How to open a sushi bar? What is needed for this? How to open a sushi bar: a detailed ready-made business plan

Despite the crisis, some areas of business still continue to grow rapidly. One of the most current species activity is the food industry. Despite the rather difficult economic situation in the country, cafes, restaurants and fast foods continue to function and bring their owners a steady income.

In the previous publication, we discussed in detail, in today's article we will talk about how to open a sushi bar and how much it costs.

Sushi bar is an institution that offers its customers to try and appreciate Japanese cuisine. In Russia, Japanese restaurants are quite popular, many people want to visit these establishments to relax in a pleasant and sophisticated environment. In metropolitan areas, sushi bars are so common that they exist in almost every neighborhood. In small towns, the competition is much less, but there are also a limited number of customers.

Sushi bar business plan

Before you start opening a sushi bar, you need to analyze the market, competition, and determine the profitability of the food business idea.

Business profitability is a combination of such concepts as demand, competition, the amount of investment to implement an idea. Your task is to correctly assess your financial capabilities and demand for services. Don't forget about competition either. Be sure to make sure that there are no similar establishments in the area in which you plan to open a sushi bar. At the initial stage, you do not need competition.

The main points of the business plan:

  • Assessment of the services market (demand, profitability, competition);
  • Business registration (documentation);
  • Choosing a place to open a sushi bar (rent, purchase of premises);
  • Organizational issues (staff, equipment purchase);
  • Financial section (the amount of costs for the implementation of a business idea);
  • Profits and payback periods of the business.

A competent action plan will help you appropriately distribute the available capital. As an example, see where all the steps on the path to success are detailed.

Business registration

Before you start opening a Japanese cuisine establishment, you need to collect and draw up documents for opening a sushi bar.


To begin with, decide on the organizational and legal form of activity. I want to note that legally, it is easier to register as individual entrepreneur, but if you plan to expand your activities over time and offer related services, then it is better to register as a limited liability company.

The second step is registration with the tax office. You need to select the appropriate OKVED activity code.

  • 55.30 - "Activity of cafes and restaurants";
  • 55.4 - "Activity of bars";
  • 55.52 - "Supply of catering products".

Taxation system

First, decide on the type of activity and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe institution. For a hall with a total area of ​​​​up to 150 sq. m. there is a more simplified version of UTII taxation (single tax on imputed income). But if the area of ​​​​the room exceeds 150 square meters. m, then you undertake to collect a simplified tax (STS), which is 15% of the net profit of the institution.

If you plan to additionally provide a food delivery service, you will have to keep separate records and use two different taxation systems. UTII will be applied to the public catering system, and the simplified tax system will be applied to food delivery. By the way, you can read about it on our website.

To start activities, you also need to obtain permits from Rospotrebnadzor, sanitary, fire and other services. Employees of the institution must undergo a scheduled medical examination and have medical books.

Collecting and processing documents for opening a sushi bar is a rather laborious and long process. If you are not particularly versed in jurisprudence, I recommend that you entrust the execution of documents to an experienced lawyer to save time.

Sushi bar location

Before you open a sushi bar, you need to decide on the location. Responsibly treat this process, because the success of the entire business depends on it.

The choice of location is determined by high traffic and the absence of competitors nearby. Japanese cuisine is in great demand among different segments of the population, so it makes sense to open a sushi bar both in a prestigious business center and in a residential area of ​​the city. It all depends on your financial capabilities.

A chic sushi restaurant in a business district will certainly be popular, but the space and service in such an institution should be on top. Renting in the center will cost you a decent amount, and the interior should be decorated appropriately. If there is enough money, then it is better to consider the option of opening a fashionable restaurant.

Sushi bar in a residential area of ​​the city. As noted above, Japanese kitchen is in great demand, so opening a sushi bar in a high-traffic area guarantees you a stable income.

Renting a room in a residential area is much cheaper, so you will save a lot. Be sure to take into account the competition, it is desirable that there are no similar establishments nearby. Pricing policy is an important nuance. Take into account the average income of people living in the area when forming the menu and prices for dishes.


When choosing a room, consider the norms and requirements of the SES and the fire service. The minimum area for a small sushi bar is about 80–100 sq. m, but if desired, of course, you can rent a room of about 300 sq. m. But at the initial stage, I recommend that you limit yourself to a small area.

Sushi bar equipment

To prepare sushi and rolls, you will need professional equipment. Do not forget that the quality of the equipment will depend appearance dishes, so do not save at this stage.

List of necessary equipment for making sushi:

  • A set of dishes for cooking rice;
  • Machine for making rolls and sushi;
  • Refrigerator for storing ingredients;
  • Showcases refrigerators for storage of finished products;

Tableware. For a sushi bar, you need to purchase traditional Japanese dishes designed for serving sushi and rolls. You will also need cups for tea and coffee, glasses, piles, glasses for alcoholic beverages. And of course, you can’t do without chopsticks, which are used to eat sushi, they must be disposable.


Responsible, professional staff is the main feature of expensive restaurants. Take an example, do not try to save money on professional sushi and waiters, remember that the prestige and authority of your establishment will depend on their work, which is so difficult to win and can be lost so quickly.

If your team includes a professional sushi chef from Japan, then the popularity of your establishment will only increase from this. But, of course, it is an expensive pleasure to have such an employee on the staff.

Being interested in the question of how to open a sushi bar from scratch, you need to take into account that even a small Japanese restaurant requires a fairly large staff to serve.

  • Chef;
  • One or two sushi players;
  • cook assistants;
  • dishwashers;
  • waiters;
  • cashiers;
  • Accountant.

In order to save money, one person can perform several functions, for example, a waiter can combine the functions of a cashier.

Grocery shopping and menu planning

Depending on the menu, you should be guided by what products you need to purchase. It is advisable to hire a special person whose duties will include control over the purchase of the necessary products for the sushi restaurant.

I do not recommend you turn a classic sushi restaurant into a canteen. Personally, my opinion is that selling pizza or fast food in a sushi bar is unthinkable. Focus exclusively on Japanese dishes, ordinary food can be ordered anywhere, and fans of Japanese cuisine choose sushi restaurants. Don't disappoint your customers.

Besides, big variety of dishes on the menu will lead to the fact that food preparation products will be purchased in large volumes, and it will be problematic to keep them natural and fresh. I recommend that you leave only the most popular Japanese dishes on the menu.

Ingredients for making sushi and rolls must be of good quality. Remember that fish is a perishable product, so stick to strict rules storage. Rice, wasabi, ginger, it is better to buy from trusted suppliers who guarantee product quality.

Costs and profits

How to open a sushi bar from scratch?


The profitability of the sushi bar is quite high, all business costs pay off in approximately 1–1.5 years. Therefore, there is certainly a sense in opening such a profitable business.

Today, among the population of our country, sushi bars are very popular, where you can have a great time and taste Japanese cuisine without leaving your own city. Therefore, many entrepreneurs are thinking about how to open a sushi bar so that the business starts to make a good profit.


In practice, opening a sushi bar, like any other business, requires certain time and financial costs. If you streamline the whole process in theory, you get several stages.

  • The choice of the concept and location of the institution.
  • Drawing up a business plan and evaluating all the costs of starting a business (cost of products and equipment, rent, purchase of furniture, staff salaries, etc.)
  • Collection of all necessary documents, including a license for the circulation of alcoholic products, if it is included in the sushi bar menu. You should also take care of certificates from the fire service and SES.
  • Registration of business in the tax service.
  • Selection of premises, purchase or conclusion of a lease agreement, interior design, etc.
  • Procurement of equipment (rice cooker, thermos for storing rice, sushi case, oven for cooking hot dishes, refrigeration equipment, dishes and other necessary equipment)
  • Menu development.
  • Recruitment of personnel and registration of a medical book for everyone.
  • Search for suppliers of products and conclusion of an agreement with them.

Before deciding how to open a sushi bar and where to start, it is necessary to think over all possible ways to attract visitors. Apart from delicious cuisine and cozy atmosphere, it can be creative advertising, a spectacular opening, discount systems, discounts and other pleasant bonuses.

Important preparation points: choice of location and assortment

Today, there are sushi bars in almost every city in the country, including the smallest ones. Therefore, the first thing to consider when thinking about how to open a sushi bar from scratch and choosing a place for an establishment is competition. Well, if there is no such institution nearby. In this case, the entrepreneur can count on a stable income.

It is also worth considering the permeability. The best option is a Japanese restaurant with an area of ​​100-160 sq. m on the territory of the shopping and entertainment center or next to it, as well as not far from other places of large crowds of people: parks, cinemas, etc. True, the cost of renting a room in the city center will be several times higher than on the outskirts. But the entrepreneur can be sure that his the institution will definitely pay off in 1-2 years.

It is equally important to decide on the range. As statistics show, in establishments of this kind, 60% of all orders fall on sushi and rolls, 30% - revenue from the bar, 10% - other dishes (salads, Japanese soups, snacks). Sets (sushi and rolls in a set) are in great demand, especially among large companies. Usually the price of one set is 7-10% lower than the cost of the same set ordered separately. This is also worth considering when compiling the menu.

The assortment should largely depend on the possible guests. For example, what does it take to open a sushi bar in an entertainment center where visitors with children often go? It is important to develop the menu in such a way that you want to go to the institution not only with friends, but also with your child. It is worth thinking about desserts (these can also be Japanese sweets) and drinks.


Catering cafes - establishments under the scrutiny of sanitary services. This applies to compliance sanitary norms in the kitchen and the health of the employees. The lack of health books, fake documents - all this often becomes the reason serious problems at the entrepreneur. That is why this issue should be given special attention.

A separate point is the qualification of personnel. A sushi player must, at a minimum, have a certificate confirming the completion of the relevant courses. Some restaurants train staff on site. This gives almost one hundred percent confidence in the level of his preparation, but requires additional financial investments.

In order to get a special oriental atmosphere, many people not only create Japanese-style interiors, but also recruit personnel with exclusively Asian appearance. The number of employees depends on the size of the restaurant. Usually this is a chef, 1-4 sushi workers, an administrator, a waiter for every 3-4 tables, as well as cleaners and dishwashers.

For those cafes that have sushi delivery as a business, couriers and an order manager (operator) are needed. It is important to determine at what time the delivery will work: around the clock or only during the daytime. In the first case, it will be necessary to increase the wages of staff working in night shifts. But, as a rule, these costs quickly pay off. This service is very popular among the population, and not every sushi bar provides it.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

A sushi market that sells takeaway sushi can generate a net profit of more than 350 thousand rubles. per month. In this business plan, we will look at how to open a sushi bar in island format in mall.

1. Summary of the project "sushi bar"

The goal of the project is to open a sushi market for the implementation of a range of catering services in a city with a population of over 1 million people. The sushi market positions itself as a fast food based on Japanese cuisine and opens in the format of an island-type pavilion. The restaurant offers takeaway and delivery orders.

Today, there is a reorientation of the catering market to the fast food segment. Even during the crisis, this direction shows a positive trend. The sushi bar project takes into account the main market trends and is considered as a promising type of business. Opening a sushi bar does not require large investments, and with the right approach, you can achieve high profits due to constant demand and high margins on products.

Thus, the main advantages of the restaurant business include: a high level of profitability and demand for catering services; relatively low level of initial investments; small retail space; simple technology production; year-round demand for products; high profitability.

The target audience of sushi bars is quite wide. The main category of consumers is young people aged 18-30, regardless of their income level. Price segment- below the average.

For the implementation of the project, a retail space of 10 sq.m is leased on the territory of the shopping center. The volume of initial investments is 775,000 rubles. The costs are directed to the purchase of equipment, advertising, the purchase of raw materials and the formation working capital, which will cover the losses of the initial periods. The main part of the required investments falls on the purchase of equipment - 63%. Own funds will be used to implement the project.

Financial calculations cover a three-year period of project operation. In the future, expansion of production is planned. In accordance with the calculations, the initial investment will pay off after seven months of work. Net profit upon reaching the planned sales volume will be 366,000 rubles / month. It is planned to reach the planned sales volume at the end of the first year of operation of the sushi bar. Return on sales in the first year of operation will be 29%.

2. Description of the industry and company

The modern culture of catering in Russia is actively developing: there is a rapid growth in the number of establishments and the variety of offers that form the special interest of Russians in eating out. Even during the period economic crisis the population does not refuse to visit catering establishments, although they try to save on this type of expenditure. According to the results of 2015, the average cost per capita for eating out in Russia amounted to 741 rubles. per month, and their share in overall structure monthly expenses are only 3.6% on average in the country.

According to experts, the domestic catering market has growth prospects, since it is quite capacious. Compared to the markets of developed countries, the domestic market looks free - it has room to grow: both in terms of quantitative filling and in terms of consumer demand.

Figure 1. Size of the catering market in different countries, 2015

According to statistics, the average per capita cost of eating out in Russia is only 741 rubles. per month, which is 15 times less than in the United States. In other words, an American with an average income level spends 15 times more on food in public institutions than the average Russian. In the cost structure of the population of Russia, the cost of eating out is only 3.6% on average in the country, for Moscow this figure is four times higher.

Figure 2. Per capita spending on eating out, by country, 2015

Ready-made ideas for your business

The main problem of the public catering market in Russia is its high dependence on the state of the economy, as the level of income of the population adjusts the demand for the services of public catering establishments. It is believed that under favorable market conditions, about 25% of catering establishments are at risk. In a crisis situation, more than 50% fall into the risk zone.

Over the past few years, 2015 has been the least successful period for this business: a 5.5% drop in turnover, a reduction in the number of players in the market - in large cities about 30% of restaurateurs left the market, the curtailment of networkers, the rapid increase in costs of establishments. Against this background, the market decline by 3.7% in 2016 looks like an improvement in the situation.

At the end of 2016, the volume of the catering market exceeded 1,200 billion rubles. The market was supported by the active development of fast food, which has become the most profitable sector of the market. This fact is due to the fact that consumers seek to save money, not wanting to give up visiting catering establishments. This trend in consumer behavior has led to an increase in the popularity of delivery services. Statistics show that over the past three years in Russia, interest in home delivery of food has increased by 2-3%. It should be noted that at the moment the food delivery service is provided by approximately 47% of the chains. Therefore, the availability of food delivery services is a significant competitive advantage. Practice shows that the service of delivery and ordering food via the Internet allows you to increase sales by 10-15%. This niche remains underdeveloped and therefore even more promising.

Figure 3. Dynamics of the public catering market turnover in 2006 – 2016, billion rubles, %*

*data from Alfa-Bank and RBC

Today, the catering market offers a wide range of national cuisines and concepts. The most popular segment is European cuisine - 64.1%, the top five also includes Russian, Italian, Japanese and Caucasian cuisines.

Figure 4. Russian public catering market by segments

The state of the public catering market is characterized by the following trends:

    the highest demand and growth rates are in the fast food segment;

    demand for home delivery of restaurant food;

    reduction in the number of restaurateurs in the market;

    active price dumping by restaurateurs in an attempt to attract consumers;

    growing popularity of new formats of establishments: street food, gastrobars, restaurants of national cuisines, in particular - pan-azit;

    increase in the share of public catering in shopping centers up to 10-15%.

Thus, today the most successful segment is fast food - the only segment that demonstrates positive dynamics in the domestic catering market. Annual growth of fast food is 5-8%. In 2016, the volume of the Russian fast food market amounted to 212 billion rubles.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Taking into account the main trends in the catering market, the concept of a sushi bar looks promising direction restaurant business. First, Asian cuisine continues to retain the consumer. Secondly, the format of the sushi bar makes it possible to attribute the project to the fast food segment. Thirdly, the project involves the availability of takeaway and delivery services. Fourth, a sushi bar can be installed in a mall.

Table 1 summarizes the key advantages and disadvantages of a sushi bar to consider when planning a business.

Table 1. Advantages and disadvantages of opening a sushi bar



  • high business profitability (up to 60%);
  • fast return on investment;

    no need for a large staff;

    narrowly focused, specific niche;

    high demand for Japanese cuisine;

    a relatively small amount of investment for the industry;

    promising fast food format;

    business scalability

  • high level of competition in the market;
  • expensive rent of retail space;

    the difficulty of finding qualified personnel in Japanese cuisine;

    complexity in organizing a business

The given data allow us to draw a conclusion about the investment attractiveness of the restaurant business. The implementation of the sushi bar project will allow taking into account the key trends in the industry and occupying a free niche. Opening a sushi bar does not require large investments, and with the right approach, you can achieve high profits due to constant demand.

3. Description of goods and services of the sushi bar

Over the past few years, there has been an increased demand for Asian cuisine in Russia. And if earlier sushi and rolls could only be found in restaurants, today it has become a familiar meal at the fast food level - rolls are ordered even at work as a business lunch.

The business of preparing and selling sushi and rolls is quite common. However, the high competition in the industry is offset by the fact that the sale of sushi and rolls is a highly profitable business. To succeed in this area, you need to decide on the concept of the institution and correctly draw up a business plan.

This business project involves the opening of a sushi bar (sushi market), which provides public catering services and takes into account the main trends of gastronomic fashion. A sushi bar in the format of a shopping island will be located on the territory of the food court in the shopping and entertainment center. What are the benefits of a shopping island? Firstly, high traffic and concentration of the target audience. Secondly, the shopping center employs several hundred people who are also potential customers. Thirdly, shopping centers themselves often hold events to attract an audience, which will allow the owner of a sushi bar to save on advertising. Fourthly, this format does not require a large staff - 3-4 people will be enough.

The range of the sushi bar includes a wide selection of sushi and rolls, several soup and noodle options, as well as drinks. Sushi sandwiches will be the hallmark of the restaurant. The dish is a large roll for a full snack. This creates an alternative to burgers, ordinary sandwiches and fits organically into the concept of fast food. The inclusion of soups in the assortment is explained by the fact that to attract visitors to business lunches. Table 2 reflects sample menu sushi bar.

Table 2. Sushi bar menu example

Based on this, the average bill of a sushi bar is 300-400 rubles. You can also add a special business lunch offer to the menu. For example, the combo "sandwich roll + soup" worth 220 rubles. (20% discount). The offer will be valid from 12:00 to 16:00.

The assortment of the establishment should be updated over time in accordance with taste preferences consumers. Orders will be constantly monitored to exclude unclaimed positions. When compiling the menu of a sushi bar, it is important to follow the principle of full and variable use of products in order to minimize the risk of food spoilage if a particular dish is unpopular.

The sushi bar will provide the following services:

    sale of sushi, rolls, business lunches;

    takeaway food;

    delivery of finished products.

Ready-made ideas for your business

This list of services is designed to cover the maximum audience and satisfy the demand of different categories of consumers. Production is carried out on their own using only natural quality ingredients.

Thus, the main advantages of a sushi bar are:

1) unique Japanese cuisine in a convenient format;

2) availability of delivery and takeaway services;

3) prices are lower than in a restaurant;

4) special offer: sushi sandwiches that replace a full serving.

4. Sushi bar sales and marketing

The target audience of sushi bars is quite wide. The main category of consumers is young people aged 18-30, regardless of their income level. Sushi bar works for a wide range of consumers. The target audience are the following categories:

    mall workers coming for lunch;

    active young people who prefer takeaway food;

    employees of various organizations who order a business lunch with delivery;

    shopping center visitors who prefer to eat on the spot;

The main market for a sushi bar is big cities because the inhabitants of small settlements may not be interested in this area.

One of important points when opening a sushi bar, it is the preparation and implementation of an effective marketing strategy, which includes: developing the name of the institution, its logo and corporate identity; organization of an advertising campaign (promotions, promotion tools).

A bright and memorable name will allow you to distinguish the institution from the many offers on the catering market. Services for the development of the corporate identity of the institution will cost an average of 10,000 rubles. A catchy, eye-catching sign, including its installation, will cost about 20,000 rubles.

To promote a sushi bar, you can use various marketing tools: promotional videos in the cinema; promotion in the network; sponsorship participation in mass cultural projects; installation of billboards and signs; distribution of business cards, flyers or booklets with menus; event marketing; advertising in the media; radio advertising; participation in food exhibitions and fairs; loyalty programs, promotions and so on.

In this case, advertising will be effective in in social networks youth oriented. Within the framework of social networks, you can hold a “happy repost” campaign, a “competition contest”, etc. This tool is aimed at attracting an additional audience. You can also provide for a "happy hour" promotion - the time during which the institution offers discounts, a special menu, etc. Application of this promotional tool should be carried out in accordance with the following recommendations:

    planning an action for weekdays;

    increasing the price of the most popular menu items to cover the difference in costs;

    a short and understandable slogan for the action;

    one group of drinks or food participating in the promotion;

    tracking stock performance.

The use of one or another tool depends on the target audience of the institution and the budget of the project. This project involves the use of the following promotion tools:

    Creation of a unique style, name, branding - 12,000 rubles;

    Creation and active promotion of a profile in social networks VKontakte and Instagram. 10,000 rubles should be allocated to promote the profile in social networks;

    A repost contest designed to spread advertising information among potential consumers. The winner is given a free set of rolls or a sandwich roll;

    Carrying out the action in the first 2 months of work - free delivery with a delivery amount of 500 rubles.

    Print ads - handing out flyers with a 25% discount coupon. The costs will amount to 15,000 rubles, including the creation of an advertising flyer layout, printing of advertising material and the promoter's salary. It is also planned to distribute booklets with menus.

However, the best advertisement for a catering establishment is a quality product and service. If the consumer appreciates the food and service, he will want to return to this establishment again and recommend it to his friends. You can see new business ideas and marketing moves for sushi bars.

Table 3. Sushi bar advertising budget



Costs, rub.

Styling, branding, logo development

To become recognizable in the market, you must have a corporate identity. Costs include naming, logo development, design concept, branded packaging development

Repost contest

The winner is chosen randomly and receives a prize equivalent to 250 rubles. Expenses include the cost of the prize and payment for promoting the contest on social media.

Free shipping

In the first 2 months of work, the promotion "free delivery for orders over 500 rubles."

Flyers with a 25% discount coupon. The costs include the cost of advertising material and salaries to promoters.


Active marketing strategy allows you to speed up the process of recoupment of funds invested in opening a sushi bar and ensures the required level of sales.

The traffic of the shopping center averages 7,500 people a day. Of these, about 10% or 750 people visit the food court site and order lunch. In total, there are 6 catering outlets on the food court site, including a sushi bar. Suppose that only 10% (minimum) of the total number of visitors, and this is 75 people, will order in our bar. With an average check of 300 rubles / person. The daily revenue of the sushi bar will be 22,500 rubles, per month - 675,000 rubles.

The shopping center receives about 6 million visitors a year - all of them are potential customers of the sushi bar. The traffic of the shopping center averages 15,000 people a day. Of these, approximately 12% visit the food court - this is 1800 people. The revenue calculation is based on pessimistic forecasts: suppose that 5% of the number of food court visitors decide to order at a sushi bar. Those. the daily influx of visitors will be about 85 people. With an average check of 400 rubles, the monthly revenue of a sushi bar will be: 400*85*30= 1,020,000 (roubles).

5. Sushi bar production plan

The opening of a Chinese restaurant involves the following activities:

1) Choice of location and interior concept. For any catering establishment, the right location plays an important role. For a sushi bar, the choice of location is based on two criteria: first, it must be a place with high pedestrian traffic; secondly, the presence of competitors nearby should be taken into account - since the sushi bar is a specific format, it is not allowed to be adjacent to analogues. The ideal option is to be located in a shopping and entertainment center - this will cover various categories of the target audience and increase sales due to the high traffic of visitors to the center.

Opening a sushi bar does not require a large area - 8-12 square meters will be enough. m, which will house the "island", equipped with all necessary equipment and an area with several bar stools for visitors.

To implement the sushi bar project, it is planned to rent retail space on the territory of the shopping and entertainment center. The sales area is 10 sq. m., rental price - 15,000 rubles / month. The outlet is an island-style RMU kiosk. This format allows you to large quantity visitors. The kiosk is decorated in a bright color scheme and is provided with a seating area with bar stools where visitors can sit down.

There are turnkey sushi bar offers on the market, the cost of which varies between 300-500 thousand rubles, depending on various parameters. The package includes an island market, equipment, logo design, etc.

Consider how much it costs to open a sushi market from scratch.

The island pavilion for a sushi bar can be presented in various modifications. The standard format of a shopping island with an area of ​​2.3 * 1.7 m will cost about 100 thousand rubles. Taking into account the delivery and installation of equipment, the cost will be 115 thousand rubles. For this project, it is planned to purchase an island pavilion with an area of ​​at least 8 sq.m. The approximate cost of such an island will be about 200 thousand rubles. In order to save money, you can consider purchasing a used pavilion. In this case, it will cost, on average, 130 thousand rubles. In addition, you will have to spend money on its design and furniture content. - 40 thousand rubles. Thus, the cost of equipping the retail space will amount to 170-240 thousand rubles. This project involves the purchase of new equipment, so the budget includes the amount of 240 thousand rubles.

In addition to the trading island, it is necessary to pay attention to the very organization of work on it. The trading area in this case is limited, so it is required to use it effectively. Figure 5 shows an approximate layout of an island for a sushi bar.

Figure 5. An example of the layout of an island-type sushi bar (Source:

It is also necessary to bring the trading premises in line with the standards set by the SES: separate sinks for dishes and hands, the presence of an exhaust hood, fire protection, etc. Additional costs for this may amount to about 8 thousand rubles.

2) Format of service and recruitment. At the initial stage, 2 sellers will be required, who will work in shifts. In the future, the possibility of expanding staff to serve visitors is being considered. The seller accepts the order, transfers it to the chef, accepts payment, forms an order for delivery.

The main staff are sushi chefs who are directly involved in the preparation of dishes. It is planned to hire 4 employees who will work in shifts - 2 sushi attendants per shift. It is assumed that one sushi chef will prepare local orders, and the second - orders for delivery. Order preparation time should be no more than 15 minutes.

Orders are prepared on the spot, but there are also ready-made meals that are displayed in a refrigerated display case. Those who do not want to wait for the order to be prepared can purchase ready-made sushi and rolls. However, practice shows that buyers prefer freshly prepared rolls.

To fulfill delivery orders, it is planned to hire two drivers working in shifts and having a personal car.

To supply the necessary ingredients, cooperation with a third party is envisaged. Meals are served in disposable dishes with a company logo.

Requirements for the staff of a public institution:

    all employees must have sanitary books with appropriate marks;

    all employees before admission to workplace must be instructed, study the safety instructions for operating the equipment.

3) Equipment. Equipment for a sushi bar is selected based on its range. All list necessary equipment presented in table 4. In accordance with it, the cost of equipment will be about 250,000 rubles.

Table 4. List of equipment for a sushi bar


price, rub.

rice cooker



Tabletop induction cooker

Sushi cases (refrigerating showcase)

Refrigerated table


Thermos for infusing rice and sushi


Electronic balance

Washers for hands and dishes

Kitchen utensils and more

Cash machine

4) Drawing up a menu. The planned assortment is given in paragraph 3 of the business plan. Periodically, it is recommended to add new dishes to the menu or make special offers - this will allow you to keep the accumulated customer base. It is important to provide that for each dish a technological map is drawn up indicating the consumption of products per serving and the volume of this serving. This information is necessary to obtain permission from the SES, as well as to calculate the need for raw materials.

5) Organization of supply. Before opening a sushi bar, it is necessary to decide on suppliers and establish channels for supplying raw materials. The main requirement for suppliers is the delivery of high-quality and fresh products on time according to the agreed schedule. It is important that all ingredients used meet the requirements of GOSTs.

    supplier of fish and seafood;

    supplier of rice and other specific ingredients for rolls (nori, wasabi, soy sauce, ginger);

    supplier of fresh vegetables;

    tea/coffee/beverage vendors.

For certain categories of supplies that provide the main menu, it is recommended to conclude exclusive agreements with one proven and reliable supplier. But many wholesalers have ready-made supply sets in stock and are able to fully supply your point of sale with the necessary products.

Before you decide on suppliers, conduct a thorough analysis of the proposals. When buying a batch of products for the first time, break the order into small batches to order several types of each type of product from different suppliers. This will allow you to compare the quality and choose the most economically and qualitatively acceptable option.

It should be noted that when signing partnership agreements, you can count on additional bonuses for the company - for example, beverage suppliers usually provide the establishment with branded utensils and inventory.

When negotiating cooperation with suppliers, you must familiarize yourself with all the conditions specified in the contract. As a rule, the transport costs for the supply of ingredients are borne by your production. To reduce this cost item, you need to choose suppliers that are closer to your establishment.

The required amount of raw materials is determined based on the menu, technological map preparation of products and the expected sales volume. It is important that the recipes of the dishes comply with GOSTs or separately adopted specifications.

6. Organizational plan of the sushi bar

The initial stage of opening a sushi bar is registering a business with government agencies and obtaining permits for a catering establishment.

To conduct commercial activities, an LLC is registered with a simplified taxation system (“income minus expenses” at a rate of 15%).

Type of activity according to OKVED-2:

56.10.1 - Operation of restaurants and cafes with a full restaurant service, cafeterias, fast food restaurants and self-service restaurants.

When opening a catering establishment, it may be difficult to obtain permits. To open a sushi bar, you will need to collect the following list of documents:

    sanitary and epidemiological conclusion issued by Rospotrebnadzor;

    assortment list approved in SEN;

    permission of the state fire supervision;

    the conclusion of the tax inspectorate on the registration of cash registers;

    permission from the ATC for the safety of material assets.

After receiving all permits, you must obtain permission to open a catering establishment from the city authorities.

The schedule of the sushi bar coincides with the opening hours of the shopping center - from 10:00 to 22:00. Based on this, the staffing table is formed. Since the institution is open 7 days a week, it is necessary to organize a shift work schedule for all staff of the institution.

Sellers-cashiers interact with buyers, form received orders and accept payments. Sushi specialists are responsible for preparing meals, cleanliness in the kitchen, storing food, controlling food costs, and preparing food. The coordinator processes orders for delivery, is responsible for the supply of raw materials, and works with suppliers. The administrator organizes the workflow, hires and manages personnel, is responsible for marketing policy, monitors the ratio of profit and loss, and controls the work of personnel. All administrative functions are assigned to the entrepreneur. He will also do accounting. Drivers-couriers carry out timely delivery of orders to the address.

Basic requirements for staff: availability of a medical book, diligence, experience as a sushi chef (for sushi chefs), responsibility, courtesy, communication skills.

All employees receive a fixed salary. The total wage fund is 288,600 rubles. It is also planned to reward employees upon reaching the planned sales volume.

Table 5. Staffing and payroll

Job title

Salary, rub.

Quantity, pers.




Sushi driver (shift schedule)

Coordinator ( distant work)


Sales clerk (shift schedule)


Delivery driver (shift schedule)

Social Security contributions:

Total with deductions:

7. Sushi bar financial plan

Financial plan takes into account all income and expenses of the sushi bar, the planning horizon is 3 years. It is planned that after this time it will be necessary to expand the business, open new outlets.

To start the project, it is necessary to calculate the amount of initial investments. To do this, you need to determine the costs for the purchase of equipment, the initial purchase of raw materials and the formation of working capital, which will cover the losses of the initial periods.

The initial investment for opening a sushi market is 775,000 rubles. The main part of the required investment is for the purchase of equipment - 63%, for initial stocks and working capital - 25%, for advertising - 6%, and for the rest - 6%. The project is funded by equity. The main items of investment costs are shown in Table 6.

Table 6. Investment costs

Variable costs consist of the costs of the ingredients used in the preparation of dishes, as well as the payment for the capacities consumed in the production process (water, gas, electricity, sewerage). The cost of 1 roll averages 10 rubles, and its selling price is 30-40 rubles. To simplify financial calculations, the amount of variable costs is calculated based on the sum of the average bill and a fixed trade margin of 350%.

Fixed expenses consist of rent, utility bills, fund wages, advertising expenses, taxes and depreciation charges. The amount of depreciation deductions is determined linear method, based on the useful life of fixed assets in 5 years. Fixed costs also include tax deductions, which are not presented in this table, since their amount is not fixed, but depends on the amount of revenue.

Table 7. Fixed costs

Thus, fixed monthly expenses were determined in the amount of 334,000 rubles.

8. Performance evaluation

The investment attractiveness of this project can be judged on the basis of simple and integral performance indicators. The change in the value of money over time is accounted for using the discounted cash flow method.

The payback period of the project with an initial investment of 775,000 rubles is 7 months. The net monthly profit of the project upon reaching the planned sales volumes will be 366,000 rubles. It is planned to reach the planned sales volume at the end of the first year of operation of the sushi bar.

The annual volume of net profit for the first year of operation will be more than 2.5 million rubles. Return on sales in the first year of operation will be 29%. The return on investment is 39.9%, and the internal rate of return exceeds the discount rate and is equal to 21.3%. The net present value is positive and amounts to 1,531,129 rubles, and the yield index is greater than 1, which indicates the investment attractiveness of the project.

9. Possible risks

To assess the risk component of the project, it is necessary to analyze external and internal factors. External factors include threats related to the economic situation in the country, markets. To internal - the effectiveness of the management of the organization.

The specifics of the institution determines the following external risks:

    poor choice of location for a sushi bar. Even the location of the point in the shopping center does not exclude location errors. Visit traffic may be overestimated or underestimated competitive environment. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully analyze outlet and take into account various factors;

    increase in prices for raw materials, unscrupulous suppliers, low-quality raw materials. In the first case, there is a risk of increasing costs and, as a result, the selling price, which may negatively affect demand. In the second case, the risk is associated with interruptions in production. It is possible to reduce the likelihood of these threats with a competent choice of suppliers and the inclusion in the contract of all the necessary conditions that provide liability supplier in case of their violation;

    competitor reaction. Since the catering market is quite saturated and the competition is high, the behavior of competitors can have a strong influence. To minimize it, it is necessary to form your own client base, constantly monitor the market, have a customer loyalty program, create competitive advantages and unique offers;

    Refusal to provide rental premises or increase the cost of rent. To reduce this risk, it is necessary to conclude a long-term lease and carefully choose the landlord.

    falling effective demand. This risk can be mitigated by developing effective programs loyalty, including discounts, happy hours, etc.;

Internal risks include:

    problems with personnel, which means low qualification, staff turnover, lack of motivation of employees. This may lead to a decrease in sales efficiency, a reduction in revenue, and the formation of a negative image of the institution. The easiest way to reduce this risk is at the stage of recruitment, hiring employees who meet all the requirements. It is also necessary to provide for a system of bonuses for personnel;

    equipment failure and production downtime. To mitigate the risk will allow regular maintenance of equipment in order to maintain its performance;

    food spoilage due to low demand, breakdown of storage equipment, improper storage, planning errors. For the restaurant business, this risk is highly probable. Food surpluses can arise for two reasons: firstly, due to the low level of sales and the unpopularity of certain dishes; and secondly, due to errors in sales forecasting. It is possible to reduce this risk through competent planning and forecasting, reviewing the assortment, and excluding unprofitable dishes from the menu. Food storage errors, breakdown of refrigeration equipment can lead to food spoilage. It is possible to avoid this threat by training personnel and monitoring their work, as well as regular maintenance of equipment;

A sushi bar is a fairly profitable occupation, so opening it will be the right and profitable decision.

Sushi bars are more profitable than other food outlets

Savings on equipment

Everyone knows that opening food outlets involves large financial investments in expensive equipment. And since you can open a sushi bar at the lowest cost, because their products are mainly cold snacks, this type of food business stands out from all others.

And the owner of a sushi bar often does not have to spend money on expensive refrigeration equipment. Today, many seafood suppliers install their own refrigeration units for regular customers for free.

Savings on rental space

Restaurateurs claim that in order to open a sushi bar, huge areas of 150 square meters are not required at all. You can freely get by with 50-meter rooms. And if necessary, you can place a mini-bar with standing places and at 10-20 meters. For example, it is very convenient to sell goods in large supermarkets and where there is high traffic, and buyers even buy products “to take away”.

Unoccupied niche

Today, Japanese cuisine is just beginning to “gain momentum”. This business still has vacancies. Therefore, this moment can also be singled out as a positive fact that speaks for the opening of Japanese mini-restaurants.

High profitability of production

The third most important factor that raises this business high above all others and others is the high profitability of Japanese sushi bars. After all, the cost of one roll ranges from 3 to 10 rubles. However, you can rarely buy a roll cheaper than 40 rubles. Nine times the added value! Is this not real profitability, is this not a fabulous benefit?! That is why it is considered extremely profitable today to open a sushi bar.

Sushi bar equipment

But do not go to such extremes, thinking that you do not need to spend money on equipment at all to produce quality Japanese dishes. Of course, cold snacks allow you to do without stoves. But this production has its own nuances.

Sushi cases

Fish products spoil extremely quickly, but do not "like" freezers. In addition, they are subject to "winding". Therefore, for finished products, special sealed refrigerated display cases of imported production are needed - sushi cases.

Refrigeration units for food storage

Our domestic refrigeration equipment for a sushi bar, alas, is much inferior in quality to foreign ones, so saving at this stage can only turn into unnecessary expenses.

Thermoses for storing cooked rice

And this equipment is best purchased at specialized points.

Professional rice cookers

At home, housewives try to imitate Japanese dishes using ordinary stoves and even microwave ovens. The result is interesting dishes, perhaps nutritious and tasty. But they are still far from real Japanese masterpieces.

Knives, utensils and cutting boards

Practice proves that both knives and boards must be specially designed for sushi. Ordinary knives begin to dull and rust rather quickly, thereby spoiling the taste of the finished product, and the boards crumble too quickly, which is fraught with wooden “splinters” getting into rolls and sushi.

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Thus, a businessman spends about 130 thousand rubles on equipment. .

Highly qualified sushi chefs are one of the most important components of success when opening a sushi bar.

The most important components of the success of the enterprise

Quality raw material

For the preparation of real Japanese dishes, neither local rice nor our fish are appropriate. Even vinegar, salt and sugar are required completely different, and not those that Russian people are used to. Therefore, it is necessary to organize the supply of Japanese products in order for the bar to boast of a truly high quality of the dishes produced.

Qualified sushi chefs and chef

Professionals should be recruited or future workers should be trained so that they become qualified high level. The salary of good specialists should be paid “at the level”: for a chef at least 40 thousand rubles, and for sushi chefs - from 17 thousand.

Menu update

It is necessary to regularly add new dishes to the bar menu. To do this, the chef must go on business trips, get acquainted with new products in other sushi bars, search for recipes on the Internet and special culinary publications.

By the way, as related products in a sushi bar, you can offer visitors original Japanese sweets, cold and hot, as well as low-alcohol drinks.

And as an exotic entertainment, it would be useful to offer guests a real famous tea ceremony for a certain fee.

Service staff

Waiters who will serve customers should at least look a little like the Japanese. In addition, they should be friendly and sociable young people of pleasant appearance. You should also develop an original uniform for them.

Room design

Creating an original cozy interior design is one of the main tasks for those who decide to open a sushi bar. A pleasant combination of European style with an exotic touch of the East should be soft, but not flashy.

For example, you should not forcibly seat guests on the floor, impose wooden chopsticks on them for food. Chopsticks are offered to everyone without exception, at the request of customers, waiters should always have European cutlery.

It is also quite appropriate to make a truly Japanese corner, which completely imitates a real Japanese hall.

But satin curtains and tablecloths embroidered with amazing fabulous birds, dragons and magical exotic flowers will be very appropriate in a room with ordinary wooden tables. Complement the stylization of a vase with a Japanese pattern and a sprig of cherry blossoms. You can also arrange large outdoor jugs and vases in the corners.

Location of the sushi bar

It is very important to determine the place where it is most profitable to open a sushi bar. First of all, it should be remembered that sushi and rolls, as well as a tea ceremony, are not cheap entertainment. Therefore, it is worth finding an area where fairly wealthy people live.

Places near large office centers and universities are also considered successful. If in lunch time organize a business lunch at the bar, then a stream of clientele will fill the restaurant from the very first day after opening. True, then it will still be necessary to purchase at least one electric stove for the equipment.

And in order for a casual visitor to become a regular customer, you should issue discount cards for discounts. You can also make it a rule to regularly hold various promotions and prize draws in the bar.


Above, the question of what is needed to open a sushi bar was considered in some detail. However, the legal side of the issue was not touched upon. But before purchasing inventory and equipment, you need to clarify what legal agreements and what documentation will be required to open a sushi bar.

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