How to organize self-government in the detachment? Self-government in a summer camp How to choose self-government bodies in a camp

Practice report

Acquaintance with the educational institution

1. Brief information about the camp and the camp shift.

School camp with a day stay for children "Rainbow" was created on the basis of Municipal budgetary educational institution CO #4. The camp operates during school holidays.

2. Full name of director ( chief) camps: Smolina Olga Evgenievna

Full name of the deputy head of the camp for educational work: Bystrova Larisa Borisovna

3. Camp day schedule.

8.30 - 9.00 - collection of children

9.00 - 9.15 - morning line

9.15 - 9.30 - morning exercises

9.30 - 10.00 - breakfast

10.00 - 11.00 - sports hour

11.00 - 12.30 - work according to the camp plan

12.30 - 13.00 - free time

13.00 - 13.30 - lunch

13.30 - 14.30 - work according to the camp plan

14.30 - 15.30 - recreational activities

15.30 - 16.00 - final line and departure home

4. Material base of the camp: auditorium , children's and adult playrooms, library, gym, medical room, canteen, school grounds.

5. Teaching staff, total number of teachers ( educators): 5 teaching staff

6. Number of teams and children in them:

1. Detachment - preparatory school group 6-7 years old: 9 people

2. Detachment - 1-2 classes: 8 people

3. Squad - 3 classes - 10 people

4. Detachment - 4th class - 10 people

5. Detachment - 5-6 classes - 10 people

Introduction to the educational shift project

Camp traditions. Main directions of activity.

The activities of the school camp with a day stay for children "Rainbow" are based on the social order of parents, studying the needs and interests of students, in accordance with the legal documents for organizing children's recreation during the holidays. The funds are allocated from the school budget. The day camp program for children is based on the following principles:

The principle of humanization of relations

Building all relationships based on respect and trust in a person, on the desire to lead him to success. Through the idea of ​​a humane approach to the child, parents, camp staff, a psychological rethinking of all the main components of the pedagogical process is necessary.

The principle of matching the type of cooperation to the psychological age characteristics of students and the type of leading activity

The result of educational activities in the school health camp "Rainbow" is the cooperation of a child and an adult, which allows the camp pupil to feel like a creative person.

The principle of differentiation of education

Differentiation within the health camp involves:

selection of the content, forms and methods of education in relation to the individual psychological characteristics of children;

creating the possibility of switching from one type of activity to another within the framework of a shift (day);

interconnection of all events within the theme of the day;

active participation of children in all activities.

The principle of the complexity of the rehabilitation and education of the child.

This principle can be implemented under the following conditions:

it is necessary to clearly allocate time for the organization of recreational and educational work;

Evaluation of the effectiveness of children's stay on the site should be comprehensive, taking into account all groups of tasks.

The principle of harmonization of the essential forces of the child, his intellectual, physical, emotional and volitional spheres, taking into account his individual and age characteristics.

variability of the choice of the implementation method in various types of activities;

a combination of forms of work that take into account the age characteristics of children;

constant correction of the impact on each child, taking into account the changes taking place in his body and psyche.

The principle of an integrative-humanitarian approach.

This principle defines five "facets":

facet of personal perception (“this affects or may affect me personally”);

the edge of participation (“the guys have achieved this, they need it - it means that it is available and I need it”);

the edge of global perception (“everyone needs to know this - it means it is important for me too; this applies to universal human values”);

the edge of consensus orientation (“I recognize the right of others to have their own point of view, I can put myself in the place of others, understand their problems”);

the line of personal responsibility (“I am responsible for the consequences of my activities for other people and for nature”).

Principle of respect and trust.

This principle can be implemented under the following conditions:

voluntary inclusion of the child in a particular activity;

confidence in the child in choosing the means to achieve the goal, mainly on the belief in the possibility of each child and his own faith in achieving negative consequences in the process of pedagogical influence;

taking into account the interests of students, their individual tastes.

Features of planning the life of children.

The camp has developed a system of work with children during the holidays, an essential factor of which is the organization of recreation and recreation for children during the holidays, in accordance with the age, physiological, individual needs of each child. The safety of children is ensured - fencing, video surveillance, access control, control over compliance with the regime of work and rest.

Availability of a methodological base for working with children, props, auxiliary materials.

Game material is preserved as far as possible and transferred from season to season. A stock of sports equipment has been accumulated: balls (3), tennis rackets (1 set), jump ropes (5), hoops (5), badminton (1 set), checkers (4), chess (3).

The presence of circles, libraries, video salon.

Circles of Russian folk and pop dance, choir

On the basis of the library there is a circle "Salt Dough"

Video films are screened in the auditorium.

Characteristics of the temporary children's association

1. Squad name: 1 squad "Traffic light". , motto: We study traffic rules, This is the only thing we live. We carry out propaganda for everyone Morning, evening and afternoon!

2. Work plan of the detachment for the shift (grid planning).

the date


1 day

Conduct a team gathering. Detachment headquarters elections. Distribution of duties. Registration of a corner and other documentation.

2 day

Holiday "Initiation into pedestrians".

3 day

Quiz "Learning traffic rules" among children. Drawing competition "SDA are our true friends."

Day 4

Organize and conduct photographs of cars of various brands and types. Conduct a conversation with students on the history of Soviet and Russian cars, accompanying the conversation with photographs

Day 5

Thematic lesson "Braking distance of vehicles"

Day 6

Day 7

Competition of propaganda posters on road safety.

3. Sketch of a detachment corner.

4. List of children of the detachment.

FULL NAME. student


Mikaelyan Galina

Polischuk Valentina

Chernysheva Diana

Ignatov Sergey

Vasetsky Vadim

Sazhneva Anastasia

Vukolov Vladislav

Ryabyshenkova Ludmila

Khokhlachev Denis

Shirinyan Angelina

5. Squad composition: the total number of children is 10, of which 6 are girls and 4 are boys.

Age - 6-7 years old, the presence of members of a particular children's organization - no,

social characteristics of the composition: all children from complete families in which both parents work, children are not registered with the KDN and are not included in the "risk" group, the presence of children with behavioral problems - no; the leading interests of children - cognitive, sports, the level of formation of self-service skills - corresponds to age and psychophysiological characteristics.

6. Squad management:

management principles: mutual respect, mutual assistance, mutual assistance,

structure of the detachment and its self-government bodies:

COMMANDER Ryabyshenkova Lyudmila


7. Interpersonal structure of the squad:

general characteristics of the interpersonal structure: there are two leaders in the detachment, around whom the whole team rallies, there are no outcasts in the detachment, interpersonal relations are built on friendship and mutual assistance;

the presence of leaders and their role in the detachment - yes, they organize the activities of the detachment;

the presence of small contact groups and their orientation; the relationship of small contact groups and the dynamics of their development: children communicate mainly in groups.

8. Conflict situations between children, their motivation and ways of resolution;

no conflict situations were recorded in the detachment, however, two examples recorded in the camp can be cited:

1. Zhenya, a 1st grade student, entered the school in September 2016 after he arrived from Ukraine, where the fighting began. Parents remained at home, and Zhenya was assigned to the family of guardians. The boy has increased aggressiveness, which is expressed in the manifestation of physical violence against peers (pushed, pinched girls, hit the boy's face). As a result, a number of conversations were held with Zhenya, and with the whole detachment a number of events aimed at developing communication skills, a sense of tolerance towards others. It was noted that Zhenya became more balanced, more friendly to communicate with peers.

2. Roman, a student of the 2nd grade, constantly complained about everyone to the counselor, he bullied everyone, and then cried that he was offended. The guys in the detachment did not like him. The detachment held the event "Let's live together", which contributes to the rallying of the school team.

Preparation, conduct and analysis of detachment cases

Scheme of the analysis of the event .

General information about the preparation of the event .

1. Event title. Theatrical game program "There on unknown paths. Or how Baba Yaga saved a fairy tale."

Date of event, who is hosting. 06/09/2017. student - trainee

2. Composition of the group of children: 4 boys, 6 girls, 6-7 years old.

3. The purpose of the event: to solve what educational tasks of the team and to form what qualities of the child's personality is this event designed for? Aimed at the cultural and moral development of children

Tasks: at deepen students' knowledge of Russian folk culture; increase interest in Russian - folk tales; promote the development of intelligence and attention.

4. Pedagogical justification for the choice of this type and content of activities: the lesson is fully consistent with the general educational tasks, the level of psychophysiological development of the team, and the age characteristics of students.

5. Who initiated this event and how was it prepared? The leader was the initiator, in the process of preparation, the selection of methodological literature, songs, competitions, and the preparation of posters were carried out. What kind of participation did the children take in planning and preparation? Actively participated in the preparation of the holiday. In what and how was their activity and independence manifested? They independently selected riddles, prepared for a number of competitions.

Event progress .

1. How convincingly, clearly, emotionally were the goals and objectives of the forthcoming activity revealed to the children? Fully

2. How informative, interesting and organized was the work? Each task and game moment was filled with content corresponding to the purpose of the lesson, it was interesting and at a high level of organization.

3. What knowledge did the children acquire during the event, what social attitudes, feelings and beliefs were formed in the children?about the beauty of Russian - folk culture in general, and Russian - folk tales in particular

1. What conclusions could the children draw as they worked? What results have been achieved? Formationknowledge of the features of Russian folk culture, the content of Russian folk tales, riddles, ditties.

4. How did the event affect the formation of public opinion in the team, the relationship of children? Contributed to the cohesion of the school team

5. The role and place of the elders (counselor, educator, cultural organizer, social teacher) in this event: active organizers and participants of the holiday.

Analysis of own activities .

1. What traits of your character contributed to the educational work with children, what hindered? Contributed - sociability, activity, erudition, friendliness

Insufficient pedagogical experience of communicating with children interfered.

2. What pedagogical abilities have been manifested in the educational work with children? - Disposition to children, endurance and self-control, the ability to control one's mood, organizational skills, pedagogical imagination

3. Did pedagogical tact manifest itself, and in what way? Yes, showed up. In the ability to find the most appropriate measures of influence on students, taking into account their age and individual characteristics and depending on the specific situation, in mutual respect and the ability to listen and hear children.

4. What problems did you encounter during the preparation and conduct of the KTD (STD)? Not

5. What, in your opinion, are the successes and (or) shortcomings of the event? The success of the event was the rational application of theoretical knowledge and practical skills of working with children, as well as a friendly and attentive attitude towards children, the desire to understand and teach them.

Analysis of the effectiveness of the shift project implementation

the date

A brief description of what was carried out in the detachment

1st day

Acquaintance with the administration of the camp. A team of children

2nd day

Acquaintance with the work plan of the camp and the detachment attached. Assistance in the design of the corner of the detachment. Assistance in preparing for the event

3rd day

Participation in holding regime moments. Selection of material and participation in the drawing competition "Sea Journey".

4th day

Participation in holding regime moments. Selection of material and participation in the quiz "Brain Ring" among children.

5th day

Participation in holding regime moments. Participated in the celebration of the "Summer Ball".

6th day

Preparation of reporting documentation

Practice Analysis

During the internship, the features of the organization of the children's team in the summer camp, the project of working with children in the camp were analyzed, a characteristic was given to one of the units, and the features of their interaction were studied. Also, during the period of practice, an event was developed and carried out, with its subsequent analysis. Due to the high level of organization of the practice, there were no difficulties in the process of passing it.

Children's self-government is a form of organizing the life of a team that ensures the development of independence in adolescents in making and implementing decisions to achieve group goals.

The role of self-government

Ensuring the involvement of children in solving significant problems and the formation of social activity, leadership development.

The Essence of Self-Government

Creating conditions for children to master a complex of new social roles, which ensures their inclusion in solving complex problems of relationships that develop in a temporary children's association.

Goal of self-government

Teach children through problem solving to develop the necessary

qualities to overcome the complexities of social life.

For such a temporary association as a children's health camp, the development of self-government in a team of children plays an important role. The camp has permanent and temporary self-government bodies, depending on the tasks that the team determines.

Collection - it is the highest self-government body in the collective. Its main purpose is to discuss the issues of the life of the team, the problems that arise in the organization of children's activities. The result of the gathering is concrete decisions aimed at positive transformations in the detachment, camp.

It is held when there is a need to discuss the problem of the life of the detachment, the staff of the camp. Relationship problems, improvement related to the organization of recreation, work, and specific cases are brought to the gathering of the detachment.

The collection selects an asset, approves the council of the case, hears their reports, analyzes the work of the detachment, determines the main directions of activity, approves plans.

The collection can take place in various forms: collection - disputes, collection - "circle of claims", collection - "circle of gratitude", etc.

The body of the general camp children's self-government will be the meetings "Good morning" and "Good evening".

Every morning, all the guys gather the guys to the place of the general meeting with a fervent melody - the Good Morning program begins. The counselor on duty collects news about the life of the camp, the setting of the coming day is given, everyone is given the setting to speak into the “free microphone”.

A permanent body of self-government that implements decisions and organizes the work of the team is an asset chosen by the children: the detachment council, the supreme council.

Self-government in the camp as a form of democracy provides a unique chance for children to realize their interests and opportunities in a team with their comrades. Children and adults jointly decide what to do, what circles, clubs, associations to create, what symbols and rituals to use, that is, children learn to live independently.

To live independently means: we plan ourselves, we organize ourselves, we evaluate ourselves.

We are planning

Although the shift plan is prepared in advance taking into account the age characteristics of the children and includes a wide variety of interesting materials, it can be changed according to the wishes of the children.

At the beginning of the shift, information is posted: “Plan for the shift events ...” “And how would you like to hold the events?”

We organize

By their example, teachers show children how to properly allocate time, work, when to ask, when to order. Knowing that on the day of self-government, everyone will have to play the role of an educator, a counselor, children will carefully observe adults. At the first stage of this independence, children are supported by an adult comrade. At first, this assistance may be direct, and then indirect.

Days of Self-Government will be organized during camp shifts. And in order for the Days of self-government to be successful, it is necessary to teach children to do without the help of adults. But at the same time, it is necessary that all the actions of children be under imperceptible control, so that at any moment you can come to the child's aid.

When distributing posts for Self-Government Day, the wishes of children are taken into account. But before that, children must observe the work of those people whom they will replace, then work with them, and only then - replace them.

We evaluate ourselves

Children should feel responsible for their actions and

therefore, adults should not intervene in the situation at the slightest mistake of the child. Children themselves must set themselves the task before this or that work, sometimes even overwhelming, but in the process of work they will be able to assess the price of their strengths and capabilities. In the process of trial and error, they gain invaluable practical experience, which is of great importance.

Giving children independence helps to instill in them a sense of responsibility for their actions, for the life of their detachment.

The origins of the current elections lie in ancient Greece and ancient Rome. In ancient Greece, open voting and secret balloting by lot were used. "Bulletin" was a bob, "For" meant a white bob, "Against" a black one. In ancient Rome, the election campaign began long before voting day. The candidate announced to the authorities about his desire to run. Officials checked whether a given citizen met the requirements of the law, and only then was he included in the list of candidates. After that, the election campaign began. It happened in the following way. The candidate dressed in a snow-white toga, which meant his clear conscience, and went to the squares and bazaars, asking for support from voters. On the day of voting, the voter received a small tablet - "ballot paper", wrote the name of the candidate on it and put it in the ballot box. The Great French Revolution was of great importance for the development of democracy. It contributed to the emergence of such concepts as "active law", "voter lists", "human and civil rights". Active rights were given to citizens at the age of 21. During the years of the revolution, the French made their way from subjects of the king to the status of a citizen. The word "citizen" was pronounced with pride. A vivid manifestation of democracy also reigned in Ancient Russia: in Novgorod - the Novgorod Veche. A feudal republic was formed on Novgorod land. Elected authorities were present here from the 12th to the 15th centuries. The first State Duma was created in Russia after the publication of the Manifesto by Nicholas II on October 17, 1905. But the elections to the Duma were not universal and equal, but indirect and multistage. Men who have reached the age of 25 were allowed to participate in the elections. Women, military personnel, wandering non-residents, officials - governors, mayors, police officers did not receive the right to vote. Today, in the Russian Federation, elections are held on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot, and the participation of citizens in elections is free and voluntary. We elect the Head of State (President), the Head of the Region (Governor), Heads of Administrations of districts and districts and deputies to public authorities at all levels. The purpose of elections is to reveal the will of the people. To do this, we have universal, direct and secret voting - this is the formula for elections. The constitution of the Russian Federation says: “Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to elect and be elected to state authorities and local governments ...” (Article 32).

To organize elections, a whole campaign is preceded, which is called an election campaign. Today we will hold the “School Leader Election”, adhering to all the rules of the election campaign, following all the stages of its conduct. - Stage 1 - preparatory - elections are announced, polling stations of the district are formed, election commissions are created, voter lists are compiled. - Stage 2 - nomination and registration of candidates - voters, electoral associations and blocs nominate candidates. Collect signatures in his support within the time limits established by law. Candidates and their proxies are being registered. - Stage 3 - pre-election campaign - it takes place at the expense of the candidate, and partly at the expense of funds created by support groups. The campaign period ends one day before voting day. - Stage 4 - voting and summing up.

Self-government in the camp

The camp asset is created to address the issues of organization, the content of the camp, the development of positive personal qualities of children.

The composition of the asset includes the pupils of the camp, selected by the detachments for one shift, and adults.

Goals and objectives of the asset

An asset, as a form of children's self-government for the protection of rights and interests, operates in order to:

Assistance in holding recreational, cultural events and creative activities;

Creation of conditions in the camp for the development of the physical, creative and intellectual potential of children;

Assistance in creating a favorable psychological climate.

Self management - this is the mode of joint and independent activity of schoolchildren, which ensures the positive dynamics of equal, eventful relations in the children's environment, setting real opportunities for civil and personal self-determination of adolescents and young men. In the regime of self-government, the subjects jointly, freely and responsibly determine the goal, object, subject of their activity, agree on the means and methods for its implementation. Genuine student self-government is not aimed at copying the existing "pyramids of power", the creation of various powerful "bodies", but the formation of partnerships between children in the process of preparing and implementing collectively creative affairs.

Student self-government in our school is determined by the work of children's public associations "Rosinka", "Rainbow", "Unity".

Let's start with the fact that the association of junior schoolchildren "Rosinka" is the initial step in the formation of a children's team in the direct sense of the word. The association does not have a complex structure of children's self-government, as, for example, in the middle and senior levels of schoolchildren.

The children are accepted into the children's association, they receive the first assignments, and the "leader" of the class team of students is the class teacher. In the 4th grade, children are entrusted with the first public assignment (cleaning the mass grave), schoolchildren join the pioneer organization of the district, and participate in all school-wide events.

Thus, we can say that the work of the children's association "Rosinka" is a preparatory stage in the structure of the student self-government of our school.

Associations "Rainbow" and "Unity" are distinguished by the most complex and well-established system of student self-government.

Each association has its own symbols, attributes, charter. The activity is based on a variant - program approach of working with schoolchildren. Taking into account the system of this approach, programs of activities of public associations have been developed and adapted. These are the programs “Memory”, “Mercy”, “Cooperation”, “For a Healthy Lifestyle”, “Live, Earth”, “Labor Affairs”, “Study and Us”, “Beauty will Save the World”, “Our Voice”, “ Play is serious business."

Students of each class (except for elementary school) choose their representatives (i.e. the commander and his deputy) who represent their detachment in the system of student self-government of the school (Council of Children's Public Associations).

Self-government in the youth association "Unity" is based on democratic relations between schoolchildren and teachers. Democratic principles have been adopted: personal responsibility, striving for agreement, freedom of opinion, turnover of managerial positions, and equality of opportunity.

Student self-government works in conjunction with the "Support Fund", which includes teachers, school administration, district children's organizations, the settlement association "Youth of Belgorod", the village administration, etc.

The work of the Council of Associations is based on the interaction of several blocks of student self-government. These are Councils of commanders of children's associations "Rainbow", "Unity", Councils responsible for the work of program areas, for example, the Council of the program "Game is a serious matter" or the Council of the program "Own voice".

The basis of detachment self-government is the class asset and the areas responsible for the work, which are selected at the first meeting of the class team. A work plan for a quarter is determined, a cool corner is drawn up. Working groups of children responsible for organizing and holding class events are being formed.

Self-government is an indispensable feature of the collective, its function, but if there is no collective, it is useless to talk about self-government. This means that self-government is not an end, but a means of education. In self-government, the main thing is not organs, but activities aimed at improving the life of the team.

Student self-government is one of the forms of managing a children's team.

Classification of forms of management of a team of schoolchildren

Self-government in a children's detachment arises only when the detachment has some kind of common goal that is significant not only for the detachment, but also a more or less pronounced social orientation.

Thus, we can define self-government as a democratic form of organization of a group of schoolchildren, which ensures the development of their independence in the adoption and implementation in order to achieve detachment goals.

This definition consists of the following keywords:

  • development of independence;

  • adoption and implementation of management decisions;

  • squad targets.
Let's analyze each of them:

The development of independence. Gradual transfer of rights and obligations to the pioneers as the student team develops and the formation of the readiness of leaders - organizers from among the children to organize the activities of their comrades.

Let's analyze autonomy on a concrete example. Let's observe the growth or decline in the ability of leaders (ie commanders) to organize the activities of their comrades using the example of the Council of Commanders. I evaluated the individual work of each commander over two years, and the result was a diagram of the “Level of Commander Independence”

Based on the results of this diagram, we can say that the commanders of these classes can independently organize a team of children for this or that task. They are active participants in the Council of Commanders and assistants for class teachers, these children have accumulated knowledge and experience in the work of the student self-government system. Therefore, for the effective and full-fledged activity of the class and school asset, I propose to choose a class commander of the 1st class of the 3rd year.

Adoption and implementation of management decisions. The adoption and implementation of managerial decisions is a mandatory feature of developing self-government. He talks about the real involvement of schoolchildren in managing the affairs of their team.

In the work of the Council of Commanders, we use the standard managerial functions of student self-government: motivation, planning, organization, analysis, performance evaluation.

At the beginning of the academic year, the asset develops and approves the Council's work plan for the year. Based on the motivation “we are interested in this,” planning is carried out collectively - creative affairs. Goals are defined, a "call team" is formed, where the commanders gather a team of like-minded people from all associations. An asset decides, both in general terms and specifically, what needs to be done to achieve its goals. Then there is the implementation, for example, preparation for the competition - projects "Garbage - a second life!". In each class team, students develop costumes from recycled materials (plastic bottles, bags, candy wrappers, etc.). After the event, students analyze good and bad moments at the Commanders' Council. An assessment of the activities of the Council in the implementation of this particular case is given. A real team is born only in the process of working on the tasks of student self-government, overcoming the obstacles that stand at the beginning of its development, such as uncertainty, indecision. But it is the struggle with difficulties that develops trust and unites the asset team.

Squad goals. The presence of detachment goals of activity, on the one hand, fills the self-government with real content, on the other hand, it contributes to the unification of children on the basis of combining their interests.

The main indicator of change that occur in the student team in the process of self-government are development of children's independence in making and implementing decisions. It is necessary to create conditions so that every business organized in the association, any activity would awaken the activity of children. And to help class teachers, for the proper development of student self-government, I want to propose a model for the development of self-government in a children's team.

A model for the development of self-government in a children's team.

The purpose of the work of self-government bodies is determined by the common goal facing the student team. If for the management process it is desirable, but not necessary, to accept these goals, then for the development of self-government this condition is indispensable. Being public in its orientation, the work of self-government bodies depends on the attitude of each student to the purpose of the activity, the presence of motives for participating in this activity.

Stages of development of self-government in the detachment.

Stage 1(first year of membership in the association)

The goals of the activity are determined by teachers or higher self-government bodies.

Ways to achieve goals are determined on the basis of a joint decision by a team of teachers and children. There is a gradual transition to an independent search for ways to achieve the goals.
The main directions at this stage:

  • Unit team building;

  • Formation of the asset of the detachment;

  • Participation of the detachment in the affairs of the association and school-wide events
2nd stage ( second, third years of membership in the association)

The goals of the activity are determined jointly by teachers and schoolchildren. Gradually, the pioneers are given the opportunity to independently determine the goals of their activities.

Ways to achieve the goals are determined with the advisory role of the teacher.

The main areas of work at this stage:

  • Participation in the organization and holding of general events in the association.

  • Participation in the self-government of school associations

  • Independent planning of the work of the detachment .

3rd stage(third and subsequent years of membership in the association)

students independently determine the goals of the activity with the advisory assistance of the teacher.

Ways to achieve goals are also determined by them independently.

At this stage of activity, any detachment event should become independent and self-governing. An event can unfold in the following stages:

  • Announcement of a competition for the best project of a collectively creative work.

  • Creation of temporary groups for project development.

  • Putting together a "business team" ready to bring the project to life.

  • The work of the "case team" with the involvement of all interested parties.
These stages of development of student self-government (according to Grigoriev, candidate of sciences) can be used to form any children's team.

In addition, there are other methods for working with the children's team "Do it yourself" - it allows students to accurately determine the purpose of their activities. Zh., "Education of a schoolchild" No. 4 2003, p. 56.

"Find your place" - the definition of the main tendencies of human behavior in a real group. Zh., "Education of a schoolchild", 2003 No. 3, p. 48.

Thus, the development of children's self-government can be regulated through the systematic training of pioneers and giving them freedom of action.

Master Class"Determining the Leader in the Class Squad"

  1. "Brainstorming" as a dynamic form of monitoring.

  2. Questionnaire "Am I a Leader"

Self-government in the camp

By self-government in the detachment is meant co-management (joint management), in the form of participation of children in the management of the detachment under the guidance of counselors.

How to organize self-government in the detachment?

One of the obligatory tasks in the detachment is the organization of self-government bodies. This makes it possible for the counselor not to be distracted by the work that children can do and to deal with other problems of forming a children's team, and children are given independence in activities. The basis of self-government in the detachment is the CTP - the alternation of creative assignments. Collect the whole squad.

Tell the guys that for an interesting life in the detachment, you suggest that they break up into groups that will help in detachment work. Say that the groups will be interchangeable, i.e. each child will be in all groups. It is most convenient to change groups every three days.

List the groups and their functions to the guys. Let out leaflets according to the number of groups with the name of the group and the number of people who can sign up there. For the PTP to work, place the PTP lists in the Squad Corner. And for the first 5-6 days, strictly monitor the performance of functions, analyze their activities in the analysis of the day.
How to identify leaders?

A leader is a positively active person whose opinion is listened to. The leader is able to lead. In the first days of the shift, it is important to identify leaders and “orientate” the detachment to these people in order to successfully organize self-government in the detachment.

Leaders can be defined in many ways. One of them is sociometry. But in the first days of the shift, there is no time for its implementation and processing, and the group dynamics are very high, the results will always be belated. Therefore, the counselor most often uses his intuition and observation. Here are the main features that distinguish a leader in a team:

a fairly mature and balanced position in life;

· the leader's opinion does not run counter to your ideas about the structure of detachment life, and he does not oppose himself to you.

Traditionally, formal and informal leaders will be singled out. The formal leader is endowed with official powers (for example, a squad leader).

Sometimes the squad leader can play a negative function, opposing himself to the entire squad. In this case, the child should be taken to an active position or to leadership work in the detachment.

Leaders can be different and manifest themselves in different types of activities: in artistic, labor, sports, etc. Your task is to determine for yourself the leaders in each activity.

The squad leader becomes the first duty commander.

How to do squad planning?

The children are given the task to come up with the name of the cases that they would like to carry out in the detachment. You give 2-3 minutes for reflection, then everyone in a circle offers their options. You are the last to offer your options. You fix everything, then let the leaf go around in a circle, and everyone puts a mark in front of the thing he likes. You read out the results and arrange things with the children in the squad’s grid plan. When compiling, it is necessary to take into account squad affairs, domestic issues, parental day, excursions, etc. Then you form creative groups that will be responsible for preparing these cases. Children can unite according to their liking, the only limitation is the number of people in the group. Enter the lists of creative groups in the squad corner.
Features of self-government in the conditions of the camp shift

In the children's camp, an environment should be created in which each child feels his involvement in solving the problems facing the team. In this regard, the participation of children in the management of the team should play an important role. The development of self-government helps to feel the complexity of social relations, contributes to the formation of social activity, the development of leadership qualities.

Creating conditions for the development of self-government involves the inclusion of children in complex relationships that develop in a team. Through participation in solving the problems of the detachment and the camp, children must develop in themselves the qualities necessary to overcome the difficulties of social life. Their position in solving managerial problems depends on the attitude of children to the goals of joint activities.

Children's self-government is a form of organizing the life of a team of children, which ensures the development of their independence in making and implementing decisions to achieve the goals set in the detachment, on a shift.

Functions of self-government of children in the camp.

1. self-activation


3. Collective self-control. It involves constant self-analysis by self-government bodies and individual organizers of their activities and, on the basis of this, the search for new, more effective ways to solve problems.

Self-management develops only when children find themselves in a situation of choice and determine the ways of solving the created problem. It is decision making that is the main factor for the formation of the motive of group action. Summing up, detachment reflection allow children to be led to a new goal of joint activity, while at each of the following stages they become more independent in determining the goal, which is subsequently realized by the whole team.
Let's imagine a model of self-government in a children's team, where the basis is the principle of cyclicity (goal - result - analysis - goal):

The degree of participation of children in the management of various activities is not the same. Where the degree of children's interests is more pronounced, self-government develops faster.

1. To create self-government bodies, the counselor needs to captivate children with an interesting business for them, and then create a self-government body for its implementation.

2. Of great importance is the transformation of various assemblies, collections into real self-government bodies. To do this, temporary self-government bodies can be created in the detachment, which will be the organizers of a specific project. This initiative group of guys brings up the accepted ideas for discussion and brainstorms.

3. This is possible with a collective search for solutions to the tasks. However, the more responsibility for the implementation of the idea, the less responsibility the guys feel for the result of their own activities.

4. Meetings are most interesting and effective - discussions when the leader is selected from among the members of the detachment (for example, the commander on duty) - in this way, an adult shares authority with children.

5. It is inexpedient to create permanent bodies of self-government within the detachment. It is good to use the system of alternating creative assignments.

6. Provisional self-government bodies should analyze not only the activities of the participants in the case, but also their own activities.

Of particular importance for the development of self-government in a children's camp is the relationship between pedagogical management and children's self-government, which can be carried out through:

Gradual delegation of authority and responsibility to children to solve the problems of team management;

Mutual responsibility of counselors to children and children to counselors for the implementation of decisions made by the team;

Mutual exactingness of members of the leader's team and the children's team to each other;

joint work of leaders and children's groups;

informing the children about all the problems that arise in the process of preparing and implementing projects.

Conditions necessary for the inclusion of children in self-government activities:

1. Search. The development of organizational skills in children, the education in them of the feeling of the owner of the camp (start-march, reconnaissance, search troops, etc.)

2. Team activity planning. It is useful to plan different types of cases using the methodology of collective creative planning (brainstorming, a piggy bank of proposals, an auction of ideas, etc.)

3. Form of organization KTD. It is possible to create a bank of ideas, interest clubs, master classes, creative laboratories, discussion centers to collect and analyze the proposals of children on organizing creative affairs, designing the participation of each of the children in them, and determining creative tasks.

Tips for the leader on organizing self-government in the detachment:

· Answer for yourself the question: what do you want to teach the children of your detachment in the process of organizing self-government?

· What powers can you and want to transfer to the children of the detachment?

Determine what are the capabilities of children, based on their age characteristics, psychological characteristics?

Determine what management structure will exist in the detachment, what instructions should be given to children?

· Predict the cyclical alternation of creative assignments.

Turn your ideas into reality with your children.

The main affairs of the detachment are prepared according to the following scheme:

1. Collective planning of the case (proposals are made, an implementation plan is drawn up, work is organized in microgroups of 5-7 people).

2. Creative groups are identified that are responsible for one or another aspect of the implementation (design, writing a script, the work of actors, a director), while it is important that each child is involved in some kind of activity.

3. Carrying out the case.

4. Analysis of the case (oral, written, color, etc.). It is most preferable to analyze the case in the evening light in a circle where each child can express his emotions, attitude, assessment of his own and other people's activities. The task of the counselor is to make this conversation open and productive, remove the feeling of dissatisfaction, help the children find positive moments for each child and for the squad as a whole, reward those who have distinguished themselves and create an atmosphere of “we”.

Development of self-government in the detachment and camp

We build our own life...

In the children's camp, in the detachment, an environment should be created in which each child feels ownership in solving the problems facing the team. In this regard, the participation of children in the management of their team should play an important role. The development of self-government helps to feel the complexity of social relations, contributes to the formation of social activity, the development of leadership.

Creating conditions for the development of self-government involves the inclusion of children in complex relationships that develop in a team. Through their participation in solving the problems of the detachment, the camp, children develop in themselves the qualities necessary to overcome the difficulties of social life. Their position in solving managerial problems depends on the attitude of children to the goals of joint activities.

Children's self-government is a form of organizing the life of a group of children, which ensures the development of their independence in making and implementing decisions to achieve the goals of the life of a detachment, camp.

Self-management in the detachment is the cornerstone from which the work of the detachment leader and senior leader begins. It ensures the transformation of the collective into an expediently arranged organism, which has the appropriate organs and is capable of acting. In addition, each of the organs performs certain specific functions.

A necessary condition for the reality of self-government is the participation in it of as many children as possible, ideally - all. If there are fewer and fewer people involved in the exercise of power, there is no reason to talk about self-government.

Self-management is one of the means of solving two dialectically interconnected tasks facing the counselor: the comprehensive development of the individual abilities of each child and the education of a social orientation. It is it that realizes the right of everyone to participate in any business, provides an opportunity to manifest themselves in various social roles, which allows you to experience success, recognition or a small one in at least one of the areas of activity.

On the other hand, any assignment has the ability that it has the character of an obligation that a person voluntarily assumes. And this increases the demands on oneself. Especially in conditions of indispensable change of roles and positions.

Children's self-government is based on three interconnected concepts: "activity", "amateur activity" and "self-organization".

The degree of participation of children in the management of various activities is not the same. Where the sphere of children's interests is more pronounced, self-government develops faster. You can manage yourself only in your own activities, close, understandable and interesting, accepted by the soul and heart. If in the life of children there is no their sovereign activity, which is interesting to them, there can be no self-government. "Amateur" - literally the thing itself. That is why it is necessary to find its organizers for each direction and cause, to clarify the real, and not imaginary, expedient rights and obligations.

Self-organization of the team, the council of the detachment directly depends on their rights in making and implementing decisions, exercising power. The more legal rights the guys have, the stronger their organization will be.

Functions of children's self-management .

1. self-activation . It involves the involvement of as many members of the team as possible in solving management problems.

2. Organizational self-regulation . It assumes a stable influence of the detachment's asset on the team, the ability of the team to independently change its structure.

3. Collective self-control . It involves constant self-analysis by self-government bodies and individual organizers of their activities and, on the basis of this, the search for new, more effective ways to solve problems.

It should be remembered that self-government cannot be absolute, it is always combined with external management in relation to a given detachment. Therefore, it is important to adequately balance the functions and content of management and self-government. The relationship between pedagogical management and children's self-government is of particular importance for the development of self-government in a children's team. This relationship can be done through:

§ Gradual delegation of authority and responsibility to children to solve the problems of team management;

§ mutual responsibility of counselors to children and children to counselors for the implementation of decisions made by the team;

§ mutual exactingness of members of the leader's team and the children's team to each other;

§ joint work of leaders and children's teams;

§ informing the children about all the problems that arise and stand in the process of preparation, implementation of activities.

An important point in the organization of self-government in the detachment and camp is the understanding of its structures . There can be no single, unified structure, a strictly defined list of instructions. Camps differ in territorial conditions, in the number of detachments, in established traditions, experience, in selected types of activities, topics and programs of work, etc. In addition, it is not advisable to copy it from any samples, since there cannot be two identical teams, there cannot be an ideal structure either: what is good for one team does not work in the conditions of another. This means that the structure is always specific and the right to decide what it will be remains with the team. At the same time, it is necessary to think in advance what bodies it would be expedient to create in order to cover the organization of all aspects of life in the detachment, camp, what to call them (soviets, headquarters, clubs, etc.), what tasks to entrust to them.

Self-government in the camp can be made up of the activities of temporary and permanent bodies. Temporary self-government bodies include: the activities of the duty detachment, the work of creative and initiative groups, the work of business councils. Permanent self-government bodies include: the detachment council, the council of detachment commanders, the activities of clubs, headquarters. The highest self-government body is the assembly of the camp, during which the main issues of the life of the camp are resolved, work is planned, elections of self-government bodies are held, and their work is evaluated.

Candidates for members of the council of the squad elected at the organizational gathering of the squads are approved at the gathering of the squad. Members of the council of the squad, representatives of each squad constitute the governing body of the squad. The governing body may be a squad council, consisting of representatives of the squad councils.

The council of the squad plans the work of the squad for a shift, carries out operational planning for a 10-day, week, day; organizes the implementation of the plan; supervises the activities of the squad; distributes assignments for the implementation of the planned cases; provides control over the course of preparation and implementation of the planned cases, over the implementation of the decisions made, work plans of the detachments; discusses issues of the current life of the camp; directs the activities of the camp councils, which include representatives from each detachment (if there are beauty and health councils, physical organizers, business executives, informants, entertainers, friends of nature, friends of kids, circle members, etc. in the camp).

When forming the structure of detachment self-government, it may be effective to use the method of alternating creative assignments (CHTP). The idea of ​​this system is that traditional assignments (publishing a newspaper, preparing an evening, organizing sports competitions, etc.) are carried out not by permanent performers, but by different people. The alternation of creative assignments can be carried out in groups, each of which, in turn, within a certain period, organizes and carries out one of the types of care for the team and the surrounding life. It is necessary to determine a unified approach: what will be the composition of the detachment, what permanent assignments should be with the detachment, it depends on which groups need to be created (surprise, sports, entertainers, etc.), how and with what frequency the change of self-government bodies will take place. The guys themselves must decide: who will lead them, what self-government bodies will operate.

For example: in the council (asset) of the detachment, in addition to the chairman (president), his deputy, there should be a person responsible for sports affairs, for labor affairs, for art affairs, for surprises and congratulations on birthdays, an editor. Responsible recruits a team (council), in which specific cases are distributed, and a program of activities is developed. Then the instructions change, which allows the children to get acquainted with various activities, acquire practical skills, and contribute to the cohesion of the group and the team as a whole. Each child in the detachment should have an assignment for which he is responsible to the team. The highest body of self-government in the detachment is the assembly of the detachment.

The main thing that should not be forgotten when introducing the PTP system in the team is summing up the results of the work of the groups when changing the PTP, discussing what happened, what didn’t, which group worked how, making wishes for the future.

The task of the counselor is to prepare the asset for the fulfillment of the duties assigned to them, to teach the children to organize their work, i.e. plan, distribute, control the implementation, independently bring the matter to the end, achieve the set goals. The counselor must help the asset (detachment council) to form a clear and businesslike style of its activity, including formalizing the decisions of the detachment council meetings, which must be clear and specific. It is necessary to help the children choose one or another task.

In many camps, it has already become customary at the first teachers' council to talk about the organization of effective self-government, as an important task, about its structure, about involving children as organizers in resolving all issues. But it is not enough to work out the structure of detachment and camp self-government, to determine the list of assignments, and even to choose a council of business and distribute assignments.

Work on the formation of self-government in the detachment .

The participation of children in self-government, in organizational work is always a difficult matter and requires training. It is useless to hold elections (or simply appoint) activist leaders in the detachment, and then simply wait for some action from them. It is not surprising that almost always children who find themselves in a similar situation do not justify the hopes of counselors. And the point is not that the wrong guys were chosen, but that any serious and useful work of children in self-government is possible only if and where there is special training and education on the part of teachers-counselors. Therefore, counselors who begin work with children selected to be part of a detachment or camp should clearly understand what the chosen activists will have to do; what knowledge and skills should be equipped with them.

One of the main tasks of the leader in working with the children's team is to educate a workable asset that would become the core of uniting the team of the detachment, the organizer and initiator of all affairs. To teach, explain, help every minute (especially at the time of the formation of a self-government system) - this requires patience, perseverance, and much, much more. And, having not taught the guys to really work (plan, analyze, organize their life in the detachment), the counselors ask from them, demand and resent the reluctance and passivity, which are caused, first of all, by the lack of appropriate skills and abilities.

One of the most important rules of the pedagogical leadership of self-government is formulated briefly and clearly - to teach everything.

In addition to knowledge and skills in their area of ​​work, each member of the asset must practically apply knowledge in organizational work:

§ be able to plan work,

§ correctly distribute responsibilities among the participants in the case,

§ do not be afraid to demand and control the implementation of a particular task.

Here, in tasks of the teacher-leader includes the formation of a sense of personal responsibility among pupils, a healthy competitive attitude to business in the interests of the entire detachment. When teaching his pupils, the teacher-counselor must always control himself. Sometimes it happens that the teacher replaces the children in their organizational work. After all, independence in children does not appear just like that. It is the result of special exercises organized by teachers-counselors. Properly structured pedagogical work presupposes a constant complication of exercises in independent and proactive solution of questions of the detachment's life. Naturally, in the first days one has to instruct the children in detail and accurately, to control every step of their creative and practical activity, to prompt them with the correct and optimal solutions. Later, tasks pass into a state where only the goal, the main direction of the task, is formulated.
Conditionally self-government can be divided into three stages , whose time is also rather arbitrary.

The first stage involves tasks for working out individual components of completed actions of children . During this period of time in the detachment and camp, children do everything according to the instructions of the leaders and under their strict supervision: getting up in the morning, exercising, cleaning beds and wards, watching the camp and the dining room, leaving the camp, etc. This is the most difficult and most important stage in the work of the leader in the formation of self-government. Let's pay more attention to it.

1. Before completing each requirement or task, there is a detailed briefing, accompanied, wherever possible, by a practical demonstration of actions (a prime example: making a bed). In younger detachments, it is especially important for counselors to draw the attention of the kids to the sequence of actions that make up the performance of one or another method of work, and to analyze each action separately.

2. The counselor controls and comments on the practical implementation. The form of organization of practical implementation can be varied and depend on the age of the children.

In any team there are always achievements, successes, as well as failures and failures. The task of counselor teachers is to help the children see the connection between the work done and its best results. Therefore, at the beginning of the formation of the team, the role of incentives is so great. Rewarding the participants, declarations of gratitude on behalf of the entire detachment should be accompanied by the efforts of the children. But at the same time, the main reward should always be the success that the guys themselves have achieved.

Any correctly stated requirement of the teacher-counselor must be fulfilled, must be brought to the end. This rule is important, since it is connected with the formation of the authority of a comrade, a teacher-leader.

It should be remembered that perseverance in bringing the requirements to the end, of course, is needed only where the very requirement of the teacher-leader is correct and fair. Admitting one's mistake and canceling an incorrectly given direction will strengthen authority more than insisting on the absolute correctness of one's decisions for the sake of false prestige. The requirements must be the same. And this is a very important rule that has developed in the experience of teaching staff. Any discrepancy in requirements greatly slows down the process of developing the necessary skills and habits in children, especially in the conditions of a children's health camp.

Each requirement must be enforced consistently and systematically. Everything that the teachers-counselors demanded today, they must demand tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and so on until the pupils have developed strong skills and the ability to independently perform these tasks. After all, it should be borne in mind that the requirement may change, develop.
The second stage involves independent performance of individual completed tasks by children previously performed with the help of teachers . Now the counselors, without interfering in the course of work, only control the process itself, commenting on its implementation (for example, cleaning the territory by duty wards, building at a certain time for exercises or for a ruler, designing replaceable children's sections of the corner, etc.). The completed stage can be considered when the point of view of the teacher-leader gradually begins to be supported first by several people, then by the wards and, finally, by the majority of the guys in the detachment. Almost the entire detachment consciously wants to live the life that was formed by the teachers-counselors.
The third stage involves inclusion of practiced actions in the system of activities in the detachment and in the camp . Now the tasks are that it is not the execution of a particular technique that is entrusted, but a section of work and in general, where you need to make certain decisions on your own. So teachers-counselors form in the conditions of creative activity the ability to choose the right means and techniques to solve emerging problems.

If the detachments in the camp have reached the third stage of self-government, then the holiday “Government Day” can really turn out.

Twenty questions about self-government

Twenty questions about children's self-government in Orlyonok. "Questions?!" - you say. Namely questions, because the topic of children's self-government causes the greatest number of questions from counselors, because this topic is the foundation of the foundations of the Orlyonok pedagogical system and the cornerstone that both beginners and experienced teachers stumble over. The answers to the questions most often asked by counselors are presented here both in theoretical discussions and in practical developments and recommendations. This is the experience of many counselors: both those who worked at Orlyonok a few years ago, and those who are now mastering the science of self-government with modern children.

Question one: There are many definitions of the concept of "self-government". Which of them is the most acceptable for a detachment leader?

Under children's self-government, some teachers understand self-service, others - the usual manifestation of initiative and initiative, not related to the adoption and implementation of managerial decisions, others limit self-government to a time frame - most often one day.

very well defined three main types of children's self-government.

The first can be called imitation (game). It is characterized by the creation of a children's community in imitation of the state system: with republics, parliaments, prosecutors, police, etc. A distinctive feature of this type of self-government is the predominance of form over content. But this does not mean that it should be evaluated only with a minus sign.

The second type of self-government is pseudo-business, or bureaucratic. This type of self-government models the bureaucracy in the children's environment. Under the guise of training leaders, organizers, expanding the children's activists, numerous councils, staffs, and commissions are being created, elected for a long time, but not engaged in real activity. This type of self-government is formalistic in nature, consisting in a carefully concealed game of superiors.

The third type of self-government is democratic, creative. This type of self-government, with its competent implementation, reproduces the democratic principles of relations and self-organization, and not just forms.

Self-government is called children's amateur performance, which is aimed at leadership, development, adoption and implementation of decisions on which something depends. This is a kind of "amateur in the implementation of leadership."

The two most important functions of children's self-government are determined:

Ensuring the normal work of the team, the optimal solution of everyday tasks, taking into account the interests of children;

preparation for the future fulfillment of duties of participation in the management of state and public affairs, i.е. the acquisition by each teenager of knowledge, skills and abilities of managerial activity.

Question two: What self-government bodies can be in the detachment? What are their functions?

One of the main tasks of the teacher is to help the teenager in his development as independent person. Teenagers, saying after the shift that they “have become more independent,” most often mean that they were able to live away from their parents for some time and at the same time make their own decisions in all life situations.

Children with different levels of independence can be in the children's group: very active, experienced (participating in the work of activist camps, in school self-government, members of children's associations, etc.), having experience in amateur performance, and having no idea about amateur performance, independence and self-government .

The detachment leader has a lot of ways to teach teenagers independence and self-government. One way is to organize various forms of self-government bodies in squad:

duty commander, when each child acts as a commander for one day (or several children - generally recognized or optional - lead the detachment, changing after 3-4 days);

permanent commander;

alternation of traditional assignments;

· creative groups associated with the preparation of specific cases;

game models, etc.

Each form in its own way forms children's independence. The choice of form depends on the level of preparedness of the visiting guys. Each form contributes to the development of a certain level of independence (see table).

the form actions of the teacher children's actions pedagogical result
permanent commander learning the day planning algorithm; provision of information space; joint planning; consultations. when planning the day, the interests of all members of the association are taken into account; learn to plan the day; have information on the day, cases; organize regime moments satisfaction of children's interests; realization of children's experience, their active position; acquisition of self-management experience; independence;
duty commander learning the day planning algorithm; joint planning of the day; consultations possession of information on the day; learn to plan the day; organization of regime moments immersion in an active learning space; gaining experience of self-management, responsibility for a temporary team; realization of experience; self-control; communication skills; increased self-esteem; acquisition of new organizational experience
game models creation of a game situation, its support; creation of appropriate game control structures participation in the game immersion in an active learning space; realization of the child's experience; taking into account the interests, available opportunities of the child; active position of the child; gaining experience in self-organization, responsibility for the team
creative groups collective planning training; training in various options for organizing and conducting cases; consultations planning your activities; ability to organize preparatory work immersion in an active learning space through creative work; gaining experience in organizational activities; analytical skills; self-control; realization of creative possibilities.

In order for self-government in the detachment to be effective and the leader to be able to solve the problem of practical training of children in self-organization and amateur performance, it is necessary:

· Provide children with full information about the shift, its program, teach them to choose cases and activities.

· To teach the children to plan and organize the day on their own, to prepare and conduct business.

· Increase the child's competence in managing their peers, help them master the skills to lead a discussion, plan work, distribute assignments, analyze their activities, negotiate, reconciling their personal interests with the interests of other group members, act constructively and avoid conflicts.

Question three: How and at what time are self-government bodies in the detachment chosen?

In Orlyonok, to select detachment self-government bodies and to transfer certain powers to adolescents, organizational gathering of the detachment.

The organizational fee is a key matter of the organizational period, solving a whole range of tasks:

1. Fixing the norms and rules of life in the detachment.

2. Determining the prospects for living together.

3. Elections of self-government bodies.

All the guys in the detachment should actively participate in the preparation and conduct of the gathering.

The organization of self-government is a rather complicated educational process. Especially if children of all ages are covered. Models of children's self-government exist in many educational institutions, in additional education they are most often present in teenage clubs and summer camps. Our camp Kolos was no exception.

Self-management in the camp involves the independence of children in organizing themselves, the activities that take place on the shift, as well as self-control of the results of this activity. The development of self-government helps pupils to feel the complexity of social relations, to form their social position, to determine their own capabilities in the development of leadership functions.



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Slides captions:

Prepared by the teacher-organizer of MBOU "OSOSH No. 2" JV "UDYUTS" Shulyatikova V.N. 1 qualification category Features of children's self-government in the summer health camp "Kolos"

Purpose: creation of conditions for the development of children's independence in making and implementing decisions to achieve socially significant goals. Tasks: Opportunity for self-expression for every child; Development of leadership qualities of children; Participation in a variety of social life experiences through participation in activities.

The relationship of pedagogical management and children's self-government Gradual delegation of authority and responsibility to children to solve the problems of managing a team; Mutual responsibility of counselors to children and children to counselors for the implementation of decisions made by the team; Mutual exactingness of members of the leader's team and the children's team to each other; Joint work of leaders and children's teams; Informing the children about the problems that arise in the process of preparing and conducting events.

Shift Self-Government System Shift Council Shift Services (2 people per detachment) Shift Commissar (blue tie) Detachment Commissar (orange tie) Duty Detachment Commander - DKO (red tie) Business Council Detachment

Services at the power line camp - love these songs. COMFORT - comfort and cleanliness of the territory. GREEN - information group. LOAD - health group

Change Laws Raised Hand Territory Without Smoke and Fire Songs of Purity Good Attitude Tie Activity Law O: O Law of Laws

Workshops and sections in the camp

Self-Government Day Exercise "In a healthy body - a healthy mind." Line - "Everything is the other way around." Review of detachment corners "Health is the head of everything." Rally "For a healthy lifestyle." Costumed football. Master classes from “Children to Children”: “Wish Map”, work with a microphone, “collage is my profession”. Disco. Evening light.

Evening light

Rules for keeping a light and candles. Voices are muffled. Only the person who has a symbolic object in his hands - a talisman - has the right to vote. Quiet lyrical songs are performed. The entire squad is present. You can not forbid or force to speak. After the light, everyone speaks in an undertone. Frankness and adherence to principles are the norm of conversation.

Traditions and rituals of fire and candles Tradition of the circle Tradition of being kind to each other Ritual of lighting a candle Tradition of the host Tradition of being kind to the song Tradition of legends Tradition of surprises Choosing a “person of the day”

Types of lights: Light - acquaintance Light - frank conversation Thematic light Light of farewell Light - surprise

Types of candles: Acquaintance candles "Acquaintance card, Memorial day" Revelation candles "Talk to a toy, Letter to a friend" Analysis candles "Chain, Squad for me" Adaptation candles "Tell me about yourself, Tell me about me"

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