understand the whole point. And it’s better to give the kids the option in which the wolf is not killed, because after that the piglets (like heroes) already cease to be kind. It is better that they only punish him for their desire to eat them, because this is the wrong thing to do. And young parents should not be lazy to re-tell this particular tale. If she is interested in the baby, then he really likes it.

A fairy tale is the simplest form of passing on wisdom, experience from generation to generation, this is our heritage, which we must preserve for the next generations, who, perhaps, will understand everything in their own way and also wonder who wrote the fairy tale "Three Little Pigs". The author of such a question will already receive a completely different answer, the essence of which is that the author of this fairy tale is the people of the whole world, because generation after generation has modernized and improved it.


There were three little pigs in the world. Three brothers. All of the same height, round, pink, with the same cheerful ponytails. Even their names were similar. The piglets were called: Nif-Nif, Nuf-Nuf and Naf-Naf.

All summer the piglets tumbled in the green grass, basked in the sun, basked in the puddles. But now autumn has come.

It's time for us to think about winter, - Naf-Naf once said to his brothers, waking up early in the morning. - I'm shivering from the cold. Let's build a house and winter together under one warm roof.

But his brothers did not want to take the job.

Have time! Winter is still far away. We'll take a walk, - said Nif-Nif and rolled over his head.

When it is necessary, I will build a house for myself, - said Nuf-Nuf and lay down in a puddle.

Well, whatever you want. Then I will build my own house, - said Naf-Naf.

Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf were in no hurry. All they did was play their pig games, jump and roll.

Today we will take a walk, - they said, - and tomorrow morning we will get down to business.

But the next day they said the same thing.

Every day it got colder and colder. And only when a large puddle by the road began to be covered with a thin crust of ice in the morning, the lazy brothers finally got to work.

Nif-Nif decided that it was easier and most likely to make a house out of straw. Without consulting anyone, he did just that. By evening, his hut was ready. Nif-Nif put the last straw on the roof and, very pleased with his house, sang merrily:

Even if you go around half the world,

You'll get around, you'll get around

You won't find a better home

You won't find it, you won't find it!

Singing this song, he went to Nuf-Nuf.

Nuf-Nuf, not far away, also built a house for himself. He tried to finish this boring and uninteresting business as soon as possible. At first, like his brother, he wanted to build a house out of straw. But then I decided that it would be very cold in such a house in winter. The house will be stronger and warmer if it is built from branches and thin rods. And so he did. He drove stakes into the ground, intertwined them with rods, heaped dry leaves on the roof, and by evening the house was ready. Nuf-Nuf proudly walked around him several times and sang:

I have a good house

New home, solid home,

I'm not afraid of rain and thunder

Rain and thunder, rain and thunder!

Before he could finish the song, Nif-Nif ran out from behind a bush.

Well, here is your house ready! - said Nif-Nif brother. "I told you we'd get it over with quickly!" Now we are free and can do whatever we want!

Let's go to Naf-Naf and see what kind of house he built for himself! - said Nuf-Nuf. - We haven't seen him for a long time!

Let's go see! - agreed Nif-Nif.

Naf-Naf has been busy building for several days now. He dragged stones, kneaded clay, and now slowly built himself a reliable, durable house in which one could hide from wind, rain and frost. He made a heavy oak door with a bolt in the house so that the wolf from the neighboring forest could not climb up to him.

Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf found their brother at work.

A pig's home should be a fortress! - calmly answered them Naf-Naf, continuing to work.

Are you going to fight with someone? - Nif-Nif grunted merrily and winked at Nuf-Nuf. And both brothers were so merry that their squeals and grunts carried far across the lawn. And Naf-Naf, as if nothing had happened, continued to lay the stone wall of his house, humming a song under his breath:

No animal in the world

Won't break through that door

Don't break through that door!

Of course, I'm smarter than everyone

Smarter than everyone, smarter than everyone!

I build a house from stones

From stones, from stones!

What animal is he talking about? - asked Nif-Nif from Nuf-Nuf.

What animal are you talking about? - Nuf-Nuf asked Naf-Naf.

I'm talking about the wolf! - answered Naf-Naf and laid another stone.

Look how afraid he is of the wolf! - said Nif-Nif.

What kind of wolves could be here? - said Nif-Nif.

And they both began to dance and sing:

We are not afraid of the gray wolf,

Gray wolf, gray wolf!

Where do you go, stupid wolf,

Old wolf, dire wolf?

They wanted to tease Naf-Naf, but he didn't even turn around.

Let's go, Nuf-Nuf, - said then Nif-Nif.

We have nothing to do here!

And two brave brothers went for a walk. On the way they sang and danced, and when they entered the forest, they made such a noise that they woke up the wolf, who was sleeping under a pine tree.

What's that noise? - An angry and hungry wolf grumbled displeasedly and galloped to the place where the squealing and grunting of two small, stupid pigs could be heard.

Well, what kind of wolves can be here! - said at that time Nif-Nif, who saw wolves only in pictures.

Here we will grab him by the nose, he will know! - added Nuf-Nuf, who also never saw a live wolf.

Let's knock down, and even tie, and even with a foot like this, like this! Nif-Nif boasted.

And suddenly they saw a real live wolf! He stood behind a large tree, and he had such a terrible look, such evil eyes and such a toothy mouth that a chill ran down the backs of Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf and thin tails trembled finely. The poor pigs couldn't even move for fear.

The wolf prepared to jump, clicked his teeth, blinked his right eye, but the pigs suddenly came to their senses and, screeching throughout the forest, rushed to their heels. They've never run so fast before! Flashing with their heels and raising clouds of dust, they each rushed to their home.

Nif-Nif was the first to reach his thatched hut and barely managed to slam the door in front of the wolf's very nose.

Now open the door! the wolf growled. - Otherwise, I'll break it!

No, - grunted Nif-Nif, - I will not open it!

Outside the door, the breath of a terrible beast was heard.

Now open the door! the wolf growled again. - Otherwise, I'll blow so hard that your whole house will shatter!

But Nif-Nif from fear could no longer answer anything.

Then the wolf began to blow: "F-f-f-w-w-w!" Straws flew from the roof of the house, the walls of the house shook. The wolf took another deep breath and blew a second time: "F-f-f-u-u-u!". When the wolf blew for the third time, the house was blown in all directions, as if it had been hit by a hurricane. The wolf snapped his teeth in front of the very patch of the little pig, but Nif-Nif deftly dodged and rushed to run. A minute later he was already at the door of Nuf-Nuf.

As soon as the brothers had time to lock themselves, they heard the voice of the wolf:

Well, now I'll eat you both!

Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf looked at each other in fear. But the wolf was very tired and therefore decided to go for a trick.

I changed my mind! - he said so loudly that he could be heard in the house. “I won’t eat those skinny piglets!” I'll go home!

You heard? - asked Nif-Nif from Nuf-Nuf. He said he won't eat us! We are skinny!

This is very good! - Nuf-Nuf said and immediately stopped trembling.

The brothers became cheerful, and they sang as if nothing had happened:

We are not afraid of the gray wolf,

Gray wolf, gray wolf!

Where do you go, stupid wolf,

Old wolf, dire wolf?

But the wolf didn't want to leave. He just stepped aside and hunkered down. He had a hard time keeping himself from laughing.

How cleverly I deceived two stupid little pigs!

When the pigs were completely calm, the wolf took the sheep's skin and cautiously crept up to the house. At the door, he covered himself with skin and knocked softly.

Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf were very frightened.

Who's there? they asked, their tails shaking again.

It's me, poor little sheep! - the wolf squeaked in a thin, alien voice. - Let me spend the night, I strayed from the herd and very, very tired!

You can let the sheep go! - Nuf-Nuf agreed. - A sheep is not a wolf!

But when the piglets opened the door, they saw not a lamb, but the same toothy wolf. The brothers slammed the door and leaned on it with all their might so that the terrible beast could not break into them.

The wolf got very angry. He failed to outsmart the pigs! He threw off his sheepskin and growled:

Well, wait! There will be nothing left of this house!

And he began to blow. The house leaned a little. The wolf blew a second, then a third, then a fourth time. Leaves flew off the roof, the walls shook, but the house still stood. And, only when the wolf blew for the fifth time, the house staggered and collapsed. Only one door still stood for some time in the middle of the ruins. In horror, the pigs rushed to run. Their legs were paralyzed with fear, every bristle trembled, their noses were dry. The brothers rushed to the house of Naf-Naf.

The wolf caught up with them with huge leaps. Once he almost grabbed Nif-Nif by the back leg, but he pulled it back in time and added speed.

The wolf stepped up too. He was sure that this time the piglets would not run away from him. But again, he was out of luck. The piglets quickly rushed past a large apple tree without even hitting it. But the wolf did not have time to turn and ran into an apple tree, which showered him with apples. One hard apple hit him between the eyes. A large lump jumped up on the wolf's forehead.

And Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf, neither alive nor dead, ran up at that time to the house of Naf-Naf. The brother let them into the house and quickly bolted the door. The poor piglets were so frightened that they could not say anything. They silently rushed under the bed and hid there.

Naf-Naf immediately guessed that a wolf was chasing them. But he had nothing to fear in his stone house. He quickly bolted the door, sat down on a stool and sang:

No animal in the world

Cunning beast, terrible beast,

Won't open this door

This door, this door!

But just then there was a knock on the door.

Open without talking! came the rough voice of the wolf.

No matter how! And don't think! - Naf-Naf answered in a firm voice.

Ah well! Well, hold on! Now I'll eat all three!

Try! - answered Naf-Naf from behind the door, not even getting up from his stool. He knew that he and his brothers had nothing to fear in a solid stone house. Then the wolf sucked in more air and blew as best he could! But no matter how much he blew, not even the smallest stone moved. The wolf turned blue from the effort. The house stood like a fortress. Then the wolf began to shake the door. But the door didn't budge either. The wolf, out of anger, began to scratch the walls of the house with his claws and gnaw the stones from which they were built, but he only broke off his claws and ruined his teeth. The hungry and angry wolf had no choice but to get out.

But then he raised his head and suddenly noticed a large, wide chimney on the roof.

Aha! Through this pipe I will make my way into the house! - the wolf rejoiced.

He carefully climbed onto the roof and listened. The house was quiet. I'm still going to have a fresh pig today! - thought the wolf and, licking his lips, climbed into the pipe.

But, as soon as he began to descend the pipe, the piglets heard a rustle. And when soot began to pour on the roof of the boiler, smart Naf-Naf immediately guessed what was the matter. He quickly rushed to the cauldron, in which water was boiling on the fire, and tore off the lid from it.

Welcome! - said Naf-Naf and winked at his brothers.

The piglets didn't have to wait long. Black as a chimney sweep, the wolf flopped right into the cauldron. His eyes popped out on his forehead, all his hair stood on end. With a wild roar, the scalded wolf flew back onto the roof, rolled down it to the ground, rolled over its head four times, and rushed into the forest.

And the three brothers, three little pigs, looked after him and rejoiced that they had so cleverly taught the evil robber a lesson.

No animal in the world

Won't open this door

Cunning, terrible, terrible beast,

Will not open this door!

Even if you go halfway around the world,

You'll get around, you'll get around

You won't find a better home

You won't find it, you won't find it!

The wolf from the forest never

Never ever

Won't come back to us here

To us here, to us here!

Since then, the brothers began to live together, under the same roof.

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  • #1

    sorry wolf :(

  • #2

    It’s not the wolf’s fault, but they angered 2 little pigs and didn’t build the house, but he built it for himself.

  • #3

    Very interesting story!


  • #4

    How are things at home

  • #5

    The illustrations are divine. From my childhood book. Now they don't draw like that. Modern illustrations are just psychosis

  • #6

    poor pigs
    and the wolf

  • #7

    Now it will hurt!

  • #8

    Pictures from the book of the 50s, already took nostalgia!

  • #9

    I also had such a book. I remembered my childhood. Thank you.

  • #10

    colorful pictures

  • #11

    Enjoyed reading a lot! A fairy tale from my childhood! With beautiful pictures that are understandable, not like everyone is now sculpting nonsense! I want to print

  • #12

    Krasno me 7 years.

  • #13
  • #14

    A very good story ... who is for a healthy lifestyle?

  • #15

    Why isn't the artist's name listed?
    Illustrator: Konstantin Rotov.

  • #16

    I read it with pleasure. Childhood is remembered. Big ATP

  • #17

    A very useful and interesting fairy tale, the class read the daughters really liked it and they quickly fell asleep within 5-10 minutes, thanks for the fairy tale

  • #18

    Thank you for the fairy tale, I read it to my daughter and she fell asleep very quickly, thank you

  • #19

    a good house and a pitiful wolf

  • #20

    Zzzzzzzzz66999 excellent

  • #21

    Thank you for a fairy tale with beautiful, old-school illustrations. Very cool fairy tale, one of my favorites - especially with these illustrations!)

  • #22

    book children...thank you

  • #23

    An advanced forest with electricity, they probably still use it without an agreement with the RES)

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