Scenarios for Valentine's Day modern. Scenes for Valentine's Day are funny and cool. Scenario for Valentine's Day in a large team

Good evening!

You, of course, understood that today we dedicate our program to the eternal theme - love.
We have some great reasons to talk about love.

First, your youth.
Second, Valentine's Day. Probably, some of you may ask a reasonable question: "What does Valentine have to do with it, and even more so a saint?"

And our answer will be extremely simple: the fact is that for a very long time the whole of Europe, and after it America, is celebrating today, February 14, Valentine's Day, or St. Valentine's Day.
The history of the origin of the holiday is lost somewhere in the mists of time, but now it is associated with one romantic legend.

A certain Valentine was unjustly convicted and imprisoned. According to the verdict of the court, he was to be executed on February 14.
But the daughter of the head of the prison fell in love with him, an exceptionally kind and gentle creature, who, unfortunately, was blind.

This love did a miracle - the girl began to see clearly. Later, Valentine was canonized, that is, elevated to the rank of saints.
Then Stendhal wrote the novel "Parma Monastery" about this.

Or maybe it was not so, but today it does not matter.
It is important that all lovers received their holiday and an extra reason for ardent confessions, tender hugs and gifts.

So we congratulate everyone who is in love. Love each other. Please each other.
Think about each other. And we begin our competition program with acquaintance with the Valentines who are in this hall.
We invite Valentinov and Valentin to the stage.

Music. Valentinas, men and women, take the stage. Before the start of the celebration, you can organize a playful "registration" with the presentation of commemorative certificates.

Dear Valentines! To begin with, we have a little question for you: "Do any of you know what the name Valentine means?"
Answers: Valentine means "healthy" in Latin.

Let's remember the famous men who wore or are wearing this glorious name.

Each of the Valentines says a name. If he does not name, then the word is given to the next.

Dear Valentines! We have a nice message for you - today you will receive traditional holiday messages. They are called: Valentines. And besides that, small gifts.
Here it is, the beginning of the tradition for lovers - valentines. Try today to write such a "valentine" to your girlfriend or friend. And your chances of a reciprocal feeling increase many times over.
Don't believe? Try it yourself.

If possible, you can distribute the texts of valentines, in which you then only need to enter the name. Valentinov is thanked and escorted into the hall to lyrical music.
After all, we decided to talk about love.

But on such a day, one conversation about love is not enough. We need a tournament. Tournament in honor of beautiful love. And if the tournament, then we need knights.
Now we will find them!

Too bad you have to look. But there was a time when there were no men in the world ... but there were solid knights. They spent their time in tournaments and battles, and devoted their leisure time to serving the Beautiful Ladies.
And the ladies loved the knights, because they were often and for a long time not at home ...

...Because feats were often performed on the side. On someone else's. And again, in the name of the Beautiful Ladies.
"In the name of the Beautiful Ladies!" - this is the name of the first part of our tournament. So, welcome the brave youths, the knights of our day, who are ready to take this stage.

The presenter introduces the participants and conducts further competitions with young men.

Knights! Women are known to love with their ears. This truth does not require proof, but requires affectionate words. Remember what you could say to your girlfriend, what compliment would you give.

Participants take turns giving compliments. If one of the participants is in difficulty, the presenters turn to the next, and so on until the winner is identified. After the end of the competition, the word is presented to the jury. Summing up. The winners are awarded small heart-tokens made of red thick paper.

A loving heart can understand and forgive a lot. The ability to understand another is a rare quality of character, not everyone is given this. But since it is simply necessary for loving couples, now we will work out a little in it.

Imagine this situation: on the other side of the road, along which cars are constantly moving, you saw your good friend. You would love to invite her. Where - it will be clear later. And since she cannot hear your words, you will have to use facial expressions and gestures. Our second competition is called: "Understand me without words." Before starting it, I ask the participants to go down to the hall and find a helper.

Participants descend into the hall and choose their assistants. Together they rise to the stage. The girls stand on one side, the knights on the other and receive the task. Approximate tasks: invite to a ballet, to hunt, to a ski trip, to a circus, to a disco, to watch an action movie. Participants take turns doing the task. Assistants guess. Then the task of each is read aloud. Summing up. Heart tokens are awarded.

Dear knights! It so happened that the fair sex appreciates in men, first of all, the mind. And now you have to demonstrate your intuition and intelligence. I will read a short passage from the book, and you have to guess which hero we are talking about.

For each participant, an excerpt from a literary work is read out.

Dear knights, go to our impromptu dressing room and, please, choose the elements of the costume that, in your opinion, correspond to the hero you guessed.

Participants come to a table with props and choose the necessary elements.

And now - the last task. Having put on what you have chosen, congratulate all the Beautiful Ladies present here on behalf of your hero on today's holiday.

Congratulation. Summing up. Heart tokens are awarded. The three participants with the most points (tokens) advance to the final. The rest are awarded incentive prizes. All participants descend into the hall. There is a musical pause.

The first part of the tournament in honor of beautiful love is over. We have knights. Now we hasten to introduce our ladies.

Presentation of the participants.

Dear ladies! Of course, you remember that in the good old days every lady had her own knight. And until now, their names are on everyone's lips. Now I name some famous lady, and you are the name of the man who is associated with her. Together they make the world famous love couples. First we will practice with the audience. Juliet - (Romeo), Desdemona - (Othello). Now try it yourself.

There is one name for each participant. Constance Bonacieux - (d "Artagnan), Josephine - (Napoleon), Ophelia - (Hamlet), Assol - (Arthur Grey), Dulcinea - (Don Quixote), Angelica - (Geoffrey de Peyrac), Mercedes - (Count of Monte Cristo) The results are summed up and heart tokens are awarded.

What a beautiful lady without an idol! Of course, it is difficult to find such a hero in which all the desired qualities would be combined, but you can try. And we will limit the search circle today to famous film actors. We ask each participant to name their favorite actor. (They name the actors.) Focus and list as many films as possible in which he starred.

The girls take turns completing the task, the presenter counts the number of films named by the participants. The results are summed up, heart-tokens are awarded.

Let's talk about the virtues of today's young people. I so want to have a reliable, attentive, business companion nearby. It is very difficult to make a choice, but you, our dear ladies, still have to. For these are the conditions of our next competition. So, dear participants, we ask you to go down to the hall and among the audience choose the most real, at first glance, a man.

The girls go down to the hall and look for guys to help them. Rise with them on stage.

A real man understands everything: fashion, films, weather and, of course, household chores. Now they will demonstrate their skills and give the ladies extra points. The task is simple: blindfolded to determine the type of cereal.

Each couple names the type of cereal: the girl brings it, and the young man determines what kind of cereal he got.

Now let's talk about the sore. Our second task for young people: to determine today's exact price for the things that we will show you.

The item is taken out. Each participant says his own version of the price, and then the host calls the exact price.

Ladies love it when their companions are attentive to them. They are pleased when they notice the beauty of their hairstyles, dresses ... Young people have been looking at our participants for quite a long time. It is interesting what they saw, what they managed to notice. We ask each couple to stand with their backs to each other. We will now ask each young man three questions about the clothes, shoes and other details of the toilet of the subject of your attention. The goal is to answer as accurately as possible. The success of the participant you help depends on this.

Questions are being asked. The results of all three competitions are summed up, heart tokens are awarded. Young people descend into the hall. The three girls with the most points advance to the final. The rest are awarded incentive prizes. 1-2 songs performed by VIA or another musical number.

Solemn moment: the final of the tournament in honor of beautiful love.
Three ladies and three young men who have won the previous tests, we ask you to come up to the stage.

Our final competitions are not for singles, but, as you already understood, for couples.
In order for us to form such couples, we will not torment you with questions, as in the TV show "Love at First Sight".

Let, as in life, everything will be decided by chance.
We give young people cards with the names of famous people, of course, men.

And our ladies, of course, cards with the names of their favorite women.
Thus, we will get pairs.

Couples are formed conditionally: Pushkin - Goncharova, Vysotsky - Vladi, John Lennon - Yoko Ono. These surnames are written on cards that are used only for pairing.

Now it's easier for you. Now you two. And for starters, the knights will give flowers to the ladies. Go to our flower girl Anyuta and take the bouquets.
Imagine that you made an appointment at this place. Your girl is coming. Give her a bouquet.

Participants take turns handing bouquets.

There is a pleasant surprise in our tournament: we invite you to a restaurant. Restaurant please?

They bring out three tables covered with tablecloths, two chairs for each table. Each has a vase for flowers.

Please pass. Tables have already been booked for you in our restaurant. Get the ladies seated.
Menus on your tables. True, it is not the names of dishes and drinks that are written there, but the beginning of proverbs about love. The lady reads this beginning, and the gentleman, without hesitation, says the end.

Girls read cards, boys complete proverbs.

Spring and poetry are inseparable. In spring, each of us is a bit of a poet.
You have heart cards on the tables, on which the beginning of the quatrain is written, which you have to continue.

Each card has the same beginning: "On Valentine's Day I see a strange picture ...".

We give you a minute to think.
While our couples are creating, we ask all viewers to look at the back of their seat. Three spectators have "Happy Place" written on it.
We ask the winners of the lucky seats to come up to the stage to receive their prizes.

Prizes are awarded.

So, let's listen to what lines our couples inspired today's holiday.

Each couple reads their poem: the girl reads the beginning, and the young man continues. Summing up.

What's a restaurant without dancing! Now the music will play and you will dance a little. Cavaliers invite ladies!
Meanwhile, the audience and, of course, the jury are watching and deciding which couple they liked more than the others.

In turn, for each couple, a fast dance sounds, then a Russian one and then a slow one, each passage for a minute.

That's all. The program of our competitions has been exhausted, it remains only to sum up the results.
To summarize, we ask our couples to go to the forefront. Jury word.

Summarizing. First, prizes are awarded for 3rd and 2nd places, and then the main prize.

Our tournament in honor of beautiful love has come to an end. Thanks to everyone who was with us these two hours.
Happy Holidays, Happy Valentine's Day!

Additional material

Materials for the competition "Literary Heroes"
"I'm not going to tell you who I suspect and what guesses I'm building. I need facts set out in the most detailed way, and I'll compare them myself." (Sherlock Holmes).

How languidly he was silent,
How eloquently eloquent
In heartfelt letters, how careless.
One breathing, one loving,
How could he forget himself!
(Eugene Onegin).

"You should not be surprised either by my horse, or my spear, or shield, or squire, or my armor, or the pallor of my face, or unusual thinness, for now you know who I am and what my occupation is."
(Don Quixote).

"The young man entered the city in a green waist suit. His mighty neck was wrapped several times with an old woolen scarf, his legs were in lacquered boots with an orange-colored suede top. There were no socks under the boots."
(Ostap Bender).

"A young Gascon, in a beret adorned with a likeness of a feather, an open and intelligent look, a hooked nose, but finely defined, too tall for a young man."
(D "Artagnan).

"It turned out that the back of my horse was cut off cleanly, and the water he drank poured out from behind without lingering in his stomach. I was stunned, what a strange thing."
(Baron Munchausen).

"Valentine's Day - Script for Valentine's Day.


Dear friends! How do you think, are there ordinary miracles in the world? After all, if a miracle

So it's extraordinary. If ordinary

Therefore, it is not a miracle at all. But we are talking about love. Boys and girls fall in love with each other, and this is common. They quarrel, which is also not uncommon. You can talk about love, and tell fairy tales, and sing songs.

Love isn't everything: not bread and not water,

Not a roof in the downpour, not naked clothes,

Not a trunk floating towards the drowning when

Already exhausted strength and hope.

Love does not replace air

When there is not enough breath in the lungs.

Does not splice the bone, does not purify the blood,

But without love, sometimes they die ...

And if the strength of the feelings of a young man and a girl reaches a high intensity, then it begins to work miracles, which is both surprising and unusual! Science gives the following explanation of love: it is an intimate deep feeling, aspiration for another person. In ancient mythology and poetry

Cosmic force, like the force of gravity, always has a beneficial effect on the beloved. Everyone experiences this wonderful feeling at least once in their life.


Tell me, who did love make you in life? The answer must be "A".

How do they live in love? The answer must be "R".

What has love created? The answer must be "D".

How do they flatter in love? The answer must be "O".

What gives love? The answer must be "B".

Everyone who answers the questions gets souvenirs.


Well, now you can take up the general work. There is an ancient legend that the apple caused the love of the first man and woman. The Lord, terribly angry, tore the apple into small pieces and scattered it on the ground. And now lovers go and look for those pieces that are most suitable for each other.

Several couples are invited to the stage, each of which must collect their apple in 1 minute. Then the same couples are given a piece of paper with a heart outline in the middle. It is necessary to draw a picture, including a heart in it, and come up with a funny caption for it.


The "postman" collects "valentines" and delivers them to the recipients, and they must guess who they received the card from. A tree of hearts appears on the stage (an artificial Christmas tree, a home-made tree made of wire and paper, or half-blown, pre-assembled tree branches). Each couple takes turns tearing off a heart card from him, which says: Alyonushka - Ivanushka, Kid and Carlson, Winnie the Pooh and Piglet, etc. The couple depicts these heroes, the audience must guess who they are talking about.


Name 2 male and 2 female names that are translated from ancient languages ​​as the names of flowers. The first pair calls male names, the second


Rose (lat.)

Viola (lat.)

Oia (Greek)

Flor (lat.)

Laurel (lat.)

laurel tree

Stepan (Greek)



Remember Cinderella's first ball. There, at the ball, she first met the prince, and they fell in love. But at the same ball there was another little noticeable case. When the king cheerfully danced the mazurka with Cinderella, his button suddenly came off. A trifle for a common man, but not for a king. There would be a scandal if it were not for the skillful hands of Cinderella. We are sure that if any of our girls were in the place of Cinderella, she would do the same. I think that there are no white-handed women among the contestants, and they will prove it to us now. Among the many different buttons in the box, you must choose the one that, in your opinion, is suitable for the royal camisole, and quickly sew it to the fabric. 3 minutes are given.

Assistants present the work to the court of the hall. The phonogram "Habanera" from Bizet's opera "Carmen" sounds.


What is the name of this work? Who is its author? ("Carmen", Bizet).

Who wrote the novel "Carmen"? (P. Merime).

Who first performed the main part in the ballet "Carmen Suite"? (Maya Plisetskaya).

Who wrote the music for the ballet? (Rodion Shchedrin).

Couples on stage are offered excerpts from the works of Russian and foreign classics. According to the description of the characters, as well as the dialogue between the lovers, you need to guess the time of writing the novel, the author, and the title.

W. Shakespeare. "Romeo and Juliet".

I. S. Turgenev. "The day before".

L. N. Tolstoy. "War and Peace".

Stendhal. "Red and black".

V. P. Astafiev. "Starfall".

V.V. Vishnevsky. "An Optimistic Tragedy".


What celestial body has two names: one masculine, the other

Feminine? (Moon


A modern woman has a thousand and one duties. She needs to be both the guardian of the family hearth and the decoration of her whole life, and constantly hold the reins of government in her gentle feminine hands so that a man in a moment of weakness does not stumble and turn off the true path. On Valentine's Day, do not skimp on heartfelt words for your loved ones. Here is how one young man expressed his feelings in verse:

beloved girl,

Which is better not

On Valentine's Day

Ready to wish:

Health, happiness,

many victories,

The warmth of friends

Yes, just gentle words!


1. What does the name Valentine mean? (Lat.

strong, healthy).

2. "You can fall in love many times, but love only once ...". This is from Kalman's operetta Silva. What do you think?

3. "I remember a wonderful moment." Did you have such a moment? What should a girl be like to evoke such feelings?

4. "Love will come unexpectedly ...". Or do you think that you still need to prepare for such an event?

5. One of the musical heroes claims that "the heart of a beautiful woman is prone to treason." Do you join this or do you have your own point of view?

6. "Love is never without sadness ...". How do you feel about this statement?



Couples on the stage are located at different ends of it. In front of them is a labyrinth of chairs, ladders, tubs of flowers, and various objects. Each girl blindfolds a young man and guides him through the labyrinth. The first pair to overcome it without moving the objects wins.

"Arrows of Cupid"

Young men are given a bow and arrow, the most ancient instrument of the god of love, guarding the interests of love. They shoot at paper targets with comic portraits of girls or at daisies with their names. Where they get, with that fate and in life to be.

"Valentine and Valentine"

Question to both couples on stage (winners of two games):

Name famous people named Valentine or Valentina.

Gaft (artist), Kataev (writer), Levashov (composer), Nikulin (artist), Pikul (writer), Serov (artist), Tereshkova (cosmonaut), Yudashkin (fashion designer), Vladimirova (actress), Grizodubova (pilot) ), Legkostupova (pop singer), Leontyeva (television announcer), Malyavin, Serov, Talyzina, Titova, Telichkina (actresses), Ponomarev (singer), Tolkunova (singer), Matvienko (politician).

The winner is the one who last names the name.

"Find a Pair"

4-5 couples are invited to the stage. Each is given a card with one name of famous literary and musical characters written on it. It is necessary to find your partner as soon as possible, go to the microphone and name the names of the duet.

Margarita, Eugene

Tatiana, Tristan

Isolde, Cavalier de Grieux

Manon Lescaut, Ivanhoe

Lady Roventa, Maurice Gerald

Louise Poindexter (M. Reid "The Headless Horseman"), Don Quixote

Dulcinea, Kai

Gerda, Anthony

Cleopatra, Ruslan

Lyudmila, Pechorin

Bela, Chatsky


Friends, our evening has come to an end. Valentine's Day

One of those holidays without which life would be poorer. So let this holiday bring sincere and bright feelings, kindness, understanding and love to relatives, friends and relatives in our hearts, in our families. Be happy!

Methodological aids, documents, presentations. Cool hours and scenarios. Lesson planning. Scenarios. Everything for a young teacher, teacher and class teacher. Scenarios and scenes for Valentine's Day. Valentines. Congratulations. Poems. Toast. Scenarios and scenes for Valentine's Day.

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  • Universal valentine's day script etcis a colle action of competitions and entertainment on the theme of the holiday, which can be arranged in any company and place. Of course, the main thing in them this is the theme of love, and the goal is to find a mate or, if you already have one, show your soulmate your interest and sympathy.

    The room can be decorated in holiday style with romantic accessories: flowers, various hearts, balls, candles in candlesticks and posters and drawings about love and Valentine's Day.

    The competition program of the evening dedicated to the holiday of lovers includes a variety of entertainments: the exchange of messages, a lottery, a fairy tale, a drinking chant and a game, musical and active competitions. The program is held in a free style, it is not necessary to carry it out in such a sequence and include all the numbers, the task of the organizer is to offer various entertainments during the evening, focusing on the audience and the atmosphere. The program will also be greatly enriched by the choir's alteration songs on the theme of St. Valentine's Day. which can be found, for example, in this

    1. Entertainment table readings for Valentine's Day:

    1. Game for acquaintance "It's in the bag"

    The leader’s lead to the game is something like this: “About a not very close acquaintance, they often say that it is a hat, but, about a case that has been decided, they say that it is“ in a hat. I propose, with the help of our hat, to translate our "hatted" acquaintance into a close one - to establish close contact. And we will do this, as it should be on such a holiday, with the help of love confessions to each other.

    For this entertainment, you need to prepare cards with paired rhymes, which are placed in a hat. The hat is passed down the chain, and the guests make confessions. For example, the first couple came across the combination “Love - Blood”, which means that the first one says, referring to a neighbor: “You make me passionate love”, and he answers him: “You also excite my blood.” Then the hat is passed to the next pair of neighbors, they draw their card, and so on.

    The list of rhymes might look like this:


    "harem - tandem"

    "poem - chrysanthemum"

    "hurricane fountain"

    "tear eyes"

    "admiration - illumination"


    "vision-feast for the eyes", etc.

    2. Fun quiz.

    (for each correct answer, you can give a heart, whoever scores the most gets a small prize)

    winged snitch (Woodpecker).
    Combat weapon of a housewife, a "symbol" of warmth and comfort (Rolling pin).
    Fearful panty wearer (Coward).
    Knight helmet after conversion (Bucket).
    Knight of the Unfaithful Lady (Cuckold).
    Loving deity (Amur).


    4. Win-win lottery

    Prepare nice gifts and valentines with numbers according to the number of guests. Fix a poster with lists of prizes and numbers on the wall so that everyone can be sure of their winnings.

    The guests draw out valentines, the presenter looks at the poster for what the prize is and hands it over.

    The prize list is something like this

    Keys to the heart - a bunch of keys or a toy "golden key".

    A means to strengthen family ties - glue "Moment".

    Pud of salt - salt to be eaten by lovers right on the spot.

    Sweet life - a jar of honey, jam, jam.

    Family heirloom vault - "family" men's shorts.

    Portrait of the most beloved person in the world - mirror.

    A means of soft pressure on a loved one - rolling pin

    Short way to happiness - a glass of vodka.

    Superfood Supplement - chewing gum.

    Antidepressant - chocolate bar.

    Secure Communication Tool - toy mobile phone.

    Sparkling thing - set of sparklers.

    Happiness in its purest form a bottle of vodka or champagne.

    An indispensable attribute of a romantic evening - candle.

    A worthy setting for the diamond of your heart - photo frame.

    Two hearts one solution - bagel.

    A means to tame the obstinate - belt.

    The most reliable safe for family savings - socks.

    Reliable contraceptive - tea bag.

    Companion of an inveterate bachelor - old hanger.

    Pink glasses - glasses with pink hearts glued to the glasses.

    5. Auction "Famous lovers"

    The essence of the game is to remember the famous lovers. These can be literary and mythological heroes (Romeo and Juliet, Ruslan and Lyudmila, Orpheus and Eurydice) or historical (Napoleon and Josephine, Anthony and Cleopatra, D. Lennon and J. Ono). The prize is given to the last person to name a couple.

    5. Rehashing at the table "Musical compliments"

    6. The game "I love you for that ..."

    This is also a game associated with compliments, everyone praises their neighbor for something. For example, a compliment may sound like this: “I like the eyes in my neighbor (name)” - you need to praise any part of the body. After all the compliments have been uttered, the organizer says that now everyone needs to get up from the table and kiss the part that was praised.

    And this is a transition to active competitions.

    2. Contests and games for Valentine's Day:

    1. "Find yourself a mate!"

    For this game, different hearts are arbitrarily cut into two halves (according to the puzzle principle). And these halves are distributed to everyone (it is advisable to distribute them so that one gets to the male part of the guests, the other to the female part), one half can approach the other with accuracy only with one specific of the guests - this is how pairs are formed for the next pair competition or for dance.

    2. Dance competition

    As a dance competition at such a holiday, you can arrange a dance marathon for endurance or mating dances (each couple dances as if they are representatives of the animal world during a period of love) It can be birds, monkeys, and penguins - whoever comes across (cards with names prepared in advance)

    3. "Temptress of the evening"

    All male guests are given three valentines, and the ladies are invited to do something so that the man gives her a heart. What it will be: a kiss, a word in your ear, flirty body movements - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is to seduce, charm and receive a heart as a gift. The owner of the largest number of hearts is recognized as the “Temptress of the Evening”. Collection time is best limited to 5 minutes.

    4. "Macho" evenings

    Scenario for Valentine's Day

    "Love is the most valuable thing!"

    Primary school teacher: Belova N.I.

    year 2012

    Scenario "Love is the most valuable!"

    Scenario for Valentine's Day for children.

    Student: Inspired by a high feeling,

    Sometime in the old days

    Someone came up with Valentine's Day

    Without knowing then

    What will be your favorite day?

    The desired holiday of the year.

    What's Valentine's Day

    He will be named with respect.

    Smiles and flowers everywhere

    In love, confessions again and again ...

    So let a miracle happen for everyone

    Let only love rule the world!

    Teacher: Good day everyone! We are very glad to welcome you here. Who knows what holiday is today? Right, right! Valentine's Day is the world day of all lovers! What do you know about this holiday? Who is Saint Valentine?

    All this is absolutely true. According to a very old tradition, all young people, both boys and girls, can, without keeping secrets, confess their love by sending their beloved or beloved a postcard beautifully decorated with scarlet hearts or some other gift made in the shape of a heart, or simply red tulip. Persian legend says that the red tulip grew precisely from the sweet tears of two lovers and eventually became an unfading symbol of love. You still need to give hearts on this day, they are also called valentines.

    I will tell another legend. Many centuries ago, ancient Roman soldiers could not legally marry while they were in the service. And they served for 25 years. St. Valentine, a pastor and confessor, “quietly” blessed loving hearts and married lovers. And enemies and envious people betrayed St. Valentine and he was executed on February 14 ... Since then, everyone has been celebrating Valentine's Day on this day.

    Presenter 1 : What are you so sad about, because St. Valentine's Day is one of the most fun holidays. And we will celebrate it with great fun.

    Host 2: That's right, because in this room everyone is in love.

    Presenter 1: You're exaggerating something, I don't believe it.

    Host 2: If you want, I'll prove it to you, that those who are here are in love. Look, children love their parents very much, parents of their children, someone loves their unique cat, someone loves an interesting book, and many love movies.

    (Viewers): Who loves to eat -raise your right handwho loves to sleep left, who likes to eat chocolate and watch TV - stomp your feet. You see!

    And now we will choose - Valentina and Valentina, but for this, in order to become the best couple and get a good prize, you need to try.

    Presenter 1: Participants of the competition are invited to the stage. (Participants choose halves of hearts and reunite with each other).


    Competition 1: "Warm-up"Do you know love poems?Let's remember Pushkin's famous "I remember a wonderful moment..."Let's read together, I will begin, and you will continue.

    I remember a wonderful moment:

    Before me (you appeared)

    Like a fleeting (vision)

    Like a genius (of pure beauty).

    In the languor of sadness (hopeless)

    In noisy anxieties (vanity),

    And dreamed of cute (features).

    Years passed. Storm rush (rebellious)

    Scattered the old (dreams).

    Your heavenly (features).

    In the wilderness, in the darkness of confinement

    Stretched quietly (my days)

    Without a god (without inspiration)

    No tears, no life (no love)

    The soul has awakened;

    And here again (you appeared)

    Like (a fleeting vision)

    Like (genius of pure beauty).

    And the heart beats in (rapture),

    And risen for him (again)

    And the deity, (and inspiration), And life, and (tears, and love).

    Questions: Questions are offered to each pair, and a point is awarded for each correct answer.

    What slut married a prince? (Cinderella).

    With the help of what oriental vessel did the peasant son marry the Shah's daughter? (Aladdin's magic lamp)

    Which bride had a mouse as a matchmaker? (Thumbelina).

    Which pet helped its owner marry the royal daughter? (Puss in Boots).

    What is the name of the girl who, with the help of love, melted the icy heart of her friend? (Gerda)

    In which fairy tale did the prince wake the princess with his kiss? (Sleeping Beauty).

    Name the most jealous man. (Othello)

    What flower is the symbol of love? (the Rose)

    What celestial body has two names? (moon-month)

    Which horse will not spoil the furrow? (old)

    Who will become a Cossack if he endures? (ataman)

    What can't you cut with an axe? (which is written in pen)

    Why is debt red? (by payment)

    When does appetite come? (while eating)

    Where are the devils? (in the quiet)

    What does money love? (check)

    What does a cat know? (whose meat you ate)

    On which mouth do you not throw a scarf? (on someone else's)

    Which sled should not be boarded? (not in yours)

    Competition 2: "Declaration of love"A modern woman has a thousand and one duties. She needs to be both the guardian of the family hearth and the decoration of her whole life, and constantly hold the reins of government in her gentle feminine hands so that a man in a moment of weakness does not stumble and turn off the true path.

    On Valentine's Day, do not skimp on heartfelt words for your loved ones. Here is how one young man expressed his feelings in verse:

    beloved girl,

    Which is better not

    On Valentine's Day

    Ready to wish:

    Health, happiness,

    many victories,

    The warmth of friends

    Yes, just gentle words!Your task is to give your soulmate as many affectionate words as possible, while the other half should thank the “boyfriend” as original as possible.

    Competition 3: "Guess the partner"Children stand with their backs to each other and the girls are blindfolded. They guess the boys by their appearance. Then vice versa. The couple that most accurately described each other wins.

    Competition 4: "Name famous people named Valentine or Valentina."

    Gaft (artist), Kataev (writer), Levashov (composer), Nikulin (artist), Pikul (writer), Serov (artist), Tereshkova (cosmonaut), Yudashkin (fashion designer), Vladimirova (actress), Grizodubova (pilot) ), Legkostupova (pop singer), Leontyeva (television announcer), Malyavin, Serov, Talyzina, Titova, Telichkina (actresses), Ponomarev (singer), Tolkunova (singer), Matvienko (politician). The couple with the most names wins.

    Contest 5: "Find a Pair" Each is given a card with one name of famous literary and musical characters written on it. It is necessary to make a couple as soon as possible and name the names of the duet. Master - Margarita, Eugene - Tatiana, Don Quixote - Dulcinea, Kai - Gerda, Ruslan - Lyudmila, Pechorin - Bela, Chatsky - Sophia, Prince - Cinderella, Romeo - Juliet, Othello - Desdemona, Andrey Bolkonsky - Natasha Rostova.

    Competition 6: "Understand me without words."The girls stand on one side and the boys on the other. Young men are given envelopes with the task: “You need to invite a girl with gestures”:

    to the ballet,

    To the theatre,

    To the circus,

    On the hunt

    To the movies, watch an action movie”

    Competition 7: "Guess the melody"Pairs take turns naming pieces of music. The couple with the most entries will win.

    Competition 8: "Dance with balls"Participants dance to the music in pairs, touching each other with balls to the forehead. We dance for three minutes. The originality of the dance in pairs is taken into account.

    Competition 9: "Compose a poem."On the leaves there is the beginning of the quatrain, which you have to continue:

    "On Valentine's Day

    I see a strange picture…”

    We give you a minute to think. Lyrical music sounds. Then the couples perform, read their poems.

    Leading. Let the snowflakes spin today

    Let everything be at five today,

    Sending you all valentines

    May you be happy again!

    Happy Valentine's Day, congratulations to you all

    May love reign in your home

    We wish you happiness today

    May today make you happy!

    The results are summed up, the jury announces the winners.

    Valentine is awarded a crown, and Valentine is awarded an order.

    Decoration of the room where the celebration will take place.
    In the center - a heart (from paper, fabric, you can make a contour of red balloons). Many flowers, garlands, balls, candles, hearts. On the walls - sayings of the great about love.
    Organization of mail.
    All participants of the holiday are given numbers that are attached to their clothes. A mailbox is hung on the wall of the hall, where valentines will be dropped. Postmen are selected who will deliver valentines to their recipients.

    The presenter enters a semi-dark stage, illuminated by a spotlight. Candles are burning along the edge of the stage. To beautiful, calm music, the presenter reads.

    Love is strong like a god
    And equal to the deity
    I praise her because
    She gives life.
    Nowhere have I met God
    Love is visible everywhere.
    Our life without its beginnings
    Barren and poor.
    What to pray - to a deity
    Or earthly love?
    I call love God
    And I pray to her alone.
    (A. Zako-Chayupi, translated from Albanian).

    The lights go out, and a shadow theater is visible on the stage against a white background. There is a priest, a couple comes to him, he performs a wedding ceremony, they leave. The music is "Ave Maria". Another couple enters. A copyright-by-holiday wedding ceremony is being performed. Alarming music sounds, soldiers burst into the temple and take the priest away. Silence. Only candles are lit on the stage. Again, a quiet melody sounds, and the host tells the story of St. Valentine.

    Many centuries ago, the law did not allow ancient Roman soldiers to marry while they were in the service (the service was 25 years), and even more so to consecrate it in the church. Saint Valentine, the shepherd and confessor of the soldiers, secretly blessed loving hearts and, despite the ban, consecrated the relationship with a church rite. The disobedient priest was given away. He was executed on 14 February. Since then, this day has been celebrated as Valentine's Day. It is not true that there is no Saint Valentine. He looks down from heaven and patronizes all lovers. I believe that someone from those present in this hall will meet his love. And now an incendiary Spanish dance is performed for all lovers.
    (Dance "Flamenco").

    Now let's listen to the song.

    The song is about love.

    Musical pause - a song about love.

    Don't forget that we have a post office. At the end of the evening, the result of the postman contest will be announced - which number received the most valentines. And now a competition is being announced among boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen - for the best reading of poems about love.

    Poetry competition with prizes.

    Let's remember the great works of love and their authors. (Answers from the audience). And now a pantomime competition is being announced for the best production of Othello and Desdemona.

    A shadow theater is used and a pantomime of the scene of the last minute of Desdemona's life is shown. Love Song Contest.

    We were actors, now we'll be singers. 10 people are invited to the copyright-by-holiday stage. We sing a song about love (you can phrase) in turn. If it's your turn and you don't remember the new song, you're out of the game.

    Contest "Fold a Heart"
    2 teams of 5 people are created, and they are given cut hearts (shards). Which team will quickly collect the pieces of broken love and give the heart a new chance?

    We all know the phrase "Love is submissive to all ages." But the younger generation thinks that they alone can love. And which of you can tell the love story of "Romeo and Juliet" of the most respectable age? We'll be happy to listen. (Stories from the audience).

    Musical pause - this song is dedicated to all those who carried their love through the long years of life.
    Valentine's Day Contest.
    The best content for valentines.
    Winner of more valentines.

    Competition "Declaration of love".
    Couples are called from the audience, they do not know what they have to do. The host forms pairs at his discretion. Then he announces a competition for the best declaration of love. The winners are determined by the sound of applause.

    The lights go out in the hall. A man in white clothes comes out and lights candles with the words:
    1st candle.
    Angels call it heavenly delight
    Devils - hellish torment,
    And people love.
    Love is a great feeling!
    2nd candle.
    In the soul, the light would fade and the darkness would come again,
    Whenever we banish love from it.
    Only he knew bliss, who lived with the passion of the heart,
    And whoever did not know love, he still did not live.
    3rd candle.
    I believe in the magic of love
    In her mysterious power.

    And he scatters heart-shaped balloons into the hall.

    The holiday can continue with a concert, dancing, where partners are looking for each other in halves of cut hearts.

    If Valentine's Day is celebrated at the firm, then the following script fragments can be inserted:

    Valentine's Day at the firm

    The host in the morning gives an opening speech:

    Today, on Valentine's Day,
    The company has a warm atmosphere!
    In love, any man is waiting for recognition,
    And about the love of the girls of dreams!

    Yes, and a native company, by the way,
    We love a lot, for that matter!
    Our team is very close-knit and strong!
    We are very lucky with our colleagues!

    The moral is this: today we need
    Celebrate this day at the firm together!

    Do not you mind?
    Then the first task: everyone draws out the name of a person of the opposite sex, to whom he must give a small gift with a declaration of love. The gift must be given to a colleague through the Postman of Happiness.
    No one knows from whom he received the parcel.
    Your task is to guess the sender based on the gift and congratulations.
    The most insightful at the end of the day will receive prizes!
    To do this, everyone must send through the "Postman of Happiness" to the intended
    to the sender of the gift a note with words of gratitude.
    You can only send one note!
    The results will be summed up at the end of the day!

    The second task: everyone must answer the questions of the Test about love, which I will now distribute to you!
    (Contact the author)

    The third task: during the day, remember a line from a song with which you can declare your love.

    At the end of the day, at the festive table, the results are summed up.
    While the table is being laid, a competition is announced. You need to come up with a name for each dish, corresponding to the holiday. For the three most original titles
    prizes are awarded. Nameplates are placed next to these dishes.

    A prize is awarded to the first person to send a thank you letter to the correct address.

    A prize is awarded to the Lover himself, that is, to the one who scored the maximum number of points in the test. The rest read the results of the test.

    Everyone pronounces his declaration of love (a line from the song). To whom - also decides the lot. Prizes are awarded for the most lyrical, most funny and most
    original declaration of love

    In the future, at the table, you can conduct a Freudian test with a sexual bias.
    (Contact the author)

    A competition of jokes on the theme "Man and Woman" is being held.


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