Scenario for the opening of the camp shift. Opening of a new shift in the children's camp Let's get acquainted

First day at camp. Organization and conduct of the first day in the camp.

After solemn line of the opening of the camp shifts, you can hold a concert of counselors and the first evening gathering of the detachment. We will tell you about this.

Concert of counselors

Goals and objectives:

To introduce the guys to the administration of the camp in an unusual way;

Get the kids to active participation in the life of the camp;

To instill in children respect for the leaders as elders, and at the same time make them friends as equal participants in the life of the camp;

Accept the basic rules of life and recreation in the camp;

Create a favorable social psychological climate in a collective.

The teacher-organizer should prepare for this event on the day the counselors arrive. It is necessary to find out which of them sings, dances, plays the guitar, thus getting all the information that can help in preparing creative numbers.

At this concert, the hosts introduce the guys to the camp administration, cooks, health workers, and the inspector.

The floor for parting words is given to the director of the camp. And at the end of the program, all the counselors come on stage and sing a camp song. The main task of the organizing teacher is to make sure that the children see their leaders on stage, that they sing, dance, play in skits, hold a screen, and so on, and that after the event the guys grab their leaders by the hands and say: “Oh, how are you they played the camel well” or something else pleasant.

The first evening meeting of the detachment

Goals and objectives:

Accept the basic rules of life and behavior in the camp;

Involve the children in the events in the life of the camp;

To introduce the children to each other in an interesting and entertaining way;

To create a favorable psychological climate in the detachment.

The disco is over and the opening day is coming to an end. Gather a squad in the hall, put the children in a circle so that everyone can see each other. After such an eventful day, the guys are probably very excited and emotional. If you dim the lights in the room and light a candle, it will have a calming effect on them. Tell the children that the detachment is one friendly family that lives in the camp according to its own rules and laws. Try to lead the children to say for themselves what is allowed in the camp and what should not be done. Familiarize them with the basic laws of the camp.

1. Law of the river. It is strictly forbidden to swim alone and even be near the river. The arrival to the beach is carried out in an organized manner, and only after the issuance of an order by the director of the camp and the briefing “On the rules of behavior on the water” for all teachers against signature.

2. Law of the Territory. The exit of children from the territory of the camp is carried out only accompanied by a counselor. The organized exit of the detachment takes place together with the leaders (at least two) and with the permission of the camp director.

3. The Law of the Camp Regime. Each vacationer in the camp and staying on its territory must strictly observe the daily routine approved by the camp administration.

4. The law of the forest. The law of respect for nature, for the flora and fauna that surrounds us.

5. Law of the swing. Children can swing on a swing only in the presence of a counselor.

6. The law of the owner. The camp is our home. Careful attitude to the property of the camp, cleanliness, order and comfort, first of all, depend on us.

7. The law of accuracy. Every business must start and end on time. Do not keep yourself waiting and do not disturb others in vain.

8. The law of the raised hand. Raise your hand if you want to be heard.

After you have familiarized the squad with the basic laws of the camp, invite the guys to tell in more detail about themselves. Take soft toy Let the children take turns passing it. The one who has a toy in his hands must tell the squad his biography (what is his name, where and when he was born, where he lives and what school he studies), about his hobbies (hobbies) and what he would like to learn for this shift in the health camp "Star". After all the guys, the counselors talk about themselves and offer to hold such detachment candles every day before lights out. Discuss on them the bright events of the outgoing day, plans for the future.

At the end of the evening gathering, mark one boy and girl who, in your opinion, distinguished themselves today, give them stars. Try to ensure that all the children in the squad by the end of the shift were awarded such attention. Come up with some kind of game that would be the transition from the "candle" to the end. For example, all children stand in a tight circle and hold out right hand to the center.

Scenario for the opening of the camp shift "Visiting Summer"

Participants: children aged 6 to 14

HOST: Good afternoon guys! I am very glad to see all of you and greet all the detachments of the children's camp "LEP".
Is the Merry Hive squad ready for the opening of the camp shift?
Your motto! (roll call in progress)
We dedicated the opening of the camp shift to the recent international day child protection. Protection from hunger and disease, from overwork, from ignorance, from fear and resentment, from the horrors of war.

How well children laugh
All over the earth, all over the planet!
I want the world to reign around
And to give you happiness!

HOST: When the first child in the world was born and laughed for the first time, his laughter broke into a thousand small pieces, each of which turned into a bright ray of sunshine. How many rays does the sun have? There are countless of them, the rays are intertwined with each other and therefore in the summer the sun shines so brightly and warms.

Tell me guys what color
The beginning of our sonorous summer?
Green, red and blue
In polka dots and specks of any color!
Still it yellow-yellow,
Like a field warmed by the rapeseed sun
Beautiful, the kindest color
The beginning of our southern summer!

HOST: With the advent of summer, summer camps for children begin their work. The funniest, smartest and most talented guys gathered in our LEP camp. The word for greetings and congratulations on the beginning of the first stream is given to the head of the camp.


For whom did the birds sing, for whom?
-for me
For whom has summer come, for whom?
-for me
For whom is fun around, for whom?
-for me
About whom am I the smartest, about whom?
-about me
About whom I am the most friendly, about whom?
-about me
For whom fun camp, for whom?
-for me

HOST: I see that you are really the smartest and most wonderful children. In your squads, you have already met each other, but I think you don’t know all the guys from other squads. Therefore, now I offer you a game for acquaintance, which is called "Drozd"

Participants form two circles - internal and external, equal in number. The players of the inner circle turn their backs to the center, pairs are formed. Then, together with the leader, they say:

I am a thrush, you are a thrush (they point with their palms at themselves and their neighbor)
I have a nose and you have a nose (they touch their nose and their neighbor's)
My cheeks are scarlet and your cheeks are scarlet (touch cheeks)
You and I are two friends (hugs or shake hands,
We love each other by calling our names)

Then the outer circle takes a step to the right and new pairs are formed. Game continues.


While the music is playing, everyone is dancing. As soon as the music stops, the presenter gives a command, for example, “Molecules by 3”. Children need to quickly join hands, forming a circle of three people. Teams can be different: 5, 9, 2 each. And at the end of the game, you can invite the guys to make a molecule called "children's camp", where all the participants in the game will gather.


2 participants are called to participate in the competition. Each of them is given a glass of lemonade and a tube in the form of glasses, which the participant must put on himself. At the command of the leader, the players begin to drink lemonade. It looks very interesting and funny. But still, the winner is the participant who drinks his lemonade faster.


Say the name of the literary hero:

cat (Leopold, in boots)
Brownie (Kuzya)
dad (carlo)
woman (Yaga)
old man (Hottabych)
old woman (Shapoklyak)
uncle (Styopa, Fedor)
Postman Pechkin)
Dr. Aibolit)
Little Muck)
baron (Munchausen)
Christopher (Robin)


Tied to the player's leg balloon. All participants in the game enter the drawn circle. Task: step on the opponent's ball, but save your own. You can't leave the circle.

7. GAME FOR THE DARE GAME "Thunder and Rain"

Pairs of players participate. Between the heads of the participants is a ball. Which couple will pop the balloon faster with only their heads (a little water is poured into the balloon)


Put out a name. At the finish line there are leaflets with the endings and the beginning of the names written on them. At the signal of the host, the first players run to the finish line and put together one name from scraps of names. After that, they return to the team. The next participant runs. It also makes up the next name. Who will make names faster.

Everything is on a string. At the command of the leader, the team captain must pass a spoon, to which a long rope is tied, through the clothes of all participants standing in a line. Who quickly?)

Rope jumping. Jumping on a rope, run to the finish line and back, passing the rope to the next player.

Run to the pins and back. At the leader's signal, the first player runs to the pin located at the finish line, goes around it and returns to the team, passing the baton to the next player. Who quickly?

- “transfer a friend” The team captain runs with the first participant to the finish line, leaves him there, returns for the next participant to the start line. etc. until it translates the entire command)


HOST: Guys, today's holiday showed that together we are POWER!
I want the sun to shine
And not only over our country,
So that children all over the planet
Smiled with me
To wake them up in the morning
And saw the sun in the window.

Three summer months 2019 is a wonderful time. The holidays have begun, and the guys can relax in country camps. Those who do not want to travel far from home attend a summer camp at school or outside the city.

By tradition, at the beginning of the shift in any camp, a big holiday is arranged, where the guys get to know each other and the staff. Detachments present their business cards, chants, poems and songs are heard, skits are played for counselors at the opening of a shift in the camp.

Cool sketches for the opening of the summer camp

The celebration begins with a speech by the presenter:
- Dear Guys! Dear educators and counselors! Today we have a wonderful event - we celebrate the opening of our camp. We all have to spend many days here. What awaits us here?

– In our camp we will play sports, play fresh air, temper, sing, have fun and play different games! We are waiting for many adventures and surprises!

The guys and counselors will read verses:
- Hello, summer, the sky is blue!
Hello summer, sea and grass!
Hello summer, rain and heat!
And we're on vacation! Hooray!

- You will not find indifferent people here, you will not see gloomy faces,
We will live very friendly, there is fun without borders.
They don’t know boredom in the camp, everyone is at work day after day,
Here we sew and burn, and dance, and sing.
When summer starts again, we will return here,
Because we will love this camp forever.

- He is the best in the world, he is the most beloved,
He is the funniest and most handsome.
I love his blue benches
Bushes and trees, gazebos, alleys.
I love everything here:
And the square, and the club, chambers and windows -
I love everything around!
Excellent counselors, boys, girls
And even a lunch of meatballs and livers.
I want to stay here forever
A sea of ​​​​friends and beauty all around!

Then you can put on short skits dedicated to the opening of a summer school camp based on fairy tales and cartoons, the comic magazine Yeralash, etc. Or you can play funny scene, performing altered songs, for example, a song based on the motive of the Little Red Riding Hood song.

If it's long, long, long
If for a long time along the tracks,
If long on the paths
Jump, ride and run
That, of course, that, of course,
That's probably right, right
It's possible, it's possible, it's possible
You can visit our camp!

Ah, the trees in the camp are so tall!
Ah, in the camp the grounds are so wide!
Ah, there are counselors and children!
Ah, here is fun, laughter and wind!
And-and, of course, all my friends!
And--and here, of course, are all my friends!

But if you're so lazy
If you are so shy
And you don't want to have fun
Don't come to our camp!
This is where you have to be funny.
Cheerful, smart,
Clockwork, restless,
Have fun from the heart!

Scenes performed by counselors at the opening of the shift in the camp

Then the counselors, continuing the grand opening of the shift at the school camp, they will introduce the guys to the head of the camp, educators, service personnel, introducing each of them.

Everyone here deserves an award
Every professional.
We did not get here in vain -
You hit and I hit.

- And now, guys, I will ask you to solve riddles. Please be careful and do not confuse anything when answering questions.

In this miniature, counselors will read poetry.
- The most important bird in the camp -
This is esteemed ... (boss, not technical).

- The most strict, but fair,
Smart, very beautiful
In the camp keeps everything under control
And she plays the lead role.
Don't know the answer? What do you look sad?
Who is she in our camp? .. (chief).

- All the guys are like children to them
Olya, Kolya, Sveta, Petit.
Always help the dreamers
They are not counselors, but ... (educators).

- With whom do the kids frolic?
These are our ... (counselors, not cooks).

- Believe me, they are children,
The funniest
And kind in the world.
Come up with a fun game
Will be able to within tight deadlines.
Of course, this is - what is there to think? -
Squad ... (counselors).

– In strength, speed talent
The best is called ... (a physical education teacher, not a musician).
- To charge someone in the morning
Take you, kids?
Without him, we are like without hands,
Well, of course, our ……. (gym teacher).

- Who is a friend to vegetables and fruits?
In a white cap ... (a cook, not a physical education teacher).

- Who, tell me, work in the kitchen,
Should we cook porridge and prepare compotes?
And whose are these skillful hands
Are they preparing delicious sweets for us?
Dining room early in the morning
Who, tell me? (cook.)

“Now it’s time to get to know the squads. Everyone will present us their business card and play funny miniatures at the opening of the camp at the school.

Then the counselors will get acquainted with the guys.
- How many of you are here today?
We can't count in a day!
There are Dima, Nastya and Andrey.
Did we guess? Let's check…
All Dimas clap, and Nastya stomp,
Vani and Roma are jumping,
Vicki and Lera are kicking their legs,
Danilki raise their hands
And Anyuta squat.
And the rest as loud as possible
They call their names.
So, one, two, three - tell me your name!

- I wonder who is more here - girls named Masha or boys named Sasha? We will find out now.

The game "Who is more?" The leaders take turns calling names and any movement. For example, "Masha, sit down." At the end of this game competition for the opening of a shift in the camp, the results are summed up, there are more children with which name.

Suddenly, a cleaning lady in a blue robe appears on the stage, with a mop and a bucket of water, and begins to mop the floor.

- What are you doing? We have a program!

Cleaning lady, grumbling under her breath:
- What about me? I have my own job! All sorts of people walk around here, they only follow ..., and then something disappears.

The host shrugs his shoulders and tries to continue his speech, occasionally glancing at the cleaning lady. She continues to mop the floor, rearranging the bucket around the stage, it is hidden from the eyes of the audience backstage.

At this point, you need to quickly change it to the same bucket, half filled with confetti. Then the cleaning lady, as if nothing had happened, comes to the edge of the stage and, with a swing, quickly “poured water” on the audience, who, with squeals and screams, try to dodge. This cool scene at the opening of the school camp usually ends with a burst of laughter.

The performance of the leaders continues.
- Our rumble is ringing louder, more audible,
What a trill over the world spills:
Everyone thinks: the nightingale sang,
But no, our camp is open!

- We will burn the fire for twenty days in a row,
Seeing him, people smile.
And the faces of the guys bloom:
It's time for our camp to open!

- A fairy tale is reflected in children's eyes,
Beams of trusting light are pouring,
Light of kindness, indefatigable caress,
There is no better reward for a leader!

And will complete it school event discoveries summer camp song "Now you're in the camp" (to the motive of the Status Quo song "In the Army Now"):

Summer again
Holidays again
Why did we come to school?
Now we're in the camp
Oooh, you're at the school camp

We walk in formation
To class and toilet
We march in formation for lunch.
Now you're in the camp
Oooh, you're at the school camp

If strongly
We will play pranks
Then tomorrow we will sweep the floor and wash it.
Now you're in the camp
Oooh, you're at the school camp

If discipline
You will violate
You know brother
How to fly like a butterfly.
Now you're in the camp
Oooh, you're at the school camp

But it's time
We will appreciate.
Happy days we will not forget these
After all, you were in the camp,
Oh-oh-oh, because you were in the camp

First stage. Meeting children at the gate

All counselors line up at the open gate.

Leader 1.

To us! Here! Gather people!

Today you have a lot of interesting things waiting for you!

Leader 2.

Well, they finally arrived!

And we thought you were lost!

Leader 3.

And yet in the world

Invented not in vain

that the children are leaving

Summer camps.

All in unison(song to the tune of the song "Black Cat").

If the sun shines in the morning -

So it's time for us to get together.

We've been waiting for this day for a whole year.

Summer camp invites us to visit.


We will become in 20 days

And older, and smarter, and stronger,

And then in academic year(2 times)

If it's raining in the morning

Anyway, it's time for us to go.

Not for a year, not for a day, not for an hour

Let our parents go.


If hail falls from the sky,

Everyone will be happy for him.

We'll take the road then

This song and a handful of ice!


Counselor 4(disguised as a child).

Somehow in the summer on a fine day

They brought me here

reviewed, recorded

They wished me well.

I worry, I worry

How can I go to the camp -

I don't know anything

I can't do anything!


On a beautiful July day mischievous

You came to rest with us, and we are glad.

We hugged, planted and, loving,

They told you: "Don't worry, it's in vain!"

All in chorus.

Come in here in a merry crowd,

Take a smile and a song with you!

Ruler of the opening of the camp shift. Scenario

Leading. Good afternoon boys and girls!

Leading. Good afternoon, dear adults! We are pleased to welcome you to our first lineup.


And yet in the world

Invented not in vain

What are the children coming

Summer camps!


How clean is the air here?

What a magical forest

And the sun is like a sunflower

Raised to heaven!

presenter. Mysterious adventures, unforgettable meetings and amazing trials await us here.

Leading. Adventures, trials, meetings? Does this mean we're going on a trip?

presenter. Certainly! After all, which of the boys and girls did not dream at least once to see distant countries and spend the night by the fire with friends.


I love to go hiking

I spend time in them with benefit,

I have fun, I laugh, I play

I never get discouraged!

presenter. So on the road?

Leading. Let's hit the road!

presenter. And just wonderful adults will help us on the journey. We present you the service staff of the children's health camp, a team of courageous and courageous, always ready to help.

Fanfare sounds.

The children come out. Representation of camp services. The children leave.

Leading. And what, we will always go like this just go, go and go? It's boring!

presenter. Of course no. No matter how difficult the path is, a song will always support us.

If hail falls from the sky,

Everyone will be happy for him.

We'll take the road then

This song and a handful of ice!

Leading. Our anthem!

Everyone sings their anthem to the soundtrack.

presenter. Well, guys, it's interesting to know what lies ahead for us? Interesting? Then look!

Fanfare sounds.

presenter. Football players, chess players,

Leading. Runners and tennis players

presenter. All forward, to the stadium,

Leading. Decide who will be the champion!

The dance of the counselors with sports equipment, parodying the resting children, "Surprise".

Leading. All shift we will compete in various types sports. This will help us become strong, vigorous and healthy.


We will become in 20 days

And older, and smarter, and stronger.

And then in the academic year

We can't do the opposite!

Fanfare sounds.


My years are growing

I will be twelve.

Where should I work then?

What to do?

Dance of the counselors "Where Wizards Found"

presenter. Throughout the shift, each of you will be able to become a magical master of your favorite business. You will learn to draw, sing, dance, sculpt and much, much more!


A star fell on my palm

I asked her: "Where are you from?"


I'm flying from Kirovets

I want to surprise you!

Leading. We will not reveal all the secrets of our shift. After all, life without surprises will become boring.

Dance of the leaders "Mary Poppins".


As much as we would like

So that everyone

The mood was and success

So that our counselors, even in a dream,

Mary Poppins would help everywhere.

Ah, Mary Poppins, there is no better fairy tale!

With her, we would not have known troubles.

We met with her in a fairy tale

And in my dreams we ended up with her.

And now life will seem like a game to us -

In our house under the pine.

Mary Poppins will live with us!

Mary Poppins we will love!

Mary Poppins meeting the hour has struck!

Mary Poppins welcomes you all!


And I heard that there is

A wonderful one.

And I wanted to come

In "Kirovets" a long time ago!

After all, in Kirovets there is such a miracle:

Counselors live with you.

Mood, cool rest

Giving away to kids!


We have such a miracle.

First, the children in a playful way get acquainted with the staff of the camp. After that, they take part in competitions to prove that their team is the best.


Acquaintance with the camp, the development of the creative activity of children.


The stage is decorated with themed posters.

Required attributes:

  • Flag;
  • List of items to be found;
  • Sheets with tongue twisters;
  • Animal cards;
  • Peas;
  • Prizes for winners.


  • Leading
  • presenter


Leaders speech, small room from each squad.

Event progress

Leading: By the beginning of the grand opening of the next camp season, I ask all units to take their places.

Detachments to marching music are on the ground.


Guys, hello, the camp tells you
Opening the doors wide open for you today.
For you in the evening he lights the lanterns
And he believes in your bright dreams!

Leading: And now let's check if everything is in place!

A roll call is being made. Detachments pronounce names and mottos.

Leading: Attention all squads! Get ready to raise the flag! Equal! Attention!

To the sounds of the anthem, the flag of Russia or the flag of the camp shift is raised.

Presenter: At ease! The holiday dedicated to the opening of the shift is declared open!


The camp is not boring at all,
There are a million things to do!
Catch-ups, hide-and-seek, hide-and-seek:
Who got caught - get out!

Though sometimes you are capricious -
Children, after all! -
Adults, be patient
They could respect you!

Presenter: And now let's get acquainted with those who will accompany you throughout the camp shift.

The hosts take turns guessing riddles, and the children answer in unison. Those who are called go on stage, greet the guys.

funny riddles


Who are the kids playing with?
These are our ... (counselors, not cooks)


Who is a friend to vegetables and fruits?
In a white cap ... (a cook, not a physical education teacher)


Talent in strength and speed
An adult is called ... (a physical education teacher, not a musician)


In music and dance our mentor
Rightly called ... (music director, not boss)


Hanging shaggy rags on a mop,
They go to work ... (technicians, not counselors)


The most important bird in the camp -
This is dear ... (boss, not technical)

Speech by the head of the camp.


He will open a fairy tale for us,
Everything around becomes bright
He is a positive hero
He is our protector and best friend!


This wonderful personality
Sometimes unremarkable
But most often hiding a lot of talents -
Meet your guides!

Dance or song number from counselors and educators.

Leading: Well, you already know your mentors. It's time to get to know you. What is your name?

Children call out their names.

Presenter: I wonder who is more here - girls named Masha or boys named Vasya?

Leading: We will find out now.

The game "Who is more" is being played. The leaders take turns calling names and any movement. For example, "Masha, sit down." The children who were named perform the movement that the presenters asked. At the end, the results are summed up: there were more children with which name.

Presenter: We got to know each one individually. Now let's get acquainted with the units.

The squads take turns taking the stage, pronounce the name and motto, show a short performance: a song, a skit, a dance.

Leading: It can be seen that our detachments formed very friendly - they did their homework so well.

Presenter: And now I propose to complete one more task - to find the items necessary for the next competitions.

The game "Find the object" is being played. Each squad receives a list of items to be found. All things lie within sight: a sheet with a tongue twister, an image of an animal, 15 peas, blades of grass, leaves and pebbles.

Leading: To win in next competitions, you need to unite, become one.

Contests are held


Squads take turns pronouncing the found tongue twister - whoever completes the task more amicably, he wins.

"Sing a Song"

"Who can count?"

A certain number of peas are laid out on a chair in the center of the hall and covered with a cloth. One player from each team comes out, they take turns sitting on a chair and call the estimated number of peas on the chair. The one who answers correctly brings a victory point to the team. If no one named the correct answer, then other players from the teams go out, then the third ones. And so on until the desired number is called.

"Squad name"

With the help of the collected natural material put the name of the squad on the ground.

Presenter: Our guys are friendly and smart. I think they deserve to rest in our camp.

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