Event for the Victory Day in the library: scripts. Events dedicated to the celebration of Victory Day. Scene for Victory Day

Many years have passed since the victorious green of May 1945. But our people still remember the heroic deed of our soldiers and honor the memory of those who did not spare their lives for us. After all, what they did soviet soldiers that have experienced Soviet people, impossible to forget and erase from history. And it is not known how those terrible events would have ended if it were not for the great patriotism of the entire Soviet people, ready to give their lives for their country, relatives, for happiness and peace.

Patriotism is an important component in the education of the younger generation

Unfortunately, every year there are fewer and fewer witnesses of those years. Not all families have relatives who took part in the war. And if adults remember the role Soviet Union in the fight against fascism, then some children have an idea of ​​the war only from Hollywood blockbusters, in which practically nothing is said about the heroic deed of our people.

That is why it is so important to instill a sense of patriotism in the younger generation. Children should know about the decisive role of the Soviet people in the Victory, about the great sense of duty to the Motherland, about the heroic deeds of soldiers, partisans, and rear servicemen.

But patriotic education cannot be complete without active participation children in events dedicated to the Victory Day. It is the immersion in work, preparation for the holiday, the design of various materials and, of course, the meeting with living witnesses and participants in those terrible events that allows us to instill in the younger generation a sense of empathy and understanding of the true tragedy that fell on the shoulders of our people.

Where to begin

Preparing for festive events dedicated to Victory Day takes a lot of time, so you need to start it in advance. A couple of months before the holiday, you need to make a plan, come up with topics for speeches, identify participants and invite veterans. And of course, you need to decide where exactly the event will take place. The choice of venue is of no small importance, because a lot depends on the size of the room, including the number of guests and participants in the event. In the library on Victory Day, quite often they hold meetings and organize celebrations in honor of the holiday.

Choose a topic

It is not easy to decide on the theme of events dedicated to Victory Day. After all, it is impossible to cover all the events and heroic deeds of those years, everything seems very important and interesting. It is good if there is an opportunity to discuss with the children what topic they would like to choose. This allows them to consider issues that are really interesting for them and will help to avoid formalism in holding an event dedicated to Victory Day. You can invite students from neighboring schools to the library, offer them pre-selected topics for the holiday, or give them the opportunity to come up with the main direction of the event. Thus, children will be actively involved in the preparation of the holiday.

Distribution of roles

After the theme is approved, it is necessary to determine the participants and draw up a script for the event for Victory Day. The library, as a rule, already has ready-made texts left over from past holidays. If an already tested scenario is taken as a basis, it can still be modified and involve participants in this.

For example, it will surely be interesting for all children to talk about the heroes in their families. Therefore, they can be given the task to ask their older relatives about their veterans, find and, if possible, bring front-line letters, postcards, and photographs. Things bearing the imprint of war will become an indispensable and important attribute of any event for Victory Day. It is also necessary to invite all veterans whose grandchildren and great-grandchildren take part in the holiday to the library. After all, it is very important for them that modern generation remembers their feat, respects the memory of the dead, does not forget the living. And the performance of their great-grandchildren will be the best gift for them on Victory Day.

Name choice

The name of the event is also important. It should be short, but at the same time clearly reflect the essence of the topic. Despite the fact that, as a rule, the library already has ready-made scripts with approved names of events for Victory Day, it is still desirable to involve the participants themselves in correcting the plan and choosing the name. Among them, you can announce a competition for the best name, vote and choose the most unusual and interesting version. It is important to understand that in the course of writing the script, rehearsals, changes may occur, adjustments may be made to the text, but there should be no deviations from the main theme.

Room decoration

It is important to prepare the library itself for receiving guests. Active participants can be given tasks to draw wall newspapers and posters dedicated to the war. Front-line songs will become an important element before the start of the event. Musical compositions must be selected in advance, with the help of the participants of the event. In the library on Victory Day, you can arrange a commemorative exhibition of photographs brought from the war years, soldiers' letters and funerals. Quests and quizzes dedicated to significant military events will help guests take a different look at those days and learn new things about the past of our Motherland.

Involving children will foster patriotism

Preparing for the main holiday of our country is a responsible matter. But, unfortunately, many organizers have been using ready scripts that are in the library. The event plan for Victory Day, if not developed, can also be found on the Internet. But such a holiday will be a burden to the presenters and will not bring any pleasure to the audience. Therefore, it is so important to involve the guys themselves in the choice of the topic, script and name. The more active participation in the organization children will take, the more lively and sincere the event will be. Adults can guide and help, but if the opinion of the participants is not taken into account, then the holiday itself will turn out to be formal.

The active participation of children in the preparation for the event can be good lesson patriotism. When they learn the heroic past of the country from the stories of veterans, collect stories themselves, read real front-line triangles, look at military photographs of their peers, it is then that children understand the true tragedy that our people had to endure. But the awareness by the younger generation of the severity of those years, the horrors of fascism and concentration camps will help prevent the recurrence of that nightmare and appreciate peace on earth and in their country.

An example of a holiday script for Victory Day

The following scenario can be taken as an example. For its implementation, it is necessary to involve at least 10 students. You will also need props: the uniform of the war years, candles, costumes for dancing couples, a tape recorder and pre-selected musical accompaniment. The list of invited veterans must be compiled in advance and the required number of flowers must be purchased before the event.


The hall includes 4 presenters.

Presenter 1: The memory of time is history, and therefore people should not forget about the terrible events that shook the world in different time- brutal wars that claimed millions of lives, wiped out many civilizations from the face of the earth, destroyed a huge number of cultural monuments.

Host 2: More than seventy years have passed since that terrible war, but its echoes still do not subside in our souls.

Presenter 1: We have no right to forget the horror of this war and those soldiers who gave their lives for peace. We cannot forget, we have no right.

Presenter 4:

Warrior dies twice:
In the war from the enemy's rifle.
And years later, already in the present,
From forgetfulness in the world of the living.

Presenter 3:

What if there was no war?
bled land,
Deadly attacks, mass graves
Burnt villages and concentration camps...

Presenter 3:

What if there was no war?
And people didn’t die at the machines?
And the women in our villages
Didn't fall asleep in the fields
Falling to the ground, lifeless...

Presenter 4:

What if there was no war?
And "Messer" is just a toy?
Diary of a dying Nadia
Was not written in Leningrad...

Presenter 3:

What if there was no war?
And we draw it in our minds?
But why do old people
They are so sad in May and yearn ...

Presenter 4:

What if there was no war?
And we just imagined all this?

A student enters the hall military uniform


June... The sun was setting.
And warm nights shone
Children's laughter was heard everywhere,
Not knowing yet what grief is.
June ... Then we did not know yet,
Returning home from graduation
That tomorrow will be the first day of the war,
And it will end only in the 45th.

Waltz is playing. Couples are dancing on the stage.

Suddenly, the music is interrupted by the sounds of bombing and air raids. The couple freeze. The message about the beginning of the war sounds.

Host 2: June 22, in the morning, at 4 o'clock ... It was then that everything changed for millions of residents of our Fatherland - vacations, exams, love, weddings ... All this was gone, it became unimportant before great danger- War.

Host 1: Neither who did not wait, and no one was ready ... But already on June 22, people were dying, giving their lives for their homeland. Already on June 22, the earth was torn from shells, groaning under the caterpillars of tanks. The countdown has begun - exactly 1418 terrible days, and each of them is filled with grief from losses, overwork and endless expectation of letters and news from the front.

Song " There's a war going on folk..."

Presenter 3: Countries but got up. Everyone was on the defensive! Yesterday's schoolchildren added to their age in order to get to the front. They left not to return. After all, almost everyone who graduated from school in 1941 did not return home ...

Sounds like "Goodbye boys!"

Presenter 1: Behind native land everyone fought to the death, young and old. And the Nazis went wild. There was no place on the front line that was not affected by the explosions of shells. But our fighters went on the attack again and again.

Host 2: What helped them survive in this bloody meat grinder, when each attack could be the last? Love! Love of mother, bride, wife and children. The letters coming from home were so welcome to the soldiers! And the soldiers in reciprocal front-line triangles tried to calm their relatives, not talking about the horror that was going on around.

3 students in military uniform enter the hall.

1 student:

Dear, dear mother!
You remember me more often
Just don't cry furtively!
And let the distant native land,
But I'll get back to you, honestly!

2 student:

Still I'm with you
All Russia is with you, you are not alone, dear!
You are in my heart when I go into battle,
Saving your Fatherland from enemies.

3 student:

I will answer your call with my heart,
I will answer for your life with courage.
And even if I'm far away, but I'll be back
And you, as before, will come out to meet me.

The students leave, the mother enters the hall. Sings L. Gurchenko's song "Prayer"

Presenter 1: War is not only death and loss, but also the highest manifestation of patriotism and courage. Images of loved ones, families, relatives helped our soldiers to survive, gave them strength to fight the Nazis.

Host 2: The war could not kill the ability to love. Memories of the days spent with relatives, understanding what they are fighting for, helped the soldiers not to give up and go to Victory!

A student in a soldier's uniform and a student enter the hall.


Dark night. The fire is burning down.
How stars are visible on the palm of your hand.
Trying to hold back a tear
You write a letter to me, dear,
Dreaming of a hug.


Warmer in the trench from the letters.-
And you see behind every line
Your love, hear your voice
Like behind a thin wall.


We will return for sure - I believe and know.
And such happiness will come!
Forget the pain and separation, suffering,
And only joy will come to us!


Someday with you
Pressing against the shoulder,
We are old letters, like a chronicle of the battle,
Let's leaf through the chronicle of feelings.

The student sings the song "Earring with Malaya Bronnaya"

4 students enter with burning candles:

1 student

We will be silent, we remember friends,
Who stayed in the earth forever...
Those who gave their lives without regret,
We will never forget!

2 student

Let's be silent to remember them
Warm, sincere, kind word,
Let them rise at least for a moment
We will see everyone as alive!

4 student

Unforgettable war.
And the memory of those whom we will not forget,
Let's stand up for a minute
And, remembering, we will be silent.

3 student

Let's observe a minute of silence in memory of all those who died in this war.

A moment of silence.

The students extinguish the candles and leave the hall. The student sings the song "Poppies".

Host 2: Eternal glory to those who during the war years defended our country from the enemy, who stood at the machines day and night, to all those who brought victory closer with their work and deed. The winners, our dear veterans, we want to congratulate today and give flowers.

Students give flowers to veterans.

Presenter 1:

This day is unusual and bright,
Many people are waiting with tears.
Victory Day - it is long-awaited!
He walks across the country!

Presenter 3:

Take care of your medals! They are for you to win
For your feat, your immortal was awarded,
Wear medals! They are all sunrises and sunsets,
Why did you walk the roads of war!

4 student:

Wear medals and orders!
On tunics, shirts and jackets,
Wear them and never take them off!
Let all our heroes see
Who was ready to give his life for all of us!

Pupils perform "Front-line soldiers, put on orders."

On that day of unforgettable May.
Silence fell on the ground
The news rushed from end to end:
We won! The war is over!

Pupils perform "Victory Day".

Musical intro (chorus of the song "Let's bow to those great years"). Leaders come out.

1st leader.

Salute and glory to the anniversary

Forever memorable day.

Salute to the Victory in Berlin

Fire trampled down the power of fire.

2nd leader.

Salute her big and small

To the creators who walked the path alone,

Her fighters and generals,

Heroes fallen and alive.

The music "Viennese Waltz" sounds, girls and boys in military uniforms dance, then they read poetry against the background of the music "Birch Dreams" from the movie "The Great Patriotic War".

1st reader.

There was still darkness,

The grass was crying in the mist,

Ninth day of big May

Has already come into its own.

2nd reader.

The army "buzzer" beeped weakly,

Two words lifted a heavy dream.

Signalman from the regimental headquarters

Jumped up and dropped the phone.

3rd reader.

And that's it! Nobody called the buglers

No one gave orders

There was a roar of joy furious,

The lieutenant was crushing the tap dance.

4th reader.

Tanks and infantry fired

And, tearing his mouth with a cry,

For the first time in four years

The people fired from the "Walter".

5th reader.

The flocks of "Yakov" did not rumble

Above the blazing dawn.

And someone sang. And someone was crying.

And someone was sleeping in the damp earth.

6th reader.

Suddenly, silence came through,

And in complete silence

The nightingale sang, not yet knowing

What he sings is not at war.

The march "Farewell of the Slav" sounds. The scene of the meeting of front-line soldiers.

Against the background of the melody of the song "Birds Don't Sing Here," teenagers dressed in soldier uniforms are talking.

1st soldier. Victory. The people have been waiting for her for four years. Four long years he walked towards her on smoky battlefields, buried his sons, was undernourished and lacked sleep, reached out from the latter and yet survived and won.

2nd soldier. But before there were Brest and Smolensk, Orel and Kursk, Stalingrad and the Leningrad blockade, and millions of our dead people.

There was also the first day, the bitter day of the war.

The song "Remember, guys" is performed. A boy and a girl come out. Farewell scene with music in the background.

When will I see again

Your trembling eyelashes.

When will I see again

Your sad eyes...

War tells us to part.

Why are you silent, say at least a word ...

Trains are on fire.

Why did you call me darling

That long-awaited bright night?

Why did you call me darling?

Now my path cannot be changed!

Love must be indivisible

She, like starlight, is immortal...

Love must be indivisible.

War does not divide love!

I'm leaving to return.

Look, the sky is already on fire.

I'm leaving to return

A sword is raised over our happiness.

I believe the meeting will happen again.

I will be with you, wherever you are.

I believe the meeting will happen again

Like a thousand happy meetings.

Farewell scene. 3 more couples come out. The song "Spark" is performed. The chronicle of the war years is shown on the screen, poems are heard behind the scenes.

1st reader.

I recently watched an old war movie

And I don't know who to ask

Why do our people in our country

So much grief had to endure.

2nd reader.

Children learned their childhood in the ruins of houses.

This memory will never die.

The quinoa is their food, and the dugout is their shelter,

And the dream is to live to the Victory.

3rd reader.

I'm watching an old movie

And I dream

So that there are no wars and deaths,

To the mothers of the country

Didn't have to bury

Forever young of their sons.

Leaders come out.

1st presenter. Not everyone was allowed to return home. And who returned, remembers the exploits, about fighting friends. Today our guests are people who shielded their homeland in a difficult hour. These are veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

Presentation of guests. Children give them flowers.

2nd host. generation of winners. The generation of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers. Look at the faces of these people. These are the faces of those who for 4 years, for 4 long years of the war, dreamed of this day, walked towards this day.

1st leader. Look at these faces, this is the joy of those who have been waiting for 4 long years. Waiting for a son, husband, father, brother.

2nd leader. This is a great, incomparable joy of a meeting, which could not have happened.

1st leader. Look at the faces of these people. Returning and waiting. These are not only tears of joy, of common national joy. These are tears of loss, fighting friends, this is people's grief.

The song "Friends are leaving" is performed.

1st reader. What were they like - girls and boys in the spring of the 41st, conscripts and volunteers of the 44th?

What were they, the guys of the generation of the forties?

2nd reader.

Let the descendants guess

What were we?

With a heroic article, with the gaze of an eagle.

Not! We were simple

We loved the joke

A good song took us by the heart.

The song "One evening" is performed.

1st reader.

And the ditty was the best

What is an army gun:

And shoots straight

And hits the enemy hard.

Chastushkas of the war years are performed.

Play the accordion to the dance

Let's shake up the fascists.

Will think sometimes

How to climb our cities.

Hitler and Goebbels fought.

Hitler was called a pig.

The pigs were very angry

For comparison with yourself.

The Germans are draping from the East,

Forget about luxury.

Without shoes from Magadan,

Without pants from Rossosh.

Hitler asked Goebbels

That he twisted his mouth.

The "boy" has tears in hail,

Choked on Stalingrad.

Fascist raven

The anti-aircraft gun hits great.

From fascist crows

Only feathers fly.

Leading. The war fell not only on adults, but also on children - hunger, bombing, cold, separation. The war unceremoniously broke into their childhood.

The poem "Son of the regiment."

Leading. In between battles, soldiers dreamed that their children and grandchildren would never know the horrors of war. So accept congratulations from the smallest participants of our concert.

The junior choir sings a song for veterans. This is followed by a folk dance for veterans.

Leading. It just so happens that our memory of the war and all our ideas about the war are masculine. But over the years, we more and more comprehend the immortal feat of a woman.

Three girls in 40s clothes come out.

1st girl.

With you we walked for long miles,

With you, we fought back the enemy.

Grandmothers, mothers, wives and sisters,

We are in eternal debt to you.

2nd girl.

During the war years, they did not stand aside,

Grief sipped on the woman's eyelids.

Pressing the funeral to the heart in sadness,

Silently stood up for her husband to the machine.

2nd girl.

They dug trenches and plowed the ground,

Bread was baked, soldiers were treated.

They mowed hay, forged iron,

They built schools, taught children.

Scenes "From front-line life" are performed. Characters: girl, sergeant, captain, cook.

Young woman. At the age of 16, attributing an extra year to myself, I voluntarily went to the front. Everything for us girls in the army was difficult. We came to the front very young, untrained. They didn’t know how to shoot, they didn’t understand the insignia. Because of this, I often got into all sorts of funny situations.

1st girl is running. Opposite the sergeant.

Sergeant. Comrade medical instructor! Why don't you greet the senior in rank?

Young woman. Hello! Oh sorry, I didn't see you.

Sergeant. I did not notice. You are not on the dance floor, but at the front. You are a fighter and must be alert and fit. Immediately put yourself in order and say hello, as required by the Charter.

The girl shyly fastens her collar. Gives honor.

Sergeant. That's better. Take the package to the 2nd Platoon to Captain Ivanov.

Young woman. I obey!

Runs away. The captain is standing, the girl is coming up, trying to remember what his rank is and what to say, how to address.

Young woman. Comrade! .. Uncle, and uncle ... uncle ordered me to give you this ...

Gives a package.

Captain. What other uncle?

Young woman. In blue trousers and a green tunic.

Captain. What? Two outfits out of order. Kindergarten some.

The 2nd girl comes with buckets, approaches the cook.

Cook. What came?

Young woman. For tea.

Cook. The tea is not ready yet.

Young woman. Why?

Cook. And the cooks wash themselves in the cauldron. Now they will wash themselves, and we will boil tea. (Laughs.)

Young woman. OK. (Goes back.)

Sergeant. And why are you going empty?

Young woman. Yes, cooks wash themselves in boilers. The tea is not ready yet.

Sergeant. What cooks wash themselves in boilers? Well, back immediately.

Both leave. The 3rd girl carries 2 buckets of tea, and 2 military men meet her. The girl stops, puts the buckets. He puts both hands to the visor, bows to one and the other.

Captain. Who taught you how to greet elders like that?

Young woman. The sergeant taught. He says everyone should be welcomed. And you go "two" and "together".

The artists leave.

Leading. Youth and war, love and death - what incompatible concepts.

Two teenagers dressed in hospital gowns recite the poem "Hospital" over music.

1st reader.

Hospital. All in white.

The walls smell of damp chalk.

Swaddling us tight in a blanket

And teasing how small we are.

Bending down, her sister was chasing water on the floor.

And we looked at the floors

And blue flew into our eyes,

Water, floors, dizzy.

The words swirled.

2nd reader.

Friend, what is it today? Saturday?

I don't see it for twenty days...

1st reader. The floor is blue in the water, and the air is smoky...

2nd reader. Listen friend...

1st reader.

And everything about her. About her

But sister, you dictate letters to her!

2nd reader.

She can't friend

There is a difficulty here.

1st reader. What a difficulty, don't think about it...

2nd reader. That's what you would do!

1st reader. I?!

2nd reader. Are there hands?

1st reader. I can not!

2nd reader. You can!

1st reader. There are no words, I know.

2nd reader. I will give the words.

1st reader. I didn't love.

2nd reader. Love! I will teach you by remembering...

1st reader. I took the pen and he said:

2nd reader."Native..."

1st reader. I wrote it down. He:

2nd reader."Think you've been killed..."

1st reader."I live" - ​​I wrote. He:

2nd reader."You don't have to cry..."

1st reader.

I led the pen on the occasion of the truth.

"Wait, my reward"... He:

2nd reader. "Will not come back..."

1st reader.

And I - "I'll come! I'll come!"

There were letters from her. He sang and cried

He held the letter to enlightened eyes!

Now the whole ward was asking:

2nd reader. Write!

1st reader. They might be offended by my refusal.

2nd reader. Write!

1st reader. But you yourself know how to left!

2nd reader. Write!

1st reader. But you see for yourself!

2nd reader. Write!

1st reader.

All in white.

The walls smell of damp chalk.

Where is it all?

No sound, no soul.

The song "Random Waltz" is performed.

Leading. They went through the war in soldier's greatcoats, served in the infantry, artillery, intelligence. But the war was theirs common destiny, the fate of the entire Soviet people. They needed to survive, to win. And they did it!

The song "Last Battle" is performed.

Leading. Roads of War. From Brest to Moscow, and then back. How many have passed! And everywhere next to the soldiers walked the song. The song lived in the soul of a soldier. The song called them to a feat, brought victory closer. And along with the song lived its inseparable companion - the button accordion. Let's remember the front songs.

War songs and songs about the war are heard.

1st leader. Soldiers fought for peace and dreamed of a future peace between battles, in cramped dugouts and cold trenches. They believed that the world saved from fascism would be beautiful. To you, dear friends, we present our performances.

Performances by creative teams.

2nd leader.

You are less and less

But there were a lot of you

But there were so many of you

The road broke down.

1st leader.

Your wounds are red

Your wounds hurt

You are a soldier

Ate with porridge.

2nd leader.

You are less and less

The years are coming

Are you from that of the strand

From a soldier's breed.

1st leader.

Living in difficult dreams

A frontal blizzard is beating.

All in scars and burns

Your memory is alive.

1st reader.

Opened us a jubilant May

All hearts for love unspeakable.

May Day has just died down,

Victory Day has come long-awaited.

2nd reader.

We honor the winners.

Before the gray-haired, thinned column

We part, we give flowers.

We look at the heroes with admiration.

3rd reader.

Congratulations, we shout: "Hurrah!"

But the old people go silently.

And me loud fame need,

And our heartfelt THANK YOU!

To the sound of the song "Victory Day", children give flowers to war veterans and invite them to the street, where there is a festive fireworks display from balloons in front of the building.

\ Scenarios of school holidays

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Scenario for Victory Day

The script for the Victory Day concert was sent by: Deeva Lyudmila Vladimirovna teacher of the school of 1371 in Moscow

Let's bow to those great years.

(Scenario for Victory Day - literary and musical composition (concert) dedicated to Victory Day. Children of 5 a, b classes participate, class teachers Deeva L.V. and Latina N.L., music teacher, computer science teacher Ternyushchenko V.E. - presentation about Great Patriotic War).

Let's bow to those great years To the same commanders and fighters And marshals of the country, and privates, To all those whom we cannot forget, Let's bow, bow, friends!

Why is the air filled with anxiety? Why did all the birds suddenly fall silent? \- Why are the faces so frightened?

The sound of a bomb exploding is heard.

Frames on the screen about the beginning of the war.

Darkness shrouded the minds of the abyss, Trouble is in charge of the house. And you will not understand who is a friend, who is an enemy, And everything around seems to be in a coma. But, if he kept his loyalty to the Soviet military oath, And did not drop his honor, And did not forget about the red banner. Get up! It's time for last Stand! Into your last battle. Close your country with yourself, Save it from defeat! You kept your Orthodox borders for centuries, our Russia. For your great exploits, I, a Russian officer, am proud of you. And even with the invasion of enemies, When you were torn to pieces, You did not betray your gods, Your deeds were not low. We swore allegiance to our native country, And instead of a plow we took up a sword. We did not spare our lives in the war, After all, our business is to protect the Motherland. To repulse your invaders You strove to gather the remnants of your strength And to help your faithful knights The spirit of your ancestors raised from the graves, And the glorious epics of past years Threw grains into young hearts. And you won again! And there was no end to your glory. Get up, Russian people, to fight to the death! For a terrible fight.

The song is "Holy War".

Towards the peals of the Roaring Thunder We rose into battle Light and sternly!

And if we are destined to fall ...

Silence exploded with thunder, the border was covered with soot, and a merciless war rolled into the country of the Soviets. In the most bloody battles, we all fraternized with death ... And in those border regions, many remained forever. And they grew grass in them, and were destroyed by the power of corruption, not hearing weeping above themselves, and not knowing the burial. And those who were next to them retreated further with battles, until the hour struck them, although everyone was mortally tired. At times it was impossible to understand where the front was, where the rear was, where the encirclement was, and the trembling in the knees could not be appeased when they bombed to defeat. We clung to each point, not having time to dig in ... We did not have a chance to sleep off until Mother Winter itself. We endured a lot of adversity, only the death of the enemy was a consolation ... The one who survived the first year is no longer afraid of all the torments of hell. Leningrad was not handed over to the enemy, and near Moscow they defeated the enemy, and defended Stalingrad, and turned the tide of the war. Now we all have the same path. And we are not ashamed to admit that our dream is to enter Berlin and sign at the Reichstag. And if we are destined to fall, we pray for one reward, that it be given by the Lord in the Victory parade to us. For all those who died in the war, let reliable peace in their native country become a common monument when fascism disappears without a trace. We have only one request: "Descendants, save the memory!" We gave our lives for you, and you take care of Russia!


They want to destroy us, Than life is beautiful and kind, To sum up all the joy of the world With a bandit's swing of the axe. They brought up a horde, Murderers savoring the pogrom And many countries quartered Bloody swastikas with a hook.

It seemed that the flowers were cold, And they faded slightly from the dew, The dawn that walked through the grasses and bushes, Searched the German binoculars. The flower is covered with dewdrops, clung to the flower, And the border guard held out his hands to them. And the Germans, having finished drinking coffee, at that moment climbed into the tanks, closed the hatches. Everything breathed such silence, That the whole earth seemed to sleep. Who knew that there were only five minutes left between peace and war! That very long day of the year With its cloudless weather We were given a common misfortune For all, for all four years. She pressed such a mark And laid so many on the ground, That for twenty years and forty years The living cannot believe that they are alive.



Year and month of national struggle

Even the dust of time

This date cannot be delayed.

A lot of songs have been written about the war, Only you don't blame me, That again, that I'm talking about it again, About the long-past war. I see bayonets and helmets. And with a hill that is open to all winds, Kragujevac, the city of Yugoslavia, Does not order to forget about it. Partisans are beating the Nazis in the mountains, The Germans have gone berserk, they are collapsing. To shoot teenagers-gymnasium students Decided to parents for fear. In Kragujevac, every resident knows that the teacher could leave the classroom. But the teacher said to the Gestapo: - Do not interfere with my lesson. And then here, at this place, the Gymnasium students lined up in a row. And the teacher stands with them, He will not leave his children. Having unbuttoned his white collar shirts, He will now step into the darkness with the children: "You are free, return to the city" - the Gestapo ordered him. And the swifts with a chirping whistle Fly away into the blue heights, And the teacher said to the Gestapo: - Do not interfere with my lesson.

Countless atrocities were committed on our land: the fascists organized the destruction of the Russian people, terrible in its cruelty.

M. Jalil "Barbarity".


They drove their mothers with their children And forced them to dig a hole, while They themselves stood, a bunch of savages, And laughed in hoarse voices. At the edge of the abyss they lined up Powerless women, thin guys. The intoxicated major came and cast his copper eyes over the doomed... Muddy rain Buzzed in the foliage of neighboring groves And in the fields, dressed in mist, And the clouds descended over the earth, Chasing each other with fury... No, I won't forget this day, I won't forget never, forever! I saw rivers weeping like children, And mother earth weeping in rage. With my own eyes I saw how the mournful sun, washed with tears, Through a cloud came out onto the fields, last time kissed the children, for the last time ... Noisy autumn forest. He seemed to be mad now. Its foliage raged angrily. Darkness thickened around. I heard: a powerful oak fell suddenly, He fell, uttering a heavy sigh. The children were suddenly seized with fear, - They clung to their mothers, clinging to the skirts. And a shot rang out sharp sound, Breaking the curse, What escaped from a woman alone, A child, a sick boy, Hid his head in the folds of a dress old woman. She looked, full of horror. How not to lose her mind! I understood everything, the little one understood everything. - Hide, mommy, me! Do not die! - He cries and, like a leaf, cannot hold back the trembling. The child, which is dearest to her, Bending down, raised her mother with both hands, Pressed her to her heart, against the barrel straight ... - I, mother, want to live. Don't, mom! Let me go, let me go! What are you waiting for? - And the child wants to escape from the hands, And the crying is terrible, and the voice is thin, And it pierces the heart like a knife. - Do not be afraid, my boy. Now you can take a breath. Close your eyes, but do not hide your head, so that the executioner does not bury you alive. Be patient, son, be patient. Now it won't hurt. And he closed his eyes. And the blood turned red, Curling along the neck like a red ribbon. Two lives fall to the ground, merging, Two lives and one love! Thunder boomed. The wind whistled through the clouds. The earth wept in deaf anguish. Oh, how many tears, hot and combustible! My land, tell me what's wrong with you? You often saw human grief, You bloomed for us for millions of years, But have you experienced at least once Such a shame and such barbarity? My country, enemies threaten you, But raise the banner of great truth higher, Wash its lands with bloody tears, And let its rays pierce, Let them destroy mercilessly Those barbarians, those savages Who greedily swallow the blood of children, The blood of our mothers ...


Black clouds hang over the country! The crow screams, wants blood. They want to trample the Russian land! Oh, our widows will cry. Wake up people, shake off your sleep! Look around - how many pots ... Your whole country has been plundered! Your unsightly share... Turn your shoulder, and ring the alarm! Disperse the hot blood in you. Raise the soldiers to the holy battle! Open their blind eyes...

On the screen are footage from the offensive of Russian soldiers.

It's not steel...

Along the banks of a heavy crossing, the earth burns and metal melts. Only a soldier cannot be controlled, he did not experience anything in the war. I met lead blizzards in battles, fell heavily asleep under a hail of fragments. He knows mine pipes by sounds, and how much land he dug up. It's not made of steel. from another alloy. This will only be born in my country! He was forged by the Russian State and there is no soldier stronger in war! Along the banks of a heavy crossing, the earth burns and metal melts. But you can’t find justice for a soldier, a soldier didn’t surrender Russia in battles. Bread soldiers equally dividing On the halts of this campaign. He went four long years to save you, my land! From the June date it came out Walking through the fire until the May date. It was not in vain that I thought in the war: It is not soldiers who start wars I lay under bombs in the snow Behind and ice, and swamp and clay ... From Moscow the road to Berlin I can never forget.

The destroyed Berlin Reichstag on the screen. Hoisting a banner over him.

Towards the peals of Roaring Thunder We rose into battle Light and sternly. On our banners the word is inscribed: Victory! Victory! Victory! In the name of the living - Victory! In the name of the future - Victory! But we got through. The Reichstag, gloomy in front of us, smoked in a powder haze. When our banner flew over it, it immediately became brighter on the ground.

Monuments to soldiers-liberators are on the screen.

The war is over! The suffering has passed. But pain calls out to people: Come on, people, never Forget about it. May the eternal memory of her Keep about this torment And the children of today's children, And our grandchildren's grandchildren!

Victory Parade on the screen.

The song "Solar circle" sounds

"Victory Day"- children, teachers, veterans, the audience sing.

Children give veterans flowers and greeting cards.

Scenario for Victory Day

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Fanfares sound, then music, readers and presenters appear on the stage, their words sound against the background of music

Reader 1:
Another war, another blockade...
Can we forget about them?
Sometimes I hear: "Don't",
There is no need to open wounds.
It's true that we're tired
We are from tales of war
And read about the blockade
The lyrics are enough.

Reader 2:
And it might seem right
And persuasive words.
But even if it's true
This truth is not true.
So that again on a peaceful planet
That war did not happen again.
We need our children
We remembered it, as we did.

Reader 1:
I don't need to worry
So that the war is not forgotten.

Reader 2:
After all, this memory is our conscience.
She is the strength we need.

Presenter 1: Good afternoon dear friends!

Host 2: We have gathered today in this hall on the eve of a great holiday - Victory Day over Nazi Germany.

Host 1: Great Patriotic War. Now they argue and talk a lot about it, write and film it, question many facts and denounce fictions.

Presenter 2: Yes, the time has come differently, the country has changed, the ideology has changed, but one thing has remained unchanged - these are the people who endured all the hardships of the war on their shoulders, who were afraid, but walked, who hated death, but rushed into the arms of death, to save life.

Presenter 1: These people do not need to explain and prove anything, they were there, they know this firsthand, and only faith in a just cause gave them strength.

Presenter 2: You can count how many years, months and days the war lasted, how many were destroyed and lost, but how to count the amount of grief and tears that this terrible war made her shed. We as a nation are alive as long as our memory is alive, as long as we want the memory to be alive!


Not burned by the forties,
Hearts rooted in silence
Of course, we look through different eyes
To our sick war.
We know from confused, difficult stories
About the bitter victorious path,
Therefore, at least our mind must
Pass the path of suffering.
And we have to figure it out ourselves
In the pain that the world has endured.
Of course, we look with different eyes
The same, full of tears.

Presenter 1:

And there were many terrible battles
In which the damned enemy was defeated.
Great battle near Moscow
In which we said menacingly to the enemy: "Stop!"

a presentation is shown on the screen (Appendix 2)

Presenter 2: Under the capital, for the first time, the wave of fascist aggression was stopped. Moscow has not lost its brilliance even in the most difficult wartime thanks to the steadfastness of the soldiers who proclaimed to the world "Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat - Moscow is behind."

Presenter 1: The battle in the region of Kursk, Orel and Belgorod is one of the greatest battles of the Great Patriotic War. Not only were the selected and most powerful groups of Germans defeated here. But faith in the ability of Germany to resist the might of the Soviet Union was irrevocably undermined in the Nazi troops. Fierce and bloody battles went on for 50 days and nights on Kursk Bulge

Presenter 2: The long-suffering Stalingrad land. How much did you have to endure! In all the places where the fighting took place, it was literally plowed up by explosions of shells, covered with a layer of metal. And in the first years after the war it was impossible to plow it. What was more in it - metal or earth? For Germany, the battle of Stalingrad was the gravest defeat in its history, for Russia - its greatest victory.

Presenter 1: The most terrible milestone of that war is the blockade of Leningrad. 900 days of heroic resistance. Hunger, cold, disease; thousands of dead: On September 8, 1941, the Nazis broke through to Lake Ladoga and captured Shlisselburg, cutting off Leningrad from the country.

A presentation is shown on the screen (Appendix 3)

Presenter 1: Second World War is the bloodiest war in human history. 61 states, 80% of the planet's population, were drawn into the orbit of the war, military operations were conducted on the territory of 40 states, as well as in the sea and ocean spaces. AT armed forces of all countries, 110 million people were under arms.

Host 2: The peoples of the world paid a huge price for the victory over fascism. Total losses the population of all countries of the planet amounted to 50 million people, of which 27 million people were the losses of the Soviet people in the war.

Presenter 1: Many years have passed since the end of the war. Time has leveled the trenches, grain is earing on the fields of past battles, the cities and villages destroyed by the Nazis have been rebuilt. Traces of the war disappear from the face of the Earth, but its echo still does not subside in human souls.

Host 2: We have no right to forget the horrors of this war so that it does not happen again! We have no right to forget those soldiers who died so that we can live now.

Presenter 1: We have to remember everything. To forget the past means to betray the memory of the people who died for the happiness of the Motherland.

Host 2: To reach you, forty-fifth,
Through hardship, pain and trouble,
Children left childhood
In the forty-first, distant year.


Presenter 1: Terrible forty-one. How he changed people's lives. Dreams, love, happiness - everything was scorched by the fire of a cruel, bloody war. A serene life was replaced by military everyday life.

Host 2: The war stained childhood with blood and tears, made short lives many boys and girls, destroyed the bright dreams of seventeen-year-olds who, right from the graduation ball, left childhood for the front.

Presenter 1 : They wanted to return home, to their native streets, to their cities and villages. They really wanted to ... but they rushed to the embrasures of enemy machine guns, died under bullets, took martyrdom behind enemy lines.

Host 2: They fought and went to their death for their country, for their ideals.

Reader 1:
The boys left - overcoats on their shoulders,
The boys left - bravely sang songs.
The boys retreated on the dusty steppes,
Boys were dying where they themselves did not know.

Reader 2:
The boys ended up in terrible barracks,
Fierce dogs chased the boys,
Boys were killed for escaping on the spot ...
The boys did not sell conscience and honor.

Presenter 1: They did not return from the battlefield ... Young, strong, cheerful ... They dreamed of a hot and pure love about the bright life on earth. The most honest of the most honest, they were the bravest of the bravest. They did not hesitate to join the fight against fascism.

Host 2: This is what is written about them:
They left, your peers,
Teeth without clenching, fate without cursing.
And the path was not to be short:
From the first battle to the eternal flame...
May there be silence in the world
But the dead are on the line.
The war is not over
For those who fell in battle.

Presenter 1: The dead, they remained to live; invisible, they are in the ranks. Those who died, like tens of thousands of their peers, who did so little in life and did so immeasurably much, giving their lives for their Motherland, will always be the conscience of all of us living.

Host 2: People! As long as hearts are knocking - Remember!
What price won happiness - Please remember!

Presenter 1: Years go by. Leaving decades behind. Now only books, photographs, films and monuments remind us of the courage and resilience of the Russian people during the Great Patriotic War. But the memories of its direct participants also help to look into the past. In many families, direct participants in military events are alive, we know a lot from the memories of our parents, grandparents. All who went through the war, who returned or did not return - all can be safely called heroes. And Russian soldiers, and officers, and women, and children ...

Host 2: There is no family in Russia that the Great Patriotic War would not touch. And we cannot afford to forget the real heroes, because we are their descendants. These 1418 days of our selfless feat Russian people gave life to many future generations, let's not forget about it.


Presenter 1: The act of surrender was signed and entered into force. The war is over, and the whole world breathed a sigh of relief: Victory!

Host 2:
All over the country from end to end
There is no such city, no village,
Wherever Victory comes in May
Great ninth!

The song "Victory Day" is performed

Host 2: Victory Day is a joyful and bitter holiday. Behind this holiday is a terrible time of war. The war, which has become the most difficult, tragic test for our Motherland. The war, which lasted 4 terrible years, 1418 days and nights.
Presenter 1: 4 years of war. 1418 days of unprecedented national feat. 1418 days of devastation, blood and death, pain and bitterness of loss, death best sons and daughters.

Host 2: The war brought our country a lot of grief, troubles and misfortunes. She ruined tens of thousands of cities and villages, deprived of shelter about 25 million people.

Presenter 1: Many soldiers did not return from the battlefields, and remained standing in bronze and granite. In monuments and obelisks, they froze forever in their last throw at the enemy’s position.

Host 2: The war deprived hundreds of thousands of children of fathers and mothers, grandfathers, older brothers. It claimed more than 27 million human lives.

Presenter 1: More than 27 million in 1418 days - this is 14 thousand killed daily, 600 people per hour,
1 person per minute. Every sixth inhabitant of our country died during the war.
If a minute of silence is declared for each of them, then the country will be silent - 38 years. That's what 27 million is.

Host 2: Fascism has brought countless sacrifices to the peoples of the earth. In each European country has its own village and city of pain and tears. They blame fascism.

Presenter 1: Fascism is blamed on the gas chambers of concentration camps. The prisoners of Buchenwald, Dachau, Auschwitz, the dead of Babi Yar, the inhabitants of the Belarusian village of Khatyn, who were burned alive, are crying out for retribution.

Reader 1:
Everything is remembered, nothing is forgotten,
Everything is remembered, no one is forgotten
And day and night in a bowl of granite
The holy flame burns tremulously.

Reader 2:
The flame burns day and night
And illuminates the globe
Our memory does not subside
About those who were killed by the war.

Reader 3:
Tens of years lay between us,
The war has gone down in history.
We are in the heart with eternal words
We write the names of the dead.

Reader 4:
Inextinguishable memory of generations
And the memory of those whom we so sacredly honor,
Let's people stand up for a moment
And in sorrow we will stand and be silent.

Presenter 1: Get up! And let your silence be the most formidable protest against the war!

Host 2: Get up! And the voices of the dead will resound in your souls - and this will be our prayer!

Presenter 1: Get up! Perhaps then at least one drop of blood less will be shed in the world!

The metronome sounds, there is a minute of silence

Reader 1:

The war has passed, the suffering has passed,
But pain calls out to people:
Come on people never
Let's not forget about it.

Reader 2:
May her memory be true
Store, about this flour,
And the children of today's children,
And our grandchildren grandchildren.

Reader 3:
Let everything that life is full of
In everything that is sweet to the heart,
We will be given a reminder
About what was in the world.

Reader 4:
Then to forget it
Generations did not dare.
Then, in order for us to be happier,
And happiness is not in oblivion!

Reader 1:
In this huge, crazy world, there is a tiny dot - we!

Reader 2:

We are the generation that calls itself the future!

Reader 3:
We are the generation that witnessed the birth of the 21st century!

Reader 4:
We are the generation in whose name millions of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers gave their lives!

Reader 5:
We are the future defenders of the Fatherland, we remember the price of the Great Victory!

Presenter 1:
The memory of the fallen is timeless. She warns, disturbs us! We remember the past war again and again, not because we want revenge for the past, but because we worry about the future.

Reader 1:

For many years we calmly watch dreams,
And you - both privates and commanders -
Little is left unfair
Comrades, participants in the war.

Reader 2:

As long as we miss the silence
While the outposts glow alarmingly -
We will live according to your charter,
Comrades, participants in the war.

Reader 3:
We remember, we honor with a low bow
Anyone who didn't survive the war
And those who have gone to the obelisks,
And those who do not have graves.

Reader 4:

Tens of years lay between us,
The war has gone down in history.
We are in the heart with eternal words
We write the names of the dead.

Reader 5:
We, who have survived to this day,
The memory of the past will not die:
While we honor the motherland of the dead,
Until then, our people are immortal!
Host 2: In our time, an interesting tradition has emerged. On the eve of the Victory Day holiday, people tie a St. George ribbon on their clothes as a sign of respect, memory and solidarity with the heroic Russian soldiers who defended the freedom of our country in the distant 40s. The black color of the ribbon means smoke, and the orange color means flame.

Presenter 1: The action was invented for the 60th anniversary of the VictoryNatalia Loseva- employee news agency"RIA News". According to the terms of the promotion, the ribbon must be attached to the lapel of clothing, tied to a hand, bag or car antenna. Thus, we will pay tribute to the memory of the fallen on the battlefield, express our respect for the veterans, gratitude to the people who gave everything for the front.

Host 2: Alas, the "Brown Plague" of fascism is not a thing of the past. It seeps into the present, poisoning the minds and souls of citizens and, above all, the youth and adolescents of Ukraine with its poison. It is clear to everyone what shoots such crops can give. A year ago, a festive parade was held in Kyiv, but just the other day it became known that at the end of April there was a parade of SS men, and the sacred Victory Day on May 9 will no longer be a day off and will be called the holiday of the victory of the Bolshevik invaders.

Presenter 1: In the year of the 69th anniversary of the victory over fascism in Ukraine, the territory most affected by it, modern fascists continue their activities with might and main. And they take out their impotent hatred for our great holiday on unarmed people, the old people who gave them the future, and especially on this little ribbon. So let's also take part in the St. George Ribbon action as a sign of opposition to fascism and contempt for it.

Host 2: And now, according to our old tradition, we will lay commemorative garlands on the Mass Grave and at the monument to the Grieving Mother.

Children enter the hall to the song "Day victories» D. Tukhmanov and stand in a semicircle.

All the streets are dressed in flowers,

And sonorous songs are heard:

Today holiday - Victory Day,

Happy, bright day of spring!

That morning became famous

News all over the world went:

The vile fascists are defeated!

Praise to the Russian army!

Take a deep breath people:

End of the war! End of the war!

And colorful fireworks

Glittered for a long time in the sky.

Thunder of triumph with a mighty shaft

Rolled along the edges of the native:

Fatherland saluted

To our brave warriors!

All the streets are dressed in flowers,

May laughs and rejoices!

On that very first day victories

Flowers were given to our grandfathers -

To the fighters who brought the world to our land!

Today, after many years, we, just like then in May 1945, glorify our heroes who defended peace on earth! Today we are visiting veterans of the Great Patriotic War who defended our Motherland, fighting the Nazis! These are the people who have been through ordeal, showed heroism, bravery and courage! People who deserve high words of praise and respect from all the people.

We are pleased to present our guests: Rublevsky Ivan Grigorievich, Shepel Mikhail Ivanovich, Lantsev Viktor Alexandrovich.

Reb bow to you, soldiers,

For blooming May

For the dawn over the hut,

For native land.

Bow down, soldiers

You for silence

For a winged expanse --- a free country.

Reb. The beauty that nature gives us

The soldiers were on fire.

May Day 45

Became last point in the war.

There is no company or platoon without losses.

Well, those who survived

May day 45th year

Saved for their grandchildren.

For what we have now

For our every happy hour

Because the sun shines on us

Thank you brave soldiers

Our grandfathers and fathers.

Song "Eternal flame" “I will grow up and become by all means. Military"

Vedas: On June 22, 1941, in the early morning, the German fascists attacked our Motherland. They dropped bombs on sleeping cities. The village was fired from guns. The fields were set on fire. They did not make out where the adults were, where the children were. They killed everyone in their path. And trampled our native land.

Vedas. June 22 is an unusual day. This is the longest day of the year. It is preceded by the most short night. On this day, the sun rises earlier than usual. And leaves at sunset later than usual. It is also the day when all herbs bloom. And it was on such a beautiful day that the war began ....

Vedas. It so happened that the sky was blue, bottomless. A light breeze played with gentle airy clouds. "Hello new day!", - the first nightingales already wanted to sing. But the dawn silence was broken by the terrible howl of fascist planes and explosions of bombs falling to the ground. The Great Patriotic War began. ….

Later, the poet Konstantin Simonov would write such lines:

The longest day of the year

With its cloudless weather,

He gave us a common misfortune

For all, for all four years.

She made such a mark

And knocked so many to the ground

That twenty years and thirty years

The living can't believe they're alive.

A snippet of a song sounds "Holy war", music A. V. Aleksandrova, sl. I. Lebedev-Kumach.

Vedas. All the people went to war.

"Farewell Slavyanka" waltz dance

Vedas. This bloody war lasted for 4 long years. All our people rose to fight the Nazis, each defended his Fatherland. And they called this war the Great Patriotic War. Where did people get the strength to resist the might of Nazi Germany? It's all about the strength of the spirit of people who defended their homeland. Vedas. Heroes accomplished many feats, and the Motherland awarded them orders and medals. Order « Victory» in the form of a star. Five rays from the star and we can say that five forces, five heroes blocked the path of the Nazis. Who are they?

This is a soldier, sailor, pilot, partisan and home front worker.

1 reb:

War broke into the peaceful sky,

Bombs were falling, the earth was on fire!

Heroes died in a fierce battle

But they defended their Fatherland.

2 reb:

Grenades exploded, and with a cry "Hooray!"

Our soldiers beat the enemy

Tanks fired, machine gun scribbled

They believed, they knew the enemy would not pass!

3 reb:

They persecuted the Nazis both night and day

From the sea and from the air with heavy fire.

Forces not sparing, went fearlessly forward,

Believed holy: victory will come.

Leading: All who could, both young and old, went to the front. They left and did not know whether to return. They left and did not know that there was a long road ahead, four terrible years, which they called So:

forties, fatal,

military and frontline

Lead, gunpowder,

War walks in Russia,

And we are so young.

A snippet of a song sounds "Oh dear.", music. D. Tukhmanova, sl. L. Rubalskaya.

But our fighters were not afraid of either snow, or wind, or cold, or cruel torture. It seemed that they were not afraid of death either. And the Nazis scrambled. Only the heels sparkled! And yet, our army had a powerful artillery piece, which the Germans were oh so afraid of! Our fighters affectionately called him female name "Katyusha". They even wrote a song about her.

Dance "Katyusha", music M. Blanter, sl. M. Isakovsky.

Leading: After the battle, the soldiers gathered around the fire and remembered their mothers, wives, children, and they knew for sure that they were waiting, waiting to go home with victory.

Vedas Soldiers wrote letters home. In many families, soldiers' triangles have been preserved - letters that fathers and brothers sent from the front. (shows) They wrote that they would return home with victory.

CHILDREN read letters - triangles

Hello, dear Maxim!

Hello my beloved son!

I write from the front

Tomorrow morning again in battle!

We will drive the fascists,

Take care, son, mother.

Forget sadness and sadness -

I'm with I will return in victory!

I will hug you at last.

Goodbye. Your father.

Dear, my relatives!

Night. The flame of a candle flickers.

I remember not for the first time

How do you sleep on a warm stove.

In our little old hut,

What is lost in the deaf forests.

I remember the field, the river.

Again and again I remember you.

Vedas. And mothers and wives received letters from the front. And almost every letter had such lines.

Wait for me and I'll be back, just wait a long time.

Wait for the yellow rains to make you sad.

Wait for the snow to sweep, wait for the heat

Wait when others are not expected, forgetting yesterday.

Vedas. And fight again. First hit german army foot soldiers.

The soldiers tried to stop the enemies. They stood to death. Fighter

Alexander Matrosov closed the embrasure of the enemy pillbox with his chest. Many heroes have died. New fighters took their place.

Vedas. Glory to the soldiers who gave their lives for their country!

Children: Glory!

Dance "In the forest near the front",

Vedas: Our courageous sailors fought at sea. The enemies lost a lot of soldiers and military equipment.

Glory to the sailors!

Children: Glory!

Dance "White Capless"

Vedas: And fight again. The pilots bombed the enemy troops on the ground, took fights in the air. When they hit combat vehicle pilot Nick. Gastello, he brought down the ignited aircraft on an enemy convoy of vehicles. Gastello died, but managed to disable a lot of enemy equipment.

Glory to military pilots!

Children: Glory!

Vedas: The Nazis reached Moscow, but the army managed to stop the enemy. But many of our towns and villages remained captured by the Nazis. The people fought as hard as they could. They organized partisan detachments that blew up bridges and derailed enemy trains.

Relay race "Partisans"

2 teams. Everyone has a small ball. A toy car is placed at a distance of 5-6 m from the children. A meter away is a straight line. The partisans are tasked with blowing up the enemy's car. Children should take turns crawling to the line and, without getting up, throw a grenade at the car. Get up and run back to your team and hand over the baton to the next participant. Team wins, which will have the largest number hits.

A game "Scouts"

In a team of 5 people.

(crawl under the bell string and deliver the package)

Vedas: In the forests of Belarusian, and Crimean and Bryansk

The dugouts remained from the partisan years.

Quietly noisy trees in the scars

Here they remember the brave people's fighters.

Glory to the partisans - fighters for the liberation of our Motherland!

Children: Glory! Song "Our Army"

Vedas: "All for the front, all for victories- under such a slogan the country lived in harsh years. Military factories were transported to the rear of the Urals, to Siberia. There, adults and teenage children made shells, guns, guns for soldiers. Bread and vegetables were brought from the villages for the soldiers. After all, to fight well, you need to be strong. And during the breaks, the dog raised morale. Guys, many of you have old grandmothers who remember the war years. And even though they did not fight at the front, they did their best to help our fighters defeat the enemy!

My grandmother didn't fight

she helped the soldiers in the rear,

Factories worked in our rear,

there they collected tanks, planes,

Shells were made and bullets were cast,

clothes, boots were made,

For planes - bombs, guns - for soldiers,

guns and, of course, provisions.

Without courageous home front workers,

our country would never won.

In the name of peace, in memory of those soldiers

Salute volleys all over the world thunder!

Vedas: Glory to the home front workers!

Children: Glory!

Dance "Small blue handkerchief"

Vedas: 70 years have passed since our flag was hoisted in the city of Berlin. The bloodiest war ended 70 years ago. But the memory of those who defended the world for us is alive in the hearts of people. On this day, people come to the monuments to the nameless heroes who gave their lives for the freedom of our Motherland and bring flowers.

In the name of the sun, in the name of the Motherland

We take an oath!

in the name of life

We swear to the fallen heroes:

The fact that the fathers did not finish singing ...

Children - We will sing!

What the fathers did not complete ...

Children - We will build!

People! As long as hearts are beating, REMEMBER!

At what cost is happiness won,

PLEASE remember!

Sending your song into flight, REMEMBER!


The fire is burning at the obelisk,

Birches in silence are sad

And we bowed low, low -

Here an unknown soldier sleeps.

Children sing a song "Eternal flame".Song

Leading: Visiting memorable places and obelisks, people lay flowers and freeze in sorrow of silence. And I want to announce a moment of silence. I ask everyone to stand up.

A moment of silence.

Vedas: Everyone, please sit down. ….

Vedas: Happy Great Day victories dear veterans!

The sun shines on the day victories

And we will always shine

In fierce battles, our grandfathers

Enemy managed win.

And suddenly the sky became brighter,

Like a joyful wave

News has come to us: « Victory

And there is no fighting and no war!

On the stove, the old grandfather cried, Not hiding his tears, like a kid.

And even my mother smiled

A smile of happiness at last.

Victory! glorious victory!

What happiness she had!

May the sky be forever clear!

And the grass will be greener!

We will be brave like grandfathers

We will protect our native land!

And the sun is bright victories

We won't give it to anyone!

Song "Good Soldiers"

On a joyful, spring and wonderful day

About the Motherland, about the world our songs

May there never be another war

And let the flowers bloom for the joy of people.

Sailors, gunners,

Border guards, signalmen

To all who protect our world

And guards the borders

For great things

Shout out loud everything: "Hooray!"

Children give flowers to veterans.

May there never be a war!

Let peaceful cities sleep.

Let the sirens howl

Doesn't sound over your head.

Let not a single shell burst,

None of them scribbles an automatic.

Let our forests announce

And let the years pass peacefully.

May there never be a war!

Song "We are the heirs victories»


Guys, our holiday comes to an end, and I know that now the most important words of gratitude to our veterans and soldiers will be heard victories!

Thank you soldiers!

For life, for childhood, for spring,

For silence, for a peaceful home,

For the world in which I live!

With our childish hand

We will close the way to war.

Say: "Not!" damn war...

All: We are for peace on the whole Earth!

Spanish final song "About the World"

Glory to our generals! Children - Glory!

Vedas. Glory to our admirals! Children - Glory! And ordinary soldiers! Children - Glory!

On foot, swimming, horseback,

Hardened in hot battles,

Glory to the fallen and the living!

I thank them from the bottom of my heart! (bow)

Dear children! Our holiday is not over. On May 9, with moms and dads, go to the monument to our fellow countrymen who died for the Motherland. Lay flowers. With holiday!

To the music "Day victories» the children leave the room.

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